Types of seeds - how to choose quality seeds? How to choose quality seeds: looking at the packaging Seeds are called

Any plant starts with a seed. The whole life of one plant is concentrated in this small lump, which will grow, develop and give offspring. But nature concluded that not all seeds are capable of sprouting, which will then turn into a flower or some kind.

In markets and shops, you can now find a lot of seeds, which differ among themselves in the color of the packages, names and varieties. Among this variety, it is easy to fall for low-quality goods, which fraudsters slip on the shelves as deftly as other goods. But they often give themselves away with their heads, attentive enough to what is printed on it.

Unfamiliar seed names

Complicated and incomprehensible names should prompt you to rather search in books or on the Internet. Fortunately, there is no shortage of it now. Fraudsters often closely monitor the demand in the markets and understand what is better to offer and what to call it in order to attract a buyer. As a result, it turns out that some plant nice name does not exist in nature at all and has never been bred. The seeds in such bags belong to an unknown plant and often simply do not hatch.

It's always easy to check the name. There is a special State Register that contains all breeding achievements. Before a plant is entered there, it will be tested for two years in all parts of our country, after which it will be included in the list. So if you did not find the name in the State Register, then it simply does not exist, and in front of you is an illegal product.

The name of the manufacturing company is also important. If you have never heard some name from the package, again we look into the State Register and check the presence of this company in it. In the end, you can search for a company on the Internet and find out what its history is and whether it is responsible for its products. And does it exist at all.

Attention to numbers

It often happens that the number of seeds sealed in a bag, the batch number and their sale date are printed in font on the package. In this case, feel free to refuse the purchase - this is a fake. On legal products, all these numbers are applied only with a stamp. Everything is logical - no one will write ahead of time when the package is being manufactured, the number of seeds and the batch number. All this is put down directly in the process of filling the package using a stamp. Fraudulent companies do not have special equipment for packing seeds, and therefore all information is printed only by typographic method.

The rustling sound coming from the bag while shaking should set in a positive mood. If it is not there, most likely the seeds are stuck together and have lost the ability to germinate or are damp and rotten. High-quality seeds are always easily poured and rattle like a rattle.

It happens that with high-quality packaging, defects are still found inside. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to plant a trial batch of seeds, but you still have to break the integrity of the bag.

When opening the package, you will need to turn on all the senses. Sniff, listen and peer. It is clear that no smell of dampness and rot should come from fresh seeds. They should have a characteristic aroma for a given plant, which gradually disappears as we approach the very end of implementation. In principle, larvae cannot serve as an excuse for bad appearance seeds, this should not be at all. Of course, cracks and irregularities in the shape should also be absent. Usually, their presence indicates that the seeds were picked unripe or managed to get wet. Or maybe they are even infected.

Turn on touch

It is also easy to identify high-quality seeds and low-quality seeds by touch. Fresh seeds are slightly cool, while old seeds are slightly warm. If there are few bad seeds, you can simply remove them, and with them the samples that are hollow inside.

There are a couple of ways to check seed germination. One of them is to electrify an object, at least by rubbing it on the hair, and then bring it to the seeds. Hollow specimens will immediately adhere to it, while solid specimens capable of sprouting will remain in place. This method only works with small seeds. Large ones are enough to fill with water and see how they will behave for five minutes. Hollow seeds will float, and whole seeds will remain at the bottom.

Big Promises (How to Choose Seeds Video)

Sometimes scammers promise on the packaging an unprecedented harvest, which is difficult to imagine, having some experience in growing plants. This is a reason to think about the legality of products. It is unlikely that these seeds will give the same result declared by the manufacturer. If at all it turns out to be exactly the plant that is indicated on the package.

Interestingly, some producers adopted the experience of foreign colleagues and began to dye seeds in different colors. This is a real sign of quality, which can serve as a good guarantee that you will get a good harvest at the right time (see the video for what other reliable indicators can be found on the product).

In general, speaking objectively, it is difficult to expel fraudsters from the market for goods and services - they have settled down too well there and the law that should protect gardeners is too weak. However, representatives of any local Rosselkhoznadzor are your defenders and should come to the rescue at the first call. But nevertheless, the buyer and the gardener first of all need to rely on their care and literacy. Study all the tricks of the scammers, keep abreast of the latest events, and your knowledge and knowledge in this topic will surely help out at the right time.

