Statuses about my. Statuses about the fact that everything will be fine. Status bold to ourselves

The moment comes when you understand that in vain let someone in my life. You don't need this person, I just have no time to spend time.

Loneliness is not when you sit alone in the room, and no one calls, does not write ... This is when you forget about you, about whom you still think ... every second.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

I pretend that everything is fine. Dying from the inside.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Constantly remembering your past - it means to deliberately do with yourself.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Annoying in this deplorable situation that the rest is just wonderful! As if I was alone late for the distribution of happiness, and nothing left for my share ...

Ad! Lost the meaning of life. Please return for reward.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Each of us is devoted ... or someone, or someone ...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

It feels like someone's soul and forgot to remove it ...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

There are actions that can not be forgiven. There are words that can not be forgotten. There are moments after which people of the closest become nobody.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Today you needed me, but you did not go with me. Tomorrow you will need me, but I will not be with you.

There are actions that can not be forgiven. There are words that can not be forgotten. There are moments after which people of the closest becomes nobody ...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Sadness - the emotion of strong. For weak there is depression.

If a person has sad eyes, then he understands something in this life.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

We are so hard to find each other. And so just lose weight!

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

You need to cross out people from your life with a black marker, not a simple pencil, hoping that at any time you can find an eraser.

If you are sad, and the mood is not uploaded, and your favorite person will just come to you and with the words: "Everything will be fine, I'm with you" will hug - this is real happiness. If after his smile and warm words you get better, you are expensive to this person.

Happiness will come ... It only moves timidly and quietly turns through the threshold. And with his arrival everything will work out.

For someone, happiness is when there is no time to care for the farm in the VKontakte application, because you need to have time to answer numerous messages.

Happiness does not have the opportunity to come tomorrow, it does not know about yesterday. It does not look into the future and does not return to the past. It can come only now, only in this moment, so it is so important not to miss it.

Best status:
The soul becomes lighter when you see someone's smile, but not to describe the feeling when the smile is designed to you.

How good it happens, early in the morning to wake up, but a little later understand that today it is not necessary to get up early, and looked at warmer, continue to sleep. What is this happiness!

For happiness, something is enough, but every day different.

Happiness will be, I believe ... it will ... there is still a little bit and everything will be fine ...

Happiness is when you do not have time to pour a vegetable garden on the farm, because you are thrown by messages \u003d)

Happiness is when if you have a bad mood, it will be suitable, will trigger and say: "Everything will be fine." And then smile, and you get warmer on your soul.

Happiness has no tomorrow; He has no yesterday; It does not remember the past, does not think about the future; He has a real ... and that is not a day, but a moment.

what happiness will wake up, and without opening the eye to understand what you do not need anywhere, calmly roll over to the other side and sleep again.

sedna cleaned his teeth, and hurt a glass with a tooth brushes with a razor, but it caught all this) by the time it is not a little happiness ..)

If you are not like others, it does not mean that you are worse

Want to cry. Ring from happiness!

Happiness is to wake up on Monday, grab the alarm clock and realize that up to the lift for another two hours.

It's nice to see how a man smiles from happiness. It is pleasantly doubly when you are the reason for his smile.

Most happy man, This is the one who occurred in the past, would not change anything there.

We must be able to be happy every moment, and not to wait that happiness will come sometime later. Suddenly today is generally the best thing that was, is and will be in your life ...

Happy give eyes ...

Happy give eyes ...

Whatever to be happy is needed only one thing, only every day is new.

He is happiness ... And that's all ... I love it .... What if not in the winged phrases .... Just love .... Shot and distance ....

There are difficult places, but the other is not needed.

Happiness is when you talk about you well, and you are still alive.

And sometimes it's so I want to cuddle to your loved one, when it's so bad, you just have to say that she said "everything will be fine!" Let this phrase of tears add, but then everything will be fine, only because there is to whom

She did not sleep all night and silently peered into the darkness outside the window ... In his thoughts, all moments associated with him ... Understanding that everything is meaningless without him ...

He is ready for me to get up at dawn and go for a few kilometers to take me by car to the institute ... He is late for work and earns reprimands from the bosses, but does it again and again, not afraid to lose his job ... just he is afraid of losing me ...

In the past, there are so many things left ... and the relationship that was not valued. After all, I loved once - Him, all the rest of the only copies were.

I decided to pay on it ... I fell "worried about you" ... Wow, worried ... This is, I already walked my shoulders about him, and he turned inside a soul to me ...

Best status:
I have something to be rendered from each of you, because everyone is perfect more than me in something ...

I just just be near him, listen to his breath and see your favorite eyes ...

