How many basic management functions do you know. Basic management functions. General control functions

Main management functions

Yablokova Lyubov Vasilievna

Senior educator

state budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 VO district of St. Petersburg

1 Knoring V.I. The art of management: M .: Publishing house "BEK", 1997.

1 Tempus manual. http / / mog / resourse / vigw.php? id \u003d 1408

The study of the management process from the point of view of its functions makes it possible to establish the scope of work for each of the functions, determine the need for labor resources and, as a result, form the structure and organization of the management system.

The management process consists of four interrelated functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.

1 The term "organization" has a double meaning. Organization as a management function ensures the ordering of the technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal aspects of the controlled system's activity at all its hierarchical levels. At the same time, another meaning of this word is a collective, whose efforts are aimed at achieving specific goals common to all members of this collective. But any organization must have such important resources as capital, information, materials, equipment and technology. The success of its functioning depends on complex, variable environmental factors.

Organization - a group of people whose activities are deliberately coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals for all.

2 The most important task of planning is forecasting or, as American experts often call it, strategic planning. Forecasting should provide a solution to the strategic task, achieve a specific goal with the help of scientific foresight based on an analysis of the internal and external relations of the organization, and the study of economic trends. Here is what the classics say about it: “To foresee is to manage” (B. Pascal); “To know to foresee, to foresee in order to manage” (O. Comte). Forecasting is the most important tool for making strategic decisions.

Scheduling functioninvolves deciding what the organization's goals should be and what the organization's members should do to achieve those goals. At its core, the scheduling function answers three basic questions:
1. Where are we currently? Leaders must assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in critical areas such as finance, marketing, manufacturing, scientific research and development, labor resources. Everything is done to determine what the organization can actually achieve.
2. Where do we want to go? By assessing the opportunities and threats in the organization's environment, such as competition, customers, laws, economic conditions, technology, procurement, social and cultural change, management determines what the organization's goals should be and what can prevent the organization from achieving these goals.
3. How are we going to do this? Leaders must decide, both broadly and specifically, what members of the organization must do to achieve the organization's objectives.

Planning Is one of the ways in which management ensures that the efforts of all members of the organization are directed towards the achievement of its common goals.
Planning in the organization is not a separate one-time event due to two significant reasons. First, although some organizations cease to exist after reaching the purpose for which they were originally created, many seek to prolong their existence as long as possible. Therefore, they redefine or change their goals if the full achievement of the original goals is almost complete. The second reason why planning should be done continuously this is the constant uncertainty of the future... Due to changes in environment or errors in judgment, events may unfold differently from how management foresaw it when making plans. Therefore, plans need to be revised so that they are consistent with reality.

3 Motivation is the process of stimulating the activity of a person or a team, aimed at achieving the individual or general goals of the organization.

The leader should always remember that even well-made plans and the most perfect structure organizations make no sense if someone is not doing the actual work of the organization. Each member of the group who has received a specific task will react to it in a very different way, sometimes unpredictable. The actions of people depend not only on necessity or their explicit desires, but also on many complex subjective factors hidden in the subconscious or acquired as a result of education. A task motivation functions is for the members of the organization to perform work in accordance with the responsibilities delegated to them and in accordance with the plan.
Managers have always performed the function of motivating their employees, whether they realized it themselves or not. In ancient times, this was done with a whip and threats, for a select few - rewards. From the end of the 18th to the 20th century, it was widely believed that people is always will work harder if they have the opportunity to earn more. Motivation was therefore thought to be a simple matter of offering appropriate monetary rewards in return for the effort. This was the basis of the approach to motivation of the school of scientific management.
Research in the behavioral sciences has shown the failure of a purely economic approach. Leaders learned that motivation, i.e. the creation of an internal motivation for action is the result of a complex set of needs that are constantly changing. We currently understand that in order to motivate efficiently, the manager should determine what these needs really are and provide a way for employees to meet those needs through good performance. To effectively stimulate activity, it is necessary to know the desires of a person, his hopes, fears. If the leader does not know the needs, his attempt to provide motivation for human activities is doomed to failure. At the same time, it is important to understand that a person is driven not by one isolated need, but by their combination, and priorities can change.

4 The management process takes place in a constantly changing external environment and is characterized by varying degrees of uncertainty. Has the control action achieved the set goal? Do you need management decisions in the adjustment? These questions are answered by control, which is carried out in the control system with the help of feedbacks.