All of them different sizes, colors and shapes. Seeds are plant embryos with an initial supply of nutrients. Plants spend a lot of time and resources growing each seed and filling them with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential oils and temporarily inactive enzymes. If you expect to have a snack with something healthy, satisfying and highly nutritious - seeds are out of competition. Below is a list of the healthiest seeds and how to use them.

The seed is life. Live food. Raw seeds are very nutritious. Most of the calories a person gets from edible seeds or grains, for example, from legumes or nuts. Seeds are the source vegetable oils, drinks, seasonings and healthy food additives. Depending on the type of seed, the most nutrient-rich will be either the embryo or the endosperm (storage tissue; approx. Mixstuff.ru). The proteins stored in the embryonic tissue and in the endosperm differ in the set of amino acids and in properties.

Method of use:

The only way to get the most from your seeds is to consume them raw. Heat treatment leads to the formation of toxins, and vitamins, minerals and essential oils are denatured. Roasted sunflower seeds are no longer living food. No seeds in the world can withstand heat and frying while retaining their nutritional value. It is always worth remembering that you need to eat seeds in their natural state - raw. They can be soaked, ground, and crushed, especially if the seed coat is too hard for the teeth.

You should choose raw and unsalted seeds.

Roasted and glazed seeds should be avoided.

Do not eat them candied.

Most useful seeds:

Chia seeds

Consider the following facts about chia seeds:
- 2.5 times more protein than beans;
- Antioxidants 3 times more than blueberries;
- 3 times more iron than spinach;
- 6 times more calcium than milk;
- 7 times more vitamin C than oranges;
- 8 times more omega-3 than salmon;
- 10 times more fiber than rice;
- 15 times more magnesium than broccoli.

Chia seeds are traditionally eaten by people in Mexico, the southwestern United States and parts of Latin America. Chia was the most important culture of the Aztecs. Jesuit chroniclers claim that it ranked third in their diet after corn and beans, ahead of amaranth.

Roasted seed flour is used to make nutritious drinks. The lard from them, mixed with water and pepper, lasts a long time, is highly nutritious and well quenches thirst. The seed oil dries quickly and is used to make paints.

Hemp seed

More and more people are discovering the nutritional benefits of hemp seeds.

Hemp contains:

All 20 amino acids, including 9 essential amino acids (EAAs), which our bodies cannot produce.
- A high percentage of protein from simple proteins that strengthen immunity and eliminate toxins.
- Eating cannabis seeds in any form can help those suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This finding is supported by the fact that hemp seeds have been used to treat nutritional deficiencies in tuberculosis. This disease blocks nutrients, causing the body to waste away.3
- It is a huge natural source of essential fatty acids, there are more of them than flax seeds or any other oily crop.
- Ideal source of Omega-6 and Omega-3 linolenic acid - for cardiovascular health and overall immune system strengthening.
- An excellent vegetarian source of protein that's easy to digest.
- A rich source of phytonutrients - a protective element of plants, capable of strengthening immunity by its properties, protecting blood, cells of tissues of internal organs and skin.
- The richest known source of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate seeds are rich in antioxidants. These substances protect the cells of the body from free radicals and prevent premature aging. In other words, pomegranate juice "pumps" the blood with oxygen. Antioxidants not only fight free radicals, but also prevent blood clots. This improves blood flow and oxygenates the blood.

Pomegranate seeds are especially rich in polyphenols. It is a type of antioxidant that can lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Due to the beneficial tannins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid it contains, pomegranate juice has a much stronger antioxidant effect than green tea and red wine. The pomegranate seeds, covered with a juicy shell, are edible. Grains are rich in vitamin C and potassium, are low in calories (only 80 kcal per serving, which is one third lower than most fruits) and are rich in fiber.

The antioxidant properties of pomegranate seeds help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins. This prevents the narrowing of the walls of blood vessels by fatty deposits and maintains the saturation of the blood with antioxidants.

Researcher Claudio Napoli of the Medical Institute of Naples says: "In mice that were given pomegranate juice, atherosclerosis progressed at least 30 percent more slowly."

Pomegranate is also useful for the skeletal system - it reduces the manifestation of arthritis in the affected cartilage tissues. This fruit reduces inflammation and prevents enzymes from breaking down cartilage.

