How to open a domestic recruiting agency. How to open a staff recruiting agency? Rules for a successful home recruiting agency

A professional team is the key to the success of any business. Large companies are responsible for the selection of personnel. Therefore, the demand for the services of recruiting agencies is great.

We will figure out how to open a recruiting agency from scratch, what documents are needed for this, where to find employers and whether such a business is profitable.

The recruiting agency is the link between the employee and the employer. Agencies are:

  • Full cycle services provide services to both employers and job seekers
  • Incomplete cycle work only for those looking for or offering work
  • Highly specialized help to find an employee or find a job in a certain area - for example, in IT

What services does the recruiting agency provide to clients:

  • It processes a large number of applications. For some vacancies, employers receive a lot of responses. Not all companies have the resources to review them
  • Finds rare specialists. According to the announcement, such an employee cannot be found, but in the large database of a recruiting agency - for sure
  • Conducts trainings and refresher courses. The demand for such services is growing every year. Employers want to make employees not only smarter, but also happier
  • Helps job seekers to find a job. Competent personnel officers can make "candy" from the resume of any applicant for a vacancy and prepare him for an interview

Experienced recruiting agencies can arrange all of the above quickly and efficiently.

Is it profitable to open a recruiting agency

The cost of starting a recruiting agency from scratch depends on which market segment you are targeting.

So, for an online recruiting agency, it is enough:

  • Computer
  • Phone
  • The Internet
  • Own site
  • Access to specialized sites

If you intend to conduct full interviews and meet with employers, you will also need to rent an office.

In addition, the new business will need funds for staff salaries and promotion.

Let's say you decide to open a full-cycle recruitment agency in St. Petersburg. You will need:

  • Rent a room - 80'000 ₽ per month, you pay immediately for the first and last month of rent
  • Computers and furniture - 200'000 ₽
  • Phone and Internet - 1'000 ₽
  • Access to specialized sites - from 60'000 rubles per month
  • Creation of your own website - from 50'000 ₽

Allow another 100'000 ₽ for repairs.

Total: about 491'000 ₽ is needed to open a recruiting agency.

It will be possible to "beat off" the costs at the expense of the clients. So, the commission of reputable recruitment agencies can reach up to 25% of the annual fund wages hired specialist. With well-organized business processes, the recruiting agency pays off within the first year of operation.

We open a recruiting agency from scratch step by step

When opening a recruiting agency, an entrepreneur needs to go through several stages:

  • Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC
  • It is better to rent a room with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 20-30 m2, in a place with high traffic and parking
  • Buy equipment and furniture
  • Pay for access to specialized Internet sites
  • Create your own website
  • Hire staff - people with specialized education, experience, self-confidence

In addition, a recruiting agency will need a package of internal documents to work - several types of reporting and contracts.

Basic documents of the recruiting agency:

  • The contract for the provision of services for the selection of personnel. It must contain all the conditions for the agency's interaction with the customer, including confidentiality issues
  • Selection application. In it, the customer specifies the requirements for the candidate and working conditions
  • Applicant's questionnaire. It will be needed if the applicant does not have a resume
  • Recruiters reporting forms. Needed to regulate the work of HR managers working in your agency
  • Management reporting - by vacancies, finance (losses and profits), advertising costs, etc.
  • Labor contract and job description recruiting manager
  • Conclusion on the results of the interview - to report to the customer on each candidate: liked / disliked the applicant and why
  • Resume standard - so that all resumes that you send to the customer are executed in corporate identity your agency

When all the formalities are met, start looking for the first customers.

Where can a recruiting agency look for employers?

To be known about you, you need conduct advertising campaign ... Inform about yourself on all popular Internet resources of the city, order several banners, make business cards to leave them to potential customers.

pay attention to newly opened organizations... New companies may need the services of a recruiting agency.

Meet. Attend all profile events and make contacts among company recruiters. Some of them may bring you more than one client.

