The richest family name in the world. Bettencourt: French “beauty factory”. Impact on the US Federal Reserve System

It's no secret that the world economy and finance is tightly controlled by the richest and most powerful people, and sometimes entire families. Each generation of such clans increases the family fortune, thereby increasing their influence on the development of states and the situation in the world. It will be interesting for everyone to learn about the richest and most successful dynasties.

Walton family - worth $ 100 billion

Stefan, Jim, Alice and Christy Walton own the world's largest supermarket chain Wal-Mart, with more than $ 400 billion in annual turnover. Sam Walton - founder of Wal-Mart - was born into an ordinary farmer's family in 1918. Many believe that his entrepreneurial talent manifested itself during the Great American Depression, as it was then that he had to look for ways to survive. When Sam was 7 years old, he began to actively help his father in business, selling dairy products. After collecting some money, he himself raised rabbits and birds for sale.

Sam Walton's first billion in 34 years. During this time, he organized many projects, which still did not bring him great fame, but gave him invaluable experience in the field of entrepreneurship. After his death, he bequeathed the Wal-Mart corporation to his 4 children, who are actively continuing their father's work and taking the business to a new level.

The Oppenheimer family - worth $ 200 billion

This dynasty controls a significant part of the world diamond market. Ernest Oppenheimer in 1920 became the head of the De Beers diamond mining corporation and the leading gold mining company Anglo American. However, this seemed to Oppenheimer not enough, and he decided to subordinate also the sale of diamonds and precious metals. Thus, the Central Selling Organization, known as the "Syndicate", emerged and captured over 90% of the world's diamond sales.

After the death of Ernest Oppenheimer his business was inherited by Harry's son Frederick. In 2011, the family moved away from the diamond business, selling a stake in De Beers for $ 5 billion. Today they are engaged in high technology. So, the Oppenheimers have already bought out 10% of Yandex shares.

Rockefeller family - worth $ 1 trillion

This surname is heard throughout the world and is associated with untold wealth and luxury. The history of the Rockefeller family began in the forties of the 19th century, with the birth of John Rockefeller, who from an early age was distinguished by the ability to calculate all his actions in advance.

At the age of 16, he got a job in an accounting office and rather quickly absorbed the skills of doing business. Therefore, when an oil field was found in his city, John invested all his savings in "black gold" and added a considerable loan to them. Then, few believed in the success of Rockefeller himself and the oil business. However, soon, in 1879, Rockefeller's company already controlled 90% of the US oil market. Rockefeller's descendants managed not only to preserve the family's fortune, but also to increase it. Today this dynasty owns more than 40 American companies with an annual income of $ 1 trillion.

The Morgan family - fortune of $ 1.5 trillion

This dynasty controls about 20% of the United States' GDP, producing a total of $ 1.5 trillion in goods and services. They own hundreds of American companies, including General Motors and General Electric. The founder of the richest family in the world - John Pierpont Morgan - american businessman, who built the first financial empire in the States.

Rothschild family - worth $ 2.5 trillion

This family is attracted not only by the fabulous fortune, but also by the fact that in just 50 years these Jewish emigrants managed to reach unrealistic heights, taking control of the world states.

The founder of the dynasty - Amschel Mayer Rothschild - at the age of 16 had already worked for 4 years in the Oppenheimer bank, having mastered the financial business, having saved up money and opened his own antique shop. This very shop later grew into the first Rothschild bank. When Amschel's 5 sons grew up, he sent them to world capitals to expand the family business. The Rothschild Bank was distinguished by the fact that only family members could become a leader in it. Later, this closed financial institution issued loans not only to individuals, but also to states.

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Let's talk about the richest and most influential dynasties in the world. Who are they, how rich and in what countries they live. Below are the top 10 richest families on the planet.


The Pritzker dynasty has a fortune of $ 29 billion. It is a famous clan of capitalists in the United States, belonging to the richest families in the country since 1982. Founder Nicholas Pritzker. The family's assets are the Hyatt hotel chain, banks, liners, industrial firms. A couple of years ago, a representative of the James family changed his orientation and name to Jennifer, now in Forbes the surname Pritzker can be found in the list of the richest women in America.

