How to determine the planned target. Relative value of plan execution

The relative values \u200b\u200bof the dynamics are also called "growth rates", denoted as "Tp" or indices. The period in which the phenomenon is taken as a basis for comparison in statistics is usually called "basic" and denoted as "x0". The period in which the compared phenomenon occurs is called "reporting", "current" and is denoted as "x1". Relative magnitude dynamics is calculated using the following formula:

The level of the compared phenomenon can also be called the "actual level", that is, the level actually achieved in reporting period, it has the designation "hf". Then, the relative magnitude of the dynamics will take the following form:

Relative magnitude planned target. In statistics, the values \u200b\u200bof the attributes of the phenomenon under study, which must be achieved in the coming period, are called planned values.

The relative value of the planned target (OVp.z.) is calculated as the correlation of the planned level of the phenomenon (xpl) with the level of the same phenomenon, which is taken as the basis for comparison (x0). The actually achieved value of the attribute of the phenomenon under study in the period that precedes the planned one is taken as the comparison base, and not necessarily the immediate precedence; any previous period can be taken as the basis for comparison. Thus, the relative value of the planned target has the form:

That is, this relative value determines, in percentage terms, how many times the planned level of the phenomenon differs from the level of the phenomenon achieved in the previous period.

The relative size of the plan.The concept of "execution of the plan" implies a comparison of the planned target and the actual result obtained. Consequently, the relative magnitude of the plan fulfillment (OBv.p.) is the correlation of the actually achieved level of the phenomenon in the study period (хф, х1) with the planned level of this phenomenon (хпл): That is, this relative value shows how many times the actual level of the phenomenon under study in the reporting period differs from the planned level of the phenomenon for this period.

The relationship between the relative values \u200b\u200bof the dynamics, the plan target, plan implementation.If there is a planned level in the construction of relative values \u200b\u200breflecting changes in the phenomenon over time, three levels are analyzed: basic, planned and actual. A sequential calculation of the change first in the planned value relative to the baseline value, then the actual value relative to the planned value allows one to judge the change in the phenomenon over the period under study as a whole, i.e. change in the actual level relative to the baseline or characterizes the relative magnitude of the dynamics.

The product of the relative values \u200b\u200bof the target and fulfillment of the plan is equal to the relative magnitude of the dynamics. Really:

This expression reflects the relationship of the relative values \u200b\u200bof the plan target, plan execution and dynamics.

Relative indicatorscharacterizing the structure of the object.The structure in statistics means information about the division of the studied population into separate groups, about the size of each of the groups and about their significance for the population as a whole. Therefore, the relative value of the structure (d) in statistics is the correlation of a part of the phenomenon (f) and the phenomenon as a whole (the sum of all parts, f):

That is, the relative size of the structure shows what proportion (or how many percent) is part of the population in the total volume of the population. Synonyms for the concept of "relative size of the structure" are also the concepts of "specific weight", "share".

It is necessary to note the peculiarity of the data for which the relative size of the structure can be calculated: the data must be grouped, that is, undergo primary processing after observation.

Calculation of the change in the relative size of the structure over time.For a full analysis, it is not enough to investigate only the structure of the phenomenon; it is necessary to compare the distribution of the phenomenon by groups in the studied period with the distribution that existed in the previous periods. The construction of the relative values \u200b\u200bof the structure of the phenomenon for several periods makes it possible to identify changes in the structure of the phenomenon that occur over time. Such changes in statistics are called "structural breaks". Calculation of structural changes in the phenomenon over time () is determined by the ratio of the change in a part of the phenomenon in time () with the change in time of the phenomenon as a whole ():

The relative amount of coordination.The relative value of coordination characterizes the ratio of the parts of the whole to each other. That is, in addition to determining the specific gravity of the various parts in comparison with the entire population, relative values \u200b\u200bare also used, reflecting the comparison of the various parts with each other.

The relative value of coordination (OVK) has a form based on its essence - a comparison of one part of the studied population (fх) with another part of the same population (fу):

The value shows how many units of the compared part fall on 1, 10, 100 or 1000 units of the part taken as the basis for comparison. For example, how many women are there per 1000 men.

