Beautiful private houses and projects in Dagestan. Projects of one-story houses in Makhachkala. Living room and kitchen

Projects one-story houses in Makhachkala are more in demand among customers due to simple design solutions and a reduction in the construction budget. Indeed, in comparison with two- and three-story houses, the amount of work is much less, which proportionally affects the cost. Although not always projects of one-story houses up to 100 sqm are cheaper than two-story houses with an area of \u200b\u200b130-150. This is due to the smaller volume of roofing and foundation work.

Also controversial is the building area of \u200b\u200bthe site, which decreases in proportion to the spot of the house. But at the same time, there are no costs for the construction of stairs, which are not always desirable in families with small children.

What options do we offer in Makhachkala

Depending on what kind of house you want to build, what are your needs and the planned budget, the specialists of the TAT Stroy Volga region will select for you various projects of one-story houses with an attic or garage, terrace or utility rooms. Your task is only to identify priorities, and ours is to find the ideal option.

In the catalog you will find projects of one-story houses made of timber, brick, aerated concrete, frame-panel structures and Finnish houses with a sauna.

Standard area - from 36 to 150 sq.m. with the following house sizes:

  • 8 x 8;
  • 9 x 9;
  • 10 x 10;
  • 11 x 11;
  • 12 x 12, etc.

The shape is not necessarily square, it can be complex architectural solutions (brick, aerated concrete), rectangular (timber) and corner (all other materials).

All the proposed projects of one-story houses, photos of which can be viewed on the website, are amended in accordance with the needs of the customer. If we are not talking about major changes to the project or minor, they will be free. In case of a complete redesign of the project or significant changes, an additional payment is provided in proportion to the edits.

Any project is free of charge adapted to the peculiarities of the area. In this case, climatic indicators, soil characteristics, wind and snow loads are taken into account. According to exploration data, the following is selected:

  • the corresponding type of foundation - monolithic, strip (buried or not buried), columnar or piled;
  • roof type - ondulin, metal tiles;
  • insulation - polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, mineral fact or warm plaster.

Along with a comfortable interior layout, we offer absolute integration into the existing landscape. According to its features, a suitable option will be offered, which should literally "merge" with the design.

What else is convenient for one-story housing

Projects of one-story houses with a garage or an attic have a number of significant advantages compared to two-story houses, namely:

  • simplified engineering communications - the absence of stairs between floors greatly simplifies the life of children and older family members;
  • changing the layout during operation - during construction it can be one arrangement of rooms, and if the conditions or the number of residents change, you can make a redevelopment;
  • simplicity of all repair work, even without the involvement of specialists;
  • reducing the cost of finishing work;
  • ease of maintenance of the building facade.

The form deserves special attention. If this is a one-storey house project 10 by 10 in Makhachkala, it can be made in the form of a square, corner or T-shaped. And in fact, and in another case, the useful area remains equivalent. It is extremely difficult to build a two- and three-story building with an angle or in the shape of the letter T, although our specialists can do that.

However, keep in mind that the complex architectural form along with the increase in convenience, it also affects the price increase. Non-standard Projects of one-storey houses with three bedrooms with an area of \u200b\u200b250 sq.m. will cost the same as a two-storey house of 350 sq.m., but in a standard form.

In any case, all projects presented in the catalog are distinguished by high indicators of convenience, comfort and functionality. Each of them has a layout that meets the basic requirements of the inhabitants at any time of the year. Glazing, choice of interroom and front door, interior and exterior decoration, thermal insulation - all this is a mandatory turnkey scope of work that we offer our clients. For individual orders, we can change or supplement any standard project so that you really get into your dream home.

How comfortable it will be to live in country house, depends on how well the layout is made, the dimensions of the site and the thoughtfulness of various engineering networks. It is best to entrust the creation of a plan for a private house to professionals. Only a trained specialist with work experience will be able to make a competent project with which you can build a high-quality house.

3D layout of a one-story house with a terrace

The result of the activities of the designers will be:

  • must contain all required dimensions and specification of required materials;
  • Diagrams of engineering networks (power supply, water supply, sewerage, etc.).

Being engaged in planning, first of all, they are determined with the dimensions of the future structure. Popular projects are those that, with a small occupied area on the site, allow you to build a comfortable, spacious and easy-to-use home.

With a tangible cost overrun building materials is a thing of the past, and now, with the popularity of energy-saving technologies, such houses are not popular with developers.