Study the market. Make up list of organizationswith whom you want to cooperate. Make up for each individual offer... Then make an appointment with the leaders of the organizations and try to establish yourself with better side... Leave a good impression of yourself, and sooner or later the client will come to you.

Opening a recruiting agency is great idea for small businesses. Be active and competently build business processes - then success will not keep you waiting.

Why is a recruitment agency attractive to new entrepreneurs as a business? There are two main reasons: small start-up investments and weak legal control over the activities of recruiting agencies.

Here we will consider information on how to open a recruitment agency, a business plan for opening it and what is needed for this.

Who is the client of such agencies

Clients of recruiting agencies are companies that, for one reason or another, do not want to independently engage in the search and selection of employees.

Such reasons may include:

  • The need to maintain your own staff of HR managers.
  • The presence of a large number of related hassles, such as reviewing resumes, communicating with all callers and incoming candidates, selecting the best of them, etc.
  • The need for additional investments, because access to specialized Internet resources is often paid.
  • Low speed of finding the right employee. At the same time, the mechanism of work in recruiting agencies is debugged, and the selection is carried out faster and more efficiently. In addition, recruiting firms have an extensive base of applicants, which greatly speeds up the search for the right employee.

Business plan

Here is the most detailed ready example business plan of a recruiting agency with all possible and impossible calculations. Do not forget that all numbers are conditional, because in each case, they will be completely different, because they differ from city to city.

Please note that this type of business requires very little investment, which makes it even more attractive to you. In addition, in many cities there is still a lack of those or the low professionalism of those who already have, so there will be plenty of work for you.

How to open a recruiting agency

The scheme of work of a recruiting agency is quite simple. The employing company submits an application for the search for an employee, which specifies the requirements for the candidate and the terms of the order. The recruiting agency starts a database search or - in the absence of the required number of suitable applicants - advertises the vacancy. Applicants who, in the opinion of the managers of the recruiting agency, to a greater extent meet the requirements, are sent for an interview to the customer-employer. If the applicant is given a place in the company, a fee is deducted to the recruiting agency.

List of recruiting agency services

The standard list of services of a recruiting agency includes:

  • Search and selection of applicants for the position... The price of the issue is at least 7-9% of annual income, if we are talking about a skilled worker, and at least 10-15% for a top manager.
  • Drafting a screening resume... Simple and cheap option. In essence, it is a mechanical selection of applicants from a database according to specified criteria (gender, age, education, work experience, etc.). Moreover, neither personal qualitiesnor the motivation of the candidate is considered.
  • Organization of trainings and refresher courses... An optional service that recruitment agencies introduce in the later stages of their existence.

Types of agencies

The presence of high competition in the field forces us to specialize. As a result, recruiting agencies are divided into:

  • Recruiting... The fee for such recruiting agencies is 10-20% of annual income, depending on the degree of complexity of the search and its urgency. You can narrow your specialization to providing services to employers from a specific business area. For example, work only with service customers, or plant managers, or foreign companies, etc.
  • Specialized... They are engaged in the selection of employees of a certain profile. Some are looking for domestic help, others for cooks, and others for builders. However, the head of such a recruiting agency cannot do without special knowledge on the selection of candidates.
  • Headhunting (from eng. "head-hunting" - "head hunting"). This is a special, elite type of recruiting agency. It is on their shoulders to attract top-class specialists to the customer company, whose number in society is always limited. To successfully complete the task, headhunters have to go to unthinkable tricks, but one such closed application means a couple of months of comfortable existence.

Location of interviews

It should be comfortable for the job seeker and instill confidence in the recruiting agency. Sometimes the general positive impressions of the company can remain even after a simple cup of coffee, which the manager offered with a smile. And the transport accessibility of the office directly depends on its traffic and, accordingly, profitability.

Politeness as a professional quality

The refusal should be communicated to the applicant as politely as possible. If this good specialist, they will certainly be interested in other customers, so it is very important to maintain mutual respect.

