The most durable metal on earth top 10. The hardest metal in the world. Distribution and stocks

People began to use metal in ancient times. The most accessible and processable metal in nature is copper. Copper items in the form of household items are found by archaeologists during excavations of ancient settlements. With the growth of technological progress, a person learned to make alloys from various metals, which were useful to him in the manufacture of household items and weapons. This is how the strongest metal in the world was born.


This unusually beautiful silver-white metal was discovered almost simultaneously at the end of the 18th century by two scientists - the Englishman W. Gregory and the German M. Klaproth. According to one version, the titan got its name in honor of the characters of ancient Greek myths, the mighty Titans, according to another - from Titania, the fairy queen from Germanic mythology - because of its lightness. However, then no use was found for him.

Then in 1925, Dutch physicists were able to isolate pure titanium and discovered many of its benefits. These are high indicators of manufacturability, specific strength and resistance to corrosion, very high strength at high temperatures. Also has high corrosion resistance. These fantastic performance immediately attracted engineers and designers.

In 1940, the scientist Krol obtained pure titanium using the magnesium-thermal method, and since then this method has been the main one. The strongest metal on earth is mined in many places in the world - Russia, Ukraine, China, South Africa and others.

Titanium is twice as strong as iron in terms of mechanical properties, six times stronger than aluminum. Titanium alloys are currently the most durable in the world, and therefore have found application in military (submarine, missile construction), shipbuilding and aviation industries (on supersonic aircraft).

This metal is also incredibly plastic, so any shape can be made from it - sheets, pipes, wire, tape. Titanium is widely used for the manufacture of medical prostheses (while it is biologically ideally compatible with the tissues of the human body), jewelry, sports equipment, etc.

It is also used in chemical production due to its anti-corrosion properties; this metal does not corrode in an aggressive environment. So, for testing purposes, a titanium plate was placed in sea water, and for 10 years it did not even rust!

Due to its high electrical resistance and non-magnetizing properties, it is widely used in radio electronics, for example, in structural parts mobile phones... The use of titanium in the field of dentistry is very promising, its ability to grow together with human bone tissue is especially important, which gives strength and solidity during prosthetics. It is widely used in the manufacture of medical instruments.


The natural oxidizing properties of uranium were used in antiquity (1st century BC) in the manufacture of yellow glaze in ceramic products. One of the most well-known strong metals in world practice, it is weakly radioactive and is used in the production of nuclear fuel. The twentieth century was even called "the age of Uranus". This metal is paramagnetic.

Uranium is 2.5 times heavier than iron, forms many chemical compounds; its alloys with elements such as tin, lead, aluminum, mercury, and iron are used in production.


It is not only the strongest metal in the world, but also very rare, which is not even mined anywhere, but was obtained by chemical means back in 1781 in Sweden. The most temperature-resistant metal in the world. Due to its high refractoriness, it lends itself well to forging, while it is pulled into a thin thread.

Its most famous application is tungsten filament in light bulbs. It is widely used for the production of special tools (cutters, cutters, surgical) and in jewelry production. Due to its property not to transmit radioactive rays, containers for storing nuclear waste are produced from it. Deposits of tungsten in Russia are located in Altai, Chukotka, North Caucasus.


It got its name in Germany (the Rhine River), where it was discovered in 1925, the metal itself is white. It is mined both in pure form (Kuril Islands), and in the extraction of molybdenum and copper raw materials, but in very small quantities.

The strongest metal on earth is very hard and dense, melts well. The durability is high and does not depend on temperature changes, the disadvantage is the high cost, toxic to humans. Used in electronics and aircraft industries.


The heaviest element, for example, a kilogram of osmium, looks like a ball that fits easily in your hand. Refers to the platinum group of metals, the price is several times higher than gold. It got its name from the bad smell in a chemical reaction carried out by the English scientist S. Tennant in 1803.

