Asymmetric Internet access via satellite. Which satellite Internet to choose. User equipment required to receive the service

Asymmetric access service - high-speed access to Internet resources using an asymmetric (one-way) traffic exchange scheme between the user and the Internet, when broadband receiving information is organized via a satellite, and the channel of inquiries can be of any nature, for example, it can be organized via a dedicated channel or ordinary switched telephone lines. The rate of the request channel must be at least 9600 bps. Incoming traffic is transmitted over a high-speed satellite simplex channel (reply channel) at a rate many times faster than the interrogation channel.

The service is focused on a wide range of tasks to be solved:

  • increasing the capacity of access channels,
  • modernization of low-speed networks data transmission,
  • building corporate and departmental networks.

One-way satellite Internet is focused primarily on the operation of Internet applications that have a substantially asymmetric nature of data exchange, for example: WWW, FTP, as well as a wide range of multimedia applications. At the same time, the volume of traffic transmitted and received by the user differs by tens, and sometimes even hundreds of times.

The service "Asymmetric access" does not replace the services of duplex access to the Internet, but makes it possible to quickly expand the volume and geography of services provided on the networks of almost any providers and telecom operators, multiplying the capacity of the user's receiving channel.

The geography of one-way satellite Internet provision is determined by the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe space segment, the service is provided by Intelsat-904 communication satellites (Ku-band, 60 ° E, guaranteed reception zone - the European part of Russia and a number of CIS countries) and Yamal-200 »(Ku-band, 90 ° E, guaranteed reception area - the entire territory of Russia and a number of CIS countries).

What is needed to activate the service

  • connection to the Internet through any provider or telecom operator to provide a "request" channel;
  • foster satellite equipment (see below)

Connectivity technology

VPN technology is used to connect users:

  • PPTP VPN is used to connect individual users and is supported by Windows9x / 2k / XP without additional software;
  • GRE tunnels are used to connect small local networks and require the client to have a dedicated server running Linux / Unix;
  • OpenVPN is an open-source, free universal product, supported by both Windows and * nix.

User equipment required to receive the service:

  • DVB satellite receiver card (link) (PCI, USB) for a computer running Windows, Linux or DVB router (link);
  • Antenna... Offset parabolic antenna, diameter 0.9-2.4 m, collapsible and non-collapsible;
  • Converter... Low-noise antenna amplifier-converter (LNB), noise figure less than 0.8dB;
  • Cable... Coaxial cable used for consumer or professional satellite TV installations.
  • DVB Receiver
    • DVB router - a stand-alone device equipped with an Ethernet 10/100 port and connected to a LAN. Currently, it is recommended to use IPR-Sc (IPricot) to work with the Asymmetric Internet service, [email protected] (PentaMedia).
    • DVB receiver... Available in PCI and USB versions. In the case of the PCI version, the card is installed inside the computer into a free PCI slot, in the case of USB it is connected to a free USB port. Currently, to work with the service "Asymmetric Internet" it is recommended to use [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (PentaMedia); SkyStar-1, SkyStar-2, SkyStar-3, SkyStar USB (TechniSat).

There are two ways to exchange data via satellite:

  • one-way, sometimes also called "asymmetric" - when a satellite channel is used to receive data, and available terrestrial channels are used for transmission.
  • two-way, sometimes also called "symmetric" - when satellite channels are used for both reception and transmission.

Two-way satellite Internet

The most widely used are VSAT technologies.

Two-way satellite Internet means receiving data from a satellite and sending it back also via satellite. This method is very high quality, since it allows you to achieve high speeds during transmission and sending, but it is quite expensive and requires obtaining permission for radio transmitting equipment (however, the provider often takes over the latter). High price two-way internet turns out to be fully justified due primarily to a much more reliable connection. Unlike one-way access, two-way satellite Internet does not need any additional resources other than power supply.

A feature of the "two-way" satellite access in the Internet is a fairly large delay on the communication channel. Until the signal reaches the subscriber to the satellite and from the satellite to the central satellite communication station (hub), it will take about 250 ms. The same amount is needed for the trip back. Plus the inevitable delays in signal processing and in order to get through the Internet. As a result, the ping time on a two-way satellite channel is about 600 ms or more. This imposes some specifics on the operation of applications via satellite Internet. This is especially true for online games in real time and IP telephony.

