What kind of work is suitable for uncommunicative people. Professions related to communication with people. Classes related to communication and work with people

Introverts feel great in solitude and do not seek to expand their social circle. It is unnatural for them to work in a large office filled with people; introverts experience even greater discomfort when they have to work with a stream of visitors.

According to their psychological makeup, people are divided into extroverts and introverts. active, proactive and sociable. They easily get to know and find a common language with new people, feel great in any team, prefer to work in a team and openly express their opinion. They need contacts with people like air, because from communication with them they are charged with energy.

Same - the complete opposite of extroverts. They are silent, outwardly calm, withdrawn, do not like to make new acquaintances, feel uncomfortable in the company of strangers, avoid large companies and are immersed in their own inner world. Unlike extroverts, introverts get their energy from connecting with a small circle of people they trust and from immersion in their own inner world.

Loneliness is a painful condition for an extrovert, an introvert would call freedom. In a crowd, an extrovert will feel like a fish in water, but for an introvert, this is a great psychological burden, equivalent to stress.

However, it is wrong to say that being an extrovert is good and an introvert is bad. Introverts also have strengths: they are patient and persistent, thoughtful and judicious, have analytical thinking, less susceptible to other people's influence, while extroverts are more impulsive and superficial.

Due to the fact that introverts are taciturn and withdrawn, it seems that there are few of them. However, they are not at all in the minority, just less noticeable against the background of energetic and outgoing extroverts.

Their achievements in the professional field are also not always immediately visible, although there are many introverts among world celebrities. Among them are the physicist Albert Einstein, naturalist and naturalist Charles Darwin, writer Franz Kafka, founder of the corporation, billionaire entrepreneur, and the largest billionaire investor. Renowned venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki, author of many bestselling books, including How to Enchant People, wrote of himself: “You might find it hard to believe, but I'm an introvert. ... I'm a loner by nature. "

Thus, the propensity of introverts to think, their “withdrawal” does not mean at all that they are passive quiet people. And yet, some employers often give preference to extroverts when hiring, because they, with their openness and talkativeness, are able to win over and present themselves in a more favorable light than an introvert, who may have a deeper knowledge of the subject, but behaves too restrained.

And by no means in all cases it can be said that the employer was wrong in choosing an extrovert, even if he turned out to be not as competent as an introvert. There are areas of activity, as if intended for extroverts, where they feel comfortable, can show their best character traits to the fullest and reach career heights. Usually this is a job related to the need to communicate with people a lot (for example, trade). An introvert in the same place can feel like a nightmare.

Therefore, before choosing a profession, it is worth considering what type of people we are. (Of course, there are not so many "pure" extroverts and introverts, just as the world is not divided only into black and white. But by their most characteristic signs, they can still be distinguished from each other.) This will help avoid further disappointment and stress if we suddenly realize that the professions of journalist, teacher or manager, which require sociability, do not correspond to our character.

An introvert should not try to change himself in order to become an extrovert - this will not give anything but internal dissatisfaction with himself. In addition, there are many professions where introverts can realize themselves in the best possible way.

Where to work for an introvert

Translator working with texts

His work involves a minimum of communication with people and a maximum of concentration and attention - sometimes the introvert does the best. In addition, he can live and work according to an individual schedule, because the main thing for the customer is quality workdelivered on time. And being guided by your own rules is what an introvert needs.


Perseverance, concentration, scrupulousness, attentiveness and a desire to get to the bottom of the truth are important for an accountant - all these qualities are possessed by an introvert. Moreover, it is much easier for him to “communicate” with numbers than with people. The same can be said for the financial analyst profession. To an extrovert, these professions may seem too boring.


Most of the time programmers spend in front of the monitor. They can work with customers remotely, but even if the work requires their presence in the office, they are often so passionate about it that they do not pay attention to the presence of others. The work of a programmer that requires concentration and perseverance is perfect option for introverts. Of course, mastering this specialty is not easy, but it's worth it - good programmers earn good money.


In the work of a designer, his ability to disconnect from the outside world is important in order to plunge into the world of his own fantasies, which will subsequently manifest in his work. He must have sensitivity and the ability to notice beauty where others do not see it, in order to tell everyone about it with the help of his works. therefore good designers by nature, more introverts than extroverts.


