Scripts for plays about the mother. Mini - performance "fabulous adventures of waving". Poems "Mom's helpers"

At the end of November, a wonderful holiday is celebrated in our country - Mother's Day. Festive performances and performances are timed to this day in schools. Mothers and grandmothers, sisters and aunts will come to visit. Have you already decided what to show them? New short scenes for Mother's Day at school, funny and funny, they will definitely be remembered by all guests and mothers will be happy! Watch the scenes, put them on your holiday and rejoice with your parents.

Mini scene - mom's helpers.
This scene is shown by three children and one adult - a mother (for example, a teacher). But you can replace the teacher with a tall girl who will play the role of a mother.

And so, the children are in the room, and their mother, who has returned from work, comes to them.

Hello my dears!
Children shouting with one voice:
- Hi, Mom! (and run to mom)
How was your day, what did you do?
First child:
Mom, mom - I washed all the dishes!
What a fine fellow you are, how caring! (takes a chocolate bar out of the bag and gives it to the child)
Second child:
Mom, mom - I'm the same fellow, I wiped all the dishes afterwards!
And you are the same clever girl, here you are (takes out a second chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
What have you been doing all day? (mother addresses the third child)
Third child:
And I swept up all the fragments from the dishes and took them to the trash!
Mom makes a surprised face, "falls" on the sofa or chair. He comes to himself and says:
- all the same, you are the best and most caring children!

Mini scene - children are talking.
It is always interesting to watch how children talk to each other. They boast, show who and what can and try to be adults in front of each other. In this scene, children will behave in the same way, and adults will look at them from the outside and understand what they are doing wrong in raising children.

Children are on the stage. You decide how many children you need. Perhaps 2-4 children are enough, but then they will have to learn a lot of phrases. And if there are more children, then each will not have many phrases and they will remember them.

Every day, mom cooks soup, prepares a second and always adds vegetables to food. I don’t eat them!


Vova (thoughtfully and importantly):
Nature made me so!

Winter has already come. Frost will soon hit and I will not walk outside until spring.

Why until spring?

How to walk in winter? Suddenly the frost will hit me the same!

And I know all the months of the year.

Well, tell me.

Mom and I talk them together, she says the beginning, and I say the end.

What is it like? Is that so - yang ...


Feb ...

Ral. Yes. So!

Art, Rel, Ay, Yun, Yul, Gust, Yabr, Yabr, Yabr, Abr!

See I have money (shows money)

They are not real! We ourselves can type on the computer!

So what. But you can use them to buy a car in a children's store!

It's like, the money is not real ?!

So the car is not real either!

And yesterday I set up an experiment and now I know how long one tube of toothpaste is enough!

And how much? For a month?

No, for the entire corridor and another floor of the room!

Regional competition for best scenario extracurricular activities,

dedicated to the celebration of Mother's Day in Russia.

Scenario of an extracurricular activity

"Take care of mom!"

Genre: puppet show

Position: teacher of Russian language and literature

School: MOU OOSh number 99

Settlement: Sochi, Lazarevskoye

Name municipal formation:


I classroom teacher in 8 "A" class. From the 6th grade we are the chefs of the 1st, and now we are the 3rd "B". The children and I thought for a long time in what form for kids to conduct serious conversations that would be understandable, accessible and memorable for our sponsors for a long time. How to tell kids, for example, about the law No. 1539 in force in the Krasnodar Territory?

Thought and thought until one of the children offered to organize puppet show... I liked the idea. Some of the dolls were sewn by themselves (on the Internet on many sites it is described in detail how to do this), some I bought, and some, for example, a doll of Baba Yaga, were made to order. Designed and created decorations. I usually wrote the scripts myself, but I always discussed them with the children, consulted. If the topic was not too difficult, I trusted students to write the script.

It turned out that the form of a puppet show has a number of advantages: 1) accessibility;

2) easy memorization of some difficult things;

3) the development of creative, acting, speech abilities of students;

4) interesting for both eighth-graders and primary school students.

If it seems that all this is very difficult, then believe me, not at all. The main thing is to start.

For Mother's Day, my children and I prepared a fairy tale performance: "Take care of mothers!"

Puppet show-fairy tale: "Take care of mothers!"




Baba Yaga

Grandfather Vseved


Dog Sharik

Purr's Cat


Scene 1.

Storyteller (melodiously): In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, close, far away, where exactly, and I myself do not know, maybe a distant land, or maybe in your kingdom-state there lived a woman (appears from behind a screen, mother, bows) and she had a son, Vanya, such a mischievous person, such an inaudible, oh-oh-oh (the storyteller disappears, Vanechka appears).

Mother : Vanya, son, help me a little with the housework: sweep the floor, wash the dishes.

Ivan: I won't! What am I a girl ?!

Mother: Then come with me to the forest, bring some brushwood, and light the stove. Otherwise it’s very cold in the hut.

Ivan: I'm too lazy. Well, mom, leave me alone! Go yourself.

Mother : Oh, Vanya, Vanya. (Sighs mournfully and leaves).

Ivan ( joyfully): Gone! How good! You can lie on the stove, spit at the ceiling, or count the flies. And then the mother pesters (mimicking): “Vanya, do that. Vanya, do it. Study, Vanya. " I do not want! I'm lazy!

Scene 2.

Storyteller: Baba Yaga lived on chicken legs in a dense forest, in the thicket in a hut. She loved to fly around the world and mess with everyone. And she especially did not like capricious and ungrateful children.

Baba Yaga (angrily): And why love these scum? They shout, squeak, always demand something. And give them that, and buy this ... Ugh. The only good for me is for lunch. And mommies love them. (Feigned affectionately) Ah, son. Ah, daughter. (Angrily) Evil is not enough!

Mother (sings softly from behind the screen): A birch tree stood in the field,

The curly one stood in the field.

Lyuli, Lyuli stood,

Lyuli, Lyuli stood.

Baba Yaga : Who is this? Who dared to rule in my forest?

Mother (with a bundle of brushwood behind his back): Hello, grandma.

Baba Yaga : Hello, killer whale. Who is she? Why did you come?

Mother : For brushwood. It's cold in the hut, Vanyusha's son may get sick.

Baba Yaga: Ah, sonny ?! And why are you collecting brushwood yourself, if your Vanyashka couldn't help?

Mother: Nothing, I myself somehow.

Baba Yaga: Sorry son, then?

Mother: Who but the mother will regret it?

Baba Yaga: Love him! For what?

Mother : Do they love children for something? You are a strange grandmother. He is my son!

Baba Yaga: He does not protect you! For what merits such a mother to him? But he will not have a mother! (The ominous music from the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila sounds). Well, turn around quickly, turn the woman into a birch tree. Krigli-kragli-gibberish. (Mother disappears, a birch tree with a blue ribbon appears in her place. Baba Yaga laughs ominously).

Scene 3.

Storyteller: And Ivan does not yet feel trouble. I lay on the stove, fell asleep, and when I woke up ...

Ivan: Mom, mom. I want to eat! (Pause). Mom, it's very cold in the hut! Mom, why are you silent ?!

Cat: Meow, and the hostess has not yet returned from the forest.

Dog: Oh, I feel the trouble happened.

Ivan: How did it not come back? I'm all completely hungry! And cold.