Family of the king of Thailand

The Royal Family of Thailand is ranked 9th among the world's wealthiest dynasties. The state is $ 30 billion. The head of the clan is 89-year-old Bhumibol Adulyadej or King Rama IX. In addition to his main activity, he actively invests in agriculture and nanotechnology. Monarch's hobbies: playing the saxophone, painting and composing symphonies, designing yachts.

Cox dynasty

Owners of a fortune of $ 32 billion. Representative - Anne Cox Chambers. Daughter of James Kennedy - nephew of President John. The source of income is the media business. The clan began with the purchase of the Dayton Evening News. Now the family has many organizations that are engaged in cable TV, auto sales and more.

Dynasty Hirst

This family is the owners of the largest communications corporation in the world. Their fortune is $ 35 billion. The media holding daily publishes thousands of newspapers and magazines - 351 well-known publications. The clan also owns 29 channels, which is 1/5 of all American television, which is most often viewed by Americans.


The Johnson Dynasty are the founders of the world famous Johnson & Johnson organization. The company is a leader in the production of healthcare products. The transnational holding includes at least 250 organizations involved in educational, financial and scientific activities all over the world. Condition $ 39 billion

Dynasty Cargill and Macmillan

Owners of a fortune of $ 43 billion. agriculture, raw materials, food. Conservatives. They live on a ranch. The press doesn't like to shine.

Mars family

The clan has a balance of $ 60 billion. These are the owners of delicious sweet bars that everyone ate: Snickers, M&M's, MilkyVey, Mars and many others confectionery... Also Mars is engaged in the production, sale of cat and dog food: Whiskas, Pedigri.

Koh dynasty

Brothers David and Charles Koch on the balance sheet have $ 80 billion. They make money on everything: the brothers, the owners of many firms and factories engaged in the production of pipes, toilet paper, they are shareholders of the world's most famous corporations, are engaged in the extraction of oil, gas and others.

Walton family

Owners of a fortune of $ 152 billion. The owners of the Wal-Mart business, founded in 1962. It is the foremost retail organization worldwide. Leader Rob Walton. In their stores you can buy everything you need for life.

Saud family

The richest dynasty, with a huge fortune of 1.4 trillion US dollars, settled in the Middle East. The clan is engaged in oil production and everything connected with it. Family members bathe in luxury, but do not forget about charity, regularly investing funds.

Everyone knows that history is made the most influential people his era, and often entire families. Each generation, brought up in the best traditions of such clans, increases the family fortune and increases their influence not only on a separate sector of the economy, but also on entire states. In their hands is power over the legal, political and financial systems, which gives them the opportunity to determine the development of peoples and all of humanity for decades to come.

For thousands of years, royal dynasties have fulfilled this role, using their privileges. With the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution, people from the people, who previously did not have such a chance, were able to break into the "powerful of this world". They developed their projects, passing them on by inheritance, thus forming whole families of entrepreneurs.

5th place - the Walton family - worth $ 100 billion

Walton family

The descendants of one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the United States of the 20th century: Stephen, Jim, Christie and Alice Waltons - form another clan of the rich, which took 5th place in our ranking. Their combined fortune is estimated at nearly $ 100 billion.

Relatives own the largest network supermarkets Wal-Mart with an annual turnover of more than $ 400 billion (2010).

The founder of Wal-Mart (Walton's Market) - Sam Walton was born in 1918 into a simple farming family. According to experts, the Great American Depression, which he witnessed, contributed to his entrepreneurial talent. It was the general decline of the population that pushed Sam to look for ways of development. From the age of 7, the boy took active participation in his father's business helping to sell dairy products. Having saved up some money, he began to raise birds and rabbits for sale himself. “He knows how to make money out of thin air,” his school friends used to say about him.

It took Sam Walton 34 years to make his first billion. Prior to that, he organized a number of projects that did not bring him such fame, but made it possible to accumulate invaluable experience in entrepreneurship. Having bequeathed the Wal-Mart corporation to his 4 children after his death, he was not mistaken in choosing the heirs. They enthusiastically continued their father's work, taking him to a new level.

By the way, the heiress of her husband Walton's billions at the moment is a woman in the world with a fortune of twenty-eight billion, and owns part of his network.

4th place - Oppenheimer family - $ 200 billion

Harry Frederick Oppenheimer - current property owner and head of the family

The family controls the lion's share of the diamond market worldwide.