The control function is one of the main levers of influence.

Almost everything a leader does is directed towards the future. The leader plans to reach the goal at some time, precisely fixed as a day, week or month, a year, or more distant moment in the future. During this period, a lot can happen, including many unsuccessful changes. Workers may refuse to perform their duties as planned. Laws may be passed prohibiting the approach taken by management. A new strong competitor may appear on the market, which will make it much more difficult for an organization to achieve its goals, or people may simply make a mistake in fulfilling their duties.
Such unforeseen circumstances can cause the organization to deviate from the course initially set by management. And if management is unable to find and manage these deviations from the original plans before the organization is seriously damaged, the achievement of goals, perhaps even survival itself, will be at risk.
The control Is the process of ensuring that the organization actually achieves its objectives. There are three aspects of managerial control. Setting standards - this is a precise definition of the goals that must be achieved in a designated period of time. It is based on plans developed during the planning process. The second aspect is dimension what has actually been achieved in a given period, and comparison achieved with the expected results. If both of these phases are performed correctly, then the management of the organization knows not only that there is a problem in the organization, but also about the source of the problem. This knowledge is necessary for the successful implementation of a third of the phase, namely the stage at which actions are being taken, if necessary, to correct major deviations from the original plan. One possible action is to revise the goals to make them more realistic and appropriate to the situation. Your instructor, for example, through the test system, which is a way of monitoring to measure your learning progress against the established norms, has seen that your group can absorb more material than was originally determined. As a result, he may revise the curriculum to accommodate more material.
The four management functions - planning, organizing, motivating and controlling - have two general characteristics: they all require decision-making, and for all, communication, exchange of information is necessary in order to obtain information for making the right decision and to make this decision understandable for other members of the organization. Because of this, and also due to the fact that these two characteristics connect all four management functions, ensuring their interdependence, communication and adoption "decisions are often called linking processes.


1 Volmyanskaya O.A., Volmyanskiy E.I. A Practical Guide to Management: International Experience of Success / Per. from English. Minsk, LLC "New Knowledge", 1998.

2 Knoring V.I. The art of management: M .: Publishing house "BEK", 1997.

3 Kolodyazhnaya T.P. Management of a modern preschool educational institution: Conceptual, software and methodological support. Rostov-n / D, Uchitel Publishing House, 2002.

4 Panova N.V. Leadership Coaching: A Study Guide. SPB, SPB IVESEP, 2011.

5 Losev P.N. Management of methodical work in a modern preschool educational institution. Moscow, Sfera shopping center, 2005.

6 Mayer A.A. Control innovative processes VA DOU: Methodological guide. Moscow, Sfera shopping center, 2008

7 Troyan A.N. Control preschool education... M, TC "Sphere", 2006

8 Falyushina L.I. Quality management of the educational process in preschool educational institution: A guide for leaders of preschool educational institutions. M., "Arkti", 2003.

Used Internet resources

1. Tempus manual. http / / mog / resourse / vigw.php? id \u003d 1408

2. spb.;

Control function is direction or kind management activities, characterized by a separate set of tasks and performed by special techniques and methods.

The main control functions in general view it is advisable to consider:




The control.

The specific management functions are as follows: resource management functions, process management functions, and results management functions.

The planning function is one of the most important management decision-making processes in an enterprise. It consists of individual stages and procedures for their implementation, which are in a certain logical relationship and are carried out in a constantly repeating sequence, forming a specific planning cycle at the enterprise.

In order not only to survive, but also to strengthen their competitive positions in the market, the enterprise needs to engage in strategic planning. Process strategic planning includes:

Determination of the mission of the organization;

Setting goals;

Analysis of the internal and external environment;

Choosing a strategy based on an analysis of strategic options,

Strategy implementation planning and evaluation.

The function of the organization aims to create necessary conditions to achieve the set goals.

The main tasks of the organization include: the formation of the structure of the organization, based on the size of the enterprise, its goals, technology, personnel and other variables; establishment of the operating modes of the enterprise divisions, relations between them; support of the enterprise necessary resources... The organization, as a management function, must ensure that the existing management system is consistent with the new goals set in the planning targets.

For an enterprise to work effectively, its employees need to be interested in this. The leader must master modern theories of motivation, taking into account human behavior and the mechanisms of inducement to one or another action.

