Why can you hear a rooster singing? Why a rooster crows during the day, at night or constantly: folk signs. If you can't hear crowing

9 months back


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More meanings of the word and the translation of COCK from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of the COCK from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for COCK in dictionaries.

  • COCK - Rooster
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  • COCK - cock; rooster amer. indian cock - turkey-cock get up with cocks rag. - rise * at cock-crow; get * up with the lark ...
  • COCK - 1. cock, cockerel; rooster 2.pl. (cock crowing) cock-crow sg. rise with ~ s rise * at cock-crow; sit until ~ s sit * ...
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  • COCK - 1) cock 2) rooster
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  • COCK - The cock
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  • COCK - cock
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  • COCK - m. Cock; rooster amer. indian cock - turkey-cock get up with cocks rag. - rise * at cock-crow; get * up with the ...
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  • COCK - m. Cock; rooster amer. indian cock - turkey-cock ать get up with cocks rag. - rise * at cock-crow; get * up with ...
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  • COCK - Rooster
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  • COCK - (blat.) 1) the head of the railway station, 2) five years in prison, 3) a policeman, 4) an active homosexual, 5) five rubles

  • COCK - Passive bugger
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • COCK - 1. cock, cockerel; rooster 2.pl. (cock crowing) cock-crow sg. rise with ~ s rise * at cock-crow; sit up to ~ s sit * up till cock-crow; let smb. in ...
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  • COCK - husband. 1) rooster, cock fighting cock - game-cock 2) (bully, fighter) bantam, fighting cock, rooster || let a rooster - (when ...
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  • FOWL - 1.noun 1) rare. bird (also collected); game Syn: bird 2) a) domestic bird (com. hen or rooster; in ...
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  • COCK - I 1. n 1. cock fighting ~ - a) fighting cock; b) see 5 2. male (mainly birds ...
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Rooster personality traits by chinese zodiac

There is a belief that Roosters spread throughout the world from the Scandinavian countries and their ancestor was the Gallic Rooster. There are no legends associated with him, he is just a symbol. During the revolution in France, the Rooster was a symbol of revolutionaries. This is not in vain, because no one can deny his belligerence and tenacity.

It is believed that the Rooster symbolizes the Sun, as with his morning singing he calls a mighty luminary to the sky. In India, he personifies exactly solar energy, and in Japan - the rebirth of the first light. In China, the Rooster symbolizes the five main virtues.

This is a real harbinger of goodness, with his appearance and gait he lures good spirits, with his comb he resembles a noble Chinese Rooster - this is an image of a patron saint and a symbol of life.

With his inviting cry, he heralds the coming of the day and scatters the evil spirits of darkness. We know that according to all legends, witches, sorcerers and vampires are able to act only until the first cock crow. According to the Chinese horoscope, the rooster personifies youth, light and hope.

In nature, there is a huge number of different Roosters that amaze with incredible colors, feather lengths. They are always business-like and laid-back, regarding their human masters as servants to their important person.

When there was still no clock, the rooster served as an alarm clock, and even now in distant villages, where civilization has not yet penetrated, people get up at the call of the rooster in order to start field work.

In general, the life of the Rooster according to the Chinese horoscope does not bode well for great success. Typically, they go through many ups and downs during their lives in both love and work. Poverty will alternate with wealth.

If the Rooster is born in the spring, he will be a lesser braggart. Throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood, the Rooster is often burdened with problems that cause it to rise and fall. During such periods, they get both happiness and failure.

They can find themselves either in a noisy circle of people, or in complete isolation. But, as a rule, in the second half of their life, their position stabilizes, they acquire good work and position in society. Then their life becomes calm and they live to a deep and happy old age.

Rooster Years Chinese Zodiac

1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005. Good for politics, getting money, overcoming inertia, fighting injustice, for developing personal qualities, self-sufficiency, good luck in getting small sums of money. At this time, one should be wary of extremism and excessive demands on oneself and others.

Rooster People Chinese Zodiac

They are extremely honest and frank. Their work is always very effective. They are good organizers, especially when it comes to business and money. These are high profile specialists who successfully work in the media or in the field of law. However, they can be dogmatic and harsh in their relationships with others. In the year of the Rooster were born such famous peoplelike Prince Phillip and Pope Paul IV.