Flax seeds

Dietary fiber in flax seeds lowers blood lipids and regulates appetite. According to scientists from Copenhagen University, flax seeds reduce hunger and help fight excess weight.

Flax has been cultivated for centuries and its benefits are well known. Hippocrates described the use of flax for relieving abdominal pain, and the French Emperor Charles I the Great loved flax seeds so much that he issued a special decree on their widespread use.

The beneficial properties of flaxseeds consist of their saturation with linolenic acid, a high content of dietary fiber and an abundance of lignans (plant phenolic compounds - antioxidants; approx. Mixednews.ru).

Essential linolenic acid is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces the production of inflammatory agents and lowers blood levels of C-reactive protein, an indicator of inflammation. The combined action of linolenic acid and lignans inhibits tumor growth in animals and may reduce the risk of cancer in humans.

Lignans are phytoestrogens and have properties similar to estrogen (female sex hormone; approx.). They have antioxidant properties. Phytoestrogens help to stabilize hormonal levels, relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause, and may help prevent breast and prostate cancer.

Dietary fiber in flax seeds supports normal bowel function. One tablespoon of whole flaxseeds contains as much fiber as half a cup of oat bran. Soluble fiber reduces blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Ground flaxseeds are healthier than whole flaxseeds. The seeds can be ground in a coffee grinder or blender and added to cereals, baked goods, and smoothies.

Pumpkin seeds

These are the only seeds that form alkaline blood counts. This is important considering that most modern diets are acidic.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein. One hundred grams of these seeds provide 54 percent of your daily protein requirement.

Many people take vitamins to compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins. Pumpkin seeds can successfully replace synthetic drugs in this. These seeds contain all the B vitamins - thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid, pyridoxine (B6) and folate.

For people in a bad mood, pumpkin seeds can help cope with depression. The ingredient L-Tryptophan helps to lift your mood.

Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds can prevent the formation of kidney stones. Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds prevent calcium oxolate from forming kidney stones.

Apricot kernels are no less nutritious than various nuts and seeds. Among other components, the nucleus contains amygdalin, its other name is vitamin B17. This substance attacks cancer cells and can prevent the spread of the tumor. Amygdalin can be found in hundreds of different foods, but they are not present in a diet with a predominance of processed foods and fast food. People with a more balanced and traditional (national cuisine) diet are less at risk of developing cancer, including due to foods high in vitamin B17 (amygdalin).

In addition to the kernels of apricot kernels, amygdalin is found in bitter almonds. It is amygdalin that gives it a bitter taste. Therefore, if the kernel of the apricot kernel does not have a bitter taste, then there is no vitamin B17 in it. Amygdalin is found in apple and grape seeds, millet, garden beans, various berries, cassava and many other seeds, grains, cereals, and legumes. The exception is hybrid varieties.

Speaking about the prevention of diseases, it is worth paying attention to the words of the doctor Ernst Krebbs Jr., the inventor of the drug "Laetrile" (concentrated amygdalin). According to him, a person who eats ten to twelve kernels of apricot kernels daily will almost certainly not get cancer, even in the case of radiation close to the background in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are one of the oldest seasonings known to mankind. They are prized for their oil content, which keeps them very well.

Sesame is valuable as a good source of manganese and copper. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Sesame seeds contain a lot of vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber. In addition to the above, sesame contains two unique substances - sesamin and sesamolin. Both are lignans. These substances lower blood cholesterol levels in humans. In animals, they prevent an increase in blood pressure and increase the saturation of tissues with vitamin E. Sesamine prevents antioxidant damage to liver cells.

Sunflower seeds

These seeds are an excellent source of the natural fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin E. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals. This prevents damage to fatty molecular structures - cell membranes, brain cells and cholesterol.

Sunflower seeds are very rich in phytosterol. This substance is similar in structure to cholesterol. Used in moderation, phytosterol lowers blood cholesterol levels. This enhances the immune response mechanism and reduces the risk of developing certain forms of cancer.

Sunflower seeds contain a lot of magnesium. There is research data according to which magnesium relieves symptoms of bronchial asthma, lowers blood pressure, prevents migraine pain and the development of heart attacks and strokes.

Cumin seeds

Cumin has been used since ancient times. Its medicinal properties have been used for hundreds of years.

Cumin is beneficial for digestive disorders. It has antiseptic properties. Cumin seeds are rich in iron and improve liver function.

