Service. How different spectrometers work

According to our rough estimate, based on 20 years of practice, earthworks can “lose” up to 50-60% of the budget. On reinforced concrete and finishing, exactly 30%. On errors of reordering in case of collisions, the cost of an engineer increases by about 10%. It is for this simple reason that when an "evil customer" implements a BIM model of a building, wild screams and groans begin from all sides.

BIM control will now be on all government orders under the new standard, so the screams and moans will be especially epic.

Here I can see a trace of all systems, I can get an accurate estimate for each node: and when you move or add an object, I will receive updates in all design and working documents at once.

What is a BIM Model? This is a three-dimensional model of a building, where all systems are docked and linked in one single plan. We put an outlet in the room - a new outlet and a corresponding length of cable appeared in the general estimate. The material error of this model is 2%. On paper, they usually take a stock of 15%, and the surplus of this stock is desperately "lost".

Let's show examples rather than tell.

Here is the main view: here you can see the model of the building without rendering, just at the level of engineering diagrams. In the now open window in the center - the building for inspection, in the background you can see the sections for specific systems.

This is how all the engineering systems of the building "in assembly" look like.

You can turn off the consistent view and see only specific subsystems. For example, this one is water supply.

And this is an electrician.

You can twist and enlarge the area of \u200b\u200binterest.

Switch to another system view.

View individual nodes as "bricks", that is, objects (then it is convenient to duplicate them in the constructor, for example).

You can see concrete structures and their properties.

Here is closer.

And already on them to impose types of systems or individual nodes.

For the customer, we usually collect a beautiful render (see below), and we ourselves use the view as above when designing.

About three years ago, computers started pulling BIM models of buildings. Of course, 3D buildings were designed back in the Soviet Union, but now it has become really common and easily reproducible.

Even these "bricks", that is, models of nodes, such as the device of elevators, are made in 3D and can be viewed from all sides. Since this is not "The Witcher" or "Mass Effect", the optimization of the engine is the last thing here, there is no special pre-renderer, and powerful enough machines were needed to comfortably work with the system.

How data is collected into such a model

Today, building design can go in three ways:
  1. The old fashioned way, that is, on paper, or rather, in one of the CAD systems. There will be a bunch of different documents, which are then combined into one in the mind of the engineer common project... This is a completely normal method when the work is done by qualified specialists. But in fact, in real world, anyway, someone will cross the cable channel and ventilation, if not during design, then certainly during implementation. Playing on tolerances, differences in schemes and the absence of a single plan, you can “lose” a lot.
  2. Start the old fashioned way and get the sketch approval the old fashioned way, and then go to BIM and design everything right at once. The intermediate stage is most often needed when the general contractor decides to control the construction normally.
  3. Design directly in BIM. Then the sketch is one of the representations (just saving the model in a certain format and a printout), the electrician's plan is another representation, etc. All this can even be coordinated in Moscow in electronic form.

For our office, which you can see above, we used both methods. More precisely, they imported old 3D models and design data, and then began to support everything in BIM.

The first stage took two specialists several months. We took drawings from AutoCAD and imported them into the BIM environment. Something was in PDF, they had to be outlined manually. We have been making architecture and constructive for a month. The rest of the time - an engineer, in particular, I had to walk into the building, look at places and photographs. The most important thing that the scheme gave was the absence of system collisions. The BIM environment does not allow intersecting engineering subsystems: it is similar to board routing. There are many ways to avoid this and catch bugs.

This is extremely important for the general contractor, because he pays for each such collision at the facility from his sweat. I've built a residential complex, built a skyscraper, our team has a person who designed three metro stations from scratch, data centers and other smaller objects - without any count at all. So, every damn time when there is no BIM, ventilation always comes to the column. We fix, move, change. Then the designer says, "It's not like that." And the gimmick starts from the very beginning. Now we design directly in BIM, and this removes a lot of headaches.

