Strategic bomber Rake meter new generation pack Yes. Pak Yes - a promising aviation complex of long-distance aviation. Will Pak be the benefits

Hypothetical image of a possible pack yes

Strategic bomber Pak-yes, main characteristics

In Kazan, in early 2019, the construction of experimental samples of the promising aviation complex of the far aviation will begin (Pak Yes). The development of package yes in the united aircraft enterprise was reported in November. "At the same time, work on the modernization and development of this unique complex - on a special control at the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense, which is convinced of the Aviation Plant in Kazan and the visit to the Aviation Plant in Kazan," they emphasized in the UAC. At the same time, the competition for the creation of Pak was announced in 2007, CB Tupolev won him. December 23, 2013 Oak signed a contract for the development of a technical project, it was approved in 2016. The main thing in the development is "Tupolev", but in the case participates almost all the OAC.

Pak Yes, should replace the current long and strategic bombers Tu-22m3, Tu-95 and Tu-160, as well as their future upgraded options. This will be a subsonic carrier of high-precision weapons with a payload - 30 tons (for comparison, Tu-160 weighs 275 tons, Tu-95ms - 185 tons, Tu-22m3 - 124 tons). Flight range - 15 thousand km without refueling.

Preliminary study of the appearance of the package yes in the design bureau and the formation of aircraft requirements started in 1999, and preparation for the participation of the KB in the competition for the creation of the fifth generation bombers - in 2007. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of Russia formulated the Tactical and Technical Requirements for the Program Pak yes. In the competition for the development of package, four design teams were attended by the OKB. A.N. Putoleva, OKB named after P.O.Suhogo, OKB them. S.V. Iletyushin and OKB. V.M. Meatishchev. At the exhibition MAKS-2009 - a contract for the Pak program, I won the KB. A.N. Pratolev and the Ministry of Defense of Russia entered into a contract with OJSC "Tupolev" for the Conduction of the Bombarder based on the construction of Tu-160.

In the spring of 2017, the first full-size prototype of Far Strategic Rocket Pack-yes was created in the "Tupolev" company, informed the TASS source in the defense and industrial complex. "Several of composite materials, and a full-size prototype of wood," said a specialist from the defense and industrial complex. Layouts are made according to the "Flying Wing" scheme, - reported in the application. Meanwhile, PJSC "Tupolev", an enterprise-developer of the newest Russian bomber Pak Yes, refused to comment on the media information about creating a flying airplane layout. The official representative of the company stated that it does not have this information, and that the company does not comment on the work on this aircraft.

Perspective aviation complex of long-distance aviation

Pak is deciphered by a promising aviation complex of long-distance aviation. The Pak Program may task the creation of a large-range bomber to replace the aircraft of the aircraft of Tu-160, Tu-95 MC and Tu-22M3. It is known that radio absorbing materials will be used for the design. In a new bombarder, Stelc technologies will be used as much as possible, and in the design of radio absorbing materials. In addition, the aircraft plan to provide the latest means of electronic combat.

The main characteristics of the aircraft at the moment are classified, but on the available information, some of them, nevertheless, can be called with a high degree of probability.

In 2011, work on the engines for Pak Yes. In the development of engines takes part FSUE "Qiam them. P.I. Baranova ":

- by the beginning of 2012, the appearance of the appearance and the main data for before and the supersonic options of the pack yes;

- developed an externalproject engine;

- A list of critical technologies has been formed.

Option - 4 x TRDD with a load of 15500-18000 kg of class "Product 17c". Specific fuel consumption - 1 kg / km of the path to 1 engine. It is also likely to use the engine of the NK-32 of the second stage of modernization of the production of JSC "Kuznetsov" with a burden of up to 30,000 kg. The engine must be prepared in 2017-2018.

The President of Tupolev, Alexander Bobryshev, said that the Nir on the topic of Pak was completed in 2012, and then the KB will begin in itself to the OCD, which will end, approximately in 2017. Mikhail Yuryevich Aseev became the main designer and first deputy director of the Pak Program.

Main technical characteristics :

Weight - about 125,000 kg, according to other data - 145,000 kg.