I have a desire to write here a few words for you, only such that you understand that I want to tell you ... But until I can formulate them correctly))

Sky, do not care !!! To live without him, not a mind ...

Gray Life ... Gray People ... Gray Sky ... Without Him

Do you know what the difference between me and you? .. In the fact that I am another for you, and you are the only one for me

Spring ... In the stomach runs goosebumps: or love, or diarrhea ...

autumn ... still warm ... and in his heart, there is no room for her

and for some reason, for some reason, always against my boyfriend ...

eee .. Stop ... He is busy with me ... The queue it was necessary !!

Again chatted with him until night. Goes away. Writes. Thank you. I ask. For what? It. For what is what it is. How not to love him?

He said that he loves !!! Not once! And she just knew that it was a children's love ...

What we experience when we are in love, perhaps there is a normal state. Love indicates a person how he should be.

I never jumped him and not jealous. Just sometimes there is a mad desire to launch something in it hardly

I will never forget how we were sitting on the steps in the entrance, you put my head on my knees and fell asleep with a smile on my face ... happiness ...

Love is a code from his mouth even the word "haw" sounds like a symphony of Bach

Love is when I want to touch, and love - when I don't want to let go ...

Nothing increases the attendance of lectures, like love in a one-launch ... ... or free Wi-Fi.

I want this to which I can call everything in tears in 3 nights, and he will answer and say "Where are you? ... I'll be!"

Everyone said that we are not a couple. And he took my hand and said: We are not a couple. We are one whole. And I shamefully sprinkled

I'm not aslee today, like you. We will just look at different ceilings.

You know, but I will not get bored. I know that I will not be with you, yes, I certainly hurt and all that. But but I know that you do not deceive me unlike her ...

Lovely - this is when I want to be happy with you ... Love is when I want to make you happy ...

We are in different streams of life, we never said and never thought about a relationship with each other ... And today he offered me to meet.

here you love him, you love ... and Poto Batz and new in class

My most native little man .. I will never let him go .. I will always forgive and help .. After all, I really appreciate you!

It is not difficult to fall in love - it's hard to forget the love that you considered only in love!

This love is always preceded by love and let in this state we lose your head, it is more important that in it we have a heart!

Love is a condition when you are next to a person, not noticing his shortcomings ...

This inlentibility quickly sweeps everything with a fire. And love is like a candle. It does not hurt from her, from her heat.)

It was not love, not blind adoration. Just, once having seen you, having heard minor words uttered by you, I felt that you were needed.

Self-ability - the worst quality that is characteristic of man.

Let us live very cool, so that I did not want to change your life! LOVE -OPOVOD FOR SOWLD ... Let's seduce each other!

Love is how to impose in pants: everyone see it, but only you feel this warm feeling.

First love ends exactly when you realize it.

or maybe not love and not love even, but just a habit with experience ...

In love - this is when the pins, sausage and plush

This is your fault that you confuse love with a whore love for a couple of months!

Everything happens not so simple. Strange love can last for a very long time.

Love is born inside-destroyed outside.

Here you think right now I will express everything! But besides the words, I love you ... You can not say anything!

- Love is when you do not notice the shortcomings. And love is when you appreciate the advantages.

Love for love is the same as childhood for life.

Lyubility is "I adore you ..." Love is "I appreciate and respect your opinion ..."

Not to all friends can be told about their in love! In some cases, love is tolerated as a viral infection)

Lovely is a strong feeling that is bad, and without him too ...

You know, something is not very good for me today. Dirt, cold. Geometry, algebra. My love in you. It has already proven.

Love accelerates all feelings - except for a sense of common sense ...

The girl's in love is expressed by the fact that she is constantly smiling, trying on his last name, and thinking what their beautiful kids will be. And the guys in order to impress her.

Love is cool (sympathy, in love, etc.) Stupidity to say that there is no love __ (

You know, I really loved you and do not care, whether you go to the army ... I will wait as much as you need ..

In love - this is when under the influence of an incentive of the hypothalamus ejects a powerful charge of endorphins ...

Lost - this is how to impose in pants: everyone see it, but only you feel it a warm feeling !!!

Unrequited love does not happen, unrequited only in love

And I want to be the girl he noticed and says - it is she

I read that love passes in 6-12 months. If you are in love for longer, then this is already love.

Love - the lethargy of the body of the HDD

Psychology has read ... I learned that love is a kind of mental disorder ... :) Well, I do a conclusion - hopelessly sick 😀

Love is the most continuing type of love.

