What lunar days are best to shop. Shopping lunar calendar: choosing favorable days for shopping. How to spend money so that it multiplies

Our whole life consists of shopping. Almost every day we spend money purchasing everything we need. Therefore, we often think about whether it is possible to spend finances in such a way that they, if not multiply, but at least be protected from failure. One of the most favorite activities for the vast majority of the fair sex is shopping. It allows you to cheer up, gain self-confidence and acquire many new, useful things. This is a very exciting and entertaining process, during which the girls get not only the things they like, but also great pleasure.

Competent shopping is a very difficult business that requires a lot of experience and careful preparation. Everything is important here, from choosing a place of sale to determining the optimal day for the lunar calendar. It has been scientifically proven that the lunar phases greatly affect human life and the changes that occur in nature. The moon has its effect on us while shopping. In this article, we will tell you in detail when you can shop according to the lunar calendar of 2018, and when it is better to refrain from them. This article will publish a lunar schedule of possible purchases for each month, so that it is convenient for you to plan the most important purchase. See the general one on our website.

Shopping lunar calendar 2018 by zodiac signs

  1. Aries is a calm and balanced sign, but if something bothers you, it is better to postpone the purchase or think it over carefully.
  2. Taurus - shopping will end well.
  3. Gemini is a sign of fortune and controversy, you can either hit the jackpot or suffer a fatal failure. Be vigilant and extremely cautious in your decisions.
  4. Cancer - this sign loves to shop, and even just staggering around the shops will be beneficial, and you will get something.
  5. Leo is an auspicious shopping sign.
  6. Virgo - pragmatism and prudence will prevail at this time over the decision to make any purchase.
  7. Scorpio is a controversial sign. During this time, people hesitate all the time and are torn between several goods. You can make a decision, but such a shopping trip will add a lot of stress.
  8. Libra - everything within the framework is beneficial or unprofitable, good or bad, like or dislike. You can quickly make a purchase decision, since the vectors are set correctly at this time.
  9. Sagittarius is a good and very positive sign, welcoming change and patronizing any kind of shopping.
  10. Capricorn will think for a long time before spending the money earned, but the ending will be positive for the owner of the purchase.
  11. Aquarius is a great time to shop.
  12. Pisces - moving with the flow up and down, such days will be a stressful period for making the right decision to purchase.

Impact of the Moon Phase on purchases on the lunar calendar for 2018

  • New moon. The moon is not visible in the sky during this period, but its influence on the processes is sharply negative.
  • The first phase of the moon. The satellite looks like a thin sickle. This period is considered very successful for the start of any business, so it's time to start looking for an acquisition.
  • Second phase. At this time in the sky we can see only half of the planet. This period is not the most favorable for making large purchases.
  • Full moon. The moon is fully visible in this phase. During such periods, the negative influence of the satellite is the strongest, therefore it is highly discouraged to plan even small acquisitions, so as not to be disappointed.
  • The third phase is a gradual decline in the satellite's visibility from the Earth. Such a time is still characterized by a large number of failures in all spheres of life, so it is recommended to adjust your plans and not make global purchasing decisions unnecessarily.
  • The waning stage of the Moon is not the best period for buying and selling in general.
    The seventh stage - when the visibility of the satellite is limited in such a way that a person can see only part of the reverse side
  • The crescent moon. This is a neutral period for shopping and shopping.
  • Old Moon. The control of emotions weakens precisely during this phase of the companion's influence, therefore it is not recommended to buy anything global.

Shopping lunar calendar for April 2018

On these days, you can visit any trading establishments, but shopping must be approached with great care. The moon in the second month of spring will be under the zodiacal signs that affect our emotional state. Thus, in April, astrologers recommend visiting places of sale only on recommended shopping days.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 29, 30.
  • Neutral shopping days - 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26.

On April 1, do not make purchases that you are not sure about. Astrologers advise to postpone shopping for another favorable day for this, for example, April 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 29.

On April 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, refrain from going to shopping centers. The moon will be so aggressive that it can negatively affect your mood. And any purchases made in a bad mood will not last you long and will quickly deteriorate.

On April 11, 17, 20, 22, 28, 30, you need to be extremely careful and not fall for the tricks of experienced sellers who will offer you to purchase an unplanned product. On this day, you can only buy what is written on your list.

  • Nails
  • Stationery
  • Animal feed

On April 21st, spend money on buying cinema tickets or visit a museum, exhibition - an event dedicated to intellectual development and growth.

