What is a second-hand bookseller publication on ozone. What are second-hand books? How much do multivolume books cost

Second-hand books beat all records in value. At auctions, unique pieces cost 10 times more than the stated price. What books are considered rarities and can you find a treasure in your own library?

Books published before 1861 are considered antique, and those published after this period are called second-hand books. Editions of the 18th century and rare books of the 19th-20th centuries in good condition are highly valued.

Second-hand books

Collectors are always interested in books published during the writer's lifetime. The first edition of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin nowadays costs about a million dollars, although it is a set of notebooks that were produced from 1825 to 1832. Very few of them have survived, since the novel in notebooks was read out to the holes and subsequently, during the poet's life, bound editions were more appreciated.

But other publications of Pushkin during his lifetime are rated no less highly. At one of the book auctions in Moscow, "Boris Godunov" in 2016 was sold for 70 thousand dollars.

The editions of the 20th century writers are appreciated. For example, in the auction house "Literary Fund" the collection "All Tsvetaeva", which included all the publications of the poetess during his lifetime, was sold for almost 9 million rubles.

Books with autographs or notes are expensive famous people... There are collectors who can pay half a million dollars for a book signed by Alexander Sergeevich.

A typical 1939 catalog of American equipment found in a garbage can also be worth a fortune. The high cost was provided by the notes that Stalin himself made.

The dream of many bibliophiles is a rarity that was published in scanty circulation, or whose circulation was deliberately destroyed. For example, one of the most expensive books on russian market - this is the first edition of Radishchev's "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow". The entire circulation was destroyed by Catherine II, only 16 copies have survived. If one of them appears at auctions, then they are asking for at least a million dollars.

But Radishchev's translation of Abbot de Mobley's "Reflections on Greek History" was sold for 75 thousand dollars. Collectors' keen interest in Radishchev is due to the fact that Catherine ordered to destroy all the works of the disgraced writer. But something has survived for posterity.

Bibliophiles Collect Books, Do Not Read

Collectors of paper rarities today in Russia are much less than, for example, numismatists or philatelists. Bibliophiles often specialize in one subject, collect books on jurisprudence or military affairs.

Therefore, if an old book is passed from generation to generation in a house, this does not mean that serious money can be raised for it.

For a book to be considered a rarity, it must meet certain requirements.

  • Be in good condition: there must be no damage to the book block, mechanical damage.
  • The flyleaf, frontispiece, title pages should be intact.
  • Pages should not be torn out or spilled out of the book.
  • Library stamps are undesirable, even if the library ceased to exist in 1917.
  • But ex-libris (if the owner was a famous person or a respected collector) is welcome. If provenance is known (the history of book ownership), this can dramatically increase its value.

If the book is published after 1860, it may not be of interest to bibliophiles. The circulation of books was then printed in hundreds of thousands of copies. And although time and cataclysms did not spare the editions, many books are of no value.

If the binding is cheap (made of satin or chintz), it is poorly preserved, spots appear on the book, pages fall out, it is unlikely that it will cost more than a thousand rubles. Exceptions are editions with autographs and dedicatory inscriptions of famous people.

Of great interest are editions with illustrations, in cases - masterpieces of the printing art. Leather or one-piece Maroque bindings with gold edges are appreciated. Such books have high quality seals, duplicates with gold embossing.

The book doesn't have to be 19th century. For example, Sholokhov's four-volume "Quiet Don", published in 1929-1940, is sold in one of the second-hand bookshops for 250 thousand rubles.

The high cost of a multivolume book is due to several reasons. The main one is excellent preservation. This is the first edition in several volumes, which mainly went to libraries. "Quiet Don" was read out to the holes. There are practically no books of this edition left in the normal state. In addition, a leather case has been preserved, which housed a multivolume book.

However, the declared value in the online store does not mean that such a publication can be sold for the same amount. The book can be displayed on the site and wait for its buyer for years. It was in the Soviet Union that there were millions of bibliophiles; in our time, collecting books is a hobby that few people are fond of.

How much do multivolume books cost?

If publications are issued in several volumes, the loss of one volume dramatically reduces their cost. For example, if one volume is missing in a six-volume collection of Dostoevsky's works, then the cost of the set will fall not by one-sixth, but by 30-45 percent.

The complete works of Brockhaus and Efron occupy an entire cabinet. 86 volumes in good condition can be bought for 350 thousand rubles. But no one will sell several scattered volumes for 4-5 thousand. Their cost is one and a half to two thousand rubles per volume.

