Scenario for the year of the monkey. New year celebration script. Preparation for competitions

The scenario proposed below is universal for both medium and large corporate events, and for the most variegated parties. A cafe, a restaurant and even a large office with a small supply of free space for games and competitions are suitable for holding it. The plot includes elements of humor in the style of KVN, which gives liveliness and enthusiasm.

Grandfather (later on - Grandfather Frost)
Foreign girl (later - Snow Maiden)


For the grandfather - simple old man's clothes, a Santa Claus costume;
For the girl - sunglasses, a vest, a Snow Maiden dress;
For the grandmother - a robe, a scarf, slippers, a bag of semolina;
2 ropes of 4 meters;
Light balls of two colors or dummies of two types of fruit (for example, coconuts and apples);
A picture with a picture of a monkey.

Tables are standing, guests are sitting, background music is playing.

- Good evening, good hour!
How glad I am to see you!
You are brilliant today
At this moment, New Year's.

We spend the past year
It was difficult and simple with him.
So let's give it back
We give him a resounding toast!

(glasses are raised for the outgoing year)

- New Year not just a holiday
The people are famous for those
That there are many different stories
He keeps many fairy tales.

There is an island in the world
No problem and no worries.
Every day there is fun
Every word - congratulations.
He's like Atlantis -
We live without seeing him.
There are palms and lianas,
Both coconuts and bananas.
And they live without knowing the problems
In the corner of earthly paradise
Mischievous monkeys
Always happy faces.
But suddenly, unexpectedly,
No road, no path
Suddenly the monkey disappeared.
Where can I find her now?

The presenter walks away, and to the song "Chunga-Changa" a girl in a vest and sunglasses runs out.

Girl (looks around and in a calling voice shouts in one direction or the other):
- Monkey! Monkey! (sounds like "mankey, mankey")

The grandmother enters with weaving steps, in her hand she is holding a large bag with the inscription "MANKA". Following the grandmother, the grandfather limps a little further.

- Baby, here's some semolina.

Girl (surprised):
- What’s it? (wots it)

- Vodka? Well, you have tastes, daughters. And Taka is still young. Well, who knows, maybe you really need to. (Addressing guests, looking around tables) Good people, who has vodka?

Grandfather (twists at his temple):
- Babk, are you crazy? Well, why did you screw her up. Why does she need your decoy?

Girl :
- Oh yeah! Monkey!

- Well, you see, he asks. Eat, baby, just cook first!

- You fool, fool! STE English language. Theirs "monkey" in ours - "monkey".

Grandma (swinging):
- Who is this monkey? I'll show you a monkey now! I'll show you such a monkey.

The grandfather and the girl run away, the grandmother chases after them, cursing.

- Dear friends! The year of the monkey is coming, so what do you and I have to do? That's right, monkey. Our competition "Show the monkey" is dedicated to this.
Volunteers of 4 people in 2 teams come out: "Gorillas" and "Macaques". Each member of the team in turn grimaces and shows faces only with facial expressions, without repeating others and himself, and the audience must evaluate by shouting "was" or "was not." The competition goes up to 3 matches.

After the end, the host will reward the winning team with apples or bananas.

- Well, well, in the last competition you shone with charm, and the next one is a test of strength. As you know, monkeys choose strong males. Our competition is called "Strong Male".
Two men are tied to the belt with ropes, leaving a "tail" behind. The tails are tied into a knot. "Males" pull each other in different directions. Whoever failed an opponent won. The reward is a kiss from his chosen "female".

- Let's raise a toast to the strong male. May our males be strong and their females beautiful in the coming year, and we will all be healthy, successful and happy!

A little later, the presenter announces a musical pause. Everyone is dancing.

- A competition for an erotic dance with a banana "Treat for the beloved" is announced:

Peeled bananas are on the tray. Several couples are involved. At the start, the partner takes a banana in his mouth. Music is turned on (for example, samba "mosa mosaic asi voce me mata"). In the dance, the partner should eat a banana as effectively as possible, without dropping a piece. As a result, viewers choose the best pair, declaring them the king and queen of the holiday.

- You distinguished yourself with beauty,
Strength weighed against the effect
They were not embarrassed in the dance either,
So shine with intelligence!

Say congratulations
You all are surprising!
We are for brevity of the line
Let's call them "congratulations".

Who will put it in a box
The best congratulations?
Well, take a dash:
Read me a rhyme.

Guests read congratulation rhymes.

Leading (ending the competition):
- Well, you are smart, lyricists,
It is difficult to single out someone.
Every word you are sharp.
Summing up the game,
I declare: to your credit
You all won together.
The competition ends,
And the holiday continues!

There is a feast. After some time, a girl and a grandmother run in and run around the tables.

Girl (looking under the tables):
- Monkey! Monkey!

Grandma (carries a picture of a monkey in front of him):
- Looking, looking! (walks, touches guests, looks into their faces) No, not that, similar, but not that.

Going around the circle, they leave.

- To catch the nimble Monkey
We don't have enough bait.
Let's play with you again -
Everything is ready for this!

As you know, monkeys are big pranksters. Their favorite pastime is tossing coconuts at the bald spots of passing tourists. You, friends, will have to do a similar useful thing. Now a tourist will appear among us.

The grandfather comes out, carries a basin with him.
The host takes out two bags of balls or dummies of fruit.