Relative comparison value.The relative value of comparison reflects the correlation of indicators that have the same content, units of measurement, period or point in time, but calculated for different objects. That is, this relative value is isolated in separate speciessince it allows you to compare different objects according to the studied characteristics. The form of the relative comparison value (OBC) is due to its content: the correlation of a certain characteristic of object A (XA) with the same characteristic of object B for the same period (XB):

As an example of calculating relative comparison values, the following indicators can be cited:

1) the ratio of oil production in 1999 in the United States with oil production in 1999 in the Russian Federation,

2) comparison of the average annual gross domestic product per capita in Germany for the period from 1995 to 2000, with the average annual gross domestic product per capita in Russian Federation for the same period; etc.

    Types of absolute values, their meaning

    Types of relative values, methods of their calculation and forms of expression

    Essence and significance of averages. Average power values

    Average structural values

  1. Types of absolute values, their meaning

As a result of statistical observation and summaries, generalizing indicators are obtained that reflect the quantitative side of the phenomena.

All indicators used in statistical practice by expression classified into absolute, relative and average.

The initial form of expression of statistical indicators are absolute values. The absolute values \u200b\u200bcharacterize the absolute sizes of the studied phenomena, and also give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe volumes of the populations.

Absolute value - an indicator that reflects the size of social phenomena and processes in specific conditions of place and time. It characterizes the social life of the population and the economy of the country as a whole (gross domestic product (GDP), national income, industrial production, population, etc.).

In practice, two types of absolute values \u200b\u200bare distinguished: individual and total.

Individual sizes show the dimensions of the attribute of individual units of the population (for example, the weight of one person, the size of the salary of an individual employee, the size of the deposit in a particular bank)

Total values characterize the final value of the attribute for a certain set of subjects covered by statistical observation (for example, the size of the wage fund, the total amount of deposits in banks).

Absolute statistics - always named numbers, i.e. have units of measurement.

Absolute values \u200b\u200bare expressed:

    in natural units (kilograms, grams, centners, units, pieces, etc.), which are used in the case of characterizing the size of one phenomenon (for example, the volume of milk sales);

    in conventionally natural units (feed units, equivalent fuel units, etc.), which are used to characterize the size of homogeneous phenomena (for example, the volume of feed in feed units);

    in monetary units (rubles, dollars, euros, etc.) used in determining the size of heterogeneous phenomena (for example, the cost of buying a variety of food products);

    in labor units (man-hours, man-days, etc.), which express the size of the expenditure of working time.

  1. Types of relative values, methods of their calculation and forms of expression

Absolute values \u200b\u200bdo not always fully characterize phenomena. In order to correctly evaluate a particular absolute indicator, it is necessary to compare it with a plan or indicator related to another period. For this, relative values \u200b\u200bare used.

Relative magnitude - the result of dividing one absolute indicator by another, expressing the relationship between the quantitative characteristics of socio-economic phenomena and processes. By the relative value, one can judge how much the compared indicator is more than the baseline or what proportion it makes up from the baseline.

When calculating relative values, the absolute indicator in the numerator is called compared (current), and located in the denominator - comparison base. IN Depending on the comparison base, the resulting relative indicator can be in the form of an expression or be a named value.

There are the following forms of expression relative values:

    coefficient if the comparison base is taken as 1;

    percent, if the comparison base is taken as 100;

    ppm, if the comparison base is taken as 1000;

    prodecymilla, if the comparison base is taken as 10,000.

If the relative value is obtained by dividing dissimilar indicators, then it will be expressed using units of measurement, which reflect the ratio of the compared and the baseline indicators.

OVPZ - the relative value of the planned target;

OVVP - the relative value of the plan;

ATS is the relative magnitude of the dynamics;

OVS is the relative size of the structure;

OVK - the relative value of coordination;

OVSr - relative comparison value;

OVI - relative intensity value;

ОВУЭР - the relative value of the level of economic development.

Relative value of the planned target (ORPZ) is the ratio of the value of the indicator set for the planning period to its actual value achieved perthe previous period or for any other, taken as a comparison base.

Where is the level planned for the upcoming period.

The level of the indicator achieved in the past (previous, baseline) period.

OVPZ characterizes the growth or reduction of the studied phenomenon in the planning period compared to the level achieved in the previous period.

Relative value of plan fulfillment (OVVP) is the result of comparing the actually achieved level of the indicator with its planned level.


where, is the level of the indicator achieved in the reporting period.