Outwardly, it looks very beautiful: shiny silver crystals with a blue and light blue tint. It is usually used as an additive to other metals in industry (metal-ceramic cutters of increased strength, blades of medical knives). Its non-magnetic and durable properties are used in the manufacture of high-precision instruments.


It was obtained by the chemist Paul Lebeau at the end of the 19th century. Initially, this metal was nicknamed "sweet" because of its candy taste. Then it turned out that it has other attractive and original properties, for example, it does not want to enter into any chemical reactions with other elements with rare exceptions (halogen).

The strongest metal in the world is both hard and brittle and lightweight, and highly toxic. Its exceptional strength (for example, a wire with a diameter of 1 mm can support the weight of a person) is used in laser and space technology, nuclear power.

New discoveries

You can talk about very strong metals even further, but technical progress is moving forward. Scientists from California recently announced to the world the emergence of "liquid metal" (from the word "liquid"), which is superior in strength to titanium. Plus, it turned out to be super lightweight, flexible and highly durable. Therefore, scientists have to create and develop ways to use the new metal, and in the future, perhaps, make many more discoveries.

When it comes to the most durable metal in the world, for sure, many imagine a formidable warrior in armor and with a sword made of Damascus steel. However, steel is far from the strongest metal in the world, as it is made by alloying iron with carbon and other additives. The hardest of pure metals is considered titanium!
There are two different versions about the origin of the name of this metal. Some say that the silvery substance began to be called that. in honor of the fairy queen Titania (from Germanic mythology). Indeed, in addition to being a very durable metal, it is also amazingly light. Others are inclined to believe that the metal got its name from the Titans - the strong and powerful children of the Earth goddess Gaia. Be that as it may, both versions look quite beautiful and poetic, and have a right to exist.

Titanium was discovered by two scientists at once: the German M.G. Klaptor and the Englishman W. Gregor. Such a discovery, with a difference of six years, was made at the end of the 18th century, after which the substance was immediately added to the periodic table. There it occupied the 22nd serial number.

True, due to its fragility, metal for a long time not used. Only in 1925, after going through a series of experiments, chemists managed to obtain pure titanium, which became a real breakthrough in human history. The metal turned out to be very technological with low density, high specific strength and corrosion resistance, as well as high strength at high temperatures.

In terms of mechanical strength, titanium and six times the strength of aluminum. That is why the list of possible uses for titanium is endless. It is used in medicine for osteoprosthetics, in the military industry (to create submarine hulls, armor in aviation and nuclear technology). Also, the metal has established itself in sports and jewelry, the production of mobile phones.


By the way, in terms of distribution on earth, the strongest metal in the world takes the tenth position. Its deposits are located in South Africa, China, Ukraine, Japan, India.

Although, judging by the latest discoveries in the field of chemistry, over time, titanium will have to give the title of super-metal to another representative. Not so long ago, scientists invented a substance stronger than metal. This is "liquid metal", or in translation - "liquid". The miracle substance has managed to establish itself as stainless and flawless for casting. And although humanity still needs to work hard to learn how to fully use the new metal, perhaps the future will belong to him.

When it comes to hard and durable metal, then in his imagination a person immediately draws a warrior with a sword and armor. Well, or with a saber, and always made of Damascus steel. But steel, although strong, but not a pure metal, is obtained by alloying iron with carbon and some other additive metals. And, if necessary, the steel is processed to change its properties.

Lightweight, durable metal, silvery white

Each of the additives, be it chromium, nickel or vanadium, is responsible for a certain quality. But titanium is added for strength - the hardest alloys are obtained.

According to one version, the metal got its name from the Titans, the mighty and fearless children of the Earth goddess Gaia. But according to another version, the silvery substance is named after the fairy queen Titania.