But back to our building. After all the systems were outlined, they began to saturate with an engineer and correctly draw up drawings so that there were complete specifications in BIM. That is, at first, for example, the electrical control room was just one unit, such as a material point, then there appeared a division into separate large devices and lines inside, and then it became so detailed that we already knew the serial numbers of the spare parts. This design depth is called LOD: British Standard for Levels of Detail for Information Model Items. LOD100 and LOD200 are like in computer games, when there is a certain constructor and nodes. The model can be used for analysis (based on volumes, areas and orientations by applying generalized performance criteria) and cost estimates based on estimated areas and volumes. Well, and planning, of course. LOD300 is already a normal detailing for the release of traditional design documentation and for various engineering calculations. There you can also read equipment, products and materials, as well as rough work. The 300th model can be used for collision analysis. LOD 400 is already the release of working documentation for carrying out various engineering calculations, for obtaining accurate data on equipment, products and materials for calculating the amount of work. This model can be used at the construction and installation stage, that is, it will serve as a direct instruction to builders. For each joint, you can safely ask. Lost meter of cable - no one will notice. Gone 50 meters - immediately burned. We usually work at this level, but for our office we are aiming at LOD 500. This model can be used at the operational stage, consumables like lamps and their resource are visible there.

The 400th LOD in construction practice gives a few more obvious advantages. Here's one example. A very common mistake is incorrect calculation of capacities. This is usually done manually by mapping different plans... In BIM, it is automatically considered a system, and everything is docked as it should. Often, designers calculate according to different methodologies, or they simply do not notice some detail, and the equipment simply does not turn on in terms of power.
Going over the budget is usually up to 7% for reordering new units (this is even if you do not have to change something in the layout on the fly to deliver new equipment).

At the 500th LOD, the technical and economic indicators of the building are already one to one: it is also built with all the formulas for calculating loads, power, brands of toilet bowls, slopes and the exact amount of wire.

What's next

Further, having such a model, any automation modules are screwed to it. You can hang over the work schedule and watch. We will install automation in our building and give away part of the access to the control room to manage the building like in Hollywood.

It is very convenient for estimators to work with a BIM model from the 400th LOD. Designers are comfortable - they quickly print and cut into knots. This greatly reduces the time various works... Educated foremen of BIM twist and twist. Contractors at the construction site, of course, do not need this at all, all the "losses" are in plain sight, and it is very difficult to forge the documentation. The entire technical-economy is checked: the earth mass is ideal, all pipes, everything. Logs are written: who got into the model, when he got in, what he looked, what he changed. Naturally, all these modules complicate the work in terms of training (you need a minimum of a month course to just read BIM professionally), but this is already a requirement of standards. At state competitions, everything will now be through the BIM model. Uneducated contractors will suffer.

How much is it

100 000 square meters under LOD 400 it costs about 5-6 apartments in the center in money and several months in work. Oddly enough, it still pays off well on the savings on the project. However, a more correct approach is to immediately design in a BIM environment. This is a month longer at the preparation stage, but it turns out almost free of charge in the general estimate.

Automation is more expensive. For example, our colleagues made a module for the stadium control system, there are control sensors on the lower levels that check vibrations, the level of the slope of walls and beams, and evaluate the appearance of defects in the metal. Simply put, they help to understand that the stadium can collapse in six months or a year during normal life, or in a few hours if it was damaged by an earthquake (but it seems to be worth it). The same data is transmitted to the Ministry of Emergencies in real time.

Here's who needs it:

According to our rough estimate, based on 20 years of practice, earthworks can “lose” up to 50-60% of the budget. On reinforced concrete and finishing, exactly 30%. On errors of reordering in case of collisions, the cost of an engineer increases by about 10%. It is for this simple reason that when an "evil customer" implements a BIM model of a building, wild screams and groans begin from all sides.

BIM control will now be on all government orders under the new standard, so the screams and moans will be especially epic.

Here I can see a trace of all systems, I can get an accurate estimate for each node: and when you move or add an object, I will receive updates in all design and working documents at once.

What is a BIM Model? This is a three-dimensional model of a building, where all systems are docked and linked in one single plan. We put an outlet in the room - a new outlet and a corresponding length of cable appeared in the general estimate. The material error of this model is 2%. On paper, they usually take a stock of 15%, and the surplus of this stock is desperately "lost".

Let's show examples rather than tell.

Here is the main view: here you can see the model of the building without rendering, just at the level of engineering diagrams. In the now open window in the center - the building for inspection, in the background you can see the sections for specific systems.

This is how all the engineering systems of the building "in assembly" look like.

You can turn off the consistent view and see only specific subsystems. For example, this one is water supply.

And this is an electrician.