Ernest Oppenheimer (Born 1880), a native of Germany, became the head of the De Beers diamond mining corporation in South Africa in 1920. There, under his leadership, Anglo American, the largest gold mining company at that time, was born. Oppenheimer did not stop there and decided to subjugate not only booty precious metals and diamonds, but also to control their sales. Soon the world saw the Central Selling Organization (CSO), better known as the "Syndicate", which captured over 90% of all diamond sales in the world.

Thus, De Beers extracted raw materials and transported them to different countries of the world, where the CSO got down to business, sorted and released finished products to the market.

After his father's death, Harry's son, Frederick Oppenheimer, inherited his syndicate and the presidency of De Beers.
In 2011 alone, the family quit the diamond business, selling its stake in De Beers for more than $ 5 billion. Now they are more interested in high technology and innovation. Most recently, the Oppenheimers bought a 10% stake in Yandex. The further plans of the clan representatives were not reported.

3rd place - Rockefeller family - annual income - $ 1 trillion

John Rockefeller's Big Family

For more than a century, the name Rockefeller has been associated with dazzling wealth and luxury among people all over the world. The history of this family goes back to the distant forties of the 19th century, when he was born John Rockefeller... Since his childhood distinctive feature there was the ability to calculate their actions several steps ahead at once.

Having got a job as an assistant at the age of 16, he very quickly absorbed business skills, tenacity and the ability to quickly respond to market demands. And when an oil field was discovered in his city, the future tycoon invested all his savings in black gold, adding to them a solid loan.

He, unlike other businessmen of that time, was sure that the future was in long-term projects. If the business is not profitable now, this does not mean at all that it will not enrich the owner in the future. When he just started his journey into the world of petroleum products with the Standard Oil company, many were spinning at their temples, learning about his venture. But the future billionaire (moreover, the first in the world) clearly saw the success of the enterprise in the near future. Very soon (in 1879), Rockefeller's company controlled 90 percent of the oil market in America, dictating the rules of conduct in this sector of the economy.

And thanks to the preservation of family traditions, Rockefeller's descendants were able to multiply the family's fortune, reliably securing it in the ranking of the richest in the world.

Today, the clan owns more than 40 American companies with total annual revenues of about $ 1 trillion (almost 10% of US GDP).

Perhaps, if Mavrodi lived not in our time and not in our country, today we would see the name of his family on the list. But for now, we can only read about the story of his success and failure.

2nd place - the Morgan family - annual income - $ 1.5 trillion

John Pierpont Morgan

One of the largest financial dynasties in the United States controls about 20% of US GDP, producing more than $ 1.5 trillion in goods and services in total. They own about a hundred American companies, including General Electric and General Motors, the world's largest electrical and auto concerns. Moreover, the activity of the latter is not limited to the production of only machines and engines for them, from its factories all over the world diverge nuclear reactors, rocket engines and tanks.

The ancestor of the richest family in the world was John Pierpont Morgan, a talented American businessman who built the first financial empire in the United States.

He founded a number of industrial giants, including:

  • "Western Union"
  • American Telephone and Telegraph
  • General Electric
  • United States Steel Corporation and others.

No wonder that contemporaries called John Morgan Jupiter - in honor of the greatest of the great rulers of heaven. He worked with incredible dedication, and managed to pass it on to his heirs, who continued the business of one of the most prominent entrepreneurs in history.

1st place - the Rothschild clan - a fortune from 350 billion to 2.5 trillion dollars

The Rothschild family is considered the richest in the world. According to official sources, the total wealth of the dynasty exceeds US $ 350 billion. According to other sources, it exceeds 2.5 trillion.

But not only the fabulous state of the Rothschilds makes us pay attention to them. It also excites the imagination that in just some fifty years they, the Jewish emigrants, turned into the most influential lords and barons, in whose power the entire planet was. The founder of the dynasty was Amschel Mayer Rothschild, Born in 1744. At the age of 16, having worked for 4 years at Oppenheimer's bank, he mastered the intricacies of financial affairs, saved up money and opened his own antique shop. In it, it was possible to exchange the coins of some principalities in Germany for others. Later, the shop grew into the first Rothschild bank.

Years passed, and when Amschel's 5 sons grew up, he sent them to the largest capitals in the world to continue and expand the family business. This made it possible to spread the influence of the family not only outside Germany, but also in Europe. The Rothschild Bank excelled in getting leadership position in it only family members could. Soon, this closed institution was able to issue loans not only to individuals, but also to entire states.

