The script of the comic line for the meeting of graduates. Competitions for the Evening of meeting of graduates. Ideas for the scenario of the holiday “Evening of Memories. The reworked song "From what ..."

Scene "Meeting of graduates"

Mathematics teacher MBOU secondary school № 6 st.Novoleushkovskaya Pavlovsky district of Krasnodar region

Performed at an evening dedicated to graduates who graduated from school 30.40 years ago.

Empty stage. On the stage, on the left and on the right, there are children (9 people) playing graduates.

A scene of people who have not seen for a long time is played out. They say hello, hug.

Oh, Vitka ?! You?!

Andrey ... really ...

How many years?

How many winters?

Gentlemen, let's drink some tea in honor of the holiday.

Let's. I even have a cake.

And my teapot was lying around somewhere, my grandmother left it as an inheritance. Now I'll just wipe the dust ...

Thunder, lights go out, guys make noise. The light comes on.

Who is this?

Who are you?

I am a gin from a teapot, because Tefal Always takes care of you!

Well, here's an extra mouth on our cake ...

Interestingly, since you are a genie, can you do something like that?

Jin sings to the melody of the song "Cho, you need":

You tell, you tell

What you need, what you need,

Maybe I will, maybe I will


Cla-a-a-a-ss !!!

The guys sing to the melody of the song "Wonderful Neighbor".

How can we not have fun

Don't jump to the ceiling

We have brothers appeared

The old man wherever!

He has a lot of "hairs"

He will do everything for us,

So let's tighten up

And we will order quickly right now ...

Pam, pam, pam-para-pa-pam-pam ...

Overcoming each other, the guys order ...

In short, let's order: a suit from Versace ...

Chain, chain gold kg so for 10-15 ...

No, let's get a Mercedes-600 for each ...

And it's better for me to have a dacha in the Canaries ...

And for me - an account in a Swiss bank ...

Calm down, guys, the teapot is mine, so I'll order ... In short ...

The guys sing to the melody of the song: "Little Country".

How I want to return to myself

Where my friends are

Where my native school is

Where I studied!

There is no better school for us

Nice teachers.

Students may not be Newtons,

But there are no relatives of them.


Small country, small country

Native school - earthly life

Where is she, where is she? ...

The school bell rings. Children improvise sitting at their desks in pairs, half-turn to the audience. When the bell rings, the guys turn either to the right side of the stage or to the left. At the edges there are students playing the role of a teacher. Students use their real name.


Class. We are writing an essay: "What would I do if I received a million"

Children write with concentration. Little Johnny raises his hand.


What do you want?


- Excuse me, can you add another 100 thousand?


- Children, admit, who set fire to the chair? Note that a sincere confession removes half of the blame.


Mary Ivanovna, Mary Ivanovna, can I confess twice?

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


Well, Vitya, tell me, what is your jacket made of?


From the cloth.


Well done! And what is the cloth made of?




Well done! Where do we get wool from?


From the sheep.


Clever girl! Which animal gave you the jacket, then?



Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


What is a parallelogram?


- It's such a skewed box.

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


Why do birds fly?


- Because cats scare them.

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


Tell us what the skull is made of?


The skull consists of a jaw and ... a cuff! / improvises the back of the head on a neighbor /

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


What did Hamlet think when he saw his father's shadow?


- Hamlet thought: "Dad or not Dad or Dad?"

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


What is the role of fins in fish?


Fish have fins for braking when cornering.

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


- Igor, where is the highest population density?

Children try to whisper to the student.


The largest ... population density ... in the bus!

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


What can you tell us about the sea?


- The sea is a lot of water, surrounded on all sides by water.

Call. Children turn 90 degrees.


Gogi, prove it's a triangle.


I swear by my mom it's a triangle.

Call. Children turn 90 degrees. They improvise the dialect of the Ukrainian school.


- Alexey will go to answer the homework.



Start over.


Late autumn rooks ulya-ateli ...


Start over.


Late autumn rooks ulya-ateli ...


Why ulya-ateli?


Klya-avat necha-ava, here's ulya-ateli ...

Call. The melody of the song "Little Country" sounds. Children sing.

Small country, small country

How I want to return to myself

Where my friends are

Where my native school is

Where I studied!


Small country, small country

Native school - earthly life

Here she is, here she is ...


Amid the turmoil of endless everyday life,
Amidst important matters and petty troubles
Return to the world of reckless youth
Gives a chance to our school meeting night.
Come to school - school is waiting!

Lead 1.Hello dear friends! Thank you for not forgetting your school and for coming here to meet friends and teachers.

Lead 2.

When the dawn rises above the windows
When the moon and sun are in half
It doesn't matter who goes to school now
And it is important that she always be ...

Host 1. February is playing outside the window, it has become more fun.
Our school welcomes its friends again.
Students start the day every day
The silence is only broken by school calls.

Presenter 2. Dear our graduates! We are sincerely glad that once again within these walls have gathered those whose sonorous voices a year or five years ago filled the school with life. Whose victories and defeats were the source of the teachers' joy and sorrow. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.

Presenter 1. With love and gratitude, we are glad to greet you, dear teachers: those who work today, giving the school their talent, soul and heart, and for whom the school has become a second home.