The monitoring function is equally important. Control is an ongoing process that ensures the achievement of the goals of the organization through the timely detection of arising in the course of production and economic activity objects of management problems and changes in the external environment.

The main point of control is to create guarantees for the fulfillment of plans and to improve management efficiency. Control tools are: observation; verification of all aspects of the activity; accounting; analysis. The control procedure consists of developing standards, comparing actual results with them and taking the necessary corrective actions. For control to be effective, it must be periodically evaluated. The purpose of control is to prevent possible deviations, not to eliminate them.

The control function is not the ultimate management action of the organization. In practice, there is no such final action, since each management function is driven by the other. Using the results of control, the company draws up new plans, makes decisions in the field of organization and motivation of work. Thus, management is a continuous cyclical process.

In defining functions, a widespread approach is aimed at highlighting general and specific, or special, functions. The former are considered as mandatory functions in any organizational system; the second - as functions that reflect the specifics of a particular control object.

General management functions. The composition of the general control functions does not depend on the control object; these functions are performed in relation to all control objects. Various authors offer their lists of common management functions. Nevertheless, it is possible to streamline the existing differences in their classifications.

Specialists primarily distinguish or do not distinguish:

Coordination as an independent management function;

Connecting processes (decision-making and communication) or they act as processes of performing management functions;

Leadership (leadership) as an independent activity.

The following features of general management functions can be noted: they are always applied in a comprehensive manner and across the entire spectrum of management actions. In this regard, it is impossible to emphasize the greater or lesser importance of certain management functions, since in different situations, various management functions may acquire a dominant character; do not depend on the controlled object, since:

First, they are applicable to any socio-economic processes or systems, so it is legitimate to talk about the control of the experiment, traffic regulation, accounting for money circulation, etc .;

Secondly, they are applicable to the management functions themselves as specialized types of activity.

So, the concepts of "organization of control of production activities", "accounting planning commodity stocks"and others. In this case, the first concept characterizes goal-setting, system formation, and the second, the content of activity.

The organization of control presupposes, first of all, that control must have certain organizational forms and structures; thirdly, they are applicable to the control system. For example, the function of an organization involves the establishment of well-defined organizational forms of management both as a process and as a system, including the development of structural elements with the assigned rights and responsibilities of management bodies, research and provision of the properties of integrity, organic matter, coherence, etc .; there are no rigid, unambiguous boundaries between them.

One and the same type of management activity may reveal signs of two or more management functions, their close intertwining.

At the same time, in many practical cases, understanding management functions as some "technological redistribution" of management activities is extremely important, since the possession of each of the functions requires the formation of sufficiently specific professional qualities head.

The four management functions — planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling — have two characteristics in common: they require decision-making, and everyone needs communication. Because of this, and also due to the fact that the two characteristics link four management functions, ensuring their interdependence, communication and decision-making are called "connecting processes".

Planning is a continuous process of establishing and concretizing the development goals of an organization and its structural divisions, determining the means of achieving them, timing and sequence of implementation, and allocating resources.

Function (lat. Fundio - execution, implementation). The essence of any phenomenon is expressed in its functions, i.e. those tasks for the solution of which it is intended. The content of each control function is determined by the specifics of the tasks performed within this function. Therefore, the complexity of production and its tasks determines the entire complexity of management and its functions.

This provision has an important methodological significance for disclosing the essence and role of individual management functions, which in modern conditions expanded, became more complex and differentiated in connection with the growth of the scale of economic activity, diversification and internationalization of production.

The functions of managing the activities of the company, and, accordingly, the methods of their implementation, are not invariable, they are constantly being modified and deepened, and therefore the content of the work performed in accordance with their requirements becomes more complicated. The development and deepening of each management function occurs not only under the influence of the internal laws of their improvement, but also under the influence of the requirements for the development of other functions. Part of common system management, each of the functions should be improved in the direction predetermined by the general goals and objectives of the functioning and development of the firm in specific conditions. This changes the content of each function.

For the first time, management functions were formulated in A. Fayol's book "General and industrial management", published in 1916. A. Fayol considered management as a sequential series of operations or functions, which are divided into six groups:

  • 1. Technical operations - production, manufacturing, processing.
  • 2. Commercial operations - purchase, sale, exchange.
  • 3. Financial operations - raising and managing capital.
  • 4. Security operations - protection of property and personality.
  • 5. Accounting operations - balance, costs, statistics.
  • 6. Administrative operations - foresight, organization, management, coordination and control.