So, in 1818, Prussia received a loan of 5 million pounds from the Rothschilds, and a little later a bank branch in London allocated a round amount The National Bank England. And in the New World, the influence of the Rothschilds can hardly be overestimated. They were one of the initiators of the creation of the US Federal Reserve System, and, after its creation, were able to control the volume of the issue of dollars. Incredible dexterity and resourcefulness, with the help of which the representatives of this family were able to accumulate wealth and gain unlimited influence in different countries, still amaze experts and ordinary people.

Although the total fortune of the clan is estimated at $ 350 billion (according to other sources, it goes up to 2.5 trillion), none of the Rothschilds has capital in excess of $ 1 billion.

But even David Rockefeller and David de Rothschild are not considered the richest people on our planet. And if you thought "Oh, this is Bill Gates!", You are wrong. Take a look and find out who owns the most money.

It is no secret that history is made by specific people, and sometimes even by whole families, supporting common family traditions.

Modern major dynasties continue to influence not only the political, financial and legal system, but also construct a new consciousness of society, determining the development of peoples and humanity as a whole for many years to come. For millennia, royal dynasties enjoyed special influence not only because of their royal status, but also having a relatively high educationsupported by an army and an extensive treasury.

Let's consider the most influential and famous of them.

1. Talking about popular royal dynasties, most of us will think of the British royal family. The Windsor dynasty is one of the most popular and influential royal families of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The beginning of the dynasty was laid by George V in 1910, changing the old name of the British dynasty from the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to a new, more patriotic - Windsor. Despite the fact that more than a hundred years ago the monarchy in Britain was abolished, the ruling representative of the House of Windsor continues to influence both foreign and domestic policy of the country.

2. The Medici clan existed from the 13th to the 18th century. The descendants of this family were not only monarchs, but also bore the title of Popes. The climb of the Medici house was not so easy. This family was rich, but royal blood did not flow in their veins. In the 13th century, after a series of unsuccessful conspiracies and riots, this family was for a long time removed from political life. In the middle of the 15th century, Cosimo Medici managed to return the family back to power. Members of the Medici family frequently patronized many areas of the arts.

In particular, painting received special attention. It was at the suggestion of the Medici that art in Florence began to develop actively, making the capital of the Florentine Republic a fashionable center for the arts. The Medici's approval opened the doors for artists to all the royal houses of Europe. The proximity to the Vatican, as well as interdynastic marriages, allowed the Medici family not only to have an extensive treasury, but also to gain a significant influence on religious, cultural and political life.

3. Bourbons. This royal family is descended from the famous and oldest royal family of the Capetian. The year 1589 is considered the birth of the Bourbon dynasty. The reforms of the representatives of the Bourbon dynasty had serious changes in the political place of France in the world community. In addition, numerous branches of this kind made it possible for the Bourbons to dictate their terms in world politics with impunity. Having a large army and being in close kinship with almost all the rulers of the neighboring countries, the culture and art of France had the opportunity to receive serious development.

4. Representatives of the Habsburg family had a kinship with all the royal courts of their time. Until the beginning of the last century, it was this dynasty that owned the vast state of Austria-Hungary. This made it possible for the Habsburgs to become not only influential, but also the richest and most protected clan by a powerful army.

The modern descendants of the Habsburgs do not have such a serious influence in the political arena as their ancestors, but to this day it is this royal clan Western Europe is considered the most famous.

5. The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. This Indian dynasty combines two related branches. Neither the founders of the family, nor their descendants were monarchs, but they won respect and political influence not only in India itself, but also in the world. Distinctive feature this family is wisdom and charisma. The founder of the dynasty was Jawaharlal Nehru and his spiritual relationship with Mahathma Gandhi. Both of these people were influential in the Indian community.

In the world political arena, Nehru adhered to political neutrality. The authority of his judgments was so high that disputes with him could be counted on one hand. Daughter - Indira Gandhi became the personification of the new educated and wise experience of the ancestors of India. The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty was able to show New India not only to Europe, but also to change the self-consciousness of the Hindus themselves.

The reforms and changes introduced by these royal clans have determined not only a new political, social and cultural image of entire peoples, but also a new consciousness of people for many centuries to come.

