Calculation of the relative value of the target. Relative values

Relative magnitude planned target (indicator of the planned target) is the ratio of the planned level of the indicator to its level achieved in the previous period (or in the period considered as the baseline)

The relative value of the planned target characterizes the prospect of the development of the phenomenon
ORP \u003d planned level for the future (next) period / actual level of the current (previous) period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people.
ORP \u003d (100/120) * 100% \u003d 83.3% - 100% \u003d -16.7%.
The company planned to reduce the number of personnel by 16.7%.

Relative value of plan execution

Relative value of plan execution (indicator of plan fulfillment) characterizes the degree of plan implementation.
ORP \u003d actual level of the current period / plan of the current period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people. But the number of employees increased over the year to 130 people.
ORVP \u003d (130/100) * 100% \u003d 130% - 100% \u003d 30%.
The actual number of employees exceeded the planned level by 30%.

There is a relationship between and the relative value of the planned target and the relative value of the plan's fulfillment, expressed in the formula: OVVP \u003d OVD / OVPZ

Example: the company planned to reduce the cost by 6%. The actual decrease compared to last year was 4%. How was the cost reduction plan implemented?
ATS \u003d (96/100) * 100% \u003d 96% - 100% \u003d - 4%
ORP \u003d (94/100) * 100% \u003d 94% - 100% \u003d - 6%
ORVP \u003d 96% / 94% \u003d 102.1% - 100% \u003d -2.1% the plan for cost reduction was not fulfilled because the actual level exceeded the target by 2.1%.

Example: an insurance company in 1997 entered into contracts in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. In 1998 she intends to conclude an agreement in the amount of 510 thousand rubles. The relative value of the planned target will be equal to 102% (510/500)

Suppose the influence of various factors led to the fact that the insurance company actually entered into contracts in 1998 in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. In this case, the relative value of the execution fee will be equal to 78.4% (400/510)

The relative values \u200b\u200bof the dynamics, the target and the fulfillment of the plan are related by the following relationship:

ОВП / ОВРП \u003d ОВД

In our example: 1.02 * 0.784 \u003d 0.8

Comparison of statistical data is carried out in different forms and in different directions. In accordance with the various tasks and areas of comparison of statistical data, different kinds relative values, the classification of which is shown in Figure 1.

By the nature, purpose and essence of the expressed quantitative ratios, the following types of relative values \u200b\u200bare distinguished:

1. Implementation of the plan;

2. Planned assignment;

3. Speakers;

4. Structures;

5. Coordination;

6. Intensity;

7. Comparisons.

Figure 1 - Classification of relative values

Relative indicators of the planned task (RPPZ) are used for forward planning activities of subjects of the financial and economic sphere. They are usually expressed as a percentage.

Example. In the first quarter, the retail turnover of the trade association amounted to 250 million rubles, in the second quarter, retail turnover of 350 million rubles is planned. Determine the relative value of the planned target.

Solution: PPP \u003d ... Thus, in the II quarter it is planned to increase retail turnover trade association by 40%.

Relative Plan Performance Indicators (RAP) express the degree of fulfillment of planned targets for certain period time. It is calculated as the ratio of the actually achieved level to the planned target as a percentage. They are used to assess the implementation of the plan.

Example... According to the plan, the enterprise was supposed to produce products during the quarter for the amount of 200 thousand rubles. In fact, it produced products for 220 thousand rubles. Determine the degree of implementation of the company's production plan for the quarter.

Solution: OPVP \u003d Consequently, the plan was fulfilled by 110%, i.e. overfulfillment of the plan was 10%.

When the plan is specified in the form of a relative indicator (compared to the baseline), the implementation of the plan is determined from the ratio of the relative magnitude of the dynamics with the relative magnitude of the planned target.

Example... According to the plan for 1999, labor productivity in the industry of the region should have increased by 2.9%. In fact, labor productivity increased by 3.6%. Determine the degree of fulfillment of the plan for labor productivity by the region.

Solution: OPVP \u003d Consequently, the level of labor productivity achieved in 1999 is 0.7% higher than planned.

If the planned target provides for a decrease in the level of the indicator, then the result of comparing the actual level with the planned, which is less than 100% in value, will indicate that the plan has been overfulfilled.

Relative dynamics indicators (RTP) are called statistical quantities that characterize the degree of change of the studied phenomenon over time. They represent the ratio of the level of the process or phenomenon under study for a given period of time and the level of the same process or phenomenon in the past.