The walls will be covered with distant youth
The familiar white poplar will snow
As if the world did not know the change:
On the same faces - the same light lies.

Presenter 2. So let the inexorable time recede at least one evening a year, and the memory will return us to the past, for someone far away, for someone not very much, at that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, they remember with tenderness and warmth all gathered here.

Lead 1.

Winters and springs rushed by.
You have already become adults
But let's remember your school days.
Calls and changes again
Lessons, first love,
Teachers who were close to you.

Host 2. School ... When you leave it, you will dream about it for a long time.

A string of days flew by -
We have nowhere to go
But you will always dream -
Childhood country!

(The song "WHERE CHILDHOOD GOES" is performed)

Lead 1.

Where are you, school books
And homework assignments?

Lead 2.

Who is now sitting at the party,
For the fourth by the window?

Host 1. Your girls got married,

Host 2. Your boys got married.

Lead 1.

And for you, for classmates,
The whole country has become a class.

Lead 2.

Your name is already by your patronymic
Our younger generation.

Lead 1.

But everyone appreciates school friendship,
As in the old days.

Lead 2.

For each other, you are still -
The same girls and boys.

Lead 1.

For whom, simply,
The whole country has become a class.

Lead 2.

It's good that there is such a date
It's good that there is a place too
Where can we all go
Where can everyone meet together
And as if to return to childhood

Lead 1.

Two friends may meet today
Who have not seen for a long time ...

Lead 2.

Your first teacher will meet someone,
And someone - first love ...

Lead 1.

And someone will not immediately recognize
In a respectable strict uncle
Kolka his classmate ...

Lead 2.

The teacher will proudly tell you
That he has matured and that he has grown up ...

Lead 1.

Let there be meetings, surprises
Let there be jokes, there will be laughter
And these wonderful moments
Will unite everyone at school today

Lead 2.

Now we invite you to the stage
The one who every day in the morning
He meets us all at the door,
Who takes care of us all at school
Of course, our director.

The student playing the role of the director: Wait, wait, Natalya Aleksandrovna, now the floor has been given to me. I am glad to welcome all of you to this hall, the place of demonstration of our already finished products... And our school produces quality products. Who is not here only: there are no cosmonauts, and nobel laureates no, and there are no ministers - in general, we have no sponsors.
But I have connections at the expense of my manufacturers: the pension fund has my own person, the district school has a colleague, a school director, my own chairman of the village council, and even my own prosecutor. Graduates always give up their seat on the bus ... to seats for disabled people. I am glad to each of your finally departed issue, because with each of his leaving I am exactly one year younger.

But before the holiday, friends, we start,
Now we will carry out the roll call here.
Be careful, shout out loud,
Don't miss the year of its release!

And we invite our director

(Speech by the headmaster)

Presenter 1. Many things have an amazing property - to return people to the memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments, which have not been given to repeat themselves for a long time

Host 2. And when we look back at the path we have passed, when we look for support and support, we open our school album.

Host 1. Our school album contains episodes school life - amazing events and incidents, joys and failures, captured by the flash of the moment of meeting with you, our graduates.

Host 2. I would like to devote at least a few frames to each of you, but where can I find a film that could accommodate all of you?

Host 1. Do not be offended by the fact that we have chosen the genre of collective portrait for our photo album - because in it you will see yourself, your teachers, the way you were in your school years.

Host 2. So, get ready! Please do not make stern faces, do not attach importance to the defects of photographic film and the imperfection of our photographic skills. Smile with us. Attention - remove!

(School Album Slideshow)

Presenter 1. The history of the school is its 11 unique, amazing, bright graduates from 2000 to 2010.

Host 2. These are gold and silver medalists, winners of subject Olympiads.

Host 1. Outstanding athletes: football players, boxers and chess players.

Presenter 2. Talented, bright artists of all school holidays.

Host 1. Each of you spent ten years at school. And all this time there were teachers nearby.

Lead 2.

How fast and menacing the Earth turns,

No strength to watch them grow old
For days of peace, for days of war.
Years will go by, you will pass by the school -
As before the youth rustles at the door.
And the school teacher - he's so old! -
With deep wrinkles and white hair.
Shoulders slumped, jacket is baggy,
And he looks as if he is to blame.
How fast and menacing the Earth turns,
And school teachers are getting old!

(Photo of teachers on the screen)

Presenter 1. Best of all, graduates who graduated from our school 30 years ago remember themselves as students. After all, the older people become, the more dear to them a carefree childhood. And we invite these graduates to the microphone.

(Speech by the guests - graduates. The song "SCHOOL" is being performed)

A first grader appears with a microphone, goes to the hall

First grader.

What's going on at our school ?!
I can't make it out!
They say that today is a visit
Uncles - aunts will come to us.
They call them so strange
However, sooner or later
I will understand something too.
Here you are, uncle, tell me
And do not pretend to be.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Passing the microphone to the graduate in the hall. He answers.

First grader.

Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Give your answer simple.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Graduate's answer.

Didn't like the answers,
Say hello now.
I will urgently grow
To school to come big.

Host 2. Probably, each of you now recognized yourself many years ago.

Presenter 1. Dear graduates, tell us how your life turned out: where do you study and work. Tell future graduates about your school, perhaps one of them will decide to follow in your footsteps.

