Essay "Simple joys of life" by Vlasenko Kristina. Essay on the topic: "The joy of what I am glad about essay

I had a dream to become a teacher since childhood. For me, school is a creative world where each lesson is unique, it is an endless road to myself, to the world of knowledge. Who will we meet on our way? Who will give a helping hand? How not to give up your opinion, be free and open?

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

A wise teacher will be able to understand and support his pupils when they make choices in life. It is important for everyone to believe in themselves, to find a calling.

When I enter the classroom and begin the lesson, I gaze intently into the eyes of the children. How different they are! Everyone has their own thoughts, ideas, a world that cannot be destroyed, and everyone needs to be helped to open up, to see a ray in everyone, to develop their own route of success. I understand that the future of this depends on me little man... I am glad when my students become laureates of the All-Russian and regional competitions, take part in holidays and projects, are carried away by the undertakings and aspirations proposed by me, they themselves plan and propose their ideas that I want to bring to life.

The main thing for a teacher is to be himself, an example for everyone. It is nice when students understand and perceive the teacher as a talented, patient, interesting and versatile person. To understand a student, you need to imagine yourself in his place, you need to try to think and think in the same way as he does. How difficult it is, but necessary. Life is endless knowledge.

Many guys are afraid and doubt their abilities - it is at this moment that they need teacher support and attention most of all. The opportunity to believe in yourself is so necessary! What happiness is to see the eyes of a child who has received recognition and approval, even the smallest success is already a victory! I see my students, their smiles, a desire to comprehend new and unexplored and I understand that everything is not in vain, each of us goes to the intended goal. There are moments that it seems that nothing works out for me, and my hands give up, I am tormented by doubts ... Then I begin to understand that I have no right to quit everything, quit right now, when we are together, and I start looking for a key way out in order to involve everyone in a common cause. None of my guys should be left alone! Found, invented, and again they are united by one goal. A sparkle in the eyes of a child, an interested, joyful look, a smile from kind and encouraging words spoken in time. And now the long-awaited moment of the fulfillment of one dream for all. The minutes of depression pass, all that remains is the desire to live and work, to find something new and interesting so that everyone is happy, and I understand that my torments were not in vain.

It is good to have children, parents and colleagues willing to study. It inspires and pleases. I feel joy when I meet former students, and they tell what has changed in their life, what they read, what they are interested in and admit that they re-read the works that they studied, and they like it and perceive everything differently. This means that my lessons were not in vain, reading the works of Turgenev, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Gogol and Dostoevsky helped them in solving the problem that arose before them. My students are eagerly awaiting lessons to reflect on the fate of heroes, new interesting ideas, creative projectspreparing for the holidays. I watch small victories with great interest and learn a lot from my guys.

I really want to teach children to write and speak correctly, leave a mark in their souls, give them the need to think, argue, defend their point of view. Teach them what others will not teach. Show what opportunities are open to them. To help determine in life, talk with them about what worries them the most at their age. And my specialty as a language teacher gives me such an opportunity, giving examples from classical Russian literature. Where, if not in literature lessons, can we talk about eternal values: benevolence, decency, mercy, nobility, betrayal, lies? I have wonderful assistants - the best heroes of world literature.

Coming home, I often recall the words of Konstantin Kushner: “Another pedagogical load can only be compared with space overloads ”. Yes, sometimes there is no strength after you have done seven lessons, but while checking the notebooks, you remember children who expect something new and interesting from you, their words, cute faces, admiring stories, and you understand that everything you have done is it was not in vain. It immediately becomes easier: as if wings are growing behind your back, you want to continue to create and work.

I am proud that I have chosen the teaching profession!

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Cool! 2

To define the feeling of joy and explain it, in my opinion, is rather difficult. We feel the burden of everyday worries and responsibilities much more sharply, and experience sadness or sadness than small, everyday joys.

But one has only to stop and listen to oneself, as many facets of simple life joys open up.

Feeling like joy, a natural part of human life. After all, moments of joy are different. They are simple, such that our body and its sensations bring. For example, the joy of eating ice cream on a hot day or a piece of delicious cake at a holiday. Pleasant tiredness after jogging in the park, playing football, as well as the joy of the gentle sunbeams on your cheek and the scent of lilac blossoming in the garden. A simple pleasure from a sweet morning sleep on a weekend, when there is no need to rush anywhere, and only the soft paw of your cat and the smell of freshly baked grandma's pies will wake you up.

But huge place in our perception of the world, spiritual joys are occupied, those that relate to our feelings and thoughts. These pleasures are more complex and much deeper. Reading an exciting story or novel will make you feel a pleasant itch of desire for a long time, quickly find out how the events in the book will end. Conversation with best friends will give a feeling of lightness and joyful elation, and mutual love will make life sparkle with new colors.

I would like to say that everyone feels the feeling of joy in their own way. Someone will find exquisite delicacies, the purchase of a fashionable jacket or the latest phone model, the highest happiness, while others will be happy to achieve another record in a sports competition or help homeless animals. But if in the first case, the joy of owning a thing will be short-lived and very soon the new thing will cease to give pleasure, then in the second case, the feeling of satisfaction with the result achieved or the good deed done will accompany the person for a long time, filling life with new meaning.

Emotions caused by joy and happiness are a necessary human need; without them, a person fades away and loses interest in life. That is why, to deny yourself even small simple joys is rather stupid. The main thing is to be able to distinguish between simple pleasures, from low and primitive ones, such as feelings of envy, passion for expensive things or gluttony.

