The project of the Moscow branch of the newspaper “Leningradskaya Pravda. Newspapers on and off the network Leningradskaya Pravda newspaper archive of issues

"St. Petersburg Vedomosti" (until 1728 - "Vѣdomosti", from 1728 to 1914 - "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" , from 1914 to 1917 - "Petrogradskiy Vedomosti", from 1917 to 1991 - "Leningradskaya Pravda") - a daily socio-political newspaper of St. Petersburg. The oldest russian newspaper... The main newspaper of St. Petersburg.

Until 1917, she called herself a “literary and political newspaper”.

The modern version is a daily edition of the Northwest Region.

Pre-revolutionary publications[ | ]

Background: 1702-1727[ | ]

The newspaper was printed alternately in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Until 1710 "Vedomosti" was printed in Church Slavonic script, from 1710 - in part in civilian script. The new typeface finally supplanted Church Slavonic in 1715. The first editor of the newspaper was Fyodor Polikarpovich Polikarpov-Orlov, director of the Moscow Printing House. In addition, the Tsar himself, Peter I, was the editor of some issues (he was also the author of many of her articles). The first literary employees of the newspaper were Boris Volkov and Yakov Sinyavich.

"Vedomosti" was published extremely irregularly, with a circulation of 150-4000 copies and was sold, and sometimes "given out to the people without money."

1728-1917 [ | ]

In 1847, the Academy of Sciences rented out the newspaper for the first time. Its first tenants were the well-known publisher and bookseller M. D. Olkhin and A. N. Ochkin. Ochkin got down to business with renewed vigor; The opinion of the discerning VG Belinsky, published in 1847, is not accidentally so approving: “Now the St. Petersburg Gazette has left behind all the other publications of the same kind so far that any comparison between themselves and them is impossible. One cannot marvel at the wealth and completeness of internal news in every number ... "

In 1896, Prince Esper Esperovich Ukhtomsky, a chamber junker and friend of the youth of Emperor Nicholas II, became the new publisher and editor of the newspaper.

After the renaming of St. Petersburg in 1914, the newspaper was renamed "Petrogradskie Vedomosti".

At first, the newspaper was only a party publication - an organ of the Central and Petrograd Committee of the RCP (b), then it became a newspaper for both the party and the Soviet authorities, that is, the city and regional committees of the Communist Party and the city and regional Council.

The publication of the newspaper "Leningradskaya Pravda" in the early 1930s was carried out by the publishing house of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU (b); in addition, his tasks were to publish other periodicals and non-periodicals on all party and socio-political issues, as well as in the trade of printed products in Leningrad and the region.

During the siege, Olga Berggolts, Alexander Fadeev, Nikolai Tikhonov, Vera Inber, Vsevolod Vishnevsky and other writers were published in Leningradskaya Pravda. For the entire period of the siege of Leningrad, only one issue of the newspaper did not see the light of day - from January 25, 1942. It was already typed and typeset, but it was not possible to print it: there was no electricity in the workshop.

Modern edition[ | ]

In 1996 the newspaper was transformed into joint-stock company - CJSC Newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti"; Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was elected the first chairman of the CJSC Supervisory Board.

In the same year, the first in history professional competition of St. Petersburg journalists "Golden Pen" winner of the Grand Prix was the columnist for the newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" Alexander Afanasyev.

The publication is currently published five times a week (Monday through Friday).

Since 2005, the newspaper has published a monthly column by the Director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky "View from the Hermitage".

Since 2002, the editorial office has been located on Marata Street, 25 (entrance from Kuznechny Lane).

In 2001, the publishing house "Lenizdat" published Dmitry Sherikh's book "The Voice of the Hometown" - the first story of "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" since their birth. The second edition of this book is titled “ Business card Petersburg. Life from Peter to Putin in the Mirror of St. Petersburg Vedomosti ”- was published in 2009.

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Leningradskaya Pravda (newspaper)

"St. Petersburg Vedomosti"

Type daily newspaper
Format A2
Owner JSC "Joint Stock Bank" Russia "(35%), the Committee for City Property Management of the Administration of St. Petersburg (over 20%)
Publisher OJSC Publishing House "St. Petersburg Vedomosti"
Chief Editor S. A. Slobodskoy
Staff Correspondents over 40 journalists
Price 8-12 rubles
Main office St. Petersburg, st. Marata, 25
Circulation 34.000 (on weekdays)
Web site:

"St. Petersburg Vedomosti" (until 1917 - "St. Petersburg Vedomosti"; in earlier periods, other spellings were used) - daily newspaper of St. Petersburg.