- Volunteers are built in 2 teams of 5 people. Our tourist prudently took a container with him (the grandfather puts the basin on his head, holding it like that). Your task is to hit the bowl with the fruit in turn from a distance of 3 m. Team "Monkeys" tosses apples, and "Chimpanzees" - coconuts. When we run out of fruit, we will count what is more in the basin and determine the winner.

The competition goes to the song "Macarena".

Leading (when the results were summed up and the grandfather took the basin):
- I hope that the monkey will come to the collected fruits and stop hiding from you and me.

Well friends, the glasses are empty -
Fill them up soon!
New Year brings a lot
Meetings, events and ideas.
Let the desired happen
Let happiness roll into the house!

There is a loud knock.

- Oh, who is knocking?
Come in, we are waiting for you!

To the soundtrack "New Year is Rushing to Us" gr. The accident includes Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (disguised, but recognizable grandfather and girl).

Santa Claus :
- And we came to your holiday,
And they brought the Monkey.
And, having visited your light,
She stayed for a year.

She liked your welcome
But for this she is famous:
Someone bends,
Someone will like it.

Snow Maiden:
- Sometimes she plays the fool:
She has a hundred masks
Well, hiding under them
For each his own.

Accept the mischievous
Smiles and laughter
And it will return
To you happiness and success!

- Toast to the New Year! (can be used from the website Congratulations)

Santa Claus :
- Happy New Year! With new happiness! And we have a surprise for you!
Step out on the doorstep
A commotion awaits you there.

To the song "Happy New Year" gr. Abba take to the street and fire up a holiday fireworks.

Lyubov Rodionova
"Seeing the Old Year on the Planet of the Apes." Scenario new Year's party for older children

« Seeing off the old year on the planet of the apes»

Children run into the hall to the music and stand around the tree.

Leading: Colored lights

The Christmas tree dress shines

Look how much with us

Happy guys!

1r. We are friends, our girlfriends

We recognize in different masks

We will have fun with them

Sing a song!

2p. An affectionate song is heard in the forest

A song about a Christmas tree, about its beauty.

Fabulous, clear lights shine

Hello, wonderful, winter days!

3p. The beautiful Christmas tree will sing with us

Every New Year begins with a song!

Round dance "What is New Year?"

4p. Snow flew in and covered the earth

Blizzard and cold winds howled

But let bad weather is raging and angry

We will have fun at the holiday!

At the holiday we will dance heartily

Sing your favorite songs

And with Santa Claus we will conjure up a little

And we'll get into his fairy tale!

6p. In that tale awaits us New Year's miracle,

There we will meet new friends

And a good wizard will come from nowhere

Make desires children!

7p. Santa Claus will come to us

Will bring gifts

He hurries to us through the snowdrifts.

On snowy roads

8 rub. Either a blizzard, or winter

Composed this song

But when she sounds

Does not sit still for us.

Round dance "On New Year's Eve!"

(children sit down)

Leading: Sit back and I check are all the guests gathered? Or is someone missing? Maybe we forgot someone?

Now we will call Santa Claus and Snegurochka together, just do it here as:

The girls will call the Snow Maiden, and the boys will call Santa Claus. Let's try.

A sound is heard announcing the arrival of guests.

Enter Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

D. M: Well, here we are! Snegurochka, introduce me to the children.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, do you really think that the children have forgotten you?

D. M .: Imagine, it should be so!

Snow Maiden: Okay, I’ll ask a riddle now, and the guys will answer in unison. Listen? who will be discussed now?

Who comes to us in winter

He is wearing a fur coat and a beard

A kind look and a red nose

Who is this? (Santa Claus.)

Snow Maiden: See, grandpa, everyone knows you

Santa Claus: Indeed. In that case, hello kids. Girls and boys! Meet my granddaughter Snegurochka!

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! The guys and I have known grandpa for a long time, remember, we came here last year.

D.M .: Really? That’s why I’m looking at familiar faces, but it seems they were a little smaller.

Snow Maiden: A whole year has passed, the guys have grown up, learned a lot, learned a lot.

D. M.: And that's right! Remind me, granddaughter, what did we do here last year?

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's recall what we did last year at the holiday, guests also remember (poems, danced, played, lit the tree)

FROM: - clap mittens

Stomp your boots,

For girlfriends and for friends

Dance, you, more fun!

D. M. This is the case for me

Very simple

Eh, my soul has grown younger

Couple dance "White snowflakes"

DM And now I want to listen to poetry, just tell them loudly, but expressively!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can I play with your staff?

A game "Magic Staff" (to the music, children pass the staff in a circle, when the music stops, the child completes the tasks of D.M.)

At the end, DM asks to say that he is the most powerful wizard.

The Snow Maiden is Santa Claus, but this is not modest.

DM But, on the other hand, it's nice.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's all say these words together.

We made you happy, and now you please us, help us light the Christmas tree

D.M.Come on, tree, start up,

Come on, Christmas tree, smile.

Everything: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn! (did not light up)

The children sit down.

D. M. Eh, old i have become... I forget everything. After all, in order to celebrate the New Year, you certainly need spend the old.

Snow Maiden: It is impolite to welcome a new, young year, not spending the oldbut we don't know how to do it?

D. M. I have a familiar star, can she help us?

Oh, you, star, star

You shine for us from high

Where are the honest people now

Seeing off the New Year?

(a star descends, there is a message from alien-sound letter)

Attention! Attention! The king says planet of the apes!

Today on my the planet will see off the old year... Residents of different planets... Have a good mood with you!