Cat: What's wrong without mom?

Dog: Fearfully?

Cat: And who offended mom ?!

Dog : Who didn't help at all?

Cat: Did you let one go into the forest?

Ivan: I won't anymore.

Cat: I realized late.

Dog: Mom needs to be rescued.

Ivan : Hurry to the forest!

Scene 4.

Storyteller: For a long time our Vanechka wandered through the forest. Aukal, clicked on mother. And in response, only ominous silence. But then he went out into a clearing, and there an oak stands in three girths, and under the oak sits an old man in strange clothes, as if foreign. Ivan was at first shattered, and then nevertheless approached.

Ivan : Hello, grandfather.

Grandfather Vseved : Hello, good fellow. How to call-dignify you?

Ivan : Ivanushka. How about you?

Grandfather Vseved : And I am the grandfather Vseved, I know everything, I know everything.

Ivan: Oh, maybe you know where my mom is?

Grandfather Vseved : Of course I know. She is with Baba Yaga.

Ivan ( scared): Oh, mommy!

Grandfather Vseved : That's when I remembered about my mother! Baba Yaga turned your mother into a birch tree. The spells can be lifted, but difficult, oh, how difficult.

Ivan (resolutely): What should I do?

Grandfather Vseved : First you have to go through the swamp. Then guess the riddles of the old raven. If you guess right, the raven will write a spell, and you will read it in front of the birch-mother, the spell will fall.

Ivan: Thank you, grandpa. (Grandfather the All-knowing disappears behind the screen). I can't do it myself. Can you guys help me? Yes? Well, thank you.

Oh, here comes the swamp.

Scene 5

Swamp game.

On the floor, assistants quickly lay out figures cut from green cardboard of different shapes at different distances. These are bumps. The assistant chooses 6 people from the audience. Their task is to jump over the bumps one after another, without stepping into the swamp even once. On command, fast Russian folk music starts up. The game begins.

The students did an excellent job.

Ivan: Thank you guys for helping me get across the swamp. Without you, I would have drowned in a quagmire.

Raven: Kar-kar. What do you want in the forest?

Ivan : Come to guess your riddles.

Raven: Do you know that if you don’t guess at least one riddle, Baba Yaga will immediately appear and eat you.

Ivan: Seven troubles - one answer.

Raven: Okay. Listen carefully and guess.

Here - wherever we look - I explain to the baby,

Watery blue space. To avoid errors:

In it, the wave rises like a wall, Beasts, I breathe air,

White crest over the wave. But it looks like a large fish.

And sometimes it's quiet and smooth. I'm a dodger in water polo

Did everyone recognize him? And I play ball with children.

(Sea). (Dolphin)

This house I can In the ocean we walk

Find it on the shore. Like blue hills.

In it is the shelter of a mollusk, the Ocean is our home,

And the owner is proud: There are many miles in it.
“The house will withstand the load, We go into the storm with a big wall,

Lime, solid ". We subside into calm.

(Shell). (Waves).

Oh, the river fell down My source is not at the stream -

From the cliff! I'm running from the glacier.

You can't hide from the splashes. Very very fast

What kind of place is it? Fresh and clean.

(Waterfall) (Mountain river).

All in the peaks this area, We walked in the mountains

For awkward people. And they heard rumors.

Here, the tourists are interested in Kolya shouted: "Stream!"

Go up the path. And in response I heard: "Whose!"

(Mountains) Dima shouted: "Water!"

And in response I heard: "Yes!"

It is deserted, only rocks.

What shouted back at us?


(Riddles are guessed from the book by N.V. Ivanova "Riddles for children of 8 years old", students-spectators guess them, if they cannot, then Ivanushka thinks out).

Raven: Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles. These are your friends-helpers, Ivanushka. Hold the spell. (Holds out a folded sheet of paper)

Ivan (horrified): I went to school, but I didn't want to study. I'm afraid I can't read it. Guys, help. And I will definitely catch up at school. I promise!

One of the children reads: Turn around quickly, turn the birch into mother. Krigli-kragli-gibberish. (Birch disappears behind a screen, mother appears).

Scene 6

Ivan: Mother, dear!

Mother: Vanya, son.


Ivan : Mother, forgive me. I will never, never hurt you again.

Mother : Well, what are you, son, I have forgiven you long ago. (Baba Yaga appears).

Baba Yaga: How touching! How long? I'll take a look. And if you offend your mother, I'll eat you.

Ivan ( swearing to Baba Yaga in the belt): Thank you, grandmother, for the science.

(Mother and Ivan are hiding)

Baba Yaga: Guys, have we told you a good story? The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, you kids have a lesson. And if you offend your mothers, I will eat you all, I will not disdain.

Storyteller: Enough to scare something.

Baba Yaga: A joke, of course. But who knows what verse will find on me. Take care of your mothers !!!

Storyteller: We thank you for your attention, we hope for your understanding. Artists bowing.

(Grade 8 students come out from behind the screen, holding dolls in their hands, bow.)

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Mother's Day scenario for children 5-7 years old. during the festive event, children start an argument about who is better than boys or girls and prove to their mothers that they are the most wonderful sons and daughters.

Goal: harmonization of parent-child relations


  1. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences in children and their mothers from the joint celebration of Mother's Day.
  2. Promote the creation of warm family relationships.
  3. Contribute to the creation and maintenance of family traditions.
  4. Contribute to the creation of a positive microclimate in the group.
  5. To cultivate love and respect for the dearest person - mom.
  6. To promote the development of the ability to expressively perform poems: to use natural intonations, logical pauses, accents, to convey their attitude to the content.
  7. To develop smooth voice leading, expressiveness in singing, dancing.
  1. Presentation "Sweet Mom"
  2. Song "I love you so much, mom" (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova).
  3. Congratulatory roll call Dance "Quarrel"
  4. Game "Say a word"
  5. The game "Say it kindly"
  6. The song "What girls are made of"
  7. Attraction "What are you attentive" At my mother (eyes, dress, hairpins ...).
  8. Attraction "Disassemble with your eyes closed, who needs what" (items for girls and boys)
  9. Poems "Mom's helpers"
  10. Attraction "Make a sandwich"
  11. Attraction "Who has the longest potato peel"
  12. Attraction "Venykoball"
  13. Chastushki.
  14. Dance "Washing"
  15. Song "Lullaby for Mom"
  16. A fairy tale for moms.
  17. The song "Mom for a Mammoth"
  18. Congratulations from dads.
  19. The song "Girls are boys, such rascals"
  20. Dance with hearts "Kind gentle mother". We give hearts (balls heart)
  21. Dance "Dance Teacher"

Materials and equipment.

Multimedia equipment. Presentation "Sweet Mom". Handkerchiefs, items that girls, boys need, 5 pieces each, food for a sandwich, 4 potatoes, knives, a broom, napkins, hare masks, hare, titmouse, hedgehog, cats, guitar, flowers, 3 canvases, 12 hearts - flashlights, tape recorder, musical accompaniment.

Event progress

Parents are greeted by the presentation "Sweet Mom".

Group reading of the verse by E. Serova "In kindergarten hustle and bustle "(Appendix No. 1)

The song "I love you so much, mom" (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova) sounds. (Appendix No. 2)

Educator: Today we are glad to welcome in this hall our dear guests, the sweetest, beloved and only ones, our mothers. Happy holiday, our dear mothers!

