Tu 334 is a short-haul passenger aircraft. Should we revive the project of a short-haul liner, the design of which began in the Soviet Union? We build better than we sell

Development of the Tu-334 began in the late 1980s. The aircraft was supposed to replace the out of service Yak-42, Tu-134 and Tu-154B, but in the conditions of the collapse of the economy of the 90s, funding for the project was extremely limited, which is why the design of the aircraft was greatly delayed. The prototype Tu-334 made its first flight on February 8, 1999 - 11 years after the start of work on the project.

By the mid-2000s, the plane was already obsolete. It was a wonderful airliner, like all "carcasses", but of the previous generation, and its competitor, the Sukhoi Superjet 100, created with the participation of Boeing and broad international cooperation, was promoted to the market by the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the general director of Sukhoi, and then and the head of the UAC - Mikhail Poghosyan. Did it make sense to continue to invest big money in obsolete technology, while in the most competitive aviation market - short-haul aircraft - Embraer and Bombardier were producing the latest models? The obvious answer is no.

Meanwhile, in comparison with the SSJ-100, the Tu-334 has a number of advantages. Domestic equipment, a large fuselage diameter for its class, the ability to operate in real russian conditions - the liner is able to land even on the ground. Considering that the quality of the domestic airfield network is inferior to the state of the airfield network of Western countries, the Tu-334 could be useful for domestic transportation, especially as an ambulance or other special board.

But the obvious advantages overlap with equally obvious disadvantages - the aircraft had to be equipped with D-436T1 engines developed by the Zaporozhye Progress Machine-Building Design Bureau named after Academician A. G. Ivchenko and produced by the Motor Sich plant. Comparable in thrust is the SaM-146 engine for the Superjet, which theoretically can be considered for installation on the Tu-334, but this will require a significant improvement in the design of the tail section of the aircraft and its control system, which seems inappropriate.

In total, two flight models of the Tu-334 were manufactured, in 2003 the basic version of the Tu-334-100 was prepared for serial production. In April 2005, the Government issued a decree on the organization of serial production of Tu-334 in Kazan at KAPO named after S.P. Gorbunov. By mid-2007, a total of five gliders were assembled, including two for static and life tests and two flight examples. However, serial production was not carried out, and firm contracts with deliveries in 2006-2010 were concluded for 40 aircraft. In fact, the project was frozen, but not formally closed.

Considering the interest shown by site visitors to the topic of resuming production of the Tu-334 and, answering the question in the title of the article, "Aviation of Russia" believes that there will be no revival of this aircraft.

In the spring of 2016, a number of media reported that it was planned to resume production of the Tu-334, and the Ascon company began 3D-designing the structural elements of this aircraft.

Aviation of Russia applied to the Ascon Group of Companies with a request to clarify the situation. A response has been received (available email) that in connection with import substitution in the Ulyanovsk branch of the Tupolev Design Bureau, its engineers studied the possibility of using software product "Compass-3D", the development of the group of companies "Ascon", on the example of the design of individual parts and units of the Tu-334.

In 2015, Ascon signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ulyanovsk-avia aviation cluster, the essence of which is to increase the share of domestic software in the aircraft industry. Russian aviation industry for a long time focused on foreign engineering software, and the company sees its role in jointly with the Tupolev Design Bureau studying the possibilities of using the Ascon software, testing it on specific products, technical support and training of KB employees.

In case of resumption of work on the Tu-334, the Ascon Group of Companies is ready to try to use the Compass-3D software package in the design of some parts of the aircraft - the wing or tail. But we are not talking about any beginning of 3D-design of Tu-334 by the forces of the Ascon Group- the company is a developer of engineering software and does not design aircraft.


  • The sky for friends is the Russian planet
  • Press release of JSC "Tupolev" (pdf)
  • Russia will continue to design Tu-334 - Lenta.ru

In the photo in the heading of the article: Tu-334, tail number 94005 at MAKS-2009, photo (c) A. Karpenko

Ascon specialists in cooperation with the Ulyanovsk Aviation Cluster and the Ulyanovsk branch of the Tupolev Design Bureau have started 3D design of the structural elements of the Tu-334 medium-range aircraft. This was announced on the forum of developers and users of the tools computer-aided design "White Nights CAD", which takes place in St. Petersburg. It is not reported when the serial production of the liner may begin.