Psychologists believe that introverts feel comfortable and work best in a relaxed environment with a minimum of distractions. The era of advanced digital technologies enables introverted people to avoid unwanted communication at a time when they do not need it. This is especially true for those whose work requires concentration and immersion in their inner world.


Introverts who live in the world of their fantasies, who know how to see and appreciate the beauty and harmony of nature, will find it easier to work among flowers than among people. Although completely avoiding contact with people is unlikely to work. Clients, on the other hand, prefer to deal with smiling people.

Working with animals (e.g. veterinarian)

Many people know the phrase: "The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs." It is not known exactly who pronounced it first - it is attributed to Socrates, Heinrich Heine, and Schopenhauer. However, it looks like this person was an introvert. After all, it is introverts who are sensitive, vulnerable and it is easy to offend them with a careless word. It may be easier for introverts to find common ground with animals than with humans.

Laboratory assistant

An introvert who is stressed by the need to constantly communicate with people, entering into negotiations with them, can feel great in the world of test tubes, analyzes and research.


Curiously, some psychologists believe that introverts in leadership positions are more effective than extroverts. And the reason is that extraverted bosses often suppress subordinates with their energy, because of which they "close". Introverted leaders, on the other hand, are more empathetic and listen to team feedback.

Of course, a lot also depends on the area in which the company operates. If it is collecting and analyzing information, developing a strategy and planning, where deep and comprehensive analysis is required, then an introverted leader is more productive. In addition, psychologists have noticed that an introvert who successfully moves up the career ladder acquires the qualities of an extrovert over time.

It is generally accepted that cheerful extroverts achieve career heights - people for whom active communication is only a joy. But what about those who are silent by nature, withdrawn and immersed in themselves? In densely populated offices with demanding bosses and noisy employees, introverts who prefer silence and loneliness have a hard time. Planning meetings, deadlines, time pressure and lunches with colleagues do not have the best effect on the productivity of introverts. Rjob has figured out what kind of work an introvert should choose so that it brings him satisfaction, not stress.

Professions for singles

According to the professor High school corporate governance of RANEPA Elena Yakhontova, the optimal job for introverts is one that does not involve intense interaction with people and constant value judgments on their part. The most suitable professions related to intellectual and creative activities, requiring concentration, thoughtfulness and individual work.

Practicing psychologist, existential-humanistic psychotherapist "Private psychological practice" Julia Gorozhankina believes that introverts are comfortable only in a relaxed environment, such as at home.

“Introverts are“ charged ”alone, they just need it to replenish energy. To be in an overly socially stimulating office environment, an introvert expends a lot of internal energy, which is not left to do their job effectively. It is possible that an introvert takes some of the work home after work or on weekends. Not because he does not have time to do it in the office, but because in a calm atmosphere he is more efficient and efficient, - the psychotherapist comments. - The best form of work for introverts is either a private office or a work schedule in which you can only spend part of the time at the workplace. Introverts make excellent financiers, writers, bloggers, traders, specialists in the field information technologies, designers. "

Psychologist Maria Efimova advises introverts to pay attention to the following areas of activity:

IT industry: programmer, web designer, site administrator.

They perform specific and clear tasks, while communication with people is minimized. You can contact clients by e-mail, and do the work remotely.

Finance: accountant, financier, economist, financial analyst.

These professions are associated with the processing of incoming data according to clearly defined algorithms and rules. Perseverance and diligence are required from a specialist.

Also introverts can do journalism (copywriter, rewriter), design, marketing and science. In these areas, they use their strengths: creativity, creativity, good memory, analytical warehouse mind.

is also suitable for an introvert. This profession guarantees minimal contact with people, requires attention and concentration.

Another profession - rather unconventional - it offers to introverts Natalia Mignenko, specialist " International Academy research of lies ”. This is about that can detect lies without aids.