Self love is when you are your snot, you consider a high art.

it happens in love, affection, necessity, sympathy ... so anything happens! And love ... love does not happen))

There is a concept of love and there is a concept of love ... do not be confused ... Love is happiness, love is pain ...

it's wrong to say "I fell in love" speak directly "I love" because love is fleeting, but love for a long time.

And I'm almost happy. From him there were only rare joint photos and the habit of talking with his intonation

He loves you. Meet, baby. Be happy, be loved. But do not love. Do not confuse love and love, it's so many different things ...

Oh, love! I'm so dreaming to be the same as you! - delightedly repeated love. You are much stronger than me.

[What we experience when we are in love, perhaps there is our normal state. Love indicates a person how he should be]

Here it is - love! Drink boiled water instead of tea and not even noticing ... MDAAA 😀

- Love is when you do not notice the shortcomings. And love is when you appreciate these shortcomings!

To learn a man to treason, enough to marry him

Lost 99%. Excellent, it means after all the 1% of the brains remained!

Someone wants to fall in love ... But remember you can fall in love with unrequited .. and then problems will begin .. it is not so beautiful as it seems to many ...

Every time I see "My messages (1)" ... I dream that this message is from you! Instead of persons - avatars.

Love says: "I love you, so I need you," and love: "I need you, so I love you." Eric Fromm.

Just there is love, but there is love ... Distance and time interfere with love, and love can not interfere with anything! (from)

He calls me a little fool ... with his little fool ... probably love ... And maybe just love ...

Spill love and love do not determine in the same thing, please love and fall in love ..

It turns out everything is enough just friendship, love, love ...

You do not hear me, you have pink glasses in your eyes, and in the ears headphones! - It is called love!

Love is a desire to enjoy the moments of happiness together, and love is to combine two fate together ...

i do not know if it is possible to catch a moment when love begins. Not some kind of love there, but love.

No love. There are sympathy, love and then habit. And love? love does not exist.

very strong attachment, love ... hurts ...

Love is when you talk on the phone longer than talking ...

Lyubility feeling that tickles you from the inside when you think about it ...

nothing .. You say that he has been in the Maldives, she will love him.

you can only love once, the rest-love ...

Love is the charm of the great possibilities of real love.

Love this is a non-permanent feeling! Sometimes you need to contact the dictionary! (from)

Love is when you do not notice the shortcomings. Love is when you appreciate the advantages.

Do you know what the difference between you and blood? Blood falls into the heart and comes out of it .. And you got there and stayed ...

Perhaps God wants us to meet not those people before we meet that single person. To, when it happens, we were grateful

... Love is when "friends will wait." Love is when "we have common friends" ...

In love and alcohol-one and also: first - well; then - for a long time.

Damn, in my my familiar state - this is love :) Without it, I'm just another person :)

Girls, do not confuse love with love.

When you communicate with a pleasant guy, what color difference is Bentley!

Love indicates a person how he should be ...

Love passes, love - never !!!

Light love is the same absurd as a light pregnancy.

Dopamine is a substance that defines love. Its excess can lead to exhaustion, arrhythmias, tachycardia, hunger, insomnia or madness.

Nothing paints a woman as love ...

Let us live cool that I didn't want to change the love of love for the temptation, let's seduce each other ??? \u003d ***

Dopamine is a substance that defines love. Its excess can lead to exhaustion, arrhythmias, tachycardia, hunger, insomnia or madness ...]

It will not hurt ... Only a step ... below everything will end so fast ... take into account love is a fact ... who loves the suicide ...

Love is only mutual, and everything else is just love

- Put me, please, in the list of invisible. - What for?? - I can not look at this heart opposite your nickname.

Lyubility is when everywhere I will have only it siltens / name / nickname / surname .. ©

Lyubility is when you talk longer by phone than talking ...

The most beautiful in life-nonsense, and the most beautiful nonsense ...

If you love a person, and he is now far away, he will always be a sideproof in your heart. But if a person who is indifferent to you is near, then he will always be somewhere far away.

Previously, called his beloved sun, and now just bitch. It's a shame and hurts it. To hell with such love.

If your eyes are filled with happiness and love trees, love, do not feel free to this magical feeling, suddenly he is insanely in love.

Just begin to run from love, as it will cover and absorbs you completely and you will no longer get anywhere.

Best status:
- Do you have love? - No, damn, sms, which I read every day at night!

For the painful pain, now one and tears will not help you return me. Love had to appreciate.

Again, I start to feel happiness, but I am afraid to plunge into it with your head, because in the last parting it was unbearably painful and lonely.

i want to burst into your nose in the neck and sleep ... long for a long time ...

Very many guys with their behavior and actions are always yelling "I am the most mudilory asshole in all wiseship!"