If more than half of the volumes have survived in a multivolume book, then it is sold as a full edition. Less than half - volumes sold separately.

There is a catalog of antique publications of Russian fiction. Normative document published in 1976 and prices are indicated for books published before 1917. Of course, prices from forty years ago do not match today's prices. But oddly enough, second-hand booksellers are still guided by this catalog in evaluating books.

Second-hand books, if they are published in a good publishing house and are of printing interest, will always be appreciated. If now it is not so expensive, then in the future its price may rise.

Despite the loss of our country the status of the most reading in the world, compatriots do not completely part with books and reading. But not all of them know that there is a division printed publications for antique and second-hand books.

It can be difficult for laymen to distinguish between the two. And the question often arises: "Second-hand book - what is it?" The answer to it is simple: second-hand books include those publications whose age has not passed the fifty-year mark (it is counted from the moment of printing). And we are talking not only about books, but also about periodicals and even postcards. Thus, antique books are books whose age is higher than the named mark.

Some interesting facts

Collecting second-hand books is the most common hobby, dating back to medieval France. The 16th century was the time when the first second-hand bookshops appeared in this country. For a long time, it never occurred to anyone to separate second-hand and antique books. The distinction between the old printed and new products began in the 19th century due to the increase in book production and the availability of printed materials.

You can also definitely say that there was a second-hand edition of books in Russia. Mentions of the sale of old editions can be found in the 16th-18th centuries. Nevertheless, the wide spread of second-hand books in Russia began only at the beginning of the 19th century.

By the way, the legislative framework in many countries contains provisions that permit second-hand bookkeeping. Permission for it in Russia is enshrined in Article 1272 of the Civil Code.

Second-hand bookseller \u003d changed?

We meet with the first fixation of the word "second-hand bookseller" in dictionaries in 1835, only this was a transfer of the narrow meaning of the concept: it was about petty traders or money changers who exchanged, bought, sold or changed old, used books.

After a century in the "Commodity Dictionary" the term "second-hand book" is given. But he also failed to fully convey the meaning this concept... Therefore, if the question arose: "Second-hand book - what is it?", Then they talked about a second-hand and old book.

The time has come, and second-hand classifications, catalogs, price lists, instructive and normative materials began to be created. It was at this moment that the need arose for a clear delineation of concepts. And the term "second-hand book" was assigned to the designation of the entire array of products that are in repeated circulation. Thus, the question of what the second-hand edition means became clear.

How are second-hand book collections replenished?

Count on minimum investment when replenishing collections is not worth it. It was quite possible to limit ourselves to them in the years of perestroika. Then it was customary to get rid of old books. They were taken out to the trash heaps in piles. Nobody thought that in one and a half to two decades they would begin to be appreciated. And in the 2000s, there was still an opportunity to get valuable copies free of charge: in order to renew their collections, libraries began to get rid of old books. Today, for most people it is clear that second-hand books are what they are and what value they are. Therefore, by agreeing to sell their collection, they often inflate the cost of publications.

Acquisition of second-hand books

Having set out to purchase used books, you can visit book markets and second-hand bookstores (or the corresponding departments in ordinary bookstores), specialized Internet sites. One of them is the OZON.ru online store. The beginning of the active development of the "Secondary Books" section on this resource dates back to the second half of 2001. At the initial stage, the assortment of such publications was not very diverse. Albums on art and multivolume prevailed mainly.

What is the second-hand edition on "Ozone" today? This is a wide variety of thematic areas: art, technology, humanities, works of art and children's literature. Here you can not only find the edition you are interested in, see how it looked, but also get acquainted with its description, format, name of the publishing house in which it was published, etc.

Those who are interested in the answer to the question: "Second-hand edition - what is this" Ozone "tacoen?", You can get acquainted with the corresponding section on the site of this store.

Despite the loss of our country the status of the most reading in the world, compatriots do not completely part with books and reading. But not all of them know that there is a division of printed publications into antique and second-hand books.

It can be difficult for laymen to distinguish between the two. And the question often arises: "Second-hand book - what is it?" The answer is simple: second-hand books include those publications whose age has not passed the fifty-year mark (it is counted from the moment of printing). And we are talking not only about books, but also about periodicals and even postcards. Thus, antique books are books whose age is higher than the named mark.

Some interesting facts

Collecting second-hand books is the most common hobby, dating back to medieval France. The 16th century was the time when the first second-hand bookshops appeared in this country. For a long time, it never occurred to anyone to separate second-hand and antique books. The distinction between old printed and new products began in the 19th century in connection with the increase in book production and the availability of printed products.