The value calculated in this way shows how many times the current level exceeds the previous (basic) level or what fraction of the latter it is. This indicator can be expressed in shares or percentages.

Example... The number of telephone exchanges in Russia in 1996 was 34.3 thousand, and in 1997 - 34.5 thousand. Determine the relative magnitude of the dynamics.

Solution: NPD \u003d times or 100.6%. Consequently, the number of telephone exchanges in 1997 increased in comparison with 1996 by 0.6%.

If there is data for several periods of time, comparison of each this level can be made either with the level of the previous period, or with some other, taken as a comparison base (baseline). The first are called relative indicators of dynamics with a variable base of comparison, or chain, the second - relative indicators of dynamics with a constant comparison base, or basic... Relative performance indicators are otherwise called growth rates and growth rates.

There is the following relationship between the relative indicators of the plan target, plan fulfillment and dynamics: PPPZ * PPVP \u003d PPD. Based on this relationship, any two known indicators can always determine the third unknown quantity. To prove this, let us designate the actually achieved level of the current period through, the base period - as, the level provided by the plan -. Then - the relative indicator of the plan, - the relative indicator of the planned target, - the relative indicator of the dynamics and, obviously, that

Relative structure indicators (OPS) represent the relationship of part and whole. The relative indicators of the structure characterize the composition of the studied population and show what specific weight (what share) in the total total is each part of it. They are obtained by dividing the value of each part of the population by their grand total, taken as the basis for comparison.

Usually relative indicators this type is expressed in fractions of a unit or percentage.

The relative indicators of the structure make it possible to establish structural shifts, changes that occur over a certain period of time, as well as their direction and tendency. They are used in the study of the composition of employees, in the study of production costs, in the study of the composition of trade, etc.

Example. Retail turnover of the organization for the year amounted to 1230.7 thousand rubles, including turnover food products - 646.1 thousand rubles, turnover non-food products - 584.6 thousand rubles.

Decision: The specific weight of the turnover of food products in the entire turnover of the organization for the year was:

The specific weight of the turnover of food products in the entire turnover of the organization for the year was:


The sum of the specific weights will be 100%. The structure of the organization's retail turnover shows the predominance of this retail commercial enterprise food products.

Relative Coordination Indicators (ROC) represent the ratio of one part of the population to another part of the same population.

Expressed as coefficients.

As a result of this division, one obtains how many times this part of the population is more (less) than the basic one, or how many percent of it is, or how many units of a given structural part are per 1 unit, per 100, per 1000, etc. units of another part, taken as a comparison base.

Example. According to the Russian statistical collection in 1996. in Russian Federation the number of men was 69.3 million. And women 78.3 million people. Determine how many women there were per 100 men.

In 1990. there were 114 women per 100 men. This means that the number of women per 100 men in 1996. compared to 1990. decreased by 1 person.

The relative values \u200b\u200bof coordination include capital productivity, capital intensity, labor productivity, product consumption per capita, etc.

The relative value of the target(indicator of the planned task) is the ratio of the planned level of the indicator to its level achieved in the previous period (or in the period considered as the baseline).

The relative value of the planned target characterizes the prospect of the development of the phenomenon
ORP \u003d planned level for the future (next) period / actual level of the current (previous) period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people.
ORP \u003d (100/120) * 100% \u003d 83.3% - 100% \u003d -16.7%.
The company planned to reduce the number of personnel by 16.7%.

Relative value of plan execution

Relative value of plan execution (indicator of plan fulfillment) characterizes the degree of plan implementation.
ORP \u003d actual level of the current period / plan of the current period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people. But the number of employees increased over the year to 130 people.
ORVP \u003d (130/100) * 100% \u003d 130% - 100% \u003d 30%.
The actual number of employees exceeded the planned level by 30%.

There is a relationship between and the relative value of the planned target and the relative value of the plan's fulfillment, expressed in the formula: OVVP \u003d OVD / OVPZ

Example: the company planned to reduce the cost by 6%. The actual decrease compared to last year was 4%. How was the cost reduction plan implemented?
ATS \u003d (96/100) * 100% \u003d 96% - 100% \u003d - 4%
ORP \u003d (94/100) * 100% \u003d 94% - 100% \u003d - 6%
ORVP \u003d 96% / 94% \u003d 102.1% - 100% \u003d -2.1% the plan for cost reduction was not fulfilled because the actual level exceeded the target by 2.1%.