OBSERVATIONS AND SUPERSTIES ABOUT THE COCK For the Slavs, the rooster is considered the guardian of the economy. This bird symbolizes fertility and protects the yard from evil spirits. At the same time, the rooster has demonic properties: for example, it can lay an egg, from which a basilisk will then hatch. Of course, there are many interesting signs about a rooster, in some areas that have retained their relevance to this day. Signs associated with the rooster as the keeper of the farm The rooster lived in every rural yard, where he led a flock of chickens. He was responsible for order at the site and to some extent was considered an "analogue" of the real owner-man. They believed: If you do not keep a rooster, then livestock will not multiply, and butter and milk will turn out to be tasteless. Therefore, when the family was divided and dispersed, in each new courtyard they were sure to have a rooster. The white rooster is the guarantor of happiness and well-being in the house, while the black bird causes quarrels between spouses. But only the Western and Eastern Slavs adhered to this opinion. Southerners, on the other hand, preferred to keep black cocks. In order to increase the fertility of the soil, it is required to drive a rooster across the field. After finishing the harvest, you need to prepare a special rooster dish to ensure a good harvest in the future. For the same purpose, the Serbs sprinkled bird's blood on the grain before throwing it into the soil. Perceiving the rooster as a protector and guardian, the Slavs often buried his body on the outskirts of the village, in the threshing floor or under a house under construction. Thus, the bird became an eternal guardian and protected people from evil forces and diseases. If cholera was approaching the settlement, the headman ordered to redeem the rooster in a river, pond, or well. This was done to purify water, which was considered the main carrier of infection. Also read: Fortune telling with a rooster Signs about roosters and fire The rooster often personifies the element of fire. This is the bird of Khors and Dazhbog - the deities of the sun. It is believed that this connection is due to the characteristic red scallop on the bird's head, resembling a flame. Also, the common red-and-red coloring, which many roosters "flaunt", plays a role. Be that as it may, the bird became the patron saint of fire, sunlight and fires. "Let the red rooster fly" means "set on fire." The bird often warns people about this disaster by knocking on the window and screaming. The Eastern Slavs believed: a fire was not far off if the rooster died. The fire begins at the moment when lightning strikes and a fiery rooster descends from the sky onto the building. At the same time, the bird serves as a fire protector. If you put a figurine of a rooster on the ridge of the roof, then the house is not afraid of fire. Signs about the crowing of a rooster One of the main tasks of a rooster is to measure time and drive evil spirits. It was believed that from sunset to the first rays of the sun, evil spirits were supposed to walk on the earth. But as soon as the rooster cries, all the evil spirits hide, and people can fearlessly leave their homes. But sometimes the bird speaks at the “wrong” time. Such a sign was considered an important omen: Singing between dusk and midnight speaks of someone's imminent birth or death. Usually the bird portends death to the one who heard the crow. Sometimes it was believed that the rooster lures a person out into the street in order to harm him. To avoid trouble, burning coal was thrown from the window. A cry at almost twelve o'clock in the morning - someone had just died, and his soul flew to the sky. Crowing in the early evening - to bad weather, at sunset - to rain. Singing out of season was often considered a hallmark for receiving news. A cry at noon - to luck or a change in the weather. We also focused on the place where the rooster crowed. For example: at the back door - a stranger will come to the house; near the door - you shouldn't go on a trip today; on the doorstep - to the guests. In fact, the crowing of a cock was a sign of death and birth, receiving news, changing weather, visiting guests. They "selected" the meaning in a particular case according to their own feelings. If the cry seems ominous, then it promises doom. In other situations, you can get by with "little blood". The Demonic Character of the Rooster There are roosters that even the devil fears. Ukrainians call them tsariks. Such birds begin to crow while still in the egg, and when they grow up, they become the most daring and lively in the entire outskirts. They are the first to sing at midnight and serve as messengers of death or important news. Tsarik is not slaughtered so as not to incite misfortune. At the same time, they believed: a rooster cannot live longer than nine years. An old bird carries a small egg, from which a certain demonic creature is hatched. It is called a basilisk, an antipka, a fiery serpent and is represented in the form of a spark, fire, a tiny man, a cat or a chicken. The “newborn” is unclean by nature and hunts for the soul of the owner of the house, in exchange for which he serves a person for three years. The "demon" consumes unsalted eggs and milk as food. According to Belarusian beliefs, a brownie is born from an egg laid by a rooster and carried by a man under his arm for six months. It looks like a small snake sometimes associated with a basilisk. A similar superstition concerns sparrow eggs, only the witch takes care of them, and the devil hatches. In some cases, evil spirits can disguise themselves as a rooster. Then the bird is able to harm a person who does not expect a catch from his "pet". Rooster signs are based on popular belief in the supernatural. Like any other superstition, they reflect the ideas of our ancestors about the world. The wide spread of signs allowed them to take root deeply in the minds of people and survive practically unchanged to this day.

