Order form for the imposition of a disciplinary penalty. The meaning of a disciplinary order. What types of disciplinary sanctions cannot be applied to an employee

For non-performance or improper performance by an employee job responsibilities, the employer has the right to apply disciplinary action to the employee. There are several types of penalties: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal (for some categories of employees, other types of penalties may also be provided).

It must be remembered that a disciplinary order that the employer fills out is not the only document that must confirm the fact of the misconduct and prosecution. Before you fill out the order on violation of labor discipline (we will give a sample at the end of the article) and make a remark to the employee, you must confirm the violation with the relevant documents.

Usually the following documents serve as confirmation:

  • an act drawn up in the presence of at least two witnesses;
  • service note.

Complaints from buyers or customers (drawn up in writing), timesheets (if the employee is absent) can also be confirmation.

The employer may separately issue an order on compliance with labor discipline (or strengthening labor discipline - a sample can be found on the Internet), but this document is not mandatory. Some users mistakenly believe that disciplinary action cannot be imposed without this document, but this is not the case.

Further, a written explanation must be requested from the employee. So, if the employer plans to fill out a disciplinary order for absenteeism (we will give a sample order at the end of the article), the employee must provide explanations for the fact of failure to appear. The request must be made in writing in two copies, and the employee must sign on the copy of the employer. This will be evidence that the employer did not just fill out a disciplinary order in the form of a remark or reprimand, but followed the procedure for applying a penalty.

If, at the end of two working days from the date of the request from the employee, he did not provide an explanation, you need to draw up an act about this signed by several (two is enough) witnesses. The employee may believe that the failure to provide a written explanation will be an obstacle to drawing up a disciplinary order (a sample will be provided at the end of the article) and applying a penalty, but this is not the case. The employer, for his part, must comply with the procedure for the application of a penalty, the employee's refusal to sign documents and give explanations will not be an obstacle.

However, the employer should not rush and fill out the order on the application of a disciplinary sanction, even if the employee categorically refused to give explanations immediately after demanding explanations - it is necessary to wait for the expiration of two days, otherwise the application of the penalty may be recognized by the court as unlawful.

Order to impose a disciplinary sanction

The unified form of the order has not been approved, it is drawn up by the employer independently in free form when announcing a comment, reprimand or other penalty.

The order on the application of a disciplinary sanction necessarily contains the basis for the publication of the document. The grounds are just documents confirming the employee's guilt (acts, medical reports, complaints from clients, court documents, etc.). It is necessary to include their details in the order on bringing to disciplinary responsibility.

The order must be submitted to the employee against signature within three working days from the day it was completed by the employer. If the employee did not show up for work, then during these three days the employee's absence is not included.

An employee may refuse to sign an order to impose a disciplinary sanction, believing that the absence of a signature on the order will lead to the cancellation or postponement of the sanction. However, in this case, the employer must draw up an act with the signatures of at least two witnesses, which will confirm that the employee refused to sign the disciplinary punishment order.

The employer must remember that there are certain deadlines for applying disciplinary action to an employee. The employer has the right to apply a penalty within a month from the day the violation was discovered, and no later than six months from the date of its commission (in some cases, longer periods are provided).

The sample order for disciplinary action is not difficult to fill out, but the employer needs to be careful about its preparation. So, there is no need to develop a separate sample of a disciplinary order on a reprimand, for example, the order as a whole will be the same as when applying other penalties, the type of penalty must be indicated in the main part of the document. In general, it is advisable to adhere to the following structure of the document:

  • an indication of the employee's misconduct;
  • an indication of the type of disciplinary sanction, the full name of the employee, the violated clause of the employment contract (for example, an example of a disciplinary sanction order (remark) will differ in this clause);
  • an indication of the period for familiarizing the employee with the order;
  • an indication of the documents that served as the basis for filling out the order.

The commission of illegal acts and actions by employees, in the conditions of the enterprise, may entail liability in the form of disciplinary action. The reason for the creation of the corresponding order can be both a systematic violation of official powers, and actions that caused material damage to the company. Below we propose to figure out how to correctly write a disciplinary order.

Disciplinary action is responsibility for the commission of a disciplinary act

Types of disciplinary action

In order to correctly draw up the necessary document, you should familiarize yourself with the list of existing disciplinary actions that can be used by company leaders in relation to hired employees. The current bill provides for such punishments for misconduct as: remark, reprimand. One of the most extreme disciplinary measures is the dismissal of a negligent employee. Attention should be paid to the fact that the actions that can lead to such results are listed in article eighty-one, Labor Code RF.