D. M. Before leaving, we need to prepare. I hope you know how kings are greeted? (answers children) Granddaughter, teach the guys.

Snow Maiden: We will now take a crash course in etiquette. Listen and remember!

When the king approaches, the drums must beat. Only boys will do it (you need to inflate your stomach and quickly, quickly beat it with your palms like this) And now you.

Now let's deal with girls: you will puff out your cheeks and then press them with your fingers, here so: "Pu-yu-yu"

And now together, each his own party ...

D. M: And in order to be taken for our own, we will turn into aliens, for this we will put on these things. Now let's go!

(They arrive, a flying saucer appears and alien):

Hello! Who you are? Where from? Goal? (situational conversation) First the dance, then the king.

General dance "Winter-winter"- around the tree.

The king comes out monkey:

Zyryak kabyak

Snow Maiden: What he says?

DM He's glad to see you.

King: Zyumba, sisyuki!

D. M. Hello, children!

Come on and we greet the king (Greet as agreed)

King: Dunduks-fools?

D.M .: Asks if there are crybears or lazy people among us?

(answers children)

King: Lyuluka figaka?

DM Why did you come here?

King: Rite of Pipika

DM Let's start our holiday with an interesting game. Now you will be go through this rope.

A game "Rope"(during the passage, the rope falls lower and lower)

King: Murmon-pig

D. M. He liked

King: takes out multi-colored caps and does not know what to do with them, tries to find a use for them

Shushuka pompaka

DM asks you for help, who knows what they are for?

Dance "Happy Dwarfs"

The king takes out a box of handkerchiefs and starts tossing them.

D. M. Wait, your majesty! Look, the girls will show you what these things are for

Dance with the Snow Maiden "Ice Girl"

King: Pretty devaka!

DM Well, this is clear even without translation.

King: Macaque shriek!

D.M.We will now take the oath of the king planet of the apes, and it is done like this

Raise your right leg, pinch your right nostril and hand on your stomach

King: Repeating macaque

D. M repeat after him

The king gives D. M a letter, he reads, the children repeat

"Entering on planet of the apes in the face of my comrades, I solemnly swear (: never cry, do not whimper and always keep your tail in a pipe! "

King: Drehlyaka atuka!

JM His Majesty Grants Permission see off the old year

Everyone stands around the tree

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

King: Prizyaka dawak! Snachak, dancer, and then a priest!

Children dance common dance "Winter"

DM Now the king will be distributing the medallions of desires.

King: Amba-kukaryamba, sisyuki!

All say goodbye with a bow and go to kindergarten the same way.

Now we all together say 1-2-3 - burn the tree!

Snow Maiden: And these medallions are magical. Now each of you will utter your wish in a whisper, and then put it under the tree.

The Snow Maiden pays attention to her medallion of desires, throws it, it turns into a cosmic flower with gifts (transformation accompanied by sound and light effects).

Developed by a music teacher

MKOU SOSH No. 3, Neftekumsk

Takhmazova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

New Year's songs are playing .
Clown 1:
Come on quickly
Don't crowd at the door!
Hurry up, adults and kids!
Songs are waiting for you, dances are waiting
New Year's game!

Clown 2:

For you on a holiday with us
It will be fun now.
There will be music and singing
There will be games, entertainment
Very interesting,
Just wonderful!

We congratulate everyone on the holiday!
Happy New Year tree holiday,
Which you came to today!
We invite everyone to the general circle,
We are starting the Christmas tree holiday!

song__New Year at the gate _____________

2nd clown. We are guys just class

1st clown. We are doing our best for you!

2nd clown.

We are jack of all trades,

You won't die of boredom with us!

Order! This very hour

We will do everything for you!

1st clown.

How many of you are here today?

I can't count it in a day!

2nd clown.

Here are Sasha and Natasha,

Vanya, Ksyusha and Lyubasha,

Vova, Glory, Petit -

These are the children!

Clowns (together). One, two - the game begins!

New Year's countdown
Clown 1:
- New Year is not just a holiday,
The people are famous for those
That there are many different stories
He keeps many fairy tales.
Fabulous music sounds
Clown 2:

There is an island in the world
No problem and no worries.
Every day, but there is fun
Every word - congratulations.

He's like Atlantis -
We live without seeing him.
There are palms and lianas,

Both coconuts and bananas.

And they live without knowing the problems
In the corner of earthly paradise
Mischievous monkeys
Always happy faces.

Moose. Game We are funny monkeys
Clown 1:

But suddenly, unexpectedly,
No road, no path
Suddenly the monkey disappeared.
Where can I find her now?
to the song "Chunga-Changa" a girl in a vest and sunglasses runs out.
Girl (looks around and in a calling voice shouts in one direction or the other):
- Monkey! Monkey! (sounds like "mankey, mankey")
The grandmother enters with weaving steps, in her hand she is holding a large bag with the inscription "MANKA". Following the grandmother, the grandfather limps a little further.
- Baby, here's some semolina.
Girl (surprised):
- What’s it? (wots it)
- Water?

Girl (surprised):
- What’s it? (wots it)
Grandma (in a whisper):
Another water? Stronger?

Well, you have tastes, daughters. And Taka is still young. Well, who knows, maybe you really need to.