Fuel mass - up to 50,000 kg

Useful load mass - not less than 30 tons

Range - 15000 km

Radius of action - 6000-9000 km (probably with refueling)

Maximum speed:

- 1.5-2 m (estimate, supersonic option)
- 0.88m (estimate, dosens, source)
Cruising speed - more than 1 m (estimate, supersonic option)


- promising hypersonic rockets (source)
- CBR type X-101 and similar perspective samples;
- High-precision UAB and cr of small range, incl. anti-cancellation (for a power breakthrough enemy);
- free bombs;
- air carrier of operational-strategic hands (intelligence-shock complex;
- Air-air missiles for self-defense, incl. Large range (see Junis).

Air-to-air missiles will be used on the plane, which will allow the aircraft to fly without accompaniment. Pack and will also be equipped with a hypersonic weapon "air-surface" of a large range. Rockets of this class for armament pack Yes are ready.

Means of detection and target designation

Development of the RLC for the package of package is the Research Institute of Instrument Maintenance. V.V. Tikhomirova. March 4, 2014 reported the completion of the development of the RLK's advanced project and the transfer of its OJSC "Tupolev", the project is expected to be adjusted after clarifying the technical task.

The first flight of the prototype is scheduled for 2020, the adoption of an airplane for service - in 2025, the statements of Major General Viktor Bondarev appeared in the media about Tom. That the appearance of the aircraft is already formed and improved the tactical and technical task. Commander Bondarev reported that the development of the package yes is on the plan, the appearance of the aircraft once again approved.

The production of the aircraft will be conducted at the Kazan aircraft. According to the existing plans, the mass production of the bombard must begin in 2019. The design of the aircraft will be performed with the wide use of composite and radio-absorbing materials in order to facilitate the mass of the structure and reduce the EPR of the aircraft.

The special model "Flying Wing" with various options for the location of engines and the geometry of the tail of the tail was made and tested in the TsAGA.

"The first experimental studies of the model brought a number of new valuable results. So, a pleasant surprise for us was the high efficiency of the height of the height at the centerlane at all corners of the attack. At the same time, the interference at the top arrangement of the motogondol engines was worse than we assumed, etc. There is something to think about to properly plan future experimental research and settlement and design work on improving the characteristics of the LC, "commented the head of the Aerodynamics Department of the aircraft and the TsAGA Rockets Anatoly Bolsunovsky.

It was announced that the contract was signed on the sketch technical design Serial motor for package Yes according to an already agreed technical assignment.

TTH NK-56:

Compressor input diameter - 2050 mm
Degree of double-circuit - 4.9
Engine Mass - 3340 kg
Tractor - 18000 kg
Craising cruising - 3600 kg
The degree of pressure increase - 23-25.5
Specific fuel consumption - 0.74 kg / kg per hour
Gas temperature before turbine (TG) - 1571 to

2019-01-09T11: 01: 00 + 05: 00 Alex Zarubin.Defense of FatherlandTatarstan army, VKS, Defense of the Fatherland, Kazan, DefenseThe hypothetical image of a possible Pak version is the strategic bomber Pak-yes, the main characteristics in Kazan will begin the construction of experimental samples of the promising aviation complex of the far aviation (Pak yes). The development of package yes in the united aircraft enterprise was reported in November. "At the same time, work on the modernization and development of this unique complex - on a special control of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense, which is convinced of ...Alex Zarubin alex zarubin [Email Protected] Author in the middle of Russia

Strategic bomber flashes many less fighters in the press. Although they are of interest, nevertheless, with others, it will more often flashed and fall into a piggy bank about SU-57 than about the new strategic complex Pak Yes. However, it is much more important to protect the state, and he should pay much more attention.

Su-57 is the main newsmaker in the unwashed confrontation of new aircraft complexes. It manifests great interest. At that moment, when Turkey says "about another plane" in return for the possible loss of F-35, an idea of \u200b\u200b"dry" arises.

However, for Russia, a promising complex of strategic long-range aviation plays an equally important role. After all, it is precisely on him the main challenge to contain a potential opponent.

History of creation

February 15 of this year it became known that the developers successfully defended the TN project. "Products 80". And before that, January 29, the chief designer PJSC "Tupolev" Alexander Konyukhov said that the package will be created in the next five to seven years.

For the first time, information about the new far strategic bomber appeared in 2008 - at that time as President Vladimir Putin replaced Dmitry Medvedev. It was assumed that a new promising complex must change the three strategists at once - Tu-22m, Tu-95ms and Tu-160. In 2010, said Major General Anatoly Zhikharev, Commander of Far Strategic Aviation. At the same time, he added that in 2025-2030, the alleged new bomber must join the Air Force.