Tu-334 is a Russian short-haul passenger aircraft. It was developed in the 1990s to replace the decommissioned Yak-42, Tu-134 and Tu-154B.

Tu-334 is a twin-engine turbojet low-wing aircraft with a rear engine arrangement, with a swept wing and a T-shaped tail unit. Specially profiled surfaces are installed at the ends of the wing to reduce inductive resistance. Modern composite materials and alloys are widely used in the aircraft design.

The fuselage of the Tu-334 has the same cross-section as that of the Tu-204, but has a shorter length.

The prototype Tu-334 made its first flight on February 8, 1999 and was subsequently shown at several aviation exhibitions. In total, two flight samples of the liner were made.

The aircraft is equipped with a complex of flight and navigation equipment that provides manual or automatic input of initial flight data, automated selection of a flight plan, automatic aircraft navigation along a programmed route, automatic landing approach and automatic landing, warning of approaching and reaching the limits of operational tolerances. The aircraft is 97% made up of equipment manufactured by Russian enterprises.

On April 15, 2005, a government decree was signed on organizing the serial production of Tu-334 at KAPO named after S.P. Gorbunov. However, this decree was not implemented, the Tu-334 was not included in the Federal Target Program "Development of Civil Aviation Equipment in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period until 2015".

Why was the serial production of the Tu-334 not launched?

The Tu-334 turned out to be a competitor to the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft, so its serial production was not organized. The project was frozen but not closed.

What are the advantages of the Tu-334?

Compared to Soviet civilian aircraft, the Tu-334 has the following advantages:

Low noise level in the passenger compartment and cockpit;
- variable layout of the passenger compartment;
- high level of comfort;
- modern design of the passenger compartment;
- increased volume of luggage racks;
- low fuel consumption;
- water-vacuum toilets;
- the ability to install audio and video systems;
- reduced time of aircraft preparation for departure;
- compliance with all modern requirements international civil aviation;
- availability of emergency warning systems.


  • Crew: 3 people.
  • Passenger capacity: 102
  • Length: 31.26 m
  • Wingspan: 29.77 m
  • Height: 9.38 m
  • Wing area: 83m²
  • Curb weight: 28 900 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 47 900 kg
  • Power plant: 2 × turbojet engine D-436T1
  • Cruising speed: 820 km / h
  • Practical range: 4100 km
  • Service ceiling: 11 100 m
  • Takeoff run: 1900 m
  • Path length: 1000 m

The Tu-334 is a short-haul Russian passenger aircraft developed in the 1990s to replace the retiring Tu-154B, Tu-134 and Yak-42. For some reason, the serial production of the aircraft was not organized.
The prototype Tu-334 made its first flight on February 8, 1999 and was subsequently shown at several aviation exhibitions. In total, two flight samples of the liner were made.


