DIY New Year's corporate parties. Adult New Year (for a corporate party). Visit to the entertainment center: New Year to the fullest

If you ask people what associations they have with the New Year, many will name tangerines. No wonder, this is the same New Year's fruit! As a child, we all received tangerines as a gift from Santa Claus; they are mandatory on any festive table. Therefore, the tangerine theme is clear to everyone. And how to beat it - there are a lot of options. You can focus on the color - decorate the room or ask guests to use orange in their outfits. Or arrange an exotic party "Mandarin Paradise" in hot countries - go to the place where tangerines grow. It can also be a retro tangerine celebration based on childhood memories. In Italy, the traditional battle of the oranges takes place every year. The most daring can take advantage of this idea by replacing oranges with tangerines.

Frosty snow party

Winter theme gives endless scope for imagination. Twirl and twirl it as you like. It can be Russian winter fun with snowballs, playing with clubs, snow woman, sleigh. Or give preference to Scandinavian motives and arrange a stylized party with Vikings, fishing and reindeer - not necessarily alive, enough mental images and a corresponding script that will fill the evening with the necessary content. And the holiday "In the Chum" based on the life of the northern peoples with tambourines, shamans, deer - is it not a worthy option for a winter theme? Lovers of travel can go on fictional wanderings in Lapland or Veliky Ustyug - "along the way" there will certainly be interesting adventures with which the party will fly by unnoticed.

Favorite cinema

The choice of a "cinematic" theme is advantageous in that there is no need to explain to anyone - what, about what and why. "Winged" phrases from films, favorite songs and music recognizable from the first notes, the ability to try on the image or role of famous characters makes this topic one of the most popular and relevant at all times. Depending on the age group of guests, choose films of the appropriate era or opt for timeless classics. New Year's Eve is a good opportunity to combine "winter" films or celebrate New Year's Eve with a thematic party timed to coincide with the significant date from the date of the film's release. By the way, in 2017, the "Caucasian Captive" will celebrate its half-century anniversary. There is a reason to remember your favorite film and spend New Year's Eve based on it.

Battle on the Ice

Another memorable date in the coming year is the 775th anniversary of the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipsi. The theme is not only historical, but also winter - therefore it has a place to be among the ideas of the thematic New Year's holiday. How to implement it - there are several options. You can arrange an intellectual "massacre" on some specific topic. If the event takes place on the street, there is an excellent opportunity to stage the elements of the battle in a playful way - to arrange a snow battle, throwing snowballs. Or go to the skating rink (not necessarily on skates) to fight with the opposing team, hammering soft toys or rubber balls into the opponent's goal.


This interactive game will appeal to many if it is based on an interesting detective story, to unite people by achieving the goal, and the holiday - by a common plot. Throughout the evening, the quest participants will have to overcome numerous obstacles, solve riddles, look for clues and signs that will lead the whole team to the desired result.

Golden party

In 2017, it will be 120 years since the gold ruble was put into circulation in Russia. There is a reason to organize a Gold Party. Gold is a symbol of divinity, immortality, glory, spiritual illumination and wisdom. The Golden Party is a celebration for successful people, lovers of luxury. Just imagine the entourage of such a holiday! Gold is everywhere ... Golden decor of the room, artists in golden costumes, suitcases or bags of money, cash booth, contests for which only golden gifts are awarded ... New Year on the wave of success, in chic and in an atmosphere of wealth - what could be better.


The symbol of the coming year - Fire Rooster throws up the idea to arrange cock fights. Of course, not in the usual form when real roosters beat. Take advantage of the idea of \u200b\u200bcompeting for the title of the strongest. Moreover, there can be any number of nominations where the strongest is chosen. The strongest in a humorous battle, the strongest in the knowledge of New Year's films, etc. This is how the winners of the cockfighting will be determined during the evening, who should be awarded the title "Master of the Year" and presented with an award depicting the patron saint of 2017.

Red party

Another theme of the New Year's Eve party is connected with the coming year of the Fire Rooster. Not only the Rooster comes into its own, but also the warlike Mars, which, as you know, is called the red planet. The main color of 2017 is red and all its tones, as well as fiery shades - gold, orange, yellow. Such a riot of colors is an expanse not only for decorative festive decoration, but to create a general "color" holiday plot that can accommodate anything. The main thing is to have a connection with red. Soviet star, Little Red Riding Hood, "Red and Black" by Stendhal, red planet, red carnation ... What associations do you have with red?

