Overview of foreign astronomical journals. Overview of foreign astronomical journals Astronomy and astrophysics

Hearing at the Singapore International Airport announcement that the flight of Aeroflot to Moscow is delayed for several hours, I decided to wander through numerous shops of the huge terminal. Passing by the book kiosk, I looked at the counter and I was surprised to find a fresh number of Astronomy magazine on it, located between publications on computers and cars. After this episode, the existence abroad, I was interested in the assortment of bookstores every time and almost always found one or more astronomical journals there.

Agree, a rather unexpected discovery, because in our country is not the fact that the magazine - the book on astronomy will not see for sale. What is the secret of the popularity of astronomical editions abroad? In my opinion, first of all, in their high printing capacity. There have long forgotten what black-walled illustrations and low-grade paper - a modern magazine is simply nice to take into hand and extract, looking at the pictures of planets, nebulae, galaxies ... Secondly, this is an affordable material feed when the most complex concepts Explained without a single formula, and mostly - with visual examples, charts and charts, so that the most unprepared reader feels quite confidently, making his way through the text through all the "parties", "quasars" and "gravitational lenses".

At the same time, along with popular magazines In many countries there are specialized publications that have a completely different purpose. They are focused on narrower aspects, whether observations of comets or meteors, those-forest-building or shooting with CCD matrices. As a rule, they are characterized by elitism and scientificness, higher price and less colorful design. The main contingent of their readers is experienced amastricular lovers and professionals working in these areas and publish the results of their observations in these publications.

This time we want to tell you about magazines designed for a broader audience, on those for whom the occupation of astronomy is rather a way of a pleasant pastime, and who observes the starry sky not to receive scientific data, and mostly for their own pleasure. And as an example, we scroll through three American and four European magazines, well-known and popular in the West: L'Astronomia, Astronomy, Astronomy Now, Ciel et Espace, Sky and Telescope, Skynews, Sterne Und Weltraum.

Initially, a few words about what unites these editions. Compliments to their high printing quality have already been told, so let's turn to the content. Astronomy is a science observant, so in each journal you will certainly find a heading of the type of our "heavenly calendar" (of course, in each edition of the heading have their own names, but for simplicity we will use the familiar notation for our readers). Inalienable attributes of these publications are also the headings "Diary of the Observer", "Astronomy News", letters of readers, announcements of the upcoming events (meetings, flights, conferences, which are not rare), reviews for new products, private announcements (as paid, So free).

It should be said about advertising: it should be very much: it is much, about 25-40 percent of the total (in American magazines the number of advertising materials is almost twice as much as in European). It is clear that the dozens of advertising pages repeated from month are not very pleased with the eye, but we should not forget that, in many respects, thanks to the receipts of money from advertisers and live these editions (and does the American magazines be cheaper?).

Now about what is not there. Absolutely, neither Ufology, nor astrology, no mysticism - behind these editors are very strict. On the other hand, there are practically no "lyrical retreats": no poems, no fantastic stories, nor the people, or crosswords in these magazines you will not find. A pleasant exception here is Sky and Telescope, which places very successful cartoons on its pages from time to time. In general, the magazines clearly adhere to the chosen topics, although they have their own "slopes" and features. Look at them more intently.


The most popular in the world among astronomy lovers is now a magazine Astronomy ("Astronomy") - its circulation is almost 250 thousand copies. The magazine is distinguished by a stunning decoration with an abundance of color illustrations, amateur and professional photos. The content of Astronomy is clearly divided into two half: the first contains news and scientific public articles, and the second - calendar of events and articles on amateur astronomy. Much attention in the journal is given to visual observations and photography of the celestial objects, both with modest instruments and with the help of large telescopes. Each room is summarized the results of the competition of lovers of the "Best Astrophota of the Month".

For lovers of Dip-Sky objects Astronomy - this is a real storehouse information: in each of his room there is at least one article on the observation of nebulae, galaxies, clusters or double stars. From time to time, there are articles on telescope structures made in the form of ready-made projects with detailed drawings, lists of necessary parts and clear assembly instructions. In the articles, the authors are trying as accessible as much as possible and clearly explain the issues under consideration, so the magazine can be safely recommended by novice lovers, not even well read in English - you will understand everything from the drawings.

To keep in the leaders is not easy, so you have to think about the future all the time, and it seems that now in Astronomy started "Perestroika". In the middle of this year, Robert Bernham announced his departure from the post of chief editor, and several employees left the editors. Everything goes to the fact that next year We will see a new, recycled version of the magazine.

Take a look at another American magazine - Sky and Telescope. ("Heaven and Telescope"), perhaps, even more famous in our country than Astronomy. Founded in 1941, in 55 years of its existence, he acquired a reputation as the authoritative publication among astronomy lovers, among which is considered prestigious to publish in this magazine. First of all, the Journal is famous for its operational and trustworthy information service (by the way, according to the contract concluded between our publications at the end of last year, the starvet received the right to use Sky and Telescope news, similar contracts are available with Nature and Astronomy magazines).