Tu-334 is a twin-engine turbojet low-wing aircraft with a rear engine arrangement, with a swept wing and a T-shaped tail unit. Specially profiled surfaces are installed at the ends of the wing to reduce inductive resistance. Modern composite materials and alloys are widely used in the aircraft design.
Development of the Tu-334 began in the late 1980s. The wing consists of supercritical profiles, at the ends of the wing specially profiled surfaces are mounted to reduce the inductive resistance. The aerodynamic index of the aircraft is 16.7.
In its basic modification, the Tu-334-100 is designed for operation on air routes with a length of up to 3150 km and for the carriage of up to 102 passengers in a tourist version. The composition of the aircraft crew: aircraft commander, co-pilot, flight engineer, three flight attendants when operating on international airlines and two people when operating on domestic airlines. The assigned resource of the airframe is 60,000 flight hours, 60,000 flights (landings). The aircraft's calendar service life is 25 years.
The design of the airframe of the aircraft took into account the requirements of ensuring maximum convenience maintenance... The design allows access and inspection of all major structural elements during periodic internal inspections. It was possible to avoid nodes closed for access. The design provides for the possibility of using non-destructive testing methods for closed elements in those joints where visual inspection is impossible. Convenient access for inspection, maintenance and replacement to all drives, motors, control cables and rods, as well as other mechanical parts is provided. All bearings, friction surfaces (with the exception of dry lubricated bearings) are provided with lubrication points.
The aircraft is equipped with two double-circuit turbojet engines (turbojet engines) of the D-436T1 type. The engines are installed in the aft fuselage in engine nacelles on horizontal pylons. The turbojet engine is delivered together with the engine nacelles as a single unit. The engine mounts are the same for the left and right engine. The engine is started from an air starter driven by compressed air from an APU or from a ground air launch unit, or from a second running engine. The engines are equipped with a lattice-type thrust reverse.

The standard layout of the passenger cabin of the Tu-334-100 aircraft is carried out for 102 passenger seats in the tourist class. The passenger compartment is separated from the front and rear lobbies by partitions with curtains. The side walls and the upper part of the fuselage in the cockpit are covered with decorative easily removable panels. Portholes, if necessary, are closed with rigid sliding curtains. The floor in the passenger compartment is carpeted, which is fixed to the level of the rails of the passenger seats with the help of plastic profiles.
The cockpit of the Tu-334-100 aircraft is similar to that of the Tu-204/214 family aircraft. Flight information and information about the system performance are indicated on multifunctional color displays. The use of digital fly-by-wire aircraft control systems, systems for warning the aircraft entering the boundary flight modes, the "dark cockpit" principle reduce the physical and psychological stress on the aircraft crew and increase flight safety.


Crew: 3
Passenger capacity: 102
Length: 31.26 m
Wingspan: 29.77 m
Height: 9.38 m
Wing area: 83 m2
Wing profile: supercritical
Curb weight: 28 900 kg
Maximum takeoff weight: 47 900 kg
Fuel weight in internal tanks: 10 100 kg
Power plant: 2 × turbojet engine D-436T1
Thrust: 2 × 7500 kgf
Auxiliary power unit: 1 × TA-18-100

Flight characteristics

Cruising speed: 820 km / h
Practical range: 4100 km
Service ceiling: 11 100 m
Takeoff run: 1900 m
Path length: 1000 m

A source:

Now let's talk why not in a series

By the mid-2000s, the plane was already obsolete. It was a wonderful airliner, like all "carcasses", but of the previous generation, and its competitor, the Sukhoi Superjet 100, created with the participation of Boeing and broad international cooperation, was promoted to the market by the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the general director of Sukhoi, and then and the head of the UAC - Mikhail Poghosyan. Did it make sense to continue to invest big money in obsolete technology, while in the most competitive aviation market - short-haul aircraft - Embraer and Bombardier were producing the latest models? The obvious answer is no.
Meanwhile, in comparison with the SSJ-100, the Tu-334 has a number of advantages. Domestic equipment, a large fuselage diameter for its class, the ability to operate in real Russian conditions - the liner is able to land even on the ground. Considering that the quality of the domestic airfield network is inferior to the state of the airfield network of Western countries, the Tu-334 could be useful for domestic transportation, especially as an ambulance or other special board.
But the obvious advantages overlap with equally obvious disadvantages - the aircraft had to be equipped with D-436T1 engines developed by the Zaporozhye Progress Machine-Building Design Bureau named after Academician A. G. Ivchenko and produced by the Motor Sich plant. Comparable in thrust is the SaM-146 engine for the Superjet, which theoretically can be considered for installation on the Tu-334, but this will require a significant improvement in the design of the tail section of the aircraft and its control system, which seems inappropriate.
In addition, the "Engine in the tail" arrangement has a number of disadvantages
1. There is such a dirty trick in the engines on the tail - an aircraft hitting a so-called protracted, "closed" stall when the aircraft exits at supercritical angles of attack of 25-30 ° and higher. The plane seemed to "lock" in this position with its nose up, lose speed, and fell into a spin. Exit to supercritical angles happened when the aircraft hit a powerful updraft, a gust of air. Such powerful gusts at high altitudes are quite rare, but every aircraft, as a rule, hits them. However, as it turned out, only aircraft with engines on the aft fuselage proved to be unstable in this mode. At supercritical angles of attack, a concurrent air stream breaks off from the wing, which hits the air intake of the engines (which leads to surging) and the horizontal tail (elevators), making it ineffective.
2. In addition, the location of the engines in the tail - take away part of the cabin, thereby increasing the total length of the fuselage. Compare the lengths of the 5-row SSJ (29.94 m, 98 passengers in 19.5 rows) and the 6-row Tu-334 (31.26 m, 102 passengers in 17 rows).
3. There is also a drawback associated with the proximity of the engines to each other (as well as the compactness of the fuel lines in the tail): in the event of a fire of one engine, the chances that the fire will affect the second (third) engine (or fuel supply to them) are many higher than aircraft with widely spaced engines (under the wing).
4. If the engine is suspended under the wing, then its weight is partially balanced lifting force wing (in flight). And if it is in the tail, the weight is not balanced by anything, except for the strength of the fuselage structure and (wing too). Or, to put it another way, the engines on the wings unload the wing itself well - the lifting force tends to lift the wing up.
5. Under-wing engines are MUCH more convenient to maintain. I would like to emphasize that the low engine position is a huge maintenance benefit. Thanks to this location, we are able to replace any equipment within 20 minutes; it will take less than two hours to replace the engine. And the cost of maintenance is one of the most important criteria for the customer airline.
6. Another drawback is associated with a large centering difference of aircraft. Rear-mounted engines move the aircraft's center of gravity (CG) backward. Shifting back and wing. As a result, the fuselage and the passenger cabin are divided by the wing into unequal parts - a long nose and a short tail. In this case, the presence of a commercial load (passengers, luggage, cargo) moves the CG forward relative to the wing, and its absence (ferry version, incomplete load) leads to the movement of the aircraft CG backward.

It is necessary to clarify that the Tu-334 began to be created in the late 80s, in the united USSR, and its construction was also planned in the USSR. Ukrainian factories were an important part in the aviation industry of the USSR (especially Zaporozhye engines), and the construction of aircraft by Russia without Ukraine was very difficult.
After the collapse of the USSR, when Ukraine became abroad, on July 27, 1992, a Government Resolution was adopted Russian Federation 516 "On the organization of serial production of Tu-334 aircraft at the Taganrog aircraft production enterprise", and later, on September 8, 1993, Russia and Ukraine signed an "Agreement on cooperation in the creation of a short-haul passenger aircraft TU-334 and engines to it, as well as their joint serial production. "It was determined that Russia and Ukraine will make the aircraft jointly - Russia in Taganrog, and Ukraine in Kiev (" with an annual production of up to 30 - 35 aircraft at each plant " ), the engines will be Zaporozhye (Motor Sich), and there will be great cooperation between Russia and Ukraine.
According to the given years (1992 and 1993), one can guess what the result was (more precisely, its absence).
By 1999, one prototype of the aircraft (number 001) was made by the Tupolevites. Copy 002 was made in Kiev, at the Aviant plant. Instance 003 was in Taganrog in the form of a fuselage (and was not made)
In 1999, when the 001 aircraft flew, and the economies of Russia and Ukraine more or less got stronger, the parties returned to the project again.
Putin adopted the above resolution, Nikitin (MiG) was appointed responsible from the Russian side and the parties began to discuss how to implement the words "in cooperation with other enterprises in Russia and Ukraine" in the understanding that Russia and Ukraine are now independent states.
How and where to make a plane?
The people of Kiev have made good progress, but if you give the production to them, it will create Russia's dependence on Ukraine.
Ukraine also has its own Antonov design bureau - and it is quite possible to assume that after a while the Ukrainians will produce AN plants at this, pushing Tu aside (by the way, in the end, it happened)
Why make someone else's plane if you can make your own?
Well, the production documentation for the Tu-334 was also at the Kiev "Aviant".
The parties agreed for a long time, and in the end they agreed that the main production will be in Russia, and the wings and some other components will be made by Ukraine (Ukraine is also completing the construction of the 002 aircraft). A new workshop in Lukhovitsy was built for this project, the fuselage of the 003 aircraft was transported from Taganrog there, the documentation was bought from the people of Kiev, the Tu-334 was to be produced at the Kiev Aviant plant, - says Nikolai Nikitin. - By the time Russia and Ukraine agreed, that we will assemble this car, there was a threat of loss of Russian intellectual property on the Tu-334. Aviant developed production documentation for the liner, and Tupolev, the aircraft designer, could not buy it out due to lack of funds. I had to buy it out for $ 3.5 million.
But the deadlines set by the Government (2001-2002) have already been violated.
Well, the construction of instance 003 (the fuselage of which was transported from Taganrog to Lukhovitsy) was delayed and delayed ...
According to the plan, the plane had to be built in July 2003, but in reality autumn 2003 had already come, but this was not done ...
Then Nikitin said about this: "As for the third Tu-334 aircraft, our Ukrainian colleagues delayed the delivery of a wing for it. Instead of January, it arrived only in October."