On April 25, 2018, you can make an important purchase - a car, a summer residence, a house. The main thing is that all family members take part in the purchase process.

Astrologers conduct a lot of research and therefore they are sure that the Moon is capable of changing the life of people on Earth. But we can control this process if we heed the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for April 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar for may 2018

At this time, most astrologers recommend refraining from unnecessary acquisitions and treating your emotional outbursts with caution. May 2018 will be that turning point when the intense energy of the night star will be greatly enhanced by the influence of the zodiacal constellations, which will influence the Moon.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26, 29.
  • Neutral shopping days are 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 30.

May will start with the worst day for shopping. By the way, there will be many such days in May 2018 - on the 4th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 24th and 31st.

On May 2, 7, 8, 14, 29, you can make any purchases, but at the same time it is important to be in high spirits, since all purchased things will be charged with our energy and will be useful only in this case.

On May 3, visit a stylist, pick up a new wardrobe for yourself, but do not buy anything from clothes and shoes on this day.

May 6 is a great day for concluding a real estate purchase and sale transaction or purchasing expensive equipment:

  • TV
  • Refrigerator
  • Washing machine

On May 10, you can safely go to the market or to the store to purchase everything planned. It is important on this day not to succumb to whims so as not to waste your entire budget.

May 11, 2018 will be the day when you can come to the store, choose what you like and buy it right away. Such spontaneous purchases should charge you with positive emotions.

On May 13, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, astrologers allow us to make small purchases, without which we either cannot do in our daily life, or they help us to develop spiritually. And on May 20, 28 and 30, you can buy something more significant, but on condition that you are sure of the quality of the desired purchase.

Every person dreams of winning the lottery. But experts in astrology claim that the prize will go to you if you buy a lottery ticket on an auspicious day on the moon. As they say, and when all the stars converge, you can win.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for May 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar June 2018

This month, everyone can safely go to the store, where a lot of amazing products and services will be waiting for him. During this period, the Moon will renew its cycle, and its new phases will surely bring success to everyone who is planning to make significant acquisitions. In June, astrologers recommend boldly buying whatever you like, because this month promises to be one of the most successful of the year.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 6, 14, 19, 30.
  • Neutral shopping days - 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27.

June 1, 2018 - refers to the list of good shopping days in the first summer month. This also includes the following dates: 5, 6, 7, 13, 26, 27 and 30 June.

On June 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28, it is recommended to carefully approach shopping - buy only the best and the highest quality, otherwise shopping will bring you nothing but disappointment and no pleasure.

On June 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 22, 29, astrologers do not recommend buying even food. The moon will be under the influence of the wasteful Mercury, because of which we can spend money irrationally.

On June 16, you can buy food and personal care products. You should not try to enter into important transactions for the purchase of real estate or a car, because they may not take place.

On June 19 and 25, spend money buying things that will encourage you to be creative or intellectual. Buy an encyclopedia or monograph by an outstanding scientist in the field that you are passionate about developing.

Spend with your family on June 23rd. Buy your children and family members what they have dreamed of for a long time, order a photo session so that you will remember this day for a long time.

It is worth noting that the influence is exerted not so much by the Moon itself as by its phases. It is especially undesirable to conduct financial transactions on the days of lunar eclipses. There are several of them this year, and all are noted separately. For example, the lunar eclipse was in January and will be in the next month.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for June 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar for July 2018

The middle of summer is always associated with a pleasant vacation, new impressions and exciting walks through the places where all kinds of goods are sold. But judging by the lunar calendar, in July 2018 one should be very careful with shopping. All transactions concluded during this period may become burdensome and not meet the expectations placed on them.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 9, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28.
  • Neutral shopping days are 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 27.

If you decide to buy something on July 1, 2018, then you should know that it is allowed to buy only glass household items:

  • Mirrors
  • Dishes
  • The same day will be on July 31st.

On July 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 29, it is generally better not to visit retail outlets and not even try to purchase anything through online stores.

July 3rd and 4th is a great day to purchase modern sports equipment or uniforms online. The likelihood that you will be able to buy a good thing at a bargain price is very high.

On July 5, the Moon will be supportive if you decide to purchase a new car. The sale and purchase transaction will go quickly, and the new vehicle will last you a long time.

July 6, 12, 26, 27, 30 is the time when you can buy everything that catches your eye in stores. You can not limit yourself in any of your desires and do not worry about spending money. The purchases made on this day will be very successful, and you will never regret purchasing them.

