Barsik Olympiad login to your personal account. Olympiads and contests. Free Internet Olympiads for Schoolchildren in Physics

BARSIC (Business And Research Scientific Interactive Calculator) is an interpreted programming language with pseudo-compilation of source code into a brc file (short for BARSIC Compiled). Initially it arose as a superstructure over libraries for managing scientific and educational installations. Including with means of displaying graphs and performing calculations according to formulas specified by the user. Later, visual design tools for the user interface were added. It is an object language with advanced procedural programming tools (functions-expressions, subroutines with various modifiers of the visibility of external elements within subroutines, modules, structures) and object elements (a set of built-in predefined classes as a way of organizing convenient access to libraries). It is supposed to add custom classes according to the prototyping model.

Among interpreted languages, it differs in the presence of rigid static type checking in all syntactic constructions, with the exception of a few specially designed for interpretation. Dynamic checking is also in progress. At the same time, the syntactic structures of the language are chosen in such a way that the translator can locate the place of the syntax error as accurately as possible. This dramatically increases the speed of developing programs and finding errors.

Currently, the most widely used BARSIC applications are physics and mathematics teaching models:

  • open access virtual laboratory (initially you need to install the BARSIC environment on your computer from this page
  • models and tests of the Internet Olympiad in physics in St. Petersburg and the North-West region of the Russian Federation. To date, about 5000 people have passed through the Internet Olympiads in physics based on tests and models performed in the BARSIC environment (in November 2007 alone, 1083 people in 10th grades and 1246 people in 11th grades).

Composition of the BARSIC software package

  • free freeware runtime barsic.exe (and accompanying files) - ‘player’ of BARSIC files
  • barsicIDE.exe application development environment, freely available for non-commercial use

Main features of the BARSIC language and environment

The BARSIC software package is intended for the development and use of application programs running under the control of the BARSIC runtime environment. The main areas of application of the complex are the development of educational programs in the field of physics, mathematics, computer science and other areas, as well as programs for scientific numerical mathematical calculations and mathematical modeling, mainly in the field of physics. In addition, the complex is specialized for creating programs for interactive control of computerized experimental installations based on personal computers, as well as processing and visualizing the obtained experimental data and comparing them with theoretical dependencies.

The BARSIC language, which is used to program application programs, is a universal object programming language and contains advanced tools for constructing two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphs, image animation, mathematical data processing, and experiment control. The development environment contains advanced visual design tools for the application interface.

The relative independence of applications from a specific version of the runtime environment has an important advantage: the addition of new capabilities in the environment automatically expands the capabilities of the application program. For example, working with files, charts, databases, computer networks etc. The most important feature BARSIC language is programming reliability. BARSIC has special reliability enhancements.

First, the programming language syntax was chosen so that, due to random typos during the typing of the program, to minimize the likelihood of undiagnosed errors. In contrast to BARSIC, languages \u200b\u200bsuch as JavaScript are very prone to these errors due to auto-casting rules and free typing (for JavaScript and Visual BASIC). To a somewhat lesser extent, these errors are typical for and, and to an even lesser extent - for (except for working with strings, where such errors are typical for) and (Delphi).

Secondly, the syntax of the BARSIC programming language is built on the principle of maximum human comprehensibility and the principle of auto-documenting program code. This means that the text of the program itself in the overwhelming majority of cases makes it possible to understand what the programmer meant. Therefore, in programs written in BARSIC, there is almost no need to insert comments, which not only saves time, but also eliminates the unpleasant uncreative work that most programmers do not like so much. In all other programming languages \u200b\u200bwe know, this principle is not met.

Thirdly, BARSIC has a built-in system for intercepting and processing so-called exceptional situations at the environment level. At the same time, if the programmer has not foreseen actions in the event of division by zero, entering another character instead of a number, etc., the program will not exit in an emergency mode, as is the case in most programs written in other programming languages. The BARSIC environment will display error diagnostics, after which you can repeat the entry with the correction of incorrectly entered values \u200b\u200bor characters and continue working. Exception handling is available in most modern languages programming, but BARSIC provides additional protection against exceptions at the runtime level, even in cases where programs written in or will not work.