Ideas for the New Year's Eve party were suggested by Valeria Nezhinskaya

New Years corporate party

Dubinko Lyudmila Ivanovna, teacher of mathematics, secondary school №5 from Zhuravsky


We wish you bright and joyful days

Health, success, reliable friends.

May the New Year bring you

More luck and less adversity.

Will save you a lot of worries

Will dispel sadness, he will drive away sorrow,

I heartily wishes - not sorry!

Health to you, smiles and love,

And a lot - a lot of happiness ahead!


Another beautiful year has passed

In which they sang and sad,

And what did not fit in it,

Let everything be in the new.


Outside a strong wind is blowing, frost is bursting, and in our hall it is warm and cozy.

I propose to raise our glasses and declare the first toast so that our hearts are also warm and cozy.

Leading: There is very little time left, and the New Year will come into its own. But D. M. and Snegurochka are not. Let's call them.

CAT comes out (dark glasses in front of his eyes, holding a cane) AND FOX (with a huge bag on the shoulder) and sing in a low voice

The country is great, there are no more like that,

And the people are titan, not a parasite.

Good people are at the head.

In terms of bribes, they are unapproachable.

Our times are always troubled.

Our rivers are always only muddy!

Businessmen at us the gods,

And the laws of the country are awesome.

I am writing an ode about Russia,

About our native fatherland.

I don’t know anything else:

Everything here is nice, everything is upside down!

Only childless live in cities,

And where there is no light, there are many children.

Everyone has pistols, and not gas ones!

And our harvesters are disposable.

Our intentions are the purest!

Our watches are the fastest!

Our dwarfs are the largest

And we have only mercury rains.

CAT: We heard that you called Santa Claus, understood that there is a holiday here, which means you can taste something delicious. We can stay.

They go around all those sitting and ask to put something in the bag.


Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden and congratulates all those present.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, where is your bag of gifts?

Santa Claus: My assistants bring in the bag.


Physical education teachers, harnessed with jump ropes, run in with signs on their chests (the logo of a school for athletes). They hold a large tablecloth around the four corners, in which there are gifts.

Santa Claus: Well i ask everyone to come to the casket and sort the gifts according to their hearts.

Baba Yaga appears from the chest and hands out gifts to everyone.

  • Don't think to be angry with us - a nail in the household will come in handy.
  • To keep your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush)
  • We wanted to get a flashlight, but you just got a ball.
  • You got this soap to wash your hands more often.
  • To find out the income, a notebook will come in handy for you.
  • Pour this into a glass and take a sip.
  • After a glass, having a snack is very important.
  • Here is a paper napkin instead of a sleeve.
  • And for sweets, we have a candy for you.
  • You would like a piano, but you have a calendar.
  • In life, one must hope for the best
  • Take the glue if something doesn't stick.
  • Get the main prize, you get an egg crate.
  • Although the people say that vodka is poison. We give you a glass of poison as a reward.
  • There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (a pen)
  • We give you toothpaste to keep you toothy.
  • Hurray! - shout to the whole world. You have a car - a souvenir.
  • When you go for a walk, so that your trousers will not sleep on you, you have these steel pins with you.
  • Here's a little brooch - smile just a little.
  • You will need your donated stocking for future use.
  • Read about all the news in the world in the newspaper.
  • In order not to eat in the dining room, get a bay leaf.
  • Don't get sick, be strong, I give you pills.
  • To always be beautiful, hurry to get the cream.
  • I issue it without a document, you got this tape.
  • And not just, and not a lot: the win is cabbage forks.
  • Get it - hurry, you have a notebook: write poetry.
  • You shouldn't be angry with the prize: you can ride a broom.
  • Happiness fell into your hands, got three potatoes.

Leading: Everyone who did not get giftsget a win-win lottery.

Guests are given lottery tickets, and at the end of the holiday, small but nice souvenirs are raffled off.


Gypsy: How you forgot about me and did not invite you to your evening. Well, gilded the handle, I'll tell you the whole truth.

  • Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation on it - a car.
  • If you put on clothes inside out on June 1, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!
  • Go to the boss with your left foot - and you will be promoted.
  • Crossing the road, look around - there is a chance to meet your destiny.
  • Do not relax too much, otherwise your road will be to the government house.
  • Do not twist the button while waiting for a bad event: it will come off.
  • Fireworks of bright events await you in the third decade of January. Begin preparation immediately.
  • Today is the best day for you! As well as everyone else!
  • Always smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Shut up! And no one will call you a bore.

Leading: And now pop stars will perform in front of you.

Musical number.