The rooster lived in every country yard, where he led a flock of chickens. He was responsible for the order on the site and to some extent was considered an "analogue" of the real owner-man. It was believed:

  1. If you do not keep a rooster, then livestock will not multiply, and butter and milk will turn out to be tasteless. Therefore, when the family was divided and dispersed, in each new courtyard they were sure to have a rooster.
  2. The white rooster is the guarantor of happiness and well-being in the house, while the black bird causes quarrels between spouses. But this opinion was shared only by the Western and Eastern Slavs. Southerners, on the other hand, preferred to keep black cocks.
  3. In order to increase the fertility of the soil, it is required to drive a rooster across the field.
  4. After finishing the harvest, you need to prepare a special rooster dish to ensure a good harvest in the future. For the same purpose, the Serbs sprinkled the grain with bird's blood before throwing it into the soil.

Perceiving the rooster as a protector and guardian, the Slavs often buried his body on the outskirts of the village, in the threshing floor or under a house under construction. Thus, the bird became an eternal guardian and protected people from evil forces and diseases. If cholera was approaching the settlement, the headman ordered to redeem the rooster in a river, pond, or well. This was done to purify water, which was considered the main carrier of infection.

Also read: Fortune telling with a rooster

Signs about roosters and fire

The rooster often personifies the element of fire. This is the bird of Khors and Dazhbog - the deities of the sun. It is believed that this connection is due to the characteristic red comb on the bird's head, resembling a flame. Also, the common red-and-red coloring, which many roosters "flaunt", plays a role.

Be that as it may, the bird became the patron saint of fire, sunlight and fires. "Let the red rooster fly" means "set on fire." The bird often warns people about this disaster by knocking on the window and screaming. The Eastern Slavs believed: a fire was not far off if the rooster died. The fire begins at the moment when lightning strikes and a fiery rooster descends from the sky onto the building. At the same time, the bird serves as a fire protector. If you put a figurine of a rooster on the ridge of the roof, then the house is not afraid of fire.

Signs about the crowing of a rooster

One of the main tasks of a rooster is to measure time and drive evil spirits. It was believed that from sunset to the first rays of the sun, evil spirits were supposed to walk on the earth. But as soon as the rooster cries, all the evil spirits hide, and people can fearlessly leave their homes. But sometimes the bird speaks at the “wrong” time. Such a sign was considered an important omen:

  1. Singing in the interval between dusk and midnight speaks of someone's imminent birth or death. Usually the bird portends death to the one who heard the crow. Sometimes it was believed that the rooster lures a person out into the street in order to harm him. To avoid trouble, burning coal was thrown from the window.
  2. A cry at almost twelve o'clock in the morning - someone had just died, and his soul flew to the sky.
  3. Crowing in the early evening - bad weather, at sunset - for rain.
  4. Singing out of season was often considered a hallmark for receiving news.
  5. A cry at noon - to luck or a change in weather.

We were guided by the place where the rooster crowed. For instance:

  • at the back entrance - a stranger will come into the house; ... near the door - you shouldn't go on a trip today;
  • on the doorstep - to the guests.

In fact, the crowing of a cock was a sign of death and birth, receiving news, changing weather, visiting guests. They "selected" the meaning in a specific case according to their own feelings. If the cry seems ominous, then it promises doom. In other situations, you can get by with "little blood".

Demonic rooster character

There are roosters that even the devil fears. Ukrainians call them kings. Such birds begin to crow while still in the egg, and when they grow up, they become the most daring and lively in the entire outskirts. They are the first to sing at midnight and serve as messengers of death or important news. Tsarik is not cut so as not to incite misfortune.

At the same time, they believed: a rooster cannot live longer than nine years. An old bird carries a small egg, from which a certain demonic creature is hatched. He is called a basilisk, an antipka, a fiery serpent and is represented in the form of a spark, fire, a tiny man, a cat or a chicken. The “newborn” is unclean by nature and hunts for the soul of the owner of the house, in exchange for which he serves a man for three years. The "demon" consumes unsalted eggs and milk as food.

According to Belarusian beliefs, a brownie is born from an egg laid by a rooster and carried by a man under his arm for six months. It looks like a small serpent sometimes associated with a basilisk. A similar superstition concerns sparrow eggs, only the witch takes care of them, and the devil hatches. In some cases, evil spirits can disguise themselves as a rooster. Then the bird is able to harm a person who does not expect a catch from his "pet".

