Autogenous training magazine science and life. My health system. What is the recreation property at

The magazine "Science and Life" was founded in 1890. His creator - Matvey Nikanovich Duzovsky (1857-1903) was the original and multilateral person. Born in the family of a poor rural priest in the Vologda province. He graduated from the spiritual seminary, but in the footsteps of the father did not go (by the way, his brother Nicholas became prominent theologian, after 1917 emigrated). He studied at the Lazarevian Institute of Oriental Languages, but did not become an easier. The volunteer went to the army, but the military did not. He graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow State University in 1885, he received a leek diploma, but medicine did not become his profession. Another student he began to work out by the proofreader in the Moscow Vedomosti, and soon began to conduct the main sections of the newspaper, writing editors, to speak with scientific reviews. Printed in many other Russian newspapers and magazines. He was the author of poems, stories, plays and scientific treatments on medicine, mathematics and mineralogy. Even before, the appearance of Esperanto proposed a project of a worldwide language based on mathematics. Patiented several inventions.

In 1890, he created his weekly magazineThe goal of which in the first issue proclaimed the "promotion of knowledge and the message of all outstanding scientific and practical news to a popular form, but not falling into a boulevard tone and standing away from any tendency and politicism." The then "science and life" had a format approximately as at today's "light", 16 pages and came out once a week.

In 1894, the publisher of "Science and Life", finding that five rubles for an annual subscription - a magnificent price for many for many, began to produce a magazine "Case", also scientifically, but characterized by a more practical orientation and the ruble per year.

Because of the serious illness editor, the exit of "science and life" stopped in 1900. Even before that, the magazine clearly faded: its volume decreased (some issues consisted of only two pages), previously published articles were often repeated, an announcement began to appear about the desire to sell a magazine to other hands.

In 1904-1906, the magazine under this name was published in St. Petersburg edited by Agronom F.S. Gruzdov, but it was rather a socio-political and artistic publication that did not pay the popularization of big attention science.

The publication was resumed only in 1934, edited by N.L.Mescheryakov (1865-1942), the old Bolshevik, publicist, subsequently a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. At all in another historical setting, the magazine largely preserved the program of the old "science and life". But, of course, instead of "renunciation of the tendency and politicism" in the program article, which opened the first issue, emphasized: "All questions in the articles of our magazine will be covered in terms of Marxism-Leninism."

In 1938, "Science and Life" became the body of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1948, after the establishment of a All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge, passed into the system of this society. These reorganizations are noticeably "kept" the magazine, made it little interesting. He strongly affected the content of the magazine and the total atmosphere, which established in the country by the time. Almost all the discoveries and developments of Soviet scientists could not be written for reasons for secrecy. On the achievements of foreign science and technology, it was impossible to write - because it is the propaganda of a capitalist lifestyle. Uncovered articles could not appear in the journal about many new branches of science and technology, for example, about bourgeois science genetics and cybernetics. It was impossible to report even about some natural phenomenaFor example, about earthquakes in the USSR, so that hostile propaganda will not picked up this topic.

From 1943 to 1961, the journal was headed by Alexander Sergeevich Fedorov, Metallurg Engineer.

The new era of "science and life" began in 1961, when Viktor Nikolayevich Bolchovitinov (1912-1980), a physicist on education, a journalist for the profession, became the editor-in-chief of the editor. Viktor Nikolaevich was born in the teacher's family in Sasov (now Ryazan Oblast). He grew up in an atmosphere of deep respect for knowledge and as deep conviction that was necessary to share this knowledge, to distribute it.

The labor path of V.N. Bolovitinov began as a tractor driver of the local state farm, then worked as a miner, an electrician. After graduating from the Physics department of Moscow State University, he worked as a physician engineer, he taught in high school, in high school, was on research work in research For more than ten years he worked in the journal "Technique - Youth." Peru V.N. Bolovitinova belongs to art essays about the figures of science and culture - Mendeleev, Tsiolkovsky, Newton, Lobachevsky, Gorky, Leonov. His book "Counters" about outstanding Russian physics has repeatedly went out in the "ZhZl" series. He was a member of the editorial board "Litgazeta". And Bolchovitinov wrote poems, but never published them in his journal, several poems were printed in "science and life" only after his death.