Leading: I ask the one who will solve the riddle correctly for the prize.

  • People from the same beach. (Contenders)
  • If a child reads a lot of poetry, he can become a poet, if he only read about robbers, he will become ... (deputy)
  • A person who has received many letters. (Literacy)
  • A man with a large forehead. (Lobotrach)
  • People living on earned income. (Goner)
  • A bandit tormented by foolishness. (Bandura player)
  • All covered with greenery, absolutely all. (New Russian)
  • What is growing, but we do not notice. (Welfare)
  • A very tanned person. (Black person)
  • Steam treatment for psychos. (Paropsychology)
  • Human behavior is simple and natural. (Rudeness)
  • Young woman walking her own way (Putana)

Leading: On the cards are verbs and nouns. The player draws 2 cards. If they sound the same - a prize.




















Leading: We invite you to take part in the competition. You need to fill the glasses with a teaspoon. Whoever copes with the task faster gets the opportunity to make a toast.

Lead: Two the teams stand in two lines opposite each other. The players in each team, from the first to the last, must give each other some kind of round thing: an orange, a ball, a round toy. In this case, you can use only the chin or shoulder. You can't help yourself with your hands. If a thing falls to the floor, then everything starts from the beginning.

Leading: Place the button on the index finger of your hand and, turning to your playmate, invite him to place the button on his index finger. No other finger is allowed. The one who does not hold and drops the button is eliminated from the game.

Leading: Players freeze in different positions. The presenter remembers the poses of the players, their clothes and leaves the room. The players make 5 changes in their positions and clothes

(not everyone has five, but only five). The host must return everything to starting position... If the leader found all five changes, then as a reward the players fulfill his wish. Otherwise, you need to drive again.


  1. Sound trap of the system "I do not like - do not listen" (huge ear).
  2. Fruit of temptation (apple).
  3. Anti-talkativeness (dummy).
  4. Sewing machine (needle and thread).
  5. Electric lighter (box of matches).
  6. Painting by an unknown artist (postcard).
  7. Washing machine (eraser).
  8. Bird of the future (egg).
  9. Measuring device (centimeter).
  10. Aircraft (balloon).
  11. Slimming tool (skipping rope).
  12. Universal synthetic backpack (cellophane bag).
  13. Disinfectant (soap).
  14. Crystal chandelier (light bulb).
  15. Diet food (chewing gum).
  16. Tool of labor (spoon).
  17. Antique hanger (nail).
  18. Typewriter (pen).
  19. Thought fixator (pencil).
  20. Spare parts for sneakers (laces).
  21. New Year's roll (serpentine).
  22. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance (envelope).

The right to a car (lottery ticket).

Anya Rudenko
Scenario of a New Year's corporate party at a preschool educational institution for employees

Scenario New Year Corporate« Corporate - casting»

All sit down at the tables and the party begins.

Cheerful music sounds and two presenters come out.

Veda 1: Good evening, dear colleagues! We are glad to welcome you to our wonderful new Year's hall, and we hope that our tonight will be a real holiday for everyone and will be remembered by you all year long!

Veda 2: Good evening, dear friends! And our evening is really good, look at each other, how many kind and bright smiles, how much joy in the eyes, high spirits and, of course, the anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen. How could it be otherwise, because today new Year's Evewhen you can forget problems and sorrows and plunge into new year's tale.

Veda 1: We all waited a whole year

When the new year comes to us,

Everyone is tired of work

Holidays to all of us hunting.

Veda 2: Already tortured reports,

The bosses need something from us

I so want to wave my hand

And wave a glass of vodka!

Veda 1: You colleagues do not drink

If you want a holiday,

There will be a holiday for you now

Well tell me what time is it?

Veda 2: The working day is almost over,

Six, know, it's already hours

We set the table "tasty" highly,

It would be time to sit down.

Veda 1: You came to us today,

We will have fun with you,

I wish everyone friends

Smile and get drunk!

Veda 2: The most important first toast,

Our leader will say

He brought us gifts,

The most important leader!

Veda 1: The floor is given to the head of our kindergarten Murzikova Lyudmila Pavlovna, let's greet her all together.

Solemn music sounds and the manager leaves.

Veda 2: TOAST

Fill the container with the reagent

And let's drink to corporate!

For a powerful team!

For the office gang!

For free parking!

For excellent skill!

For the Internet to fly!

We will also drink a glass!

So that the stapler does not play naughty!

To keep the printer at a pace

Scanner, air conditioner, computer

They added comfort to us!