Detailed layout of a house with a 6x6 attic

It is best to choose rectangular houses with several floors.

Straight walls without protrusions will save on finishing, and houses with an attic will get enough living space on a small plot of land and reduce the cost of roofing.

Looking at various projects and photos of plans country houses, many have noticed the trend. This significantly expands the functionality of the residential building and contributes to greater comfort. If the dimensions of the site are rather big, then you can make the garage a separate building adjacent to the residential building. This option will reduce heat loss at home, as well as save the developer part of the budget.

Project and layout of a two-storey cottage 10x10

Many people doubt whether it is possible to have a living room above the garage in a private house. There are no legal restrictions for this, but from the point of view common sense garages are probably equipped with a forced-type ventilation system, therefore such a layout is not more dangerous than the location of the living room above the boiler.

Read also

Layout options for two-story houses with a garage

If, nevertheless, the developer doubts the correctness of this decision, you can advise to flip through the photos in the magazines of the interiors of private houses and consider the option of locating the terrace above the garage.

A variant of the layout of an 8x8 house with an attic

When creating house projects, it is very important to take into account its location relative to the cardinal points. It is recommended to build the house with living rooms to the south. From the north, you can place non-residential premises, which will allow the living space of the house to be constantly bright and perfectly retain heat.

Going through various projects in the photo, you need to understand that not everyone is suitable for a particular site.

Layout of the house 8x10 with a vestibule and a porch

Let's list some restrictions:

  • The type of soil on the site does not always favor the arrangement of the strip foundation, and the pile foundation presupposes mainly frame houses with an attic;
  • The groundwater level may not allow a basement in a private house. In some cases, with a high level of groundwater, a basement can be built, however, this will require more material costs on the part of the developer.

Layout of premises

If it is useful, it will look into the future.

  1. Children's rooms should be easily transformed into others, which will undoubtedly be needed when children grow up.
  2. Children of different genders should be provided with separate bedrooms.
  3. If several generations of people will live in the house, it may be necessary to have different entrances to certain rooms.
  4. Older rooms should be planned on the lower floor.

A variant of the layout of a one-story house 6x6 with a terrace


The layout of the dwelling can be called very convenient, when you can get to all the premises from the corridor. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that non-residential area should be allocated as little space as possible in the house.

The original interior design of the hallway

It should be organized so that the entrance to the building is approximately in the center so that near it you can or also entrances to other rooms.
If the dimensions of the house do not allow this, you can combine the hall with the living room, and separate the entrance with a small vestibule: to keep warm in the room and create a small wardrobe for outerwear.

Hallway design option with thoughtful lighting

Living room and kitchen

A very popular solution is to combine the kitchen and living room within one section of the house. This is very convenient for receiving guests, because you do not have to run from the kitchen to the living room with dishes and food. Such rooms are also called kitchen-studio.

Photo of the original interior design of the combined kitchen and living room

The disadvantage of this layout is the smell of cooking food, which can be eaten into the furniture for a long time. However, with the help of a good hood, this disadvantage becomes insignificant.
You don't need to take a lot of space for cooking, so a small space of six square meters will be enough, but, so that the volumetric refrigerator does not take up much space, it can be built into the utility room, leaving only the door outside.

Practical zoning and arrangement of the kitchen and living room

Examples of such arrangement of the kitchen area can be found from the photo on the Internet.

Read also

Convenient layout of a two-storey house with a basement


According to the rules, projects of two-story houses or should assume the presence of several bathrooms, and they cannot be located above living quarters.
In addition, it will be nice if at least one of the bathrooms is divided.

Bathroom interior option

Most often, they do the following: they make a full-fledged toilet downstairs and, and they build it on the upper floor.

Toilet interior design photo

Sleeping rooms

In the bedrooms, developers often try to save the living space of the house, because these rooms are visited only at night.

Photo of the original bedroom design in Japanese style

However, it is necessary to understand that the bedroom is different from the bedroom, and, for example, a play space and a work desk must be provided for a children's bedroom. In addition, the bedroom is often equipped with a wardrobe, so some space will be occupied by things.
If in the bedroom there is only a place to sleep, then less than nine square meters of usable space can be allocated.

Photo of the layout of the bedroom decorated with wood

The optimal size of a sleeping area in which you can comfortably place everything you need is an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 12 square meters.