On July 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 28, shopping may be limited. Make a list of everything you need to buy and follow it clearly without being tempted.

July 23 is the day when you need to completely renew your children's wardrobe. If you buy children, besides clothes, some other toys or gadgets, this will improve your relationship.

July 27 - the second lunar eclipse. On this day, it is better not to plan financial transactions and purchases. Dedicate it to rest and relaxation. Go to the sea or for a walk. You can meet with relatives or friends.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for July 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar for August 2018

The end of the summer period has always been considered a sale time. These days, store shelves are overflowing with goods, discounts on which reach unimaginable sizes. Therefore, in August, you can safely embark on the shopping centers "all bad", especially since our night star will in every possible way contribute to this.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 25.
  • Neutral shopping days are 4, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 24, 26, 27, 28.

The first day of August 2018 will begin with a ban on all purchases. You shouldn't buy anything even on August 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 27, 30.

Astrologers are allowed to purchase some household items and products in limited quantities on August 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29 and 31.

On August 3, you can safely buy an apartment or house. At the same time, you can pay for this property not only in cash, but also with a credit card.

4, 5, 11, 25, 28 August are summer days when you can afford to buy absolutely everything and at the same time be sure that purchases will not ruin you and bring a lot of pleasure.

On August 17, visit a paid exhibition or excursion to the outstanding places of your city or region. Astrologers recommend spending money on the purchase of new books and musical instruments on this day.

Buy a gift for your loved one on August 21st. Let it be exactly the thing that he has long dreamed of. And on August 23, buy some kind of spiritual thing for your home. It can be an altar or a beautiful icon.

Make a plan of your affairs and purchases in advance, taking into account the lunar table. This will help you plan a trip to a notary to complete a transaction or to a store to make purchases.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for August 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar September 2018

The beginning of autumn for most of our population is always accompanied by both planned and impulse spending. This is the time when classes begin in schools, and working people return to their jobs after long vacations. According to the astrological forecast, September will be a very volatile period for shoppers. At the beginning, it is better to refrain from expensive acquisitions, but towards the end of the month you can completely forget about the restrictions.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 5, 7, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28.
  • Neutral shopping days are 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26.

September 1, 2, 9, 23, 26, 2018 is a great time according to the lunar calendar, when you can give free rein to desires and acquire many useful things for yourself and your loved ones. The same cannot be said about September 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 25, 28, when you should even avoid going to shopping centers.

On September 4, 5, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 27, astrologers advise to plan purchases, and everything that was not included in the plans should be avoided so as not to succumb to temptation.

September 6, 12 and 29 is the time to make such trivial purchases as personal care products, perfumes and cosmetics. It is better not to buy shoes and clothes these days.

  • Detergents
  • Anti-mosquito

And on the 15th and 21st, start updating the office. Buy:

  • Notebooks
  • Notepads
  • Pens with pencils
  • Drawing tools
  • Craft decor and so on

On September 17, you can visit an antique shop to buy some expensive item for interior decoration. It is also recommended to purchase jewelry on this day.

On September 19, it is worth buying an expensive item for parents. Astrologers claim that the gift you have acquired on this day for your loved ones is the key to your success in the future.

September 30, according to the lunar calendar of 2018, is a good day to buy a car or real estate.

The biorhythms of the Moon exist, and they act on the Earth and people. Therefore, we must listen to them and heed the advice of astrologers.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for September 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar for October 2018

Mid-autumn is the best time for a complete wardrobe renewal. On such days, you want to go shopping, explore new collections, and, of course, visit attractive sales. Astrologers advise in October to be very careful about the emotional component of purchases, because if you get carried away with great deals, you can spend a lot more money than you can afford.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 22, 23, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 3, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30.
  • Neutral shopping days - 6, 8, 12, 19, 20, 24, 26.

The first day of October 2018 will be a good time to do your favorite shopping. You can buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, electronic gadgets, real estate and other expensive things without limiting yourself in anything. The same is allowed to purchase on October 8, 15, 22, 25, 30.

On October 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 24, 27, any purchases are prohibited. If you do not want to risk your money, then it is better to heed the advice of astrologers.

On October 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28 and 31, it is allowed to make planned purchases that will be useful to you in everyday life. A list of everything you need must be made on paper in order to know exactly what is needed and what is not.