So that the boss knows for sure

I always got up from that foot!

Let the fly that bites

Flies past the boss

Guests pour glasses and have a snack.

Cheerful music is playing at this time, a gorgeous woman enters the door - a director, who has just rested in the Maldives and is quickly walking towards the host.

Woman director: “Wait a minute, gentlemen! I beg your pardon, I was a little late, traffic jams ".

Leading1: (looks at him in disbelief): "And who are you actually?"

Woman director (in a loud whisper): “We ordered the Eastern symbol for the New Year, congratulations to the team? Receive and sign. " He takes a consignment note from his pocket and hands the document to the girl.

Leading (looking at the stranger from head to toe): "Yes, but we thought that ..."

Woman director: “A real bird will arrive, with luxurious plumage, a scarlet crest, a magnificent tail, and will read the solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, crows. Roosters, you know, are not parrots, they cannot talk. Well, just like children, honestly! " Referring to present: “Let me introduce myself, I am the director of the most famous movie. I came to you here today in order to choose the main character of my most famous Russian bestseller ___ Please love and favor ”.

Leading 1: “Well, we just got together, we never raised our glasses, we didn't have time to taste the salads. We have a long new Years corporate party, the program is extensive ”.

Woman director: “Beauty, dear, good, I have no time to drink, have no time to eat, I have a busy schedule, until the middle of January - continuous new Years corporate partywhere to sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream ... "

Leading 1: "About what, if not a secret?"

Woman director: “Find an assistant for yourself a nimble or pretty quick assistant. Together we would be in time everywhere, did not miss any from the list new Years corporate party... Idea! Let's arrange a casting, like in a movie or on television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the hall. Well, how? Do you agree? Do not hesitate, it will be interesting. "

Leading 1: “Tempting offer. How will the audition be held? "

Woman director: “And the casting will take place as follows. Since this outgoing year was the year of cinema, auditions for the main role of the film will be held in our hall. And I will look at our applicants and choose the most wonderful actress. "

Veda 1: Okay, dear director, we will help you with this, we will arrange screen tests on our site. So we begin.

Veda 2: Acting is primarily the art of acting. A real actor can show a whole performance without any means at hand. Our participants now also have to try to do this. I invite our participants to test for the main role.

Groups № 1,11,12 come out to speak.

Woman director: Yes it was great. I think that I did the right thing, that I came here, and here I will definitely choose the main character of my film.

Veda 1: toast

Let's drink to brilliant successes

For a friendly and close-knit team,

So that we do not get for nuts,

For a huge influx of money!

Over the weekend, at least sick leave,

For the prospects for the coming year,

Let be new everything will be unusual,

And let a miracle happen with each!

Veda 2: Well, while you are drinking and eating, let's open our new year lottery.

Veda 1: Every true artist should be able to dance, and dance in different styles... He must quickly and skillfully respond to sounding music and skillfully rebuild depending on the phonogram. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups № 2,3,4 come out to speak.

Veda 2: It can be difficult to play emotions, especially when it is necessary for our participants to do it for a screen test, everyone is worried, the voice trembles, but even this must be done by a real actor. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups No. 10,8,9 come out to speak.

Veda 1: Dear, our director, our participants are tired, let's sit and rest for a while, and you still think about who is better suited for the main role of your film.

Veda 2: Well, we continue our holiday in spite of our participation in screen tests, for the struggle for the main role. As the famous said, but unfortunately

The untimely departed showman Roman Trachtenberg: "My life is boring until the first hundred grams appear in it!" And as Nikita Mikhalkov said in the famous film "Station for Two". "One hundred grams is not a stop-roll, you pull - you will not stop!" So let's pull some more….

(whoever considers it necessary! Each has its own norm) so that no one and nothing could stop us on this festive evening.

Veda 1: Well, while you are having a snack, I suggest you raffle off a few more lottery tickets.

Lottery drawing, 5 numbers in total.

Veda 2: Well, I think everyone is sitting in their seats, it's time to get up and move a little. I also propose to show our skills to participate in screen tests. And now you will see a real performance with very talented actors in the lead roles. But for this I need your help. I need 9 assistants. Come here. So great, great. Here you will be our actors. Now you yourself and everyone who is here will be convinced what wonderful artists you are.

Roles are allocated (or simply assigned and memorized or cards are handed out): Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Rooster, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people - Wood).

Lead 1: The plot of our production is very simple. Our artists need to enter the image of their heroes and portray all their actions as best as possible. The best actor will receive a prize. So, artists, are you ready? Spectators, please applause. Artists, bow down. Let's start!