Another feature is that equipment from different manufacturers is practically incompatible with each other. That is, if you have selected one operator working on a certain type of equipment, then you can only switch to an operator using the same equipment. An attempt to implement the compatibility of equipment from different manufacturers (DVB-RCS standard) was supported by a very small number of companies, and today it is more of another “private” technology than a generally accepted standard.

Equipment for two-way satellite Internet

  • The transmitting-receiving antenna significantly differs from the "receiving" satellite antennas, first of all, by the requirements for manufacturing accuracy, mechanical strength and the ability to withstand the installation of a rather heavy feed and high-frequency unit, therefore it is noticeably heavier and more expensive. The Ku-band is most often used, for which antennas with a diameter of 1.2 - 1.8 meters are traditionally required, recently services with antennas 0.8 - 0.9 meters have become available (the size is determined by the requirements not only for reception, but also for transmission). also in last years to provide the service, Ka-band has become available, where antennas of a smaller diameter (about 0.7 - 0.8 meters) are used.
  • High-frequency equipment - transmitting block BUC (block-up converter) and receiving unit LNB (low-noise block) are installed on the antenna feed. In Russia, the power of the used transmitter (BUC) is limited to 2 watts, otherwise the procedure for obtaining a permit becomes much more complicated and more expensive. As a rule, BUC and LNB are universal, that is, they are not tied to a satellite terminal. However, some manufacturers such as Hughes and Newtec use their own BUCs and LNBs that are not compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
  • Satellite terminal (modem) - the main device for "two-way" satellite access. Provides reception and transmission of satellite signals, interaction with the central hub of the satellite Internet operator and transmission of traffic to the user's local network. Typically, a 10 / 100Base-T Ethernet interface is used to connect the user. The terminal can be connected to both one computer and a whole local network, for which access to satellite Internet will be provided.

Frequency bands used

Massive two-way Internet access services in the C-band individuals practically do not turn out, since subscribers need antennas of a relatively large size and powerful transmitters to work. In this range, mainly trunk channels and corporate data transmission networks are organized.

Traditionally, two-way Internet access services are provided in the Ku-band, which has the following advantages:

  • the coverage area is wide enough, and one central station can serve large areas,
  • antennas of relatively small sizes can be used (typical values \u200b\u200bare 1.2 - 1.8 meters, and with the advent of new satellites with good energy, such as Yamal-300K, Yamal-402, Express-AM5, it is possible to work with antennas with a diameter of 0.8 - 1.0 meter)
  • used compact and mass, and therefore relatively inexpensive transmitters with power up to 2 W (in some networks - even less than 1 W).

Since 2011, Ka-band has been actively used for two-way satellite access on specially designed and built satellites with the so-called "zone beams" - Ka-Sat, Viasat-1, Jupiter (Echostar-17). The system of "zone beams" together with the ground infrastructure specially built for it allows increasing the energy in each beam and reusing the available frequency range many times, which greatly increases the total bandwidth of the satellite network. In Russia, Ka-band services are currently available from the Ka-Sat satellite, which captures a part of the European territory of Russia. With a standard 0.75 meter antenna in the Ka-band, speeds of up to 3 Mbps for transmission and 6 Mbps for reception are available, and higher speeds are technically possible. The limitation for the development of Ka-band networks is the narrow coverage area. Further development Satellite Internet in Ka-band is expected in 2014, after the launch of the Express-AM5 and Express-AM6 satellites, but the characteristics of the required subscriber equipment and the conditions of service on these satellites are still unknown.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Two-Way Satellite Internet

The main advantage of two-way satellite Internet is complete independence from the availability of local "terrestrial" Internet providers. All that is required for operation is a place to install the antenna, line of sight to the satellite and a power source. The second important advantage is the simplicity of the subscriber connection. The satellite terminal (modem) has an Ethernet port (10 / 100BaseT), which is actually the provider's port for the subscriber. This port can be connected to a computer, home router, Wi-Fi access point, etc. At the same time, user-side settings are minimal and do not differ from any other LAN connection.