For October 16 and 29, plan to buy a house, summer house or land if you were going to purchase them. Better days in October 2018 for these purposes simply cannot be found. And on October 18th, pay attention to the purchases that your loved ones need. Get something worthwhile for them and give them as a gift.

The lunar table is a great helper for those people who are confident in the influence of the moon on human biorhythms. Get ready with her help for upcoming transactions and purchases so that everything goes well.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for October 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar for November 2018

The end of autumn always makes you think about the coming winter. The need for a warm hat, mittens, boots and, of course, a fur coat begins to be felt. According to the lunar calendar for 2018, the last month of autumn will be a great time for everyone who wants to get new things on the eve of the snowy season.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27,30.
  • Neutral shopping days - 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Start November 2018 with the purchases you've been planning for a long time. To do this, you will have 3 days - November 1, 2 and 3. Then the time for this in November must be allocated on the 5th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th.

On November 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 30, astrologers advise us to avoid going to shopping malls and buy some things or food.

The most favorable days for all types of purchases in November 2018 are 6, 17, 20, 21, 24, 29.

On November 27 and 28, you can conclude an excellent property sale and purchase transaction. Even if you make a purchase on credit, you will have a great chance of winning the most favorable conditions for yourself.

All people buy something: some buy real estate, while others update the furniture in the apartment. Clothes and shoes are often purchased. You always want any spending of money to be successful, and not in vain: clothes should be worn with joy, equipment should work well, furniture should serve for a long time, and it should be pleasant to live in a new apartment or house. To make this all really so, heed the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for November 2018 - table:

Shopping lunar calendar for December 2018

The first month of winter for many of us is associated with pleasant pre-holiday chores. Celebrations are approaching, and we are all trying to get gifts for family and friends as early as possible. Astrologers assure that during this period you can not limit yourself to shopping, because in December the stars themselves will help shoppers in choosing pleasant gifts at affordable prices.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17.
  • Neutral shopping days - 7, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19, 26.

According to the lunar calendar of 2018, December 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 31 is the worst time for any acquisitions. If you do buy something, then do not be surprised if your purchases go bad soon.

On December 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, shopping is allowed, but it is recommended to buy only what you are confident in, or what you have planned for a long time.

On December 5, 13, 25, you can buy any inexpensive things, some small household items or stationery.

  • Household appliances
  • Car
  • Land plot
  • Jewelry
  • There are not many days in December when you can make any purchases without any restrictions. These include December 6, 17, 21, 24, 29, 30.

December is a time of big New Year's expenses. People want to update the interior or make renovations. Someone buys a new car or apartment. All this is great, but you need to consider the influence of the phases of the moon on financial transactions. Choose auspicious days and may your shopping be successful.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for December 2018 - table:

In a favorable period, the Moon generously distributes its energy to the Earth. Therefore, on such days and transactions are successful and people are in a good mood. Astrologers all know this, and they also live according to the lunar calendar. Plan your business on good days on the moon.

We are all prone to healthy perfectionism and the desire to do everything in a timely manner, efficiently and with maximum benefit. However, given how rich and multicomponent our modern life is, how many temptations and surprises await us at every step, unwittingly looking for some help, advice on how to calculate and organize all this in the best way. And for this purpose, many resort to all kinds of horoscopes, to the lunar calendars, with the help of which they determine when it is better to do a particular thing.

And under the spotlight in this perspective, of course, first of all, such an important and crucial moment as making purchases falls.

When is the best time to shop in 2019? What are the best days for this? We will try to answer these and many other questions today, offering a lot of options to choose from with a convenient breakdown by month.


In January, the most ideal days to purchase anything will be the 9th, 15th and 16th. On the 9th, the Moon will be in Aquarius, and this sign, as you know, favors everything related to new technologies, electricity and extraordinary things. It is in it that it is best to buy some kind of equipment, electronics, for example, gadgets or something to the house. And also devote time to the acquisition of art objects, original things, something related to an unusual hobby or books.

Also, the waxing moon phase, as on both other proposed dates, will give an atmosphere of enthusiasm and energy, which is infinitely important for quality shopping. In addition, January 9 falls on Wednesday - a day on which it is easy to get along with people, make deals, put things in order in thoughts. But the confusion in them is the main danger of making a rash acquisition.