Administration is just one of the six operations-functions with which management is obliged to ensure the normal course of production. A. Fayol believed that administration occupies a special place in management.

Let's take a closer look at the administrative functions.

Foresight is the study of the future, the definition of a program of action, it covers the previous five operations. A. Fayolle here drew attention to the fact that in order to develop an effective program of action, a leader must have: the ability to manage people, activity, moral courage, sufficient resilience, the necessary competence in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Organization - providing the enterprise with materials, capital, personnel. Two aspects are distinguished here - material and social, i.e., the personnel provided with all the necessary material resources must socially be able to complete the task.

Management - activates the personnel of the enterprise, after the creation of a social organism. This is a management task. The goal of management is to get the most out of employees. In all areas of production activity, management is an essential element of work that requires certain qualities.

Coordination aims to give each element of the social organism an opportunity to perform its part of the work in interaction with other elements, i.e. link and combine all actions and all efforts.

Control - it is necessary to ensure that everything happens according to the established rules and orders given. It is required to note shortcomings and mistakes so that they can be corrected and not to be repeated in the future. The controller must be: competent, have a sense of duty, have an independent position in relation to the controlled object, be reasonable and tactful.

Control must be effective, i.e. carried out in a timely manner and have practical consequences, if violations are not paid attention, then such control will be ineffective.

Thus, the five above functions were the basis of A. Fayol's administrative doctrine and the basis for all subsequent authors on the problems of the management process. M. Mescon believes that "the management process is the total sum of all processes."

A literature review reveals the following functions: planning, organization, management, motivation, leadership, coordination, control, communication, research, evaluation, decision-making, recruiting, representation and negotiation, transactions.

M. Mescon identifies four primary management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. These functions have two characteristics in common: they all require decision making, and they all require information exchange, i.e. these two characteristics link all four management functions, ensuring their interdependence.

The planning function, according to M. Mescon, offers a decision about what the goals of the organization should be and what the members of the organization should do to achieve these goals. The planning function answers the following three questions: where are we at present? where do we want to go? and how are we going to do it?

The function of the organization involves the formation of the structure of the organization, first the distribution and coordination of the work of employees, and then the design of the structure of the organization as a whole.

The motivation function is the process by which management encourages employees to act as planned and organized.

The control function is the process by which management determines whether the organization is achieving its objectives, highlights problems, and takes corrective action before serious harm is done. Control enables management to determine whether plans should be revised because they are not feasible or have already been completed. This link between planning and control completes the cycle that makes process management interrelated functions.

IN Gerchikova approaches the content and development of management functions in relation to the activities of TNCs. Each of the functions is aimed at solving specific and complex problems of interaction between individual divisions of the company, requiring the implementation of a large set of specific activities.

Each of the management functions is influenced by objective requirements. As part of the general management system, each of the functions should be improved in the direction predetermined by the general goals and objectives of the functioning and development of the firm in specific conditions. This changes the content of each function.

IN Gerchikova identifies three management functions: internal planning, marketing and control. Of interest is the marketing function, the purpose of which is to ensure the activities of the company based on a comprehensive, in-depth study and careful consideration of market demand, needs and requirements of specific consumers for the product, so that it becomes really possible to obtain the highest results: maximum and sustainable profit.

For a deeper understanding of the essence of this management function, it is necessary to emphasize that the most important integral feature of marketing is a certain way of thinking, an approach to making design, production and sales decisions from the standpoint of the most complete satisfaction of consumer requirements and market demand. Hence marketing is not only the principles, functions, methods, structures of the organization, but also the obligatory marketing thinking. Without this, it is impossible to achieve high Quality competitiveness of products, consolidation of positions in the markets. Therefore, marketing as a theory, a way of thinking, a philosophy business activities requires scientific study and a realistic approach to use in management practice.

The internal life of an organization consists of a large number of different actions and processes. Depending on the types of organization, its size and type of activity, certain processes and actions can take a leading place in it, while some, which are widely carried out in other organizations, can either be absent or carried out minimally. However, despite the huge variety of actions and processes, a certain number of groups can be distinguished. OS Vikhansky, AI Naumov suggest five groups of functional processes, which, in their opinion, cover the activities of any organization and which are the object of management by management. These functions are; production, marketing, finance, work with personnel, accounting and analysis of economic activities.