It should also be mentioned that the conditions of disciplinary liability may be established by the internal documentation of the enterprise. This takes into account the specifics of the organization. In this case, such punishments as demotion for a certain period of time or transfer to another department with a lower salary are allowed.

In addition, it should be clarified that punishments in the form of deprivation of funds (salaries) may be recognized as illegal, since in the Labor Code there is no information on the admissibility of such actions. However, it is allowed to partially or completely deprive an employee of bonuses if this nuance is specified on the pages of the collective or labor agreement, as well as other internal documents.

Making a comment to an employee should be based on documentary facts.

In the case of disciplinary action, you will need witnesses who can confirm the commission of illegal actions on the part of a specific employee. Such actions include:

  1. Disruption of the production process.
  2. Non-compliance with safety precautions.
  3. Presence on the territory of the organization in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.

In order for the accusations not to be unfounded, documents confirming the violation of labor discipline should be attached. To the list required documents includes an extract from the job description and work schedule, a photocopy of the order, as well as other acts confirming the violation of discipline. Great importance is attached to the form of drawing up and the date of filling out the documents. In case of litigation, errors in the order and annexes may lead to the court taking the side of the employee.

A disciplinary offense is a guilty, unlawful failure to perform or improper performance by an employee of his / her labor duties.

In addition, it is not recommended to delay the process official investigation. The standard deadline for such events is one calendar month. In a situation where an employee of the enterprise, who violated the discipline, took sick leave or leave, the investigation period is extended for the period of time that the employee was absent from his workplace.

Collecting the necessary documents

A reprimand for violation of labor discipline should be made in accordance with the rules established at the legislative level. At each stage of this process, a certain document should be drawn up, indicating the presence of violations by personnel. First of all, an act is drawn up, which records the commission of illegal actions in the workplace. The reason for the reprimand may be the fact that the employee is absent from the company at the set hours or is late for workplace. An important component in this matter is the lack of a valid reason.

The management of the enterprise is endowed with the right to draw up a memorandum. This local document records the fact of non-fulfillment of official duties, which is clearly recorded in the job descriptions. It is also allowed to draw up this document if the deadline for performing certain actions is violated.

In the event that the actions of the employee entailed material damage to the enterprise, a special commission meets. Its task is to find solutions related to the issue of punishing the offending employee. After the violation is recorded, the employee is required to write an explanatory note. In the text of this statement, you should describe in detail what happened, as well as give the reasons for the offense.

The deadline for submitting this application is two days, in the event that an employee of the enterprise has not submitted an explanatory letter, the head draws up an appropriate act. Explanatory is used not only as protection of the rights of the manager, but also as documentary evidence of what happened. The refusal of an employee of the enterprise to write this document may act as a reason for the creation of a disciplinary order.

After the employee of the company fills in the necessary papers, the management of the organization should analyze in detail the content of the explanatory note. It is on the basis of this document that the final decision is made. In the event that the employee's misconduct is substantiated by convincing reasons, and the damage caused does not exceed the permissible value, there is a possibility of avoiding collection. In other cases, the corresponding order is filled out.

The task of the head of the enterprise includes a detailed analysis of the situation and making a final decision. In the event that the reasons for the misconduct have compelling reasons and are counted as valid, the reprimand is canceled. In other situations, the employee's explanatory memorandum is one of the reasons for the reprimand.

Failure or improper performance duties for reasons beyond the control of the employee cannot be considered guilty

Rules for drawing up an order

You should start preparing a disciplinary order only after an official investigation and a detailed analysis of the situation. Violation of this order can be regarded as illegal actions on the part of the company's administration. In addition, such violations lead to the fact that the completed forms become invalid.

There is no regulation limiting the form of drawing up these documents, but it should be borne in mind that the content of the papers must clearly reflect the fact of violation and contain documentary evidence of illegal actions by an employee of the enterprise.

In the title of the sheet, you can indicate the reason for the disciplinary action. As an example, the following line can be cited: "Order to disrupt the delivery date of the goods." In the body of the document, the fact of the offense should be disclosed in detail. The surnames and initials of the perpetrators, their official powers and duties are indicated in a separate column.