Titanium was discovered by German and English chemists Gregor and Klaproth independently of each other with a difference of six years. It happened at the end of the 18th century. The substance immediately took its place in the periodic system of Mendeleev. Three decades later, the first sample of titanium metal was obtained. And for a long time, the metal was not used because of its fragility. Exactly until 1925 - just then, after a series of experiments, pure titanium was obtained by the iodide method. The discovery was a real breakthrough. Titanium turned out to be technologically advanced, designers and engineers immediately paid attention to it. And now metal from ore is obtained mainly by the magnesium-thermal method, which was proposed in 1940.

If you touch physical properties titanium, then we can note its high specific strength, strength at high temperatures, low density and corrosion resistance. The mechanical strength of titanium is twice that of iron and six times that of aluminum. At high temperatures, where light alloys no longer work (based on magnesium and aluminum), titanium alloys come to the rescue. For example, an airplane at an altitude of 20 kilometers develops a speed three times higher than the speed of sound. And the temperature of its body is about 300 degrees Celsius. Only titanium alloy can withstand such loads.

In terms of prevalence in nature, the metal ranks tenth. Titanium is mined in South Africa, Russia, China, Ukraine, Japan and India. And this is not a complete list of countries.

Titanium is the world's strongest and lightest metal

The list of possibilities for using metal is respectable. These are the military industry, osteoprostheses in medicine, jewelry and sports products, mobile phone cards and much more. Titanium is constantly being raised by the designers of rocket, aircraft, and shipbuilding. Even the chemical industry did not ignore the metal. Titanium is excellent for casting, because the shape when casting is accurate and has a smooth surface. The arrangement of atoms in titanium is amorphous. And it guarantees high tensile strength, toughness, excellent magnetic properties.

Highest density hard metals

Osmium and iridium are also some of the hardest metals. These are substances from the platinum group, they have the highest, almost the same, density.

Iridium was discovered in 1803. The metal was discovered by a chemist from England Smithson Tennat, while researching natural platinum from South America. By the way, from the ancient Greek "iridium" is translated as "rainbow".

Most hard metal it is rather difficult to get it, since it is almost absent in nature. And often the metal is found in meteorites that have fallen to the ground. According to scientists, the content of iridium on our planet should be much higher. But due to the properties of the metal - siderophilicity - it is located at the very depths of the earth's interior.

Iridium is difficult to process both thermally and chemically. The metal does not react with acids, even acid combinations at temperatures below 100 degrees. At the same time, the substance is subject to oxidation processes in aqua regia (this is a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids).

Of interest as a source of electrical energy is the isotope of iridium 193 m 2. Since the half-life of the metal is 241 years. Found wide application of iridium in paleontology and industry. It is used to make pens for pens and to determine the age of different layers of the earth.

But osmium was discovered a year later than iridium. This hard metal was found in the chemical composition of the platinum precipitate, which was dissolved in aqua regia. And the name "osmium" came from the ancient Greek word "smell". The metal is not subject to mechanical stress. Moreover, one liter of osmium is several times heavier than ten liters of water. However, this property has not yet been applied.

Osmium is mined in American and Russian mines. Its deposit is also rich in South Africa. Quite often, the metal is found in iron meteorites. For specialists, osmium-187 is of interest, which is exported only from Kazakhstan. With its help, the age of meteorites is determined. It should be noted that just one gram of the isotope costs 10 thousand dollars.

Well, they use osmium in industry. And not in pure form, but in the form of a hard alloy with tungsten. Produced from the substance of incandescent lamps. Osmium is a catalyst in the manufacture of ammonia. Rarely are cutting parts made of metal for the needs of surgery.

The hardest metal of the pure

The hardest of the purest metals on the planet is chromium. It lends itself well to mechanical processing. The bluish-white metal was discovered in 1766 in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. The mineral was then called "Siberian red lead". Its modern name is crocoite. A few years after the discovery, namely, in 1797, the French chemist Vauquelin isolated a new metal from the metal, already refractory. Experts today believe that the resulting substance is chromium carbide.