Rooster signs are based on popular belief in the supernatural. Like any other superstition, they reflect the ideas of our ancestors about the world. The wide distribution of signs allowed them to take root deeply in the minds of people and survive practically unchanged to this day.

In the past, rooster singing served to determine the time for many peoples and was taken for granted. And only in the last century, scientists became interested in why the rooster crows and began to study this issue.

The answer to the question of why roosters crow in the morning goes back to the wild ancestors of today's chickens, when each bird family occupied its own territory for life and foraging. There is a hierarchy among the roosters. Leaders of the chicken family are allowed to vote first, males of "second rank" sing next. A young cock who gives voice may begin to peck for insolence.

Why the rooster cries can be explained by the following reasons:

  • informing others that the territory is occupied and the livestock has a strong and courageous leader;
  • checking the flock for quantity (is everything in place);
  • the news that morning has come.

During the day, the roosters crow repeatedly, for each case there is a specific sound: the call of the chickens to the feeder or dissatisfaction with their behavior. But in everyday noise, crowing is less noticeable to people. At night, sounds are carried over long distances, and the human ear perceives a cock's call within a radius of two kilometers. Each singer has a unique tonality, which differs from the voices of relatives by only half a tone.

A rooster can loudly scream during the day, it happens for certain reasons:

  • there was a threat to the laying hens, an alien invaded the territory;
  • challenge to fight for the primacy of other males;
  • a sharp change in the weather.

A stressed bird often cries for no apparent reason. With the disappearance of the annoying factor, the unusual behavior of the male disappears. But there are individuals who are too noisy by nature. In this case, the replacement of the head of the chicken coop can help.

When the voice appears

At 2.5–3 months, young males try their volume. Their first singing is funny and sounds like a squeak. By 4–5 months, roosters master the crowing technique and at first they can bawl constantly. Previously, well-groomed males are accustomed to giving voice by the clock, their weak and unkempt brethren noticeably lag behind.

Experienced farmers are closely watching the attempts of young roosters to learn to crow, culling individuals that have not learned to voice.

How the rooster determines the time for singing

At night, the rooster cries three times: at one, two and four hours. In any weather and season of the year, these terms are unchanged, in winter period the time of cock singing may shift slightly towards morning.

Experiments have shown that staying deep underground, long-term stay in a room closed from sunlight, hearing loss do not affect the bird's ability to sing strictly according to the clock. Crowing is determined by their internal biorhythms, which are not subject to changes in external conditions.

An unexpected discovery was brought by an attempt by researchers to compare the crowing of a rooster and the location of the stars. It turned out that the leader of the chicken family gives the first voice with the appearance of the star Canopus in the sky from the constellation Carina. When the star is hiding behind the horizon, it is the turn to crow a second time. How the birds navigate the stars, why the rooster crows for the third time at sunrise, has not yet been established.

How to stop a rooster from crowing at night

The townspeople who have come to the village to rest do not need to get up early, but the rooster crows in the morning and interferes with sleep. Unfortunately, there are no ways to stop a bird from crowing for hours. Thickening the walls of the hen house cannot solve the problem. On the contrary, when the bird does not give voice for a long time, this indicates health problems.

If you can't hear crowing

Why the leader is silent, you need to find out without delay.

  • The reason for the loss of voice in a bird can be respiratory diseases, in some cases leading to death. When silence is accompanied by blanching of the scallop and rapid breathing, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.
  • Provokes the absence of a rooster's cry at the proper molt hours. When it ends, the feathered one returns to its "duties".
  • The situation is worse with the rooster, which does not want to trample the chickens after an illness, which has ceased to feel like a leader and crow. In this case, the treatment is useless, and another male will have to be populated in the chicken coop.

A person is not always able to change natural laws, as is the case with the cock crow. It remains to reconcile and enjoy their sonorous singing.

Rooster in the village - and today the main owner of the courtyard.

By his behavior, they note what will happen in the house, what changes in the weather are coming and how well the household business will go.

Kohl the rooster got drunk from the rain puddle in the morning, the weather will be fine and clear all day. Especially if you say at such a moment: “The sun decided to get up, the rooster didn't drain the puddle. The rooster is thirsty, drunk, no more rain on the ground. "

If in the morning you are awakened by the cry of a rooster, which means that things planned for this day will be done in the best possible way. The planned deal will be successful, the planned work will be completed on time, and the money matters will turn into a big profit. You just need to say to yourself under the rooster's cry: "The rooster is screaming - it promises me good luck, oats and loud singing to him, I'm lucky in business."