He dreamed of creating his scientific and popular magazine, which was in the middle of the last century no less difficult than now, although for other reasons. At first, Viktor Nikolayevich checked and honed his ideas about what a publicly available magazine about science and technology should be, creating in 1956 under the auspices of the Komsomol Journal of Young Technician, who had a great success among young people. A few years later, chases to achieve a special resolution of the Almighty Central Committee of the CPSU, Bolchovitinov took up the reorganization of the boring magazine "Science and Life", intended then mainly for the lecturers and activists of the All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge.

Literally in a few months, taking with me from the editorial office of the "Young Equipment" most of the employees, Viktor Nikolayevich turned the magazine to an interesting, lively and affordable reading for the whole family. Of course, success contributed to the situation in the country, the weakening of censorship and ideological restrictions, contributed to the time because of the "thaw". The circulation over a few years has grown more than 20 times, so I had to limit the subscription to the "science and life" did not leave the paper all the paper produced in the USSR. The design, the magazine scheme, laid down in 1961, was so promising and durable, which is maintained and still preserved even the main categories then.

From 1980 to 2008, the magazine was headed by Igor Konstantinovich Lagovsky, an engineer, a participant in World War II - defended Moscow sky. Since 1951, Igor Konstantinovich began to be printed in popular science journals, not leaving the engineer's profession, and in 1956 V.N. Bolhovitinov invited him to work in the newly organized "young technician". Igor Konstantinovich became there first by the Litty Pader, and then deputy editor-in-chief. In September 1960, he moved to "Science and Life" and worked there with a responsible secretary until April 1961, when during the reorganization of the journal was appointed deputy chief editor. The author of numerous scientific and popular articles and notes, the author of a repeatedly reprinted book "Your Free Time".

Now, the editors left not so many employees who were part of the team created by Bolchovetinov and his friends, but, apparently, the then received the charge was so strong that was transmitted to the newly incoming. Or maybe the fact is that new employees, of course, in childhood and youth read "Science and Life".

Meditation. Self-pressure. Outcasting. The most effective psychotechnics of Akimov Boris Konstantinovich

CHAPTER III Copyright techniques, or with meditation in life

The very first experience of meditation, or rather, my attempts will learn how to manage themselves, are associated with the autotreating of Schoults. This technique was published in the journal "Science and Life" forty years ago. I did not achieve significant success in self-sufficiency. It is still mystery for me.

But Shchulz awakened interest in me for the study of psychology and medicine. In the first course of the Medin Institute, I signed up in a circle at the Department of Psychiatry and fully satisfied his curiosity in matters of self-alignment and hypnosis.

Then there was Kung Fu with the meditative practices of Zen. Then yoga. Then modern Western psychotherapy. Again yoga at a more serious level (Raja, Kundalini, Tantra). And of course, students and patients.

In the process, some methods remained. Some sorts off. If I did not suit me, I came up with a new one.

I have two meditations that do not require the conditions. I have their practices constantly in the presence of free time. There are people who complain that they are bored. I absolutely do not understand this. We have a brain in our head, so having fun with him. Meditation to help you.

The first is the practice of shunyata (emptiness). Her dignity is that it can last from a few seconds to many hours. Sing yourself anywhere and stop the stream of consciousness before the formation. In the sense, the appearance of Divine Blue.

Second - Maha-Shvas. Mandatory execution - after any water procedures and before bedtime. Very nice.

However, in our life, in addition to the highest goal, there are simple things. I bring to your attention a few original and, most importantly, effective practices, more often than me in life and professional activities.

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The origins of the method of raising talents The world-famous violinist, a member of the Quartet of the Siniti Suzuki, he, on the example of learning the violin, revealed the principles of talent to upbringing in general and called his method "method of raising talents." In 1946, Maestro organized in

Outcasting and resistance materials.

Autotraining System of self-regulation, as a way to control internal condition.

My acquaintance with autotraining, as a system, occurred in the distant 1979. I was a student of the architectural faculty of the Gorky Construction Institute.
It was summer. After the session, students had a practice. She was devoted to the design of exhibitions with visual agitation. Today, this direction is called industrial design, and in Soviet times a specialist is an artist - a designer.

student of the architectural faculty_1979. I left_rock on sculpture.

student of the architectural faculty_1979_ya left_rock on sculpture

Soviet education was multidisciplinary. This gave the opportunity young specialist "Find yourself" in several directions.
So I was very useful for the skills obtained at this summer practice of 1979. But the main value for life, turned out to be quite different. So, unexpectedly, nigandanno, I made the most important discovery that had a beneficial effect on my whole life.
The task before us was such: to go to the institute library, take a selection of magazines on various topics and see the design, painting, drawings, fonts, graphics. Then there was no special literature, there were no designer magazines. The country was closed, and the designers drew inspiration in periodicals, each other, in the surrounding world and in those rare foreign magazineswho fell into the Soviet Union.
I took the thick binder magazines "Science and Technology", and began to flip in search of interesting investigative ideas.