Cumin can help relieve cold symptoms. In case of sore throat, it is recommended to drink cumin water with the addition of dry ginger, this will soothe the perspiration.

Caraway juice is very tonic. There is evidence that it slightly raises body temperature, spurring metabolism.

Cumin has a beneficial effect on liver and kidney function, stimulates the immune system.

Grape seeds

Grape seeds are rich in vitamin E, flavonoids, linolenic acid and polyphenols.

Grape seed extract can prevent the onset of cardiovascular problems: high blood pressure and an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Phenols limit fat oxidation, thereby preventing blood clots and reducing the intensity of inflammation.

In experiments on surrogates of norovirus, grape seed extract reduced its invasive ability.

What plants have seeds, you will learn from this article.

What plants have seeds?

All plants belonging to the division of Gymnosperms and Angiosperms have seeds. These are legumes, pumpkin seeds, cereals, flowers, conifers, etc.

What are seeds?

A seed is a rudimentary plant. And, as a rule, flowering plants have them, and they are formed from the ovule. The seed is formed inside the fruit and is attached to its wall by the seed stem. The signs of a ripe seed are the presence of an embryo, storage tissue and seed coat. Almost all plants have seeds, except for ferns and mosses - they have spores.

How important are seeds in plant life?

Seeds for plants are of great importance, because with the help of seeds they spread to different territories and multiply. Most seeds are carried by the wind, for example, pine, birch and dandelion seeds, others by wild animals, such as oak and hazel seeds.

In the distribution of angiosperms, humans are also of great importance. He transports seeds throughout the planet, contributing to the expansion of their range.

Seeds for a long time can remain viable, but not more than 10 years.

What are the benefits of plants with large seeds?

We are now discussing seeds in detail and in detail - this is the season. And since we are talking about, I want to dwell in more detail on the producers of seed. For me, this question is one of the key ones: it is often the name of the company that becomes the decisive argument in favor of buying the next bag (or vice versa).

Sometimes it is the name of the manufacturer that becomes the decisive argument for or against the purchase.

P.S. We already have a whole section on our website with reviews of seed producers. If you want to know the opinions of seven-day workers about a particular company - and select from the list what interests you.

There are many manufacturers - who should you give preference to?

1. Aelita

It is one of the oldest domestic seed-producing firms, with more than 20 years of experience. Naturally, in order to be present on the market for such a long time, it is necessary to constantly expand the assortment and keep the quality at the highest level. Today "AELITA" has an assortment of seeds of vegetables and herbs, lawn grasses, a rich selection of seeds of flower crops; there is both planting material and mycelium.

Agrofirm "AELITA" website
: .

The company is engaged in breeding work; over 20 years (since 1994), more than 400 varieties and hybrids of various crops have been bred and zoned. Unfortunately, on the website you can order the company's products only in bulk, and delivery of small batches is impossible, so even joint purchases, which Tanya talked about in her article, will not help here, alas ...

On the other hand, the assortment of seeds from "AELITA" is presented in most online stores and ordinary retail outlets, so it is not difficult to buy them. I myself willingly purchase the products of this company - in my opinion, the quality is quite high, and the choice of varieties is very large.

However, somehow I came across another company with a similar name. Now I'm wondering: relative or clone? The company is called "AELITA-AGRO" and, as stated on the website, "is a specialized seed company." Here her site:; products here are also sold only to wholesale buyers. Perhaps someone knows what kind of "twin brothers" they are - please share the information!

P.S. As we managed to find out, this mysterious "namesake" has nothing to do with the "AELITA" company, so be careful when choosing seeds!

2. Gavrish

This company also crossed the 20-year mark last year and today is among the leaders of the domestic market. The company has a serious research and production base, it has many breeding achievements, especially in the field of breeding and zoning new ones (by the way, the recommendations of the breeding specialist of the GAVRISH company on the choice of tomato varieties can be seen in the video clip that is given).

Site of the company "GAVRISH"

The assortment of the company includes seeds of vegetables, herbs, flower crops. In addition, the company has its own nurseries that sell seedlings of fruit and. Like AELITA, GAVRISH does not have its own online retail store, but most of the outlets are always available. a large assortment their products.