Christmas story(action movie)

The bamboo FOREST was rustling. Trees swayed from side to side and squeaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking branches and crushing grass, an important COCK slowly emerged from the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore crowed very hard. Frightened, the RAVEN flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The COCK looked around, angrily rubbed its tail and hid under the TREE. Suddenly the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the moonlit silence. A STRANGER and a SNOW Maiden flew on it. Louder and louder was the noise of the HELICOPTER engine, its propeller revolving madly. Looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. The bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAID got out of the HELICOPTER. THE STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW MAID clapped her hands and said "Hurrah!"... Suddenly the SNOW Maiden saw an important COCK under the TREE and screamed "Oh oh oh!"... The COCK looked at the intruders with hungry eyes, licked his lips and crowed loudly. The SNOW MAID quickly and deftly climbed onto the nearby TREE. The STRANGER was left alone with the COCK. Again, frightened from TREE to TREE, the RAVEN flew over and croaked indignantly. The COCK slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for battle. Standing up, the STRANGER lunged and shouted loudly "Kiya!"... The COCK crowed even louder than before, continuing to approach the STRANGER. The STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW Maiden sitting on a TREE, quickly changed his stance and shouted again "Kiya!"... But the COCK boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER, without fear, rushed at the COCK and with a series of well-aimed blows laid him on his shoulder blades. The Snow Maiden screamed "Hurrah!"... The RAVEN croaked in surprise and fell from the TREE. The COCK crowed again, but this time pitifully. The STRANGER put the ROCOR in the cage. The rooster looked doomedly at the stranger and obediently sat down in the cage. The Snow Maiden screamed again "Hurrah!" and went down from the TREE. The STRANGER took the SNOW Maiden by the hand, handed her the cage with the ROCKS, and they all went to celebrate the New Year. After them, the bamboo FOREST rustled with delight, and the RAVEN croaked in surprise.

Veda 2: Well, for such a performance it is not a sin to drink.

Let's raise a toast for the New Year

Let the toast be extremely simple

For happiness, friendship, laughter,

In all matters, great success,

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness

Family life warmth!

To the cheerful music of BABA - YAGA, BABA - YAGA herself flies into the hall and shouts:

Baba - Yaga: Did you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

And the faq didn't call me?

Well, tea is also a man

At least, I am already a century old.

And even though I'm old, but I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I will dance now for you

Amazing dance.

You will help a little

Clap and dance yourself.

Baba Yaga is performing a dance.

Veda 1: TOAST

Friends, let's raise a glass

Sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For the pocket to be full

Not small banknotes

And to make all dreams come true

Coming New Year!

Veda 2: Well, now let's get back to our new year lotteries and raffle some more tickets.

Lottery drawing, 5 numbers in total.

Veda 1: Well, now let's remember our oldest cinema, films that we watch on holidays, films that brought up our parents, and you and I, films that gave us a lot of joy, fun and life experience. Let's run a small quiz.

The main character of Leonid Gaidai's films? (Shurik)

Name the film director "Relatives", "Siberian Barber", "Burnt by the Sun". (Nikita Mikhalkov).

Name a film about the legacy of a Russian grandmother. ( "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia")

What are the nicknames of the Gaidaev Trinity? (Coward, Goonies and Experienced).

What does Shurik collect in "Caucasian captive?" (Toast)

Leave me, old lady, I'm in sorrow!

Can you tell me how many degrees are below zero now?

Don't teach me how to live, better help me financially!

- I have two children: boy and. also a boy.

Whoever bought a pack of tickets will receive a water pump.

Yesterday a friend from the village arrived, We spent the night in the house of a collective farmer ... did not have time to change (The most charming and attractive).

You're under arrest! Do you have a pistol? Then detained. (Peculiarities of the National Hunt).

Veda 2: Let's all stand together in a round dance and sing our very christmas song about the Christmas tree.

All sit down at tables.

Veda 1: Do you know, dear director, and we have another very interesting person for you, she will bewitch you, and tell the whole truth, and at the same time will take part in our competition. She will definitely win this place and this role. Well, you're ready to watch another show.

A gypsy comes out and starts her own show:

I stood at the station

And I wondered to all the drivers.

And I wondered to all the passers-by

But she did not win an award!

And that's why I came to you.

Will you gild my hand?

Okay, okay, take your time

Look at my work first.

Give your hand, dear, yours,

I'll tell you the whole truth!