You can also definitely say that there was a second-hand edition of books in Russia. Mentions of the sale of old editions can be found in the 16th-18th centuries. Nevertheless, the wide spread of second-hand books in Russia began only at the beginning of the 19th century.

By the way, the legislative framework of many countries contains provisions that allow second-hand bookkeeping. Permission for it in Russia is enshrined in Article 1272 of the Civil Code.

Second-hand bookseller \u003d changed?

We meet with the first fixation of the word "second-hand bookseller" in dictionaries in 1835, only this was a transfer of the narrow meaning of the concept: it was about petty traders or money changers who exchanged, bought, sold or changed old, used books.

After a century in the "Commodity Dictionary" the term "second-hand book" is given. But he also failed to fully convey the meaning of this concept. Therefore, if the question arose: "Second-hand book - what is it?", Then they talked about a second-hand and old book.

The time has come, and second-hand classifications, catalogs, price lists, instructive and normative materials began to be created. It was at this moment that the need arose for a clear delineation of concepts. And the term "second-hand book" was assigned to the designation of the entire array of products that are in repeated circulation. Thus, the question of what the second-hand edition means became clear.

How are second-hand book collections replenished?

You should not count on the minimum investment when replenishing the collections. It was quite possible to confine ourselves to them in the years of perestroika. Then it was customary to get rid of old books. They were taken out to the trash heaps in piles. Nobody thought that in one and a half to two decades they would begin to be appreciated. And in the 2000s, there was still an opportunity to get valuable copies free of charge: in order to renew their collections, libraries began to get rid of old books. Today, most people understand that second-hand books are what they are and what value they are. Therefore, by agreeing to sell their collection, they often inflate the cost of publications.

Acquisition of second-hand books

Having set out to purchase used books, you can visit book markets and second-hand bookstores (or the corresponding departments in ordinary bookstores), specialized Internet sites. One of them is the OZON.ru online store. The beginning of the active development of the "Secondary Books" section on this resource dates back to the second half of 2001. At the initial stage, the assortment of such publications was not very diverse. Albums on art and multivolume prevailed mainly.

What is the second-hand edition on "Ozone" today? This is a wide variety of thematic areas: art, technology, humanities, works of art and children's literature. Here you can not only find the edition you are interested in, see how it looked, but also get acquainted with its description, format, name of the publishing house in which it was published, etc.

Those who are interested in the answer to the question: "Second-hand edition - what is this" Ozone "tacoen?", You can get acquainted with the corresponding section on the site of this store.

What is a 'second-hand book'?

  • The second-hand edition is also printed. These are old books published either by well-known publishers, like Sytin in Russia, or simply rare, those published in small editions, or authored by Dumas during their lifetime. As a rule, they are very beautiful and fall into the category of antiquity art. Therefore, dear ones. For example, the first lifetime edition of Lenin's volumes costs hundreds of times more than the last one under the USSR. For now, then it will become expensive too.
  • A second-hand book (second-hand edition, second-hand goods) is a book that has come into re-circulation.

    Any book becomes a second-hand book, regardless of when it was published, in what way it was made (handwritten, printed), if it goes on sale (a second-hand book store or department, to a private entrepreneur in the fall or on the Internet) from a consumer (individual or collective).
    and thus one and the same publication can be the subject of multiple purchases and sales.

    The history of the word second-hand bookseller (from the French bouquin used book, little book, derogatory education from the word bork book) can be traced in Russian since the beginning of the 19th century. For the first time it is recorded in the dictionary in 1835, while still transmitting a narrow meaning of the concept: This is how petty traders or money changers are called, who are engaged in the udder, buy-out, sale or exchange of old, used books. A second-hand bookseller is a broker for the sale of old books.

    The definition of the term second-hand book was given more than a century later in the Commodity Dictionary and also did not fully convey the meaning of the concept. The second-hand book was defined in this edition as second-hand and old book... Among second-hand books there may be editions of a century ago and those that were out of print this year.

    Only when the work on the creation of second-hand classifications, catalogs-price lists, instructive-normative materials required a clear delineation of concepts, the term second-hand book began to denote the entire array of products that are re-circulated.

  • In other words, the old edition.
  • Download PDF What is a second-hand edition?

    Bibliophiles Collect Books, Do Not Read

    Collectors of paper rarities today in Russia are much less than, for example, numismatists or philatelists. Bibliophiles often specialize in one subject, collect books on jurisprudence or military affairs.