Let's summarize:

1. The Tu-334 project was tied to cooperation with Ukraine. It was hard to do something without them. And the failure in implementation, which became the reason for Nikitin's resignation in 2003, was also related to this (delay in the delivery of the wing for the third Tu-334 aircraft for nine months). Therefore, he says that "there is a ready-made plane, take it and produce it" - it is impossible. Produce if Ukraine delivers everything on time. And taking into account the fact that Ukraine wanted to build its own competitor - An-148 - everything became completely dull.
2. The plane turned out to be unprofitable in production, and this was realized only in 2003.
3. The certificate of the aircraft, for the receipt of which the state money was allocated and spent, turned out to be very curtailed (however, later an expanding addition to the certificate was received). Also, 3 crew members versus 2 competitors - anachronism and additional costs of airlines.
4. After-sales service and quality of components for Tu aircraft is very low.
5. Well, in view of all this, the sad result: airlines do not want to take a plane, there are no orders.

The Tu-334 is a short-haul Russian passenger aircraft developed in the 1990s to replace the retiring Tu-154B, Tu-134 and Yak-42. For some reason, the serial production of the aircraft was not organized. As of June 2013, the project is frozen, but not formally closed.

The aerodynamic layout of the aircraft is a twin-engine low-wing turbojet with engines at the rear, with a T-shaped tail unit and a swept wing. The wing consists of supercritical profiles, at the ends of the wing specially profiled surfaces are mounted to reduce the inductive resistance. The aerodynamic index of the aircraft is 16.7.

Modern composite alloys and materials are widely used in aircraft construction.

Electro-remote control system with mechanical emergency backup. The control system supplies the helm control to the pilots of the aircraft and according to the signals of the APCT automatic control flight.

The cockpit is unified as much as possible with the cockpits of Tu-204/214 aircraft and is designed according to the "dark cockpit" principle based on modern ergonomic standards.

Fuselage Tu-334 v cross section has the same appearance as the Tu-204, with which this aircraft is 60 percent unified, but has a shorter length.

Tricycle landing gear with bow strut. A fly-by-wire braking system was activated with its auto-switching to the mode of forcing the aircraft stop during an interrupted takeoff.

The aircraft is equipped with a set of navigation and aerobatic equipment that provides automatic or manual input of initial flight data, automatic selection of flight data, automatic aircraft guidance in the airfield area along a programmed route, directorial control of longitudinal and lateral aircraft movement, directorial and automatic landing approach and automatic landing, warning about reaching or approaching controlled flight parameters to the boundaries of operational tolerances.