A promotion is waiting for you at work

But here everything depends only on you.

If you work well,

So you deserve your promotion!

And I won't take your hand

I will guess by your eyes.

Now I will look into your eyes

And I'll tell you the whole truth.

I see your eyes don't lie

Big adventures await you.

Many trials await you

But you will cope with them with a bang!

But your aura is very simple,

After all, you are beautiful and tender!

You will certainly find your prince,

And you will live your life happily with him.

And you have such a fate line

That there is no end and end.

So you will live long

And for such information I have a gilding pen!

And you have a figure anywhere!

And you would be the captain of the ship,

But you're a secretary, and that's fate.

Well, you know, it's not such a bad fate!

And you, I see, is in charge here.

Let's see what you have.

And you have one feature.

I don't know if she's good or bad.

You love to rule people

You can't take that away from you.

And if you manage well

Then in life you will have everything!

So I told you fortunes, I have to go.

Just gild my pen first.

Who do not feel sorry for,

And forever, let's say goodbye!

Veda 2: TOAST

For luck and ladies

I suggest five grams!

Happy New Year!

Lottery drawing, 5 numbers in total.

Veda 1: (the director cannot make a choice in any way and then the presenter offers him last performance) you know, we have a very beautiful princess in our treasury, which will perfectly suit you for the role of the main character. So we invite our princess to audition.

A princess enters the hall and sings a song. Fidalia Fanisovna performs a song.

After the performance of the song, the director makes a choice in favor of the princess and wishes everyone a Happy New Year and leaves the audience together.

Woman director: TOAST

Wish you happiness

And love came to your home!

Well, there was a lot of money,

Like snowflakes outside the window!

I suggest we start getting drunk

To set the mood!

All accompany the director and his candidacy for the main role.

HOST 2:Friends! It seems to me that someone is clearly missing on our holiday! Whom ....?

That's right, of course, Santa Claus!

So let's call him the old, ancient but the most Reliable Way!

We call D. Moroz:


Welcome to the new year

Well, of course (in chorus! - Santa Claus)

In the new year of gifts, who brought us-?

Santa Claus! (in chorus)

Who draws a pattern of roses on the window?

Santa Claus! (in chorus)

Hands are chilly, nose is freezing, where are you, where are you?

Santa Claus! (in chorus)




The screensaver sounds - Santa Claus coming out (Crunching of steps in the snow and a screensaver "Thank God you came!")

Santa Claus (Reads sadly)

Hello everyone and good evening!

How everyone was waiting for this meeting

I walked in the dark forests

To get to a meeting with you

I came from a kind fairy tale

We start games, dancing

Let's get up in a round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year together!


Hello, grandfather, but what's wrong with you, you are not like that!

Why are you barely crawling? Do you want a lot of gifts?


Yes, no, my bag is empty,

I became sick from melancholy!

The snow maiden cheated on me

To Santa Claus screwed!

She doesn't need me in a crisis

Oh, how sick my friends are!


Grandfather, listen, don't be sad!

I'll give you a lot of things here!

There are not many beauties in the world,

especially in the moonlight?

You will knock on your wonderful staff!

Now there will be a swarm of beauties!

Like butterflies to the light

will flock to the road, grandfather!

Not! That won't do!

Friends, we must do something!

We need to cheer our Santa Claus like that!

Veda 2: Well, Grandfather Frost is not sad about your Snegurochka running away from you, we have a whole parade of Snegurochka for you.

Snow maidens come out into the hall and dance a dance.


Oh, how gloriously our Snow Maidens dance! Compliments from me to you

And applause from you!

And now, friends, we all sit down at the tables

We continue our celebration, please fill your glasses

and "Let's skip a hundred grams"!


And you, grandpa, sit down at the tables too

Abusive, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks!

Now we will make you happy!

Friends, let's raise a glass

Sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For the pocket to be full

Not small banknotes

And to make all dreams come true

Coming New Year!

Veda 1: Well, we will have a little rest and will give away the next lottery ticket numbers.

Lottery drawing, 5 numbers in total.

Veda 2: Let's play (the host has questions, and the guests are given answers. Then the host reads the question, and the guests respond with their chosen answers)

Drinking song.

Residual lottery drawing.

Santa Claus: Dear guests, I have gifts for you, this new year letters , but first I will ask you riddles, and whoever guesses will receive his letters.

Riddle options:

1. The folk drink of all time,

I went through copper pipes,

They often cook on the stove,

Well, you name him.


2. Burns the mouth and throat,

But at the same time they drink together,

They are usually served in glasses,

But they also drink from glasses.


