Basic Display Standards on the Gold Shelf. Merchandising: what is the "Golden Shelf". Arrangement of products in the corners of the shelves

Merchandising - a set of measures aimed at stimulating retail sales by attracting the attention of end customers to brands and groups of Products through the most favorable placement of goods and P.O.S. Materials in sales areas and store counters.

Objectives merchandising:

1. Ensuring the availability of products for target audience;

2. Allocation of products within a given group of goods to attract maximum attention of consumers;

3. Ensuring the best perception of each type of product by the consumer;

4. Maximum use retail space customer for product placement;

5. Rotation by expiration date.

Tools merchandising:

1. Layout of products in retail outlets according to company standards;

2. Placing P.O.S. - materials;

3. Placement of additional shop equipment;

4. Compliance with the price tag to the product.

The fate of the goods is decided at the point of sale!

Our goals:

Put our products first in the direction of travel block in each category

Borrow gold shelves

The share on the shelf of our products must be at least the share of competitors

· Make a layout in accordance with the rules of the company

· Each SKU must be represented by at least one face.

Terms and concepts:

Gold Shelf - shelf at the level of the customer's gaze (at a height of 1.2 m to 1.7 m)

P.O.S. materials - a means of attracting the attention of buyers to products at the point of sale of products. They use information signs, branded accessories and supplies, posters, city formats, billboards, etc.

· Facing is a unit of a product laid out on the shelf frontally, with the front side facing the customer.

· SKU - one product name with its characteristics in the manufacturer's assortment list (for example, art. 001 - Provencal mayonnaise in a 850 ml plastic can.)

Types of purchases:

1. Planned purchase - a purchase that is made on purpose, the buyer prepares for it in advance

2. Impulse buying - an unplanned purchase that is made spontaneously without prior preparation

3. Semi-impulsive purchase - a purchase in which the buyer knows what kind of product he needs, but gives preference to one or another brand directly at the place of choice.

The first 6 steps rule

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe first 6-8 steps, customer activity in the store is minimal, because the buyer needs to get used to the store environment and look around.

Features of the conduct of consumers when choosing a product in a self-service store:

The Golden Triangle Rule

The highest buying activity in trading floor observed inside the so-called "golden triangle". This is a space bounded by three points: an entrance, a cash register and a planned procurement department.

Conclusion: The main display of products should be located inside the "golden triangle".

Features of the conduct of consumers when choosing a product in a store:

Buyer's attention distribution rule:

When moving along the shelves, the buyer pays 70% of his attention to the shelves to his right and 30% to the shelves to the left in the direction of travel.

Conclusion: Try to conquer the racks on the right in the direction of the buyers' movement!

Features of the conduct of consumers when choosing a product in a store:

The Golden Shelf Rule

The buyer pays maximum attention to products located at eye and chest level. When products are moved from adjacent shelves to "gold", sales increase by 15%.

Fast search rule

Entering the department, the buyer expects to immediately find the product he needs and often takes the products of the manufacturer who is the first in the given category.

Top shelf rule (purchase comfort)

It is convenient for the buyer to raise his eyes to an angle of no more than 40 degrees.

rules merchandising:


The position of the product on the shelf should reflect the position of the product on the market (more sold \u003d more shelf space)

Conclusion: if it is possible to increase the number of faces on the shelf, increase the faces of the most popular product!

The rule of the optimal number of faces:

With an increase in the number of faces of one product, its sales increase in the following proportion:

1 face - 100%

2 faces - 123%

3 faces - 144%

4 faces - 161%, etc.

Note: the optimal number of faces for one product is from 2 to 4. A further increase in the number of faces does not significantly affect sales.

Horizontal faces

When horizontal facing is placed vertically, product sales are reduced by 30% !!!

The rule merchandising:

First come first sold rule:

A product that has a shorter sales period should always be closer to the buyer than a product with a longer period. When laying out a new batch of goods, it is imperative to check the expiration dates of the products remaining on the shelves. Products with a shorter lead time - to the fore! (rotation rule).

