Chelyabinsk seeds. Personal account gardens of russia. Benefits of ordering seeds by mail

For some reason, white cabbage does not take root very well for me, either I chose the wrong varieties, or the land has already become scarce, but only small heads of cabbage grow. Last year I decided to throw out all my old seed stocks and try to buy something new. What can I say, the experiment was a success. I rummaged on the Internet, for the Yekaterinburg land white-headed varieties Alenushka F1 and Gloria F1 are well suited, and I ordered them. I bought it for the first time in the company, their prices for seeds are straightforward, even considering that I paid for and delivery still remained in the black, because we cannot find such a thing, and the prices are an order of magnitude higher. The parcel arrived in just a week, I was even surprised at such a speed. We packed well, the bags of seeds were not damaged in the way. Dropped off by lunar calendar in boxes, I don't have a phytolamp, they just stand on the windowsill. Both varieties of seedlings turned out to be good, small in size, but strong, not dead, and the color is so saturated. This gave me hope that she would take me well. I usually plant cabbage in a greenhouse in the month of May. I transplant it into the ground only in June, because in May there are sometimes frosts even in the middle. I fertilized the ground under the cabbage with humus, but just a little under each root, already when I transplanted it into the ground. I had watering regularly, about 3 times a week, in short every other day, because the summer was hot and sunny, the earth quickly dried out, and these varieties love water very much. Both gloria and alyonushka had a lot of leaves, I usually cut off the extra ones and let the rabbits feed, last year there were a lot of this stuff. I harvested from them in early September somewhere. I can say that cabbage, in principle, grew the same, these varieties are very similar to each other, it can be easily confused. But in any case, both varieties gave a very good harvest. Fresh, it is delicious, I made salads from it. Plus, I salted cabbage a lot, such a delicacy goes well on the table in winter. She lowered a dozen heads of cabbage into the cellar. Everywhere they write that such cabbage is stored for 3-4 months, I had the last head of cabbage for 5 months, they already got it in early February, and nothing, good, fresh, removed a couple of top sheets from it, but inside it is normal straight, without rot. In conclusion, I want to say that good seeds mean a lot, I say to myself. For three years I fought with cabbage, it was not possible to grow a good harvest, but now I understand that it was in old seeds that had already outlived their usefulness, and from time to time the varieties need to be changed, and which ones are better suited for a particular land. I was really pleased with the harvest of last year, I don’t remember that I had so much cabbage. This year, too, I hope that it will not be worse, because I have found so many interesting recipes with cabbage that I want to try all of them, and salads, and seaming.

"Sady Rossii" is an online store that offers an assortment of seedlings with seeds of various crops. 30 years of experience of the research and production association from Chelyabinsk helps to guess the wishes of summer residents with gardeners living in Russia. On the virtual shelves of the official website Sad-i-ogorod Ru, more than 5 thousand varieties of seeds of cultivated plants are offered, bred by selection taking into account the climatic characteristics of each of the regions of the country. On the eve of the new season, vegetable growers and gardeners can order high-quality sowing and planting material that will help professionals and amateurs grow an enviable crop in their garden or personal plot.

Order seeds and seedlings online today: get a rich harvest for the envy of everyone

Avid vegetable growers or newcomers to the gardening business will not be disappointed with the assortment of berry, fruit, ornamental plants, the seeds of which are sold online with delivery by Russian post. An extensive list of seed material is selected to cater to the needs of gardeners, vegetable growers or landscape design aficionados seeking to transform the surrounding area. We will like the seasonal update of the catalog of NPO Sady Rossii, which offers hundreds of new products that can surprise with their taste and aesthetic variety.

The catalog of the official site "Garden and Vegetable Garden" is divided into sections, which helps to orient oneself, spending a minimum of time on acquaintance with the range of crops of interest. We have offers relevant for the spring-autumn season, including seeds:

  • early-, mid- or late-ripening potatoes, among which varieties that are not damaged by the Colorado potato beetle are in special demand;
  • sets of seedlings of remontant raspberries (10 pieces each), bred specifically for regions with a short summer period, or an American variety of thornless blackberries will delight gardeners with berry abundance;
  • hybrid vegetable seeds (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, bitter and sweet peppers, eggplants, zucchini), adapted to the natural conditions of northern and southern regionswill not disappoint the owners in the fall;
  • annual, perennial flower and herbaceous crops intended for decorating the surrounding area;
  • ornamental shrubs with trees, actively used for landscape design, vines, exotic indoor plants that decorate winter gardens, residential and office premises.