The disadvantages of two-way access include the relatively high cost of equipment, although recently there has been a tendency to decrease it. The cost of a typical subscriber kit as of 2013 is 14-25 thousand rubles (depending on the provider and network), which is comparable to the cost of, for example, a smartphone or tablet. Also, two-way access equipment is rather cumbersome due to the size of the antennas, which complicates its delivery to the end user. Reducing the cost of equipment and delivery by reducing the size of the antennas and the power (and therefore the mass and size indicators) of the transmitter is not always justified, since it leads to a decrease in the energy of the subscriber station, and, ultimately, to a decrease in the reliability of communication and the data transfer rate - primarily in the direction "from the subscriber".

Like any other satellite equipment, two-way satellite Internet equipment requires certain qualifications when installing and pointing at the satellite. Although modern equipment also includes means to facilitate guidance - a special WEB-interface of a satellite modem, which accurately displays the signal, auxiliary guidance tools by a sound signal or a special indicator.

A feature of two-way satellite Internet is satellite delays, which physically cannot be less than 480 ms; Normal delay values \u200b\u200bare in the range of 600 - 800 ms (depending on the relative position of the "central station - satellite" and "satellite - subscriber station." The reason for the accumulation of delays is as follows: The satellite is in geostationary orbit, the distance from the station to the satellite is about 40,000 km, the signal passes through 4 sections of this length, i.e. about 160 thousand kilometers, the signal propagation speed is equal to the speed of light 300 thousand kilometers per second), therefore, work in applications critical to this parameter (for example, some computer games) is practically impossible, which does not interfere normal operation of web surfing and audio-video calls or conferences, etc.

One-way satellite Internet

One-way satellite Internet means that the user has some existing method of connecting to the Internet. As a rule, this is a slow and / or expensive channel (GPRS / EDGE, ADSL-connection where Internet access services are poorly developed and limited in speed, etc.). Only requests to the Internet are transmitted through this channel. These requests go to the node of the operator (provider) of one-way satellite access (various technologies of VPN-connection or traffic proxying are used), and the data received in response to these requests is transmitted to the user via a broadband satellite channel. Since most of the users mainly receive data from the Internet, this technology allows for faster and cheaper traffic than slow and expensive land connections. The volume of outgoing traffic over the terrestrial channel (and hence the cost of it) becomes rather modest (for regular userthat does not use torrent trackers, the ratio of the volume of outgoing / incoming traffic is about 1/10 when surfing the web to 1/100 or more when downloading files).

Naturally, it makes sense to use one-way satellite Internet when the available terrestrial channels are too expensive and / or slow. In the presence of inexpensive and fast "terrestrial" Internet, it makes sense to use satellite Internet as a backup connection option, in case the "terrestrial" is lost or poorly working.

Delays when using one-way access are determined both by the time of signal transmission via the satellite (from the operator to the subscriber - about 250 ms), and delays in the "terrestrial" (interrogation) channel, and with a heavy load of the service provider's network, they can vary over a very wide range (up to up to seconds).

Equipment for one-way satellite Internet

  • Satellite card (DVB-card) for signal reception in the DVB-S or DVB-S2 standard. It can be PCI, PCI-E or USB, the choice depends on what is more convenient for you to connect to your computer. It is better to use cards with support for DVB-S2, as more and more operators are switching to this standard;
  • Satellite dish ("dish") - the same as for receiving satellite TV; as a rule, an antenna with a diameter of 90 cm is sufficient (but you need to check the size on the provider's website specifically for your area).
  • Antenna-mounted amplifier-converter (usually a "universal Ku-band converter" operating with linear polarization, but some providers operate in circular polarization, it is also possible to use the C-band - check the provider's website).

DVB card

The core of the satellite Internet. Carries out processing of data received from the satellite, and useful information... There are many different types cards, but the most famous are the cards of the SkyStar family. The main differences of DVB-cards today are the maximum data rate. Also, the characteristics include the ability to decode the signal hardware, software support for the product.


There are two types of satellite dishes:

  • offset;
  • direct focus.

Direct focus antennas are a "saucer" with a circular section; the receiver is located directly opposite its center. They are more difficult to set up than offset ones and require ascent to the satellite angle, which is why they can “collect” atmospheric precipitation. Offset antennas, due to the shift of focus (point of maximum signal), are installed almost vertically and therefore are easier to maintain. The antenna diameter is selected in accordance with the weather conditions and the signal strength of the required satellite.