Even after a quick viewing of several issues of the journal, a large number of permanent headings present in each issue are striking: "50 and 25 years ago", "Space Missions", "Astronomy with Computer", "Astronomy in Networks", "Telesopy-Nei" , "History of the sky", "Projects of astronomy lovers" and others. Another interesting detail: In the articles on the technique of observation and telescope construction, the authors try to offer ideas, and not ready-made schemes and decisions, leaving behind the reader the opportunity to independently choose a way to achieve the goal.

The design of Sky and Telescope is less diverse and "frivolous" than Astronomy, but has a wider range of illuminated topics. The magazine writes not only about the heavenly luminaires, but also about people who are passionate as astronomy, about lovers and professionals who have contributed to this science. The log structure may vary from the number to the number, and at the same time the rubrics are so cunningly mixed throughout the magazine, which at first understand this "Vigrette" is quite difficult.

As a result, Astronomy and Sky and Telescope are two leading astronomical magazines that often cover the same topics, turn out to be completely dissimilar on each other. What kind of feed style you like it, and who will give preference - this is, of course, the case of your taste, but if the budget allows, my advice is to write both editions, the monthly pleasure from their reading, at least doubles!

In the neighboring States, Canada recently also appeared its own magazine for astronomy lovers Sky News. ("Heavenly News"). Canada is a bilingual country, so, starting from the middle of this year, Skynews comes out in both English and French.

This magazine is still on the way of becoming and still reminds the truncated version of Astronomy, but already has its own successful solutions: for example, as search cards in it, there are original color photographs of the sky sections, which are applied to the names and boundaries of constellations, designations and tracks of celestial objects. And other necessary information.


What about us in Europe? Here too, there is something to read! Take, for example, German magazine Sterne und Weltraum ("Stars and Universe"). This is the most serious magazines selected for this review. Here you rarely meet the note entertainment plan, the articles are written very thoroughly, with many formulas and references to scientific literature. Such an approach, for sure, will not seem amazing when you learn that chief Editor Magazine X. Alsasser - Professor of the Institute of Astronomy. Max Planck.

Articles on amateur astronomy are also kept in a serious business tone, without fear of tiring the reader with complex terms and mathematical calculations. Reviews regularly appear on the results of observations of comets, meteors and solar activity - it is felt that the publication is aimed, first of all, on active observers. Another confirmation of this is a very extensive heading of the Heavenly Calendar. This can be added that the Sterne und Weltraum is the only logs under consideration by us, in which the dates of the compounds of asteroids with the stars and dip-sky objects are published, as well as the ephemerides of weak comets up to 16 star magnitude!

But french magazine CIEL ET ESPACE. ("Sky and Cosmos"), on the contrary, pays for observations much less attention. His "Heavenly Calendar" takes only 4 pages and placed "on the backyard" - at the end of the magazine. Plus to this - one article on observations and ... all. The lion's share of the magazine is occupied by an entertainment-entertainment plan, detailed stories about the lives of astronomical institutions and observatories, discussing new hypotheses and excursions in the history of astronomy. It can be assumed that this edition is discharged first in order to have something to read at leisure, and not for manual to action. A bit distracting from the topic, I mention that Ciel Et Espace leaves only 11 times a year, apparently a month of vacation for the French - the sacred business!

In terms of observation and educational articles, Italian magazine looks much more balanced l'Astronomia. ("Astronomy"). You will find in it scientific articles of the widest thematic range, well illustrated and understandable beginners. For observers - astrophotography, telescope, observation technique, a variety of tests, and in the calendar, among other things, attention is focused on the coatings of the stars of the moon and in variable stars. And: only in this magazine I saw the heading "Answers to readers' questions."

In general, L'Astronomia leaves the impression of a very well organized publication. Although it is unlikely that it will be successful in Russia: understanding the Italian amateurs of astronomy in our country units.

Much more chances of British Astronomy Now. ("Astronomy now"). Competition with overseas English-speaking magazines makes his creators look for new forms to attract readers to their side. And we must admit, they have successes on this field. The magazine turned out to be very original. Of course, the main headings that we spoke at first remain in place - without news, calendar, astrophotographs of readers and other mandatory attributes can not do, but there are also their "raisins". For example, Internet users will interest the "Best Internet" column, history lovers - "key points of history", there is a permanent heading "Absolute Newbie". With a continuation of the room, an astronomical dictionary is printed from the room, but it seems to me that this is not a very successful idea, because its implementation requires several years, and new subscribers will have such a dictionary from the beginning, and from somewhere from the middle.

But the main feature of the magazine is in the method of selection of "capital" materials. Each room is dedicated to one main topic, which is considered in several articles near different angles of view. All of them are combined into one rubric "in focus".