The name of this element is derived from the Greek "color", because the metal itself is famous for the variety of colors of its compounds. Chromium is quite easy to find in nature, it is common. You can find metal in South Africa, which ranks first in terms of production, as well as in Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Russia and Madagascar. There are deposits in Turkey, Armenia, India, Brazil and the Philippines. Specialists especially appreciate some chromium compounds - these are chromium iron ore and crocoite.

The hardest metal in the world is tungsten

Tungsten is a chemical element, the hardest when considered along with other metals. Its melting point is unusually high, higher only for carbon, but it is not a metallic element.

But the natural hardness of tungsten at the same time does not deprive it of its flexibility and pliability, which allows you to forge any necessary parts from it. It is its flexibility and heat resistance that makes tungsten an ideal material for smelting small parts of lighting fixtures and parts of televisions, for example.

Tungsten is also used in more serious areas, for example, weaponry - for the manufacture of counterweights and artillery shells. This is due to tungsten's high density, which makes it the main substance of heavy alloys. The density of tungsten is close to that of gold - only a few tenths make up the difference.

On the site, you can read what metals are the softest, how they are used, and what is made of them.
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Metals have been used by man since the dawn of civilization. One of the first known was copper, due to its ease of processing and widespread use. Archaeologists have found thousands of copper products... Progress does not stand still, and soon mankind learned to produce strong alloys to make weapons and agricultural tools. To this day, experiments with metals continue, so it became possible to identify which is the strongest metal in the world.


So, the most durable metal is iridium. It is obtained by precipitation from the dissolution of platinum in sulfuric acid. After the reaction, the substance turns black, and later in the process of various compounds it can change color: hence the name, which means "rainbow". Iridium was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century, and since then only two ways have been found to dissolve it: molten alkali and sodium peroxide.

Iridium is very rare in nature, in the composition of the earth its amount does not exceed 1 in 1,000,000,000. As a result, one ounce of the material costs at least $ 1,000.

Iridium is widely used in various fields of human activity, especially in medicine. It is used to produce eye prostheses, hearing aids, electrodes for the brain, as well as special capsules that are implanted into cancerous tumors.

According to the theory of scientists, such a small amount of matter suggests that it has an alien origin, namely, it was brought by some asteroid.

Another strongest metal in the world, the name of which comes from the name of our country. It was first discovered in the Urals. Rather, platinum was found there, in which Russian scientists later discovered a new metal. This was 200 years ago.

Due to its beauty, ruthenium is often used in jewelry, but not in its pure form, because it is very rare.

Ruthenium is a noble metal. He has not only hardness but also beauty. In terms of hardness, it is only slightly inferior to quartz. But at the same time it is very fragile, it is easy to crumble it into powder or break it, dropping it from a height. In addition, it is the lightest and most durable metal, its density is barely thirteen grams per centimeter cubed.

For all its poor impact resistance, ruthenium is excellent at withstanding high temperatures. To melt it, you need to heat it to more than 2300 degrees. If this is done with an electric arc, the substance can go directly into a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid stage.

In the composition of alloys, its application is extremely wide, even in space mechanics, for example, alloys of the metals ruthenium and platinum were chosen for the manufacture of fuel cells for artificial earth satellites.

This metal was first discovered on Earth by the Swedish scientist Ekeberg. But the chemist did not succeed in isolating it in its pure form, difficulties arose with this, therefore he received the name of the Greek hero of myths, Tantalus. Tantalum began to be actively used only during the Second World War.

Tantalum is a solid, durable metal of a silvery color, exhibits little activity at ordinary temperatures, oxidizes only when heated above 280 ° C, and melts only at almost 3300 Kelvin.

Despite its strength, tantalum is quite plastic, approximately like gold, and working with it is not difficult.

It is allowed to use tantalum as a substitute for stainless steels, the service life can differ by as much as twenty years.

Also tantalum is used:

  • in aviation for the manufacture of heat-resistant parts;
  • in chemistry as part of anti-corrosion alloys;
  • in nuclear powerbecause it is extremely resistant to cesium vapor;
  • medicine for the manufacture of implants and prostheses;
  • in computing for the production of superconductors;
  • in military affairs for various kinds of shells;
  • in jewelry, since it can acquire different shades during oxidation.