(Addressing the guests) Good people, who has stronger water?
Grandfather (twists at his temple):
- Babk, what are you,? Well, why did you screw her up. Why does she need your decoy?
- So she was wailing here: decoys, decoys!
- Oh yeah! Monkey!
- Well, you see, he asks. Eat, baby, just cook first!
- Old you, old! STE English language. Theirs "monkey" in ours - "monkey".
Grandma (swinging):
- Who is this monkey? I'll show you a monkey now! I'll show you such a monkey.
The grandfather and the girl run away, the grandmother chases after them, cursing.

Clown 1:

Time keeps running forward

Approaching the new year.

And the cuckoo clock is striking

And winter is right there

Clown 2:

Twelve hours is not long at all.
Twelve hours will run, fly by
And these hours need to be spent properly,
Let's sing our song guys Tick-tock!

Tick \u200b\u200btock song

Goat: (drags a Christmas tree with toys onto the stage) How is the Christmas tree here?
I have been cleaning the trees all day today so that there is no new year.
And why were all this monkey happy? That the year of the goat was worse for them or what?

Rooster: Kukareku, yes, yes, of course the year of the monkey should be skipped.
goat: Who are you?
Rooster: I am the symbol of the year of the rooster.
Goat: Do you have any complaints about the Monkey?
rooster: So I say, we would quickly become a symbol of the year, that would be turned around. It used to be ...
Goat: Let's take pictures of the Christmas trees together, there won't be a New Year of the Monkey.
rooster: Come on.
Goat: Take this tree and I'll go for now.
rooster: Okay.

Superman's music sounds
Dog: (in a superman jersey) Wait, this is a fabulous puppy patrol, who wants to take the tree here.
Cat: Stand, paws up. Watchdog, do you have a gun?
Goat: Why are these paws up, I don't know anyone here at all.
Rooster: Kukareku how so?
Dog: Let's figure it out.

Goat: We were just walking here.
Rooster: And I walked.
Cat: I saw everything how this rooster wanted to steal the tree, and for this he is supposed to sit in the chicken coop for the whole new year.
Dog: No, this year of the rooster will definitely be renamed the Year of the Dog.
Goat: Well, I went.
Rooster: Kukareku how so, after all, the goat asked me to take a Christmas tree, she also has a second one.
Goat: (hides the tree) I don't have anything ... I'm walking here.
Dog: Citizen, what's behind your back.
rooster: Christmas tree, the tree is behind her, she wanted the Monkey to be gone.
Dog: What year should it be?
rooster: Rooster.
Dog: Winnie, look what a kind goat.
Cat: Yes ...
Goat: Yes, I would like it to be the year of the rooster.
Dog: Did you take off the tree before meeting the rooster or after?
rooster: She already came with the tree.
Goat: Okay, I confess, I took off the trees and wanted the second year to be the year of the goat.
Dog: Why? Does the past year end if you spend it?
Cat: All people usually remember their achievements this year.
rooster: I also think there have been many, many achievements this year.
Goat: Where ... Ugh, like a rooster spoke, how could it be without it.
Dog: And what were our achievements?
Cat: We helped this year take place.
rooster: And I realized that the new year should be in order.
Goat: And I was the symbol of the year.

We spend the past year

It was difficult with him at times

A ringing song in a round dance
let's meet with a friendly game.

Play song _________________________________________________________________

Whistle, thunder, the sound of a falling flying machine.

Baba Yaga appears with an accordion in her hands, sings a song. The light is partially extinguished

I'm a cheerful granny

I'm not afraid of anything

Who do you want to deceive

Whom do you want to outwit!

Chorus: Eh, play, my harmonica!

Eh, play, play it!

Sing ditties, grandma-hedgehog,

Sing, don't talk!

Here are the people gathered here,

He wants to celebrate the New Year,

But do not suffer -

It is unlikely that it will work!

Chorus: Eh, swamp, you swamp!

Here the frogs croaked.

New Year in that swamp

We hid it safely.

Why are we standing with our mouths open?

Do not find you New Year!

He's in a safe cage.

March out of here, kids!

Well, are you standing there? Go otsedova! Whom did you say? Go as long as I'm kind!

Girl enters . Full light

girl. Hello grandma. Can you tell me where the guys celebrate the New Year here?

Baba Yaga. Faq is it?

girl ... The fabulous evil spirits captured the New Year, the monkey disappeared and I must save them.

Baba Yaga ... What is the New Year? What kind of evil spirits? What kind of monkey? I am an illiterate grandmother, not trained in sciences, not studying at school, not watching videos. For a thousand years I have been sitting here with Kikimora in the swamp, and what is going on around - I don’t know, I don’t know. And what do you want, girl, something?

Girl. You grandma. Show only the road where children celebrate the New Year

Baba Yaga ... Oh, the road? So I would say right away. Now you will go over to that big tree, look for a white hare there. Where he will show with his right ear, and turn around. A little later you will meet a fox, where it wags its tail, there they celebrate the New Year. That's all, dear, and I don't know anything else, I don't know.

Girl ... Well, I'll try to find this road, thanks, grandma.

Goes behind the tree . The light is partially extinguished

Baba Yaga ... Hey, Kikimora, my bosom friend, where are you? Sleeping again? I've been through so much fear here, and she's asleep! Here is hopeless laziness!

Kikimora appears, stretching and yawning.

Kikimora. Well, what about you? She did not let me see the dream.

Baba Yaga. Heard the latest news? Open your eyes!

Kikimora ... What actually happened?

Baba Yaga ... I'm sorry, what! Some girl came, looking for the New Year.