The production function assumes that the relevant services, managers of a certain level, manage the process of processing raw materials, materials and semi-finished products into a product that the organization offers to the external environment.

The marketing function is designed through marketing activities for the implementation of the created product, link in a single process the satisfaction of the organization's customers and the achievement of the organization's goals.

The financial function is to manage the flow of funds in the organization.

The function of personnel management is associated with using the capabilities of employees to achieve the goals of the organization.

The function of accounting and analysis of economic activity involves managing the process of processing and analyzing information about the work of an organization in order to compare the actual activities of the organization with its capabilities, as well as with the activities of other organizations. This enables the organization to uncover issues it needs to pay close attention to and choose better ways implementation of its activities.

Some authors also identify five general functions of management: planning, organization, coordination, control and motivation. Of interest here is the organizational function, the task of which is to form the structure of the organization, as well as to provide everything necessary for normal work - personnel, materials, equipment, buildings, in cash etc. In the plan drawn up in the organization, there is always a stage of organization, ie. creating realistic conditions for achieving the planned goals.

The second, no less important task of the organizing function is to create conditions for the formation of such a culture within the organization, which is characterized by a high sensitivity to changes, scientific and technological progress, values \u200b\u200bcommon to the entire organization. The main thing here is work with personnel, the development of strategic and economic thinking in the minds of managers, support for employees of an entrepreneurial warehouse, inclined to creativity, innovation and not afraid to take risks and take responsibility for solving certain problems.

The authors consider the central function of the management process to be coordination, ensuring its smoothness and continuity. The main task of coordination is to achieve consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational connections between them. The nature of these connections can be very different, since it depends on the coordinated processes.

B. R. Vesnin also identifies five functions of management - planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control. All the listed functions do not just form a single whole, they are intertwined with each other, penetrate each other in such a way that sometimes it is difficult to separate them.

C. U. Oleiniki and others distinguish 4 management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.

A slightly different approach to management functions is presented by S.G. Popov. When performing any management function, the synthesis (association) of workers is carried out to fulfill the assigned tasks, the coordination of their activities. It is this element of synthesis in management that distinguishes management functions from executive functions. Production management functions are a relatively independent type of synthesizing activity, due to the presence of a division of labor in production management. The relativity of this independence lies in the fact that any management decisions and actions are subordinated to ultimate goal management.

Management functions are divided here into general and specialized management functions.

Functions general management are designed to provide the basic procedure for the functioning of production, as well as interaction this enterprise with external organizations and institutions. These functions are performed by the production management bodies, endowed with the rights of line management.

The functions of specialized management are divided into three groups: technological, supporting, coordinating.

Technological functions include the development of rational systems for the production of products, technologies for their creation, processing, storage and transportation.

The supporting functions provide for the fulfillment of the requirements of the production technology by providing it with everything necessary. This includes engineering, material and technical, cultural, household and economic services.

Coordinating functions provide forecasting of enterprise development; production-economic and operational-technical planning; organization production processes and human labor; control and regulation of the course of production.

The marketing function is considered separately. It includes the study of the conjuncture of sales markets (demand, competition, consumers), the development of commodity, sales, price and communication strategies of behavior in the sales markets. Marketing allows you to connect the interests of manufacturers and consumers of products. Since everyone is a consumer, marketing makes it possible to determine the release of only those goods that are necessary for society.

V. V. Glukhov presents a peculiar approach to the functions of production management. He proposes a division of functions in the following areas. On the basis of a managed object - an enterprise, workshop, site, team, unit (worker); by activity - economic, organizational, social; on the basis of homogeneity - general, specific; on the content of labor - scientific research, production preparation, operational management, supply and sales, technical and economic planning and analysis, accounting, personnel management, planning and labor accounting and wages, planning and accounting of finances; by the nature of the tasks - planning, organization, regulation, control, accounting and analysis, incentives.

The outlined functions of in-house management allow us to conclude that there is no single scheme, a single content of functions. However, despite this, all nine feature options have a lot in common. Characteristic feature of all options is that functions such as planning, organizing and controlling are found almost everywhere. The function of motivation is widespread, in some cases it has a slightly different name. The functions proposed by S.G. Popov stand apart, although the usual content is behind the specific names.