Signing at Astronomy Now, from time to time, there are pleasant surprises: Color posters - posters invested in the magazine. For example, this year, the editors released two posters: "Treasures of the Milky Way" and "Gauze Pillars in M16". In addition, together with the July issue, a "space application", telling about the prospects for the construction of the International Space Station. It should be noted that Astronomy Now tries to objectively talk about Russian space programs, which is not typical of the overall journals, often the achievements of exclusively American science. Remember the editors and about their astronomy lovers: a couple of pages of each room is devoted to the reflection of events from the life of British clubs.

It is better to see once ...

I do not know if it is possible to get acquainted with the new magazine in absentia, never holding him in your hands. Most likely, no, so try to find an instance of the publication interested. Muscovites do it quite simple: come to our editor, and we will show you everything and tell. And if for some reason it is difficult for us to get to us - try contacting the local library, perhaps, there before you wrote something.

Lenin Library, GPTB, Library Gaish have old Sky and Telescope and Astronomy binder (other magazines you will not find even there). For nonresident, there is a practice of interlibrary exchange, allowing to order literature from central libraries. I at my time exactly through the library first met these publications. Well, and then he himself became their subscriber.

In conclusion, a few words about how to subscribe to a foreign journal. This can be done in several ways. First, you can contact directly with the editors of the publication of interest and subscribe, listing money directly to the editor. Please note that you can subscribe by at least a year, and make a subscription better than since January. The period of design is usually 6-8 weeks, and after that you start receiving magazines coming from abroad by a regular letter. Unfortunately, with this method of delivery, they are quite often lost on our mail (there is a personal sad experience).


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FSUE "Publishing House" Science " represented by Dmitry Pavlovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as "Publisher", on the one hand, and the Internet user, hereinafter referred to as "User"On the other hand, the jointly referred to as "Parties" concluded this Agreement (hereinafter - "Treaty")

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1. General Provisions

1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) refers to the Site of the Electronic Library System - WWW. (Next "Electronic Library System").

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1.3. This Agreement regulates the relationship between the administration of the "electronic library system" site WWW. (hereinafter - the site administration) and the user (users) of this site.

1.4. This Agreement in accordance with Article 435 and paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer to an unlimited number of persons, Internet users.

1.5. In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, full and unconditional acceptance (adoption) of the agreement is:

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2. Terms used in the Agreement

2.1. The user is a user of the Internet, any physical or legal person (a representative of a legal entity), voluntarily under time and / or who has begun to use any services of the site.

2.2. Works (Content) - electronic versions of scientific publications, including periodicals, as well as non-periodic editions represented in electronic form on the Internet in various formats posted on the "Electronic Library System" website, available to users via the website of the electronic library system.

2.3. Catalog - a set of works.

2.4. Login and password are two unique set of characters identifying the user.

2.5. Website "Electronic Library System" - information resource on the Internet owned by FSUE "Science Publishing House, located on the WWW domain. .

2.6. Site administration - Employees authorized on the management of the site acting on behalf of the FSUE "Publishing House" Science "

2.7. Download - Recording a user of works in memory of the computer.

2.8. Billing - payment accounting system.

2.9. User Account - Authentication and Personal User Data Stored on the Site Servers of the Electronic Library System. The account is created as a result of the user passing the registration procedure and may be required in order to take advantage of some features or individual functions of the site.

3. Subject of the Agreement

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3.2. The user can be framed and paid for the preliminary annual (incomplete annual) subscription to the possibility of viewing, reading and downloading electronic versions of works, as well as a preliminary subscription to the possibility of obtaining a collection of works not posted in the catalog at the time of registration and payment.

4. Responsibilities of Party

4.1. Responsibilities of the site administration:

4.1.1. Provide the user with the ability to view, read and download the work on the site no later than 24 hours from the moment of confirming the billing payment and user identification as a payer of the payment made. In case of registration and payment by the user of the preliminary subscription in accordance with paragraph 3.2. Agreements, provide the user with the ability to view, read and download the work no later than 24 hours from the moment they are placed in the catalog, subject to the confirmation of the payment made earlier and identify the user as a payer made payment.

4.1.2. Do not disclose third parties login and password, user email address, as well as other information received from the user when registering.

4.1.3. Notify the User on changes in the terms of the agreement and its applications by posting relevant information on the electronic library system website for at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before changes in force.

4.2. User Responsibilities:

4.2.1. Sign up on the website of the electronic library system. Install the login and password, the uniqueness of which is confirmed by the "site administration". At the same time strictly and strictly follow the instructions of the site administration on the registration procedure posted on the website of the electronic library system.