I want this to which I can call everything in tears in 3 nights, and he will answer and say "Where are you? ... I'll be!"

so it is not a narcissist, not an egoist and so on ... who can sacrifice for his beloved now called a rag?!

We are in different streams of life, we never said and never thought about a relationship with each other ... And today he offered me to meet.

every day I scan your photo.

boys boys ... and learn something will

Men love modest girls who have a fire of passions in the eyes

nOT. Of course good, but I will not give you. (from)

I remember that day when I got sick with you. And the medicine from this has not yet found ... statuses about it.

walk, walk ... only the hat

Eyes in the eyes I smiled happiness.

You asked what are you silent ...

and on my "went out" he takes and kisses. - Status love

hah .. what are you freak !!! Yes, you dressed nishtyak, your perfume is a fashionable brand, you read rap, your body causes sighs from high school students, and you have a super appearance in general .. but you are still an ordinary goat!

you need me in the internal ... every day ... so that I could live

baby, he has long been busy ... Another.

I am ready to fight for you to the last breath, look, kiss, the last knock of the heart ..

nothing .. You say that he has been in the Maldives, she will love him.

that, your new girl will be very indignant from the fact that you lie down 3 spoons of sugar in tea, as I loved.

he calls you, and you think of your speech of your conversation ...

on the street, snow, ice, cold ... and only he warms you with his palm

remember once and forever, I'm only with you, I'm only yours - the statuses of loved

We are far from each other ... It's hard ... But we are strong with you, you will bend this year and will be together again! The happiest! I love you and really look forward to from this grabbed army!

maybe I fell in love, but I will not be silent!

nafig with their butterflies, people in people inside, not insects.

She will wait you, and you fuck.

arnie, if a girl in the morning sent you a SCR "Cute You're Best", which means that at night she compared you with someone.

pray, goat so I returned.

he is the one who I will cook coffee in the morning

mall is the aroma of perfume. Feel your nose, once, bitch, you can not (c)

you, bitch, remember me, when you look into her eyes.

and instead of a teddy bear, you hug your loved one. We have a lot. ©

and the girl is no longer yours.

so I want to write a phrase here, after reading which you could understand everything)) But I don't know such words yet

Do you know why I got sick with you? Yes, because you yourself are sick!

and they are unnecessary to me the tracks for me, flowers, gifts and so on. I need you .. and that's enough.

The month hinted her beloved that I want a breakfast day in bed (well, there is coffee, croutons, omelet) Well, of course, the flowers ... And he prepared me buckwheat soup and with the words "Zaya, I'm sorry, but the roasted burned" handed a vase from the window sill ... Love fool such ©

and when meeting a native eye, I lower my and go further.

So gently and gently kiss ... so that you are to goosers

yes, I love you ... But I hurt me like that bitch builds you eyes - the statuses about it. Status beloved guy.

Cute, you will not meet with your chic principles. They don't like you, I love you!

I want you to be mine! You, I'm singing to the Black Mother ... ..

zadolbali these saliva "I love the very at the very while ...". "

Who is the first to admit to his love, he got.

Everything is possible besides "us with you"

[Glitter sweat. Fire went out. It's a shame. But not the first time. In the soul suddenly became empty. Everything is simple. So feel feelings.]

after you, so many memories ...

I, as they say a little. Statuses about him. Status beloved guy.

Look at his eyes and see hearts in them

I love the serge! I will not say that he is the best that he is ideal. He is just like that one, like all others. We are all different. Although everyone speaks each other "All girls are the same, all guys are the same." So what do you change your soul mate?

feel your breath how to breathe

i love you, but I will not give you))

Hold on .. only hold on, baby.

Do not waste your words on those who do not hear them, not worthy of a worthy insidious. On those who are smoothly breathing next to you, whose heart does not hurt with your pain.

my nervous cells will not suffer your pressure.

I will never forget how we were sitting on the steps in the entrance, you put my head on my knees and fell asleep with a smile on my face ... happiness ...

You can no longer look after me, as when I looked at the lowered eyes, and you can no longer look for my light, do not listen to the words addressed to your friend, you can forget that I still love you, but how quickly the roles change ...

Ol .. Let's honestly .. I'll wait for you in vain? - statuses about him. Status beloved guy.

bringing me to the state of uncertainty, delicate misbept, attachment to the eternal

Guys like a tram, left - the next

you must be with me because I so want

and at night I will again be bothered in a taste with your smell

that's so. They walked. Powered. Personalized. Statuses about him. Status beloved guy.

and now you have already suffered .. he brought you again to the tears ... I tell me yourself that send him ... And when he looks in your crying eyes and says "I'm sorry, my dear" is lost ..

| Automatically on paper. Statuses about him. Status beloved guy.

that's always ..: before you wanted to be with him, but he had a girl .. and now you have a boyfriend, and he is trying to achieve you

they say herself after you come, passed.