On January 15 and 16, the Moon will be in Taurus, who favors purchases of reliable, durable things, designed for long-term use, but, without a doubt, beautiful. It's good to turn your attention to something big - maybe even real estate, or at least think about changing furniture in the house. The only condition, purchases on this day should be carefully planned in advance, because both the 10th and 11th lunar days do not tolerate any spontaneity, and they extremely need calm work on karma, in harmony and forging connections.

They are also good for taking large loans for something, or agreeing on long-term cooperation - on phased purchases, for example.


In February, the best days for shopping will be the 11th-12th and 18th. February 11 and 12 will be held under the sign of Taurus, bringing success in large acquisitions of something reliable and durable, something that you are going to use for a very long time. It is also good these days to look at jewelry and art objects - this sign loves everything beautiful.

At the same time, if on the 11th you will be at the peak of your own reserves, radiate self-confidence and feel extremely comfortable, then on the 12th, when going shopping, it is better to resort to advice and help from someone who knows from the outside, otherwise there is a risk of becoming a victim of your own overconfidence and misjudgment of opportunities.

In addition, Tuesday - the day on which the 12th of February falls - is already conducive to successfully using third-party support. By the way, the 11th is the best day for women to go shopping in order to overcome depression and melancholy.

February 18th is another extremely successful day, but you shouldn't think that everything will fall into your hands with ease. In order for the purchase to be crowned with success, you will have to make the appropriate efforts. On the 14th lunar day, it is better to focus not on small things, but on something large, very important, and this chance should not be missed, since the next time such a favorable combination will happen only in a month.


March 11 is the first auspicious date on which astrologers recommend shopping. A similar stay in the sign of Taurus will contribute to good luck in large acquisitions, such as furniture, and even real estate, but it is worth remembering that for each case a clear rationale should be drawn, otherwise everything will turn out far from the way you want.

Also, do not rely on intuition and order something that you do not know much about - it is better to ask for help from professionals. Although, small shopping in order to cheer yourself up on this day is also not forbidden - after that there will be no trace of depression.

On March 19, it is good to buy everything related to cleaning and ordering, because the Moon is in Virgo. And on the 20th, it would be ideal to go shopping with your husband or girlfriends - this way you can not only enjoy good shopping and appropriate personal psychotherapy, but at the same time work on a quality relationship.


In April, shopping is foreseen for three whole days in a row, so it will be much easier to plan your shopping according to the current schedule. But, it is important to remember that April 15 is a bad day for signing any documents, you should avoid concluding contracts and issuing loans. But this is simply the best time to go to jewelry stores.

By the way, since this is also the 10th lunar day, it is good to use it to build relationships, therefore, this can be done, including by purchasing a precious gift for someone.

The next two days - the 16th and 17th - will pass under the sign of Virgo, which means that again you will need to switch your attention to the house, caring for it and everything connected with it. Moreover, it is advisable to make purchases in the first of them absolutely consciously - no spontaneity and wasting energy. But on April 17, you can pamper with useful things not only your home, but also boldly buy someone useful gifts that you were asked about earlier. After all, the 12th lunar day contributes to any merciful, useful for neighbors, deeds.


May this year is a completely unique month of its kind, with a record number of favorable days for various acquisitions. For example, on May 15, it will be ideal to go shopping for interior items that have artistic value.

You can even, for example, visit the opening day and buy several paintings for your home or order them for an artist, purchase sculptures or antiques. The 18th, when the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, will be a great time to start repairs, even major ones - you can safely go to buy building materials. Yes, and in general, starting from the 14th, it will be good to think about improving your space, and for this purpose you can safely go shopping for everything you need.

But if you want to buy something abroad this month, it is better to plan your trip so that it covers May 11 - on this day, it is not only good to spend money on jewelry and antiques, but also to do it exactly during your travels for achieving maximum karmic effect.


On June 11, it is recommended to buy everything that can decorate your home - any interior items, artistic values \u200b\u200bwill bring benefit and pleasure. In addition, this day is the 8th lunar day, so you can easily go on a trip or a business trip on it, therefore, combine both for maximum impact.

But, it is important to remember that on this day, forces must be spent purposefully, besides, Tuesday is conducive to attracting outside help, which in this case can be extremely useful.

The next favorable day for shopping will be June 13 - it is also good to travel there, according to the lunar calendar, but at the same time you can start some business related to construction or repair. For example, any purchases for the improvement or construction of suburban real estate, apartments and houses in other localities will be successful.