There are options for vegetable crops for growing on balconies and loggias, which will allow the residents of high-rise buildings to realize their gardening skills who want to set up mini-beds without leaving the apartment. Each proposal of the catalog is supplied with a photo with comprehensive information about the planting material, its cost, the characteristics of cultivation and care.

Benefits of ordering seeds by mail

Those who want to experiment on the territory adjacent to the house or grow healthy, environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables with their own hands, can safely place an order on the official website Sad-i-Ogorod Ru. NGO Gardens of Russia provided profitable terms when buying seeds with seedlings, among which customers indicate:

  • adequate prices for vegetable crops adapted to the climate of Russia;
  • prompt delivery from Chelyabinsk by mail to the regions of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan with cash on delivery;
  • regularly held promotions, incentive bonuses;
  • timely consultation of managers who are well-versed in the range;
  • clear navigation that allows you to easily familiarize yourself with the diverse catalog of garden and vegetable seedlings and seeds.

On the official website of the Gardens of Russia there are optimal options for those who vitally need their own harvest of vegetable and fruit and berry crops or fans of decorating space.

Gardens of Russia is an online store, one of the largest russian manufacturers and sellers of seeds and seedlings different cultures... It is also an NPP (research and production enterprise), which for the past 30 years has been introducing innovations in the field of selection of berries, fruit and other crops in horticulture (in stock - a thousand hectares of land, a car park, housing for workers). During this time, more than 10 million parcels were sent to customers. On the official website of the online store Gardens of Russia, the client can buy quality seeds and seedlings of shrubs, flowers, fruit and vegetable crops, familiarize yourself with the goods from the "News" section, and also check the status (the button is located in the lower right corner of the page), indicating the registration and order number. All manipulations are available after registration and, accordingly, providing access to your personal account.

Features of the personal account Gardens of Russia

He is an ocean of opportunities for the buyer. Through the office of the site Garden and Vegetable Garden it is easy:

Track the status of orders;

View their history;

To save time - use the previously entered data as a template;

And the main thing is to get individual special offers, which means that you can save a lot of money when purchasing your favorite goods.

Company contacts Gardens of Russia

Phone number hotline: 8-800-737-77-58

Viber and WhatsApp +7-922-736-2222

E-mail address: [email protected]

Legal address LLC NPO Garden and Ogorod, (Gardens of Russia): 456680, Chelyabinsk region, Krasnoarmeyskiy district, Shibanovo village, st. Centralnaya, 92

Personal Area: to enter your account, click on the "Personal Account" button on any page of the Sady Rossii website

The site is a secure entrance to the personal account of the official site Gardens of Russia.

Comments and Feedback:

Quote: Tatiana Savina

Hello. A message for Daria Vladimirovna Voronkova. I am Savina Tatiana Vasilievna registration number No. 2273883, residing at 433506 Ulyanovsk region. the city of Dimitrovgrad. st. Kurchatov. d. 34 sq. 127. As a regular customer of your store, I express my great indignation after receiving the last parcel No. 45499223691356 according to the inventory: 1code 1453 set: Angelica Tulips, Mount Tacoma, Royal Estate. Quantity: 1pc-499.00 rubles; 2code 1842 Tulips Con Dios. Quantity: 1pc-269.00 rubles. 3code 1734 Tulip Terry Apeldoorn. Quantity 1pc-180.00 rubles. 4code 1788 Tulips Dancer. Quantity 1pc-299,00 rub. Picker # 18. Product quality claim. After receiving postal parcel found that the tulip planting bulbs are of inadequate quality - covered with mold. I ask you to help me understand this case. Regards, Tatiana.

I received an answer from you and was surprised, thank you very much. I didn't think I'd get an answer. I just ask you to send a parcel to a new address. The fact is that I have changed my place of residence. My new address is 450017, Ufa, Schmidt str., 158/1, apartment 26. My registration number is 2351135. Thank you in advance.

found another form file for 19 years and sent a repeated order already improved ... I ask the first order if it comes from October 30, cancel