New items for sales leaders!

When the appearance new products she needs to be positioned next to the sales leader to draw additional attention to her.

Free space occupation

In the absence of the product indicated in the planogram, fill the vacant place with a sales leader, changing the layout in such a way that all the above rules are observed.

Bank to bank, doy pack to doy pack!

Arrangement of products in the corners of the shelves

Shelf corners ("dead zone") are reinforced by 2-4 faces.

Requirements matrix for Merchandising


Supermarket Traditional shop
1. Rule of the face 1. Rule of the face
2. Layout order trade marks and flavors meet the requirements of the planogram 2. Rule of price tags
3. Rule of price tags 3. The order of displaying brands and tastes meets the requirements of the planogram
4. Layout according to the movement of buyers 4. Corporate block
5. Corporate block 5. Layout according to the movement of buyers
6. Cleanliness and tidiness of commercial equipment -

1. In the course of the main stream of buyers 1. The main point of sale is oil-fat
2. Buyer's eye level 2. Buyer's eye level
3. Before competitors 3. Close proximity to cash register
4. By category (mayonnaise / ketchup)
5. Display in at least two places of the outlet 5. Presence of additional layouts in another department
Stock 1. Sufficiency 1. Sufficiency
2. Rotation 2. Rotation
3. In proportion to the share of sales

P.O.S.M. Functional purpose.

Informing - confirmation of the presence of goods in this point of sale... Provides them with product information - price, quality, package size and reasons to buy more products.

Communication function - information about product features.

Orientation - helping the buyer in finding a product among others at the point of sale.

Zoning - dividing the retail space into zones.

Motivation - encouraging customers to make a purchase.

Exhibiting - attracting additional attention to a product by allocating a place for its display.

Acts as a “silent salesperson” at the point of sale.

P.O.S.M. location areas

Algorithm merchandising.

1. Arrive at the outlet strictly according to the visit plan.

2. Wearing branded clothing and wearing a badge.

3. Have a medical record with you.

4. Have complete information about the company and products.

5. Find the person in charge to say hello and introduce yourself. (At the first visit, make a presentation of the company, tell about the key points of the merchandising program).

6. Find out the wishes and claims of the administration regarding the products.

7. Monitor the availability of assortment in the sales area and in the warehouse.

8. Check the expiration dates of the goods.

9. Deliver products from the warehouse to the sales area.

10. Lay out the products.

11. Remove defective and expired products, issue a return.

12. If the location of the company's products is unfavorable (at the moment), it is necessary to improve the position.

13. In case of insufficient fading, it is necessary to increase it by placing it on other sales zones, as well as at the expense of competitors, convincing the administration of the priority of the company's products.

14. Checking price tags - they must be clearly visible, correctly designed and correspond to the type of product.

16. Discuss new and better opportunities for organizing merchandising with the administration.

17. Collect information about competitors.

18. Correctly, accurately and accurately fill out the report.

19. When leaving, say goodbye, express hope to the administration representative for fruitful long-term cooperation.

Is merchandising useful as a sales promotion tool? And how! Large companies have long been using merchandising as a basic tool to maximize efficient trading at their points. The one who manages to achieve the greatest efficiency in this matter always has a huge number of customers and only cares about the quality and range of services and goods provided.

Basic layout principles:

  • overview;
  • availability;
  • neatness;
  • shelf space;
  • fullness of shelves;
  • constant restocking.

According to statistics, 80 buyers bypass all points of sale located along the entire perimeter of the sales area and only some of them enter the inner rows.

In the sales area of \u200b\u200bthe store, we can distinguish "cold" and "hot" zones.

"Cold" zones - low probability of impulse buying.

"Hot" zones - high probability of impulse purchases.

Types of product display:

  • Horizontal layout - goods of the same name are placed on several shelves along the entire length of the equipment.

Two options: by type of product and by brand.