4.2.2. Payment to obtain the possibility of viewing, reading and downloading works in accordance with C.4 Agreement.

4.2.3. To ensure the confidentiality of the login and password reported during registration.

4.2.4. Use downloaded works exclusively for personal purposes. At the same time, the user is given the following rights to use works:

  • remote access to the Internet through the "electronic library system" site for works under which the possibility of searching, watching, downloading and reading works.
  • print individual parts of the works only in archived purposes.
  • recording and storing individual parts of works in memory of the computer belonging to the user in archival, educational and research purposes;
  • quote in the original and translated into scientific, research, polemical, critical, informational and educational purposes, excerpts of works in the volume of the acquitted purpose of citation,
  • reproduce in newspapers, broadcast or report on cable for universal information. Separate parts of works in the amount of justified information purposes.
  • the use of works (their components) under this Agreement is carried out with the obligatory indication of the name of the authors (co-authors) of the works (their components), the names of the copyright holder of the works specified in the work.

4.2.5. The user has no right:

  • transmit either to send downloaded works to third parties both in both fully and partially, except for the cases provided for by clause 4.2.4. Agreements;
  • to report publicly works fully, according to the well-known broadcasting channels, such as radio, television, etc., except in cases provided for by clause 4.2.4. Agreements;
  • reproduce the works, that is, make copies of works or their parts in any material form if this playback has a goal of further distribution;
  • bringing works to universal information using the Internet and other digital networks both completely and partially;
  • change or barely process the texts of works.
  • print a whole product that is a log issue, a magazine or a book;
  • place references to works available for use by the user on any resources in such a way that the third party has access to these works. Including the user is prohibited to inform third parties the information necessary to gain access to personal pages of the site that require user authorization.
  • use other software tools for automatic search and downloads, except those implemented on the website of the electronic library system.
  • Failure to understand the requirements of claim 4.2.5. Agreement is a violation of copyright legislation and entails the consequences specified in clause 10.1 and paragraph 10.2 of the Agreement.

4.2.6. All information posted on the website of the electronic library system on the procedure for using the catalog, the procedure for payment and other features of the agreement is an integral part of the Agreement and is obligatory to execute the user.

5. Payment terms

5.1. The user makes an advance payment in the rubles of the Russian Federation on the conditions specified on the website of the electronic library system.

5.2. Payment methods are indicated on the site in the Payment Methods section. The method chosen by the user from the available payment methods on the electronic library system is considered a consistent way of payment.

5.3. Payment procedure using bank cards is listed on the site in the Payment Methods section. Operations using bank cards can be performed exclusively by the cardholder. Authorization of operations on bank cards is carried out by the Bank. Reception and processing of payments using bank cards is carried out by the Yandex.Cassa electronic payments provider, or other provider of electronic payments. "Site Administration" does not process, including collecting and storing data bank cards.

5.4. The cost of providing the user to the user - the physical person to view, read and download the works is indicated on the website of the electronic library system in the relevant sections. Users who are legal entities are sent to the "site administration" on request on agreed communication channels. The site administration is entitled to unilaterally change the current prices by posting relevant information on the website of the electronic library system or inform users of a different way. Any price change applies to already paid access.

6. Responsibility of the parties. Limiting the responsibility of the "electronic library system".

6.1. The user assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of the catalog.

6.2. The user is fully responsible for the use of login and password by third parties.

6.3. The user is fully responsible for the use of third-party information transmitted by the "site administration" to the email address specified by the user during registration.

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The journal includes original articles on the results of research work performed by astronomical agencies of Russia in the field of astrophysics, star astronomy, astrometry, heavenly mechanics, gravimetry and other sections of mechanics.

Archive of scientific articles from the magazine "Astronomical Journal"

  • -Photometry DQ Herculis in 2014

    Burkhanov O.A., Dmitrienko E.S., Ibrahimov M.A., Savanov I.S., Satovsky B.L., Egamemberdiev Sh.A. - 2015

    The results of the presentation of the new 1934 DQ HER, made at the Maidanak Observatory AI EN RUZ in October 2014, as the analysis of the results of observations, glitter of the system and color indicators outside the eclipse, as well as the form of minima on shine curves in filters due to the eclipses of white dwarf With the accretioning disk-shaped sheath with red dwarf, correspond to one of the lowest levels of its activity observed in the deep relaxation stage after the flash of the new one. Changes in the color indicators with the orbital phase indicate substantial inhomogeneity in the distribution of the brightness of radiation from the disk-shaped shell and other Gas structures DQ HER, observed in the interval of orbital phases 0.85-1.15. It is assumed that the interpretation of the results obtained may be represented in the model of the structure of the gas flow arising from the exchange of masses in the intermediate polar. The resulting behavior of color indicators may be due to the visibility of the observer in this range of the phases of a significant change in the relative contribution to the overall radiation of the hot, optically thin component of the accreting disk-shaped shell (crown, chromospheric or wind), and can also be caused by the passage through the beam of the drum wave areas (tidal waves , "Hotline" and (or) "shock wave").