Unfortunately, my impressions of these seeds are extremely negative. I do not want to say anything bad about the company - perhaps it was just that I was not so lucky, or I constantly came across fakes (which, by the way, Vera warned about - I recommend reading!). But in my garden-garden the products from "GAVRISH" do not take root in any: the seeds do not germinate, rare seedlings die. So for some time now I just don't buy. Perhaps you have a completely different opinion? Share it by all means!

P.S. Either it coincided, or something really changed in last years, but my "bad luck" has passed: both vegetable and flower crops from the seeds of the "GAVRISH" company please with stable germination, the plants correspond to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

P.P.S. During the time that has passed since the publication of the article, remarkable changes have occurred: now the GAVRISH company has its own online retail storewhere you can buy all the company's products:

3. Russian Garden - NK

Having a strong position in the market, this association is remarkable not only for its high quality products and a good range of products, but also for its activity. This brand has its own demonstration sites at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow and in the famous one in the Netherlands.

The holding has its own publishing House, publishes a specialized magazine "The Real Owner". The sphere of interests of the company includes not only industrial and scientific, breeding, but also educational activities.

Unlike the previously named firms, "Russian Ogorod - NK" has its own online store: In the range - seeds of vegetables, herbs, flowers,; seedlings of roses, fruit and decorative trees and shrubs; bulbous plants and planting material, including conifers and aquatic plants; mycelium of mushrooms; varietal potatoes, onions, garlic.

My own seed impressions this company - only positive. Unfortunately, the assortment of their products in stores is not enough, therefore, having discovered an online store, I was incredibly happy. I hope the service is excellent there. Maybe someone has already bought seeds or planting material in it? If there are such - please respond, tell us about your impressions!

P.S. The companies remained from a close acquaintance with the online store. If you are interested in customer reviews about the Russian Garden, read the comments to this publication.

4. SeDec

This company also has considerable experience behind it: founded in 1995, it has been maintaining its position among the leaders in the production and sale of seeds for a long time.

Site of the Agrofirm "SeDec": .

IN State register breeding achievements of the Russian Federation today there are more than 450 varieties and hybrids different culturesbrought out by the specialists of the Agrofirm "SeDec". In addition, the company is engaged in elite potato growing; in her range, including amazing.

Like Russkiy Ogorod, Agrofirm SeDec has its own online store: where its products are presented, including seed. And the company also has its own, where new videos about the company itself and its events, about new varieties of vegetable crops regularly appear; there are also useful recommendations for summer residents on growing plants from before harvest.

I always buy seeds from "SeDec" with confidence in good quality, my experience of using them is quite positive - it's a pity that the assortment presented in the stores of our region is very limited, and online stores are not encouraging. So a branded online store is a good find.

5. Article

If we talk about age, then Artikul is one of the longest-livers of the market: the company has existed since 1990. However, this brand is known significantly less than those that have already been named. Probably, there are objective reasons for this: the company is not marked by achievements in breeding work, does not conduct educational work and specializes only in production and wholesale vegetable and flower seeds.

Nevertheless, I would rate the quality of "Artikul" products as quite high (in the last 2 years I have been using their seeds regularly - and not only me, but also friends and acquaintances) There is a drawback: the seeds of vegetables are often over-graded, which is sad any doubt. On the other hand, the prices are very reasonable and the good ones compensate for it.

6. Plasma seeds (PLASMAS)

This company stands out among other producers, since seed production itself is by no means its profile. She is engaged in plasma seed treatment using a technology patented in Russia and the USA. According to experts, this technology really improves important properties seeds: germination, resistance to diseases - and has a positive effect on the yield of crops grown from them. Moreover, such processing is safe for humans and nature.

Unfortunately, there is no information about where the seeds come from, which are then packed in bags under the brand name "PLASMAS - Plasma Seeds". Meanwhile, my own attempts to grow something from such seeds ended in disappointment. Considering that plasma treatment influences the price increase quite precisely, and the number of seeds in a bag is microscopic, it is doubly insulting. I would like to know other opinions - perhaps someone has the best seeds from this company? If there are such, please respond, share your opinion in the comments, please!

7. Search

Since 1990, this company has been engaged in seed production and breeding and has supplied excellent products to the domestic market - seed and planting material. It was founded on the basis of the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing; today it has 3 breeding centers, a control and testing laboratory and a certification center, and the company includes more than 30 enterprises.

Agrofirm "POISK" website: .