AFVP characterizes the growth or reduction of the studied phenomenon, actually achieved in the reporting period, in comparison with the plan.

Relative magnitude of dynamics (ATS) is calculated as the ratio of the current indicator to the previous or basic one, i.e. characterizes the change in certain phenomena over time.


ATS is called growth rates, expressed in ratios or percentages.

The last three quantities are interrelated as follows:

OVD \u003d OVPZ x OVP

This relationship only manifests itself if the relative values \u200b\u200bare expressed in coefficients.

ATS is calculated using a chain or basic method. When chain method of calculation each subsequent reporting level is compared with the previous level, when basic method of calculation - with the first level taken as a comparison base.

If the level of each subsequent period (Y n) is compared with the level of the previous period (Y n -1), then the ATS is calculated chain way .

If the level of each subsequent period (Y n) is compared with the level taken as the comparison base (Y 0), then the ATS is determined basic way .

Relative structure size (RMS) shows the specific weight of a part of the population in its total volume:


where fithe number of units of a part of the population,

fi - overall volume the aggregate.

OBC expressed in ratios or percentages and is used to characterize the structure of the phenomenon.

Relative magnitude of coordination (ROC) characterizes the ratio of the individual parts of the whole. In this case, the part that has the greatest specific weight or is a priority from an economic, social or other point of view is selected as a comparison base.


where fi - number of units i- parts of the aggregate;

fj - number of units j - parts of the aggregate.

The relative values \u200b\u200bof coordination show how many times one part of the population is larger than the other, or how many units of one part are in 1,10,100,1000,10000 units of another part.

Relative comparison value (RVSr) represents the ratio of the same absolute indicators characterizing different objects (enterprises, regions, countries, etc.), but corresponding to the same period or point in time.

The form of expression OVSr can be taken in coefficients or percentages.

Relative Intensity Value (RVI) shows the degree of spread of the phenomenon in its inherent environment and is the result of comparing opposite, but in a certain way related, absolute values \u200b\u200b(population density, labor productivity, unit cost, etc.). Calculated per 100, 1000, etc. units of the studied population.

A particular case of the relative intensity value is the relative value of the level of economic development (OWED), which is the value of the volume of production of any product per capita. This value has a unit of measurement (kilograms, centners, tons, etc. per capita).

    target for the production or consumption of fuel - - [A.S. Goldberg. The English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN fuel target ...

    indicative planning task - - Telecommunications Topics, Fundamentals EN indicative planning figure IPF ... Technical translator's guide

    TASK, tasks, cf. A task assigned to someone, an assignment (book newspapers.). The cost reduction target has been completed. Planned task. Exceed the assignment. Work on assignments. || Concept, purpose, task. Set yourself a task. || That ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    the task -, oya, cf. * Planned task. The prescribed, planned scope of work. ◘ The same word Plan in the newly formed compound words widely began to act as a definition: planned economy die Planwirtschaft :, planned target die ... ...

    Assignment to carry out works on the preservation of a cultural heritage site - 3.7.1. Assignment for carrying out work on the preservation of a cultural heritage object: (Planned (restoration) task) The form is determined by the procedure or regulations established by the state protection bodies of cultural heritage objects, including ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    I; Wed 1. The goal or task assigned to whom l. for execution. Responsible, difficult h. Government, secret z. Z. of state importance. Z. on the study of the flora and fauna of Baikal. Z. for exploration of deposits. Write, complete h. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    the task - I; Wed 1) The goal or task assigned to s. for execution. Responsible, difficult task. Government, secret assignment. The task of state importance. The task of studying the flora and fauna of Baikal. Reconnaissance mission ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    The target for the production and sale of products was established. nomenclature and quality; leading section of the state. development plan bunks. x va USSR, industry plan, pr tia. P. p. Pr tia osn. section of techpromfinpla on ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    planned -, oh, oh. 1. Related to the plan (production). * Planned task. ◘ It was a job that she did as a routine schedule assignment. Gladkov, v. 2, 95. 2. Implemented according to a pre-developed plan. * Planned ... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

    This term has other meanings, see Strommashina. "Strommashina" (JSC "Strommashina") Type of JSC Founded 1950 Location ... Wikipedia

    economy -, a, cf. 1. Everything that makes up production; economy. * Planned economy. * Planned housekeeping. ( Distinctive feature socialist mode of production). ◘ The same word Plan began to appear in the newly formed words ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

The relative value of the target(indicator of the planned target) is the ratio of the planned level of the indicator to its level achieved in the previous period (or in the period considered as the baseline)

The relative value of the planned target characterizes the prospect of the development of the phenomenon
ORP \u003d planned level for the future (next) period / actual level of the current (previous) period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people.
ORP \u003d (100/120) * 100% \u003d 83.3% - 100% \u003d -16.7%.
The company planned to reduce the number of personnel by 16.7%.