  • Koi 877 and KOI 896 stars activity on observations with the Kepler Space Telescope

    Dmitrienko E.S., Savanov I.S. - 2015

    Based on the observation material obtained with the Kepler's cosmic telescope, we investigated the photometric variability of KOI 877 and KOI 896 stars with multiplate systems. The study of surface temperature heterogeneities was studied and their evolution was traced. For the analysis, we have selected in the aggregate of 64810 single dimensions of the gloss for the observation interval in 1459.5 days (almost 4 years). Maps of surface temperature inhomogeneities were constructed for the stars studied, obtained from the solution of the inverse problem of restoring the temperature heterogeneity of the star on the gloss curve in the two-temperature approximation. For these cards, we determined the provisions of active areas. For KOI 877, there was a conclusion about the existence of three states of the star activity for the considered interval interval. On the surface of the second star KOI 896, two active areas were almost always present, the distance between which was 0.58 in phase at the beginning of observations and monotonically decreased to the value of 0.36. Estimates of the differential rotation parameter of stars, according to which KOI 877 has a differential rotation, comparable to sunny, and for KOI 896 - it is twice as long as it. An independent assessment of the size of the differential rotation of stars from the analysis of the amplitude of the amplitude of the shine curves over time is performed. The main properties of KOI 877 objects, KOI 896 are compared with the properties of the Kepler-32 stars previously studied (KOI 952), for which a repeated analysis of differential rotation was carried out.

  • Sun type activity: cycles formation era

    Bondar N.I., Katzova M.M., Livshits M.A. - 2015

    It is noted that the diagram of indexes of coronal and chromospheric activity allows you to identify the stars on which the activity of solar type appears and regular cycles are formed. Using the new consideration of the connection of the level of coronal activity at the speed of rotation and new data on the age of scattered clusters, an estimate of the age of the young sun, corresponding to the era of the cycle formation, was obtained. The features of the activity of such a young sun with age just over 1 billion are briefly discussed. Analysis of the currently existing observational data on the long-term regular variability of late stars makes it possible to conclude that the duration of the solar type activity cycle increases when the star rotation slows down, i.e. with age. New data on magnetic fields on relatively young G-stars, a change in the role of large-scale and local magnetic fields in the formation of the activity of the young sun are discussed. Studies in this direction are designed to provide observational tests to determine the conditions for the occurrence of cyclic activity at the stars of the lower part of the main sequence and verification of some conclusions of Dynamo theory.

  • Astronomical aspects of cosmic threats: new tasks and approaches to the problem of asteroid-comettle danger after the Chelyabinsk event February 15, 2013

    Naroenkov S.A., Prokhorov M.E., Shugarov A.S., Shustov B.M. - 2015

    A new definition of dangerous celestial bodies (ONT) was introduced, in which the most significant is to reduce the lower limit of the OTT size up to 10 m. A new definition of threatening and collisional orbits OTT has been introduced. Analyzed the main astronomical aspects that must be taken into account when creating OTT detection systems. The most significant of them are: the uniformity of the distribution of points (regions) of the appearance of the OTT on the celestial sphere in the near-empty space, the practical limit of the speed of rapprochement with ONT 20 km / c (for tel). It is shown that in order to create asteroid detection systems and comets comet comets, which are inevitable, the use of cosmic base systems. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a system, which consists in the placement of one or more optical telescopes in the neighborhood of the point L system of the Sun-Earth. The results of the preliminary design of such a system called the soda (day asteroid detection system) are presented.

  • Spaciousness variations 16 stars type RS CVN on long-term scale

    Alekseev I.Yu., Kozhevnikova A.V. - 2015

    With the help of an improved zonal stainlessness model of the stellar photospheres, which now allows us to consider the simultaneous presence on the star of two active longitudes, overridden the spacing parameters 16 selected chromospheric-active double stars like RS CVN. An analysis of the change in the characteristics of the fifth activity of these systems over time on a scale of several decades in order to detect evolutionary changes in stained areas. For analysis, the observations of photometric multicolor monitoring of 6 stained active systems of type RS CVN were used, conducted in the Astronomical Observatory of Urals and in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory since 2003, as well as data from literary sources. It is shown that half of the stars show the shirt drift by latitude both towards the equator and in the side of the pole at certain time intervals, however, the speed drift of spots is less than the module of the same value for solar spots by an average of 1.5-4 times. In 9 stars, a correlation and anticorrelation between spots and their latitudes with coefficients from - 0.54 to 0.93 were revealed, and the correlation is higher for those stars that show an increase in spin area with an increase in their latitude over the entire time interval. Cycles of activity for 9 studied systems studied from 5 to 28 years have been identified.