But on June 15, it is better to stay in your hometown and buy something useful for your home or loved ones - such promotions will have an extremely positive effect on the energy sector, and it will be very good to deal with some new technology, metal or fire.


On July 6, the Moon will be in Virgo, and this is the 6th lunar day, extremely responsible, intended for some fateful endeavors.

Therefore, if you have long thought of purchasing something global for your home, for order in it, for example, some kind of storage systems, or ultra-modern expensive equipment for cleaning, cooking, then it's time to do it right now. On the 10th, the Moon will move to Libra, which means that the emphasis in shopping should be shifted to the area of \u200b\u200bbeauty, in addition, travel will be successful, where it will be good to plan for this day, for example, the purchase of souvenirs, art objects.

It is also good to go shopping on July 13, however, this day is very specific, dedicated to Sagittarius, so it would be ideal to buy some stone products, perhaps interior or landscape items, as well as anything related to your own land, construction and repair.

Even from the point of view of shopping, the days of July 15-16 will be interesting, when the Moon will be in Capricorn. These days, you can safely conclude transactions for the purchase and sale of land, real estate.


In August, purchases of the number 5 will go well, but, the main thing is that it should be something small, not having a serious impact on anything.

The period from August 12 to 14 is much more interesting. The first two days of it will be held under the sign of Capricorn, any real estate and land transactions, the purchase of stone for decorating a house and a summer residence, as well as any interior items from it, will bring success. But, it is better to be wary of taking loans these days and borrowing money from someone - transactions will be burdensome, unprofitable and fraught with a lot of delays in registration.

Moreover, if on the 12th it is better to devote everything bought to yourself, then on the 13th, on the contrary, it is very important to acquire something for the benefit of others, on which the 12th lunar day insists.

As for August 14, on this day, the Moon will be in Aquarius, which means that there will come another day that is most conducive to buying electronics and technology, and it is very good to do it in the company of like-minded people who share your tastes and views.


If you didn't manage to make all the necessary purchases in May, believe me, in September you will have ... almost a whole week for this!

Starting from the 3rd and up to the 12th, with the exception of a bad Friday on September 6 and completely useless for shopping on the 8th, you can safely go shopping in a variety of directions, fortunately, the Moon travels from Scorpio to Aquarius these days.

You can start by buying anything related to metal and fire (in anticipation of cold weather, by the way, it is recommended to think about, for example, a fireplace, if you do not have one yet), or you can buy something for repairs in the house, preferably metal, but, not a tool - there can be problems with it.

On September 7, any purchases made on a business trip or travel will be successful, especially if they are useful for home and family. On the 9th it is good to conclude transactions with real estate and land, as well as to buy materials for construction, but from the 10th to the 12th it will be a great time for something related to an unusual hobby, books, electronics, technology and some new inventions.

However, it is better to devote the 11th to charity, buying gifts for loved ones on this topic, but September 12 is the perfect time to go on a fun shopping with friends or family!


October, quite unexpectedly, gives several groups of useful shopping days at once - three in particular.

The first period will fall on the 2nd and 3rd numbers, during which the Moon will proceed from Scorpio to Sagittarius, favoring purchases of everything related to fire and metal, repairs.

The next good time will start on October 8 - Aquarius will help you to successfully deal with newly acquired gadgets, electronic equipment and in general everything related to modern technology. It will also be useful to visit various exhibitions and buy something specifically from them.

But, on the eighth, it will be good to conclude long-term transactions, arrange loans and purchase something for repairs, but on the 9th, on the contrary, it is better to concentrate on inner harmony and please yourself with new things.

And finally, the last good shopping day in October will be its very last date - the moon will be in Sagittarius again, and then it will be good to decide on something large-scale that can increase self-esteem and become the subject of bragging to others in the future.


November 2019 as a whole is not very good for any purchases, so if possible, it is better to postpone them until more rosy times.

But, if there is no other way out, it is worth paying attention to November 2, when the Moon will be in Capricorn, which favors everything related to real estate and land transactions, as well as purchases of building materials, and at the same time, everything related to it can be planned for something new, but not too significant in the house. On November 6 and 7, the next more or less favorable, but very highly specialized period will come - it is good to take everything related to alcohol and fish, purchases for repairing a bathroom or plumbing, decorative fountains will be successful.


Perhaps the most popular month for shopping in the year, which is noteworthy, will give only a narrow corridor, absolutely favorable for such cases - this will be the 9th and 10th. Both of them will pass under the sign of Taurus, favoring good large, reliable and massive purchases, as well as certainly beautiful.