You can twist and enlarge the area of \u200b\u200binterest.

Switch to another system view.

View individual nodes as "bricks", that is, objects (then it is convenient to duplicate them in the constructor, for example).

You can see concrete structures and their properties.

Here is closer.

And already on them to impose types of systems or individual nodes.

For the customer, we usually collect a beautiful render (see below), and we ourselves use the view as above when designing.

About three years ago, computers started pulling BIM models of buildings. Of course, 3D buildings were designed back in the Soviet Union, but now it has become really common and easily reproducible.

Even these "bricks", that is, models of nodes, such as the device of elevators, are made in 3D and can be viewed from all sides. Since this is not "The Witcher" or "Mass Effect", the optimization of the engine is the last thing here, there is no special pre-renderer, and powerful enough machines were needed to comfortably work with the system.

How data is collected into such a model

Today, building design can go in three ways:
  1. The old fashioned way, that is, on paper, or rather, in one of the CAD systems. There will be a bunch of different documents, which are then combined in the mind of the engineer into one common project. This is a completely normal method when qualified specialists are engaged in the work. But in fact, in the real world, still someone will cross the cable duct and ventilation, if not during design, then certainly during implementation. Playing on tolerances, difference in schemes and lack of a single plan, you can “lose” a lot.
  2. Start the old fashioned way and get the sketch approval the old fashioned way, and then go to BIM and design everything right at once. The intermediate stage is most often needed when the general contractor decides to control the construction normally.
  3. Design directly in BIM. Then the sketch is one of the representations (just saving the model in a certain format and a printout), the electrician's plan is another representation, etc. All this can even be coordinated in Moscow in electronic form.

For our office, which you can see above, we used both methods. More precisely, they imported old 3D models and design data, and then began to support everything in BIM.

The first stage took two specialists several months. We took drawings from AutoCAD and imported them into the BIM environment. Something was in PDF, they had to be outlined manually. We have been making architecture and constructive for a month. The rest of the time - an engineer, in particular, I had to walk into the building, look at places and photographs. The most important thing that the scheme gave was the absence of system collisions. The BIM environment does not allow intersecting engineering subsystems: it is similar to board routing. There are many ways to avoid this and catch bugs.

This is extremely important for the general contractor, because he pays for each such collision at the facility from his sweat. I've built a residential complex, built a skyscraper, our team has a person who designed three metro stations from scratch, data centers and other smaller objects - without any count at all. So, every damn time when there is no BIM, ventilation always comes to the column. We fix, move, change. Then the designer says, "It's not like that." And the gimmick starts from the very beginning. Now we design directly in BIM, and this removes a lot of headaches.

But back to our building. After all the systems were outlined, they began to saturate with an engineer and correctly draw up drawings so that there were complete specifications in BIM. That is, at first, for example, the electrical control room was just one unit, such as a material point, then there appeared a division into separate large devices and lines inside, and then it became so detailed that we already knew the serial numbers of the spare parts. This design depth is called LOD: British Standard for Levels of Detail for Information Model Items. LOD100 and LOD200 are like in computer games, when there is a certain constructor and nodes. The model can be used for analysis (based on volumes, areas and orientations by applying generalized performance criteria) and cost estimates based on estimated areas and volumes. Well, and planning, of course. LOD300 is already a normal detailing for the release of traditional design documentation and for various engineering calculations. There you can also read equipment, products and materials, as well as rough work. The 300th model can be used for collision analysis. LOD 400 is already the release of working documentation for carrying out various engineering calculations, for obtaining accurate data on equipment, products and materials for calculating the amount of work. This model can be used at the construction and installation stage, that is, it will serve as a direct instruction to builders. For each joint, you can safely ask. Lost meter of cable - no one will notice. Gone 50 meters - immediately burned. We usually work at this level, but for our office we are aiming at LOD 500. This model can be used at the operational stage, consumables like lamps and their resource are visible there.

The 400th LOD in construction practice gives several more obvious advantages. Here's one example. A very common mistake is incorrect calculation of capacities. This is usually done manually by comparing different plans. In BIM, it is automatically considered a system, and everything is docked as it should. Often, designers calculate according to different methodologies, or they simply do not notice some detail, and the equipment simply does not turn on in terms of power.
Going over the budget is usually up to 7% for reordering new units (this is even if you do not have to change something in the layout on the fly to deliver new equipment).