“Verifiers are successfully working in security services, HR departments. Their skills and abilities are applied during negotiations at the highest level (both in business and politics). They are scientists doing research, and they are scouts, psychologists and actors, - Natalia Mignenko explains. - "Human scanner" works with certain data: posture, gestures, vegetative manifestations, breathing, facial expressions, speech or lack thereof, the position of a person in space. The verifier is based on the experience of psychology, physiology, linguistics, as well as anthropology. "

Obviously, the introvert has a lot of options, and this type of character does not imply hard restrictions.

“In our time, with so many technical capabilities, introverts can work in almost any field and industry. Where they can provide themselves with the main and necessary condition - to be in a comfortable environment and some time alone, and after recharging, "emerge" into society and business activity until the next recharge ", - emphasizes Yulia Gorozhankina.

Out of the spotlight: where introverts are better off

However, there are positions and areas of activity that are not recommended for introverts: show business, medicine, pedagogy, reception. Professor Elena Yakhontova notes that these professional directions difficult for introverts, as they require intense interaction and deep emotional contact with different people.

"Introverts should not work where they need to actively" sell themselves ", constantly be in the spotlight," keep their face ", - Julia Gorozhankina advises.

Psychologist Maria Efimova is sure that the following professions can be emotionally exhausting for introverts: sales assistant, advertising agent, public figure or public speaker. Most of these professions are devastating both mentally and physically. This makes the introvert uncomfortable.

How to improve your introvert's productivity

Many introverts complain that they cannot reach their full potential due to the conditions in which they have to work. The boss is constantly above the soul, the general atmosphere in the office is tense. What to do?

“An introvert feels comfortable when he has a chance to concentrate on one task, to delve into it. Such a person needs an autonomous work site, preferably not dependent on colleagues, contractors and a manager. An introvert employee needs to be informed in advance and have the opportunity to think before taking action. If a manager knows his subordinates perfectly well, then he will be able to use the resources of everyone correctly " - comments psychologist Maria Efimova.

According to Elena Yakhontova, the employee's performance at the workplace, first of all, depends on his professional and business competencies, and lastly - on the type of temperament.

“Noncommunicative introverts can develop communication skills and perform much better than outgoing extroverts. Leaders are required to create a normal working environment and develop the competencies of both introverts and extroverts. The type of temperament has a greater influence on teamwork. For effective teamwork of introverts, leaders should offer them suitable team roles as an idea generator, resource explorer, controller, ” - the expert advises.

Psychotherapist Yulia Gorozhankina advocates individual working conditions for introverts.

“It's no coincidence that they choose quieter working hours. For example, early morning, when there is still no office bustle, or vice versa, evening when most of the employees go home.

In meetings, introverts need time to think. They are better at generating ideas alone. They need silence, a sense of personal space in the office.
And the big question is how realistic is it to comply with all this in the conditions of office everyday life ",- says Yulia Gorozhankina.

For an introvert to feel comfortable in a team, he must understand his characteristics and be able to communicate them to others. There is nothing worse than an introvert who denies his introversion and tries to mimic. Firstly, it will be very difficult for him to bear the "social mask", and secondly, the team will always feel this discrepancy.

Most introverts are individualists who care about peace of mind and which are very sensitive to pressure. But if an introvert finds his own path and a comfortable form of work, he will make every effort to realize himself. His emphasis on inner experiences will only play into the hands - because there is no need to motivate such a person from the outside.

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The question was asked: what more or less qualified job can you not communicate with people?
I'm afraid that I won't be able to communicate with anyone anywhere. In the end, you need to agree with someone about your salary, and get it. And probably somehow still to report on the work done, or will someone in some way evaluate or check it periodically?

But should there be jobs where communication is minimized?
For some reason, the job of a forester immediately occurred to me. But this is very serious work in Germany. Our foresters are civil servants, and they have very beautiful uniforms, and a hat with a feather (or rather, with a tassel of boar bristles). But in fact, they mostly walk through their forest and take care of it: there they will file a bad tree, remove it, there they will spread food with medicine for rabies for foxes. Plates are placed, paths are cleared. Well, they get in touch with people when someone does something in the forest. Or when someone hits a wild animal with a car. Or some particularly "live child" from great curiosity will get stuck in a fox hole (cough, cough ...). But they are often alone - one on one with their forest.