Fourth, the BARSIC integrated environment has built-in support for working with the user interface by visual design. This makes BARSIC a Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment for ultra-fast software development.

Programming languages \u200b\u200band frameworks

According to the creator of the first FRAMEWORK integrated environment, an integrated environment is such an application program that the user, having launched it at the beginning of the working day, finds all the resources necessary for work in it and therefore does not leave the integrated environment until the very end of the working day. Of course, this definition is not very correct and somewhat idealizes the situation, but its general meaning is clear enough.

The main feature of integrated environments is a high degree of interactivity. It is achieved by integrating various software resources into a single whole, hence the name. So, the integrated environment of a compiler of a programming language (a program that creates an executable program from the text of a given programming language) usually contains a text editor and a compiler itself with a system for diagnosing compilation errors. In addition, it usually also contains a debugger-interpreter of the given language, which executes the program line by line and has a number of other special features.

One of the actively developing areas, visual design, is completely based on the use of the capabilities of the integrated environment. The user interactively selects the objects of the programming language necessary for his program and establishes connections between them. The popularity of such languages \u200b\u200bas (Microsoft), as well as (Delphi and Kylix, Borland) environments, is not accidental. Even an inexperienced programmer who does not know apart from other programming languages \u200b\u200band has never programmed under Windows can create an application program that runs under Windows in two or three days. But a high-class programmer who has not previously programmed under Windows with help often has to spend weeks, or even months, to create the same program. True, it has a number of significant limitations. With the help of visual design environments, you can create very complex programs without typing a line of code from the keyboard.

However, all programs based on traditional procedural programming languages \u200b\u200bhave the same disadvantage. For them, the executable code is one thing, and the data processed by the program is quite another. Indeed, the program code is contained in a file with the EXE extension, and the data is either in special data files (as a rule, in text or binary form in the internal representation of a computer), or entered from the keyboard or from some other external device.

Now let's ask the question: what if the user has to give the executable program information that can be considered as an “addition” to the program text? For example, we want a function graph to be plotted on the screen, and in such a program we provide all the necessary service capabilities. However, the formula for the function must be set by the user himself, and it is not known in advance what it will be.

It is quite obvious that tasks of this kind can be solved only with the help of an interpreter system. But "you have to pay for everything." The compiler translates the program text into executable code that can work without a compiler program. On the other hand, programs created on the basis of languages \u200b\u200bof an interpretive type can be executed only under the control of an interpreter program. In addition, they are slower than compiled ones, since interpretation takes extra time... However, in many cases this is irrelevant.

Students in grades 7-11 to participate in the 2019/2020 academic year Olympiad. Training tasks are available immediately after registration - there is no time limit for them, and the results of their implementation are not taken into account in any way and are not published anywhere.

Participants of the Olympiad each new academic year must register again, last year's accounts will not work.
Teachers can also register to access training assignments - but teachers who have already been registered in the past in the Olympiad system do not re-register.

Registration, as well as participation in the Olympiad, is free, free and carried out in the only way:

  • Self-service student registration - with self-generated password. Provides an opportunity to participate in the Olympiad without registration by a representative of an educational institution. In this case, no licensing actions are required from the school or the Olympiad Organizing Committee. Participants are kindly asked to register responsibly and not create multiple duplicate entries.
In the same way, teachers can register (select "teachers" in the drop-down list as the class number) in order to be able to complete training tasks, and after the end of the Olympiad round - to get access to the tasks of the rounds for two weeks.

Registered participants (when logging in from BARSIC to the Olympiad website and entering the Olympiad system using the received logins and passwords - see below) during between rounds of the Olympiad immediately get access to the training tasks. And during the rounds - after logging in with your login and password, you must immediately complete the Olympiad tasks.