Quote: Tamara

I ask for help! I am your regular customer. number - 1476257. I have received a new catalog, thank you. I made a selection of the necessary seeds for about 1400 rubles. On the advice of your consultant, I talked to the site, found out that there are no forms for "SEEMENA 2019" and you can download the PDF file for the last year. I downloaded and sent the application at the end of October ... But apparently your robot does not want to accept the "manual version" of my order ... And there is no response from you ... Please clarify and CHECK if my order was received by your mail [email protected] and so on, and if it doesn't work in this form, then either rewrite and execute the order as always ... or, as a last resort, cancel the order and notify me of this to this email address ... Because now I cannot resend the order , fearing that I will receive two orders, I ask you to help and either cancel and notify me about it, or reassure me that my order has arrived, is accepted and I will receive it soon ... Best regards! Maksutova Tamara. [email protected]

Good afternoon. In the spring I made an order (my registration number is 2922761). In September, I received tulip bulbs, thank you. But for some reason you did not send me ornamental plants 394 winged euonymus, 803 bird cherry marquee and 811 Japanese scarlet. At least they let you know why? I would buy it all in the local market and at an attractive price. Please clarify.

I am Korobova Lyudmila Andreevna, having lived in the village of Aleksandrovskoye, Kostroma Region, Ostrovsky District. I am constantly making orders with you, but accidentally lost my registration number. In order to make new order I beg you to help me find my registration number

Hello everyone involved in creating our successful harvests! Happy New Year! Thanks for your hard work. I myself once worked in greenhouses. I place an order for the first time, but I managed to admire the beauty of lilies and other beautiful flowers, an excellent harvest of tomatoes from the raspberry miracle series, beautiful harvests of vegetables, the splendor of ornamental shrubs, and fruitful berry bushes. It is not nice to boast of other people's labors, but it was this that awakened the desire to make a large order for my not quite mastered garden. These wonderful people Tamara Ilyinichna Savelyeva and Nadezhda Viktorovna Savelyeva from the village. Naumovka, Tomsk region, Tomsk region. I moved to the village for four years. I master it entirely myself, my husband died in 1998, the children in the city have enough worries, I do not tire them. I love the Earth - mother, I look forward to spring and ordered seeds, fruit bushes and bushes of berries. I look forward to further contacting your firm. I have been mastering the Internet since this year. Very comfortably. True, I have not received the registration number of my order yet. Many thanks to all!
Creative success! I look forward to hearing from you.

For many years I have been placing orders for seeds using electronic forms. Rummaged through the Internet, order form for seeds 2019, for sending by e-mail no. It is not convenient to order through the basket. What do you want to lose customers?

I congratulate all employees of the NPO "Gardens of Russia" on the New Year 2019 and wish your scientific-industrial, domestic association success and prosperity!

I have been ordering planting material for more than 5 years, I would like to note the advantages of the work of your association:
1. Huge variety, renewing assortment. You can choose seeds, both time-tested and new unique ones, taking into account the changing climate, resistant to diseases. Interesting novelties - "Lycopene to the masses", "Sugar line", as well as masterpieces "Miracle vegetables", "Super tomatoes", exotic, etc. And the main thing is the amazing taste of all vegetables. Ornamental plants separately - there is no such choice anywhere!
2. Colorful catalogs in which you can get acquainted with brief description, price and order code.
3. All the orders I have received come without any misunderstandings - neatly packed, without re-grading and shortages.
4. Discounts for regular customers, cash on delivery.
Conclusion: I have ordered and will order only at NPO "Gardens of Russia". I advise everyone.

Many thanks to all the employees of the NPO Sady Rossiya for their work!

Stavropol 09.01.2019 A.G. Shapovalova

Hello! How long have you been considering claims? Or are there so many of them that you do not have time to answer? On January 18, I paid for a parcel that turned out to be someone else's. For me, this is a very large amount. Although someone else's parcel is more expensive than my order, but I do not like Get your order as soon as possible. The sowing time is coming. I am your old customer and would not want to lose touch. This misunderstanding happened for the first time. For some reason, they stopped sending autumn catalogs with potatoes, onions, fruit ... Orders through the online store do not suit me .Checking my email every day ...

hello. My registration number is 1195912. My address is 663740 Krasnoyarsk Territory, p. Aban, Solnechnaya 58, For the fifth time I am sending you one and the same application for seeds. But none of them received confirmation that my application was accepted and will be executed. I ask you, if you receive my latest application, send me a confirmation and execute it. Previous to cancel. Best regards, Tsarev

Hello. My registration number is 1195912 I live at the address: 663740, Krasnoyarsk Territory, settlement of Aban, Solnechnaya 58. Five times I send you the same application and do not receive confirmation. that my application has been accepted and will be executed. If you receive my last application for 1.02.2019 I ask you to execute it, and cancel the previous ones