  • Vertical layout (tape) - goods of the same name are laid out on the shelves in one or two rows from top to bottom from smaller size to larger, from more expensive to cheaper. Ideal for products from one manufacturer.
  • Combined display - combining both methods of displaying goods.
  • Display layout - a free-standing company stand or stand.
  • Block layout - trade marks that form some blocks on several shelves that take up part of the equipment length.
  • Multi-product display - placement various goods and products that are related (brushes, rags, cleaning products).

The priority location of products at the point of sale is the place to which the buyer pays attention first of all. As a rule, the main sales fall on two shelves, which are located at eye level (120-160cm) and outstretched arm (80-120cm). They are called the "gold" and "silver" shelf.

Your goods should be on the "gold" shelves in the "hot" zones !!!

Visual merchandising 7 basic laws:

  • If they see, they will buy;
  • Eye level - sales level;
  • There is always space on the shelves, the question “For whom?”;
  • The product is not for sale in the warehouse or under the counter;
  • No price - no sales;
  • Marriage on the shelf - loss of a client;
  • If possible, you need to move your competitors.

Stage ten. Administration

The final stage of the trade visit is filling out the reporting form:

  • Daily report;
  • Client's card;
  • Order form.

The reporting system, which is based on the data of daily monitoring of outlets and filled in forms, has the following functions.

Merchandising products "Pamax"

Merchandising concept

Merchandising is a set of measures aimed at stimulating retail sales by attracting the attention of end customers to brands and groups of Products through the most favorable placement of goods and P.O.S. Materials in sales areas and store shelves.

Purpose of merchandising:

1. Ensuring the availability of products for the target audience;

2. Allocation of products within a given group of goods to attract maximum attention of consumers;

3. Ensuring the best perception of each type of product by the consumer;

4. Maximum use of the client's trading area for product placement;

5. Rotation by expiration date.

Merchandising tools:

1. Layout of products in retail outlets according to company standards;

2. Placing P.O.S. - materials;

3. Placement of additional commercial equipment;

4. Compliance with the price tag to the product.

The fate of the goods is decided at the point of sale!

Our goals:

· Put our products first in the direction of travel of the block in each category

· Borrow the gold shelves

· Share there must be at least a share of competitors on the shelf of our products

Make a layout in accordance with company rules

Each SKU must be represented by at least one faking.

Terms and concepts:

· Gold Shelf - shelf at the level of the customer's view (at a height of 1.2 m to 1.7 m)

· P.O.S. materials - a means of attracting the attention of buyers to products at the point of sale of products. They use information signs, branded accessories and supplies, posters, city formats, billboards, etc.

· Facing - this is a unit of the product laid out on the shelf frontally, with the front side facing the buyer.

· SKU - one name of the product with its characteristics in the manufacturer's assortment list (for example, art. 001 - Provencal mayonnaise in a plastic can of 850 ml.)

Types of purchases:

1. Scheduled purchase - a purchase that is made on purpose, the buyer prepares for it in advance

2. Impulse buying - an unplanned purchase that is made spontaneously without prior preparation

3. Semi-impulsive purchase - a purchase in which the buyer knows what kind of product he needs, but gives preference to one or another brand directly at the place of choice.

The first 6 steps rule

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe first 6-8 steps, customer activity in the store is minimal, because the buyer needs to get used to the store environment and look around.

Features of conducting consumers when choosing a product in a self-service store:

The Golden Triangle Rule

The greatest buying activity in the trading floor is observed inside the so-called "golden triangle". This is a space bounded by three points: an entrance, a cash register and a planned procurement department.

Conclusion: The main display of Pamax products should be located within the "golden triangle".

Features of the conduct of consumers when choosing a product in a store:

Buyer's attention distribution rule:

When moving along the shelves, the buyer pays 70% of his attention to the shelves to his right and 30% to the shelves to the left in the direction of travel.

Conclusion: Try to conquer the racks on the right in the direction of the buyers' movement!