The luggage compartment consists of 2 cargo compartments - front for 10 square meters and a rear of 6.2 square meters. It was planned in the future to equip the aircraft with ladder doors released automatically.

The power plant consists of two turbofan engines D-436T1, made according to a three-shaft scheme. Power auxiliary unit - TA-12-60.

Modifications of Tu-334

    Tu-334-100 is a version of the aircraft designed for 102 passenger seats. The salon is arranged in a tourist version of 102 seats with a pitch of 810 mm or 92 business class seats. The flight range is 3150 km.

    Tu-334-100S is a design modification of a cargo aircraft with a carrying capacity of 11 tons.

    Tu-334-120 is a project of a liner with an installed BR-710-48 engine.

    Tu-334-100D is a modification that differed from the base model in its large wingspan and wing area, longer flight range and an elongated fuselage. The liner is equipped with D-436T2 engines. The tourist layout consisted of 102 seats, business class - 92, flight range - up to 4 thousand km.

    Tu-334-120D is a modified Tu-334-100 liner with BR715-56 engines.

    Tu-334-200 is a liner with an elongated fuselage, a larger wing area and span, increased flight range and D-436T2 engines. It can accommodate 126 passengers in the cabin.

    Tu-33-220 is a modernized version of Tu-334 with BR715-56 engines.

    Tu-334-220S is a cargo aircraft modified from the Tu-334-220, the carrying capacity of which is 15 tons.

    Tu-334SM is a deeply modernized Tu-334. It included new modern onboard equipment and new engines. The crew was reduced to two people. At the moment it is in the design stage.

Salon Tu-334

Compared to the older Soviet types of aircraft it replaces, the Tu-334 has the following advantages:

    Low noise level in the cockpit and passenger compartment.

    A variant of the passenger compartment is possible according to the customer's requirements (the number of passenger seats).

    High degree of comfort.

    Modern interior design.

    More luggage racks.

    Low fuel consumption per hour.

    Water vacuum toilets (increase safety during flight).

    The ability to install video and audio systems.

    Limited preparation time for aircraft departure.

    Noise compliance with ICAO Chapter 4 (this makes it possible to fly in Western Europe).

    The presence of systems warning of an emergency.

Typical Cabin Configuration of Tu-334


Production of Tu-334 in 2005 was transferred to S.P. Gorbunov KAPO in Kazan. Certain hopes of KAPO were pinned on the order, expected in May 2009, for six aircraft for the Department of Affairs russian President... Yet this order did not take place.

Technical characteristics of Tu-334:

    Crew: three people;

    Passenger capacity: 102 people;

    Carrying capacity: 3240 kilograms;

    Length: 31.26 meters;

    Wingspan: 29.77 meters

    Height: 9.38 meters;

    Wing area: 83 square meters

    Curb weight: 28,900 kilograms;

    Takeoff maximum weight: 47,900 kilograms;

    Fuel weight in tanks: 10 100 kilograms;

    Power plant: turbojet engine D-436T1 (two copies);

    Rated thrust: 2 × 7,500 kilograms * forces;

    Power auxiliary unit: TA-12-60 (one copy).

    Cruising speed: 820 kilometers per hour;

    Ferry range: 4100 kilometers;

    Service ceiling: with passengers 11 100 meters;

    Takeoff run: 1,900 meters;

    Run length: 1,000 meters.

Tu-334. Gallery.

And the Yak-42, in terms of comfort and efficiency, it was better than its predecessors, but for a number of reasons could not withstand the competition with the Superjet-100.

The history of the creation of the Tu-334

Developments on the creation of a new jet liner for regional transportation at the Tupolev Design Bureau began in the late 80s, however, work was constantly frozen due to financial difficulties and the collapse of the USSR. The release of the aircraft was supposed to be established in Ukraine and in Russia, but later the decision left production at KAPO im. S.P. Gorbunov.

At the beginning of 1998, the construction of a prototype was completed and on February 8 of the same year, the crew headed by the commander of the test pilot A.N. Soldatenkov first lifted the car into the sky.