At the 500th LOD, the technical and economic indicators of the building are already one to one: it is also built with all the formulas for calculating loads, power, brands of toilet bowls, slopes and the exact amount of wire.

What's next

Further, having such a model, any automation modules are screwed to it. You can hang over the work schedule and watch. We will install automation in our building and give away part of the access to the control room to manage the building like in Hollywood.

It is very convenient for estimators to work with a BIM model from the 400th LOD. Designers are comfortable - they quickly print and cut into units. This greatly reduces the time of various jobs. Educated foremen of BIM twist and twist. Contractors at the construction site, of course, do not need this at all, all the "losses" are in plain sight, and it is very difficult to forge the documentation. The entire technical-economy is checked: the earth mass is ideal, all pipes, everything. Logs are written: who got into the model, when he got in, what he looked, what he changed. Naturally, all these modules complicate the work in terms of training (you need a minimum of a month course to just read BIM professionally), but this is already a requirement of standards. At state competitions, everything will now be through the BIM model. Uneducated contractors will suffer.

How much is it

It costs about 100 thousand square meters under LOD 400 to transfer about 5-6 apartments in the center in money and several months in work. Oddly enough, it still pays off well on the savings on the project. However, a more correct approach is to immediately design in a BIM environment. This is a month longer at the preparation stage, but it turns out almost free of charge in the general estimate.

Automation is more expensive. For example, our colleagues made a module for the stadium control system, there are control sensors on the lower levels that check vibrations, the level of the slope of walls and beams, and evaluate the appearance of defects in the metal. Simply put, they help to understand that the stadium can collapse in six months or a year during normal life, or in a few hours if it was damaged by an earthquake (but it seems to be worth it). The same data is transmitted to the Ministry of Emergencies in real time.

Here's who needs it:

Repair of spectrometers allows you to eliminate faults in a timely manner and restore the functionality of the instruments. To extend the life of devices, it must be carried out under special conditions using special equipment. If you need to repair the spectrometers, on the page you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for the provision of services by AURORA SERVICE. All work is carried out by experienced engineers who have undergone special training on the basis of instrument manufacturers.

The specifics of the repair

To use the services of AURORA SERVICE, it is necessary to send the damaged spectrometer to the company's service center. To do this, drain off all chemical solutions and other liquids, and then place the device in a safe and sturdy packaging, enclosing covering letter and an inventory of the contents.

Upon receipt of the spectrometer, the following occurs:

  • The engineer of the service center inspects the container, opens it and checks the condition of the device upon acceptance.
  • Within 3-5 days, diagnostics are performed and determined with a troubleshooting algorithm.

The timing of the repair work depends on the complexity of the damage and the availability of the necessary components and spare parts. They usually range from 10 to 90 days.

In some situations, when the features of the technology do not allow dismantling the device, diagnostics and repairs can be carried out at the place of its installation. This option is more expensive and does not always allow you to get a perfect result due to limited resources.

For the benefit of customers

Service center "AURORA SERVICE" repairs spectrometers of different manufacturers and provides guarantees for all types of services provided for 6 months. High quality is achieved due to the following factors:

  • a special workshop equipped with modern tools and devices;
  • a large selection of consumables and original new spare parts, which makes it possible to select parts for different models;
  • diagnostics and repairs carried out by competent engineers authorized for service work.

The presence of grounding, effective ventilation of waste liquids drainage allows creating optimal conditions for the repair of spectrometers of different brands in case of any malfunctions.

What is the device

A spectrometer is an optical instrument that is used in spectroscopic studies to accumulate a spectrum. The instrument then quantitatively processes this spectrum and analyzes it using a variety of analytical methods. The spectrum, which is subjected to careful analysis, is formed by recording fluorescence after exposure to any emitter. Radiation can be X-ray, laser, spark and so on.

How the spectrum is recorded

In order to register the spectrum, semiconductor-type detectors, scintillation counters, or detectors that have a CCD matrix or are based on a CCD array can be used.

Spectrometers differ in spectral range, spectrum sensitivity, and optical design. The spectra are different, therefore, when interpreting them, the obtained spectrum is compared with the spectrum of a substance of known composition.