  • The probability of an ultra-speed star in the galaxy

    Dreov V.V., Dreova G.N., Orlov V.V., Tutukov A.V., Shirova K.S. - 2015

    The probability of formation of an ultra-speed star in the Hills scenario, describing the dynamic capture of one of the components of the double system by the gravitational field of the supermissive black hole in the center of the galaxy, leading to the release of the second component is estimated. For the assessment of the probability, the statistics of 10,000 initial orbital orientations of dual systems were used. Large semi-axes of double systems ranged in a wide range of values \u200b\u200bfrom 11.3 to 425. The mass of the supermassive black hole was set for two series of calculations equal and. Calculations of numerical simulation of the rapprochement of the double system and black holes, carried out within the framework of the task of the three bodies and the larch, allowed localize the boundaries of the neighborhood favorable for the formation of ultra-speed stars. Calculations of the movement of the thrown star in the regular field of the galaxy were carried out and the conditions for its departure from the galaxy were determined. The probabilities of the superpost star care probabilities are estimated depending on the parameters of the problem: the initial separation of the components of the double and the degree of convergence double with the black hole. It is shown that the probability of the formation of an ultra-speed star is on average with closer convergence and for closer steam.

  • The possibility of diagnosing the evolutionary stages of the protosal object on the observations of complex molecules

    Vibe D.Z., Kochina O.V. - 2015

    The question of how to determine the physical conditions (change in temperature and density distributions) in the protostal objects affects the course of chemical evolution during star formation. A group of models of various degrees of complexity describing the chemical evolution of protostal objects are calculated. A comparison of the results of calculations for objects with various physical parameters. The possibilities of chemical modeling are estimated when determining the evolution of physical parameters and the current state of the protosal objects.

  • Rotational-oscillatory processes of earth movement and temporal variation of geopotential coefficients

    Markov Yu.G., Perepelkin V.V., Rykhlova L.V., Filippova A.S. - 2015

    The numerical analytical model of the oscillatory movement of the Earth Pole, which allows to give a qualitative explanation by observed irregular phenomena in the oscillatory process and improve the accuracy of the forecast of the path of the pole in the periods of significant anomalies. The model is a natural clarification of the previously developed basic model of pole oscillations (chandler and annual components) with the help of methods of celestial mechanics and data observation of the gravitational field of the Earth. The results of numerical modeling of the oscillations of the coordinates of the Earth Pole in comparison with the data of observations and measurements of the International Earth Rotation Service are given.

  • Elimination of electrons in the top atmosphere of exoplanets like "Hot Jupiter"

    Bisikalo D.V., Shematovich V.I. - 2015

    A kinetic model has been developed, which allows the Boltzmann equation by the numerical solution to consider the penetration and degradation of the electron flow into high-grade areas of the upper hydrogen-dominant atmosphere of exoplanets. For the case under consideration, the dipole magnetic field is shown that the 1D model allows you to get a correct solution to the task. Calculations of the flow of electron flux of magnetospheric origin into the atmosphere of a typical hot jupiter and the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter Solar system. Calculations are made under the assumption of Maxwell distribution for electrons with three values \u200b\u200bof characteristic energies, 10 and 100 keV. The effectiveness of heating the atmosphere of typical hot Jupiter and the planet Jupiter is determined. In particular, it was shown that the effectiveness of heating has a weak dependence (independent) on the characteristic energy of the poured electrons. For the upper atmosphere of Jupiter, the effectiveness of heating does not depend on the height and lies in the range of 7-9. The effectiveness of heating the atmosphere of hot Jupiter has a significant dependence on the height - varies from 7 to 18. It is important to note that for hot jupiters, the peaks of energy absorption in the case of low kinetic energies are in the area of \u200b\u200bhigher heating efficiency values, which can significantly increase the contribution from the rash of electrons into the total heating of the atmosphere.

  • Movement in the central field with perturbing acceleration, constant in the accompanying reference system associated with the radius vector

    Sannikova T.N., Khvshevnikov K.V. - 2015

    The problem of the movement of the zero mass is considered under the action of attraction to the central body and perturbing acceleration. The module is considered small compared to the main acceleration caused by attraction of the central body, and the components of the vector are permanent in the usual reference system for astronomy with the beginning in the central body and axes directed along the radius-vector, transversal and binormali. The constancy of the perturbing acceleration vector makes it easy to perform a molecutive transformation of the Euler type of movement in the oscillating elements and obtain evolutionary differential equations of movement in the averaged elements, which was performed by the authors previously in the first approximation on the small parameter. This article is devoted to the integration of averaged equations. It turned out that the system is integrated in quadratures, if at least one of the components of the perturbing acceleration vector is zero, and also if in the initial era of the orbit - circular. Moreover, all quadratures are expressed through the elementary functions and the elliptical integrals of the first kind in the form of Jacobi. If all three components are different from zero, the task is reduced to the system of two differential equations of the first order, already, apparently unintegrated. As possible applications, it is indicated on the problems of the movement of natural and artificial celestial bodies, taking into account the light pressure; The movement of the spacecraft with a small burden; Asteroid movement under action jet Enginemounted on it or on a gravitational tractor with a view to, for example, to prevent the collision with the Earth.

  • Two-dimensional model -pinum with meridional circulation and Hamilton-Jacobi equation

    Popova E.P. - 2015

    A two-dimensional model is constructed, taking into account the meridional flows. For the obtained system of the equations of generation of the magnetic field, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation was constructed using an asymptotic method similar to the VKB method. This equation allows you to analytically investigate the effect of meridional flows on the duration of the cycle of the magnetic activity of the Sun and the evolution of the magnetic field waves.