As a disciplinary action on personnel, in order to prevent similar incidents in the future, a meeting is held, where the fact of violation of the organization's rules is discussed on the agenda. In the case when the offending employee previously had disciplinary sanctions or reprimands, this fact is recorded in the order. It should be noted that the presence of three penalties may be a reason for dismissal.

After that, violations in accordance with legislative acts are indicated in a separate column Russian Federation or internal documents of the enterprise. Next comes the section of the resolution, where the requirements of the administration are recorded. Here, a note is made about the need to punish the employee. Also, the head of the organization is endowed with the right to demand from the heads of departments, to conduct explanatory conversations with staff. Each worker of the enterprise should receive information about the consequences of violation of labor discipline.

It should be noted that the completed papers are signed by two parties, the management of the company and the employee who violated the discipline. There are often situations when an employee of an enterprise refuses to give his consent to sign a document. In this case, an additional supplement is drawn up, which is attached to the order. In working conditions, HR representatives prepare only one copy of the document in question, in order to attach it to the internal documents of the company. This approach is fundamentally wrong, since one of the copies must be handed over to the employee for review. Also, copies of such documents should be transferred to the judicial authorities, in the case when it is peaceful to settle conflict situation fails.

In accordance with article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, before the application of a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee

The content of such an act can be read out in person, or during a meeting. It is important to note that when the form is filled out in relation to the head of the department, it is not recommended to read out the reprimand in the presence of hired personnel.

Sample order for disciplinary action

"Order on disciplinary action

Due to the fact that at the beginning of the working day on February 26, 2017, an employee of the management department Alekseev E.V. was present at his workplace, intoxicated. The order was prepared on the basis of article number one hundred ninety two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

I order:

  1. In connection with violation of labor discipline - to issue a reprimand to Alekseev E.V.
  2. The initial personnel department of Anisimova P.T. familiarize with this order E.V. Alekseeva. under the signature.

Reason: a memo of a security officer dated February 26, 2017, an explanatory note of E.V. Alekseev. dated February 27, 2017.

Director: Antonov P.A. Antonov

Acquainted with the order: Alekseev E.V. Alekseevยป

The above sample of an order to punish an employee contains all the necessary grounds for imposing a disciplinary sanction.

Methods of appeal against collection

The employee's right to appeal against the decision of the company's management is established by article one hundred and ninety three of the Labor Code. According to this document, an employee of the enterprise can apply with a corresponding statement to the judicial authorities or the commission for resolving labor conflicts. The reason for appealing the order may be related to the incorrect filling of the document. The term of the application to the relevant authorities is limited, today you can appeal the order within three months from the date of receipt of the reprimand.

In the event that the enterprise has its own commission dealing with such issues, the application is submitted to this department. The body of this document must state the reason for disagreeing with the final management decision. An employee requesting a retrial can ask for a mitigation of the reprimand or a full appeal against the penalty.

In the application for the labor dispute commission, certain information should be indicated. The name of the organization where the application is submitted is indicated in the head of the document. Next, the name of the enterprise is indicated where labor activity, contact details and other details. The body of the document describes the essence of the appeal. Please note that the document is written in free form. The only requirement is references to articles of the Labor Code proving the illegal actions of the administration.

Additionally, you can make demands for a third-party investigation in order to restore your reputation. If the conducted investigation reveals the fact of violations emanating from the administration of the enterprise, the reprimand order must be canceled. In a situation where the conducted check did not give any results, but the employee continues to be confident that the actions of the manager are illegal, you should contact the judicial authorities.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the gravity of the offense and the circumstances under which it was committed must be taken into account.

Methods of early cancellation of a foreclosure

The disciplinary sanction has its own "statute of limitations", which is twelve months. After this period has expired, the penalty is canceled. However, there are cases when the administration of the enterprise makes a decision to early withdraw the reprimand. For this, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate order containing the following information:

  • the reason for the cancellation of the penalty;
  • grounds for the decision taken;
  • date of filling and registration number document.

The completed form is signed by each party. Lawyers recommend preparing several copies of the document in advance, one of which will be handed over to the employee, and the other filed to the personal file.

In contact with

It is the duty of every employee to fulfill their labor duties in good faith. At the same time, unfortunately, no one is immune from mistakes. In case of non-performance by an employee of his work, or its improper performance, this is considered a disciplinary offense. This type of violation requires the employer to carry out penalties. To do this, it is necessary to competently draw up an order that gives the right to such an impact (and there is also an order that removes it). As a result of its incorrect registration, the employer is deprived of this right, therefore it is important to understand this issue in more detail.