The Agrofirm POISK brand produces seeds of vegetables, green crops, flowers; the company also sells mycelium of mushrooms, grass seeds, seed potatoes, etc. The nursery created by the company in 2001 offers seedlings of fruit and ornamental crops, aquatic and coastal plants, planting material of herbaceous perennials.

Everything that the company produces is represented in its online store: ... This is convenient, since the selection of seeds from "SEARCH" in conventional retail outlets not always happy. And there is plenty to choose from, and of excellent quality. I sowed mainly vegetables from this company, and was always happy with the result. What is your opinion?

8. Watercolor

Dutch vegetable and flower seeds are sold under this brand. The company does not have its own website, but all its products can be seen on the site ... Alas, it is not possible to buy seeds at retail here, but the terms of wholesale purchases are quite acceptable, so by teaming up with like-minded fellow countrymen, it is quite possible to replenish your reserves of seeds.

IN retail stores this brand is not widely represented. Unfortunately, I must say, since the quality of the seeds, in my opinion, is not bad, as is the selection of interesting varieties. True, I only sowed flowers - as far as vegetables are concerned, I trust domestic producers more.

9. Biotechnics

The company was founded in the 90s of the last century on the basis of a small biotechnical laboratory, where enthusiasts were engaged in cell cultivation of plants. Today it is a large agricultural company with a fairly wide assortment of vegetable and flower seeds selected at its own variety testing plots.

Site of the Agrofirm "Biotekhnika": .

In our region, the products of this company have not received much distribution; I myself have tried to use the seeds of its production only once, so the soil is too shaky for conclusions - I will refrain. But it would be very interesting to know the opinions of those who have grown something from the seeds of "Biotekhnika" or grow them regularly: what are your impressions? Is the rather high price of the product justified? What are the features of these seeds? You know - tell us!

10. Sortsemovosch (House of seeds)

This is a company from St. Petersburg and, unfortunately, some of its products (seedlings (except for rose seedlings), seedlings, greenhouses) are available only to residents of this city and the Leningrad region. But seeds (including lawn grasses), flower bulbs, mushroom mycelium can also be purchased via the Internet with delivery to any region of the country.

Website: he is online store.

The advantage of the seeds of this company is that the proposed varieties are zoned, that is, they are adapted to the conditions (not the most favorable for agriculture) of the North-West and the Middle Belt. This is especially important for vegetable crops, from which we expect not so much beauty as a high yield.

In the stores of our region, the products of ZAO SSPP "SORTSEMOVOSCH" are presented very limitedly, so I did not have many opportunities to get to know them better. But what happened to sow left a good impression.

My review does not claim to be exhaustive - of course, there are many more seed producers today. If you constantly use the products of any other company, tell us about it in the comments - it will be interesting for everyone. And you can also look - there is a list of Internet sites and other seed producers, including foreign ones.

Opinions about the quality of seeds will also probably differ - each gardener and gardener has their own experience. But it is all the more interesting to compare our impressions with you, right?

P.S. This article was written several years ago. Since then, of course, there have been changes both in the seed market in general and among leading producers: new online stores have appeared, and the assortment has expanded. Read about new impressions in the article and comments to it. ,

What does quality have to do with it? And besides, only high-quality seeds can guarantee, if not phenomenal, then at least just a good harvest. But good seeds in a specialty store are very expensive, you argue. I will even try to agree with you, but ...

Before you go to the market for seeds and seedlings (where they are certainly cheaper), it is worth considering whether you will find exactly what you want there. Believe me, no one will give a 100% guarantee that the seeds or seedlings you buy really correspond to the variety declared by the seller. And if suddenly after a couple of months it turns out that instead of a weighty pink giant your bush was decorated with a bunch of bright red cherry blossoms, there will be no one to make claims against. This time.

And the second thing. Experienced gardeners (and flower growers) do not often buy seeds - they prefer to use their own, collected from proven varieties. You have to go to the store either for some completely new variety, or for a hybrid. By the way, every person who is more or less versed in agronomy knows that all crops are varietal and hybrid. Although what is the difference between a variety and a hybrid, not everyone knows. And even experienced gardeners (not to mention beginners) often have a very vague idea that seeds are divided into categories. What kind? It depends on how many stages of reproduction the seeds went through before they hit the store counter.

Types of seeds

So, seeds are divided into three categories:

  • original,
  • elite (seeds of the elite),
  • reproductive.