Until 1917, she called herself a “literary and political newspaper”.

The modern version is the largest daily publication in the Northwest region.

Pre-revolutionary edition

The publication is published five times a week (Monday through Friday). The target audience newspapers are educated, socially and economically active people over 35 years old.

Currently, the newspaper collaborates: Mikhail Piotrovsky (monthly author's column View from the Hermitage), Vladimir Kalashnikov, Doctor of Historical Sciences (analytical articles in the Politics page), many prominent figures of culture and art (including Daniil Granin, Mikhail Kuraev, Ilya Fonyakov).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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See what "Leningradskaya Pravda (newspaper)" is in other dictionaries:

    "Leningradskaya Pravda" - (Fontanka river embankment, 59), the newspaper of the Leningrad organization of the CPSU (until 1990 - the Leningrad city and regional committees of the CPSU, city and regional Councils of People's Deputies). Published daily, except Monday. March 21, 1918 in No. 54 ...

    Leningradskaya Pravda - (Fontanka river embankment, 59), the newspaper of the Leningrad organization of the CPSU (until 1990 of the Leningrad city and regional committees of the CPSU, city and regional Councils of People's Deputies). Published daily, except Monday. March 21, 1918 in No. 54 ... ...

    Leningradskaya Pravda - ("Leningradskaya Pravda") daily newspaper, organ of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the City Committee of the CPSU, regional and city Soviets of Working People's Deputies. Initially, the newspaper was the organ of the Central and Petrograd Committees of the RCP (b), called ... ...

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    Leningrad organization of the CPSU - Party card of 1917. Party card of 1917. Leningrad organization of the CPSU. In the 70-80s. XIX century. began the spread of Marxism among the workers of St. Petersburg, in the 80s. the first Marxist circles and social ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    True (disambiguation) - True is the subjective perception of truth. True is a polysemantic noun. It is part of many complex terms. Basic meanings The word "truth" in its basic meanings is not used as a term. However, in ... ... Wikipedia

    Truth (newspapers) - This term has other meanings, see Truth. True name of a number of newspapers "Pravda" main newspaper The Central Committee of the CPSU in the USSR, published since 1912. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" "Pionerskaya Pravda" "Pravda.Ru" "Ukrainian Truth" ... ... Wikipedia

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    Leningrad region - as part of the RSFSR. Formed on August 1, 1927. In the northwest it borders on Finland. It is washed by the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, Ladoga and Onega lakes. The area is 85.9 thousand km2. Population (without Leningrad) 1495 thousand (1973), with Leningrad 5628 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    true -, s, g. \u003d\u003d Lenin's [unfading] truth. pathet. On the truth of Lenin's theory. ◘ With Lenin's truth, the Dawn of Communism shone for us in the darkness (Mikhalkov). Leisya, song, 9. Our reliable weapon is Lenin's unfading truth (Sholokhov). SERLE, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