Kikimora ... Huh? New Year? Well, don't be afraid, Granny - Yagusya! Can't find her New Year! Safely I hid him in the swamp. And for this monkey, Snegurochka with Santa Claus, we will find justice! Well, let's go, we'll confer, maybe we'll come up with something ...

They leave, the Snow Maiden appears, she cries .

Girl. Oh, what to do now? I did not save the New Year from evil spirits. How are we going to meet him now? So will we stay in the old? And since there is no one to meet, then there will be no holiday. Then the monkey disappeared, and Santa Claus got lost. Just walked together ... Ah, here are the guys ... Hello guys!

Children answer.

Girl ... Help me to call Santa Claus. He's probably around here somewhere.

Children call Santa Claus, but he doesn't come

Snow Maiden. Let's sing about Santa Claus, he will hear us and come

Song-dance "Hello Santa Claus"

Santa Claus ... Good afternoon, girls and boys!

Take it guys

And me in your round dance!

I am rosy, bearded

Came to you for the New Year!

Great fun today! Song friendly links!

Noisy New Year's holiday,

Light up your lights!

round dance

Santa Claus notices a sad girl .

Santa Claus ... And what is this Snow Maiden so depressed?

girl (sadly ) The New Year was stolen by a fabulous evil spirits, the monkey disappeared, there will be no holiday.

Santa Claus ... Do not be upset, girl, do not stir up dampness, we will think of something. Let's better cheer you up with a fun song. But first, for your kindness and concern for the New Year's holiday, I will turn you into a Snow Maiden. I will count to three, you will come as a Snow Maiden.

One two Three. (background music)

New Year-round dance ("Everything is white on the street")

Santa Claus ... How did you, Snegurochka, find your way here?

Snow Maiden ... And my grandmother showed me the way

Santa Claus ... What is she like?

Snow Maiden. Well, old, hunchbacked

Santa Claus ... Bone leg? And crochet nose?

Snow Maiden. Yes.

Santa Claus ... So this is Baba Yaga. She hid the New Year with Kikimora. Malicious grandma. All the time he does all sorts of dirty tricks. We must see if she’s around, or else he’ll do something.

They leave for the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga and Kikimora come out, carry a jar with the inscription "Glue" The light is partially extinguished

Kikimora ... Well, grandma, it's not in vain that we conferred with you! Now the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus will come and ka-a-k ...(Smear the floor with glue)

Baba Yaga ... Yes, Kika, how they stick! That will be a dirty trick! Quiet! It seems that someone is coming ... Hide!

Snegurochka and Santa Claus are running away, returning

Snow Maiden. Somewhere here I saw Baba Yaga ... here she was talking to me ... Oh, what is it? I'm stuck!

Santa Claus ... And me too!

Baba Yaga and Kikimora run out of cover

Kikimora. Aha! Gotcha! Stuck well? Good!

Baba Yaga (dreamily ) Oh, how many dirty tricks I have done in my life, but everything is not enough for me! As I do a dirty trick, my heart is so happy! Sing and dance hunting! Kiki, let's rejoice together!

Dance of Baba Yaga and Kikimora

Kikimora and Baba Yaga twitch to the music, at the end of the dance they fall out of breath on the floor.

Snow Maiden (quiet) Santa Claus, think of something so that you and I will also need to dance.

Dance wash.

Santa Claus. But now I will call the snowflakes here, let them whirl, sweep and freeze Kikimora and Baba Yaga, so that they would not have the habit of making dirty tricks. Hey snowflakes! Fly to me soon, start your dance!

Girls with snowflakes in their hands are dancing, by the end of the dance Kikimora and Baba Yaga "freeze"net of snowflakes

Baba Yaga. Oh! My little hands are frozen! Oh, my legs are frozen! Stop freezing Stop!

Santa Claus (menacingly) Give me New Year! Unstick our legs, or it will be worse!

Kikimora ... Come on, grandma, let them go! I'm completely, completely frozen!

Baba Yaga. So be it! Chuki flour, Christmas tree panicles!

I read the spell

I release from my spell!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden "peel off". Full light

Baba Yaga (ingratiatingly ) And with you guys, it's interesting ... Maybe you can take us to your company?

Snow Maiden. First give the New Year, and then we'll see

Kikimora. Okay. Here's a map(pulls out from the bosom ), on it you will find where the New Year is hidden.

Santa Claus ... My dear granddaughter, you go and give us the New Year-monkey, and we will wait for you here, we will continue the holiday.(To children) But in order for the Snow Maiden to find the way back, we will now light the Christmas tree

Let's put it together:

One two Three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

After the children say the words in unison, the tree lights up, the light goes out partially. The Snow Maiden leaves.

Santa Claus ... Guys, so that the Snow Maiden not only saw, but also heard us, let's sing together and loudly!

The song is playing The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree _

Snow Maiden:(looking under the tables) :
- Monkey! Monkey! Monkey! Monkey!
(carries a picture of a monkey in front of him) :
- Looking, looking! (walks, touches the guests, looks into their faces) No, not that, similar, but not that.

Voice: Attention! Attention! Dear Guys! Dear Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! You have a radio telegram from a hippo.Santa Claus. What other tom-tam?Voice: Not a tom-tam, but from a hippopotamus, this is a large and kind animal that lives in Africa.
Santa Claus: listen carefully, please read.
Radio telegram:Dear children, and girls, and boys,All the kids in Neftekum, Father Heat sends you greetings.From Africa on New Year's, sending a helicopterIn it, a surprise flies for you, which will amuse you.Goodbye kids! Happy New Year! Father Heat!The sound of a flying helicopter. There is a sack on the stage, the sack is untied, and the Monkey comes out.
Santa Claus
... Oh, that's what New Year's surprise Father Heat sent us - it's the Monkey, straight from Africa to us for the New Year.