Converter (LNB)

The converter acts as a primary transducer that converts the microwave signal from the satellite into an intermediate frequency signal. Most converters are nowadays adapted to prolonged exposure to moisture and UV rays. When choosing a converter, you should mainly pay attention to the noise figure. For normal operation, it is worth choosing converters with a value of this parameter in the range of 0.25 - 0.30.


There are two complementary approaches to software implementation for satellite Internet.

  1. In the first case, a DVB card is used as a standard network device (but only working for reception), and a VPN tunnel is used for transmission (many providers use PPTP ("Windows VPN"), or OpenVPN at the client's choice, in some cases IPIP is used. tunnel), there are other options. This disables control of packet headers in the system. The request packet goes to the tunnel interface, and the response comes from the satellite (if you do not disable header control, the system will consider the packet to be an error (in the case of Windows - not so). This approach allows you to use any application, but has a large delay. The majority of satellite providers available in the CIS (SpaceGate (Itelsat), Raduga-Internet, SpectrumSat) support this method.
  2. The second option (sometimes used in conjunction with the first): the use of special client software, which, due to the knowledge of the protocol structure, makes it possible to speed up the receipt of data (for example, a web page is requested, the server views it from the provider and immediately, without waiting for a request, sends pictures from this pages, assuming that the client will request them anyway; the client side caches such responses and returns them immediately). Such software from the client side it usually works as a HTTP and Socks proxy. Examples: Globax (SpaceGate + others on request), Sprint (Raduga), Slonax (SatGate, ioSat).

In both cases, it is possible to "share" traffic over the network (in the first case, sometimes you can even have several different subscriptions of a satellite provider and share a dish due to special configuration of a machine with a dish (requires Linux or FreeBSD, under Windows requires third-party software)).

Some providers (SkyDSL) necessarily use their software (playing the role of both a tunnel and a proxy), often also performing client shaping and not allowing the satellite Internet to be shared between users (also preventing the use of anything other than Windows as an OS) ...

Advantages and Disadvantages of One-Way Access

The following advantages of one-way satellite Internet can be distinguished:

  • The ability to get high speeds of incoming traffic where networks of terrestrial operators have low speed and high prices.
  • A relatively inexpensive set of equipment that includes standard and common components for TV reception.
  • There is a high probability of purchasing the most bulky equipment (antenna with support, cables) in close proximity, without complicated delivery
  • Lighter and therefore easier to install antenna system than two-way access
  • Traditionally low cost of traffic for satellite services, especially during the hours of minimum network load
  • The ability to simultaneously watch satellite TV and "fishing from the satellite"
  • Easy transition from provider to provider - the same protocols and equipment are used almost everywhere


  • Strong dependence on the quality of the terrestrial network used as the interrogation channel. Delays and data loss in the terrestrial network segment can lead to a decrease in the quality of service in general.
  • Complexity of installation - not only is it required to accurately aim the antenna at the satellite, but also to install and configure software components on the user's computer (VPN connections or "traffic accelerators").
  • The probability of a conflict between applications required for one-way access to work with other system components (

Today it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. But sometimes, due to the difficult terrain, lack of conditions and remoteness of the place of residence, it is difficult to connect to the World Wide Web. In this case, satellite Internet turns out to be irreplaceable. With your own hands, it is enough to simply configure it. If something doesn't work out, you can always call a specialist.

Satellite Internet: what is it

The named type of the Internet is an Internet connection via satellite. In this case, the signal from its terminal is fed to a special antenna, in which the receiver is built, and only then to the computer. It travels across the network at a fairly high speed.

Equipment for setting up satellite Internet is not cheap, but the quality fully justifies all the costs. You can connect satellite Internet with your own hands, for this you just need to buy a set of equipment and follow the instructions.

All necessary programs are installed on the computer. And after the installation of the equipment, it remains only to test the equipment, choose a provider, a tariff and pay for the service.

Types of satellite connection

Satellite Internet is divided into two types: one-way and two-way. You can set up one and the other satellite Internet with your own hands or call a specialist who will do it much faster.