(Alumni speeches)

Lead 2.

Let's conduct a small survey among the guests.
- your age according to your passport
- according to your own feelings
- in the opinion of others
- for health
- marital status
- do you have your own car, dacha, a devoted friend - a dog, a Japanese player, false eyelashes, a wig, false teeth?
- Is there still gunpowder in the flasks?
- Where are you planning to spend it?
- Do you have bad habits smoke, exercise, argue with superiors, come to school on time, take the session right away and without tails?
- Do you greet your classmates?
- Have you lost your sense of humor?
- Achievements that your release could boast of?
- The most vivid memory of your school life?
- Have the dreams of your youth come true?

(The bell rings.)

Lead 1.

For a long time I love school calls ...
However, it cannot be otherwise,
The live connection of the line begins with them
And the first thoughts on the task.

Any route leaves them far away
And in them joyful discoveries begin,
This is how, probably, the rockets take off
And the ships are leaving the pier.

Host 2. You also left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember you all. And now we would like to see how well you remember the school, the subjects that you studied here. You all graduated from school in different years, but once you were friendly classes, let's remember this time.

Moderator 1. We invite one student from each class for the first lesson here. Knowledge of the world (or a little about everything).
We answer questions. Let me remind you that you have to raise your hand to answer.

In the novel "The Defeat" by Fadeev, of the following characters are involved:

Snow Maiden
Santa Claus

Finish the quote: "I go out alone ..."
to work
on the road
on the bear

Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, it is -

What formula actually exists:
What does it matter to you

I went to the North Pole ...
Kim Il Sung

Karl Marx wrote ...

Adding the numbers together gives

After 2 minutes, sing at least one verse from the song that contains the following words:
- letters, school, notebook, words, friendship, verb.

Host 2. You have coped with all the tasks with dignity, which means that we did not teach you in vain. The first lesson is over (bell rings).I ask you not to disperse for a break. Now the music lesson is scheduled.

(Contest "Collect a song")

For the competition, you will need to prepare sheets of paper on which the words of the song are written. The task of the participants, after looking at the notes, is to say which song is encrypted there, and sing it. The winner is the one who does it first.

(Bell rings)

Leader 1. The next lesson will be anatomy. I invite medical students, doctors, veterinarians.

(Competition "Bodies")

For the competition, you need to prepare organs in advance - this is a drawing of human organs, on the back of which there is double-sided tape. Players receive a set of organs, which must be placed in the correct order.

(Bell rings)

Host 2. And now there is a change. The nimble ones can excel here. a couple of tomboys are invited.

(Contest "Greedy")

You will need a lot of balloons for the competition. Before inflating, they put one coin at a time, preferably of a different denomination. Then all these balls are added to a common pile. Participants line up along the starting line. Near each is a wallet (envelope made of paper).

At the signal of the leader, the participants run to the balls, crush him without using their hands. They take a coin from it and carry it into their wallet. The competition ends when all the balls are crushed.

The winner is the one who has collected the largest amount with his coins.

He is awarded the title of "Greedy Man".

(Bell rings)

Presenter 1. And now a lesson in literature. 6 participants are invited, capable of reincarnation and having an acting talent.

The presenter chooses from among the colorful characters present who will play the roles of Turnip, Grandfather, Grandma, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Mouse. The facilitator distributes to them “costumes” (wigs, hats, ears, bows, etc.) and cards with short phrases that the participants must say every time the facilitator gives a sign.

Lead 2.

Grandpa planted Turnip,
I poured fertilizers
The sun began to bake
Turnip began to grow.
So she grew up;
And she said: "Both - on!"
Grandfather bit the bit
And I thought: "In, business!"
Grandpa called Grandma here,
The grandmother shouted: "Nakhal!"
Turnip again: "Both - on!"
The grandfather replied: "In, business!",
He grabbed the turnip tightly,
He pulled as best he could.
But without a grandmother he blundered.
She replied: "Nakhal!"
I pulled it, I couldn't,
Immediately she called her granddaughter.
She is not smart but for years:
"I was not hired by you!"
Turnip in shock: "Both - on!",
Grandpa, too: "In, business!",
Everyone slept from the grandmother,
Barely said: "Nakhal!"
Granddaughter doesn't care about dramas:
"I was not hired by you!"
They pull - Turnips can not be seen -
We need to call Bug to them.
The bug is happy to help them -
Answers: "I am not averse."
But again it didn't work out.
Here and the Cat came in handy.
“No problem,” she said
And at the end of the chain she became.
The result is not to be seen
You need to call the mouse.
The mouse had a simple answer:
"Dude, there is no market!"
The turnip moans: "Both - on!"
Grandfather in ecstasy: "Woo, business!",
Grandma almost got in the eye,
That, of course: "Nakhal!"
Super - replica for ladies:
"I was not hired by you!"
The poor beetle is no longer able to,
But through clenched teeth: "I'm not averse."
The cat pulls: "No problem"
Doesn't risk anything.
The mouse pressed a little
And, pleased, she said:
"Dude, there is no market!" -
Here is Turnip for lunch!

(Bell rings)

Lead 1.Well, the graduate class showed that school years were not in vain. Everyone got their A5 today. But there is one more class in our school - a class of graduate teachers. They graduated from our school and after graduation returned here as teachers. Today there are 3 graduate teachers working in our school.