Snow Maiden . Friends, here is our New Year, meet him-Monkey!

Dance "Dance more fun »

Santa Claus. How I love to play with children, pinching ears, nose! Come on, come out, who's brave, I'll freeze you!

Game "Freeze"

The game "Who will quickly take the snowball"

(run around the tree, first time with Santa Claus)

Santa Claus. Thank you guys, you made me happy. Now tell me, are you good in winter?

Children ... Yes.

Santa Claus ... I see. You love winter, huh?

Santa Claus: - And we came to your holiday,And they brought the Monkey.And, having visited our light,She stayed for a year.

She liked your welcomeBut for this she is famous:Someone bends,Someone will like it.

Snow Maiden: - Sometimes she plays the fool:She has a hundred masksWell, hiding under themFor each his own.

Accept the mischievousSmiles and laughterAnd it will returnTo you happiness and success!

Santa Claus ... And now it's time to say goodbye, other children are waiting for me, but do not be upset, on next year I will come to you again.

Snow Maiden. Goodbye, guys! Happy New Year!

Final song .____________________________________________________

Monkey: - Happy New Year! With new happiness! And we have a surprise for you!Come to us closer, do not hesitate.A New Year's disco awaits you here.

Parents and caregivers can act as characters.

Leading, Leading, Rooster, Monkey, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Alice Fox, Snowman, Vasily the Cat, children.

Gifts for participation in competitions, 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and shatterproof toys, paper snowballs.

Children, educators, presenters enter the hall to the music.

Joy, happiness, mood,
The holiday is in a hurry to visit us,
The cock polishes the spurs,
And already flies, flies!

There will be songs and fun
There will be a tree, a round dance,
I hasten to send everyone today
Your perky congratulations!

Children, are you ready now
Start celebrating the New Year?
All worries are over
You can celebrate the holiday!

(Lisa Alice enters the hall)

Fox Alice:
What kind of noise are you making here?
And the poor woman did not let me sleep,
They wanted a holiday
They want to celebrate the New Year!

Yes, we are. Look, the kids are all in smart suits, we have the script written, and you are interfering with us.

Fox Alice:
And there will be no holiday! There will be no holiday! You can all go home! New Year will not come!

Excuse me, how can I contact you?

Fox Alice:
Alice I.

Why do you scare children, dear Alice? Children taught poetry, tried, and you spoil the mood. Not good, you know.

Fox Alice:
Listen, I love the holidays myself! Gifts, clothes and food ... but that's the point. A Monkey lives next door to me, well, this year's mistress. So, she liked it here so much that she decided to stay. She says they love her, appreciate her, admire her. I myself want a holiday, I won’t, the Cat Vasily promised to give a new fur coat and a book with fairy tales, and because of it I will be left without gifts and mood.

And now what i can do?

What to do, what to do, negotiate with the Monkey!

(The Rooster enters the hall)

Kukareku, kukareku,
I want to congratulate you all,
Soon the New Year will come
Will bring happiness to your house!
I promise you an easy year
I will give all friends
He will be bright, good,
The year will be the Rooster!

Fox Alice:
Oh, what a pretty one! What a bright, interesting, fashionable! I definitely like him better! And sings beautifully. I agree, it suits me!

Thank you, thank you, you're good too! What a fur coat, what boots and beads!

(Monkey flies into the hall)

A monkey :
I don’t understand what’s going on here? I am the mistress of the year, no one calls me, no one invites me, I can be offended, but you, with me still live, I am not going to leave yet!

Dear, pack your things, make room, New Year is coming, the year of the Rooster, that is, me!

A monkey :
It used to be that on December 31st, one animal replaced another, but I decided that it was time to change something, and now from now on and forever there will be the Year of the Monkey, and I will cancel the New Year altogether, so as not to waste time!

Monkey, dear, you can't do that! We have a matinee, children ... maybe we will try to appease you? Tell me, what do you love?

A monkey :
I love bananas, beautiful outfits, music, poetry, dances, sparkles and fun!

So, we are organizing this now! We have such poems prepared!

And what are you all to her? In fact, I will be the owner of next year, you need to please me!

A monkey :
Actually, I don’t think to leave yet, so the feathered one!

I beg you, do not quarrel! We will negotiate.

You sit down for now, and we will think about how to solve the situation.

(The cat Vasily appears in the hall)

Vasily the cat:
I came to you today,
And I will give you wise advice,
You need more sleep in life
Eat porridge, rest.

Fox Alice:
And you all think about food! We've got New Year's Eve under threat!

Vasily the cat:
How threatened? But what about the sour cream that you promised me under the tree?

Fox Alice:
Negotiations are underway. Don't bother!

A monkey :
I just thought, what if we dress up a Christmas tree?

So, we have a Christmas tree decorated, what a beauty it is!

A monkey :
And it's not enough for me! I want one more! Better two!

There will be Christmas trees for you!