In a one-way connection, the incoming signal comes from the satellite, and the outgoing signal goes through terrestrial telecommunications or through mobile Internet... The speed of one-way (asymmetric) Internet is not so high compared to two-way, but the cost tariff plans democratic. This is due to lower costs for return traffic.

In a symmetric Internet (two-way) or VSAT, the incoming and outgoing channels go through the satellite. Communication is carried out through a modem transmitter tuned to the signal. The satellite dish plays here the role of a teleport, transmitting information at a speed of 1 Mb / s. This kind of Internet is expensive, but the quality is excellent.

Due to its high cost, two-way is rarely used, mainly for organizations located far from large cities. The asymmetric version is more popular and affordable for ordinary subscribers.

Operating principle

If you connect the satellite Internet with your own hands, then the principle of its operation will be as follows. The user uses a proxy server or virtual VPN network to send a signal to the provider, which redirects it to the satellite. The received stream is amplified several times and enters the satellite dish receiver. As a rule, each satellite covers a certain part of the globe, which is equal to an area of \u200b\u200bseveral thousand square kilometers. In this case, the flow rate increases towards the center, and decreases towards the edge.

The receiving head or convector on the plate is connected to the DVB-card located in the PCI slot of the computer. From here the converted signal goes to the user. A satellite can have multiple providers. Before connecting to the Internet, you must select the satellite and the corresponding Internet provider.

Equipment for one-way Internet

To connect one-way satellite Internet with your own hands, you need to purchase a set of equipment. It usually includes:

  1. PCI / USB DVB-S / S2 card. It is distinguished by the fastest possible transmission of the stream from the satellite. Decodes the signal and transmits it to a personal computer.
  2. Satellite antenna. Its choice depends on the provider and the satellite from which the signal is broadcast.
  3. Converter. It is in focus of the satellite dish and receives the signal. Redirects the received stream to a DVB card, where it is further converted. Ku-band converters with linear polarization are often used. In rare cases, a circularly polarized element is used.
  4. Coaxial cable. The converter and DVB-card dock together. To do this, use special connectors with an F-connector.
  5. Modem or telephone. It is used as an outgoing channel with one-way technology. It can be a USB modem with EDGE (GPRS), fiber optic or telephone aDSL line, dial-up communication.

The complete set of equipment can only be installed according to the instructions. By the way, the device for transmitting the outgoing stream is purchased separately.

Equipment for two-way

When vSAT connection data reception and transmission occurs only via satellite channels, and there is no need for additional ground sources. If you install a two-way satellite Internet with your own hands correctly, then weather conditions will not affect its work. To install, you need to purchase:

  1. Ku-band satellite dish. It receives and transmits a signal. The standard diameter is 1.2-1.8 m.
  2. Blocks. Transmitting BUC signal and receiving LNB stream, which are mounted on a satellite dish irradiator. They are universal and suitable for all types of antennas. They are not tied to a satellite terminal.
  3. The terminal responsible for receiving and transmitting a satellite stream.

Two-way Internet allows you to develop high speed data transfer. Works independently of ground equipment. A significant drawback is only its high cost.


It is not difficult to install free satellite Internet with your own hands, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the instructions that come with the equipment. The main advantages of such a connection are:

  • low traffic price compared to GPRS and DSL;
  • good speed even with poor performance of the land line;
  • the ability to reach a higher speed than terrestrial connections such as GPRS and DSL;
  • the ability to connect to satellite TV;
  • connection to the Network at any point in the area related to the satellite coverage area;
  • quick commissioning of equipment;
  • ease of use.

You can feel all the positive aspects of using satellite Internet only if you use this service yourself.

Negative sides

Free satellite Internet with your own hands can be connected in a matter of hours. But this type of communication has its drawbacks:

  • the receiving antenna must be strictly oriented to the satellite, otherwise the signal will stop feeding;
  • due to the great distance from the earth (about 36 thousand km), there is a large ping;
  • terrestrial Internet is much cheaper than satellite, especially in big cities. Satellite maintenance costs are quite high, and some of them are borne by subscribers;
  • some satellite companies represent an IP address that does not correspond to the place of residence, which causes the search engines to malfunction.

Despite the above disadvantages, satellite Internet remains in demand, and the equipment necessary for its transmission is constantly being improved, which creates a great future for it.