Original - these are seeds of the first stage of propagation. They are the standard of varietal purity, the progenitors of all other generations of seeds of any variety. They used to be called the super elite. Now this term is not officially used in the field of seed production.

Original seeds are produced by originators or their authorized persons. The originator of a plant variety can be a physical or entitythat created, bred or identified a plant variety and ensures its conservation. One or more originators may be registered for a variety. Both a Russian and a foreign person can be registered as the original of a variety of foreign selection.

Currently, there are about 1,000 registered originators in Russia. Among them, the lion's share is occupied by research institutions. In addition, large agricultural firms (including foreign ones) and private individuals act as originators.

The seeds obtained from the original are elite. The number of their generations is determined by the originator of the variety. The generations of the elite are designated with an S followed by a number. For example, S1 is the first generation from the elite, S2 is the generation from S1, etc. S1 quality is higher than S2 generation quality. Sometimes, but very rarely, the seeds of the elite can be found in retail, and for agricultural enterprises and farmers it is not a problem to purchase them from the originators. It's all about the price. Elite Seeds are the source for the next and last category seed.

Seeds of subsequent generations after the elite are reproductive. We purchase them for use on our sites. By the way, hybrid seeds of the first (and, incidentally, the last) generation are also reproductive. They are designated as F1.

The fact that reproductive seeds belong to the third, lowest category does not at all mean that they retain their varietal qualities to a much lesser extent than the original and elite ones. There is, of course, a difference. Rather, there is a certain downward tolerance in terms of controlled characteristics. Reproduction seeds, as well as original and elite ones, undergo all the prescribed types of control and tests for compliance with the original variety.

It all depends on the manufacturer. If he reproduced (copied, reproduced) seeds with varietal and sowing qualities no lower than those of the original or elite ones, then he is honored and praised. Although their category will still remain the same - reproductive. If "met" the requirements for reproduction, then this is the norm. But in the case when a batch of seeds did not pass the test due to poor quality, then this is a problem. The trouble is for the manufacturer. Because he has no right to implement them. And if he did, then the trouble is for a loser summer resident who will waste money, effort and time.

Unfortunately, the experience of many gardeners shows that even the most seemingly serious manufacturing firms (they are different in different regions of our vast country) do not have year on year on the issue of seed quality. It is best to purchase the seeds from the gel shops. Well, if this is not possible, take seeds from different companies for safety net - some of them will sprout.

With the development of private entrepreneurship, a lot of entrepreneurs came to the seed business who have nothing to do with agricultural production. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the seeds purchased from private individuals to be dissimilar, or instead of some varieties the buyer receives completely different ones. If you do not want to make a mistake when buying seeds, remember the following simple conditions.

Legal and individualsselling seeds must have:

  • a patent for the right to produce and sell seeds;
  • seed quality certificate with data on germination, purity and other indicators. This document must reflect the name of the manufacturer or sales broker, the name of crops, varieties and hybrids, reproduction (generation), crop year, germination (%), purity (%), number and date of the quality document, name of the seed inspection that issued quality document.

The seed bag should be marked: name and address of the organization, crop, variety, weight of seeds (or number of pieces).

Seed storage

High-grade seeds are the key to a high yield of vegetables. You need to take care of the purchase of seeds in advance. But it should be remembered that the duration of storage of vegetable seeds is different: cucumber seeds, if stored at a temperature of at least 15 ° C, do not lose their germination for up to ten years; for seeds of watermelon, melon, pumpkin germination does not decrease within 4-6 years; in the 3-4th year, the sowing qualities of eggplant, cabbage, lettuce seeds deteriorate. The germination of onion seeds is maintained for no more than 2 years, so not all seeds should be bought for future use.

Seeds should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated, heated room at a temperature of 7-10 *. For storage, gauze or cloth bags are best suited, in extreme cases - paper bags. Do not store seeds in plastic bags, as they can suffocate and lose germination.

Seed quality check

A preliminary assessment of the quality of seeds can be carried out visually - by external signs: they must be full, not wrinkled (except for peas and corn), and the color must be characteristic of the given crop. In addition, fresh seeds are brightly colored, while old seeds are dull.