We invite to the stage and welcome them,
forever young, forever young.
These are the ones who don't know
What last call
These are the ones with prom
School years are not over
Forever young
rush to class with us every day
Those who finished school.
But the school was not over for them.

Presenter 2. Consolidated ensemble of teachers sings a tragic - lyrical song - the confession “Am I to blame”. Performed for the first time.

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for my love?
Am I to blame for my hand trembling
When did you give him a two?

Is it her fault that the hand trembled,
When did you give him a two?

I brought, harassed, harassed, harassed,
Never taught anything.
But I believed everything, I took it on bail,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took it on bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

Life is good with him, the soul is cheerful,
Even though there is not a shit in his notebooks.

Guilty for everything, guilty around,
You also want to justify yourself.
So why, why, "stake" slapped him?

Oh, why, why, did she put a stake on him?
And I could have put “five”.

Presenter 1. On this day, the poet's words come to mind:

On anxious days, on deaf days
We all "feel the cruellest
Not for the past nostalgia -
Nostalgia for the present "...

Host 2. True love ...

Host 1. True friendship ...

Host 2. True loyalty ...

Moderator 1. True kindness ...

Host 2. For many of us, this is all about school.

Presenter 1. After all, in the life of every person there was necessarily a lesson in which the teacher managed to ignite in his soul a small spark of love, kindness, hope ...

Lead 2.School! School! And what is school! ”? How does it begin and how does it end?

(Elementary, middle and high school students come out)

1. Clear day. September. Chamomile.
Bow. Pigtails. First graders.
Two by two. Primer. Five.
First cleaning in class.

2. Pharaohs. Globe. Map.
Painted desk.
Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.
Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.
Friend, for test preparation
And in the gym - workout.

3. Dancing. The festival. Guitar.
Kiss. For a quarter of a couple.
State exam. Farewell ball.
Joy mixed with sadness.
Certificate. Flowers in the window.
Why am I so sad?

Presenter 1. School in our memory is bright classes,
Lead 2.School is a chalk board
Lead 1.Strict teachers
Lead 2.Lost somewhere diary
Lead 1.Parent notation,
Lead 2.First love ...
Lead 1.And how great the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hurrah! Books flew into the briefcase like birds!

Host 2. No wonder they say that you can truly appreciate something only when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to the school graduates. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.

(Graduates start speaking)

Lead 1.

Graduates rush to the light
And the chocolates are stacked ...
Happy yet lonely
The sadness of longing shines in my eyes ...

Lead 2.

Funny, downhole and different,
Running from tests and problem books
From essays like from the plague.

Lead 1.

With the school, you are warm, like with your mother.
But even this may not be the main thing:
You understand how we loved you.

Lead 2.

It won't happen again, you won't write it clean.
Even if you learn all the rules by heart,
You sit at the desk, stand at the blackboard ...

Lead 1.

Classmates will not gather again -
Everyone has their own sorrows, weekdays, holidays,
Shy sprouts of their fate.

Lead 2.

And the school ... Well, it is salvation from troubles.
Here is the resurrection of youth.
The teachers are still strict
Mocking and a little tired.

Lead 1.

You come in, if you have enough time
Drink some tea, rest your soul,
And as before, going on stage,
In the finale, ring the song of the backwater

(All singing the "Alumni Anthem")

Again, again we all came to our school,
Here again we are with you.
On this winter and very cheerful evening
My friends and I came to meet.

School doesn't say goodbye to you.

How many different adventures were there at school,
How many managed to survive in it ...
People all remember this, without exception,
How can you forget all this.

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, aside any
School you won't say goodbye
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

Host 2. Our evening has come to an end. We say goodbye to you and look forward to meeting you again in this room in a year.


Classmate "Ashka"- "I will have champagne!"

Classmate Marusya- "Oh, I'll get drunk today! Oh, I'll get drunk today!"

Classmate from "Bae" - "Egyptian force!"

Misha is a prankster- "Great holiday at all!"

All others present play the role of guests - "We congratulate ourselves!"

The evening of the meeting is the most beautiful

And the guests are already full - full.
This holiday is for the most elite,
The song is flowing, the wine is playing.

Classmate Ashek, after eating the fifth course,
Sings with inspiration: "I'll have champagne!"

And at the very edge of the table claims
from Beshek Marusya:
“Oh, I'll get drunk today! oh, today I'll get drunk! "

How many dishes on the table, treats
And you can't count salads
Friends gathered here for communication:
They will remember their school.

Classmate from "Bae",
I'm completely satisfied with everything.
Hugs a neighbor on the desk,
Who has a husband and kids.
Beats sweetly under her ear:
"Egyptian force!!!"

And all the guests (we know something)
Shouting: "We congratulate ourselves!"

Impressive man, former Misha is a prankster,
Exclaims out loud: "Finally a great holiday!"
He devours all the ladies with the eyes,
And in fantasies undresses them.
And blinks at neighbor Marusa.

AND Marusya repeats: "Oh, today
I'll get drunk! "

Toasts are pouring like a river,
Congratulations ... as many as you like!
Classmate "Ashek",
Dancing a voodoo dance
Requires powerfully:
"I will have champagne".