This metal is considered biogenic, which means that it is able to positively influence living organisms. For example, the amount of chromium regulates cholesterol levels. If chromium in the body is less than six milligrams, then this leads to a sharp increase in blood cholesterol. Chromium ions can be obtained, for example, from pearl barley, duck, liver or beets.
Chromium is refractory, does not react to moisture and does not oxidize (only when heated above 600 ° C).

Metal is actively used to create chrome coatings, dental crowns

This long-lasting metal was formerly called glucinium because people noted its sweetish taste. In addition, this substance has many more amazing properties. He is reluctant to enter into chemical reactions. Extremely durable: it has been experimentally established that a millimeter thick beryllium wire can hold an adult on the weight. By comparison, aluminum wire only holds twelve kilograms.

Beryllium is very poisonous. When ingested, it is able to replace magnesium in the bones; this condition is called beryllium disease. It is accompanied by a dry cough and pulmonary edema and can be fatal. Poisonousness is perhaps the only significant drawback of beryllium for humans. For the rest, it has a lot of advantages and a lot of ways of application: heavy industry, nuclear fuel, aviation and astronautics, metallurgy, medicine.

Beryllium is very light compared to some alkali metals

This durable metal is even more expensive than iridium (and is second only to California). However, it is used in areas where the result is more important than the cost of it: for the production of medical equipment in the best world clinics. In addition, it can be used for the manufacture of electrical contacts, parts of measuring equipment and expensive watches like Rolex, electron microscopes, military warheads. Thanks to osmium, they become stronger and withstand higher temperatures, up to extreme ones.

Osmium does not occur in nature on its own, only in a pair with rhodium, so after mining, the task is to separate their atoms. Osmium is less commonly found in a "set" with platinum, copper, and some other ores.

Only a few tens of kilograms of matter are produced on the planet per year.

This metal has a very strong structure. It itself is whitish in color, and when ground into powder it turns black. The metal is very rare and is mined together with other ores and minerals. The concentration of rhenium in nature is negligible.

Due to the incredible high cost, the substance is used only in cases of extreme necessity. Previously, due to their heat resistance, its alloys were used in aviation and rocketry, including for equipping supersonic fighters. It was this area that was the main point of world consumption of rhenium, making it a material for military-strategic purposes.

Rhenium is used to make filaments and springs for measuring instruments, self-cleaning contacts and special catalysts needed to obtain gasoline. It is this in last years increased the demand for rhenium at times. The world market is literally ready to fight for this rare metal.

There is only one full-fledged deposit in the whole world, and it is located in Russia, the second, much less, in Finland

Scientists have invented a new substance that, by its properties, can become stronger than known metals. It was named "Liquid Metal". Experiments with it began quite recently, but it has already established itself. It is quite possible that Liquid Metal will soon replace the metals we know so well.

Metals include substances that have specific, characteristic properties. At the same time, they take into account high plasticity and malleability, as well as electrical conductivity and a number of other parameters. Which of them is the most durable metal, you can find out from the data below.

About metals in nature

The word "metal" came to the Russian language from German. Since the 16th century, it has been found in books, although quite rarely. Later, in the era of Peter I, they began to use it more often, and then the word had a generalizing meaning "ore, mineral, metal." And only during the period of M.V. Lomonosov, these concepts were delineated.

In nature, metals are rarely found in pure form. Basically, they are part of various ores, and also form all kinds of compounds, such as sulfides, oxides, carbonates and others. In order to obtain pure metals, which is very important for their use in the future, they must be isolated and then purified. If necessary, metals are alloyed - special impurities are added in order to change their properties. Currently, there is a division into ferrous metal ores, which include iron, and non-ferrous ones. Precious or noble metals include gold, platinum and silver.