If you need to issue a disciplinary order based on the results of an audit by the prosecutor's office, then on this issue you can refer to the article material at the link.

What types of disciplinary sanctions are provided for by the labor code of the Russian Federation

Along with incentives, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for only 3 types of disciplinary sanctions for improper work of employees. They are as follows:

  • comment;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

The issue of disciplinary sanctions imposed on employees is discussed in more detail in the article at the link.

Remark is the simplest punishment. It consists in a verbal warning by the head, or it can be issued in the form of an order, but in work book no commit occurs. A reprimand is officially issued, which is provided for more serious violations. Dismissal is provided if gross violations of the labor schedule and legislation were made. This punishment is already prescribed in the work book and has certain negative consequences.

You can find information on how an order is drawn up in order to "launch" a reprimand for improper performance of official duties, an example of its execution and the features of notification of an employee - all this can be found.

The most severe disciplinary action

The most severe disciplinary action is dismissal. As a rule, it is provided for gross repeated violations. This is not only a reason to seek new job, but also an entry in the work book, as a result of which it will be more difficult to get a job in the future. Even if the dismissal happened undeservedly and you are innocent of what you did, it is extremely difficult to prove it to a new employer.

The grounds for applying this penalty are as follows:

  • systematic absenteeism;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • divulging secrets;
  • actions that resulted in an accident or accident;
  • theft.

Moreover, each point may have its own nuances. For example, you cannot be fired for one truancy. There should be several of them, and a more loyal look should be applied earlier.

What types of disciplinary sanctions cannot be applied to an employee

There are a number of penalties that are often applied by employers, but they cannot be called legal. These include:

  • fines;
  • withdrawal of the premium;
  • bringing to financial responsibility;
  • temporary reduction of the social package.

Withholding a part is called a fine. money of wages employee. The imposition of a fine is not legally stipulated and therefore this action is illegal. For this, the employer bears administrative and sometimes criminal liability.

The deprivation of the premium may have legal grounds if this penalty is spelled out in the organization's internal documents. Relatively material responsibility, then it can be attracted only in case of damage to property and the need for its compensation. It is possible to deprive an employee of the social package if the obligation to provide it is not spelled out in regulatory documents companies.

By the way, it has been written about situations in which an order on suspension from work in connection with alcohol intoxication is required.

Order of disciplinary action

If the employer intends to impose a disciplinary sanction, he is obliged to draw up an order to this effect, and then require an explanatory note from the employee. It is issued on the condition that the employee's fault is fully proven. The familiarization of the employee is carried out without fail within 3 days when the employee is present at the workplace. It is envisaged to write an act in the event of an employee's refusal to familiarize himself. The presence of multiple orders with sentences imposed can serve as a reason for dismissal. This right is regulated by clause 5 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Sample of disciplinary action in the form of a remark

Like many other documents, filling out a comment order is arbitrary. The main thing is to indicate the following information:

  • name of company;
  • number, date and title;
  • reasons for use, type of violation;
  • grounds for making a comment;
  • responsible person for execution;
  • signature of the head and the guilty person, seal.

Although reprimand is the lightest type of punishment, however, with its regular nature, more serious consequences usually occur.

Order of disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand - sample

A sample order for a reprimand is written according to a standard template. The main difference is only the corresponding type of punishment. Although the samples are not enshrined in legislation, in enterprises I usually provide a developed form of their writing.

This type of punishment is considered more serious. Upon receipt of the second, it is already possible to dismiss the employee from the organization. It should also be noted that this violation is also not indicated in the work book. Moreover, if it is of a regular nature, then such a mark is quite possible.

Sample order to impose a disciplinary penalty in the form of dismissal

As in the case of other types of violation, the order of dismissal is preceded by a letter of explanation. Only after a decision on the employee's gross misconduct has been made, the employer has the right to draw up such an order. Its content is the same as for any other disciplinary action. However, this requires the application of more weighty arguments and documentation, since this is the capital punishment at the enterprise. Samples of all orders can be downloaded from our website.
Thus, disciplinary sanctions differ in their severity and in case of a certain offense, only one of them can be applied by issuing an order.

In case of violation of labor discipline, destruction or damage to company property, or systematic failure to comply with the labor norm specified in the plan, the employee is brought to justice, including disciplinary action. If a violation of discipline or other official misconduct is revealed, the employer may issue an order to bring the employee to punishment in the form of a disciplinary sanction. Such punishment can be imposed in the form of a reprimand, deprivation of a bonus or dismissal. The application of a specific penalty is attributed by law to the exclusive competence of the employer.