Announces competition "Dressers".
Gathers 2 teams, each of 10 people. Each team is given a box with Christmas tree tinsel and shatterproof toys. At a short distance, 2 small artificial Christmas trees are placed. The first players take one toy at a time, run to the Christmas tree of their team, hang up the toy and come back, and so on until the last team member. The first team to dress up the Christmas tree wins.
Props: 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and shatterproof toys.
(The winners will receive candy)

A monkey :
Oh, how beautiful! Oh, how happy I am!

And what about me? Who will please me? I love to sing!

And we just have a New Year's song!

(Children sing a New Year's song)

Vasily the cat:
And tell me, please, why we have to do something for you, and you do nothing for us? Children try, sing, decorate Christmas trees, and what will they get for this?

A monkey :
If I stay to rule
I will give bananas to everyone
I will give fun, happiness,
Dances, songs, beauty!

I will give everyone luck
And I will help in the lessons,
I will give sweets, joy,
I'll tell you a lot of fairy tales!

A monkey :
I'm so beautiful
And you are used to me
I help everyone for free,
Fulfilling all dreams!

I am bright, stylish, fashionable,
I will bring good to the house,
I'm funny and I'm perky
I will discard sadness for later!

(There is a knock. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear)

Santa Claus :
Through storms, blizzards and blizzards,
I finally got to you
I brought a bag of gifts
Are there obedient kids here?

Snow Maiden:
New Year is close, close
Are you ready to meet him?
Are you ready to dance?
AND bright holiday note?

You see, this is the case here, the Monkey doesn't want to leave, so we persuade him. And our children are all obedient, beautiful.

Santa Claus :
What kind of disorder is this? You two (addresses the Rooster and the Monkey) quickly in the corners! I'll deal with you later, otherwise they arranged it here! My granddaughter and I will quickly put things in order!

Snow Maiden:
Shame on you, the kids are having a holiday, and you've arranged it here! Well, where did you look (addresses to Lisa and Cat).

Santa Claus :
Oh, I'm tired of the road,
Who would tell me a rhyme
Who would please you a little?
Oh, grandfather is tired!

Snow Maiden:
Oh, what good fellows you are, what rhymes you prepared for grandfather!

Santa Claus :
Oh, how you made me happy, how you made the old man happy! I would play with you, but I'm so tired, I'm so tired ...

Snow Maiden:
You sit, grandpa, rest, and we will play with the children!

Fox Alice:
You know the girls, you know the boys
We love to dance with Vasily!

Vasily the cat:
And we are bumps, with a red-haired fox,
We love very, very much to collect together!

Fox Alice (while she speaks, the cat quietly throws snowballs of paper balls around the room):
What is a new year without snow?
Do you agree with me friends?
My clumsy cat Vasily,
I accidentally lost my snowballs!

Contest "Collect Snowballs".
Children are given 1 minute to collect snowballs. Whoever collects the most will receive a prize.
Props: paper snowballs.

Snow Maiden:
They say in this school snowflakes
So ditties sing loudly
Here, I should listen to these snowflakes,
Tell me kids, are they here?

(Three snowflakes come out and sing ditties)

An example of ditties:
1. Everywhere there is snow and ice,
Do not be sad people
Soon the New Year will come
All problems will take away!

2. I ordered a doll for my dad,
And I'm looking under the tree
If he doesn't buy me a doll,
I'll go to Santa Claus!

3. I will sculpt a snowman,
I will be friends with him now,
And in the spring in the freezer,
He will live with me!

(Variants of ditties may be different and in larger numbers)

Snow Maiden:
Oh, what good fellows,
Well, straight, the kids were surprised
We sang very well
You gave me joy!
Let us now,
We'll dance with you
It's time for us to move
Then we miss!

(The New Year's song turns on, the Snow Maiden, the Fox, the Cat dance, and the children repeat)

Santa Claus :
So you sang and danced
And read us poetry
Can you solve riddles?
Oh, my good ones?

(Santa Claus makes riddles. Whoever guesses the most will receive a prize)

Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, can we forgive our naughty ones? I think they have already realized that quarreling is ugly.

A monkey :
What are you going straight to the corner? I may have behaved this way out of harm, but in fact, I will gladly give up the Rooster's place. I'm already tired of being in the role of mistress!

And I won't be so lucky anymore! I'll be good, and I'll give people a fun year!

Santa Claus (addressing children):
Excuse me?

(Children answer in unison)

Snow Maiden:
Well now, we will stand together,
We will stand with you in a round dance,
And we will circle around the tree,
Hello holiday, New Year!

(Circling in a round dance)

Santa Claus :
You read congratulations to us,
But it's time for us kids
We will only give you gifts,
Out of a huge bag!

(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are giving gifts)

Our holiday has come to an end
I want to wish everyone now
Warmth, smiles, joy and happiness,
So that you do not know sadness and troubles!

So that the New Year is the newest,
To make your dreams come true,
So that in any bad weather,
You were all with your family!

Beat all the images. If desired, you can add several

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for grades 5-7
Ball - masquerade "New Year rushes to us ..."


Building a classy team;

Development of creativity and a sense of beauty, the formation of positive emotions in students.


Aesthetic education of students through the involvement of children in active creativity;

Teaching new forms of recreation and work in a team;

Creation of a system of informal relations between students.


Lead 1:

Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are glad to welcome you to New Year's ball.

Hello dear friends! Now it's time for a wonderful winter holiday. The most fabulous, the most mysterious, the most amazing. It's time to celebrate the New Year. New Year is the most favorite holiday for both children and adults.