In 2013, data appeared that the pack Yes should be built according to the Flying Wing Scheme. The maximum take-off mass is assumed from 130 to 145 tons. Flight range - about 15 thousand km.

The new complex will be equipped with four engines, which, in turn, will be the development of the line of engines of the Tu-160 NK-32. The power of the new power plant will give an increase in thrust by about 10 percent. Also, perhaps the designs will be used on SU-57: in particular, avionics.

According to preliminary data, the developers of the "Strategist" focused on maliciability. In particular, everything will be placed in internal compartments.

The bomber himself, as previously noted, will be a subsonic, unlike Tu-160. However, it will be equipped with hypersonic missiles, which are currently in development. Russia's successes in the development of weapons of this type forced the United States to actively invest in similar development and relevant means of protection.

In particular, in early April, it became known that Raytheon's American corporation managed to protect the sketchy project of a promising Hyperzovoy Rocket Deepstrike. The company has already begun assembling samples. Also, the United States urgently upgrades its missile defense system, investing in its development about $ 13 billion and trying to expand its grouping of observation satellites. In total, the program can do 24 billion.

It cannot be said that the path of the promising aviation complex is lined with rose petals. In June 2012, Dmitry Rogozin said, the project causes doubts, and the new design of the bomber may not need. Also, judging by Vladimir Putin's speech in the same period, the project was experiencing both technical and financial difficulties. Finally, the launch of the project 80 was reported only in 2018.

Program pack Yes more important Su-57

Su-57 as a serial machine may not even see the light or see, but in limited quantities. Initially it was assumed that only 60 cars of this type would be purchased. If you compare the situation with the United States, then there will be more than 2,000 generation fighters. How effective, even the best fighters in the amount of 60 units in the world can withstand hundreds of potential enemy airplanes?

In order to set at least a few hundred aircraft, you need to establish a logistics system and the production of enormous scales. This will require hundreds of billions, and even trillions rubles.

Therefore, it is a pack yes can become priority wings. Russian Federation. When the question arises "unacceptable" for the enemy of damage, new ways and delivery facilities are capable of creating the necessary parity. That is why there appeared in Russia, for example, "Poseidon". And that is why Pak is more important su-57.

Although it is quite clear that the aircraft perfectly different combat missions. But from the point of view of the effective containment of a potential opponent, the importance of the PAK program is difficult to overestimate.

The promising aviation complex of long-distance aviation (Pak Yes) has acquired real outlines. . Its layout is made on a scale of 1:10. Made of composite materials, which, as assumed, will make the basis of its fuselage. The cabab is also created. Its wooden layout is made of wood in full size and as well as the "fuselage", the tests in the laboratories of the aircraft industry. Work on the promising car KB "Tupolev" has been conducted since 2008 within the framework of the state program of the weapon until 2020. The correspondence of the statement of KB "Tupolev" on the existence of a model of the aircraft, about the new bombarder is almost nothing unknown. The former commander of the Far Strategic Aviation Anatoly Zhikharev said that "I would like to see this aircraft with a completely new sight-navigation complex, means of communication, exploration, radio-electronic combat. It should apply all types of weapons that now exist and which will be in the future in terms of long aviation. The new aircraft should be created with the use of low-cost. 22.Studeshegic bombers Tu-160 " White Swan"And the Tu-95ms" Bear "is the main impact strength of our air component of strategic nuclear deterrent forces. Both cars have passed a serious upgrade. A new target complex was installed on Tu-160, allowing the bomber to apply not only nuclear winged rockets of high range X-55, but also new, with conventional warheads X-555 and X-101, as well as the whole range of high-precision bombing weapons. As a result, the car can be used including for the destruction of the base of terrorists around the globe that our distant aircraft has repeatedly demonstrated during the Syrian company to destroy the infrastructure of the terrorist organization ISIL (prohibited in Russia). And not hypersonic, what would be logical for a promising machine of the future? The answer to this question is most likely lies in the plane of the use of the future bombarder. Tu-160 was created for a breakthrough of the massive air defense system / about the likely enemy. It should have had a greater speed for this, the ability to go into the near space. Pilots of the strategist even put on special costumes for this, very similar to astronauts savory. However, today in service the machines are supervathedral winged rockets X-101 and X-555. The range of their flight exceeds the distance of three thousand kilometers. There is information that it creates an even longer rocket.
As a result, it turns out that, to perform the combat missile defense, the rocket is not necessary to leave the country's limits at all. That is, the car does not need a high speed at all, the ability to climb into space for a breakthrough of the opponent's missile defense. While within Russia, it will guard their own air defense and fighters. So it turns out that the subsonic engine will be enough. Moreover, in production and operation, it will be an order of magnitude cheaper than a supersonic motor. In fighter aviation, the same trend. The most modern American fighter F-22 Raptor has ultra-penetration, but will not fight with guns in the near battle, but rockets, without entering the zone of action of air defense systems. Its prototype must be presented not earlier than 2025. Until that time, in long aviation, they plan to continue the operation of Tu-95 and Tu-160. The latter should also receive an upgraded version - Tu-160m2. More than 500 million rubles have already been invested at its mass production.