There are no restrictions on access to tasks during training. During the passage of the Olympiad round, be careful, the countdown of the Olympiad time starts from the first login by login and password during the Olympiad round, 1 hour 30 minutes after the entrance (for the 7th grade 1 hour 20 minutes, for the 11th grade after 2 hours) ends for this participant - even if he has not viewed or completed any tasks.

To complete the Olympiad (or training tasks) if you have a Windows computer with a version other than Windows 10, you must first download an archive with the BARSIC player, a special program that allows you to run virtual laboratory models.

It is necessary to extract the barsicLaz folder from the zip archive to the hard disk of the computer from which the Olympiad will be held.
Then you should run the barsic.exe file, go IN THE WINDOW BARSIC on the link "Internet Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics" on the page of the Olympiad, enter IN THE WINDOW

For Windows 10, the steps are similar, but on some computers there are problems, so it is better to use the BARSIC version, which is in the archive. It uses the settings of the Internet Explorer browser installed on your computer, so if you have changed them, you may need to adjust the Internet Explorer settings.

For BARSIC to work on the Internet under Linux, one of the latest versions of wine must be installed on the computer. Using wine, you should install on your computer one of the latest versions of gecko for wine (run from under the installed wine) - you can download the archive for the 64-bit Linuz platform. Then download the archive with the BARSIC player, and extract the barsicLaz folder from it to the computer disk. After that, you can run the Barsic.exe file located in the barsicLaz folder from under wine, go IN THE WINDOW BARSIC on the link "Internet Olympiad in Physics" on the page of the Olympiad, enter IN THE WINDOW BARSIC username and password of the participant, and perform tasks.

Training tasks are available immediately after registration before and in between the rounds of the Olympiad.
During the round of the Olympiad, to complete the training tasks, log into the BARSIC system with the login tren7 and the password tren. This will allow you to practice using the virtual laboratory and check if there are any problems with working with the models before going through the Olympiad round. ATTENTION! During the Olympiad round, after logging into the system under the login and password obtained during registration, the training mode will be unavailable, since after confirming that you are ready to complete the Olympiad, the time will start IMMEDIATELY. And you WILL NOT have a second attempt to complete the tour!

If you have problems, read the information in the section.

Tasks with models can be completed only from the BARSIC player, other tasks can be performed both from BARSIC and from any browser.
For the repeated sending of the results to the server, penalty points are awarded (usually 1 penalty point for an incorrect answer in each part of the task). It is forbidden to find answers by enumerating values.
After entering by login and password during the remote round of the Olympiad, the participant is usually given 1 hour 30 minutes to complete tasks (for grade 7 1 hour 20 minutes, for grade 11 2 hours), including repeated entrances in case of technical problems dialed before addition points are saved. When you re-enter the task, the task parameters change - be careful!
Repeated passage of the Olympiad under a different login or other variants of dishonest passage of the Olympiad is strictly prohibited.

Trainings are allowed to take place without time limits any number of times. Points scored during training are not taken into account anywhere and are not published. Training helps to deal with possible technical problems in advance, especially for models.

Try to configure the system during the Olympiad round you can use tren7 debug login tren password - but note that you cannot pass the Olympiad under this login, it is for customization only software on the computers of the participants during the passage of the round of the Olympiad. Dozens and hundreds of participants log in under this login, and many times the results are sent to the server, so many penalty points are awarded for tasks - but this is not important for setting up the software.

The first distance round of the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics will be held from 11 to 17 December 2011 (in any of these days, but from the moment the passage begins, fixed time, after which the participant's access to tasks is automatically closed).

The online physics Olympiad for schoolchildren is one of the largest physics Olympiads not only in Russia, but also in the world. In the 2010/2011 academic year, 24,053 students from all 83 subjects took part in it Russian Federationand also from 18 more countries. In the 2011/2012 academic year, as in previous years, the Olympiad is included in the List of Olympiads, which give graduates benefits for admission to universities. In the Olympiad, not only those who expect to receive a diploma can participate: one of our tasks is to show that physics is interesting and exciting. The complexity of the tasks ranges from very simple to very difficult, so each student will be able to cope with part of the tasks.