Features of the conduct of consumers when choosing a product in a store:

The Golden Shelf Rule

The buyer pays maximum attention to products located at eye and chest level. When products are moved from adjacent shelves to "gold", sales increase by 15%.

Conclusion : Pamax products must stand on "Gold"shelves!

Fast search rule

Entering the department, the buyer expects to immediately find the product he needs and often takes the products of the manufacturer who is the first in the given category.

Conclusion : Pamax products should be located the first in the direction of the buyer!

Top shelf rule (purchase comfort)

It is convenient for the buyer to raise his eyes to an angle of no more than 40 degrees.

Conclusion : Pamax products should be not higher "Comfortable" zone!

Merchandising rules:


The position of the product on the shelf should reflect the position of the product on the market (more sold \u003d more shelf space)

Conclusion : if it is possible to increase the number of faces on the shelf, increase the faces of the most popular product!

The rule of the optimal number of faces:

With an increase in the number of faces of one product, its sales increase in the following proportion:

1 face - 100%

2 faces - 123%

3 faces - 144%

4 faces - 161%, etc.

Note : the optimal number of faces for one product is from 2 to 4. A further increase in the number of faces does not significantly affect sales.

Horizontal faces

When horizontal facing is placed vertically, product sales are reduced by 30% !!!

Merchandising rule:

First come first sold rule:

A product that has a shorter sales period should always be closer to the buyer than a product with a longer period. When laying out a new batch of goods, it is imperative to check the expiration dates of the products remaining on the shelves. Products with a shorter lead time - to the fore! (rotation rule).

New items for sales leaders!

When a new product is introduced, it must be positioned next to the sales leader to draw additional attention to it.

Free space occupation

In the absence of the product indicated in the planogram, fill the vacant place with a sales leader, changing the layout in such a way that all the above rules are observed.

Bank to bank, doy pack to doy pack!

Arrangement of products in the corners of the shelves

Shelf corners ("dead zone") are reinforced by 2-4 faces.

Merchandising requirements matrix


Supermarket Traditional shop
1. Rule of the face 1. Rule of the face
2. The order of displaying brands and tastes meets the requirements of the planogram 2. Rule of price tags
3. Rule of price tags 3. The order of displaying brands and tastes meets the requirements of the planogram
4. Layout according to the movement of buyers 4. Corporate block
5. Corporate block 5. Layout according to the movement of buyers
6. Cleanliness and tidiness of commercial equipment -

1. In the course of the main stream of buyers 1. The main point of sale is oil-fat
2. Buyer's eye level 2. Buyer's eye level
3. Before competitors 3. Close proximity to the cash register
4. By category (mayone / ketchup)
5. Display in at least two places of the outlet 5. Presence of additional layouts in another department
1. Sufficiency 1. Sufficiency
2. Rotation 2. Rotation
3. In proportion to the share of sales

P.O.S.M. Functional purpose.

Informing - confirmation of the presence of goods at a given outlet. Provides them with product information - price, quality, package size and reasons to buy more products.

Communicative function - information about product features.

Orientation - assistance to the buyer in finding goods among others at the point of sale.

Zoning - division of the retail space into zones.

Motivation - encouraging buyers to make a purchase.

Exposure - attracting additional attention to the product by allocating the place of its display.

Acts as the "silent salesperson" at the point of sale.

P.O.S.M. location areas


Flag for placement in small wholesale markets and in retail.

Merchandising Algorithm.

1. Arrive at the outlet strictly according to the visit plan.

2. Wearing branded clothing and wearing a badge.

3. Have a medical record with you.

4. Have complete information about the company and products.

5. Find the person in charge to say hello and introduce yourself. (At the first visit, make a presentation of the company, tell about the key points of the merchandising program).

6. Find out the wishes and claims of the administration regarding the products.

7. Monitor the availability of assortment in the sales area and in the warehouse.

8. Check the expiration dates of the goods.

9. Deliver products from the warehouse to the sales area.

10. Lay out the products.

11. Remove defective and expired products, issue a return.

12. If the location of the company's products is unfavorable (at the moment), it is necessary to improve the position.

13. In case of insufficient fading, it is necessary to increase it by placing it on other sales zones, as well as at the expense of competitors, convincing the administration of the priority of the company's products.