In our world, time does not go the way people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised at the little miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

New Year's fanfare sounds

Lead 2:
Good evening, good people!
Let be good holiday will be!
Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently.
Our holiday will be wonderful
We will sing and dance.

This evening will be cheerful
We won't get bored here

Together: Happy New Year, we congratulate everyone!

Let's start the holiday with the best song!

Stand together in a round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year soon!


Lead 1:Let's guys spend with you a fun New Year's quiz.

    What is snow? (frozen water)

    Miracles happen if a sorceress visits your house ... (fairy)

    The name of the villainess from Russian fairy tales. (Yaga)

    What flowers did the queen want from the fairy tale "Twelve Months"? (snowdrops)

    In a red coat, in a red cap, but not Santa Claus? (gnome)

    At the sight of the sun, this little man is a fat man all shaking (snowman)

    Favorite delicacy of children in new year holidays? (candy)

    What tree do we call a symbol of winter? (Spruce)

    How many years ago did shiny balls for decorating Christmas trees appear: one hundred, two hundred, three hundred? (One hundred)

    Who is in charge of winter in Northern Europe? (The Snow Queen)

    What is the correct name for the place where Christmas trees are usually sold? (Christmas bazaar)

    What is the name of the winter wizard in Western Europe and America? (Santa Claus)

    What are we talking about when, decorating a Christmas tree or a room, they say that rain is needed? (About decoration)

    What is serpentine made of? (From colored paper)

    What was the name of the great-great-grandfather Santa Claus? (Frost or Grandfather Crackle)

    How many fur coats does Santa Claus have? (Three)

    What colors are Santa Claus fur coats? (Red, white, blue)

    What is the name of the magic stick of Santa Claus? (Staff)

    How many horses does Santa Claus harness to the sleigh? (Three)

    What does the troika of horses symbolize? (Winter months)

    Name the month in which the new year begins. (January)

    Who helps Santa Claus to do good deeds? (Snow Maiden)

    Whom do Snegurochka and Santa Claus consider their relatives? (Snow Woman and Snowman)

    How many lumps of snow are there in the body of a Snowman? (Out of three)

    Where does Santa Claus usually put gifts? (Under the tree)

    Where does Santa Claus live? (in Lapland)

    Transport, on which Santa Claus hurries to the children? (sled)

Lead 2:What are all great fellows! I see the most courageous, intelligent, funny people gathered here! The most worthy! Who is missing on our holiday? - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Right! Guys, let's call Santa Claus! Let's together, together shout: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!


Snow Maiden: Oh! How many kids!

And girls and boys!

Last year you visited

They have not forgotten anyone!


Santa Claus: I was in a hurry here!

I was running in a hurry

But, it seems, he came to visit on time!

I was with you a year ago

I am very glad to see everyone!

Together:Hello Santa Claus! Hello Snow Maiden!

We were expecting you together

The holiday has not begun!

Lead 1:

Put on your masks.

We start dancing together.

To call everyone for fun

New Year's carnival!

The cherished hour has come

We invite everyone to the waltz.

Let the sounds of the violin swirl

Let the smiles shine!


Lead 2:Guys, do you know what our Santa Claus is? I will ask you questions, and you answer "YES" or "NO".

    Santa Claus is a cheerful old man? (YES)

    Loves jokes and gags? (YES)

    Knows songs and riddles? (YES)

    Eat all your chocolates? (NO)

    Will he light a Christmas tree for the guys? (YES)

    Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (NO)

    Doesn't he grow old in soul? (YES)

    Will it warm us on the street? (NO)

    Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (YES)

    Is our birch good? (NO)

    Is the new year coming closer? (YES)

    Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (NO)

    Does Santa Claus carry gifts? (YES)

    Does he drive a foreign car? (NO)

    Wears a cane and a hat? (NO)

    Does it look like dad sometimes? (YES)

Santa Claus: Indeed, the guys are great! Have fun from the heart!

Snow Maiden: Our tree is just a miracle!

And smart and beautiful!

Santa Claus, light hundreds of tiny lights on it!

Santa Claus: I'm always glad to help you!

Decorating a Christmas tree outfit!

Lead 1:It's good when the tree is on fire!

It's good when the song sounds!

And the cheerful people are dancing

It means the New Year is coming!

Lead 2:Happy New Year! With new happiness!

With new joy for everyone,

Let them ring with us today

Songs, music and laughter!


Lead 1:
Santa Claus, is it true that the new 2016 is an unusual year? I heard that this will be the year of the fire monkey ?!

Santa Claus:Yes! According to the eastern calendar, 2016 is the year of the Red Fire Monkey, the ninth sign of the eastern horoscope. It is known that monkeys are mobile, playful, inquisitive. It is desirable to be like this, meeting the year of the Monkey.

Snow Maiden: Let's check what you know about monkeys?

Questions from the Snow Maiden:

    What does the word "primates" mean in Latin? (means "one of the first").

    What was the name of the monkey about which the writer E. Uspensky told the children? (Anfisa)

    Which monkey is the largest great ape? (Gorilla)

    What subject did the monkey from the fable of I.A. Krylov?


    What was the name of the monkey who lived with Dr. Aibolit?











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- And we came to your holiday,
And they brought the Monkey.
And, having visited your light,
She stayed for a year.

She liked your welcome
But for this she is famous:
Someone bends,
Someone will like it.

- Sometimes she plays the fool:
She has a hundred masks
Well, hiding under them
For each his own.

Accept the mischievous
Smiles and laughter
And it will return
To you happiness and success!





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