Service premises

Currently, house layouts exclude installation washing machine in the bathroom or in the kitchen. For this, utility rooms or free space under the stairs, which are almost always empty, are increasingly used.

Example of arrangement of a utility room

This layout allows you to save usable space where you need it, and to take it in places where it does not fit a comfortable life. In addition, the allocation of such a household plot in the house will help hide from the eyes a lot of things that get in the way underfoot.


For stairs that are designed to fulfill only their main purpose - to "transport" people upstairs in houses with an attic or two-story houses - then it is best to put it in the hallway near the wall.

Photo of the arrangement and design of a wooden staircase to the second floor

Such a layout will allow you to make the most of the space under it. If the staircase performs more decorative functions and is located in the living room, then it will not work to construct anything functional under it.

Option for a wooden staircase

Features of one-story cottages

The relevance and relevance of the plans for one-story houses is simply explained - such housing is comfortable in all respects, and you can save money:

  • on building materials;
  • on the time allotted for construction.
  • At the same time, thanks to the original design solutions, modern houses on one floor look presentable, luxurious and atypical, in no way resembling the squat standard buildings of the last century.
  • Designing a cottage on one floor provides for:
  • living room and dining room, often combined with a kitchen;
  • two or three bedrooms;
  • bathrooms and additional utility rooms.

Turnkey options are possible with a garage, veranda, porch, storage room, second bathroom or more bedrooms. You can buy a one-story house project or order it individually. And, most importantly, if you ever decide to increase the area, it will be possible to make a superstructure and an extension in the future.

Alfaplan offers

We offer for viewing an extensive catalog of projects of one-story houses of various sizes and layouts. Our competent employees will promptly fulfill the necessary design work, taking into account all your wishes, if you are not satisfied with ready-made and standard projects one-story houses.

A well-known proverb says: well designed - half built. And indeed it is. We are not directly involved in construction, but we perfectly know all the subtleties of this process. Therefore, our projects of 1-storey houses are reliable, practical and at the same time aesthetic. Using them, you will not encounter unpleasant surprises during construction and operation.

Project of a one-story brick cottage DS 138-2

Total area: 138.20 sq.m.
Project cost: 30,000 rubles. (AR + KR)
Cost of materials for construction: 2,000,000 rubles *

Brick house projects are the most extensive category in our catalog. Among them, typical projects of brick one-story houses made of porous bricks are presented in a wide variety of planning solutions and layouts. But even among all this diversity, the DS 138-2 cottage attracts special attention. Firstly, it looks very stylish, secondly, its layouts are modern and rational at the same time, and thirdly, the walls are built of super-porous ceramic bricks (stone).
Why was this material chosen?

The fact is that projects of houses made of traditional bricks are practically not designed and houses from it are no longer built ... There are several reasons for this, but we will highlight the most important ones:
1. clay working brick is very heavy and the walls made of such material exert a strong load on the foundation, forcing them to make it material-intensive and, therefore, very expensive;
2. since the external walls made of clay red bricks have a high thermal conductivity, in order for a residential building to comply with modern standards for heat conservation, they must be at least 1500 mm thick. Agree that such thick walls are good for a defensive structure, but not for an ordinary residential cottage. It is very expensive and unprofitable.
At the same time, a cottage made of super-porous ceramics with 300 mm thick outer walls is able to retain heat just like a red brick building with 1500 mm thick walls. At the same time, the developer saves significant cash for the construction of the foundation, masonry material, construction time and payment construction works.
Р "етР° Р" СЊРЅРѕРµ РѕРїРёСЃР ° РЅРёРµ проектР° Р ”РЎ 138-2 ➦

Project of a brick house with an attic PA-2066P

Total area: 208.21 sq.m. + 18.53 sq.m.
Construction technology: porous bricks.
Project cost: 32,000 rubles. (AR + KR)
Cost of materials for construction: 2,480,000 rubles *

Attic cottages have always attracted future owners with the opportunity to build an inexpensive house with a large living area. Housing, built according to the projects of brick houses, has gained a reputation for solid and solid structures. Therefore, to build such a cottage is the dream of many developers, but due to the small size of the site, to build it seems to be an impossible task for many. But this is completely wrong, and our example is project of a brick house with an attic PA-2066P. Its outer dimensions are only 8600x15200 mm. Such a building can be built without any disturbance on an area only 15 meters wide. But the house of the PA-2066P project has another very important advantage, which will be appreciated by the owners of small or narrow plots of land. He has a small, but very convenient cellar where you can put vegetables and canned twists for the winter. As for the planning solutions, they are made at the highest level, without any discounts on external dimensions.