14. Checking price tags - they must be clearly visible, correctly designed and correspond to the type of product.

16. Discuss new and better opportunities for organizing merchandising with the administration.

17. Collect information about competitors.

18. Correctly, accurately and accurately fill out the report.

19. When leaving, say goodbye, express hope to the administration representative for fruitful long-term cooperation.

What you need to know about the products:

Mayonnaise, mayonnaise and tomato sauces are an irreplaceable seasoning for salads, snacks, ready meals.

Mayonnaises with the Pamax trademark are distinguished by their delicate taste.

Mayonnaise Provencal "Classic" 67% fat is a high-calorie product with a delicate creamy taste and a pleasant aftertaste of egg products.

Mayonnaise "Olivier" is a medium-calorie mayonnaise, its fat content is 40%. A series of low-calorie mayonnaise includes: "Stolovy" 15%, "Delikatesny" 30%, "Postny" 30%.

Mayonnaise sauces combine all the properties of mayonnaise and at the same time have more wide range flavors: sauce "1000 islands" - the taste of mayonnaise, tomato products, vegetables and spices; curry sauce - the taste of mayonnaise, a mixture of oriental spices, mustard.

The manufacturer guarantees the preservation of all consumer properties of the product, subject to the terms and conditions of storage of the product, which are indicated on the label.

Mayonnaise is an emulsion product, in order to avoid the destruction of the emulsion, mayonnaise should be stored at t above 0˚C and not frozen.

The shelf life of mayonnaise at t from 0˚C to 6˚C is 90 days, at t from 6˚C to 10˚C - 60 days, at t from 10˚C to 18˚C - 20 days.

The higher the t at which the product is stored, the faster the oxidative processes in the oil occur, and the faster the organoleptic properties of mayonnaise change.

Storage at t above 20 ° C may damage the product and make it unsafe to use. The shelf life of mayonnaise sauces is 6 months from the date of manufacture, provided that they are stored at t from 0˚C to 10˚C.

Our literature:

Merchandising: History, Myths and Rules.

In this book, you will learn the basic principles of promoting goods in retail outlets, several myths and a little history of merchandising. It is on the basis of this knowledge that merchandising thinking and "flair" develop, easily opening the hearts and wallets of buyers and allowing them to break the rules in order to get the maximum profit ...

Articles. Reviews. News.

Customer flow management.

Customer flow management is one of the critical areas in merchandising and the key to the success of any store, supermarket, shopping center... The task of merchandising at this stage is to direct buyers first of all to the places where the most expensive and profitable goods are displayed. And not only direct them, but also keep them at these shelves and showcases as long as possible, attract attention, form positive associations and the desire to buy these goods right now ...

Merchandising: what is the "Golden Shelf".

According to sociologists, the population of megacities makes a lot of unnecessary purchases. Going to the supermarket for bread, many return with sweets, nuts, juice, in a word, many not too necessary goods. Psychologists explain that in this way people are just trying to get rid of stress, but buyers say ...

Merchandising- a set of measures aimed at stimulating retail sales by attracting the attention of end customers to brands and groups of Products through the most favorable placement of goods and P.O.S. Materials in sales areas and store shelves.

Purpose of merchandising:

  1. Ensuring the availability of products for the target audience;
  2. Isolation of products within a given product group to attract the maximum;
  3. Ensuring the best perception of each type of product by the consumer;
  4. Maximum use of the client's trading area for product placement;
  5. Rotation by expiration date.

Merchandising tools:

  1. Layout of products in retail outlets according to company standards;
  2. Placing P.O.S. - materials;
  3. Placement of additional commercial equipment;
  4. Compliance with the price tag to the product.