Classmate from "Be"
Rides like a horse
The brunette is not sickly:
"Egyptian force!"

Well, the guests... We do not yawn,
We shout very amicably:
“We congratulate ourselves! "

Flirting with a blonde Misha the prankster,
On his mind: "Finally a great holiday!"

Neighbor Marusya's nose is a little red,
Consciousness is dim, but the look is so beautiful
Incessantly repeats under his breath Marusya:
"Oh, I'll get drunk today!"

Classmate "Ashek",
I already broke the dishes
On the evening of the meeting he repeats: "I will have champagne!"

Guests at once, round off this verse
And we shout effectively: "We congratulate ourselves!"

Evening of meeting of graduates at school. Scenario "Hello, hello, evening of meetings"

First-graders, a girl and a boy, run out onto the stage. They hold the school bell and ring the bell for the start of the party. Then they go down from the stage, walk through the hall, go out into the school corridor, without ceasing to call.

The song "School years are wonderful" sounds
School presentation. On the screen.

Immediately after the song, the presenters take the stage.

Lead 1
Hello dear friends!
Lead 2
Hello graduates different years, beloved teachers
Lead 1
Thank you for not forgetting your school and for coming here to meet friends and teachers.
Lead 2
Welcome to meeting evening
To my home school tonight.
Lead 1
It is no coincidence that we began our evening with the song "School Years" and with a bell.
With this song and with this call, you began your studies. They sounded on the ruler on the memorable day of September 1, when you first sat down at your desk.
Lead 2
They sounded on the day when the school accompanied you to great swimming on the ocean with the name "Life".
Lead 1
We hope that this song and this bell will become a reliable bridge connecting you to your home school.
Lead 2
The school years passed,
For a long time you are not schoolchildren,
But you will never forget school -
The memory of childhood is here for all years.
Lead 1
But before the holiday, friends, we start,
Now we will carry out the roll call here.
Be careful, shout out loud,
Don't miss the year of its release!

The presenters begin the roll call of graduates with last year graduation, while celebrating the anniversary years of graduates.

Lead 1

Year 2018! - ___ person
Lead 2
Year 2017! - ____person
Lead 1
Year 2016! - ____ person, etc.
The roll call goes until the very first year of release.

Lead 1
Thank you for coming to the holiday,
They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.
What a happiness everyone meets at school -
Get together for the evening meeting once a year!
Lead 2
Your class and school friends
You will see your teachers again.
Today, like many years ago,
"Welcome!" - at the entrance they say.
Lead 1
Winters and springs rushed by.
You have become adults a long time ago.
But let's remember your school days.
Calls and changes again.
Lead 2
First love.
Teachers who were close to you!

The first time you came to first grade -
They could neither write nor read.
You carried flowers to the line.
They put on you a beautiful uniform ..

First class is the first bell.
There were joys, there were hardships
Our teacher and the first lesson -
This is how the school years began.

Do you remember was around
A sea of \u200b\u200bcolors and sounds.
From my mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.

He introduced you to first grade.
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.

Book pages turn yellow.
River names change
But you are his student
Then, now and forever.

And if it's big in life,
Voluntarily or not,
You suddenly twist your soul
It will hurt him very much.

And if in a harsh hour
You will stand like a man.
The smile will be shed immediately
With rays of kind wrinkles.

Give in the fresh wind
It will flare up brighter -
From my mother's warm hands
The teacher took your heart ...

Lead 1
Yes, the teacher at all times was famous for his work, and we students all our lives will be grateful to them for the warmth that they gave us, for the knowledge that they gave us.

Lead 2
At our holiday, I am present teachers who are on a well-deserved rest, let's greet them

Lead 1
You will always stay with us,
Because we always need.
This means you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never! (all labor veterans are listed).

Lead 2
For you, our dear teachers, grade 7 performs Waltz

Waltz performed by grade 7.
Lead 1
And yet what is a school?
Lead 2
School in our memory is bright classes,
Lead 1
School is a chalk board
Lead 2
Strict teachers
Lead 1
Lost somewhere diary
Lead 2
Parent notation,
Lead 1
First love…

Lead 2
And how great the bell rang from the last lesson! Hurrah! Books flew into the portfolio like birds!
Lead 1
The locker room is crowded. The school doors rang out victoriously with fireworks! The schoolyard was filled with joyful shouts! Hurrah! Lessons are over!
Lead 2
And in the schoolyard poplar leaves are dropping ... Autumn winds are walking around ... And school years are running after the wind ...

Lead 1
And where does the school begin? Of course with the director.
Lead 2
Parting word, like a second mother,
The headmaster wants to tell you!
Meet Artyomenko N.N.

Director's speech
Lead 1
The walls will be covered with distant youth
The familiar white poplar will snow
As if the world did not know the change:
On the same faces - the same light lies.
Lead 2
So let the inexorable time recede at least one evening a year, and the memory will return us to the past, for someone distant, for someone not very much, at that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, with tenderness and warmth remember all those gathered here ...

The song "Our school is a miracle" is performed

Lead 2
And now we will see how the graduates of our school remember everything they were taught at school.
Lead 1
We begin the first lesson.
Lead 2
Today we have integrated lessons. And in the first lesson, we will remember history, geography, biology, chemistry and literature.