The seeds can have a certain smell, for example, carrot, dill and parsley seeds have a strong specific smell; if absent, it is likely that the seed is of poor quality. Also, those seeds that have a putrid smell are unusable. Good seeds can be recognized by touch: good seeds appear cool and slightly damp, old seeds appear dry and warm.

When buying seeds, you must carefully read the characteristics and characteristics of the variety, the manufacturer's instructions. Why, say, buy late tomato seeds if you don't have a greenhouse and the summer in your area is very short? Of course, tomatoes can be ripened, but is their taste comparable to the red beauties that have just been removed from the bush?

When you have the time, opportunity and desire, you can experiment with different varieties of different cultures. But if one of the above is not enough, say, time, it is better to cultivate one - a proven and reliable variety. The technology of growing one variety is easy to study and bring to perfection, which means that you always have a harvest. And you can experiment with a couple of other varieties.

That's when proven and reliable varieties appear, there is no need to purchase these very seeds in a store or on the market. With an experienced glance, the gardener notes in advance (and necessarily marks) the best fruits that have all the necessary varietal qualities. And only after these "vydentsi" are fully ripe, fully ripe seeds can be extracted from them. This must be done on a dry and sunny day. The seeds are then dried, put in bags (do not forget to sign them!) And stored until spring sowing at a temperature of 10-15 degrees.

Hybrids have recently become increasingly popular among vegetable growers. In a shop with seeds, you can easily recognize them by the letter F (the initial letter of the Latin word for "children"). The number next to it indicates the generation. In hybrids, it is the first and only one. Plants marked F1 usually outperform the parent varieties in yield, early maturity, disease resistance, hardiness and other indicators. This phenomenon is called heterosis, and hybrids are called heterosis. It is for them, hybrid, that is, heterotic, and you have to go to the store every year, because it is useless to collect seeds from them at home, because already in the second generation there is no trace of all the excellent qualities of the hybrid. With domestic breeding, splitting into paternal and maternal lines occurs. You will get a harvest, but the fruits will be of different shapes, different colors, different characteristics.

Such seeds are obtained each time anew in breeding research institutions or specialized farms, crossing maternal and paternal varieties or lines. It is very complex and laborious process, therefore, seeds are more expensive than ordinary varietal ones.

So which is more reliable - copta or hybrids?

Hybrids have their own merits, but they usually appear when a special cultivation technology is followed. The varieties are less whimsical, resistant to many diseases, grow normally and give a good harvest without film coatings in many regions of the post-Soviet space. You need to choose what suits you best. But most importantly, we must not forget that both varieties and hybrids in their biological characteristics must correspond to the growing zone. Try to grow zoned varieties - they are more adapted to local conditions. In their "own" region, they give the best results in terms of yield, quality of fruits, regularity of fruiting, and disease resistance.

And the last (in this chapter, of course) thing you need to know about seedlings. According to the growing period, the seedlings can be divided into three groups: early, middle and late. I would like to point out right away that the dates in parentheses are acceptable for Central Russia.

Early seedlings (sowing seeds from February 10 to March 10) - pepper, eggplant, tomato for greenhouses, early white and colored cabbage, root celery, leeks, artichoke and other vegetables. When growing seedlings in such an early, almost winter period, it is important to provide plants not only with the optimal temperature, but also with illumination. Early seedlings can be grown on window sills, heated balconies and verandas. Biofuel greenhouses or heated greenhouses are used for this purpose.

Medium seedlings (sowing seeds from March 15 to April 10) - mid-season varieties of white cabbage, tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons, melons, onions. broccoli, kohlrabi, red cabbage, cauliflower, Peking cabbage, Brussels sprouts, beetroot.

Medium seedlings are grown in foil greenhouses with emergency heating, which allows maintaining the optimum temperature at night and on some cold days. Film greenhouses or shelters using biofuels (manure with straw and other organic materials) can be used to warm the soil. But when the air temperature drops, these structures require additional covering with sacking or other heat-saving materials.

Late seedlings (sowing seeds from April 25 to May 20) - late-ripening varieties of white cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, asparagus, rhubarb and other crops.

Late seedlings are grown in film greenhouses, greenhouses. For growing seedlings of cabbage, asparagus, rhubarb, you can use cold nurseries, that is, areas of land well protected from northern winds, with fertile soil.

Quite accidentally, but at the same time very symbolically, the first chapter ended with the words about fertile soil. For the next chapter will be devoted specifically to soil.