We also have all sorts of managers of fish farms who swim on our artificial lakes, and there they check the conditions and count the fish. :-))) They don't communicate very well either.

And I don’t know how it is now, and it probably strongly depends on the direction. But my uncle was in charge of a chemical laboratory, and he also had a lot of quiet hours alone. (He, too, was an introvert, and loved to calmly go about his business.) They piled a lot of work for him, he did it, wrote his reports, and put what he had done in a box with ready, from where anyone needed - they took it. Often there was nothing to discuss, if the standard task. Yes, sometimes (once a year) I had to talk to people about something - especially when the laboratory needed a new technique, and it was necessary to justify it, etc. This was not my favorite phase of work. But on the whole it was quiet and peaceful.

And my grandmother told me why, of all the forensic expertise, she disliked ballistics the most, and would never have gone there. She said that some kind of firefight, in which a reconstruction of the whole situation is needed, happens extremely rarely. So that, like in a movie, you shoot all sorts of carcasses, conduct an investigative experiment, and guess how it all happened. And so they get all the cases where it is necessary to identify coincidences between the reliefs of some things, and serial numbers on some parts of cars or something. Those. you stand for half your life in a spacesuit over a bathtub with acid. And you poison something, wash it, shape it, and then compare it under a microscope. Here, too - quiet work alone. AND?

And M.'s uncle breeds cows and pigs. He allegedly also does not communicate with anyone except his cattle. Interestingly, is it difficult for introverts to communicate with animals too? I also wonder if an artist or sculptor is considered a "more or less skilled work"? They also stand for days and sculpt their own there.

What kinds of skilled work come to mind, where communication with people is minimized?

Now little has changed - people still come to the salons and still the master draws the client into a cozy conversation, designed to brighten up the minutes, or even hours of agonizing sitting in an armchair.

The ability to speak the language also affects the salary of a hairdresser - satisfied not only with the service, but also with the atmosphere, the client will advise the master to his friends, they, in turn, to theirs ... and it will already be possible to open a private practice.

If you continue to work in the salon, then you should count on a spread from 15-30 thousand rubles to 40-70 thousand - it depends on the experience and skills of the specialist, as well as the status of the salon.


Their tongue is their bread. The voice load of this profession is simply incredible and for an unaccustomed person it can look wild - try to talk for 45 minutes without stopping! And two times forty-five? And if there are several such pairs in a row? Only seminars or a survey of students can save, but still, laryngitis and pharyngitis are provided to the teacher.

And if only lectures! What about consultations? And pulling up the laggards? AND cool watch? Not to mention the additional part-time work as a tutor, where everything is based on the ability to chatter a negligent ward and lure him to the bright side of knowledge. Talking, talking and talking again (and sometimes asking) - this is what their normal working day looks like. Against this background, work with curricula and your own dissertation seems like heavenly manna.

The salary here also depends on the status of the educational institution (in private they pay more) and on the category or degree - from 20 to 80 thousand rubles, not counting possible allowances.


Another profession whose representatives must have a throat spray in their home medicine cabinet. And in the heat, and in the cold, and in the rain, he must be fully armed and mentally and physically ready for the fact that in the next hour he will have to talk about the sights of his native city or valuable exhibits of the exhibition. And not dejectedly mumble a learned text, but present it with a twinkle and be able to answer any tricky question of visitors.

As a reward, you will receive a salary from 8 to 20 thousand rubles and free admission to all state museums of the Russian Federation.

Shop assistant

These are the same comrades who quietly sneak up on us in the shops with an ingratiating question: "Can I help you?" If the answer is "No" they stare and dutifully shut up - they will never see a promotion. A good salesperson-consultant will be able to unobtrusively get the buyer to talk, carefully find out what he wants - and only then will he skillfully push him to the desired choice. And the ace will also impose a guarantee and cleaning cloths for the purchase.

It is worth counting on the range of 15-40 thousand rubles and for the prospect of career growth, although you will have to talk much less in the position of a senior manager or store director.

PR manager

In this profession, you need not only to speak, but also to do it with feeling, clearly and convincingly.