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, with us, accompanies us in the years of growing up and maturity.

Poem by Sergei Ostorovy "There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked in the centuries!" (Appendix No. 3)


Mom - this means tenderness, This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity, This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime fairy tale, it's morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times, This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer, it's snow, an autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light, Mom is LIFE!

Presentation "My mother is the best" (photos of mothers with children)

Children (collective reading):

Everything in the garden is noisy, singing - Mother's holiday is coming!
Everyone needs to discuss: What are we going to give mothers?

The monkey dads will say: -We will buy bananas for moms!
To cook all year round us a banana compote.

Hamster fathers will say: - We will buy hooks for mothers!
To day-day to night
Sweaters were knitted for us!

Daddy-bears will say, say:
- Let's buy, buy covers for moms!
We will buy jars, roots.
Let the mothers cook the jam!

Well, the bunny at the edge of the forest rushes into the distance, spreading its ears,
Hey, wait! Where are you going?

I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why give hooks?
Eh, you bears, hamsters!
For moms to rest
So that they flutter like birds
Let's love mothers!
We will give them flowers! (give flowers)

Children are built in two rows (girls, boys - start a quarrel).

Dance "Quarrel" to the melody of the song. "I am offended" the author of the words - Lisits Regina, the composer - Igor Kornelyuk (Appendix No. 4)

Educator: What is, what happened. What kind of quarrel happened?

Boy and girl: Solve our dispute sooner, if you can prove who in the world is sweeter than a daughter or son.

Educator: We certainly understand that the age of questions has come. But this one is very difficult. And only our mothers can answer it. Let's arrange a competition, and our mothers will be a strict and impartial jury. Instead of points and marks, we will give our competitors a round of applause.

Educator:As a warm-up I suggest you play a game.

Game "Say a word"

In the morning, mothers take their children to (kindergarten).

We declare firmly, directly: the best in the world. (Mama).

I'll put the portrait in a frame and admire it. (mommy).

Kiss mom on the cheek good night. (daughter).

Eat your mother's pancake, grow up quickly. (son).

Mom has doves, her only one. (son).

There are many mothers in this world, they love them with all their hearts. (children).

Now let's play with moms: I start, and you finish the phrase!

There is no sweeter friend than dear. (mother).

It's warm in the sun, in the mother's presence. (good).

Mother's caress of the end. (does not know).

The birds are happy with spring, and the child. (mother).

Do you love your mom? AND sweet words tell me for her? Whoever says more will win.

The game "Say it kindly"

Educator: You are all so different: funny, kind, mischievous, affectionate.

New task "Who will sing whom"

The song "And what are only girls made"

Educator: New task

Game "What are you attentive"

My mom has (eyes, dress, hairpins).

Attraction "Disassemble with closed eyes who needs what"

(items for girls and boys)

Educator: Do you help mom at home? But as? We'll check now. We will do everything to make them happy.

Poems "Mom's helpers"

(Appendix No. 5)


Dad's invite "Make a sandwich"
"Who has the longest potato peel"


Here they are - mother's helpers.
But the reality is not that bad. Let's check.

Attraction "Venykoball"


Mom and Dad listen carefully
Prepared palms. Clapping is mandatory

(Appendix No. 6)

Educator: Can you wash? And teach your mothers?

Dance "Washing"

We washed, swept, cooked soup, did not get bored.

It's time to rest and take a nap

Vanya: They light lanterns before going to bed, sit down with me and talk to me before going to bed.

The whole evening you were not with me, All your business and business.

I do not stand above your soul. I keep waiting and keep silent as a big one.

Sit with me and talk to me before bed.

Let's look at the lanterns together.

Song "Lullaby for Mom"

I woke up early in the morning. Mom is still sleeping. Even the sun, yawning, quietly slumbers in the golden clouds.

Chorus: Bayu, buy, I sing a lullaby for my beloved mother.

I want to give you a new day on Earth.

The breeze is knocking on your window with a white apple tree.

The birds are singing for you. Dear mom, my sweetheart.

Educator:While mom rests. The fairy tale will enter her house.

Music "Visiting a Fairy Tale".

A fairy tale for moms.

Hare, Hare, Titmouse, Hedgehog, Cat.
In a certain kingdom. In a dense state.
There is a Christmas tree in the forest, a prickly needle.
How the bunny lived under the tree. The bunny was not friends with his mother.
Bunny offended mom. "I'm not friends with you" said.

("Zainka stop, Zayinka is not naughty")

Mom wiped away her tears and went into the dense forest.
The bunny was having fun, jumping, running and spinning.

("There, tararam there, tararam And we don't need anyone")

But in the forest, in the night forest, one became afraid.

"Oh oh oh. Mommy, Where. You're scared to me. I want to eat. I'm cold.

He cried for a long time, and went to look for Mom.

Little titmouse, have you seen my mother?

I flew through the woods, I didn't see your mother. Come to my branch. Fly quickly, baby.

I can not fly.

Then look for another mother.

Long zainka wandered. All wet and tired.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, friend. Have you seen my mommy ?.

I live under a bush, enter my hole. I will put my fur coat on you.

A hare came up to a hedgehog, wanted to hide under its thorns. Yes, he did. Painfully

Oh oh oh

What happened to you.

A fur coat like a Christmas tree, on the shoulders of needles. It hurts the bunny's paws. I'll rush off without looking back.

He looked through the window, and there was a mother cat.

The cat sings a song. Affectionate and gentle.

He strokes his belly with his paw, like a snowy feather bed.

Oh oh oh.

Cat - What's the matter with you? That you are sad bunny.

Mom, I hurt a lot. How is it fun here.

What to do. How to say? Where can we find mom.

Children, or maybe we will sing a song together "Mom for a Mammoth", and you parents sing along.

The song "Mom for a Mammoth"

The hare falls asleep

The hare appears.

How is my zainka there. How is my little one.

Wait, hare, don't cry. Tell me what happened.

Bunny, son, I have it. Only we do not live a day without a quarrel.

Naughty and pugnacious. He's my favorite anyway.

I got angry and drove away. I came and he was gone.

Here I go looking for him. Maybe he met a fox?

Or an angry wolf. He has been gone for so long.

Cat - And you bunny, look if it’s your bunny, sleeping under our Christmas tree.

Cat - Wait, don't wake up.

Hide behind the Christmas tree and listen to him.

(hare wakes up)

Bunny, get up. It's time to look for mom.

Of course I'm happy. Yes, only where. Offended her greatly. She left.

Zainka, and you will still offend her.

I won't, I won't. To offend mom's bunny.

I will, I will, I will respect and hug my mother bunny.

I will try very hard to help her and not fight.

(mom comes out from behind the tree).

Mommy, forgive me.

Zainka, mommy loves you very much and forgives you.

This is how our fairy tale ended happily.

And you promise to protect your mommy. Will you help her? Love, kiss, hug and speak sweet words? Mom, really, your kids are the most wonderful?

So far, our strict but very welcoming jury is summing up the results of our competition.

We would like to hear a few words from those. Who also loves our moms, from your dads.

Congratulations from dads.

Dear mothers, well, who won. Who is better, girls or boys?