How to issue a disciplinary order?

The employer must legally draw up a disciplinary order for the violation committed. If mistakes are made or an incorrect basis is applied according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the order will be canceled and declared illegal.

To correctly draw up a document, the following structure must be observed:

  • The introductory part must contain all the details of the organization and information about the offending employee. It is possible to use the company letterhead;
  • The number and place of drawing up the act should be indicated;
  • The descriptive part of the reprimand order should include a statement of the circumstances of the disciplinary offense. Describe how the default was expressed;
  • It is necessary to indicate the item of the job description or employment contract that was violated by the actions of the employee. This may be delay, failure to meet planned targets or other circumstances;
  • The announcement of the punishment must be justified by the corresponding norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in the administrative act, it is imperative to make a reference to the norm of the law, which allows the employer to punish an employee who has committed an offense.

When the document is drawn up, you need to familiarize the employee with it against signature. In this case, the date of acquaintance should be indicated.

Disciplinary order in the form of a remark

This form of punishment is chosen in connection with minor and non-systematic violations of duties by the employee. Meanwhile, the employer can choose an even milder punishment in the form of the deprivation of the bonus. When drawing up said act it should be remembered that the punishment should not only be based on the fact of the violation, it should be justified. This means that the imposition of a penalty arbitrarily, only by the decision of the employer, is not allowed. Such an act will be declared illegal, and its effect canceled.

Order on reprimand for failure to fulfill official duties

Failure to perform official duties is in itself a sufficient reason to impose punishment on the employee. However, the employer has the right not to apply disciplinary measures. However, in case of gross or repeated violation, punishment is simply necessary. In such cases, a strict penalty will not be sufficiently justified, so a comment can be dispensed with.

Order of disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand

It must be understood that any collection involves the receipt of information about it and its verification. In the event of a serious violation or systematic failure to fulfill his duties, the employer has the right to punish the employee and issue a reprimand. A reprimand is one of the most severe punishments provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This penalty should be pronounced in strict order:

  • When information about the alleged breach of duty is received, the appropriate executive must draw up memo... It reflects the situation and the essence of the offense;
  • Then a check is carried out. It consists in obtaining an explanation from the culprit and other persons who are aware of the violation of obligations;
  • If the information is confirmed, the employer draws up and signs a reprimand order.

Compliance with these points ensures that the employer's decision to collect will not be recognized as illegal.

How long does it take to familiarize the employee with the reprimand order?

Acquaintance completes the foreclosure process and is an integral part. The act of punishment should be presented to the person immediately after its publication. If the person evades familiarization, then the document must be sent to him by mail by registered mail with notification.

A reprimand order for violation of labor discipline -

Neglect of labor discipline is a clear reason for prosecution. It can be absenteeism, being late, appearing at drunk... The most serious punishment is dismissal.

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Disciplinary actionprovided by the legislator as a measure of responsibility for violation of the organization's labor regulations. When superimposeddisciplinary action all requirements must be met labor legislation... How to apply correctlydisciplinary action e toLabor Code of the Russian Federation , you will learn from our article.

When can disciplinary action be taken?

Providing incentives for conscientious performance of work, the legislator simultaneously introduces norms that regulate the issues of punishment of irresponsible employees.

Disciplinary action may be imposed on an employee only if the latter commits a disciplinary offense.

That is, if the employee does not perform (improperly performs) his job dutiesthen disciplinary action cannot be avoided.

In particular, misdemeanors include:

  • absence of an employee at the workplace without reason for more than 4 hours in a row (absenteeism);
  • failure to fulfill the duties provided for labor contract or job description;
  • the employee's refusal to perform actions stipulated by the law, labor contract, job description or internal acts of the organization with which the employee was familiarized (for example, refusal to undergo a mandatory medical examination, refusal to wear overalls).

However, special federal laws it can be found that disciplinary actionimposed on an employee not only for committing an offense that violates labor discipline... For example, the law of 17.01.1992 No. 2202-1 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" establishes that an employee can receive disciplinary action in the case of misconduct that may defame the honor and dignity of the prosecutor's office worker.

Disciplinary penaltiesand I are divided into general and special.