About satellite providers

Satellite Internet and TV with your own hands is not difficult to set up, but at the first stage you should decide on the provider who will provide the service. The most popular are:

  • SatGate;
  • "Rainbow-Internet";
  • "Tricolor-Internet";
  • StarBlazer;
  • Skyds;
  • Lansat;
  • "STV";
  • Gazprom Space Systems;
  • Helios;
  • OpenSky;
  • Spectrumsat;
  • GxSat.

All of them work on satellite DVB-S or DVB-S2 sources. This type of connection allows you to carry out the most popular operations - surfing, sending and receiving data, watching video files. For legal entities there are individual connection schemes, IP addresses are allocated.

Basically, all providers turn to satellites such as HorBird, Sirius 2, Astra 19.2, Eutelsat, Astra - 2C, Yamal-200-2, etc. in their work. There are a variety of rates in terms of speed and price. There are limit and unlimited. To choose the right provider, you need to determine what function the Internet should perform.

How to connect free satellite Internet with your own hands

Setting up satellite Internet with your own hands is carried out in several stages. First, fix the satellite dish on the wall or roof of the building. The antenna mirror is oriented towards the satellite. The compass will help you choose the desired position, and the satellite coordinates are determined using the Satellite Antenna Alignment program.

The service is installed free of charge and well in advance of equipment installation. The exact coordinates of their location and the location of the satellite are entered into the program. The service provides the angle, azimuth and other data necessary for the correct orientation of the antenna.

Then the DVB-card is inserted into the PCI-slot of the computer. It acts as a satellite modem, receives, converts and transmits a signal.

After the equipment is installed in the system unit, they begin to debug it. This is a complex and time-consuming process. To do this, one person is in front of the computer and monitors the signal from the satellite, which the program will show when it is detected, and the other adjusts the position of the dish.

If the setting is carried out by one person, then in the program he can select the function of sound notification, and he himself will adjust the antenna. Instead of a DVB card, an external card is installed in a laptop, connected via a USB connector. After installing all the components, the equipment is tested.

To completely resolve the issue of how to make satellite Internet with your own hands, it takes a professional about two hours.

Free Internet via a satellite dish with your own hands: myth or reality?

You can set up free Internet via a satellite dish yourself if you have certain knowledge. But for these purposes, you will need special equipment.

The satellite does not transmit a signal to any one device, but sends a stream to all devices capable of receiving it. Subscribers paying for the service receive already filtered information corresponding to the client's request. Foreign traffic bypasses it.

Those who want to use satellite Internet for free should take into account that this type of connection will have a very specific format. There will be a lot of haphazard traffic, which will cause certain difficulties. And although there are filters that can select the necessary files in this situation, this type of communication is unlikely to give pleasure and will allow you to enjoy all the possibilities of the Internet.

About tariffs

After you have connected the Internet via a satellite dish with your own hands, you should decide on the provider and tariffs. All tariffs are divided into the following types:

  • with payment for the amount of used traffic;
  • conditionally unlimited, where a certain amount of traffic is already included (exceeding the norm is paid additionally);
  • unlimited, with a fixed subscription rate;
  • for legal entities.

At night, the Internet is cheaper than during the day, and can be unlimited. Each subscriber in personal account the opportunity is given to independently manage services, increase the speed, switch to another tariff plan.

For one-way connections, additional upstream charges may apply. The cost of incoming traffic for 1 MB fluctuates around 0.5-1.5 rubles. Price for unlimited tariff depending on the speed (from 500 Kb / s to 4 Mb / s) varies from 500 to 1200 rubles.

Two-way satellite Internet will cost more, but the data transfer rate is much higher here and reaches 10 Mb / s. Monthly subscription fee ranges from 600 rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles.

Cost of equipment

You can also connect satellite Internet in a private house do it yourself. The price of equipment based on asymmetric technology, together with a modem for the outgoing signal, will be about 5 thousand rubles. Ready-made kits are more expensive. The price of finished equipment for two-way reaches 30-70 thousand rubles. Each kit contains a subscription to a specific provider.

Due to the large number of wireless networks, satellite Internet is losing its popularity. However, in those regions where it is not possible to use the services of terrestrial operators, it remains the only alternative.