However, not all families enjoying significant influence in the world community today are of royal blood. Some influential families of our time originate from emigrants and horse thieves, which, however, did not prevent gifted descendants from raising their families.

6. Today, almost everyone knows the name Rockefeller, because this name has become synonymous with wealth and success. The triumphal procession of this family began in 1839, when John Rockefeller was born. From childhood, little John calculated all his actions several steps forward and could always benefit from any business. At the age of seven, the boy raised domestic animals, selling them to his fellow villagers.

At the age of 16, young Rockefeller got a job as an assistant in an accounting office, and a year later he became a partner of the then well-known businessman. John always knew how to predict market trends, therefore, when oil was discovered in the city where John lived, the young Rockefeller invested all his funds in black gold.

In 1879, the 40-year-old millionaire's oil company controlled 90% oil industry USA. Due to the Sherman antitrust law, Standard Oil was split into 34. Almost all modern American oil companies trace their origins to the Rockefeller company. Thanks to the special "Rockefeller education", the descendants of the famous oilman did not diminish, but increased the family's fortune. Most of Rockefeller's descendants hold high-ranking government and financial positions, and the authority of the oil dynasty does not fade over the years.

7 The Rothschilds are traditionally considered the richest family in the world. According to official data alone, the fortune of this dynasty is estimated at $ 350 billion. Within 50 years, the Rothschild family from Jewish emigrants turned into the richest barons and lords of the planet. The founder was Amschel Mayer Rothschild, born in 1744. He later opened the first family bank in Frankfurt and later sent his 5 sons to major capitals of the world to promote his business.

The Rothschild banking business is truly a family business, as only family members were invited to manage the banks. Rothschild banks lent not only private individuals, but entire states, so in 1818 the Rothschilds lent Prussia 5 million pounds, and a few years later, Nathan Rothschild's London Bank provided a loan to the National Bank of England.

After the creation of the reserve banking system of the USA, the Rothschilds have the opportunity to control the volume of printing dollars. Agility and adventurism, with which the representatives of this dynasty managed to accumulate wealth and influence, excite the minds of historians and ordinary people to this day.

8 Pritzkers - welcome to the Hyatt Hotels Corporation. The Pritzker dynasty occupies one of the leading places among the richest dynasties in the world. The history of this family began about 200 years ago when Nicholas Pritzker moved to the United States. Subsequently, Nicholas opened a law office, and also began to buy real estate. The sons of Nicholas also continued to buy real estate and increase the family fortune.

The grandchildren of the founder of the Pritzker empire went even further and founded the world-famous Hayat hotel chain. The Pritsker family has a significant place not only in the real estate and entertainment market, but until recently owned the assets of a fairly large bank. However, this name is really famous among architects. The Pritzker Prize is one of the most significant awards in the world of architecture.

Without a doubt, the merits of oil bankers and royal persons in the history of the world cannot be underestimated, but they were not the only ones that influenced the fate of the world. I would like to draw your attention to 2 of the most popular gangster families of the twentieth century.

9. The Gambino clan. The name of the clan comes from the name of the head of the clan, Carlo Gambino. In addition to the misconduct and influence gained through intimidation and threats, the Gambino family influenced the image of the mafia in the cinema of the last century. There is also a version that it was this clan and its influence in New York circles that secretly influenced the abolition of Prohibition in the United States.

10. The Colombo mafia clan became famous not only in New York, but also outside America. The authority of this family lasted right up to the middle of the last century. Thanks to the stinginess of the founder of the clan, there is still a rumor among the American population that the wealth that the clan obtained through extortion is still hidden under one of the many New York warehouses.

The authority of the most influential families in the world is determined not only by the actions of one of the family members, respect for family traditions and the common cause of the family. This is what makes it possible to increase the economic, political and cultural influence of these clans.

Relatives are the most reliable business partners. Many dynasties of the world have retained their power precisely because of blood kinship.

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The last name Rockefeller has long become a household name and synonymous with wealth. The dynasty was glorified by John Rockefeller, an American entrepreneur who became the first dollar billionaire in human history. At the end of the 19th century, he created oil company Standard Oil, and already in the XX century, the activities of the Rockefeller family covered the engineering, food, industrial, insurance and financial sectors.