3. Delicate aroma, what a bouquet,

Beautiful color and astringency, sweetness,

Stands in barrels for many years

Well, have you already guessed?


4. Ladies sometimes drink a drink,

Adding juice and ice

And in a composition like grass

Sometimes it hits the head.


5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,

It goes well with a fish,

Everyone understands perfectly well

The malt will be included there


7.Coke is often drunk,

They pour it into barrels too,

Most important for pirates

It is sometimes worth it richly.


8.It goes well with tonic,

The taste is sometimes unusual

Drink with lemon and ice

No friends, I'm not talking about rum


9. Rich flavor and color,

And he is not dearer to us,

It plays so easily in the glass

And the stars always shine


10. Bubbles and fizzy,

They play in a glass

We are like aristocrats

Well, who will guess


Distribution of Mail by Santa Claus.

Drinking song.

Santa Claus:

It's time for us to part

I congratulate you from my heart,

Happy year of the bird - Rooster!

Snow Maiden:

Finally, I need a drink

To fix desires,

So that the Rooster brings good luck

To live well for us!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave.

Leading 1:

Our holiday is coming to an end,

We will say goodbye

But, literally a year later,

I promise to get together again!

Lead 2:

Don't be sad, don't be bored

Your wonderful life

Celebrate the holiday for a long time

Let the year be clear!

Drinking songs and dances.

It seems that the new year is still far away, but autumn is already coming into its own. And from her and not far from winter. Many responsible companies have already booked places for corporate events for their employees. If you haven't done it yet, now is the time to hurry up.

If you prefer to celebrate the upcoming holidays in a close circle of colleagues right at the workplace, then you will help to unite the team comic script holiday that we bring to your attention. This scenario of the New Year's corporate party 2017 is also suitable for celebrating in a restaurant.

Let's recall the main rules of the New Year's corporate party:

  • it must correspond to the symbolism of the coming year;
  • it must contain jokes directly related to the specifics of the work of your office;
  • finally, remember that you still have to work with these people, and the most important person after any corporate party (especially New Year's) is the one with the photos.

The concept of the New Year corporate party scenario

The most logical would be to use the "hero" of the occasion - the fiery Rooster as the main character of the party. Considering that he is also one of the favorite heroes of Russian fairy tales, we propose to arrange a real performance with the participation of Russian fairy-tale characters, whom the presenters will choose among colleagues.

Advice! It is not difficult to get the costumes of the heroes - they can be rented at the theater for young spectators, which is located in almost every city.

So, to organize a holiday, you will need the following costumes:

  • Rooster;
  • Princesses;
  • Prince;
  • Frog princesses.

Advice! You can introduce other characters from old Russian fairy tales, which will make the evening even more interesting.

At the same time, it is by no means necessary to follow the traditions of only one fairy tale. It will be more interesting if you make a performance based on several Russian folk epics at once. Another plus of such a scenario for the 2017 New Year at a corporate party is that you don't need to study a lot of fairy tales. Nobody needs accuracy here, the main thing is fun and enthusiasm.

An approximate version for 2017 of the Rooster

The script for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party with jokes is a great option to please colleagues at work. The presenter appears in front of the audience in a costume of a fiery rooster, which in itself should make his colleagues smile.

Host: Good evening, dear guests! How should you celebrate the New Year, the patron of which is the noble bully Fiery Rooster and the most warlike planet in the galaxy - Mars? We're going to have Cock Battles!

Dear friends, now you need to split into two teams. The guests sitting to my right will enter the first team under the name KOKE (rooster in Japanese), respectively, on my left, a second team will be formed - TsITI (rooster in Chinese).

So, the first Test Project! Checking the proud fit of the Rooster's head. I invite three participants from each team. Pairs of opponents stand opposite each other, straighten their shoulders, stretch their necks and, looking into the eyes of the opponent, loudly pronounce the name of their team. Of the pair, the winner is the one who doesn't laugh first.

The award "for endurance" - a keychain with the image of the holiday symbol.

Host: And you guys, I see, are not a mistake! Well, I have a more difficult competition for you. Each team must choose a captain who goes to the center of the hall.

The rooster is a bright bird, rarely in nature you can find two representatives of the order of birds with a similar color.

Teams, attention! In a minute, you should dress up our main "Roosters" in traditional colors: black, red, orange, yellow and green, etc. Don't skimp on clothing and jewelry! The team whose captain is more colorful will win.

Award for the correct stage image - gift Certificate to buy clothes in one of the city shops.