1. In the novel "The Defeat" of Fadeev, of the following characters are involved: Blizzard, Morozko, Snegurochka, Ded Moroz
2. Finish the quote: "I go out alone ..." to work, to the road, to the bear
3. Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, these are acids, oxides, alkalis
4. Karl Marx wrote ... Radical, Integral, Capital
5. When adding numbers, you get a product, a sum, a quotient, a lot
6. What question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Do you sleep?)
7. Which branch does not grow from a tree? (Railway)
8. Which frequenter of kitchens, canteens and restaurants has a mustache longer than legs? (At the cockroach)
9. Continent without rivers. (Antarctica)
10. Between which two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)
11. What colored seas do you know? (Black, White, Red. Yellow)
12. Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)
13. Where can you not find a dry stone? (In water)
14. Time of harvesting grain. (Strada)
15. Where is the best for the hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)
16. What flower has masculine and female name? (Ivan da Marya)
17. Which elephant has no trunk? (Chess)
18. What month has 28 days? (In any)

Lead 1
You coped with all the tasks with dignity, which means that our respected teachers did not teach you in vain.

Lead 2
You were all good!
Everyone shouted heartily!
And as a reward from us
The dance will be performed now!

Dance performed by the younger group

Lead 2
And now a music lesson
Lead 1
So that you do not get bored,
Let's try to play.
For a moment we will return to your childhood,
Let's play a little and laugh!

Lead 2
And those who will actively play
We will give them gifts!

Lead 1
So first the game
It's time to explain the terms of this!
"Your favorite song!"
You will sing it all together.
3 teams are invited to the stage: classroom teacher and 3 people of the same year.

Game "Song"
In 1 minute, you need to put together the words of your favorite song from individual words.

Lead 1
Who will collect faster
That first song will sing for us!

The leaves are written with words from children's songs. "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass", "Antoshka", "Let them run awkwardly", "Clouds", "Two funny geese", "Maybe a crow", "White ships", "Buratino", "Blue carriage".

Lead 2
Time flies fast, everything changes.
Colleges and lyceums are appearing everywhere.
And among them our usual,
Our high school is great!
Lead 1
You will appreciate the school only then
When the years pass, like moments.
She will often dream at night.
No one will forget school years!
Lead 2
Dream of a school scene
Your first roles
First applause!
First success!
And you are happy!
You are the best!

The scene "Othello and Desdemona" 9th grade is performed without announcement.

Lead 1
Savvy and ingenuity
We helped you more than once in your life.
If you don't mind the time,
Prove it to us now.

Lead 2
Let's play a little more
It's very boring to live without a game,
After all, the game helps many
Remember childhood and love life!

Game "Auction"
The guesser gets the named prize. If there are pauses in the hall, the presenters can give small hints about the objects being played.

Lot No. 1
White, sizzling, aromatic foam and a lot of pleasure. Here's everything there is to say about this lot! (Soap.)
Lot No. 2
A fun tool that will brighten any holiday! (Balloon.)
Lot No. 3
This lot will make any woman beautiful, no matter how old she is! (Mascara, varnish - any cosmetic product.)
Lot No. 4
And this is an absolutely necessary item! He will dispel any darkness in an instant! (Candle.)
Lot No. 5
Evening lights of restaurants, coffee in bed, Hilton Hotel! Buy this lot - an indispensable attribute of a sweet life! (Chocolate.)
Lot No. 6
Are you tired, frustrated, tired of life? Smile - and everything will pass! This lot will give you a sincere smile. (Toothpaste.)

Lead 2
Now is the fun break

Lead 1
Our school is rich in talents!
Guys give you their art!

Spanish dance "Cha-cha-cha" Grade 7.

Lead 1
And now there is 2 lesson, it will be integrated - mathematics and linguistics.
Lead 2
5 school graduates are invited.
Lead 1
Now we will find out which of you knows these two subjects best.
And so we begin to remember the verbal counting. We will count as follows. The first graduate names the first number - one. The second - the second, but in English, the third - again in Russian, 4 - in English, etc. the graduate who made a mistake drops out. We will engage our teacher as independent experts of English language Oksana Viktorovna and mathematics teacher Apasova Zinaida Mikhailovna So, let's start ... ..
Lead 2
You have done well. It can be seen that you did not go to school in vain.
Lead 1
And now a lesson in literature and Russian
Lead 2.
Lesson topic: oral composition on the topic: "Let's remember the school years."
Lead 1
Graduates! Is any of you ready
To perform on this stage now?
Do not be shy, feel free to leave,
Tell us a little about yourself.
Lead 2
You can sing and dance
To wish our teachers happiness.

Speech by graduates.

Lead 1
We see that you know how to work mentally, and now let's see how you remember physical education lessons.
Lead 2
We invite 2 graduates and 2 graduates.

Competition for girls - who will jump more on the rope, and for men, who will squeeze more from the floor.

Lead 1
After such a lesson, it is necessary to give rest to both body and soul. For you, a dance performed by grade 7

Scene "Awkward things" performed by the 9th grade.