Starting a HR business: advantages

  • Low initial investment. At first, you can even work at home, you would have access to specialized Internet resources, such as and, and a room for interviews. Of course, advertising and having your own website play an important role.
  • It is not required to obtain a license - registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is enough.
  • Special knowledge is not required to be successful (with the exception of specialized recruiting agencies).

Possible difficulties

  • Sometimes the terms of contracts between the applicant agency and the employing agency are not respected.
  • The employer may well shirk the repayment. For example, take the proposed employee to probation and dismiss. And then again call to work, but bypassing the recruiting agency.
  • Candidates do not always provide truthful information about themselves. And if managers fail to recognize the catch in time, the employer has problems with the employee, and he remains dissatisfied with the work of the recruiting agency.
  • The employer himself may be a trick. Then claims will fall from the candidate.

We have considered the question of how to open a recruitment agency. We hope this information will help you in this business.

Human resources are a decisive factor for the operation of any enterprise, and most managers are aware of this. Therefore, recruiting agencies specializing in the search and selection of personnel are becoming increasingly popular. This business does not require large investments, but requires certain skills and knowledge. Consider how to open a recruiting agency.

Recruitment agency format

Recruitment agencies are the link between employers and their potential employees. There are two main formats for recruiting agencies.

  • The recruiting agency is engaged in the search and selection of personnel for employers.
  • The employment agency helps job seekers find and get suitable work.

Some agencies combine both of these functions.

It would seem: why do you need a recruiting agency, because the employer himself can advertise in the media and select the right candidate. But it's not that simple.

Firstly, a large number of applicants usually respond to an advertisement for a good job, a significant part of whom are not suitable for this job, for one reason or another. Not every employer wants to engage in a long and complex selection process or hire a permanent employee for this purpose. Easier and cheaper, if such a need arises, contact a recruiting agency.

Secondly, if an employer needs a highly qualified specialist in a rare specialty, it is almost impossible to find such a person by ad. And a recruiting agency can find him through their channels.

The same applies to job seekers. Of course, they can also respond to advertisements in the media themselves, send resumes, visit the personnel departments of potential employers and look for work through other channels. But the process is long and not always effective. A good recruiting agency with an extensive database can do this much faster and more efficiently.

State registration of an enterprise

A recruiting agency is possible, either. For a small agency with one owner, the form of an individual entrepreneur will be more convenient, for a larger agency with several owners (co-founders) - LLC.

You can choose the form of taxation that you consider the most attractive. According to the recommendations of lawyers, and the option when the tax is paid from the net profit.

Initial business investment

All you need to get your recruiting agency to work is to register a company and find an office. You do not need a large room, an office consisting of one or two rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b15 - 40 sq.m. is enough. It is desirable that the office is located in a place with high traffic, preferably in the city center. Nice to have parking next to it.

Let's make an approximate estimate of the initial costs:

  • Registration of an enterprise with authorities and obtaining permits - 5,000 rubles.
  • The cost of renting an office per month is 20,000.
  • Equipment for work (computer, telephone, fax, printer) - 50,000.
  • The salary of the agency's employees for the first month is 60,000.
  • Transportation costs - 5,000.
  • Total - 170,000 rubles.

These costs may differ from yours. As an example, we took a small agency that leases a space of 15 square meters and operates in a city with a population of 300 thousand people.

Recruitment agency income

Income is made up of the percentage paid to the agency by clients. If the agency selects the right specialist for the company, the company pays the agency from 5 to 20% of the annual salary of the found specialist.

Let's give an example. Customer - construction company... She needs chief Engineer project. Requirements: age from 35 to 45 years old, higher education relevant profile, experience in construction for at least 10 years, and there must be at least one completed project similar to the customer's project. The customer offers the job seeker a salary of 100,000 rubles per month. If your agency finds a suitable candidate, it will receive 10% of 1,200,000 - the specialist's annual income, that is, 120,000 rubles.