Creative man, he is on the creative that the task is a task, and the information itself clings the eye and fascinates incredible! I sat down, read out, sketched myself, and suddenly it came across an unfamiliar word in the title of articles. The word was: "Outcasting on Schulz system." What is this thing?

A large magazine article told about the possibilities of the human psyche. Photos of a seated person in a relaxed pose with eyes closed. Strange phrases: "... The hand is completely calm, heavy, warm ... I am completely calm, relaxed ...", attracted my attention, fascinated. They pulled a magnet, promising with a young toy-minded mind to reveal the extraordinary secrets of their own consciousness.

I, for some reason, did not talk about my finding girlfriends, intuitively suggested that it was too early, and was not mistaken. The theme of autotraining, a little later, was affected in Soviet films, as the eccentricity of individual citizens, who put up clowns, naive and miserable. What, they say how many do not say: "Halva", it will not be sweeter in the mouth.

The overall trend of any time is to make fun of all new, incomprehensible. So most then passed by this powerful discovery, having deprived the orders of a simple but efficient system of self-regulation and stress management. But, after all, the subsequent events and tests of many could survive more smoothly, if there were a person in the arsenal powerful self-help.
Today, all psychology uses multivariate technicians based on the autotraining of Schulz. The principle itself is known to humanity since ancient times, but kept secret by priests as exceptional knowledge that can only be available.

Studying this article then, Intuitively felt that I got very important information. Did I know that more than 30 years later, I will remember this day, this next student practice and a strict young teacher in horny glasses (concrete nerd)? He was angry, he was angry with us for "laughter" for the sluggishness and lean from work. He taught us the subtleties and wisdom of the craft and repeated, sincerely crushing our carelessness: "Learn, fool! All this will come in handy in life. Always earn on bread! " He was right at 100%!

Most of us in the subsequent years of recruiting troubles and the revolution of capital, the collapse of the Great Country was very useful to those decoration skills. Always found work, if not constant, then "Haltur" and it supported financially.

I made this lyrical retreat deliberately, as in thirty years old I can argue that nothing just comes to our life, nothing, just does not happen. And fate sends us people and knowledge, events, signs.
Learn to understand them, feel the coming - very important quality. Be able to listen to your feelings, your heart is also very important.

student Galina Conisheva 1980 _Autrening. Strength of materials.

So, I will continue. I plunged into the study of autotraining. In that article, it was about the fact that anyone can manage its emotional state. This is just what I lacked. I was open, but vulnerable and touching, emotionally active and sometimes, through the edge! And there were girlish soulful wounds, and even fears during passing exams on the construct. (Who remembers from creative students this science - flog!)

and resistance of materials.

As soon as a person appears new knowledge, it is necessary to immediately apply it in everyday life, to obtain the result, analyze it, draw conclusions.

This is the development of the personality, an increase in rationality.

The department in concomitant is the resistance of the materials (the science is complex, but necessary in construction professions), caused a mental thrill in all without exception of students of our university. The head of the department was a man, by the name of Charushin, with black smooth hair, combed on the thinning head, nosed and bent, absolutely cynical and richish "pre". He could ride out loud of any student, or a student, wrap, call, understanding his distinction and the inability to bypass. He reminded me of Crow from the Soviet old cartoon "Thumbelina".

And also, Charushin could not bear "architects". When entering the hall to lecture, he contemptuously examined our audience, threw a portfolio to his table and through his teeth, in his nose, loudly declared, raising his hand with an index finger up: "Your architecture will demolish everything to the damn mother, and the conversion, - Here his voice passed into the Grozny Ryk, - and the conversion of the eternal! " The psychological impact was completed by the blow of the fist on the table at the department.

After this joining, we fastened behind our own parties and felt like hares in the hunter enclosure. And indeed, for some reason we all were afraid of Charushin. The subject ended by the exam in the third year, but after that the exam, it turned out that the best artists, the most capable and talented guys were expelled from the institute for the impossibility of concomprise, fell into the army, and then, they were no longer returned to their studies.