  • The dynamics of the magnetic field of active areas in an offshore state and during solar flares

    Meshalkina N.S., Podgorny A.I., Podgorny I.M. - 2015

    An analysis of the reversal activity of the active regions of the Sun NOAA 10656, 11429, 10930 was performed. It is shown to preserve during the outbreak not only the magnetic flux with accuracy of the magnetic field in the active area. Analysis confirmed the conclusions previously published by the authors about the emergence of large (class X) of solar flares in magnetic fluxes of active areas of large μs. For a large outbreak, only a large magnetic flux of the active area is not enough. It is shown that the distribution of the field of the active region before the flash should have a complex type structure. Such active areas can create special magnetic field lines in the crown, in the vicinity of which current layers are formed. Above simple, dipole type by the landslides, magnetic lines have an arched shape, there are no special lines, and the current layers cannot form. Dipole type Active areas do not produce outbreaks. The imbalance of the magnetic flux of the active region and the rate of increasing magnetic flux are not signs of the appearance of the outbreak.

  • The dynamics of the shell supernova in the cloud interstellar medium

    Vasiliev E.O., Kovalenko I.G., Korolev V.V., Shchekinov Yu.A. - 2015

    In a three-dimensional axisymmetric model, the evolution of a supernova residue in a cloud environment is investigated depending on the volume factor in the clouds. The model takes into account the mixing of heavy elements (metals) thrown by supernova, and their contribution to radiation losses. It has been shown that the interaction of the shell supernova with the cloud phase of the interstellar medium leads to an unetebler and on average, the earlier start of the radiation phase in different parts of the shell supernova. The growth of the volumetric factor of filling the clouds leads to a decrease in the shell transition time in the radiation phase and its average radius, which is due to an increase in energy loss by the shell in the cloud environment. With the effective development of hydrodynamic instability in the shell of supernova thermal energy Falls according to both the propagation of a supernova residue at homogeneous and cloud environment. It was found that with a volumetric factor of filling far behind the global shock front from the supernova, a layer with an excess of kinetic energy and an impulse, which locks the hot gas caverns in the central region of the supernova residue. Metals thrown by supernovae are also prisoners in the central region of the residue, where the practically initial (high) metallicity is preserved. Thus, the interaction of the shell supernova with a cloud interstellar medium significantly changes the dynamics and the structure of the gas distribution in the residue. This affects the observation characteristics of the residue and, in particular, leads to significant fluctuations of gas emissions with K and the value of the dispersion of the ionized gas velocities.

  • The dependence of the values \u200b\u200bof the spins of supermassive black holes in the quasars from the cosmological red bias

    Gnounted Yu.N., Applekov S.N. - 2015

    On the basis of data on the dependence of the mass of the active galactic nucleus and its bolometric luminosity from the cosmological red bias, similar dependences of the X-ray luminosity and the kinetic power of relativistic jets of these objects are defined. Based on certain data, the dependence of the supermassive black hole from the cosmological red displacement was obtained.

  • IR photometry and models of dust shells of two oxygen myrid

    Bogdanov M.B., Taranova O.G., Shenavrin V.I. - 2015

    The results of the perennial JHKLM-photometry of oxygen myride RU HER and RS VIR are given. Analyzed the changes in the gloss and the colors of these stars for all the time of observations, consolidated shine curves and color indicators were built. It has been established that on the time scale of the day in changes in the average values \u200b\u200bof the RS VIR IR gloss, a linear trend was observed, possibly associated with changes in the dust shell of the Mirida. The results of calculations of models of spherically symmetric dust shells of stars, built according to the received data on medium flux, supplemented by observations from IRAS and AKARI satellites on average and distant IR ranges. The optical thickness in the visible range of the dust shell RU HER with a dust temperature on the inner border to rather small :. The dust shell RS VIR is noticeably colder (k), and it has. The estimated pace of mass loss for RU HER is / year, and for RS Vir - / year.

  • Study of the star population of galaxies using two-color charts

    Bruhevich V.V., Gusev A.S., Huslyakova S.A., Vekova O.V., Novikova A.P., Khramtsova M.S. - 2015

    The change in photometric parameters of star systems, depending on the characteristics of their evolution and the composition of the star population, was investigated. Using a set of 7 evolutionary models with an exponential drop of star formation tempo and 672 models with a secondary flash formation, it is shown that the secondary outbreak of star formation can shift the position of the star system on two-color charts to the right or left from the normal sequence of color galaxies and the absorption line. This fact allows us to evaluate the composition of the star population in galaxies on their position on two-color charts in the event of a non-monotonous story of star formation. Using the data of the surface photometry and the optical range (strip) and the near IR range (), the composition of the star population and the history of star formation in structural components (kernel, balje, disk, spiral sleeves, bar, ring) 26 galaxies of various morphological types (from S0 to SD). In 10 of 26, the galaxies detected components (kernel, balje, bar) with color characteristics, corresponding stellar systems with a secondary flash formation. The parameters of secondary flashes are estimated. Five of 10 galaxies with a complex storage history have obvious structural disorders. Significant differences were found in photometric characteristics between relatively red galaxies of early types (S0-SB) and relatively blue galaxies of late types (SB-SD). At the same time, the galaxies of both early and late types are found among SB galaxies. Lentzoid galaxies do not differ in their photometric characteristics from spiral galaxies of early types.