This car was shown at several aviation shows, it did not make a splash, but left a good impression of itself. On aviation enterprise built two more prototype aircraft for flight tests. In addition to them, three airframes were manufactured, which were designed to test for strength and static loads. The design bureau developed in 2003 the project of the next modification of the jet liner - model Tu-334-100as a basic option for serial production.

On New Year's Eve 2004, the aircraft was given a certificate of type ST231-Tu-334-100, and in 2005, tests were carried out, according to the results of which a passenger airliner Tu-334-100 could be operated and performed by air in all regions of our planet without any restrictions. Despite the government decree on the start of production, this order was ignored, since officials from the federal target program, without any reason, considered the car a competitor Superjet-100.

Aircraft design

The aerodynamic configuration of the passenger airliner is a low-wing monoplane with two engines on pylons in the rear fuselage and a T-shaped tail assembly.

The wing of the aircraft is equipped with rich mechanization - these are retractable slats along the entire console, ailerons and single-slot flaps, over the outer sections of which spoilers are installed, and air brakes are placed on the inside. This wing mechanization gives the lift coefficient on takeoff - 2.7, and on landing - 3.1, which is a high achievement for this class of aircraft. To reduce the inductive resistance, winglets are installed at the ends of each wing console.

The airframe structure is made of modern alloys and composite materials. In front of the fuselage is the cockpit, consisting of three people - two pilots and a flight engineer. The cockpit is made at a high ergonomic level according to the "dark cockpit" principle; the front panel has electronic color displays that display information about the operation of aircraft systems and the flight and navigation situation.

The power plant of the liner consists of two D-436T1 engines, which, according to the manufacturer, are highly efficient and meet world noise standards. The aircraft is equipped with an auxiliary power unit TA-18-100 for autonomous launch, power supply and air conditioning during long-term parking.

Salon Tu-334

The aircraft's passenger cabin is divided into two classes with separate port side exits in the front and rear fuselage. The modern interior is finished with panels with high level noise absorption, a spacious and wide aisle in the center of the cabin and comfortable seats with a large inter-step distance, make the passenger cabin of the airliner one of the most comfortable and ergonomic among aircraft of this class.

The cabin for "tourist" class passengers can freely accommodate 102 people with the smallest seat pitch of 810 mm. There are service compartments for servicing passengers - these are kitchens, wardrobes and toilets. Carry-on luggage can be placed in the overhead luggage racks of a rather large volume, the luggage itself and the rest of the cargo are stored in a large front and somewhat smaller, rear cargo compartments.

The landing gear of the aircraft consists of three supports, the front strut is controllable, the braking system of the aircraft uses the function of high-speed maximum braking during an interrupted takeoff.


Flight data

  • Crew - 3 people
  • Cruising speed - 820 km / h
  • Range - 4100 km
  • Practical ceiling - 11 100 m
  • Takeoff distance - 1900 m
  • Landing distance - 1000 m
  • Empty aircraft weight - 28900 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight - 47.9 t
  • Fuel stock - 10100 kg
  • Plane length - 31.26 m
  • Aircraft height - 9.38 m
  • Wingspan - 2977 m
  • Engines - 2 x D-436T1
  • Takeoff power - 2 x 7500 kgf
  • Number of passengers - 102 people

I wonder how it differs from Soviet passenger liners? Below are the following capabilities of this aircraft:

  1. The ability to change the options for the layout of the passenger compartment.
  2. Enhanced interior comfort.
  3. Passengers hardly notice engine noise.
  4. Improved interior design and the ability to watch videos and listen to music.
  5. Shelves for hand luggage with a large volume.
  6. equipped with modern water-vacuum toilets.
  7. The time required to fully prepare the aircraft for the flight has been significantly reduced.
  8. The passenger liner is equipped with emergency warning systems.
  9. The aircraft is guaranteed to comply with international ICAO standards.

Video: Tu-334 in the sky, takeoff, landing

The liner was a competitor of the aircraft "", so its serial production was not organized. The project was frozen, but not completely closed.