Work on the project of a new bombarder was launched in 2009, when the Ministry of Defense of Russia signed a contract with the company "Tupolev" for research and development work, which can be the largest in the state weapons program until 2025.

At the same time, the chief designer of Tupolevsky KB Igor Shevchuk said that research work should be considered as the creation of some scientific and technical nestling on this topic. This is not only not so much military topics, how much is the development of aerodynamics, strength, new materials and technologies.

A promising airline involves creating a completely new aircraftwhich will be subsonic and followed according to the "Flying Wing" scheme. The "Flying Wing" layout, which was first declared on August 6, 2013, will provide an airplane with a small radar visibility in the long-wave range, and the dosual speed assumes the presence of a high elongation wing. In the techman of the Russian Air Force for Pak, the developers indicates the range of 12,500 kilometers, the mass of the payload is 30 tons.

At the end of May 2013, the first stage of the test model of the "Flying Wing" scheme model at cruising speeds to m \u003d 0.88 and large Rynolds numbers was completed at the TsAGA aerodynamics department. Studies were carried out in the trans-off tube T-106 of the TsAGI and were aimed at clarifying aerodynamic characteristics Perspective aircraft. The special thematic model "Flying Wing" with various options for the location of the engines and the geometry of the tail of the tail was designed and made in TsAGA in 2011. In 2012, the model was tested in subsonic adt T-102 and T-107. And although these studies were conducted in the framework of work on the formation of the formation of a far-haul passenger aircraftObviously, their results are directly projected on the pack yes.

The design of the aircraft will be widely used to reduce radar visibility, composite materials and radio-absorbing coatings, it should be expected that in order to reduce the EPR, the glider geometry will differ from what can be found in various drawings and even from the model that passed the purge in Aerodynamic TsAGI. Most possible appearance The aircraft is shown on stock Foto In the header of the article .

The main armament of the bomber will be hypersonic missiles of the distant radius of action. In July 2015, Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov in one of the interview confirmed that work on the development new rocket Go: "She will be not alone, there will be several types of them - both in terms of range, and by opportunities. They are developed by several."

Model of the aircraft "Flying Wing" in the transonic tube T-106
PHOTO (C) TsAGI, 2013

According to the commander-in-chief of the CCS of Russia, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev, the main in the complex will be a rocket with a distance of up to seven thousand kilometers. She herself will decide when, where, at what speed and at what height to fly. The plane will only be a means of delivery to the start area. In addition to strategic missiles, the aircraft will have in its arsenal and other high-precision weapons.

The development of engines for packageda was instructed by the Samara company "Kuznetsov", as the basic engine NK-32, which is installed on the Tu-160 strategic bombard.

At the enterprises of the Radioelectronic Technology Concern (CRT), avionics for Pak Yes are already being developed. There is a general agreement between KRET and the United Aircraft Corporation, according to which the concern creates a unified board. Together with the company "Tupolev" KRET also participates in the development work. In the aircraft will apply not only new, but also already tested technologies. Some systems and instruments will be borrowed from the latest developments, which are on other new machines and showed high reliability and efficiency. It is assumed that the aircraft package may be equipped with a completely new sight-navigation complex, means of communication, exploration and radio electronic combat.

One of the key elements for a promising aircraft is a radar system - is developed in the Research Institute of Instrument Making them. Tikhomirova. When developing this radar, experience gained in operations on onboard radar stations with an active phased antenna lattice (AFAR) for fighter fifth generation Pak Fa is used.

By 2012, the technical design of the complex was completed and exploited work began. By March 2013, the project of the aircraft was approved, and in 2014 the Design Bureau named after Tupolev completed the stage of pre-escort design of Pak Yes.