I have so many years later, there are suspicions to believe that this department led by Charushin was in a peculiar filter 5 columns for students. All talented to remove, of course, could not, but the big percentage of the survey of architects, it was from this department. But this is a separate topic. For me, the hammer of the "repression" Charushina, his assistant Julina, who was the daughter of the rector of our university, was held. Perhaps I will write a separate post of my story with the "Material Resistance".

And now we are talking about , resistance of materials And the first result.

That is, we have a situation where there are a person with whom you need to communicate, you want - do not want. A person who has a stronger position, greater resource. You depend on it to some extent, your future depends on his mood, your fate.

And this person has psychological aggression. If you remember Castaneda, this is a typical representative of small tomboy.
Here is such a set of a mixture of an depressed state and fear of me, when I had to go to the institute for renting coursework, tests from this teacher. I avoided such meetings, hidden, walked, than only aggravated its position and aggression of the "pro". It looked like a skull and once, the day came, when it was already impossible to postpone the exchange rate for no one day. Everything!

After classes, I went home to prepare (what self-deception) to the delivery of work, which was appointed for the evening. I was in a quiet hysterical, panic. I understood that I could not from fear of this person, answer questions on the topic, even those who knew! Ah, Building Epur bending moments and transverse forces! Where to find transverse forces to play with your condition? What other bending moments apply to avoid the inevitable meeting?

Panic was replaced by Apatia, I was making up, as in front of Calvary. And here was the same article from the magazine about autotraining. Having hooked through the eyes of the paragraph, a line behind the line, read again into the lines: "I am calm and confident in myself" ... I would laugh at myself, because at that moment there was completely the very confidence and calm. But, obeying some inner feeling, I accepted a convenient position, as it was written, covered my eyes and began to repeat the formula of suggestion - goals.

Since I did not know what the result is needed, and what we need to feel, then my mind did not interfere with the exercise, and the body quickly relaxed, which was expressed in sensation of gravity and changing body size. It seemed that I became huge, once every twenty more real sizes. The sensations were new, nor not like, but pleasant, comfortable.

Half an hour passed. It's time. It is necessary to complete the exit from the self-removal, the countdown from 1 to 5, with the mandatory installation for "vigor" and "lightness".
I rose, reached out and surprised to discovered herself to be fun! It was strange to observe, as I was in the depressed state for the last weeks, now I had to go to the meeting, which I was postponed by all ways, and suddenly, I began to do not care what the head would say. Charushin Chairs: takes a course, or send away! After throwing your drawings with plumbing and calculations in the bag, ran to stop the bus.

The yellow cheerful "Ikarus" drove up sharply at the sidewalk and accepted passengers. By gaining speed and bouncing on the old asphalt, he carried me to the high country of the Volga, where our university was. Surprisingly, life sparkled with paints again! The city is blocked by evening illumination, the beautiful cozy Nizhny Novgorod (then bitter). The Volga under the openwork bridge was a powerful flow to the sea, and the conversion with Charushin was not led to her. From the Great River there was a calm, which happened to me. The new state of force, I would call it that.

In the inner space, the department of the conversion squeezed to the handfulness, the figures decreased. My consciousness expanded to the size of the city, river, sky. This perception lasted for just a moment, but, as it turned out, it was subsequently enough to change his position "Victim" on the "winner".

The outside. An old entrance to the institute building, left, 3rd floor, go through the "glass" (so students called a glass transition from the old building to the new one). Doors of the department, stands with the schedule of classes, lists of debtors, examples of task calculations. Door. Everything.

Charushin rose from - for the table, laughing and telling the anecdote to another teacher of the department, going towards me, asked me in the way: "To take?" I nodded. "Here it is," he also nodded in the room, went past me ... The young teacher looked at my drawings running fluid, something was corrected, signed and returned to me.

It's all?! I did not believe my eyes and situations, but the signature is worth, I am allowed for the exam, I did not say a word ... that's what? Miracle?
Shot from the incredibility of the situation, I went out to the street and went to the stop. Thoughts of feveridili. I realized that it was all! Only this could explain such a turn of events. Listened to yourself - calm and joy! Calm joy! And where is my fear? Where is the depression? For the first time, when meeting with Charushin, I did not have any negative emotion. I was not afraid of him!