It is important to understand how functions differ from tasks. Task - activity aimed at achieving the required results at a certain time. Function - repeating the activities of the organization. The complex of management tasks is a management function.

Typically, one function is performed by one department, however, some functions may be performed jointly by different departments or one department can perform several functions.

Figure 1 shows the factors that affect the composition of functions.

Figure 1 - Factors affecting the composition of management functions

Management functions are needed to provide direction, control and maintenance of production activities in an organization.

All functions have the following main characteristics:

  • appointment;
  • repeatability;
  • uniformity of content;
  • the specifics of the implementation.

Management functions are distinguished by the presence of an objective nature, which is determined by the need for the management process itself in conditions of joint labor activity.

The main functions of managing an organization are:

  • organization - a set of methods and techniques for combining all links of the management system;
  • rationing - the process of developing scientifically grounded calculated values \u200b\u200bthat establish the quantity and quality of assessment of developed elements used in the production and management process;
  • planning is a function that is central to organizational structure and is aimed at regulating the behavior of the control object;
  • coordination - impact on a team of people in order to manage various but related departments;
  • motivation is a function that stimulates labor activity;
  • control - analysis and accounting of possible errors and deviations from the planned plans;
  • regulation - a function closely related to the functions of control and coordination.

Management functions are the basis of the management apparatus, determining its size and structure. The main task of the management apparatus is to combine various, but related functions.

There are several options for classifying the control function, but the simplest and most understandable divides them into two groups:

  • are common;
  • special.

General control functions

General functions were formulated by Ani Fayol at the beginning of the 20th century. They exist in the management of any organization in any business area.

Among all the general functions of management, titration is considered the main one - the method of mass quantitative and qualitative analysis... In performing this function, a manager, usually a senior manager, performs the following:

  • formulates goals and objectives for the future period;
  • carries out strategic planning;
  • makes operational plans.

The implementation of all plans depends on organizational function... It is aimed at creating an organization, forming its structure, distributing tasks among personnel, coordinating their work.

The motivation function is responsible for stimulating the labor activity of personnel. It is based on analyzing and identifying the needs of people, choosing a way to satisfy them in order to maximize the productivity of employees.

The control function is aimed at identifying possible risks, hazards, errors and deviations and thus helps to improve the work.

Special functions

The functions of managing individual objects have a special place in the organization. How control objects can be distinguished:

  • production activities;
  • material and technical supply;
  • innovation;
  • marketing and sales activities;
  • staff recruitment;
  • financial activities;
  • accounting and analysis.

The management of these objects is the content of the special management functions. Table 1 shows examples of the content of some functions.

Table 1 - Contents of special control functions

Management functions are types of management activities that provide the formation of ways to influence the activities of the organization.

Management processes at the enterprise are based on functional distribution. The essence of management activities at all levels of management is provided by management functions.

Today, the management functions include:




· the control,

· Regulation.

In the Soviet Union, the following management functions were distinguished:






· the control.

American scientists Albert Mescon and J. Hedouri distinguish four management functions:




· the control.

These management functions are linked by decision-making and communication processes.

Scheduling function is number one in management. Implementing it, an entrepreneur or manager, on the basis of a deep and comprehensive analysis of the situation in which the company is currently located, formulates the goals and objectives it faces, develops an action strategy, draws up the necessary plans and programs. The planning process itself allows you to more clearly formulate the organization's goals and use the system of performance indicators necessary for the subsequent monitoring of results. In addition, planning provides a clearer coordination of the efforts of structural divisions and thus strengthens the interaction of heads of different services of the organization. And this means that planning is a continuous process of exploring new ways and methods of improving the organization's activities through the identified opportunities, conditions and factors. Therefore, plans should not be prescriptive, but should change according to the specific situation.

At its core, the scheduling function answers three basic questions:

Where are we at this time? Leaders must assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in critical industries such as finance, marketing, manufacturing, research and development, and human resources. All of this is done to determine what the organization can actually achieve.

Where do we want to go? By assessing opportunities and threats in the environment, such as competition, customers, laws, political factors, economic conditions, technology, procurement, social and cultural change, management determines what can prevent the organization from achieving these goals.

How are we going to do this? Leaders must decide, both broadly and specifically, what members of the organization must do to achieve the organization's objectives.