The song "Girls are boys, such rascals."

Dance with hearts "Kind gentle mother".

We give hearts (balls heart)

Moms are gentle, moms are cute.
The very best, very happy.
Children congratulate you on the holiday.
They want only good things in life.
Do not get sick, do not get old
Sing, love and be good. Happy Holidays.
We invite you to a common dance.

“Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of the development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of a child, it introduces him to spiritual wealth. Staging a fairy tale makes you worry, empathize with the character and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain attitudes and moral assessments are created that are simply communicated and assimilated. " (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
Theatrical activity allows the formation of the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each work always has a moral orientation. Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart.
Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of someone else, this helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, and shyness.



MADOU "CRR-Kindergarten No. 19 of Syktyvkar"

Project "Staging a performance for Mother's Day"

Developed by the educator Trosheva Olga Linovna.

G. Syktyvkar

December 2015.

Project plan.

  1. Brief annotation of the project.
  2. Justification of the need for the project.
  3. Goals and objectives of the project.
  4. Resources.
  5. The main content of the project.
  6. Planning and organizing activities for the development of creative abilities in preschoolers in the play.
  7. Literature.


Brief annotation of the project.

“Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of the development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of a child, it introduces him to spiritual wealth. Staging a fairy tale makes you worry, empathize with the character and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain attitudes and moral assessments are created, simply communicated and assimilated. " (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Theatrical activity allows the formation of the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each work always has a moral orientation. Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart.

Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of someone else, this helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, and shyness.

Thus, theatrical activity helps to fully develop the child.

Modern pedagogy is gradually becoming developing from didactic. Teachers begin to see the results of their activities in the development of the personality of each child, his creative abilities, interests. In this regard, it is impossible to overestimate the role of theatrical performances, where the child's creative abilities are fully developed.

However, in practice, we are faced with the fact that due to the lack of purposeful system work in theatrical activity, in particular theatrical performances, the guys are enslaved, insecure, have little command of expressiveness, they are afraid of participating in a group creative activity, in public speeches, which one way or another may affect the subsequent education at school.

Thus, the contradiction that arose, on the one hand the importance and necessity of theatrical performances for the development of the creative abilities of children, and on the other hand, the lack of a purposeful system of work led to the choice of the project topic.


Every year the kindergarten organizes events in honor of Mother's Day. So the idea arose to show the performance as a gift to mom by the children of the theater group. To do this, you need to choose a fairy tale and stage a performance based on it.


Formation of creative abilities in children through the creation of a performance


1. Arouse interest, desire to accept active participation in theatrical production.

2. Learn to use non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements) and intonational expressiveness to convey the character's image.

3 . To instill communication and interaction skills with a partner in the play, to promote the liberation of children and increase self-esteem.

4 . To educate moral foundations, to teach to empathize with the character, the events of the fairy tale, to take care of their mothers.

Project type -creative, group, medium-term.

Implementation period - three months (September, October, November).

Project participants-children middle group (4-5 years old), attending the theater group "Visiting a fairy tale", in the amount of 22 people, educators, parents, schoolchildren.

Project audience- children of junior, middle groups, parents, educators, kindergarten staff.

Material and technical resources:

Music hall, decorations, theatrical attributes, music center, "Theater corner", different types theater, screen, theatrical costumes.

The main content of the project.

Project activities involve step-by-step activities of children and teachers.

1st step. Independent determination by children of the goal of the project, the motive of the upcoming activity, forecasting the result. It was decided to show a staged performance based on a fairy tale to mothers for the Mother's Day holiday. This became the motive for starting project activities.

The situation was modulated: the children were offered three children's illustrations for the fairy tales "Teremok", "Turnip", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". Then a problem arose: which of these fairy tales could be used to stage a performance for mom? The children chose "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". Further, three different endings of this tale were proposed. In the course of searching for a solution, it turned out that good always wins in fairy tales, this helped to plan the ending of a new fairy tale, which was to be composed by ourselves.

2nd step ... Planning activities with the possible participation of an adult as a partner; determination of means of project implementation.

It was necessary: \u200b\u200bto compose a fairy tale; choose heroes; prepare sketches of scenery and costumes for heroes; pick and manufacture different kinds theater; choose roles, songs, dances; pick up games and exercises in performing arts.

3rd step. The preparation and staging of the performance went through many types of activities: we got acquainted with the fairy tale in various versions; fairytale heroes were drawn; selected and learned theatrical sketches, games and exercises for the development of expressive movements, speech. Unlearned creative numbers.

The parents of the group were involved in the implementation of the project, who taught the roles with the children and helped in making costumes, took the children to the theater.

4th step. The result will be a show.

5th step. Determination of the prospects for the development of the project "staging a performance for Mother's Day."

Project implementation plan.

Preparatory stage.

The main stage.

The final stage.

  • Drawing up a plan diagram.
  • Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.
  • Selection of method. Literature.
  • Developing conversations.
  • Selection of songs, dances, etudes.
  • Selection of visual and didactic material, fiction.
  • Development of information for parents on the topic.
  • Organization of a developing environment in a group.
  • Introducing children to fiction
  • Conducting conversations.
  • Examination of paintings, conversations on their content.
  • Creative tasks for composing a fairy tale.
  • Presentation to parents of recommendations on the topic.
  • C / r game.
  • Watching films and cartoons.
  • Examination and production of props, masks, costumes, decorations.
  • Drawing your favorite characters.
  • Memorizing songs, movements, poems.
  • Distribution of roles.
  • Exercise, etudes in performing arts.
  • Using traditional and non-traditional types of theater.
  • Rehearsal of episodes of the play.
  • Viewing visiting performances.
  • Premiere of the play.
  • Show for kids.
  • Analysis of the work on the project.
  • Photo report about the project in the parent area and on the group's website.
  • Parents' comments on the project.

Project implementation.
Preparatory stage.


Acquaintance with modern methodological literature on theatrical activities, pedagogical technologies.

Study of the needs and desires of children in choosing a work for theatrical performance.

Choose creative numbers of songs, dances.

Explore the design options, ways to create decorations.





1 Week.

2 week.

3 week.

4 week.

  • Drawing up a project plan.

Setting goals, determining relevance.

Selection of method. Literature.

Study of regulatory documents.

  • Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, development of conversations, selection of songs and dances.
  • Conversation with children about the holiday "Mother's Day"

Information for parents "idea and name of the project"

  • Selection of reproductions of art paintings on a fairy-tale theme, organization of a developing environment in a group.

Educators of middle groups, children of middle groups.

Children of the middle group No. 12

Makarova N.I.

Educator of the middle group No. 12 Trosheva OL

Head of art activities.

The main stage of the project.


Conduct a cycle of classes and events on the theme of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Determine the activities of each project participant in accordance with his capabilities.

Choose different types of theaters based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Compose a fairy tale with a new ending.

Prepare a fairy tale with the joint efforts of children, teachers, parents.

Prepare costumes, decorations.





1 Week.



1 half day.

Reading the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" to children. Discussion.

Examination of paintings and posters on the topic.

2 half a day.

Lesson "Composing the continuation of the fairy tale" The wolf and the seven kids on new way". Choice of ending by voting.

1 half day.

Conversation my beloved fairytale hero in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

C / r game "Theater"

2 half a day.