Leningradskaya Pravda: daily newspaper / organ of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the City Committee of the CPSU, the Regional and City Councils of Working People's Deputies. - Leningrad, 1918-2001; 2001-. -
Resumed on June 19, 2001.
Titles: 1918 No. 50 (March 16 (3)) - No. 58 (March 26 (13)) - True; 1918 No. 59 (March 27 (14)) - No. 62 (March 30 (17)) - Pravda (Petrogradskaya Pravda); 1918 No. 64 (April 2) - 1924 No. 18 (January 22) - Petrogradskaya Pravda; 1924 № 19 - 20 (23 - 24 January) - Petrogradskaya Pravda and Krasnaya Gazeta; 1924 No. 21 (Jan 28) - Leningradskaya Pravda and Krasnaya Gazeta; 1924 № 23 - Leningradskaya Pravda.
Editors: 1918 (No. 54-288) - 1922 (No. 3-35) - Editorial board; 1922 (№№ 36-103) - executive editor VP Milyutin; 1922 (No. 104-297) - 1925, 1926 (No. 1-147) I. I. Stepanov-Skvortsov; 1926 (Nos. 148 - 303) - 1927 (Nos. 1 - 205) not specified; 1927 (No. 206 - 299) - 1928 (No. 1 - 240) - editorial board; 1928 (No. 241 - 302) - 1936 (No. 1 - 83) - not specified; 1936 (Nos. 84 - 301) - 1937 (Nos. 1 - 270) executive editor A. N. Troitsky; 1937 (Nos. 271 - 302) not specified; 1938 - 1939 (No. 1 - 48) - M. M. Shulemzon; 1939 (No. 49 - 301) - 1941 (No. 1 - 255) - editorial board; 1941 (No. 256 - 313) - 1942 (No. 1 - 122) - executive editor P. Zolotukhin; 1942 No. 128 - N. Shumilov.
In subtitle: 1918 No. 50 (March 16) - No. 55 - Organ of the Central Committee of the RCP [b]. Daily newspaper; 1918 # 56 (March 23) - Organ of the Central and Petersburg Committee of the RCP (b); 1918 No. 57 (March 24) - No. 128 (June 20) - Organ of the Central and Petrograd Committee of the PKK [b], daily newspaper; 1918 No. 129 (June 21) - 1919 - Organ of the Central Northern Regional and Petrograd Committee of the RCP [b]; 1920 - 1921 - (No. 242) - Organ of the Petrograd Provincial Committee of the RCP; 1921 No. 243 - 1922 No. 35 - Organ of the Regional North-West Bureau of the Central Committee and the Petrograd Provincial Committee of the RCP [b]; 1922 No. 36 - - 1924 No. 18 - Organ of the North-Western Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP, the Petrograd Gubkom of the RCP of the Petrograd Gubernia Trade Council and the Regional EcoSo; 1924 No. 19/20 without subtitles; 1924 № 23 - 1927 № 266 - Organ of the North-West Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, the Leningrad Provincial Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, the Leningrad Provincial Trade Union Council and the regional economic meeting; 1927 No. 267 - 1931 No. 343 - Organ of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party [b], the Leningrad Regional Executive Committee of Soviets and the Leningrad Regional Council of Trade Unions; 1931 № 344 - - 1937 № 119 - 1963 № 15 - Organ of the Leningrad Regional and City Committee of the CPSU, regional and city Soviets of Working People's Deputies; 1964 with No. 295 - 307, 1965 - 1972 - Organ of the Leningrad regional and city committees of the Communist Party Soviet Union, regional and city Soviets of Working People's Deputies; 1963 (No. 16 - 305) - 1964 (No. 1-294) - Organ of the Leningrad industrial and rural regional committees of the CPSU, the Leningrad city committee of the CPSU, the Leningrad industrial and rural regional and Leningrad city councils of workers' deputies; 1977 (Oct. 8) - Organ of the Leningrad Regional and City Committees of the CPSU, Regional and City Councils of People's Deputies; 1990, No. 76 (April 4) - 1998, No. 105 - Organ of the Leningrad Regional and City Committees of the CPSU; 1990, No. 106 (May 8) - 1990, No. 200 (Aug 31) - Organ of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU; 1990, No. 201 (1 Sept.) - 1991 (Aug.) - Newspaper of the Leningrad organ of the CPSU / Founder: Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU.
Place of publication: 1918 (No. 54 - 107) - publication of the Central Committee of the RCP (b); 1918 (№№ 141 - 288) - 1919 - Central Northern Regional and Petrograd Committee of the Communist Party (b); 1920 - 1921 (No. 1 - 272) - Petrograd Provincial Committee of the RCP (b); 1921 (No. 273 - 276) - - 1924 (No. 1 - 18) - Petrogubkom RCP, Gubprofsovet, North-West regional bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP and regional ecoso; 1924 ([Nos. 19 - 21]) - not specified; 1924 (No. 25 - 299) - 1926 (No. 1 - 225) - the Leningrad Provincial Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, the Gubprofsovet, the North-West Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party and the regional ecoso; 1926 (No. 226 - 303) - not specified; 1991 (September) - St. Petersburg.
It has been published since April 1918.
Initially, the newspaper - the organ of the Central and Petrograd Committees of the RCP (b), was called "Petrogradskaya Pravda". Its first issue was published on April 2, 1918. From June 21, 1918, the newspaper was the organ of the Central, Northern Regional, and Petrograd Committees of the RCP (b), and from April 12, 1919 - the organ of the Petrograd Party Committee. Renamed to "Leningradskaya Pravda" on January 30, 1924. In 1957 the newspaper was awarded the Order of Lenin. It was published until 2001. Restored on June 19, 2001 and is a socio-political newspaper.