The new Russian bomber must make its first flight in 2021, to complete the tests scheduled for 2023, and the start of the launch in the series - for 2025. At the same time, the WCS of Russia plan to acquire at least 50 such machines.

In May 2015, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to resume the production of Tu-160 bombers in the modernized version of Tu-160m2, and, given the economic realities, in which the task of fulfilling the state program of Arms-2025 is significantly complicated, transferring the completion of the development of a new generation bomber term.

The transfer of deadlines looks quite natural and necessary due to the decision on the resumption of the issue of Tu-160. "White Swan" is perfect in terms of aerodynamics, which means it has a constructive burned for many years ahead of modernization and reissue. According to the Director of the RCK MiG and the General Administration of the United Aircraft Building Corporation Sergey Korkov, modernized Tu-160m2 bombers are created on the basis of a good platform and will be in operation 40-50 years.

Along with the pack and the Tu-160m2 (since 2023), a serial modernization of 30 long-range bombers of Tu-22m3 will begin in the Tu-22M3M version, the production of serial samples of the Pak Fa T-50 fighter will begin since 2017. In the future, the new bomber must replace the Tu-22M3 bombers, Tu-95 MC missilers and Tu-160. It is likely that in the future it can be produced in parallel with the new strategic bomber Tu-160m2.

Meanwhile, if the modernization program of Tu-160 questions does not cause questions, then doubts about the need to create a package yes in the "expert community" there.

For example, the PIR Center Consultant Maxim Starchak believes that Russia is not on the threshold of the Nuclear War with the United States, and in America there is no other super-modern weapons in America, which could provoke Moscow to such an expensive project. Modernized strategic bombers Tu-160 and Tu-95 perfectly cope and not yet one decade will cope with their tasks.

Tu-160 "White Swan" - Borch "Valery Chkalov"
Photo (c)

Another expert - Viktor Murakhovsky notes that the project of a new bombarder is developed in a situation where the concept of aviation in the world changes pretty quickly.

"If you look at the concept of Pak yes, then its implementation will begin at best after 10 years. Well, who from aviation military specialists can say, what will be the main trend in the development of aviation? I assume that unmanned aviation may appear, which is not Air battle leads, and is a carrier of long-range weapons, "he said.

However, the "expert community" may be mistaken, at least just for the reason that it does not own all the full information. In January 2016, Glavkom VKS Viktor Bondarev confirmed that the development of a promising aircraft flows in accordance with the plans. An experienced sample must take off in 2021. In April, the Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov confirmed that the development of the package would continue, despite the resumption of the production of the modernized Tu-160m2 aircraft.

"We will definitely not stop the work on the development of a promising aviation complex of long-distance aviation," said the Deputy Minister and added that the decision to resume the production of modernized strategic rocket tu-160m2 strategic rocket and revision is not subject to.

Thus, work on two large projects is the launch of the Tu-160M2 series and the development of the package and go in parallel, and the transfer of the timing of the package is no longer voiced.

On April 27, 2017, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov said that the timing of the development of a bombarder and its launch into the series shifted to 2028-2029. It is obvious that the priority is to launch into serial production of upgraded Tu-160.

Latest news on Pak yes:

April 27, 2017
The newest Russian strategic bomber Pak may make the first flight in 2025-2026 and go to the series in 2028-2029, said Jury Borisov Deputy Minister of Defense Journalists. "We expect the first departure in the region of 2025-2026 and the beginning of mass production - 2028-2029," said Borisov during a visit to the Kazan aircraft plant.

April 13, 2017
PJSC "Tupolev" completed (in 2016) the first stage of experimental work on the promising aviation complex of the far aviation (Pak Yes) and proceeds to the development of working design documentation. The first prototype is planned to be created in the early 2020s, the corresponding contract has already been signed.

March 1, 2017
In Tupolev OKB, several package layouts are created from composite materials, as well as a full-size layout of wood. Mockups are made according to the "Flying Wing" scheme.

January 4, 2017
The Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov told in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, which changes the nature of the fighting, a replacement of ordinary aviation means of lesion come hypersonic aviation means of lesion with greater range and with greater accuracy. And a promising carrier aircraft at the turn of the 2025-2030, it is not necessary to have such characteristics as supersonic speed. It is necessary as long as possible and imperceptibly to be on battle duty in the air, in order not to enter the lesion zone, to release their means of defeat on the intended goals.