Lead 1

All graduates had different destinies.
Lead 2
Different paths have been chosen. Among our graduates there are doctors, builders, executives.
Lead 1
Lawyers, representatives of working specialties,
Lead 2
Entrepreneurs, athletes, law enforcement officials.
Lead 1
And each of them is a person with a capital letter.
Lead 2
They say that we do not choose the roads, but they choose us.
Lead 1
Our school has been standing for 44 years. A small island in the ocean of life.
Lead 2
Regimes changed, leaders came and went ...
Lead 1
Ideals and values \u200b\u200bwere crumbling ...
Lead 2
The history of our school, like in a drop of water, reflected the history of our country.
Lead 1
The story that pierced the fate of the teachers, went through the fate of the students.
Lead 2
The school made a big leap forward. Renewed classrooms, new technologies, student government. Participation of teachers and students of the school in contests, competitions, Olympiads at the level of the district, region, Russia. School life is boiling.
Lead 1
And the students in it remain all the same perky, cheerful, sometimes playful children.
Lead 2
But it won't be long before
Lead 1
And your kids are just like you
Lead 2
Leave this school
Lead 1
But never you, nor we, nor they will forget
Lead 2
That they graduated from this particular secondary school.
Lead 1
School number 12, village Novoalekseevsky
Lead 2
And today we want to introduce a new tradition of the Evening of meeting of graduates of our school
Lead 2
Let's all stand together and sing the anthem of the graduates of our secondary school № 12.
Each graduate was given the words of a song at the entrance
Again, again we all came to our school,
Here again we are with you.
On this winter and very cheerful evening
My friends and I came to meet.
Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, aside any
School you won't say goodbye
School doesn't say goodbye to you.
How many different adventures were there at school,
How long did we go through at school ...
People all remember this, without exception,
How can you forget all this.

Lead 1
Our comic lessons are over.
Lead 2
We hope that they were not in vain, and you, at least for a short time, found yourself in the country of childhood, in a country called school life.
Lead 1
Clean classrooms are empty and quiet
The sun bunny wanders around the map.
White poems have not been erased from the boards
And old desks are painted ...
The foliage from the poplars flew around again,
Time rushes without school -
School childhood over the years,
How I would like to return to him ...

Lead 2
Native classrooms, windows, walls
And a sweet old call
Calling us to change
And returning to class.
An unsolvable riddle -
Lesson without edge, without end ...
And someone's nose, shattered in a fight
Right here, by the school porch ...
No, you can't hide that time
Though the year and month are forgotten
Yet sometimes sometimes
The heart will ache on the past ...

Lead 1
Let the years rush swiftly and boldly
Like the waters of raging rivers -
But a haven of childhood
But the harbor of the heart
The school will remain forever!
Lead 2
Good luck, dear graduates!
Leading together
Until next time!

The song "Where does childhood go?"

Graduates have bows tied: A-class - green, B-class - red.

It seems that just recently the last bell at our school rang, and your class scattered throughout life in different directions. Only 10 years have passed since you all gathered at this table to see each other and remember those unforgettable moments of school life.
Opening toast:

You haven't seen for many years, friends,
Each has its own fate:
Work, hobbies, family -
A lot of worries have accumulated in life!

But despite this, together you
And the evening of the meeting unites you again
And your eyes are full of joy,
And again the road to the past has opened!

Let's remember school years
And let's have a wonderful evening
But first, I, like a toastmaster,
I propose you a toast to your meeting!

In order for our glasses to be in order tonight, let's appoint a "duty officer." Let's define it according to the results of the competition. Let's remember each teacher in our school - we call the name and patronymic, and the subject. Whoever turns out to be the last one won this competition.

Who is the last - that Duty.

You are in luck, you are the "Duty"! Get the props (whistles) for today's feast, your task is to keep order and whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order, and also if I suddenly chatter, and your throat is dry, you can whistle !!! I ask questions. Competition "I came because .."

It would be time to see each other more often -
there would be reasons to drink a hundred times.
No time! For real friends
there is only one way out - to make up for everything now.
Glasses - higher! Get a closer snack!
Let's drink to your best deeds.
And we wish as usual, in Russian,
so that your life is carefree. For you! Whistle!

Well, as the popular wisdom says between the first and the second (let them say options) ... pour, or I'll leave!
So the second toast has arrived, I propose to say it all together.
You just have to repeat the words: the left side is "You have to drink for this", the right side is "We do not mind"
Classmates today
We joyfully meet
You have to drink for this!
And we don't mind!
The years go by quickly
But we don't count them
You have to drink for this
And we don't mind!
We have not seen for a long time
But we all remember, we know
You have to drink for this
And we don't mind!
They reached many heights
But let's not forget the class.
You have to drink for this
And we don't mind!
For our strong friendship
Rather pour!
You have to drink for this
And we don't mind!

I want to note that the attention of the guests may be somewhat scattered, so we will help each other so that not a single toast goes unnoticed. As soon as you need to drain your glasses, I will certainly say: "You have to drink for this!"
You will answer me unanimously: "but we do not mind!"
And on my command "let's go" you can safely drink your drinks.

And now I will ask you to play along with me a little more. Let's raise both hands up ... and behind me, together, loudly, chorus repeat: "Goodbye" - guests, respectively: "Goodbye!" …… “More” …… ”Sober”… .. “You won't see me!” You have to drink for this!