Moved from Petrograd to Moscow.

March-Sept. 1918 ed. also gas.
In Feb. 1922 gas poured in. "Flywheel";
From Apr 1 until 13 Oct. 1925 published
In March 1939, Peasant Truth was also poured in;
From 3 Sept. 1991 ed. also gas.
From Apr 22. 1993 in St. Petersburg ed. also gas. "Leningradskaya Pravda".

Z and g l .:
1918, No. 50 (276) (March 16 (3)) - 53 (279) (March 20 (7)) TRUE;
1918, No. 54 (280) (March 21 (8)) PETROGRADSKAYA PRAVDA;
1918, No. 55 (281) (22 (9) March) - 58 (284) (26 (13) March) TRUE;
1918, No. 59 (285) (27 (14) March) - 63 (289) (31 (18) March) TRUTH (PETROGRADSKAYA PRAVDA);
1918, No. 64 (290) (April 2) - 1924, No. 22 (January 27) PETROGRADSKAYA PRAVDA;
1924, No. 23 (30 Jan.) - 1991, No. 200/201 (31 Aug.) LENINGRAD TRUTH.

P r and l. (kept partly with the newspaper, and partly in other funds of the National Library of Russia):
1919 - 1920;
Literary week. 1922 - 1923; Working library of "Petrogradskaya Pravda". 1923; Economic review of the newspaper "Petrogradskaya Pravda". 1923; Illustrations of "Leningradskaya Pravda". 1923-1924; Transport worker. 1923-1928; A leaflet by the correspondent of "Leningradskaya Pravda". 1923-1925; Leningradskaya Pravda and Krasnaya Gazeta. 1924-1925; Working team. 1924-1926; Our village. 1924-1925; Spartacus leaf. 1924; Bulletin of elections to the Leningrad Soviet of the X convocation. 1925; Soviet salesman. 1925-1927; Massovik. 1925; New evening newspaper. 1925; Literary Supplement to No. ... "Leningradskaya Pravda". 1928; Workers 'and peasants' bond. 1929; To help the village correspondent. 1930 - 1931; Anxiety. - Art. Weimarn, 1931; Anxiety. 1931; On the assault. 1931; Competition newspaper. 1931-1932; For the banner of Pravda. 1932; For the brigade. - Cherepovets, 1932; "Leningradskaya Pravda" on rafting. - Cherepovets, 1932; Tape to the tractor! 1932; Win the edit. - pos. Nevdubstroy, 1932; Win at the close. - pos. Nevdubstroy, 1932; Let's give a turbine. - pos. Nevdubstroy, 1933; For 80 wagons per day. - Krasnogvardeysk, 1933; Metro - the proletarian capital. 1934; "Leningradskaya Pravda" at a construction site. 1940; "Leningradskaya Pravda" on the newly formed districts of the Leningrad region on the Karelian Isthmus. 1941; "Leningradskaya Pravda" at a defense construction site. 1941; "Leningradskaya Pravda" in the spring sowing. 1945 - 1946; "Leningradskaya Pravda" at industrial enterprises building materials... 1946; Adj. to the dep. numbers.

Ex. RNB (text search only 1944):
1918, (237 №№;
P r and l: Inset page of "Petrogradskaya Pravda":);

1941, No. 209 (Sept 2) - 233 (Sept 30) (No. 25) there is a copy in
1944, (No. 253 - twice in a row).

Ex. RNB in \u200b\u200b(text search is not provided):
1918, No. 50 (276) (March 16 (3)) - 123, 125 - 281, 283 - 288 (513) (December 31) (237 №№);
1919, No 1 (Jan 1) - 300 (Dec 31) (there should be 300 Nos.);

1941, No. 221 (8014) (September 16);
1944, No. 1 (8725) (Jan 1) - 253, 255 - 292, 294 - 305, 307 - 311 (9035) (Dec 31).
or by reference: 1918, 1919, 1944 (502 files).

Ex. [ed. houses "St. Petersburg Vedomosti"] in (according to PBE; read only; text search is not provided; to view, follow the link and click "Find"):
1941 (319 №№);
1942 (309 №№);
1943 (308 №№);
1944, Jan. - March (78 # #);
1945 (304 №№)
(and a total of 1318 Nos., and some are available only in ECHZ PBE);
or follow the links.