Early type spectroscopes are the simplest prisms that are graduated. It indicates how long the light waves are. The simplest devices have been supplanted in our time by a diffraction grating.

What are the types

Modern spectrometers are divided into several basic types. They are as follows:

  • x-ray fluorescent;
  • spark optical emission;
  • laser;
  • infrared;
  • inductively coupled plasma device;
  • atomic absorption;
  • spectrogoniometer.

It should also be noted that spectrometers are imaging. With their help, it is possible to obtain a spectrum for all points of a two-dimensional image. Of course, this list is far from complete. However, it is these devices that are used most often. Actually, we will talk about the application further.

Application of the apparatus

Spectrometers are most commonly used in astronomy. They also found their place in some areas of chemistry. However, the most important fields of application of spectrometers are science, ecology, geology and mineralogy, metallurgy and the chemical industry, paint and varnish industry and jewelry, oil and food industries. Also, the device is actively used to perform quality control in any production.

In addition to the areas listed above, spectrometers are used in agriculture, in archeology and even in the arts. In the latter case, they are used for checking, studying and examining paintings, sculptures and other works of art.

How different spectrometers work

Now let's talk in more detail about how they work different types spectrometers in more detail. This will allow you to understand how they differ from each other. The most widespread models of spectrometers today are quantum ones. They are used for streaming scanning of materials. However, we will talk about some other models.

Light models

Such devices work as follows. First of all, it registers and accumulates light spectra. After that, the information received undergoes digital processing and is analyzed by means of a special program. The primary light flux is processed on the optical fiber as it passes through the narrow aperture.

In the next step, the scattered light is redirected to the diffraction grating. Its purpose is to diffuse the stream of light from different angles. The final stage is when all the photons detected by the device are converted into an electrical signal. And already it can be processed using a computer. The device is connected to the latter via a USB port.

There are, of course, simpler models. They create graphs with the distribution of spectra along the wavelength. More sophisticated devices also perform calibration and many other processes.

Spectrometers of paints

Such devices are used in order to accurately determine the shades of textured and structured surfaces. They work according to the following principle. The optical system is responsible for receiving data. The data is then analyzed and processed in aperture attachments.

Most spectrometers of this type are equipped with xenon flash lamps. It is they who fix the length of the spectral wave. At the output, the device creates a special graph with colorimetric values.

What is spectrometry for?

Spectrometry is needed to obtain an analysis that allows you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious substances and some individual parameters. The target object in this case can be radiation, liquid, solids and even molecules. Each separate species spectrometry instrument can work with specific elements or media. Moreover, their work is carried out in very limited frequency ranges.

Of course, there are also models that are universal. Their parameters in terms of operation have been significantly expanded. But the problem is that not simple mechanical manipulations are required to work with this type of equipment.

Video. Atomic absorption spectrometer with Zeeman background correction

Modern laboratory equipment has a very high technical complexity. It uses the most precise precision mechanics, sophisticated electronics, and uses advanced technical solutions. therefore maintenance laboratory equipment does not allow unskilled intervention and should be performed only by masters of specialized service centers.

Our company is specialized in supplying and service laboratory equipment. We carry out the full range of work, from installation and adjustment to repair, our specialists perform maintenance of a wide variety of laboratory equipment, including:

  • microscopes;
  • spectrophotometers;
  • spectrometers;
  • chromatographs;
  • analytical balance;
  • water purification systems, etc.

Maintenance and repair of laboratory equipment

We supply, install and service a full range of laboratory equipment. In particular, you can order the maintenance of the microscope from us. We work with microscopes of various types - light, digital, stereomicroscopes, microscope cameras, the whole range of microscopic equipment for forensic science and forensic medicine, etc.

Maintenance of microscopes is carried out by certified specialists, we guarantee the most high quality our work. You will receive a fully functional and tuned microscope, service can be performed in our service center or directly in your laboratory.

You can also order maintenance of any model spectrometer from us. We have all the necessary approvals for working with analytical laboratory equipment, you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the quality of our services. The list of services we offer also includes maintenance of spectrophotometers of the most different types and manufacturers.

One of the most demanded services is the maintenance of chromatographs. We work with various brands of gas and liquid chromatographs, all work performed is guaranteed. You can also contact us for maintenance and repair of analytical laboratory scales, water purification systems, etc.

Benefits of our offer