You can buy something fresh for the New Year in the interior of the house, acquire new furniture, etc. If this couple of days turns out to be not enough, it is worth considering a little less good December 2 and 30, but, on the other hand, dedicated to Aquarius, therefore, successful for buying equipment and electronics, books and hobby items.

In the event that before the holiday it will be necessary to purchase some souvenirs for higher authorities, bosses, business partners, it is better to spend on this on December 23rd. Also, the 27 lunar day is useful for buying flowers, despite the phase of the waning moon.

I would like to believe that this calendar will help you choose the most successful days in 2019 for shopping, and may they bring joy and benefit!


The article was written specifically for the site "2019 Year of the Pig": https: // site /

The Guru's horoscope places a lunar shopping calendar for the month of June, which will help you plan all your expenses and make large and small purchases on the most favorable days for this.

Shopping lunar calendar for June - first decade

June 1 - take a closer look at the product you are interested in, read the reviews. But buying something on this day is not recommended.

June 2, 3, 4 is a good time to purchase household appliances and gadgets. But you should not give in to impulsive desires, the purchase should be planned.

June 7 is the time to thoroughly purchase food and the necessary hygiene products for the home.

June 8, 9, 10 - refrain from large waste. But do not forget to indulge yourself with inexpensive and pleasant things.

Shopping lunar calendar for June - second decade

June 12, 13, 14 - it's time for women to replenish their cosmetic bag with quality cosmetics, which should not be spared money. Also, shopping for face and body care products will be successful.

June 17 is a good day for booking tours, as well as buying tickets for entertainment events.

June 18, 19, 20 - at the end of the second decade, it is better to keep the money with you and refrain from any waste.

Shopping lunar calendar for June - third decade

June 22, 23, 24 is a favorable period for making expensive purchases, but in no case should you take risks.

June 25, 26 - time to go shopping and update your wardrobe. Don't forget to buy new summer shoes as well.

June 27 - when buying real estate or land on this day, you must be extremely careful with the documents.

The most important rule to follow is no rash purchases this month. Be prudent and think over all the expenses in advance, and then your financial situation will be stable and purchases will bring joy.

- a convenient and simple tool for planning various kinds of acquisitions during the lunar cycle. The mistress of the emotional sphere of a person's life, the Moon knows better than anyone else on which day we are more prone to spontaneous impulses, which we can later regret, and in which the desire of sellers to talk us into additional unnecessary expenses intensifies. But don't worry, shopaholics! The lunar calendar has many favorable days for a variety of purchases 🙂

Things experience us ... But we experience without things.

Lunar shopping days

Conditionally good days for shopping according to the lunar calendar can be divided into favorable ones for useful (practical) purchases, long-awaited dream purchases and spontaneous ones dictated by a momentary impulse. So, good days in order to acquire any usefulness that make life more comfortable and contribute to your realization in society are considered 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 20, 21, 22 lunar days... Moreover 6 lunar day is considered the best for purchasing goods for children - stationery and clothing "for growth", and 10th - for any family purchases up to a car and real estate.

AT 7, 12, 22, 25 lunar days, which are distinguished by a special spiritual orientation, the Moon recommends acquiring books (spiritual, psychological, religious), statues of deities, rosary, talismans, incense.

In order to fulfill your old dream of buying something, great are 14 and 24 lunar day... A spontaneous desire to acquire something that seems to be unnecessary should be satisfied in 28 lunar day... But in 30 lunar day for yourself it is better not to buy anything - this is the time to buy gifts for relatives and friends.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on

Shopping lunar calendar - unfavorable days

You should not go shopping on unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar. These are considered 9, 19 and 29 lunar days... At this time, Lunar energy is so powerful that many people are unable to cope with it. It is better to refrain from any purchases in order to protect yourself from buying low-quality goods and deceiving sellers and manufacturers. The only exception is pets, you can safely buy them in 19 lunar days.

There are also recommendations for certain groups of goods that are better not to purchase on certain lunar days. For example, in 11 lunar day, closely energetically associated with fire, the moon advises not to buy items aimed at extinguishing fire. AND 7 lunar day unsuccessful for large acquisitions, home appliances, vehicles and so on.

Good shopping lunar calendar - general rules

1 lunar day cycle was created for planning, defining goals and desires, thinking through a strategy in any area of \u200b\u200byour life. If on the first lunar day you plan an acquisition that is significant for you and find a favorable date for it, the acquisition will most likely be successful and bring joy and satisfaction.