Host (with a mock displeased look, looking at his plumage): I don't know who invented this whole circus, but I did not sign up for the role of a chicken! (Further - in a dramatic tone). For what are these my "shoals" in my work such a fate awaited me ?! Although, if you remember ...

While the Rooster frowns, remembering the flaws of his working days, the host in a princess costume comes to his aid.

Presenter (in a whisper, whispering with displeasure at the Rooster): What are you doing! We didn't agree so! (hereinafter - loudly addressing the audience with a smile): Good evening, dear guests! Taste our New Year's Eve treat! While there is still an opportunity to feast on this year, don't miss it! Let be next year will bring all of us fruitful success in work, will further unite our friendly teamso that the executive director can be proud of us!

Host (finally recovering): Don't listen to her! She says so to find the Prince faster! 2017 is worth dedicating exclusively to yourself! Spend time, money, attention only on yourself! Not to chase anyone or anything!

Presenter (blocking the Rooster): Since we have touched the Prince, we must find him! Prince! Prince, where are you! Let's call him all together !!!

Colleagues humbly begin to chant: "Prince".

Host (parodying): Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Presenter: Look! Yes, there he is! He got into the crowd so that no one would find him!

All present look around in bewilderment. Most of all, the young man, to whom the Leader approaches, is perplexed!

Host: Yes, there you are, old man! Why are you letting our princess down like that? Or not pretty? Or not a chop on the tongue? And dressed up in what - you do not recognize! No, friend, this is not the way to celebrate the New Year! Go and change your clothes.

The rooster takes the newly-made prince backstage, where he changes into a prince's costume. As a prop, he is given a bow with arrows.

Meanwhile, the princess entertains the audience:

Presenter (dreamily): Before, before joining our wonderful team, I was bewitched by an evil wizard and was in the form of a frog. But the arrow, aptly shot by the brave prince, saved me, and now I am with you. Let's remember how it was.

Moderator (approaching the most cheerful representative of the team (preferably a man)): Come with me!

Backstage, the host gives him a frog costume.

The prince and the frog come out from the wings under the stormy aviation of the audience.

A scene is played out between the frog and the prince, who do not understand what to do, which only makes it funnier. The presenters leave the stage.

Presenter (approaching the frog): Now you can compare! It was - it is. Or expectation is reality. As you like. Take photos faster!

Host: The inhabitants of the kingdom! A new decree has arrived! Since the new year, we are shortening the working day, canceling the dress code!

Presenter (shielding at the Rooster): Don't listen to him! He deliberately misleads you in order to substitute, and do everything right himself. And now we invite our acting head of the company to tell us all parting words for the New Year 2017!

Speech by the head of the company.

Moderator (looking sideways at the leader): Dear executive director, you understand that all my words about work and work are all just jokes. And finally, I would like to wish that during working hours all fairy-tale characters turn into hardworking bees working for the good of the collective!

Games and contests

Of course, the New Year's corporate party 2017 will not do without a script, but cool games and contests will not hurt either. So, any scenario can be diluted with a couple fun games and contests to diversify the party. We also recommend pauses to continue the buffet, which are best done with musical accompaniment.

For all competitions, you need to stock up on prizes in advance - lollipops in the form of cockerels.

Competition "Mister World"

The rooster is known to like to show off. Therefore, it is advisable to hold a beauty contest among men. They will have to parade on an impromptu podium in front of the women's team, which, after consulting, will choose the most sophisticated dandy. Everything is taken into account - the ability to present oneself, gait, costume, smile, comments and gestures of the contestant.

Competition "The most unusual outfit"

The rooster is still a dandy, so we suggest dressing up for this competition as brightly and awkwardly as possible. To do this, you must first stock up on the necessary requisites:

  • feathers;
  • ladies' hats;
  • straw hats;
  • colored scarves;
  • shawls, etc.

Each competitor walks in the chosen outfit along the catwalk, and a strict jury raises the scoreboards. The owner of the most awkward outfit receives a cool prize - an ice cock.

Competition "Material well-being in the family"

Everyone knows that the Rooster is an inveterate family man and guardian. family budget... For the next competition, you need to put a sheet of paper in a circle. Each person present writes down their recommendations on it - what needs to be done so that there is always prosperity in the family. Then the Rooster reads the list and gives gifts to the most original advisers.

Conducting contests for new year corporate party, keep in mind that this is not a wedding, for which very controversial contests are suitable. Competitions among colleagues should be more innocent, but that does not mean boring.