Example: an insurance company in 1997 entered into contracts in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. In 1998 she intends to conclude an agreement in the amount of 510 thousand rubles. The relative value of the planned target will be 102% (510/500).

Suppose the influence of various factors led to the fact that the insurance company actually entered into contracts in 1998 in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. In this case, the relative value of the execution fee will be 78.4% (400/510).

The relative values \u200b\u200bof the dynamics, the target and the fulfillment of the plan are related by the following relationship:

In our example: 1.02 * 0.784 \u003d 0.8

    target for the production or consumption of fuel - - [A.S. Goldberg. The English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN fuel target ...

    indicative planning task - - Telecommunications Topics, Fundamentals EN indicative planning figure IPF ... Technical translator's guide

    TASK, tasks, cf. A task assigned to someone, an assignment (book newspapers.). The cost reduction target has been completed. Planned task. Exceed the assignment. Work on assignments. || Concept, purpose, task. Set yourself a task. || That ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    the task -, oya, cf. * Planned task. The prescribed, planned scope of work. ◘ The same word Plan in the newly formed compound words widely began to act as a definition: planned economy die Planwirtschaft :, planned target die ... ...

    Assignment to carry out works on the preservation of a cultural heritage site - 3.7.1. Assignment for carrying out work on the preservation of a cultural heritage object: (Planned (restoration) task) The form is determined by the procedure or regulations established by the state protection bodies of cultural heritage objects, including ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    I; Wed 1. The goal or task assigned to whom l. for execution. Responsible, difficult h. Government, secret z. Z. of state importance. Z. on the study of the flora and fauna of Baikal. Z. for exploration of deposits. Write, complete h. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    the task - I; Wed 1) The goal or task assigned to s. for execution. Responsible, difficult task. Government, secret assignment. The task of state importance. The task of studying the flora and fauna of Baikal. Reconnaissance mission ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    The target for the production and sale of products was established. nomenclature and quality; leading section of the state. development plan bunks. x va USSR, industry plan, pr tia. P. p. Pr tia osn. section of techpromfinpla on ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    planned -, oh, oh. 1. Related to the plan (production). * Planned task. ◘ It was a job that she did as a routine schedule assignment. Gladkov, v. 2, 95. 2. Implemented according to a pre-developed plan. * Planned ... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

    This term has other meanings, see Strommashina. "Strommashina" (JSC "Strommashina") Type of JSC Founded 1950 Location ... Wikipedia

    economy -, a, cf. 1. Everything that makes up production; economy. * Planned economy. * Planned housekeeping. ( Distinctive feature socialist mode of production). ◘ The same word Plan began to appear in the newly formed words ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

The relative value of the target(indicator of the planned task) is the ratio of the planned level of the indicator to its level achieved in the previous period (or in the period considered as the baseline).

The relative value of the planned target characterizes the prospect of the development of the phenomenon
ORP \u003d planned level for the future (next) period / actual level of the current (previous) period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people.
ORP \u003d (100/120) * 100% \u003d 83.3% - 100% \u003d -16.7%.
The company planned to reduce the number of personnel by 16.7%.

Relative value of plan execution

Relative value of plan execution (indicator of plan fulfillment) characterizes the degree of plan implementation.
ORP \u003d actual level of the current period / plan of the current period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people. But the number of employees increased over the year to 130 people.
ORVP \u003d (130/100) * 100% \u003d 130% - 100% \u003d 30%.
The actual number of employees exceeded the planned level by 30%.

There is a relationship between and the relative value of the planned target and the relative value of the plan's fulfillment, expressed in the formula: OVVP \u003d OVD / OVPZ

Example: the company planned to reduce the cost by 6%. The actual decrease compared to last year was 4%. How was the cost reduction plan implemented?
ATS \u003d (96/100) * 100% \u003d 96% - 100% \u003d - 4%
ORP \u003d (94/100) * 100% \u003d 94% - 100% \u003d - 6%
ORVP \u003d 96% / 94% \u003d 102.1% - 100% \u003d -2.1% the plan for cost reduction was not fulfilled because the actual level exceeded the target by 2.1%.

Example: an insurance company in 1997 entered into contracts in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. In 1998 she intends to conclude an agreement in the amount of 510 thousand rubles. The relative value of the planned target will be 102% (510/500).

Suppose the influence of various factors led to the fact that the insurance company actually entered into contracts in 1998 in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. In this case, the relative value of the execution fee will be 78.4% (400/510).

The relative values \u200b\u200bof the dynamics, the target and the fulfillment of the plan are related by the following relationship.