Color competition
Of course, you all came here today to see each other, remember your school years, have a good rest. But deep down, everyone has a hidden real intention with which you came here. So, guys, I put colored candy wrappers under your plates in advance.
Please raise your hands, those of the guys who have a blue candy wrapper - these gentlemen will eat and drink the most today. Applause for their healthy appetite.
Now raise your hands, who has a green candy wrapper. Look at them carefully. These comrades will shout the whole evening “Hurray, we have met!”.
Raise your hands, who has a yellow candy wrapper. These comrades will stay to clean up the dishes at dawn. Give them a hand!
So, who has a white candy wrapper? These gentlemen will take everyone home after the end of the evening!
And finally, please raise your hand for those who have the red wrapper. These guests came here to have a good time! They applauded each other!
Tovarischi! You have to drink for this!

Introducing the teachers.
I go up to the couple _________, I ask my wife:
- Are you ________'s spouse? Introduce youreself! How many years have you been married? Are you happy with your choice? Is Dima brought up and attentive? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
I go up to the couple _________, I ask my husband:
- You are the spouse of _____! What is your name? ___ - good wife? Is she economic, kind to children, affectionate to you? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Friends, I am sure everyone in this room can be proud of their second polo, brought up within the walls of our school. And who is “to blame” for all this? Of course, teachers! And the dearest of them are present at our evening today. I think they should be presented for those who are not yet familiar with them.
How inexorable is time, fleeting
Suddenly they understood when they came to the evening of the meeting.
Teachers, once upon a time, in your childhood, young,
We met you again at the entrance, but already gray-haired.
All the same shine in the eyes, the same tone, -
You seem to be in a lesson again, gaining knowledge.
Teachers! Bow to the earth from all students!
Let with a delay, we express our recognition to you!
You have to drink for this! Go! Toast to teachers
School bell is ringing !!!
Oh, what does that mean? Call for a lesson! Did you miss?

I ask the teachers:
Please tell me where does each lesson begin? (from roll call)
Tell me, were there any record holders in this class for the number of n-oks in the class magazine?
Who was the first on the list in the magazine? Who will be last? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Let us not change our traditions even today and call those who are present at the holiday today.


Now those who recognize themselves, together raise their hand and shout "This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!"

I start the roll call
And I firmly assure you:
I will try to name everyone
Let me start? ..

Who does not betray his roots,
the native village glorifies,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here? (This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!)

Hello bye
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds?
From the near, far abroad?

Who built himself a house
celebrated housewarming in the house
and now he lives in it,
having lived through this fun?

There is no more beautiful in this world
live in their own apartment
Who is the owner?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

You are parents with experience
Someone with more, frankly?
Who became a mom and dad in the light,
Whose children are more than 7 years old?

We will continue about children
heroic families
Who, mindlessly,
The large family? (who has 3 or more)

Who is still single
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness
To create a family faster.

Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this, stand up now?

Who is on the site, on the famous
Adorable classmates
Is he trying to find everyone?
Who's online?

Who, despite life's burden,
I found the opportunity, the means, the time
And I'm very glad today
10 years back?

And let's not forget about those who are absent today - for them there is a penalty n-ka in the magazine, and for you - a reason to drink! A toast to you, to your desire and opportunity to be here! You have to drink for this!

School bell is ringing !!!

And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember school days again and look at them with humor. Which of you has written the best compositions? ... .. (invite) I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Russian language has not yet been forgotten, what is an adjective remember? Call the adjectives funnier, and you write it down and in 5 minutes we will have the essay “we are graduates!”
When September 1 came 21 years ago, it was the very ……………………………. day in our life.
We put on …………………… .. uniforms, …………………………… satchels and with ……………………… .. a bouquet of flowers went to the first grade for the first time. Hello ……………………………… school!
What are ………………………… classes, ………………………… desks and ………………………………. teachers with ……………………… smiles! We learned the basics of science with pleasure and dreamed of becoming …………………………. And …………………………………….
Time flew by unnoticed. We have got a lot of …………………………… friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we gladly hurried to school. And then I came …………………………………. day of delivery of certificates. Everyone's faces were ………………… .., and their gait ………………………………. But when we took this …………………… document in our hands, we immediately became ………………………… ..!
And now, after 10 years, we sit at ………………… a table, with ……………………… snacks and ………………………… drinks and celebrate our ………………… …… meet you! Let's raise our glasses and drink to us, such ………………………. AND…………………………….! Long live we, the very ……………………… .. graduates of 2003 !!

You have to drink for this!
Let's drink to the compositions of each of you - let them end with a happy end in many, many years !!!

In primary school, you had just mastered the basics of writing, but even then love notes were flying around the class, with tips for the test, etc. Admit it, who wrote? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
Or maybe someone was in love with someone? Today I think this can be admitted.
No wonder I remembered about the notes, so a small parcel came to me, let's find out who is intended for:

Contest-game "Parcel"

A package arrived from a messenger
Only without a signature, that's how offensive,
She must go around the hall in a circle,
To find owners for yourself!
What is in this package?
Sweet beauty let her have a look, the one
What sits closer to the leader of all! (I pass the parcel)

You can hold the parcel,
But then you have to give it away
Not sisters, not brothers,
And the girl in the most elegant dress! (Transmitting)

Brigitte Bordeaux would cry with envy
How your outfit would have seen
But another parcel is waiting
















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