Watching the movie "Mom", cartoons "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Conversation on content.

Educators, children of the middle group.

Children of the middle group, educators.

Trosheva O. L.

Trosheva O. L.





2 week.



3 week.



4 week




1 Week.



2 week.



3 week.


4 week.



1 half day.

Conversation "What the theater props are talking about"

Examination of masks and costumes, making.

2 half a day.

Drawing the characters of a fairy tale (transfer of the characteristic features of the characters in the drawing)

1 under the day.

Conversation "How does the play appear?"

Production of posters, tickets with the involvement of parents.

2 half a day.

Lesson on the distribution of roles in the performance.

Exercise to teach children to stage transformation.

1 half day. Learning songs, poems, movements, dances.

2 half day. Rehearsal of the first episodes of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

1 half day. Lesson: etudes for teaching children to stage transformation (facial expressions, gestures, movements)

2 half a day. Rehearsal of episodes of the fairy tale (middle)

1 half day. Using traditional types of theater.

2 under days. The use of non-traditional types of theater.

1 half day. Costumes and attributes for the performance.

2 under days. Sketches, exercises for the expressiveness of movements, emotions, the development of facial expressions, gestures.

2 half day. Rehearsal of episodes of the ending of the tale.

1 half day. Exercises, sketches for the expressiveness of speech, movements.

2 half day. Rehearsal of the fairy tale in full.

1 half day. Visiting a visiting performance at a preschool educational institution

2 half day. Scheme "Rules of conduct in the theater"

2 half day. Premiere of the play for mothers.

2 half a day. Screening of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Kids for Kids in the kindergarten.

Registration of the photo exhibition.

Children attending the circle, parents.

Children, parents.

Music instructor, children, parents


Children of the junior middle groups, parents.

Trosheva O. L.

Head of Art Activities

Trosheva O. L.

Expected results and social impact.

Product of the activity - Performance "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way"


  • Performance-congratulations for mothers.
  • Photo exhibition decoration.
  • Methodical recommendations for parents "Theater and children"


  • Work on the project will contribute to the development of creativity: children will learn to create an image of characters using various means of expression (word, gesture, facial expressions, movement)
  • The level of social competence will increase.

Children will become more liberated, learn to communicate freely with their peers, and stop being afraid of public speaking.

  • The competence of parents in this matter will increase.

Project results:

A congratulation performance for mothers was staged; the photo exhibition “The Stage Production Project” was arranged; developed guidelines for parents "How to develop theatrical activities in the family."

The work on the project contributed to the development of creative principles, the children developed an interest in theatrical activity. Through joint activities, during the implementation of the project, the relationship between children, parents and teachers has been strengthened. Children have become more sociable, relaxed, self-confident, not afraid of performances in front of the audience. We learned to solve issues together, created an atmosphere of creativity in the course of which children's talents were revealed and an interesting performance turned out.

Perspectives further development project.

Development perspective this project, after a joint discussion, it was decided to show the fairy tale not only to parents and kids, our kindergarten, but also to participate in the city competition "Theater Spring"


A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten"; M. 2009

E.A. Antipina "Theatrical activity in kindergarten"; M; T.Ts. "Sphere", 2009

M.M. Makhaneva "Classes on theatrical activities in kindergarten"; M; T.Ts. "Sphere", 2008

N. D. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

N.F. Sorokin "We Play Puppet Theater"

T.S. Grigorieva "Little Actor" program for children 5-7 years old. M; T.Ts. "Sphere", 2012


Forms for parents.

Lecture notes.

Questionnaire for parents "Theater and children"

Do you visit a theater, cinema with your child? (well no)

Why do you visit a theater, cinema?

  • expand the horizons of the child
  • have fun, relax
  • casual visit

What, in your opinion, are educational, developmental and educational
what are the possibilities for theater-related events? ________________

When was the last time you were in the theater:

  • this year
  • a year ago
  • don't remember when

When a children's film, play, cartoon is shown on television, you:

  • let the child watch
  • switch to another channel
  • watch with children

How do you feel about the fact that circus and theater performers come to the kindergarten to perform?

  • positively
  • negatively

Do you and your child do theatrical performances at home parties?

Are you ready to take part in a theatrical performance with your child in our kindergarten?

Recommendation for parents "How to develop theatrical activities in the family"

Goal: to contribute to the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents, to replenish their knowledge of the theatrical activities of the child in the family and kindergarten.
Tasks: - to introduce parents to the theatrical and cultural life of the preschool educational institution;
- to promote the rallying of the parent team, involvement in the life of the group team;
- create conditions for the organization of joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing them closer together;
- to carry out a full-fledged approach to the speech development of children through theatrical activities;
- to improve the speech competence of parents.
The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin called the theater "magic land",
it is pertinent to add that this is a magical land in which a child lives while playing, and in playing he learns the world as it is, with all its features.
Theatrical art is understandable for children, because the theater is based on play. The theater has a tremendous beneficial effect on the emotional world of the child.
At first, the main role in theatrical activities should be taken by parents, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes, so that by 3-4 years old children, imitating adults, can independently play fragments of literary works.
Home theater is a collection of theatrical games and various types of theater.
These may include puppet, tabletop, shadow theaters.
Parents can organize a puppet show using toys available in the house or made with their own hands from different materials.
Children love to transform into their favorite characters and act on their behalf in accordance with the plots of fairy tales, cartoons, children's plays.
Home productions help fulfill physical and emotional potential. Children learn to notice good and bad deeds, show curiosity, they become more relaxed and sociable, learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, feel and cognize more subtly the world.
The importance of theatrical activity in all-round development cannot be overestimated: speech, memory, purposefulness, perseverance are developing, physical skills are being worked out (imitation of the movements of various animals, people). In addition, theatrical activities require determination, hard work, ingenuity. And how the kid's eyes light up when an adult reads aloud, intonationally highlighting the character of each hero of the work!
Imitating the intonational expressiveness of an adult's speech, the child himself expressively conveys the content of the work, maintains a dialogue, tries to accurately display events. Thus, the child develops dialogical speech, its intonational expressiveness, and is later mastered literary languagethat is so necessary at school.
Theatrical games always delight children, using their unchanging love. Children see the world around them through images, colors, sounds. They laugh when the characters laugh, they are sad, upset with them. With pleasure, transforming into a favorite image, the kids voluntarily accept and appropriate its characteristic features.
A variety of subjects, means of representation, emotionality of theatrical games make it possible to use them for the purpose of comprehensive education of the individual.
Parents can also initiate the organization of a variety of theatrical games at home. It can be fun games, dramatization games for reading, for example, poems by A. Barto "I love my horse ..", "The mistress threw the bunny ...", etc., listening to fairy tales recorded on disks, with their subsequent playing out and other. Such joint entertainment can play a big role in creating a friendly, trusting, creative atmosphere in the family, which is important for strengthening family relationships.
To organize such activities in the family, an appropriate artistic and aesthetic environment should be created, which presupposes the presence of toys or dolls made by hand, phonetics and a library of fairy tales, children's musical instruments, homemade instruments, didactic games.
The value of theatrical activity is that it helps children to visually see the content of a literary work, develops imagination, without which a full-fledged perception of fiction is impossible. After all, the ability to vividly imagine what you read or hear about, is developed on the basis of external vision, from the experience of real ideas. Dramatization serves as a means for a child to manifest artistic abilities, speech development, moral experience. Playing the theater is very close to a child who strives to express all his experiences and impressions in action.
I would like to especially note that in the process of theatrical activity, the child's vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech, memory is improved, an attitude to the world around is formed.
The participation of parents in the theatrical activities of children and in kindergarten is necessary. This causes a lot of emotions in children, sharpens feelings of pride in their parents who are participating in joint theatrical performances.