There are metals even in the human body. Calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, iron - this is the list of these substances that are found in the greatest amount.

Depending on the further use, metals are divided into groups:

  1. Construction materials. They use both the metals themselves and their significantly improved alloys. In this case, they value strength, impermeability to liquids and gases, and uniformity.
  2. Materials for tools, most often the working part is meant. Tool steels and carbides are suitable for this.
  3. Electrical materials. Such metals are used as good conductors of electricity. The most common of these are copper and aluminum. And also used as materials with high resistance - nichrome and others.

The toughest of metals

The strength of metals is called their ability to resist fracture under the influence of internal stresses that can arise when external forces affect these materials. It is also a property of a structure to maintain its characteristics for a certain time.

Many alloys are quite strong and resistant not only to physical, but also to chemical influences, they do not belong to pure metals. There are metals that can be called the most durable. Titanium, which melts at temperatures above 1,941 K (1660 ± 20 ° C), uranium belonging to radioactive metals, refractory tungsten, boiling at a temperature of at least 5,828 K (5555 ° C). As well as others that have unique properties and are necessary in the process of manufacturing parts, tools and items using the most modern technologies. The five most durable of them include metals, the properties of which are already known, they are widely used in various sectors of the national economy and are used in scientific experiments and developments.

It is found in molybdenum ores and copper raw materials. Has high hardness and density. Very refractory. Its strength cannot be reduced even under the influence of critical temperature changes. It is widely used in many electronic devices and technical means.

A rare earth metal with a silvery-gray tint and shiny, crystalline formations at the fractures. Interestingly, beryllium crystals taste a little sweet, which is why it was originally called "glucinium", which means "sweet". Thanks to this metal, new technology, which is used in the synthesis of artificial stones - emeralds, aquamarines, for the needs of the jewelry industry. Beryllium was discovered while studying the properties of beryl, a semi-precious stone. In 1828, the German scientist F. Wöller obtained metallic beryllium. It does not interact with X-ray radiation, therefore, it is actively used to create special devices. In addition, beryllium alloys are used in the manufacture of neutron reflectors and moderators for installation in a nuclear reactor. Its refractory and anti-corrosion properties, high thermal conductivity make it an indispensable element for creating alloys used in aircraft and aerospace industries.

This metal was discovered in the middle Urals. M.V. wrote about him. Lomonosov in his work "The first foundations of metallurgy" in 1763. It is very widespread, its most famous and extensive deposits are located in South Africa, Kazakhstan and Russia (Ural). The content of this metal in ores varies greatly. Its color is light blue with a sheen. In its pure form it is very hard and works well enough. It serves as an important component for the creation of alloy steels, especially stainless steels, used in electroplating and aerospace industries. Its alloy with iron, ferrochrome is necessary for the production of metal cutting tools.

This metal is considered valuable, since its properties are only slightly lower than those of noble metals. It has strong resistance to various acids and does not corrode. Tantalum is used in various structures and compounds, for the manufacture of products of complex shapes and as a basis for the production of acetic and phosphoric acids. Metal is used in medicine, as it can be combined with human tissues. The rocket industry needs a heat-resistant alloy of tantalum and tungsten, because it can withstand temperatures of 2,500 ° C. Tantalum capacitors are installed on radar devices, used in electronic systems like transmitters.

Iridium is considered one of the most durable metals in the world. Silver-colored metal, very hard. It belongs to the platinum group metals. It is difficult to process and, moreover, refractory. Iridium practically does not interact with caustic substances. It is used in many industries. Including in jewelry, medical and chemical industries... Significantly improves the resistance of tungsten, chromium and titanium compounds in relation to acidic environments. Pure iridium is not a toxic material, but some of its compounds can be.

Despite the fact that many metals have decent characteristics, it is quite difficult to pinpoint exactly which is the most durable metal in the world. For this, all their parameters are studied, in accordance with various analytical systems. But now all scientists claim that iridium is confidently taking the first place in strength.