7/2 upon delivery of the parcel with cash on delivery, mixed up the company, and the money went to you, transfer N36217 to the name of Lviv LN, TRACK PARCEL NUMBER 34496131323960 IN THE AMOUNT 1565, SENDER'S ADDRESS FRUKTOVAYA 32.1 PARTIZANSK 10 ROTIM. EDGE 692860 GREAT PLEASE RETURN THE E / TRANSLATION BACK. OPERATOR LITVINOVA VV

Yesterday I received my package. Thank you so much for correcting the misunderstanding so quickly. To be honest, I didn't expect it so quickly. At the same time I sent someone else to your address. Shipping costs amounted to 429 rubles 15 kopecks. I would like to receive catalogs not only for seeds, but also for fruit, onions, potatoes. I would like to place an order for spring seedlings to compensate for the costs received.
Sincerely, Ludmila

Hello Daria Vladimirovna! I, Khalturina Lyubov Borisovna, have ordered the seedlings from you. Registration No. 15003687, picker No. 5. at the address Tyumen region, KhMAO, Surgut, Mira 32 quarter 25 628426. cell 89324352288. Planting material: 20159 Honeysuckle, 2 pcs. and 20039 Cherry, 2 pcs. One of the cherry seedlings is dried buds. Please refund the cost of the cherries. There is a photo, but I don't know how to send it. Regards, Love

Good day. I, Asanova Irina Vladimirovna, constantly order seedlings and seeds on your website. Having received the parcel on April 15, 2019, registration number 1698229, I found out that the clematis seedling "Hagley" 4943 was dry. I dug into the ground, did not sprout. Please take action. There is a photo of the dry man and all the documents.

Received order SADYROS592611-02
room mailing: ALDM14604756.

Pear Kupava is inanimate, not even all the roots were packed.
Honeysuckle Blue Cliff (1pc) -broken, not revived.
Strawberries in very poor condition (black roots), almost all without live roots, planted in the ground, it seems that there is little living.
Raspberry - broken, one seedling survived, the second Tulamin - no.
The rest is all right.
Last year I made an order for a large amount, everything stuck, one lilac and the action did not survive.
I am very indignant at this quality this year. We stuffed all the substandard stuff into a box, almost all the plants were broken. What should I do?
Please send the seedlings or return the money. All the documents are there. I can take a photo, send it.
But most of all I need a quality product.
Waiting for an answer.
Best regards, Anna Pavlovna

Package: Seeds (mailing all year round) Autumn package perennials (dispatch August-September):
  • Perennials
  • Hazel grouse
Autumn package seedlings(dispatch September-October):
  • Saplings
  • Repair raspberry

Books sent by a separate parcel post. Order at least 3 books.

The following planting material will be sent to you in the first package: bulbous crops, succulents, perennial herbaceous crops, multi-tiered onions and winter garlic. For all our buyers, for whom the order for this assortment will be equal to or exceed the amount of 7,500 rubles, the delivery of the first parcel will be FREE.

In the second parcel, the planting material you ordered will be sent to you: decorative trees, shrubs, lianas, conifers, berry and fruit crops. For all our buyers, for which the order for this assortment will be equal to or exceed the amount of 7,500 rubles, the delivery of the second parcel will be FREE.

Minimum order amount I parcel

Minimum order amount II parcel must be at least 700 rubles.

If you sent an application for planting material (any) and books to our address before receiving this catalog, please be sure to send your new application, written in accordance with the conditions of this catalog. We will not be able to fulfill your old application, we will only fulfill your new application for the catalogs of 2019.

We send you all planting material and books both in advance and cash on delivery. Therefore, we kindly ask you to think over everything before placing an order and weigh your financial capabilities for the period of time when you will need to redeem the planting material that came according to your order. Please consider this request. Do not send orders to our address that cannot be redeemed by you. This is not conducive to mutually beneficial cooperation.

For of allwho placed an order for SEEDS in the amount of 3000 rubles. and higher - FREE delivery of the order as a gift!

For our regular customers (those who order seeds for at least the second year in a row) there is also a 10% discount.

Please note that the discount and free shipping when ordering in the amount of 3000 rubles, applies only to the order of SEEDS.