Scenario "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way"

The roles are played by:



1 kid

2 kid

3 kid

4 kid

5 kid

6 kid

7 kid


Fox cubs


Leading storyteller

Storyteller: Tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Storyteller: Yes, in a new way!

To the music, the kids come out from behind the screen and sit in front of the house.

1 presenter:

Once he lived in a dense forest,

Gloomy gray wolf with a tail.

(Music on and the wolf comes out, dancing)

2 ved: He lived alone without a mother,

At night he often howled loudly,

And he was bored ... in the forest

It was sad alone.


Ooh-ooh-ooh, oh how sad alone

Ooh-ooh-ooh, oh, how sad alone (sits on a chair under a tree)

1 Presenter: quiet music sounds (Mom's songs)

Like a river at the edge

A goat lived in a hut.

And beautiful and sweet

Mom was a goat.

Her children grew up

Very cute kids (the goat is sitting rewinding a ball of thread)


I have seven kids

Here is my family:

Here is Bodaika- "I'm stubborn" (butts)

Here is Chitaika- "The smartest"

But Sonya - "I love to sleep"

Caprice - "Ooh-ooh-ooh

Here Kripysh- "I love sports"

Laughing - "Laughing"

And one more kid

Fidget, shooter,

I call him as a kid - "Mom, I love you"

Host: Mom's music (quietly)

In the morning, when the kids were still sleeping (the kids are sleeping), the goat got up

And she raised the kids (stroking the head)

They were watered and fed, taking a basket

She spoke.


Oh, kids, you guys

You are left without mother

I'll go to the market for cabbage,

Maybe the wolf will come, I feel it in my heart.

You have to sit, you hear,

Quieter than water, below the grass.

Veda: A bodika answers

Little kids:

Don't worry mommy

It will be all right

We know from a fairy tale

The wolf is terribly ugly!

Goat music (dance waves, leaves)


Music kids (quietly) stand near the chairs, shake their heads

No kids were bored

Only mom is outside the door

The rhythm of the dance pounded

Exactly 28 feet

The native hut cracked

The whole earth trembled

These are the young kids who left la-la-la

Dance of the kids (music loud)

Veda: ah, the kids got tired and sat down to rest, and the smartest kid, a reader, began to read poems loudly.


We are funny guys

Play hide and seek all day

And we dance and we sing

And the house dances with us.

Ved: here the dormouse woke up, and also began to read loudly throughout the forest.


Mommy will come soon

Will bring us some goodies.

Every day and every hour

It's a lot of fun with us.


The wolf sat behind a tree

And he looked with all his eyes.

The wolf could not contain himself

He began to laugh out loud:


I wish I had such kids,

I would be awfully glad!

Veda: the ladybug with the bees heard these words and decided to warn the kids about the danger.

(Bee music, dance)

Alena: We are flying along the clearing, we hear a loud noise somewhere.

Ilona: They say the wolf is evil, somewhere under the pine tree.

Peter: You guys do not make noise, sit quietly in the house!

Music of bees, fly away

Ved: and the bees flew away on their own business. But the kids did not obey and began to tease the wolf.

Kids: We are not afraid of the gray wolf, we will give him a click.

Ved: I decided to warn the kids about the danger of the butterfly, because it flies everywhere and knows everything about everyone. (Butterfly music)

Nastya: Hello guys,

Lovely kids

don't make the wolf angry, stop laughing.

So that the wolf cannot eat you,

Mom needs to listen.

Ved: and the butterfly flew away on business.

And the kids are teasing again: the kids: we are not afraid of the gray wolf,

We'll give him a click.

Veda: the music of the wolf sounds (quiet)

The wolf heard such words,

I got angry. I took the rope.

The wolf quickly ran into the yard,

He attacked the kid.

I tied everyone with a rope

And the whole crowd of guys

He took him home.

Ved .:





Music fox dance.

Veda: the cubs began to scold the wolf loudly.



Did the goat steal the children?

Here she comes home,

It's hard for you.

You will be shameless, know

How to steal kids!

The foxes are leaving, the music is foxes.

Ved: and the wolf just waved its paw.

Bunnies galloped here

Hares are not cowards at all

Bunny dance, music.


A flock of several hares stopped,

How will they scream!



Did the goat steal the children?

Here she comes home,

It's hard for you.

You will be shameless, know

How to steal kids!

Veda: bunnies rode off to their place

And the wolf didn't even take an ear.


Then the bears came out of the forest,

Stompers, rascals,

(Bear dance)

VED: the bears have fallen into place here

They growled loudly.

The Bears:


Did the goat steal the children?

Here she comes home,

It's hard for you.

You will be shameless, know

How to steal kids!

Ved: And the bears went to their forest. (Wolf music quietly)

The wolf was terribly scared

Blushed and confused

I trotted into my old house

He released all the kids

I planted it near the house.

And he apologized to everyone.


I didn't want to offend them,

I wanted to see them more often

After all, in my empty house

It's very boring to be alone.

Excuse me, you kids

I'm ashamed, I'm sorry.


Okay gray, we forgive

We invite you to our house,

We will introduce our mother,

We will arrange a festive supper.


How do we understand you

We know perfectly well

That the house is empty without mom

That without a mother in the house is sad.


If we are friends

You will often visit us

It will become more fun to live

Stop howling at night.


At that time I was walking from the bazaar

Mom with her basket.

(music and dance of the goat)

Veda: a goat came to the hut and said

Goat: Hello my guys,

Naughty kids.

Veda: and the smallest kid answers


Mom, mom, look

They brought a guest to our house,

He is alone for the whole world

He doesn't have a mom!


So be it

What to do with you?

Let him play with us,

The door is open for everyone here

If you are not a terrible beast!


The gray wolf smiled

The gray wolf laughed

He found himself friends

It will be more fun with them.


It's great now friends

I have a mom too!

Ved: here is such an unusual ending for our fairy tale, in which the wolf found his mother and found friends.

We complete our fairy tale

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old, become younger, prettier.

And we invite all the animals to sing a song for mom!

Occupation. Let's try to change


1. To create an emotionally favorable atmosphere for friendly relationships.

2. Develop the ability to understand the interlocutor.

3. To acquaint children with the concepts of "facial expressions", "gesture".

4. Exercise children in portraying heroes with the help of facial expressions, gestures.

1. Game "Name a neighbor affectionately".

2. Questions to the children.

3. Creative task.

4. Pantomimic riddles and exercises.

The teacher greets the children with calm music, seats them in a semicircle and invites them to play the game "Say the name of the neighbor affectionately" (children, pronouncing affectionately the name of the person sitting next to them, pass a ball or ball in a circle).

Questions for children:

How do you get to know each other? (By face, voice, clothing, hair, etc.)