Students register on their own, the procedure is described on the page. Registration and participation in the Olympiad is free and free. Immediately after registration, participants get access to training tasks, and upon registration during the tour - to the Olympiad tasks.

Registration of teachers is done in the same way. After registration, teachers have access to view training tasks, and after the end of the next round - to view the Olympiad tasks so that they can be analyzed with students. Also, teachers who indicated their email address during registration are sent information about events related to the Internet Olympiad.

For those participants who have already registered, but have not completed the training, we strongly recommend that they complete at least one task based on the model - so that, if there are technical problems, they can be solved before the start of the Olympiad round.

Olympiad schedule:
distance tour1: December 11-17, 2011,
distance tour2: January 22-28, 2012,
face-to-face tour approximately March 24-25, 2012 (to be confirmed)

Participants are invited to the face-to-face tour who have scored the highest number of points in the sum of the results of two distance tours (in the 11th grade up to 35% of the participants, in the lower grades a lower percentage).

We urge you to invite all familiar schoolchildren of grades 7-11 to participate in the Olympiad, even if they are not interested in physics and Olympiads. After working with the tasks of our Olympiad, they may be interested in physics, and they will understand that physics classes can be interesting. And for those who know physics well, thanks to the increase in the number of participants, the chances of getting a diploma will increase!

The Olympiad winners who have shown the best results on the face-to-face round are awarded prizes (laptops, netbooks, etc.) - see pages 21-26 in the document 2011 / 2011_4_common_info_v2.pdf
Teachers who have brought up the largest number of Olympiad winners are also awarded valuable prizes and diplomas.

The Olympiad is based on the tasks of virtual laboratories - program models physical systems with bodies, liquids, electrical elements, physical devices, etc. Therefore, passing the Olympiad follows from special program BARSIC, which allows you to perform tasks based on models - details are indicated on the registration page index_reg.html. It is advisable to set up work with models in advance - registered participants already have access to the implementation of training tasks.
If you have problems, you should read the instructions on how to fix them on the FAQ page index_faq.html

Detailed information about the Olympiad is on the home page of the Internet Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics

Physics Internet Olympiads home page

The transition to the page for passing the Olympiad is carried out from the BARSIC player - see information on the registration page index_reg.html

Students in grades 7-11 to participate in the Internet Olympiad in physics for the 2015/2016 academic year - immediately after registration, you can complete training tasks.

Participants of the Olympiad must register again every year, last year's accounts will not work.

Teachers can also register to access training assignments - but teachers who have already been registered in the past in the Olympiad system do not re-register.

Registration, as well as participation in the Olympiad, is free, free and carried out in the only way:

There are no restrictions on access to tasks during training. During the passage of the Olympiad round, be careful, the countdown of the Olympiad time starts from the first login by login and password during the Olympiad round, 1 hour 30 minutes after the entrance (for the 7th grade 1 hour 20 minutes, for the 11th grade after 2 hours) ends for this participant - even if he has not viewed or completed any tasks.


For BARSIC to work on the Internet under Linux, one of the latest versions of wine must be installed on the computer. Using wine, you should install on your computer one of the latest versions of gecko for wine (run from under the installed wine) - you can download the archive for the 64-bit Linuz platform. Then download the archive with the BARSIC player, and extract the barsicLaz folder from it to the computer disk. After that, you can run the Barsic.exe file located in the barsicLaz folder from under wine, go to the BARSIC window following the link "Internet Olympiad in Physics" to the page of the Olympiad, enter the participant's login and password in the BARSIC window, and complete tasks.

Training tasks are available immediately after registration before and in between the rounds of the Olympiad.