After the death of John Rockefeller, his business was continued by his only son, John Rockefeller, Jr., and then by his five grandchildren. The most famous of these was Nelson Rockefeller, an American politician who served as vice president of the United States.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the number of members of the Rockefeller family was about 200 people, and many of them are engaged in business and political activities. Now their fortune is estimated at about 10 billion dollars, thanks to which the family does not fall below the 20th line in the ranking of the richest in the world. The Rockefellers are still a dynasty that influenced not only the global economy, but also


The history of the Rothschild dynasty dates back to the end of the 18th century, and when at the beginning of the 19th century the Austrian emperor granted them the baronial title, the Rothschilds were ranked among the high society of the Austrian nobility. Even then, it was generally accepted that this family owned the largest fortune in the world. It all started with a Jewish boy Mayer Amschel from Frankfurt, who first opened an antique shop, where he sold coins found in a landfill, and then managed to build a large banking business and create his own empire. His business was continued by 5 sons - he sent them to the financial capitals of the world (London, Paris, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main), where they controlled five banks. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Rothschilds initiated the creation of the US Federal Reserve System and were even able to control the volume of dollars issued. For centuries, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers shared power, and in 2012 announced the merger of part of their capital.

Although, like the Rockefellers, today the Rothschilds are not among the ten richest in the world, they still retain their influence. The family still operates the most renowned central banks around the world and does business in over 40 countries. The Rothschilds regularly donate significant sums of money to charity, anonymously donate art to museums and donate huge mansions to states.


The Windsor dynasty has ruled in Great Britain since the beginning of the 20th century, and in other states its members ascended the throne even earlier. For example, in Belgium the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty (as the Windsors were called before the First World War) ruled from the very beginning of statehood - from 1831. According to traditional genealogy, the Windsor dynasty should have ended on Elizabeth II, and her descendants should have belonged to the dynasty of Prince Philip. But in 1952, the Queen signed a proclamation according to which all her heirs would also be considered Windsors.

Despite the fact that political power in Great Britain is carried out by parliament, the monarch still remains the head of state. Moreover, the British royal family has earned such loyalty of the people that any politician can only envy it. In April this year, the level of British confidence in Her Majesty was 74%.


The Oppenheimer family is one of the most influential in the world, as at one time it controlled a large share of global market diamonds. The family also owns largest companies in different areas... The success of the dynasty began with the activities of Ernest Oppenheimer, who ran the diamond mining company De Beers and founded the Anglo American gold mining corporation. During the global crisis in the 1930s, Ernest Oppenheimer began buying up diamond markets and by 1950 founded the Central Selling Organization, known in the press as the Syndicate. The organization led by Oppenheimer controlled 90% of diamond sales worldwide in the middle of the 20th century. The mined diamonds were delivered to London, where they were processed, sorted into small lots and sent to traders.

After Ernest's death, the business was continued by his son Harry Frederick. For nearly 30 years he was President of De Beers and ran Anglo American for a quarter of a century. In 2011, Anglo American bought most of De Beers' shares, thereby leaving the Oppenheimers almost entirely out of the diamond business, while retaining huge capital. Ernest's grandson Nika is now engaged in business in other areas - investments in trade, healthcare, innovative technologies, etc.

The Morgan dynasty is one of the most influential in the United States and in the world. The family became famous in the late 19th and early 20th centuries thanks to their activities in the banking industry. John Pierpont Morgan was able to build the first financial empire in the United States and had a hand in founding companies that continue to successfully exist today. Among them: General Electric Corporation, which produces different kinds technicians, telecommunications company American Telephone and Telegraph, financial services company Western Union, and many others. Morgan and his son John Pierpont Jr. were widely recognized as the largest patrons of the arts. They donated a large amount of funds to the arts and the development of science. Specifically, John Pierpont funded the Metropolitan Museum of Art and donated money to Nikola Tesla to build a lighting system in New York.

The current members of the Morgan dynasty continue to run some of the companies founded by John Pierpont Morgan and work in finance.

The Walton family became famous thanks to Sam Walton, who founded the networks retail Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. In the 19th century, for several years in a row, Sam Walton was considered the richest man in America, and today his family's fortune is estimated at around $ 150 billion. From the age of 7, Sam helped his father run the business, and a few years later he himself Raised birds and rabbits for sale, he later opened his own store and later a supermarket retail chain. Sam Walton made his first billion at 44.