When an agency is looking for a job and helping a job seeker find a job, it usually receives remuneration from him in the amount of a monthly salary.

Traditionally it is believed that this type of business, with its successful and productive work, has a very high return on investment. According to some calculations - from three months to six months.

Agency staff

First of all, you will need recruiting managers. For this position, you need to take people with experience and appropriate education, active, sociable, persistent and self-confident. Your income will depend on their professional abilities.

In addition, you will need an accountant to keep records. It is better to hire a freelance for this position.

The system administrator is also a necessary employee who will ensure the flawless operation of your computer databases.

You may need an office manager for a permanent presence in the office and communicating with clients on the phone and in person.

Database creation

The database is the main tool in the work of a recruiting agency, both a recruiting and an employment agency. Experienced HR professionals believe that it takes at least two years of work to create a large, branched and efficient database. Therefore, it is best to start thinking about creating a database even before opening a recruiting agency.

It makes no sense to open a recruiting agency as a business "empty-handed" without experience, connections, best practices and contacts. In this case, the business will be unprofitable. If you are planning to open a recruiting agency, but do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits work, then it is vital for you to find good employees with their connections and best practices, who will become the basis of your database.

There is another option - buying a database. Employment people with a working database can sometimes put it up for sale. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Interaction with the employer

The first stage is finding a customer. It is necessary to find out which enterprises need qualified specialists and offer them cooperation. Work begins with the conclusion of a contract. Then you need to draw up a questionnaire to find the required employees.

The application must be as detailed as possible and include:

  • Qualification of the applicant.
  • Education.
  • Experience.
  • Personal qualities.
  • Age.
  • Preferred gender.
  • Additional requirements and wishes.

Usually the application is drawn up by the manager of the recruiting agency after a preliminary conversation with the customer. Then it is presented to the customer, if necessary, adjustments are made, the future remuneration for the agency and the time frame for which the recruiting agency must find the applicant are determined. Additionally, such points are stipulated as: the resume of how many candidates the customer is ready to consider personally, when, where and by whom the interview with the selected applicants for the position will be conducted.

  • Through ads in the media. The agency advertises, then filters applicants, first by phone, then in person.
  • Direct search. They are looking for candidates at enterprises similar to the customer's. And they offer them a big salary and better conditions. This is called headhunting or headhunting. This method is usually used when looking for rare specialists or highly qualified specialists.
  • Search among graduates of higher educational institutions and refresher courses.
  • Own database, links and channels.
  • In specialized Internet communities.
  • Interaction with the applicant

In this case, customers come to the agency themselves, but in order for them to find out about the agency, it is necessary to advertise in the media and other sources.

The scheme of work with applicants is as follows:

  1. The customer comes to the agency, explains where he would like to work and what salary to receive.
  2. The agency manager helps to write a resume and asks to fill out a detailed questionnaire.
  3. Next, the manager gives a rough estimate of the possible and real salary that he can apply for.
  4. The next stage is finding an employer and submitting to him a resume and an applicant's questionnaire.
  5. The last step is to interview the applicant with several potential employers and get a job.

The paradox of today's labor market is that, on the one hand, in many regions there is unemployment, redundancy of specialists in certain areas, and, on the other hand, there is a shortage of qualified work force... This happens because the employee simply does not correspond to the place of his work. It is the recruiting agency that is designed to effectively select personnel, ultimately satisfying the employer's requests and the interests of the employee.

What in a recruiting agency, as a business, attracts newcomers: firstly, it is a low-budget start, secondly, relatively weak legal control, and, thirdly, the seeming simplicity of earning money. In fact, while the first two statements are fairly valid, the third is completely wrong. Income from this type of business is unstable, moreover, it comes with a delay. The search for personnel can be carried out for weeks, but they will pay for high-quality selection a little later, after employment, or even a trial period.