How does an artist change his appearance in order to play a role? (Make up, dress up in costumes, etc.)

Further, the teacher invites the children to fantasize how they would like to see themselves if in a fairy tale they had to play a princess, Puss in Boots, a hunter, Cinderella, Karabas-Barabas, etc. Children together with the teacher celebrate the most fantastic costume. The teacher praises the children for their diligence.

The teacher tells children how you can change yourself with the help of facial expressions, gestures. It is explained to children that facial expressions are the movement of the muscles of the face, expressing the mood, the inner state of a person; gesture - movements of hands, body, head. Then the children are invited to use facial expressions to depict different moods, and with the help of gestures, to communicate something - for example, “come here”, “no”, “goodbye”, “hello”, etc.

The game "Guess who I am" is held. The driving child depicts someone or something (grandfather, grandmother, animals, any object, plant, etc.) with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and the rest of the children guess what he intended.

After that, the teacher reads two poems to the children:

King Borovik was walking

Straight through the forest

He shook his fist

He tapped his heel.

King Borovik was out of sorts -

The king was bitten by flies.

* * *

The mice came out one day

See what time it is.

One two three four -

the mice pulled the weights!

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing -

The mice ran away.

Children are invited to depict the verses they have heard with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

After that, the teacher reads each poem again, and the children use facial expressions (the king's displeased face: frowning eyebrows, an angry look, etc.) and gestures (waving their arms, shaking their heads, stamping their feet, etc.) to portray the heroes.

In conclusion, the teacher praises the children for the most expressive findings. Music sounds and children leave the hall.

Occupation. We are artists.

1. Develop imagination, creativity in the process of coming up with a dialogue for a fairy tale.

2. Learn to show your individuality and originality.

3. To intensify the use of the concepts of "mimicry", "gesture" in the speech of children.

1. Game "Theatrical warm-up".

2. Competition for the best dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

The teacher greets the children and offers to play the game "Theatrical warm-up":

One, two, three, four, five -

Do you want to play?

The game is called

“Theatrical warm-up”.

Do you want to become artists?

Then tell me friends

How can you change yourself?

To be like a fox?

Or a wolf or a goat

Or the prince, the Yaga,

Or to the frog in the pond?

(Exemplary answers of children: you can change your appearance with a costume, makeup, hairstyle, headdress, etc.)

And without a suit you can, children,

Turn into, say, the wind

Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,

Or a butterfly, a wasp?

What will help here, friends?

(Gestures and, of course, facial expressions.) What are facial expressions, friends? (Our expression.) Right, well, what about the gestures? (These are movements.)

It happens, without a doubt,

different mood,

I will call him,

Try to show it.

The teacher calls, and the children show the mood in facial expressions: sadness, joy, calmness, surprise, grief, fear, delight, horror ...

Now the time has come

Communicate with gestures, yes, yes!

I tell you a word,

I expect gestures from you in response.

The teacher calls, and the children show with gestures: “come here”, “leave”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “quietly”, “do not spoil”, “wait with me”, “no”, “leave me alone”, “ I think ”,“ understood ”,“ no ”,“ yes ”.

The warm-up has come to an end ...

Everybody tried now.

Now for a surprise guys!

I invite you to a fairy tale.

The teacher invites the children to unite in groups of four and play the well-known fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" ", filling it with new content." Encourages children to think of what a goat and a wolf can talk about, independently find expressive gestures, change facial expressions, voice in accordance with each image "

Children, putting on elements of costumes (a scarf, a hat, a kid's hat, a tail or wolf's ears), play out their fairy tale, then together with the teacher they choose the most interesting option.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher encourages the children for their artistry, and the children leave to calm music.

Lesson, "Game lesson."

1. To develop in children the expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voices.

2. To activate the children's vocabulary, consolidating the ability to use the concepts of "gesture", "facial expressions".

1. Surprising moment.

2. Games for the expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voice.

To calm music, the teacher meets the children and says that he is waiting for an unusual guest. This is Grandpa Silence, When he appears, it becomes immediately quiet. Grandpa is very kind, loves children and knows many interesting games.


Hello, Grandpa Silence!

Where are you? We want to play

Learn a lot

Where are you, good old man?

Silence ... Silence came.

Don't scare him off look

Shhh, don't say anything.

The teacher encourages the children very quietly, on tiptoe, to look for their grandfather, gesturing for silence (thereby exercising children in the expressiveness of gestures and movements). Then the teacher “finds” the grandfather and acts on his behalf: he greets him, says that he was in a hurry to see the children because he loves to play. He offers children the game "Find out who is speaking for another name." The teacher on behalf of Silent's grandfather reads the text. Children are given an installation that they need to change their voice, and in accordance with the image of the one to whom Grandpa Silence is pointing. The chosen driver must guess which of the children speaks on a different name.

Occupation. We compose fairy tales ourselves, and then we play them

1. To develop children's creative imagination.

2. Learn to convey expressively characteristics heroes of the fairy tale heroes of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

3. Develop independence and the ability to act in concert in a team (social skills).

1. Immersion in a fairy tale invented by children.

2. The pantomimic game "Get to know the hero of the fairy tale" The Wolf and the Seven Kids ".

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

The teacher meets the children and reminds them that they will meet with a fairy tale that they composed in the last lesson and where the heroes were a wolf and seven kids. Asks the children to remember and retell this tale again. (Children retell a fairy tale they wrote.)

After that, the teacher offers to come up with a name for the tale.

Then he conducts the game “Know the hero”. Children, if they wish, conceive a hero from a fairy tale and show him with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The rest must guess who it is. In parallel with this, there is a discussion on what characteristic signs the children recognized the hero and what means of expressiveness helped them in this.

Then the teacher invites the children to play the fairy tale they have made. To do this, they independently distribute roles, determine the play space (the teacher, as necessary, helps children if conflicts or problems with the distribution of roles arise).

At the end of the tale, the children, at the request of an adult, evaluate each other. The teacher encourages them for their diligence, performing skills and says goodbye to them.

Occupation. Our emotions

1. To learn to recognize emotional states by facial expressions: “joy”, “sadness”, “fear”, “anger”.

2. Teach children to select the right graphic card with emotions in a particular situation and to depict the appropriate facial expressions on their faces.

3. To improve the ability of children to express their thoughts coherently and logically.

1. Consideration of plot pictures.

2. Conversation.

3. Exercise "Imagine an emotion."

4. Practical task.

5. Discussion.

The teacher meets the children and examines the plot pictures with them. First, the picture “Joy” is considered (it can be any smiling face).

Questions for children:

What is the mood of the hero in this picture? Why do you think so?

In what situations do we have a happy mood?

Children, together with the teacher, note the shape of the lips, the position of the eyebrows, which are characteristic of a joyful mood.

Then the children, at the request of the teacher, depict the corresponding emotions on their faces in front of the mirror. All together choose: "The most joyful face", "The most evil", "The most fearful", "The saddest", etc.

At the end of the exercises, the children are given plot pictures, which depict situations (for example, a girl broke a cup). Children should evaluate the situation depicted in the picture and draw the face on the proposed card in accordance with this situation.