on the first floor, besides the traditional living room with a fireplace, we see another guest room, an excellent kitchen, a bathroom, an individual boiler-boiler room, a large corridor. But most main highlight of this small cottage, it is a built-in parking garage. Projects of brick houses are most often designed with attached garages, but since this house is for a narrow area, the architects were able to build this room in an excellent way into the general rectangle of the building area. And the way the architects designed the attic floor deserves special praise. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a small balcony sheltered from the weather. A cottage for the permanent life of a family of 5-6 people.
Estimate the construction volumes for the construction of the box of this brick house, and if the cost of construction suits you, feel free to buy the project.
Name Unit measurements amount
Porous brick M100 with a thickness of 510 mm. for external load-bearing walls (masonry volume). cbm 132.73
Porous brick M100, 380 mm thick. for internal load-bearing walls (masonry volume). cbm 39.90
Porous brick M100 for partitions 120 mm (masonry volume). cbm 4.35
Solid brick M150 for ventilation ducts and columns (masonry volume). cbm 14.00
Stone facing area. sq.m. 134.05
Roof area. sq.m. 278.37
Concrete class. B25. cbm 98.00
Concrete class. B7.5 cbm 19.50
Sand. cbm 100.00
Crushed stone. cbm 24.00
Extruded polystyrene foam plates. cbm 15.00

Р "етР° Р" СЊРЅРѕРµ РѕРїРёСЃР ° РЅРёРµ проектР° РџРђ-2066Рџ ➦

Project of a two-story brick house KP 224-94

Total area: 262.00 sq.m.
Ceiling height of the 1st floor: 3,000 m.

br\u003e Ceiling height of the 2nd floor: 2,800 m.
Ridge height of the house from ground level: 8.590 m.
Construction technology: brick house.
Project cost:
- 42 510 rubles. (AR + KR)
- 55 094 rubles. (AR + KR)
Cost of materials for construction: 3,750,000 rubles *

Ready-made brick house projects are always designed with a large margin of safety for the foundation and load-bearing walls of the building. This reserve is due to the fact that developers buying our standard projects often do not adapt the foundations and external walls to the region and construction site. And these events definitely need to be carried out in such regions of our country as, for example, Sakhalin, Siberia, Transbaikalia or regions of the Far North. Adaptation work is especially necessary in the construction of brick two-story houses or with a basement. A high level of groundwater, floaters or peat bogs, increased seismic activity, severe frosts - all these factors must be taken into account when constructing the foundation of a building and its outer walls. Our architects, when designing ready-made projects of brick houses, try to take these and other characteristics into account so that local developers reduce adaptation work to a minimum. An example of this approach is the project of a two-story brick house KP 224-94. The foundation for the building of this house is an insulated monolithic reinforced concrete slab, which has proven itself in the best way on heavy, heaving soils with high level groundwater.
Walls with a thickness of 510 mm can be made from ordinary slotted bricks or, in regions with very cold winters, from porous bricks or large-format “warm ceramics” stone. It is possible to insulate the walls from the outside with heat-insulating plates 50-100 mm thick. External finishing of the facade - mineral plaster and decorative stone. But, if you insulate the brick walls, then you can plaster the facades with thin-layer "wet type" plaster on silicone or silicate fillers.

Name Unit measurements amount
Large-format stone RAUF 14.3NF (510x250x219 mm.) (External walls). cbm 100.00
Large-format stone RAUF 10.7NF (380x250x219 mm.). cbm 35.85
Large-format stone RAUF 11.2NF (398x250x219 mm.) (Internal walls). cbm 11.42
Large-format stone RAUF 2.1NF (250x120x138 mm.). cbm 2.00
Building brick. cubic meter / piece 7.70/3111.00
Solid brick M150 for pipes. cubic meter / piece 8.71/3819.00
Full-bodied brick on the base, masonry under the Mauerlats. cubic meter / piece 5.70/2303.00
Artificial stone cladding area. sq.m. 83.31
Clapboard cladding area (facade). sq.m. 0.73
Plaster area (facade). sq.m. 212.81
Roof area. sq.m. 323.00
Roof insulation 200 mm thick. cbm 7.70
Floor insulation 100 mm thick. cbm 12.00
Insulation of the attic floor with a thickness of 250 mm. cbm 25.50
Consumption of B25 concrete for foundations. cbm 83.65