Keeping 2 roosters in the yard - risking getting into the government house (prison, hospital). To prevent this from happening, young cockerels, when they reach bird maturity, are best exchanged for chickens or sold. And when making a deal, say: “A cock-cock, a scarlet comb, will not allow a sin that is too much from the yard, so that fate will save us from the state house. Rooster for you - life is good for us. "

It's bad if the rooster is given to relatives or friends just like that - without money. In this case, the yard owner will "take away" the fertility of all domestic animals and the fertility of the backyard. To prevent this from happening, the hostess must take at least 1 coin for the rooster and at the same time say: “I take a coin for a rooster so that the omen does not come true. The deal took place - I didn’t lose money. ”

If in a house where there is a young girl, the rooster constantly crows, jumping on the gate, it means that the girl will soon come to match. If this event is expected in the house, then it is worth saying to such a "trick" of a feathered friend: “The rooster is wailing and worried, the matchmaker is preparing for the journey. Our merchandise is your merchant, who marries a bride is a fine fellow. "

If the rooster constantly runs from its own flock to a stranger's yard, which means that discord may occur between husband and wife. So that the house does not "smell" of divorce, you need to drive the rooster into the chicken coop and say so: "Our rooster does not knock about in other people's yards, do not wander, we do not run into sin, we cannot come to an agreement about divorce."

The sorcerer will never wrap in the courtyard of the house and will never do anything wrong against its owners, if once a year, on the night of the full moon, under the first crow of the cock (in the first hour of the night), standing by the hen house, say: “The rooster cries - he won't order the sorcerer to bewitch against my house, against my loved ones. To shout to a rooster is not to shout, to a sorcerer not to touch my yard. "

A man will be happy in everything if he holds onto the comb of a red rooster and will say: “Happiness and good luck - they live on the cock's comb, I hold on to that comb - to be charged with happiness, to stock up on luck and health, to avoid troubles, not to be with dashing people. Chur, my luck! "

The house will never be damaged by fire if you attach a figurine of a rooster to its skate, and when pooping, say: "The rooster-warrior, organizer of good deeds, stands on the roof, guards the house from trouble, he cannot get down from the pole - a fire will not happen".

If a cock in the blood beats a neighbor's cock, then a terrible quarrel will soon happen between the neighbors. To neutralize this sign, you need to hold the fighter in the house at night, putting him in a basket, and in the morning to release him into the yard and say: “The rooster fights, gets into a quarrel. Rooster pacify, we with neighbors do not swear. Not to know enmity is to help each other. "

If a rooster, flying to the roof of a house or barn, loudly flaps its wings, this means that someone in the family will soon die. A bad omen can be neutralized by turning your back on the rooster and saying such a conspiracy: “The rooster stomps on the roof, flaps its wings, calls for trouble, scares me. I will turn away from the rooster, I will hide from grief, the rooster will fall to the ground, and my loved ones will be fenced in from trouble ”.

If a person going into the forest hears a rooster cry behind his back, this means that evil spirits want to spoil him, and the rooster warns about this. Getting lost in such a situation is as easy as shelling pears. To return home safely and without any adventure, you need to fold 2 figs, put them in your pockets or, if there are no pockets, under the hem of your clothes and say: “To the cunning Leshem figs, the cockerel“ thank you ”for taking him into the forest, he forestalled the evil spirits. The devil does not hang out in the woods, I do not wander through it, do not stumble, return to the house before dark. "

If the rooster cries out in a wrong voice, this means that the owners are waiting for a year of life in complete need. The omen will not come true if, having heard such atypical singing, treat the rooster with crumbs from the master's table and say so: "I see off poverty, I welcome a rooster, I treat it from my table, I ask, I persuade me to shout like a cock, I don’t need to call my house".

If the rooster stopped singing, which means that the evil eye is on the house and household, which can be got rid of with the help of a special ceremony. You need to take a feather from the tail of this rooster and bury it next to the cemetery, saying this conspiracy: “I'm not burying a rooster's feather, but I'm burying the evil eye. I bury the damage, I create protection from someone else's damage, from someone else's evil eye, so as not to get sick - not to burn my loved ones even once, so that we have an addition in our house, luck in business. Here someone else's malice will be buried, the cock's voice will return. "