  • Study of the problem of localization of the Morton wave in the solar atmosphere

    Jalilov N.S., Kulwa D.M., Mamedov S.G., Mustafa F.R. - 2015

    Two embodiments of the Morton wave-observed in the solar atmosphere are considered in the H: with the help of the cloud model, the wave front is in the upper chromosphere and performing radial movements up-down, and by offset of the entire absorption line H. It is shown that at no matter what values \u200b\u200bof the optical parameters of the cloud, namely: -Function of sources, - optical thickness, - Doppler width and - Doppler shift of the cloud inside the absorption line H (due to the radial movements of the wave front cloud), it is impossible to obtain the observed front brightness curve Inside the H line. It is shown that the observed picture of the wave front can be obtained exclusively by offset of the entire absorption line H. Based on this, it was concluded that this wave applies to the formation of the absorption line H, in other words, in the photosphere and the lower chromosphere. It is shown that the Morton wave is not observed in the upper chromosphere, which also confirms the output above. It is further shown that this wave cannot spread in the crown, since the cooling time of the coronal gas to a temperature of 100,000 to an order of magnitude exceeds the wave period. It is shown, the Morton wave is not a shock wave, since the observed front profile does not have a characteristic break for the case of a shock wave.

  • Candidate of Ex-Suiters in the Extreme Double FL LYR

    Bog Mazozov A.I., Demkov B.P., Zotov L.V., Kozyreva V.S., Tutukov A.V. - 2015

    An analysis of the shine curves of the elaborate double system FL Lyr, obtained using the Kepler Space Telescope. The Eclipse Time Method FL LYR received a certificate in favor of existence in the third body system. Primary assessments of the mass and orbital period of this body are also years, respectively. The moments of the main minima of the flash curve FL Lyr, obtained during the work of "Kepler", are given.

  • Dwarf new V1239 Hercules in calm gloss

    Golysheva P.Yu., Katosheva N.A., Khrusina T.S., Shakura N.I., Shugarov S.Yu. - 2015

    The results of the study in the integral light of the essay dual system V1239 HER, relating to variables of the type SU UMA. The system monitoring was performed for 9 nights 2013-2014. In the period when the double was in inactive condition. Clarified the orbital period (), the crystal curves were built. The view of the curves indicates active processes in the system in the intervals between flashes: variables as the depths of both minima and the amplitude of the pre-trial hump, one of the shine curves demonstrates its complete absence. As part of a "combined" model, which takes into account the contribution to the total radiation stream of the opaque part of the gas flow and the hot spot on the side surface of the disk, is defined for different dates the parameters of the accretion disk, hot spot and gas jet in V1239 HER. The lower limits of the time of change of such disk characteristics as the viscosity parameter (), the temperature of the internal regions () and the thickness of the outer edge (), which may noticeably change at times less than 10 orbital cycles. It is shown that for the gloss curve without pre-trial hump (JD 2456746), the solution of the inverse problem within the model used shows the absence of a hot spot on the side surface of the disk: the radius of the spots is negligible, its temperature, as well as temperatures at the base of the gas jet here the lowest among those values What was obtained for the remaining shine curves. The disappearance of the hot spot is accompanied by sharp decreases of the disk radius and the parameter, as well as a decrease in the thickness of the outer edge of the disk. From the comparison with the system parameters obtained for the gloss curve in the previous observation date (JD 2456718), it was concluded that in the interval between the dates under consideration () there was a significant decrease in the mass of the disk, which can be caused as a decrease in the rate of expiration from the secondary component, and Possible discharge of a significant fraction of the disk substance to the surface of white dwarf.

  • Kinematic effects of speed fluctuations for the population of dark halo of the cosmological model with -chlen

    Kurbatov E.P. - 2015

    It is known that the CDM cosmological model predicts an excess amount of dark halo compared with observations. The excess is noted according to the calculations of the virialized mass in the local supercountability and its surroundings. It is shown that the accounting of cosmological fluctuations of speed in the process of forming the population of dark halo allows you to resolve this contradiction, while remaining within the CDM model. Based on the formalism of the press and Shechter, a model for the formation of a dark halo population was developed, in which kinematic effects in dark matter are taken into account. Within the framework of the model, a quantitative explanation of the virialized mass deficiency in the local universe was obtained.