During the round of the Olympiad, to complete the training tasks, log into the BARSIC system with the login tren7 and the password tren. This will allow you to practice using the virtual laboratory and check if there are any problems with working with the models before going through the Olympiad round. Attention! During the round of the Olympiad, after logging into the system under the login and password obtained during registration, the training mode will not be available, since after confirming that you are ready to complete the Olympiad, the time will start IMMEDIATELY. And the second attempt to complete the tour with you will not be!

You can only complete tasks with models from the BARSIC player, other tasks can be performed both from BARSIC and from any browser.

For the repeated sending of the results to the server, penalty points are awarded (usually 1 penalty point for an incorrect answer in each part of the task). It is forbidden to find answers by enumerating values.

After entering by login and password during the remote round of the Olympiad, the participant is usually given 1 hour 30 minutes to complete tasks (for grade 7 1 hour 20 minutes, for grade 11 2 hours), including repeated entrances in case of technical problems dialed before addition points are saved. When you re-enter the task, the task parameters change - be careful!

Repeated passage of the Olympiad under a different login or other variants of dishonest passage of the Olympiad is strictly prohibited.

Trainings are allowed to take place without time limits any number of times. Points scored during training are not taken into account anywhere and are not published. Training helps to deal with possible technical problems in advance, especially for models.

Try to configure the system during the Olympiad round you can use debug logins: tren7 password tren - but note that you cannot pass the Olympiad under this login, it is intended only for configuring the software on the computers of the participants during the passage of the Olympiad round. Dozens and hundreds of participants log in under this login, and many times the results are sent to the server, so many penalty points are awarded for tasks - but this is not important for setting up the software.

Olympiad Tour Schedule
  • Distance tour 1: November 29 - December 5, 2015
  • Distance tour 2: January 17-23, 2016
  • Final (face-to-face) round for grade 11: March 19, 2016 (presumably the date will be confirmed)
  • Final (face-to-face) round for grades 7-10: March 19-20, 2016 (presumably the date will be confirmed)

Time of passage of distance tours: on any of the above days at a time convenient for the participant. The Olympiad should be passed from the BARSIC environment (see. page with information about registration rules). After entering the Olympiad website and entering your login and password, a green window will appear with a proposal to start the Olympiad. After confirming that the participant agrees to start the Olympiad, the countdown begins:

  • Grade 7 - 1 hour 20 min
  • Grade 8 - 1 hour 30 min
  • Grade 9 - 1 hour 30 min
  • Grade 10 - 2 hours
  • Grade 11 - 2 hours

After the end of the specified time from the beginning of the passage of the tour by this participant, access to sending the results is automatically terminated.
Repeated passes of the tour under a different login CATEGORALLY PROHIBITED.

Prospective venues for the final (full-time) round of the 2015/2016 academic year (additions are possible):
  • in St. Petersburg on the basis of St. Petersburg State University and ITMO University;
  • in Moscow Tour at the base:
    • MAI - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University);
    • MATI - Russian state. Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky;
    • NRU MEI - Moscow Power Engineering Institute (for grades 7-10 on March 22);
    • MISIS - National Research Technological University.
  • in Arkhangelsk - on the basis of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • in Belgorod - on the basis of the Belgorod state. university;
  • in Biysk (Altai region) - on the basis of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1";
  • in Volzhsky (Volgograd region) - on the basis of the MPEI branch;
  • in Voronezh - on the basis of the Voronezh State University;
  • in Izhevsk - the possibility of holding is being considered;
  • in Irkutsk - on the basis of the Irkutsk state. those. University (ISTU);
  • in Yoshkar-Ola - on the basis of the Volga State technological university;
  • in Kazan - on the basis of the Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev (KNITU-KAI);
  • in Kemerovo - on the basis of the Kemerovo state. university;
  • in Kostroma - on the basis of the Kostroma state. University named after N.A. Nekrasov;
  • in Krasnoyarsk - on the basis of the Siberian State Technological University (SibSTU);
  • in Kyzyl - on the basis of the Tuva state. University (TPU);
  • in Nizhniy Novgorod - on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky (UNN);
  • in Novosibirsk - on the basis of NSU;
  • in Perm - the possibility of holding is considered;
  • in Petrozavodsk - on the basis of the Petrozavodsk State University;
  • in Pskov - on the basis of the Pskov State University;
  • in Rostov-on-Don - on the basis of the Southern Federal University;
  • in Saransk - on the basis of the Mordovian state. University named after N.P. Ogarev;
  • in the Sevastopol - on the basis of the Center for Numerical Modeling Tavrida Electric;
  • in Stavropol - on the basis of the North Caucasus Federal University;
  • in Syktyvkar - on the basis of the Syktyvkar state. university;
  • in Tomsk - on the basis of the Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU);
  • in Ufa - on the basis of the Bashkir state university;
  • in Khabarovsk - based on the Pacific State University (PNU);
  • in Chelyabinsk - on the basis of the South Ural State University (SUSU);
  • in Yakutsk - on the basis of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov (NEFU \u003d YSU);
  • in Kazakhstan - on the basis of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn", Shymkent - on the basis of the specialized gymnasium No. 8 for gifted children with training in three languages \u200b\u200bnamed after M. Dulati;
  • in Belarus, Minsk - on the basis of the Belarusian National Technical University;
  • in Belarus, Gomel - on the basis of the Gomel state. University named after F. Skorina.