"At the same time, we thus coordinated with the industry with the organization of all the work, that the preparation of production for the Tu-160 of the new appearance and for package is carried out simultaneously. Maximum amount Technological operations will be the same. Roughly speaking, the machines will be used alone and the same for the production of Tu-160 and for Pak Yes. In fact, the money is spent on the preparation of production once, "said Yuri Borisov.

October 13, 2016
"The prospective long-range bombarder of Pak will be presented in 2018," said Jury Borisov Deputy Minister of Defense Deputy Minister Yury Borisov during the inspection of the State Defense Orders of the OCK enterprises in Nizhny Novgorod.


  • Russian BBC (

In the remote future, the first experienced aircraft, created in the framework of the project "Perspective Aviation Complex of Far Aviation" (Pak Yes), should be climbed into the sky. At the moment this project is at the stage design work And because most of the information about it is not yet disclosed. However, from time to time, new messages and evaluations appear in the domestic and foreign press. Over the past months, the total amount of available information about the package has increased markedly.

In the middle of November last year, the TASS news agency with reference to the unnamed source in the defense industry spoke about the progress of current work and plans for the near future. In addition, the message said about the goals and objectives new program Pak yes. According to the source, by that time the project has advanced far enough and approached the beginning of the new most important stages.

First of all, TASS wrote that the military approved the tactical and technical task for a new aircraft. Due to this, soon the organization-developer in the person of Tupolev should begin training the working design documentation for the new aircraft. After completion of the documentation, the assembly of the first prototypes of new techniques starts. It was also mentioned a decrease in the cost of the aircraft due to the possibility of flying with supersonic speed. With the help of high-range winged missiles, it was planned to ensure high combat efficiency.

The appearance of the aircraft Pak Yes according to AIR & COSMOS magazine

According to the source of TASS, the new Pak plane is designed to solve the same tasks as the existing Russian long-range bombers. At the same time, it must exceed Tu-160 rocket mines in terms of the cost of construction and operation. However, the source did not specify the cost of the future aircraft and the price of the summer hour.

On December 23, the domestic media published statements by the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on Defense and Security Viktor Bondarev, who previously held the post of Glavkom VKS. According to him, our country closely approached the creation of an experienced pack yes. At that time, scientific research works were completed. Their goal is to create an aircraft capable of replacing all existing cars of the Russian long-range aviation. According to the representative of the Council, the promising bomber will be adopted and will go into troops in the second half of the twenties.

The data of an unnamed source of TASS, published in November last year, was confirmed at the end of January. In his interviews for the "Komsomol Pravda", Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin touched the topic of the package of Pak Yes, indicating the current stage of work and plans for the near future. According to him, this year, the company "Tupolev" proceeds to the active design phase. The official expressed the hope that an experienced plane will be released in 2023-24 years. D. Rogozin also touched upon some technical aspects of the project. He noted that the new bomber will not be similar to the planes of the traditional appearance. It will be a "flying wing" - "Airplane of the XXI century".

The newest Russian project naturally attracts the attention of foreign professionals and presss. So, in early February, French weekly magazine AIR & COSMOS has published a note about the Russian Pack Yes, in which, among other things, has led a lot interesting information. Together with the already known data from officials in publication, new data contained, allegedly obtained from trustworthy sources.

According to Air & Cosmos, the company "Tupolev" in 2013 completed the creation sketch project new aircraft operation "Product 80". At the end of the same year, Tupolev and the United Aircraft Corporation signed a contract for the development of a technical project. At this stage of work, it took less than three years, and in 2016 the technical project was approved. Since the end of 2014, the company "ODK-Kuznetsov" was engaged in creating a new engine intended for Pak Yes / "Product 80".

It is argued that the new "product 80" will be built according to the "Flying Wing" scheme. It should have a take-off weight of about 145 tons. Thus, a new aircraft will be almost doubled the Tu-160, but at the same time take an intermediate position between easier Tu-22m3 and heavier Tu-95ms. The power plant will consist of two turbojet engines under the working title "RF product" created on the basis of "Product P" - NK-32-02. The total traction of two engines will be 46 tons. Due to such a power plant, the aircraft can fly with a subsonic speed for a distance of up to 15 thousand km.

It should be reminded that different estimates technical characteristics The future pack Yes appeared from the moment the announcement of the start of this program. Some numbers were subsequently mentioned to officials, but the complete picture, compiled by the information of reliable sources, is absent so far. As far as Air & Cosmos corresponds to the real pack of Pak Yes - while it remains only to guess. A confident answer to this question can be given only in a few years, when the necessary information will appear.