In addition, the recruiting agency is multifaceted, it can perform a number of functions. Often this is a field for scammers who are engaged in the resale of vacancies several times, or distribute generally non-existent or outdated vacancies, or at worst are engaged in absolutely illegal actions. But with such a reputation you won't go far, so let's look at how to organize the right recruiting agency.

Before we start

A recruiting agency can specialize in certain types of activities.

Employment agency. The main task is to select an extensive database of vacancies. Income consists of paying applicants for the information provided: either for a few specific vacancies, or full access to the database for a while. Payment is withdrawn either before the provision of services or after employment. In the second case, the agency takes a certain risk.

Recruiting agency. Carries out targeted recruitment for specific employer requests. It works for the result, since the fee is paid only after the employee is registered. In addition, in this case, employers often pay in the amount of 10-20% of the annual salary. A narrow area of \u200b\u200bactivity of a recruiting agency may be specialization in certain industries. In this case, the manager has certain specific knowledge, and can better select personnel of a narrow profile. They also include recruitment agencies for work abroad.

Headhunting agency is the aerobatics of recruiting. His circle of interests includes only high-class specialists, whose number is very limited. For this, the agency uses various methods, including enticing already employed specialists.

You can expand the scope of your activity by combining several areas in one recruiting agency, or open a deeply specialized agency and become the best in your field.

Main risks: it is very difficult to "promote" the business. It takes a lot of time to create a database of vacancies and applicants. Failure to comply with the terms of the contract is possible both on the part of employers and job seekers. Both parties do not always provide truthful information, as a result, all claims are sent to the recruiting agency. In addition, they often try to evade paying for the agency's services.

"Step by step instructions on how to open a recruitment agency"


Office location in this business is very important. The more respectable you want to make, the better the location you choose. The courtyard is not the best location.

So, focus on a good transport interchange, the best location in the city center, for example, in a business center. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room itself can be small - 15-20 m2. But a pleasant environment should inspire confidence. It would be nice to divide it into 2 zones: a waiting room and an interview room.


The list of equipment is rather narrow: furniture, computers and office equipment. If you have chosen a certain corporate style for yourself, then you need to make the appropriate repairs and purchase furniture in a suitable color scheme. Make sure the client is comfortable. Be sure to purchase a cooler, a coffee maker, so that you can always offer a cup of tea or coffee.

We can say that the main tool of work for a recruiter is data. Therefore, you will initially have to invest in the right to access closed employment databases, create your own, protected database. In addition, develop a questionnaire for candidates, they must be unique specifically for your agency. Additionally, a psychologist can order a test to identify certain abilities of the candidate, his ulterior motives and characteristics.

You must have the latest information about business environment cities, salary levels, labor market conditions, the latest requirements for key specialists for your agency. Developed trainings, refresher courses can become your intellectual property, but, as a rule, already developed recruitment agencies are engaged in such activities.


You can become the main employee of your agency. In the most minimal set, you will need a secretary who will receive and make calls, search for information on the Internet, and replenish your database. You can also conduct a direct interview.

In the second phase, you will most likely want to expand your business and hire a good recruiter. This should be a specialist who will understand the legal framework in the world of work, have skills in personnel management and, of course, be able to balance between the requirements of employers and applicants. In the future, a psychologist can be invited to the staff, who will draw up individual questionnaires for each employer's request, conduct testing of some personnel (whose work, for example, is related to high level nervous tension).

The earnings of hiring managers are usually related to the number of transactions made and range from 10 to 30% of the fee. In the first couples, an accountant, a system administrator can be invited.

Documents and licenses

This type of activity does not require a license, registration takes place in general orderlike an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But at the initial stage, it is not recommended to draw up a legal entity, for this you will have to spend money on the state duty upon opening it, issue an appropriate account / s at the bank, make a contribution of 50% of the authorized capital and pay a number of additional taxes. IP in this sense is much simpler.