  1. In the absence of standard application forms, orders for each of the 3 catalogs - SEMENA 2019 and SPRING 2019 - should be placed separately from orders for the AUTUMN 2019 catalog. In all handwritten applications for planting material, you must indicate the year of catalog release, variety code, variety name according to the catalog. It is the code that is the basis for placing an order. Please pay attention.
  2. Applications are accepted:
    a) by mail. Address: Research and Production Association "Sady Rossii" ("Garden and Vegetable Garden") 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 64;
    Download preprinted forms to fill out and mail:
    b) by email;
    c) through the online store;
    d) in the brand stores of the NPO Sady Rossii;
    e) by phone 8 800 737-77-58 ;
    f) ordering from a printed catalog on the site.
  3. Special attention! It is very important to enter your zip code correctly. Otherwise, the parcel with planting material will be delivered to you with a long delay.
  4. All planting material according to these catalogs is sent:
    - cash on delivery (postage costs are NOT included in the price of the goods).
    - by prepayment (delivery cost is included in the order).
  5. No expenses for the assembly and packing of the planting material are charged.
  6. When sending the planting material by cash on delivery, an insurance premium of 25% of the value of the goods is not charged. We always trust our customers.
  7. The cost of postage is determined by the current tariffs of the delivery service, is calculated individually depending on the distance of shipment, the declared value and weight of the parcel and is paid by you by cash on delivery upon receipt of the order.
  8. Attention! We are forced to set a minimum order volume for seeds of at least 700 rubles.
  9. To ensure good preservation during shipment, we pack all the seedlings in such a way as to ensure the optimal moisture content of the root system. The seedlings reach very well even when shipped over very long distances. Each seedling will be provided with a personal label.
  10. Applications for the SEMENA 2019 catalog are accepted until September 25, 2019.
  11. We start sending seeds of vegetable, berry and flower crops according to the SEEDS 2019 catalog from October 1, 2018.
  12. Applications for seedlings of fruit, berry, ornamental crops, for bulbs and books from the AUTUMN 2019 catalog are accepted until September 25, 2019.
  13. Herbaceous perennials, winter garlic, tiered onions, flower bulbs from the AUTUMN 2019 catalog will be sent from August 25 to September 5, 2019. Sending of seedlings of fruit, berry and ornamental crops according to the AUTUMN 2019 catalog is carried out from September 10 to October 1, 2019. The remote northern and eastern regions will receive planting material earlier than the southern and western regions.
  14. Processing of the order begins in accordance with clauses 12, 13, 14 "Terms of mailing ..." and if you have ordered planting material in stock. After picking, your parcel is sent immediately to the Russian Post, either to the Boxberry pick-up point, or to the pick-up point of the NGO Sady Rossii. If something from the planting material you ordered is not in stock at the time the parcel is formed, then the parcel is sent without this item and is not additionally sent. Delivery of a parcel through the "Russian Post" usually takes 1-2 weeks, depending on the region of residence of the customer.
  15. If your application is large enough, then you may be sent not one parcel, but several parcels with planting material.
  16. If you wish, you can ask our operators for the parcel number (identifier) \u200b\u200band independently track the movement of your parcel on the Russian Post website.
  17. Upon receipt of the parcel at the post office, we strongly recommend that in the presence of the postal worker, check the integrity of the package, weigh it and make sure that the correct weight is indicated on the package. It is also necessary to open the parcel and check its contents according to the list of attachments inside the parcel. In the absence of any item indicated in the list of attachments, detection of a defective product, it is required to draw up an inspection report together with the postal worker.
  18. For customers of the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and Tyumen regions, it is possible to receive a parcel at the points of issue at the addresses:
    Chelyabinsk, st. Komarov, 112;
    Yekaterinburg, st. March 8, 123;
    Kurgan, st. Nevezhina, 1;
    Tyumen, st. Yamskaya, 101.
  19. Claims are accepted only in writing within seven days from the date of receipt of the parcel if there is a copy or original inventory of the attachment on the received parcel and the post office report drawn up on the day of payment for the parcel.
  20. Sending an application to our address means that you have read the terms of shipment and agree with them. We hope that there will be no misunderstandings in our cooperation.
  21. General conditions of the seller's offers for residents of Kazakhstan

  22. All the Seller's Offers are valid on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prices on the Site are indicated in Russian rubles, including VAT, excluding shipping costs. All the Goods ordered by the Buyer are subject to payment at the prices in effect at the time the Order was accepted by the Seller, taking into account the conversion at the rate of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Delivery of the order is carried out by Kazpost JSC within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Buyer's address specified when placing the order. For timely delivery of the order, the Buyer is advised to indicate the exact mailing address, including postal code and telephone number. Payment for the Order is made by the Buyer in cash in cash in Kazakhstani tenge upon receipt of the Order.