You need to enjoy life and be in a constant search for new and worthy sources of joy. Indeed, many remain at the level of perception of simple, physical pleasures, completely forgetting about the joys of a much higher order.

How many new pleasant sensations can you get from an ordinary trip to new, unknown places, cycling or swimming in the lake? And what a feeling of joy will be given by flower beds and young shrubs planted with your own hands! On the very wasteland, which for many years spoiled the abandoned courtyard with its appearance. How much satisfaction will a home-cooked dinner for the whole family give! These joys make us better, allow us to develop and rise above simple instincts.

Learn to rejoice and rejoice correctly and deeply. Then your life will certainly become brighter, more diverse and much fuller!

Cool! 4

I try to be responsive, kind and positive person! My parents help me to become like that, I love them very much. Mom and Dad from childhood taught me to look for good in everything that happens in life.

All people enjoy different things and events. Someone is happy when they do what they love, someone loves to help. Holiday or not, there are many reasons for joy in life. For me, the most important reason to rejoice is my family.

My family is friendly. We go for a walk together almost every weekend. We were in bowling and circus, in the park and in the pool, went karting and horseback riding. But most often we visit the cinema - this is our favorite place recreation. After watching a movie, everyone usually shares their impressions of it, recalling the most exciting moments.

First, read all 6 essays and choose the most interesting. Do not rush!

I also just love to travel with my parents to nature. The first thing Dad and I always do is unload the bags from the car. Then my mother and I prepare something for us to have a snack, so that we have enough strength for a walk. What I like most about these trips is that you can admire the beautiful river and forest. At such moments, I understand that being with my family is so great. This is what gives me great joy!

I also love to go to my grandparents at the dacha! Grandma, when we arrive, bakes delicious pies. And with my grandfather we always go to the local swamp to catch frogs or ride bicycles. There is a swing in the yard, which my grandfather made for me. I really like them, even though I am already quite big. In spring and summer, I often help my grandparents to work in the garden. Together we plant my favorite vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and zucchini. And from berries, I love strawberries, so we always have a lot of them in our garden. It doesn't matter what time of year and what the weather is, it is always good at the dacha. Outside the city, the air is cleaner and the sky seems deeper ... Sometimes at night we gaze at the starry sky and think about something, each about his own. On a clear night, the Milky Way is even visible, and the North Star stands out.

If suddenly we cannot go somewhere to have fun with the whole family, then we find many interesting things to do at home. Each of us has our own hobby. Mom is fond of reading books. She even has her own library, albeit small! Our dad is a jack of all trades. He is very pleased to make our house more cozy and comfortable in his free time from work. Incidentally, I help him a lot in this. And my favorite pastime is sports. I dream of becoming a professional athlete.

You can still talk a lot about what brings joy in my life, but then this composition will be endless! I hope that many people know how to enjoy something in life, or at least try to do it more often.

Even more compositions on the topic: "Joy":

Joy is an emotion of great happiness. That is, we can say that happiness and joy are one and the same.

I believe that joy as such to be in real world can not. A person who considers himself happy is the person who should not have any problems. Which person has no problems? This doesn't happen.

We all often hear such words: "I am happy" or "This is the happiest day of my life!" So what? These are just words ... Saying such phrases, a person does not understand that something bad can happen to him on the same day or better than that what has already happened. And in general there is no day in life when a person would not have problems.

Joy is never long, it lasts a maximum of a minute, and then it becomes artificial. For example, a victory in a competition, a person rejoices for sixty seconds, and then he has only memories of that happy moment.

There are times when a person rejoices at insulting another, but then worries begin, it is impossible to sleep peacefully, and the joy leaves.

Perhaps sometimes a person thinks that he is experiencing joy, but in fact he is experiencing feelings such as love, harmony or calmness.

Summing up, we can safely say that there can be no joy, since we do not live in a fairy tale, but in the real world.


Probably, each of us at least once thought about what makes him happy. Each person rejoices in his own way. And joy brings to everyone something of their own, something dear and unique. Then the question arises: "What is joy in general?"

Joy is the sweetest feeling of all human feelings. Joy creeps up so quietly, imperceptibly that it is simply impossible to catch its arrival. Joy doesn't last long. This is short happiness. You can only enjoy her moment.

A person can find joy in things that are familiar to us, such as the sunrise or the smile of a loved one. Joy can appear even when you know who to turn to for help. Joy, like a candle, can go out. But it is within man's power to light it up again. For example, I am glad that I had my birthday on January 10th. At first I waited for him for a long time, a whole year, and now I recall with joy how wonderful I had this day.

And the parents who, I know for sure, will not betray, support and will always be there, cause joy.

Simple joys: this is the first snow or a good mark. Some are happy with the good weather after bad weather. And for teachers, student success and well-executed homework great reason to rejoice.

Joy can come at any moment. You can be happy about or without reason. You just need to open your heart to joy in time.

Joy is a feeling that lifts your spirits, makes you smile and feel happy.

For each person, joy is something different. For mom and dad, this is a healthy and happy child. This is a new toy for a kid. For grandparents, this is the smile of a loved one. Joy is the feeling that all people on the planet want to experience. With a person who knows how to rejoice, it is easy to communicate and be friends.

People should give joy and good mood to each other, and then everyone around will be happy.