Did you fall in love with him again? "No, just got drunk very much ....

I invited me to see his collection of brands .. Well, I think the pretext of him is so ... As a result, one and a half thousand brands in 5 albums, in 23 wall clips .. oh well it .. but I quote "every one still has its own story, listen .. "

forget love, go dancing. - Status love

In front of her feet, 10 guys were leaning, ready to give everything to be with her near, but she chose 11 ... who did not look at her side.

You know, but I will not get bored. I know that I will not be with you, yes, I certainly hurt and all that. But but I know that you do not deceive me unlike her ...

Girls remind plz status ... Type 10 people bowed in front of her, and she loves one who does not even look at her ...

i will soon have a memory full of you - the statuses of love

Do you know what the difference between you and blood? - What? - Blood enters the heart and comes out of it, and you stay there forever.

I liked it with you, I will save more often

if the guy says he loves, check it out. It is quite possible that he thinks so.

look into her eyes and tell everything you think about her. Then you will be a guy.

How I want to just be near him, hear the knock of his in love and just silent ...

You know, I really loved you and do not care, whether you go to the army ... I will wait as much as you need ..

You are certainly expertly, but I love you - the statuses of loved

and for some reason, for some reason, always against my boyfriend ...

the problem is that you apparently do not understand what a rag guy is. And not in your opinion.

I know that you are not exactly the one who I need, but I don't care if I love you

eee .. Stop ... He is busy with me ... The queue it was necessary !!

No, you are not so right "Uhhh", but on "Voivo, how do you?" Come down

here you love him, you love ... and Poto Batz and new in class

Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on, we take off! 52

Life is like a poker game: always need to be ready for someone else's bluff and have a trump card in the sleeve. 10

Life - like a piano: Blood key, White key, cover ... 164

The best way to fulfill your promise is not to give it. 42

SAMI best road - The one that leads home. 45

Look ahead with hope, back with gratitude, up with faith, on the sides with love. 44

When it is bad to remember: I give up - it will not be better! 24

Sing the act - you will get a habit, lay the habit - you will get enough character, lay in nature - you will get fate. 22

There is no cowardly men. Either a man or a coward. 25

Weak people believe in good luck, strong - for reasons and effects. 16

Stand at 7 am to work - torment, pain and tears. Stand up at 5 am for a trip abroad - yes easily! 35

Everyone has his hell: there is not necessarily fire and resin .. Our hell is wasted! 21

Life is like hot tea. Burning, but with candy normally! 17

Life is always valid, just sometimes it checks on strength ... 48

If no one criticizes you - it means that you have not achieved success. 26

Everyone must pay himself for his stupidity, otherwise he never wins. 18

The best teacher in life is an experience. True, really, expensive, but explains it is intelligible. 34

When we are really waiting, we return even from the world. 34

Do not try to correct the past. It is better to make every effort so as not to spoil the future. 36

The harder the selected path is the less fellow travelers. 16

Life short! Violate the rules! Goodbye quickly! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh is uncontrollable! 45

You need to live so that everything is at the top of the goy and told, well, we will repeat again! 17

You need to live so that the depression is from others! 31

Stupidity is happening by chance, and then become the best moments in life. 34

Fate is sometimes so takes for the throat, that it is unwilling to show her tongue. 21

To see the rainbow, you need to survive the rain ... 25

Do not envy someone who is strong and rich.
For dawn always comes the sunset.
With this life, the short, equal to the sigh,
Contact with this rental.
Omar Khayam, however. 28

Internet as life - there is nothing to do, but I don't want to leave ... 22

The secret is to be friends with those who are better. To train with those who are stronger, love someone you can. Do not give up where others give up. 17

Only children and dogs love you just like that. Just for what you are! 24

Life is given to learn, life is given to love. But you need to know what is learning and you need to know who to love. 33

Wisdom lessons are given to us for free, but they are very expensive. 25

Remember: all people get into your fate not just like that. Some brings happiness, and others - experience. 26

There are people who can know all his life and forget for 1 day, but there are those that you can know 1 day and remember all your life. 21

After 40 ° life just begins! 21

Fate is a book ... someone has a detective, someone has a novel, someone has full fiction. I have a comic campaign :) 23

Be in the present, and not in the past. After all, the past is no longer returned, but you can reiterate how you want. 16

Education can be also average, but the upbringing should be higher! 16