He must be able to sell himself and his services, and without a hanging tongue it cannot be done. A person can be a candidate of sciences in advertising, but if he mutters under his breath or gets off with short phrases "Then you will see, I will bring you and I will show you" - he cannot build a career in the PR industry.

At the beginning of his career, a young PR specialist will receive about 20 thousand rubles, but in a few years they can turn into 40-60 thousand.

Toastmaster, animator, host of events

These professions are paradise for the extrovert and. Always in the thick of things, always surrounded by people - and you talk, talk, talk ... And loudly, clearly and distinctly, so that even deaf Uncle Petya at a distant table could hear.

Knowledge of cartoon characters and Disney princesses for children, Internet memes for youth, latest news and bearded anecdotes for their parents, not to mention the ability to notice the views and understand the nuances of relationships, all in the rhythm of endless chatter and the announcement of new contests.

As a rule, this is evening work, which can be combined with the main one. And it's good if the main one is also connected with publicity and communication - they will order a toastmaster with great pleasure, who is also known as an actor of the Youth Theater, rather than a milling turner. The salary is not standardized, and highly depends on the status of the event. For holding a party in a mid-range club or a budget wedding, you can get 20-25 thousand rubles, and for performing for elite clients and under New Year - 50-70 thousand rubles per evening.

Technical support

"Is your computer turned on?", "Have you rebooted the router?" - Questions that can whip anyone who calls the service provider's support team. Now imagine how painful it is for the employees themselves to repeat this from day to day? Only those who really like to talk to people and sincerely want to help them can hold out in such a job. Conversation skills must be accompanied by knowledge of the matter and boundless patience - all conversations with support are recorded.

The work is hard and stressful - try to understand from a distance what the problem is and solve it, and it is paid unevenly, from 20 thousand in some firms and up to 120 thousand rubles in others.


A job similar to technical support, but with one important difference: not only comfort, but also the life of the interlocutor can be at stake. Here it is necessary not only to speak, but also to carefully weigh each word, to understand what consequences this or that phrase may entail. And you won't be able to blurt out something like a toastmaster, and to correct yourself under the general laughter. Knowledge of life and strong psychological preparation - this is the foundation on which a conversation on the hotline should be built.

They work here not for a salary, but for an idea, so the sums are small - a trainee has about 10 thousand rubles, a specialist - about 35.


Priests are not only monks who have shut themselves off from the world at home. A modern priest leads an active life, meeting with parishioners, listening to them and giving advice on a variety of reasons - from the problem of an unplanned pregnancy to a blessing to buy an apartment. One cannot do without the ability and desire to communicate here. The stern and taciturn priest will quickly lose his flock and doom himself to a life-long service in a modest church in the settlements.

The question of the salaries of priests is obscure and they are very reluctant to answer it. Usually it consists of a rate of 25-35 thousand rubles, which is set by the abbot and corresponds to average salary in social sphere by region, plus donations from parishioners. There is also a hierarchy here, including a financial one, so the income of a parish priest and an ordinary priest can be very different.


These people also need not only to be able to and love to talk with people, but also to be good psychologists. Especially if they work for a publication that specializes in gossip or crime. Charming a person, impressing him and skillfully pulling out information by asking the right questions - this is important when talking not only with stars, but also with ordinary workers.

Salaries depend on the edition or the complexity of the order - from 15 thousand rubles a month to 50 thousand and more.


A profession for those who like to talk, but not with people. Yes, such shy chatterboxes also occur. But one should not think that such work is easier than the activities of the presenter and toastmaster - everything has its pitfalls. does not see the eyes of the listeners, cannot read their gestures. And then you have to chat with yourself - also playing the role of the listener.

Here you can grind with your tongue for 20-50 thousand rubles a month.

Personal growth coach

People who teach others not to be trembling creatures are simply obliged to give the impression of self-confident natures. They can be tough leaders or soft ones, but in every word they say there should be confidence and sincere interest in each listener. Their tools are charisma and word. This is aerobatics, and those who own it, include the skills of a teacher, the charm of the host, the skills of a PR specialist and the authority of a priest.

And the money here is spinning the largest of the entire collection - up to several tens of thousands per session.

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