Personal access “to the world” from a personal computer, communication with company employees at any time during working hours, increasing their efficiency due to the ability to quickly respond to the information provided are factors that form the requirements for modern communication technologies.

Therefore, the satellite Internet from the AltegroSky operator is more than just access to content - it is aimed at ensuring reliable operation of IP services, including voice, data, video, audio and video conferencing, allowing to organize operational management and interaction of specialists from remote departments of large companies.

An individual VSAT for private users is an ideal solution for a modern and comfortable suburban life: satellite Internet will allow you not to interrupt communication, study and work, providing access to popular Internet services, social networks, games, news and entertainment content in country house, in the country, in a cottage - like in a city apartment!

Benefits of satellite internet

  1. Independence from ground infrastructure.
  2. High speed characteristics.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Variability of satellite solutions.
  5. A wide range of tariffs, including unlimited access.

Scheme of organization of satellite Internet based on VSAT technologies

The service organization principle is very simple. The user only needs electricity to work. All Internet traffic processing is performed in the NCC and depends on the VSAT platform used by the operator.

In our network, we use technologies that ensure the correct processing of any IP-protocols, which allows the user to work with the necessary Internet applications:

  • high-speed access to the resources of the global Internet;
  • email;
  • messaging services (ICQ);
  • voice and video applications (Skype);
  • electronic payment services for goods and services (hotels, taxis, air and railway tickets, etc.);
  • on-line exchange services;
  • on-line banking services;
  • remote access to corporate applications with VPN construction.

Therefore, anyone who would like to have maximum opportunities for online communication should buy satellite Internet, regardless of their location, both in Russia and abroad.


All tariffs

Subscriber VSAT-terminal for two-way Internet

Two-way satellite Internet operates through the VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) - a satellite ground station with a small (0.6 to 2.4 m) antenna. In modern satellite networks, this size is quite enough for organizing a symmetric Internet. Assembling the terminal does not require special skills, and given its low weight, the solution provides high mobility and ease of use in the network. To connect to bi-directional satellite internet, you need a small VSAT satellite earth station.

The standard subscriber kit consists of:

  1. Antennas;
  2. Modem (channel-forming equipment);
  3. Receiving and transmitting device (2 W);
  4. Rod for mounting the transceiver;
  5. RF cable with connectors;
  6. Supports for mounting the antenna;
  7. Grounding cable.

The most popular kits for two-way satellite Internet are terminals with 0.74m, 0.98m and 1.2m antennas.

VSAT kits

You can independently determine the parameters required to connect and configure satellite Internet using the Satellite Finder.

With us - you choose reliable and affordable two-way satellite Internet! We will be glad to see you among our clients.

Here is information about Satellite Internet from Wikipedia:

Satellite Internet is a method of providing access to the Internet using satellite communication technologies.

Access options

There are two ways to exchange data via satellite:

One-way, sometimes also called "asymmetric" - when a satellite channel is used to receive data, and available terrestrial channels are used for transmission.

Two-way, sometimes also referred to as "symmetric", when satellite links are used for both reception and transmission.

Two-way Satellite Internet

The most widely used are VSAT technologies.

Two-way satellite Internet means receiving data from a satellite and sending it back also via satellite.

This method is very high quality, since it allows you to achieve high speeds during transmission and sending, but it is quite expensive and requires obtaining permission for radio transmitting equipment (however, the provider often takes over the latter).

The high cost of two-way Internet is fully justified due to, first of all, much more reliable communication.

Unlike one-way access, two-way satellite Internet does not need any additional resources other than power supply.

A feature of "two-way" satellite Internet access is a rather large delay on the communication channel.

Until the signal reaches the subscriber to the satellite and from the satellite to the Central Satellite Communication Station, it will take about 250 ms. The same amount is needed for the trip back.

Plus the inevitable delays in the signal processing and in order to get through the "Internet". As a result, the ping time on a two-way satellite channel is about 600 ms or more.

This imposes some specifics on the operation of applications via satellite Internet. This is especially true for online games in real time.

Another feature is that equipment from different manufacturers is practically incompatible with each other. That is, if you have selected one operator working on a certain type of equipment, then you can only switch to an operator using the same equipment.

I give as an example a proposal for the installation of a two-way satellite Internet:

Techno-El offers profitable solutions for the installation of two-way satellite Internet Altegrosky throughout Moscow, St. Petersburg and adjacent regions.