Р "етР° Р" СЊРЅРѕРµ РѕРїРёСЃР ° РЅРёРµ проектР° РљРџ 224-94 ➦

* The results of calculating the cost of materials for the construction of a closed heating circuit of a house (house box) are approximate and are not a public offer.
Projects of brick houses from any type of brick more for a long time will remain the most popular in the segment of low-rise construction, as the technologies for the production of ceramic clay products are constantly being improved, but at the same time they remain the same durable, solid and environmentally friendly.

Beautiful projects of one-story houses: catalog, photo

Architectural projects of one-story houses are the most popular on our website in 2018. The layouts of the projects of one-story houses are thought out to the smallest detail, the plans of one-story houses include solutions that allow you to intelligently save both during construction and during operation.

Life experience suggests that one-story residential buildings are the MOST COMFORTABLE! Frequent use of stairs from floor to floor is tedious and impractical. Moreover, for families with small children and the elderly, it is the best optionas the stairs can be dangerous. The plans for the projects of one-storey houses assume convenient use of the premises. In addition, in a one-story house everything is at hand, and all the premises, and access to the terrace is nearby.

Plans for one-story houses: layout features

Although one-story houses have a number of advantages, do not forget that the planning of projects for one-story houses has a number of features:

  • The construction of an attic house and a two-story house with the same total area is cheaper than construction one-storey building... This is due to the large areas of the roof and foundation of a one-story house, the construction of which is costly.
  • In a one-story house with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 200 m2, the layout will be less comfortable, since the creation of several corridors leads to the loss of the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe house and the connection between the rooms.
  • The construction of such a house involves the acquisition of a large plot, which requires additional costs. This is especially true for one-story houses, the project of which includes a garage.
  • Heating a one-story house is also more expensive, since the attic is wasted. In the case of an attic or two-story house, the floor heated by the air of the first floor reduces the cost of heating the upper rooms.

We do not advise our clients, who have chosen foreign projects of one-story houses, to give up their dreams, only for reasons of economy. Better to pay once and live in a comfortable home. Many owners of two-story houses and houses with an attic, in their eloquent reviews, say that they would still like to build their next one-story house, since it is much more comfortable and convenient.

In this section, your attention is offered a wide selection of projects of one-story houses of the most different area, a wide variety of styles, designs and layouts. Moreover, the Z500 catalog is constantly updated with ready-made projects of one-story houses. Enjoy watching and choose your country house project!

Advantages of projects of one-story houses

  • The most expensive part of building is the foundation. For a one-story house, you do not need to design a reinforced foundation, as for houses with several floors. It would seem that the benefits are obvious. But the need to lay the foundation of a large area, this advantage nullifies.
  • But you can significantly save on wall construction. Due to the fact that they do not need to be strengthened in the calculation of the additional load of the second floor, the construction of walls for a one-story house will be cheaper.
  • In the project of the 1st floor of the house, simple diagrams of engineering systems are assumed. And, therefore, it is more economical than laying similar systems in a two- or three-story house.
  • A one-story house, especially a simple one, is easier to build. In addition, maintenance and repair costs can also be significantly reduced.
  • The absence of stairs allows for more rational use of living space. In addition, rooms located on the same level make everyday life easier, and even preferable if there are small children or elderly people in the family.
  • Another plus in favor of the 1-storey building project is psychological. In such houses, a special sense of the unity of people is created. This is especially important if the family has small children.

Disadvantages of a one-story house project

There are not many of them, but they are. And it's worth talking about them.

  • If a large house is being designed, then difficulties may arise with the so-called walk-through rooms - living quarters that can only be accessed through other rooms. And this affects the comfort of the home.
  • In the project of a one-story house, high costs are included in the installation of the roof due to its large area.

Let's sum up

  • It is more profitable to build 1 floor house on a large plot.
  • A one-story project is most economical with a house area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 m 2.
  • With a house area from 100 to 200 m 2, the number of storeys in the house does not affect the cost of construction. Rather, it is a matter of your preference and taste.

In the catalog of projects of our company, there are enough options, for example, projects of houses with an attic, which will satisfy all the requirements that you make for modern housing.

One-story brick house projects in Dagestan