Planning is one of the means by which management provides the only direction for all members of the organization to achieve its common goal.

Organization function - this is the formation of the structure of the organization, as well as the provision of everything necessary for its work - personnel, materials, equipment, buildings, money. In any plan drawn up in the organization there is the creation of real conditions for achieving the planned goals, often this requires a restructuring of the structure of production and management in order to increase their flexibility and adaptability to the requirements of a market economy. When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly should be done this organizationwhen and who, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, the manager gets the opportunity to translate his decisions into reality, using an important function of management as motivation.

Motivation function is an activity with the goal of activating the people working in the organization and encouraging them to work effectively to achieve the goals set in the plans. For this, their economic and moral stimulation is carried out, the very content of labor is enriched and conditions are created for the manifestation of the creative potential of workers and their self-development. From the late 18th to the 20th century, it was widely believed that people would always perform better if they had the opportunity to earn more. It was thought, therefore, that motivation was a simple matter that boils down to offering the provision of appropriate monetary rewards in exchange for effort. Leaders have learned that motivation is the result of a complex set of needs that are constantly changing.

Control function is a process that ensures the achievement of an organization's objectives There are three aspects of managerial control. The first aspect - setting standards - is the precise definition of a goal that must be achieved at a certain time. It is based on plans developed during the planning process. The second aspect is measuring what has actually been achieved in a certain period and comparing it with the expected results. If these two phases are performed correctly, then the management of the organization not only knows that there is a problem in the organization, he also knows the source of this problem. The third aspect is the stage at which actions are performed, if necessary, to correct serious deviations from the initial plan. One of the possible actions is to revise the goals so that they become more realistic and relevant to the situation. Control is a critical and complex management function. One of critical features control, which should be considered in the first place, is that control must be comprehensive.

Coordination function is the central function of management. It ensures the achievement of consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational links (communications) between them. The most commonly used are reports, interviews, meetings, computer communications, radio and television broadcasting, documents. With the help of these and other forms of communication, interaction is established between the subsystems of the organization, resources are maneuvered, the unity and coordination of all stages of the management process (planning, organization, motivation and control), as well as the actions of managers, are ensured.

7. Friedrich Engels "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State". Chapter IX.

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (German Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staats) is a work by the German thinker Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), dedicated to the main problems of the initial history, the evolution of family and marriage relations, the analysis of decomposition processes generic society, the formation of private property, social classes and the state. The first edition of the book was published in Zurich in early October 1884.

The book was written by Engels in two months - from the end of March to the end of May 1884. Analyzing Marx's manuscripts, Engels discovered a detailed synopsis of L. Morgan's book "Ancient Society", compiled by Marx in 1880-1881. and containing many of his criticisms, his own provisions, as well as additions from other sources. After reading this synopsis, Engels decided to write special workconsidering this as "to a certain extent fulfillment of the testament" of Marx. In addition to K. Marx's notes, while working on the book, Engels drew on additional materials from his own research on the history of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, ancient Ireland, ancient Germans and others.

Based on the material of the book of the American ethnographer and historian Lewis Morgan "Ancient society, or Study of the directions of human development from the wild state to barbarism and further to civilization" (Eng.Ancient society: or, Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization ), as well as on the work of other scientists, Engels in this work explores the main features of the development of the primitive communal system. The work reveals the process of decomposition of the primitive communal system and the formation of a class society based on private property. He traces the change in the forms of marriage and family in connection with the economic progress of society, analyzes the process of decomposition of the tribal system (using the example of three peoples: the ancient Greeks, Romans and Germans) and its economic reasons.

Engels further shows that the division of labor and the growth of labor productivity led to the emergence of the exchange of private property, to the destruction of the tribal system and to the formation of classes. The work shows the general characteristics of this society; the features of the development of family relations in various socio-economic formations have been clarified; revealed the origin and essence of the state.

The emergence of class contradictions, according to F. Ergels, gave rise to the state as a means of protecting the interests of the ruling class.

The main conclusions reached by Engels in this work:

Private property, classes and the state did not always exist, but arose at a certain stage economic development;

· The state in the hands of the ruling classes is always only an instrument of violence, oppression of broad masses of the people;

· Classes must inevitably disappear, just as they inevitably appeared in the past. With the disappearance of classes, the state will inevitably disappear.