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{!LANG-adb48ba14c83223b0e7cbee0a290b867!}{!LANG-b61362dc7960acae475507a06dbc1651!} {!LANG-8203f010e1adbe86e2f5dbb85c6cc576!}{!LANG-dc276619e230a8a69515c16327e1ac11!} {!LANG-9392bbb53c86c3fb73cc40590d3ba193!}{!LANG-37fc730e2238d1587c463a54f2832efa!} {!LANG-30eece1d6efb1c5a2f0701dfb11fd119!}{!LANG-35d856b904822803f6dbfb9bb976a80a!} {!LANG-d8037027f6b1129f457d5578c48d1e7f!}{!LANG-06a9ab233520ce902767b7e84c946f74!}





{!LANG-6c1798e37b0ff4e2f8f68e8165af157f!} {!LANG-c2860b0f046e2bf348ac18caa6376d56!} {!LANG-2a76a5eb5d1b67e46c70e0e8077237e2!}» .

{!LANG-ee8d6647629a140882928f46e7173e62!} {!LANG-3e96444b4b40aa7f8946e1e11802615b!}.

{!LANG-b70a14ac797d9054f2a7a1c4b6cb7f9a!} {!LANG-6fcb91c46debaa4b54a90c931bc525c1!} {!LANG-5b252d1ad319497dbf2c52bd0586552b!}» .


Materials and equipment{!LANG-d3b9de53fbaa852af57a666acc9afeef!} {!LANG-e6fbf1581a1ae7e18683e7bf490d0c70!}{!LANG-75e98bd9ebe9b302cff4a35e0c6a68e4!} {!LANG-97c904982e0b6b6977dd6eb5035780be!}{!LANG-b0b6236c9bcc348f122d0a2efe7b5936!} {!LANG-0e8d928300f32d2c2dc0202f6cf3199b!}.

{!LANG-7752090ee7c8ca36d4ee64336f5ed29b!}{!LANG-48ad9db1139d5909a59a75de62d13d98!} {!LANG-97c904982e0b6b6977dd6eb5035780be!}{!LANG-d499e01f5bc4e39bb879efefa9c696ec!} {!LANG-2a76a5eb5d1b67e46c70e0e8077237e2!}{!LANG-5e179d0a9468cc92cbb4ce79c349cd0b!} {!LANG-6fb4a75574eb79a400340736c730f5bf!}{!LANG-74858aedccfbe03b0b0de44e2eb8197f!}




{!LANG-07c25c1c45fdafae8cedda86aa7de7f4!} {!LANG-0760b8c9545f9e51231801970dd91f91!}





{!LANG-d2932a4b02aacc189f083babf9678ba4!} {!LANG-5b252d1ad319497dbf2c52bd0586552b!},




{!LANG-df06b9096af0f31260a3d899b324a958!} {!LANG-55a7bb84f223dba83233a83184dbde3a!},



























{!LANG-83caf1dad9b017b5092cb3c55bebb4c2!} {!LANG-5b252d1ad319497dbf2c52bd0586552b!},
















{!LANG-b7fa3ed0c46fc8e8ea0878ccd28ce25a!} {!LANG-ea5785f878396c20a385f16af5ae12f0!},
















{!LANG-cbdd2ec61313c86ce1f616096dee498c!} {!LANG-8d6c1f610f11eb42452f05fa1b581cc7!},







{!LANG-0832dc8c515be87198858b8595f481e3!} {!LANG-211fa5271bcef2f68c5d76ef48a00ead!},




{!LANG-2bc650e55be1e9468855b50a4a9557a4!}{!LANG-f080434aed899f5414c5de98e3e91d9b!} {!LANG-5b252d1ad319497dbf2c52bd0586552b!}{!LANG-bec6b91aaced6d5a5ce1fee475d31b6c!} {!LANG-47c61e53ca8aaa74c1635386655bb98e!}.

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{!LANG-11f23a537a203c3e77796b831451d140!} {!LANG-72778d83ef4b1e7a19be401d2f8d676a!}?






{!LANG-23d42820ba041310e1ed7ed9406ac8ac!}: {!LANG-b81aa3d51d06c40ab9baca378e1c0f99!}







{!LANG-26c7a65cc71c9590466e5c324e676e3a!}{!LANG-3dc10f872d72e6653e72672de5efdc3a!} {!LANG-5b252d1ad319497dbf2c52bd0586552b!}



























{!LANG-d8b39980501b80cd5f758d177099053e!} {!LANG-bbdb9d2b4852bef16ca4dcaf351100be!}








{!LANG-462d2d09f3e04baf07f3bae174d956af!} {!LANG-b87a08eb3bd7c03631500d530d9c783f!}



{!LANG-6549348466f4a88ab46dc4bdcd3cff0a!} {!LANG-e6ef868523a6a858f9a45e635d561ce9!}





{!LANG-cf5cfbbe9a9beae7e94f96be1c06c9c8!} {!LANG-291046c4ab8b0bbeb2f2ebcadfa6ff5e!}.

{!LANG-7752090ee7c8ca36d4ee64336f5ed29b!}{!LANG-cabc5ac48283d45694f95e6bd0d93e56!} {!LANG-84f56ef4053eb0b09bb6ea73ee78a263!}{!LANG-71d5c0cf78537b95614ff77d77f2f2aa!} {!LANG-48b711fbd2564b5310166efbfcbae126!}{!LANG-03db439fc48c65ca650d17dd8aaf0371!} {!LANG-b8e7d2c72eda0f5f6594c215b3de3163!}{!LANG-580c43cb9041cfb4acd2c41287f0e5f4!} {!LANG-48527c0e3f1da13c811e5620a8d2c9d4!}{!LANG-d5d2064c1c6ff1a975aa79e418bb1f10!}

















{!LANG-69e37488c75af48c247ea838a01fbb2f!} {!LANG-140424d365368b8e3e4a76a9f5ca473f!}

{!LANG-33f7169878250b59c772ad265e8bc63c!} {!LANG-4f97fefb764cd552b0d4b5b8103bd7a3!}































{!LANG-09bcff5225851e38821dd539bcadfa2d!} {!LANG-ff0fdfa3c948229c6de4a6e086933a7b!},















{!LANG-d907fb9717fea27f36df1b179d2c0705!} {!LANG-56d9d3cd2ece8071d16eaf346463e2ec!}:


{!LANG-8fb0934e3ecb72e8d9254cac77730ee4!} {!LANG-efe72b65892519c43db77d9bab93abc8!}


















{!LANG-7752090ee7c8ca36d4ee64336f5ed29b!}{!LANG-a5701cf820cbd0b2602da5a29d510304!} {!LANG-d7d482b58b346cce769e3993b18fa0dc!}:





{!LANG-77dd0cdf5edd455f234ce6498a24f417!} {!LANG-b7dd601ae350f9fb15babf8fb7179650!},

















{!LANG-c9972974704e0ffc8982f5fdfac4aa7d!} {!LANG-23492a8f27dc6b6fc7953ec71ac49f2d!} {!LANG-5b252d1ad319497dbf2c52bd0586552b!}{!LANG-1bc94ec1fa39aea4758273bf9e4d00bb!} {!LANG-ec71da9f571d8476407be15a76add053!}{!LANG-0368c5cd336604de372e8443797fb499!}

{!LANG-5335e26348b775f9970cb67a4202ab46!} {!LANG-c106d2d82acf89d569ed9f4f88cc84ad!}.