Two-way satellite Internet VSAT is the most optimal solution in terms of price and speed in places where laying wired cable lines is either impossible or too expensive.

Such geographically remote objects as summer cottages, cottages, gas stations, shopping and industrial complexes, etc., are often deprived of high-quality access to 3G, 4G, WiMax networks.

Such detachment from digital world leads to large information losses, and as a result - to losses.

Advantages of installing two-way satellite Internet Altegrosky:
- Availability anywhere in the Russian Federation, where cable laying is difficult or impossible.
- Complete independence from any land lines.
- Possibility of territorial unification remote offices into a single corporate network.
- High speed direct channel - up to 8 Mbps.
- Support for all computer operating systems.

Favorable offers for private and corporate clients from the Techno-El company:
The price of a set of satellite Internet Altegrosky with installation - from 30,000 rubles.
Departure in Moscow, St. Petersburg and adjacent areas - free
Warranty for all types of work - from 1 year

Satellite Fishing

Satellite fishing. What is it? What is the use of it, how does it work and how to use this service?

Satellite fishing (grabbing) is the interception of files downloaded by satellite Internet users. It works as follows.

A user of a unidirectional (asymmetric) satellite Internet sends a request to download a file over a terrestrial channel, most often GPRS or 3G, the file comes to him via a satellite to an antenna and to a computer.

But the satellite does not know where a particular user is, and sends this file to all users in its coverage area.

Each subscriber has a special satellite device in his computer (DVB-S card), which has an individual number, MAC address. The satellite sends the requested file with information containing this number, and your computer uses this number to determine whether you need this file or not. If the file is marked with a different MAC address than yours, the computer simply ignores it.

Satellite fishing is when the whole stream goes to your computer and you write all the information to your hard drive. This is a huge amount of information from which you can choose what you want (music, videos, programs, etc.)

Satellite Fishing Scheme

Of course, not all information in the stream will get to your computer, there are many encoded and compressed files.

You can use only open files, but there is a lot of this information, and all this information that is transmitted by the provider to its subscribers via the satellite to which your satellite dish is tuned will get to your hard drive for free.

Stream from satellite, writes to your disk special program for fishing (graber), for example SkyNet. The program allows you to choose which files you want to burn (extensions) and their size. You can also configure filter by MAC and IP address.

There are also many file sorter programs for renaming and resuming broken files. All this is a very interesting process and very exciting.

You can find a lot of interesting and even unique information among the general stream. And all that is needed for this is a satellite dish, a map to a computer and a grabbing program.

No registration with the provider is required. So dare and I assure you, do not be disappointed. Happy Fishing!

11 responses to Satellite Fishing

Victor says:
11.02.2012 at 20:22
What satellite do you need to tune the dish to?

BlogAnten says:
12.02.2012 at 17:49

The one from which you are going to fish.

AlexQ says:
12.06.2012 at 23:45

I used to fish well on Tricolor - since spring they turned off the Internet. Advise where to turn the plate: from which satellite you can catch more.

satantenn says:
18.11.2012 at 11:33

on Intelsat 904 60.0 ° E satellite, there are basically all satellite Internet providers, only a dish is needed at least 0.6 m in diameter, and Tricolor has a standard 0.55 m included

kostya says:
01.12.2012 at 14:29

which satellite can you fish on now in 2012 without the Internet

dmitry says:
03.12.2012 at 12:45

I have a tevii S-600 card. Which fishing program is best for me?

Igor Annetschik says:
03.12.2012 at 13:51

I haven't fished with such a rod, so I don't know. In general, the best program is SkyNet.

fiat124 says:
05.12.2012 at 22:09

no longer, currently the best program is fishsat
here is the script of the fishsat generator that will help to build the required version of the program for a specific satellite, etc.

Igor Annetschik says:
05.12.2012 at 22:49

Thanks, let's try.

dmitry says:
03.12.2012 at 12:47

And another question, are we just putting a fishing program? and the provider does not need to register?

Igor Annetschik says:
03.12.2012 at 13:51

Registration is definitely not necessary)))))

I am not going to establish a Satellite Internet, or engage in Satellite fishing, but I consider it necessary to know about them.

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