To general disciplinary actioninclude the following:

  • comment;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

Special disciplinary actionprovided for by regulations or laws certain types service (employees) in the Russian Federation. But the legislator clearly limits the employer: the application disciplinary actionthat are not specified in federal law, discipline regulations, or statutes are not allowed. Otherwise, the employer may be held administratively liable for imposing "unnecessary" disciplinary actionunder Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code. Only one disciplinary offense may be imposed disciplinary action... For example, if an employee appeared at the service in a state of alcoholic intoxication, and the employer reprimanded him for this offense, then dismiss the employee in accordance with sub. "B" clause 6, part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the same offense, he no longer has the right.

Disciplinary responsibility is an independent type of responsibility. Accordingly, in order to attract to it, it is necessary to have the composition of the offense in the form of a subject, an object, subjective and objective parties.

The subject in this case will be a citizen who is labor relations from specific organization and violating labor discipline.

The subjective side is the employee's fault for a committed misconduct.

An object - work schedule organizations.

The objective side is the violation itself and the connection between the employee's actions and the resulting consequences.

The result of disciplinary action is the imposition of disciplinary action... In this case, the employer personally decides whether he will impose disciplinary actionsince that's his right. This conclusion can be drawn from the analysis of labor legislation. But if he nevertheless decides to punish the employee, then deviation from the requirements of the law is unacceptable.

Procedure for imposing a disciplinary sanction

Disciplinary action may be imposed on an employee no later than 1 month from the day when the employer recorded a case of violation of labor discipline. But this time period does not include:

Don't know your rights?

  • days when the employee was on sick leave;
  • vacation;
  • time spent on coordination with the representative body (trade union).

It should be remembered that any disciplinary action cannot be superimposed:

  • 6 months after the date on which the disciplinary offense was committed;
  • after 2 years from the date of the misconduct, which was revealed by the results of a financial, audit or audit.

These terms will not include the period of time during which the proceedings in the criminal case continued.

The procedure for the application of disciplinary sanctions following.

Disciplinary order

Download order

Imposition order disciplinary action can be issued only in cases where the employee's guilt is fully proven.

If an employee is imposed disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand or remark, then disciplinary order compiled in any form.

After issuing the order to impose disciplinary action the employee must be introduced to him within 3 days. If he refuses to get acquainted, then an appropriate act must be drawn up about this. Disciplinary action will be superimposed anyway. This period does not include the period when the employee was absent from the service.

If the employer does not comply with this deadline, then the employee has the right to appeal the imposition disciplinary action.

Recording the violation of labor discipline by the employee in the form of a punishment order is necessary for the employer. Indeed, if there are several outstanding disciplinary action an employee can be dismissed under clause 5 of h. 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (an employee repeatedly fails to perform official duties without serious reason, while having disciplinary action).

Sample order for disciplinary action

Imposition order disciplinary action printed on the company's letterhead and registered in a special journal.

09.03.2017 Ekaterinburg

In connection with the improper performance by the storekeeper Viktor Petrovich Nesterov of the labor duties assigned to him by the labor contract No. 5 dated 01.09.2005 and the job description of the storekeeper dated 06.08.2004, expressed in the absence of control over the preparation of the shipped products, which led to a delay in the delivery of goods to the customer,

P R I K A Z Y V A Y:

reprimand the storekeeper Viktor Petrovich Nesterov.


  1. Memorandum of the Deputy Head for Administrative and Economic Affairs O. Skvortsov dated 01.03.2017.
  2. The act on the commission of a disciplinary offense by an employee No. 45 of 03/05/2017.
  3. Explanations of the employee dated 03/02/2017.

Director of LLC "Horns and Hooves" ________________ Strelkov I. P.

How is a disciplinary sanction lifted?

Download order

Any disciplinary responsibility is ongoing, but within labor relations between specific individuals. That is why the legislator has clearly established that if an employee within 1 year from the date of receiving the previous disciplinary actionhas not received another one, he will be considered exempt from disciplinary responsibility.

The Labor Code states that disciplinary action removed from the employee earlier in the following cases:

  • at the request of the employer;
  • at the request of an employee;
  • at the request of the head;
  • at the request of a representative body (for example, a trade union).

Liberation from disciplinary actionbefore the established deadline is drawn up, as a rule, by an appropriate order.

Though disciplinary action -this is one of the types of punishment on the part of the employer, it can be completely avoided by observing labor discipline. Remember that if there are multiple outstanding disciplinary actionyou may well be fired under Article 81 of the Labor Code.