At the end of February, already known data on the future construction of promising aircraft for long aviation were confirmed. The site for assembling such equipment will be Kazan aviation Factory them. Gorbunov. Deputy general Director Nikolai Savitsky enterprises told the press that the technical appearance of the Pak aircraft is already protected, and also concluded a contract for conducting experimental work with the subsequent construction of a prototype. In this document, as a manufacturer of the prototype specifies precisely by the KAZ.

According to N. Savitsky, work under the program "Perspective Aviation Complex of Far Aviation" will be loaded the production facilities of the Kazan aircraft plant for the next decade. At the same time, the company is experiencing noticeable problems with training. Last year, KAZ specialists have prepared a comprehensive target program for the preparation and consolidation of personnel, which will have to work in the construction of aircraft Tu-160 and Pak Yes. The cost of the program is 2.6 billion rubles.

At the time of statements by the Deputy Director General, the program was in coordination in the Government of Russia. In addition, within the framework of the relevant federal program, modernization of production capacity is made, including those who have to participate in the construction of the Pak aircraft.

The last currently about the program Pak Fa sounded only a few days ago. On May 24, President of the United Aircraft Building Corporation Yuri Slyusar, speaking at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, touched upon the name of the future of the Far Bomber.

The head of the UAC recalled that the development of the aircraft was conducted by Tupolev. In this regard, the new car should wear a "historical" Tupolev name. At the same time, however, the head of the corporation did not specify which figures will be combined with the traditional designation "TU".

The Russian project "Perspective Aviation Complex of Far Aviation" is currently one of the most interesting topics in the context of current and future re-equipment. Simultaneously with this - in view of the special importance and significance for national security - this project is one of the most secret. Officials from time to time raise the subject of current work and announce certain information, but at the same time they do without any special details. As a result, even a few years after the start of work, only the most common features of the future strategic bomber are known.

Previously, it became known that the perspective bomber Pak Yes, developed by Tupolev, is intended to replace two modern samples at once. In a remote future, the car of this type will be outstanding from far aviation comparatively old Tu-95 and Tu-22m3, taking all their tasks. In the past, the possibility of replacing the Tu-160 aircraft, but the planned mass production of Tu-160M2 machines was likely to abolish such plans. Thus, from a certain time, the foundation of long aviation will be deeply upgraded Tu-160m2 and completely new pack Yes.

It is already known that the Pak project is based on a new concept for domestic strategic aviation. It is proposed to build a plane of the "Flying Wing" scheme with a subsonic rate of flight and abbreviated notice to observe the enemy. Special glider layout with the most fuel tanks And effective engines of sufficient power will ensure the possibility of flying to a distance of up to 15 thousand km.

The main weapons of such an aviation complex will be the winged rockets of a large range with conventional or special combat parts. Significant range of rockets will allow Pak yes to attack these goalswithout entering the anti-air defense zone of the opponent. Certain stealth technologies used by both the aircraft and on its missiles should sharply reduce the likelihood of timely detection of the bombers of whether their weapons. All this will be positively affected by the effect of impact.

According to famous data, research and development works on the topic of Pak Yes, about ten years ago, at the end of the two thousandths. For several years, "Tupolev" and related enterprises have formed the main provisions of the future project. At that time, reports appeared about the possibility of construction and testing of the first experienced aircraft already at the end of the tenths.

However, later plans have changed. In 2015, it was decided to resume the mass production of existing Tu-160 with the subsequent creation of a new modification of such an aircraft. In this regard, the schedule of works on the PAK program was revised. Start training technical documentation According to a new aircraft, it moved for several years to the right. The first flight of the prototype was transferred to the first half of the twenties. It should be noted that there is a different interpretation of events recent years. According to it, the decision on the construction of new Tu-160 was the result of certain problems with the pack and the impossibility of the issue of promising serial machines during the desired dates.

Despite all the expected and possible difficulties, the development of a "promising aviation complex of long aviation" continues. It has already been aware of the transition of a project to a new stage preceding the construction and testing of experienced technology. The moment of acceptance of the package yes, the ongoing and acceptance of the first serial samples still relates to a distant future, but every day it becomes closer. Available information about current work allows you to look into the future with restrained optimism. Everything suggests that in the second half of the next decade, Russian long-range aviation will replenish the fleet of its technology with completely new samples.

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