    Therefore, if an old book is passed from generation to generation in a house, this does not mean that serious money can be raised for it.

    For a book to be considered a rarity, it must meet certain requirements.

    • Be in good condition: there must be no damage to the book block, mechanical damage.
    • The flyleaf, frontispiece, title pages should be intact.
    • Pages should not be torn out or spilled out of the book.
    • Library stamps are undesirable, even if the library ceased to exist in 1917.
    • But ex-libris (if the owner was a famous person or a respected collector) is welcome. If provenance is known (the history of book ownership), this can dramatically increase its value.

    If the book is published after 1860, it may not be of interest to bibliophiles. The circulation of books was then printed in hundreds of thousands of copies. And although time and cataclysms did not spare the editions, many books are of no value.

    If the binding is cheap (made of satin or chintz), it is poorly preserved, spots appear on the book, pages fall out, it is unlikely that it will cost more than a thousand rubles. Exceptions are editions with autographs and dedicatory inscriptions of famous people.

    Of great interest are editions with illustrations, in cases - masterpieces of the printing art. Leather or one-piece Maroque bindings with gold edges are appreciated. Such books are of high quality printing, duplicates with gold stamping.

    The book doesn't have to be 19th century. For example, Sholokhov's four-volume "Quiet Don", published in 1929-1940, is sold in one of the second-hand bookshops for 250 thousand rubles.

    The high cost of a multivolume book is due to several reasons. The main one is excellent preservation. This is the first edition in several volumes, which mainly went to libraries. "Quiet Don" was read out to the holes. There are practically no books of this edition left in the normal state. In addition, a leather case has been preserved, which housed a multivolume book.

    However, the declared value in the online store does not mean that such a publication can be sold for the same amount. The book can be displayed on the site and wait for its buyer for years. It was in the Soviet Union that there were millions of bibliophiles; in our time, collecting books is a hobby that few people are fond of.

    How much do multivolume books cost?

    If publications are issued in several volumes, the loss of one volume dramatically reduces their cost. For example, if one volume is missing in a six-volume collection of Dostoevsky's works, then the cost of the set will fall not by one-sixth, but by 30-45 percent.

    The complete works of Brockhaus and Efron occupy an entire cabinet. 86 volumes in good condition can be bought for 350 thousand rubles. But no one will sell several scattered volumes for 4-5 thousand. Their cost is one and a half to two thousand rubles per volume.

    If more than half of the volumes have survived in a multivolume book, then it is sold as a full edition. Less than half - volumes sold separately.

    There is a catalog of antique editions of Russian fiction. The normative document was published in 1976 and the cost is indicated for books published before 1917. Of course, prices from forty years ago do not match today's prices. But oddly enough, second-hand booksellers are still guided by this catalog in evaluating books.

    Second-hand books, if they are published in a good publishing house and are of printing interest, will always be appreciated. If now it is not so expensive, then in the future its price may rise.

    A second-hand book is a book that has been re-circulated.

    Any book becomes a second-hand book, regardless of when it was published, in what way it was made (handwritten, printed), if it goes on sale (a second-hand book store or department, to a private entrepreneur on the "collapse" or on the Internet) from a consumer ( individual or collective). Moreover, one and the same publication can be the subject of multiple purchases and sales.

    History of the word second-hand bookseller (from fr. Bouquiniste - second-hand bookseller, fr. Bouquin - an old book) can be traced in Russian since the beginning of the 19th century. For the first time it is recorded in the dictionary in 1835, while still transmitting a narrow meaning of the concept: “This is the name of the petty traders or money changers who are engaged in the udder, buying, selling or exchanging old, used books. A second-hand bookseller is a broker of the sale of old books. "

    The definition of the term second-hand book was given more than a century later in the "Commodity Dictionary" and also did not fully convey the meaning of the concept. The second-hand book was defined in this edition as “used and old book. Among the second-hand books there may be editions of a century ago and out of print this year. "

    Only when the work on the creation of second-hand classifications, price-list catalogs, instructive-normative materials required a clear delineation of concepts, the term "second-hand book" began to denote the entire array of products that are re-circulated.

    Second-hand books

    A second-hand book is a book "with history" and that is its unique charm. Some of the items are decorated and made even more valuable by the author's autograph, inscription or notes in the margins of the famous owner. An old edition of a classic work will decorate a study and a home library, possession of a file set of century-old newspapers sets you in a philosophical way: everything passes and repeats again.

    You can find second-hand books on our website in the sections,