Relative value of plan execution

Relative value of plan execution (indicator of plan fulfillment) characterizes the degree of plan implementation.
ORP \u003d actual level of the current period / plan of the current period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people. But the number of employees increased over the year to 130 people.
ORVP \u003d (130/100) * 100% \u003d 130% - 100% \u003d 30%.
The actual number of employees exceeded the planned level by 30%.

There is a relationship between and the relative value of the planned target and the relative value of the plan's fulfillment, expressed in the formula: OVVP \u003d OVD / OVPZ

Example: the company planned to reduce the cost by 6%. The actual decrease compared to last year was 4%. How was the cost reduction plan implemented?
ATS \u003d (96/100) * 100% \u003d 96% - 100% \u003d - 4%
ORP \u003d (94/100) * 100% \u003d 94% - 100% \u003d - 6%
ORVP \u003d 96% / 94% \u003d 102.1% - 100% \u003d -2.1% the plan for cost reduction was not fulfilled because the actual level exceeded the target by 2.1%.

Example: an insurance company in 1997 entered into contracts in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. In 1998 she intends to conclude an agreement in the amount of 510 thousand rubles. The relative value of the planned target will be equal to 102% (510/500)

Suppose the influence of various factors led to the fact that the insurance company actually entered into contracts in 1998 in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. In this case, the relative value of the execution fee will be equal to 78.4% (400/510)

The relative values \u200b\u200bof the dynamics, the target and the fulfillment of the plan are related by the following relationship:

ОВП / ОВРП \u003d ОВД

In our example: 1.02 * 0.784 \u003d 0.8

The relative value of the target(indicator of the planned task) is the ratio of the planned level of the indicator to its level achieved in the previous period (or in the period considered as the baseline).

The relative value of the planned target characterizes the prospect of the development of the phenomenon
ORP \u003d planned level for the future (next) period / actual level of the current (previous) period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people.
ORP \u003d (100/120) * 100% \u003d 83.3% - 100% \u003d -16.7%.
The company planned to reduce the number of personnel by 16.7%.

Relative value of plan execution

Relative value of plan execution (indicator of plan fulfillment) characterizes the degree of plan implementation.
ORP \u003d actual level of the current period / plan of the current period

Example: in 2007 the number of personnel was 120 people. in 2008 it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people. But the number of employees increased over the year to 130 people.
ORVP \u003d (130/100) * 100% \u003d 130% - 100% \u003d 30%.
The actual number of employees exceeded the planned level by 30%.

There is a relationship between and the relative value of the planned target and the relative value of the plan's fulfillment, expressed in the formula: OVVP \u003d OVD / OVPZ

Example: the company planned to reduce the cost by 6%. The actual decrease compared to last year was 4%. How was the cost reduction plan implemented?
ATS \u003d (96/100) * 100% \u003d 96% - 100% \u003d - 4%
ORP \u003d (94/100) * 100% \u003d 94% - 100% \u003d - 6%
ORVP \u003d 96% / 94% \u003d 102.1% - 100% \u003d -2.1% the plan for cost reduction was not fulfilled because the actual level exceeded the target by 2.1%.

Example: an insurance company in 1997 entered into contracts in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. In 1998 she intends to conclude an agreement in the amount of 510 thousand rubles. The relative value of the planned target will be 102% (510/500).

Suppose the influence of various factors led to the fact that the insurance company actually entered into contracts in 1998 in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. In this case, the relative value of the execution fee will be 78.4% (400/510).

The relative values \u200b\u200bof the dynamics, the target and the fulfillment of the plan are related by the following relationship:

In our example: 1.02 * 0.784 \u003d 0.8