7 lunar day activates the power of the word, and therefore keep in mind that everything that you voice on this day will surely come true. Use the power of this day by stating out loud that your shopping will be a success - so you can turn any dates into good shopping days according to the lunar calendar. 🙂

11 lunar day fills a person with energy and confidence. What was conceived on this day will definitely come true if you really believe in it and clearly know what you want. It's very good to work with visualization of your desires on the eleventh lunar day - it's time to make a collage from the latest catalog of your favorite brand!

Galina. I have been consulting for over 7 years. On my site

To make the shopping trip not only pleasant, but also useful, it is advisable to make a shopping list in advance. With the monthly lunar calendar, you can purchase everything you need, while avoiding unforeseen waste.

Sometimes the energy of a night luminary can push us to make unplanned purchases, which can lead to serious waste. According to astrology, large purchases are best made during the waxing moon. This way you can save more money and your new product will last you a long time. Astrologers' advice will help you figure out which days to skip shopping to avoid unexpected expenses. The site experts offer the site to your attention a lunar calendar with which you can save money, and possibly increase your income.

12 June:The moon in Capricorn is not the most favorable time for expensive purchases. These days delays in payments, as well as financial losses, are likely, so any waste can affect your financial situation.

June 3, 4, 5:the positive influence of Aquarius will help you save money, which means that purchases during this period do not threaten you with large cash spending. Despite this, on June 3, astrologers advise to give up shopping and stay at home in order to avoid being deceived by scammers and financial losses.

June 6, 7: under the influence of the zodiac Pisces, you can not only save money, but also increase your wealth by investing in trusted banks. During this period, even minor expenses should be excluded, otherwise you risk spending more than you planned.

June 8, 9:The union of the Moon and the impulsive Aries can push you towards useless purchases. On these days it is not recommended to visit shops and establishments where you can spend a lot of money.

June 10, 11: Moon in Taurus is the perfect time to shop. If this month you planned to purchase an expensive product, it is advisable to do so during this period. First of all, this applies to those who wish to purchase new household appliances, gadgets and other electrical appliances.

June 12, 13: these days the moon will be in the constellation Gemini. Under the influence of this Zodiac Sign, you should abandon any waste and instead aim at improving your financial situation. During this period, it is recommended to conclude transactions, invest in securities, and play on the stock exchange.

June 14, 15:The Moon in Cancer is the least suitable time for shopping. Inattentiveness of this Zodiac Sign can lead you to large monetary losses. However, if you are planning to go shopping, choose more reliable malls and boutiques, where you are much less likely to face scammers.

June 16, 17:during this period, astrologers recommend that you exclude any waste. The influence of the zodiac Leo can deprive you of self-control, which puts you at risk of spending all the deferred finances. First of all, you should give up visiting expensive entertainment venues, and instead spend time in a cozy place where you do not have to spend a lot of money.

June 18, 19, 20: The moon will move to the Virgo constellation, which will allow you to finally relax and spend money on yourself. At this time, it is best to visit a beauty salon, attend cosmetic procedures or use the services of a massage therapist. In this case, you will spend your money not only with pleasure, but also with benefit.

June 21, 22: the influence of the zodiac Libra will help you make the right shopping list, including only the essentials. During this period, it is best to purchase household items and household appliances - they will serve you for a long time.

June 23, 24: Scorpio is a real connoisseur of beautiful and expensive things. This time is most favorable for the purchase of antiques and other exquisite interior items.

June 25, 26, 27: The moon in Sagittarius is not the best time for expensive purchases. During this period, astrologers recommend abandoning the shopping trip, and instead set aside money for a more needed purchase.

June 28, 29: while the moon is in Capricorn, you can save money or spend it for leisure. If you want to spend these days with benefit, visit museums, theaters or go to the exhibition. In this case, you will not regret the finances spent.

30 June: on the last day of the month, the Moon will move to the constellation Aquarius. Under the auspices of this constellation, you can purchase goods with maximum benefit. Try to be careful and pay attention to discounts and great deals. In this case, you can purchase any item you like at a low price.

In the modern world, many sellers have learned to psychologically influence buyers, which is why we often buy useless things at an unjustified price. To save money and avoid major financial losses, learn how to resist suggestions and avoid buying unnecessary goods. We wish you happiness and success,and don't forget to press the buttons and