Take care, however, about the legally high-quality execution of the cooperation agreement. It is necessary to register in it all the nuances, responsibilities and rights of the parties, which will warn you against problems during work.


The employer must be approached from the side of specialized magazines, outdoor advertising and direct appeal. It means direct calls to companies and enterprises of the city offering their services. This can take a lot of time and effort, but in small towns it gives good results.

Fit contextual advertising and teasers on job sites, as well as universities, training and retraining centers. After developing a certain portfolio, you need to open your own website, where both employers and applicants can submit applications online, fill out a questionnaire or make an appointment with a recruiter.


At the initial stage, a recruiting agency requires such investments in rubles:

Furniture and equipment - 80-100 thous.
-Repair - 200 thousand.
-Internet, telephone and software - 20-45 thousand
-Rent of premises and utility bills –15-25 thous.
-Advertising - 4-6 thousand
-Additional waste - 5 thousand.
-Registration - 40 thousand

The agency's income depends on the salary of the specialists you are recruiting. You can count on profit only for 2-3 months of work. Closing several applications at the initial stage will bring no more than 60 thousand rubles. A small agency, after "getting on its feet", brings in 100-200 thousand rubles a month. Thus, the payback is predicted by specialists in about 3-4 years, since the profitability of the activity is low - 10-20%.

Opening a recruiting agency is not difficult and costly. If you wish, you can start to conduct it even from your own apartment. Drawing up a business plan with a preliminary detailed market analysis will reveal all the benefits and risks of this project.

Labor market analysis

Recruitment agencies are intermediaries between the employee and the employer. There can be many options for work, but there are only two main ones:

  • An employee asks you for help in finding a job;
  • You are looking for an employee for an employer.

At the initial stage of starting a business, engage in both activities. To understand which type of agency is best suited for this type of activity, it is worth conducting a market analysis.

It makes sense to open a recruiting agency in a city that has a sufficient number of residents and businesses. In small towns, as a rule, people make do with the recommendations of relatives and friends when applying for a job, besides, the employment service provides the necessary assistance. The larger the city, the easier it will be to develop - there are more applicants and employers, and it is impossible to track all vacancies.

Choice of agency activities

After analyzing the market and competitors, you can choose the main direction of your agency at your discretion. Of course, several activities can be combined.

Work with job seekers - job placement by request

In this case, a job is selected for the applied specialist. In addition to direct employment, you can offer interview preparation services, help with resume writing. More often than not, the employment process does not occur after visiting one employer. In this case, if the candidate has paid a certain amount, he is offered other options for his employment. If the candidate goes to a certain position, then the contract states that payment for employment will be made after the payment of his salary. Typically, these workers are valuable professionals with high pay levels.

Working with employers - selecting the right employees

The employer sends an application to find the specialist he needs. Such an application contains all the requirements for a candidate - education, work experience, seniority, etc. If the agency has a suitable candidate in its database, then it calls him for an interview, after which he sends him to the employer. If not, advertisements are given in the media, on Internet sites, television.

Payment here can be done in different ways. Best option - to conclude an agreement with the company that submitted an application for the selection of an employee. Employers are reluctant to do this, but it still happens. In this case, upon finding a specialist, the company will pay you the amount stipulated in the contract. This could be a percentage of his salary or a specific amount. It is very important to draw up a contract correctly, in which all these conditions will be spelled out, signed by both parties and a seal.

Mass employment

The application is made for the whole team of employees. This is practiced when the regions include "networkers", that is, enterprises whose headquarters are located in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and others. These applications are very beneficial. To participate in such a project, you need to be sufficiently famous in your city, have an impeccable reputation, as well as a staff that can cope with such a task.

Creation of a customer base

You should start building lists of potential customers even before registration in order to get into work faster. You can form such a base from your own home. If you worked before starting your business in the HR department or HR department, this process will go faster for you. As a rule, the former "personnel officers" already have potential clients, and there are connections with colleagues from other enterprises. You can take to work former employee personnel department.