The basis of the Olympiad is tasks based on virtual laboratory models.

In models, the task consists of several parts: in the simulated system, using the provided tools, it is required to measure various physical quantities. In this case, as a rule, at first it is necessary to carry out not very complicated measurements, and the complexity increases markedly for following parts tasks. The complete execution of the task, as a rule, requires complex sequences of actions and measurements, and the result can be obtained in a variety of ways (sequence correct actions indeterminate, as in a real experiment).

To complete the Olympiad (or training tasks), you must first download to your computer the archive with the BARSIC player - a special program that allows you to run models of virtual laboratories.

It is necessary to extract the barsicLaz folder from the zip archive to the hard disk of the computer from which the Olympiad will be held.

Then you should run the file barsic.exe, go in the BARSIC window by the link "Internet Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics" to the page of the Olympiad, enter the participant's login and password in the BARSIC window, and complete the tasks.

For each participant, a individual set of data and corresponding answers, responses are checked automatically from the server side. In the event of an incorrect or partially correct answer, repeated sending of corrected results to the server is allowed, but with penalty points.

In models, the answers themselves do not make sense - but they can be obtained only as a result of performing a sequence of actions and measurements, and in most models, they are very nontrivial, requiring a creative approach. At the same time, as a rule, several different options for solving the problem are provided, in the presence of an excessive number of available tools and a non-deterministic sequence of actions.

Communication with the Olympiad Organizing Committee:
  • Letter on e-mail [email protected] Vadim Valerievich Monakhov, chairman of the methodological commission and the Olympiad software development group, is the fastest and most reliable way of communication. Postal address 198504, St. Petersburg, Stary Peterhof, Ulyanovskaya str., 1, Research Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University - on issues related to the coordination of activities on the Internet Olympiad and technical problems.
  • Telephone for operational communication with the Organizing Committee: + 7-904-640-19-29.
  • Phone for admission to St. Petersburg State University in the field of physics: + 7-921-409-36-43.
  • E-mail to the jury of the Olympiad [email protected] Svetlana Vladimirovna Monakhova, secretary of the Jury of the Olympiad - on issues related to appeals, and on other issues (related to registration, organizational problems in educational institutions during the Internet Olympiad, etc.).

Internet Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics

In the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for 2012-13 academic year. year

Registration for the Internet Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics for the 2012/2013 academic year is in progress, students and teachers can register at

Registration and participation in the Olympiad is free and free.

The Olympiad was organized by the St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) and the National research university Information technologies, Mechanics and Optics (NRU ITMO). It was created by a group of scientists and methodologists from St. Petersburg who actively used computers in teaching physics.