Our goals:

  • Put our products first in the direction of travel of the block in each category
  • Borrow the gold shelves
  • The share of our products on the shelf must not be less than the share of competitors
  • Make a layout in accordance with the rules of the company
  • Each SKU must be represented by at least one face.

Terms and concepts:

  • Gold Shelf - shelf at the level of the customer's view (at a height of 1.2 m to 1.7 m)
  • P.O.S. materials - a means of attracting the attention of buyers to products at the point of sale of products. They use information signs, branded accessories and supplies, posters, city formats, billboards, etc.
  • Facing is a unit of a product laid out frontally on a shelf, facing the customer.
  • SKU - one product name with its characteristics in the manufacturer's assortment list (for example, art. 001 - Provencal mayonnaise in a 850 ml plastic can.)

Types of purchases:

  1. Scheduled purchase - a purchase that is made on purpose, the buyer prepares for it in advance
  2. Impulse buying - an unplanned purchase that is made spontaneously without prior preparation
  3. Semi-impulse buying is a purchase in which the buyer knows what type of product he needs, but gives preference to one or another brand directly at the place of choice.

The first 6 steps rule

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe first 6-8 steps, customer activity in the store is minimal, because the buyer needs to get used to the store environment and look around.

Features of the conduct of consumers when choosing a product in a self-service store:

The golden triangle rule»

The greatest buying activity in the trading floor is observed inside the so-called "golden triangle". This is a space bounded by three points: an entrance, a cash register and a planned procurement department.

Conclusion: The main display of products should be located inside the "golden triangle".

Features of the conduct of consumers when choosing a product in a store:

Buyer's attention distribution rule:

When moving along the shelves, the buyer pays 70% of his attention to the shelves to his right and 30% to the shelves to the left in the direction of travel.

Conclusion: Try to conquer the racks on the right in the direction of the buyers' movement!

Features of consumer behavior when choosing a product in a store:

The golden shelf rule»

The buyer pays maximum attention to products located at eye and chest level. When products are moved from adjacent shelves to "gold", sales increase by 15%.

Fast search rule

Entering the department, the buyer expects to immediately find the product he needs and often takes the products of the manufacturer who is the first in the given category.

Top shelf rule (purchase comfort)

It is convenient for the buyer to raise his eyes to an angle of no more than 40 degrees.

Merchandising rules:


The position of the product on the shelf should reflect the position of the product on the market (more sold \u003d more shelf space)

Conclusion: if it is possible to increase the number of faces on the shelf, increase the faces of the most popular product!

The rule of the optimal number of faces:

With an increase in the number of faces of one product, its sales increase in the following proportion:

1 face - 100%

2 faces - 123%

3 faces - 144%

4 faces - 161%, etc.

Note: the optimal number of faces for one product is from 2 to 4. A further increase in the number of faces does not significantly affect sales.

Horizontal faces

When horizontal facing is placed vertically, product sales are reduced by 30% !!!

First come first sold rule:

A product that has a shorter sales period should always be closer to the buyer than a product with a longer period. When laying out a new batch of goods, it is imperative to check the shelf life of the products remaining on the shelves. Products with a shorter lead time - to the fore! (rotation rule).

New items for sales leaders:

When a new product is introduced, it must be positioned next to the sales leader to draw additional attention to it.

Free space occupation

In the absence of the product indicated in the planogram, fill the vacant place with a sales leader, changing the layout in such a way that all the above rules are observed.

Bank to bank, doy pack to doy pack!

Arrangement of products in the corners of the shelves

Shelf corners ("dead zone") are reinforced by 2-4 faces.

P.O.S.M. Functional purpose

Informing - confirmation of the presence of goods at a given outlet. Provides them with product information - price, quality, package size and reasons to buy more products.

Communicative - information about product features.

Orientation - helping the buyer to find a product among others at the point of sale.

Zoning - dividing the retail space into zones.

Motivation - encouraging customers to make a purchase.

Exhibiting - attracting additional attention to the product by highlighting the place of its display.

Acts as a “silent salesperson” at the point of sale.

P.O.S.M. location areas