But now, "... I went home, the soul was full ...". The soul was full of happiness, feeling of strength, omnipotence! And it was not in admission to the exam, not in the correct eporas of bending moments. The case was that I had a secret of strength, a unique knowledge that I would apply now always, which will change my life. Oh, Schulz, what are you? What do you look like? What are you well done to create this system! What is the magazine editor, which printed this article! What a well done is our persistent curator that forced us to sit in the library and look for ideas for registration! How thank you all!

Ikarus flew along the evening city, pumped on turns, I kept behind the hook of the rear area at a huge bus window. The streets ran away after the lanterns, the wheels were jumped on the bounced asphalt on the bumps, and I jumped into the resonance, trying to linger in weightlessness. The spirit captured from speed, from joy, from anticipation of a new life with new knowledge.

Conclusion: I managed to enter the right state from the first time, spend and go into a normal state of consciousness because high level Stress and long mental tension. This made it possible to immediately feel the difference in the states of "to" and "after", plus, instantly was checking on the event, with the participation of other people. Too sharp difference in sensation of the situation and as a result, another result, more positive, could not be a simple accident.

We still have proof that it worked exactly the autotraining method, the fact that my consciousness was not subjected to suggestion, since none of my surroundings did not know about autotraining! I did not discuss this with anyone, and I did not have any opinion, as it should not. It was also a plus to the purity of the experiment.
Lack of expectations - prerequisite For any technician by self-regulation.
I confirm that autotraining, developed by Schulz, lovely method, To remove any psychological stress, lifting self-confidence and create an excellent creative mood.

Before complex negotiations with difficult people, public speeches, challenges of life is a faithful assistant in the regulation of consciousness and the right attitude.

Subsequently, I taught many of my friends to change this method of change of not a resource condition in constructive and vitality. And my loved ones enjoy this method when they enter the dead end of life circumstances. It is a pity, we are lazy creatures and remember our knowledge when you need to urgently take action, that is, as in the Russian proverb: "While the thunder is not born, the man does not cross."

I only led one example of the beneficial effect of autotraining on my emotional-mental state. A little later, the story with the "resistance of materials", I perfectly healed the "spiritual wound" from parting with a young man, survived his "the mostst" love, as it seemed to me before.

That is, this wonderful method of self-regulation entered my life, like a chopstick for recovery soul equilibrium And self-confidence. And young people very often lose their healthy self-esteem due to ignorance of life, the rules of society and the absence of the right skills, which comes with experience.

Thus, studying the autotraining method, experimenting, gradually developed his own reception, in terms of the number of self-sufficiency formulas and the time of staying in autotraining.

All this in the next article.

You can undergo a weekly training under my mentoring. To do this, go to Facebook in my group: "Freedom from harmful habits" and there you can leave a request in this group I share the secrets of psychology and self-regulation.

Publication or update date 08/02/2017

"Healthy body - product healthy mind"

Bernard Show

How in our rapid, suspension of events and information of the eyelids to preserve physical and mental health? Are there publicly available means of emotional psyche balancing? Does them have chemical "mood drugs" (Seduksen tranquilizers, Meproamat, some antidepressants and others) and when they need to be taken? What is the essence of an autogenous workout, which is now talking about a lot and write a lot? What are her mechanisms and opportunities? Is it possible to apply autogenic training yourself?

These questions often ask not only people suffering from nerve disorders, but also healthy, experiencing a large neuropsychic tension due to the peculiarities of their profession or household troubles.

Leningrad scientists, the authors of the newly published book "Psychoigienic self-regulation" ( Leningrad branch Publishing House "Medicine", 1977) Professor Vladimir Semenovich Lobsin and candidates medical Sciences Georgy Solomonovich Belyaev and Irina Anatolyevna Kopylova answered these questions and give practical recommendationsHow to train the nervous system, character to become a strong, healthy and volitional man.

Modern psychopharmacology has created new chemical drugs, allowing to interfere with the exchange processes of the brain structures, affect emotions and on the system regulation and wake.

The people immediately appeared faith in new effective medicines for the regulation of nervous activity. Indeed, at first glance, everything is very simple: you take multicolored dragee and free from "unnecessary" emotions, drink sleeping pills and sleep deep, albeit artificial sleep. You are a busy person, and therefore it is more convenient to take a tablet "On the Go", it is more convenient than to train your nervous system, consciously regulate your own neuropsychic activity.

What then the advantages of autogenous workout, about which so much now speak?

With the use of materials from the articles of articles "Art to control myself", Professor V. Lobsin, Candidates of the Medical Sciences of Belyaev and I. Kopylov, published in the journal "Science and Life" No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1978