Students are registered anew every year. After registration, participants have access to training tasks.

Teachers do not need to register again - if the teacher has already been registered in the Olympiad system, he will be able to access using his previous credentials. After registration, teachers get access to training tasks, and after the end of the next round - to the Olympiad tasks. Also, teachers are sent out with information about events related to the Internet Olympiad.

The Olympiad consists of two stages, distance (qualifying) and final (full-time).

Remote stage consists of two tours, each of which can be taken from anywhere in the world. Before each round, training tasks are available, the fulfillment of which does not affect the results, but allows you to get used to the Olympiad system and practice performing tasks.
The final stage consists of one round - face-to-face, conducted in the same form as distance learning, but in a display class on one of the sites of the face-to-face tour under the supervision of representatives of regional organizers.

All participants of the Olympiad receive in electronic format, convenient for printing, certificates of the participant, certificates of commendation or diplomas for the remote stage - depending on the results at the distance stage.
Based on the results of the face-to-face round, the winners and prize-winners are awarded diplomas Russian Council Olympiads for Schoolchildren, as well as certificates of appreciation from the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

The Olympiad winners who showed the best results on the face-to-face round are awarded prizes (laptops, netbooks, etc.) - see

The next schedule of the Olympiad is planned (the schedule of the face-to-face tour can be specified):

7-11 grades - round1: December 9-15, 2012,
7-11 grades - round2: January 20-27, 2013,
7-10 grades (Russia) - full-time tour: March 23-24, 2013
7-10 grades (Kazakhstan) - face-to-face tour: March 26, 2013,
Grade 11 (Russia) - full-time tour: March 23, 2013
Grade 11 (Kazakhstan) - face-to-face tour: March 26, 2013

Prospective venues for the on-site tour:
in St. Petersburg on the basis of St. Petersburg State University, NRU ITMO, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University
in Moscow - based on:

MPEI (TU) - Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
MATI - Russian state. Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky

Perhaps the Moscow State Technical University. Baumana - approval is in progress;
in Belgorod - on the basis of Belgorod State University - BelSU
in Biysk (Altai Territory) - on the basis of the branch of Tomsk State University (TSU)
in Volzhsky (Volgograd region) - on the basis of the MPEI (TU) branch
in Voronezh - on the basis of the Voronezh State University
in Izhevsk - on the basis of the Udmurt state. University (UdSU)
in Irkutsk - on the basis of the Irkutsk state. those. University (ISTU)
in the city of Yoshkar-Ola - on the basis of the Mari state. those. University (MarSTU)
in Krasnoyarsk and Lesosibirsk - on the basis of the Siberian State Technological University (SibSTU)
in Nizhny Novgorod - on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky (UNN)
in Petrozavodsk - on the basis of Petrozavodsk State University
in Pskov - on the basis of the Pskov Regional Center for the Development of Gifted Children and Youth
in Rostov-on-Don - on the basis of the Southern Federal University
in Stavropol - on the basis of the North Caucasian state. those. University (SevKavGTU)
in Tomsk - on the basis of Tomsk State University (TSU)
in Chelyabinsk - on the basis of the South Ural State University (SUSU)
in Yakutsk - on the basis of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosova (NEFU \u003d YSU)
in Kazakhstan - on the basis of the "Daryn" center
in Ufa - on the basis of BashSU;
as well as in Belarus and Ukraine - an agreement is in progress.
The Olympiad is based on the tasks of virtual laboratories- software models of physical systems with bodies, liquids, electrical elements, physical devices, etc. Therefore, the Olympiad should be passed from a special BARSIC program that allows you to perform tasks based on models - details are indicated on the registration page It is advisable to set up work with models in advance - registered participants already have access to the implementation of training tasks.
If you have problems, you should read the instructions on how to fix them on the FAQ page

Detailed information about the Olympiad is on the home page of the Internet Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics

Registration page

To improve the results, we strongly recommend that all participants take training tours.