Planning for the mosaic program. Poop analysis to mosaic methodological development on the topic. Goals and objectives of educational activities

"Preschool education" - Social and pedagogical passport for children from 0 to 7 years old, Belogorsk district. Development of a unified model for a preschool educational institution. Building the system preschool education - a necessity due to public demand. The request of the parents of the Belogorsk region for the forms of preschool education. Improving the professional competence of personnel.

"ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions" - Use of ready-made digital educational resources. Memory. The use of ICT in preschool educational institutions. Objects and toys. Stages of work. Management of the professional competence process. Conversions to management activities... Activities for children. Low level of information competence. Diagnostic card.

"Planning in kindergarten" - The content of the teacher's work. Long-term plan for the year. Defines the content of the work. Plants. We live in Russia. Calendar plan in the planning system of the educational process of the preschool educational institution. Algorithm. Thematic planning. Requirements for planning work with children. Planning educational activities.

"Innovative technologies" - Game technologies. Innovative technologies in preschool education. Define new methods of technology means form. Aspects of the concept of "pedagogical technology". By focusing on personality structures. Pedagogical technology. By the level of application. The content of education is aimed at: Methodological guidance of the innovative work of preschool educational institutions.

"The Role of Preschool Education" - Social Infrastructure. Bilingual private kindergarten. Job growth. Preschool education. Investments and nurseries. Economic reasons. Individual approach. The problem of walking distance. The role of non-state subsidiaries. Agreement. Skills.

"Development of Preschool Education" - The program defines the compulsory part. It is impossible to work in the old way, so we start a new business. Indicators of the specifics of the activity of preschool educational institutions different types... The history of preschool education in Russia. Requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program. Multifunctional, evolving system.

There are 15 presentations in total

Review of POOP TO "Mosaic". The presentation provides information about the developers of the program, pilot sites for testing, its goals and objectives, the age range of pupils, as well as the features of this program.



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Overview of the "MOSAIC" program Educator: Norskaya Nadezhda Nikolaevna Rybinsk 2015

Approximate basic educational program preschool education "Mosaic" Developer of the program "Mosaic": Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education (TOGIRRO). Authors-compilers: Belkovich Victoria Yurievna, Grebyonkina Natalia Valentinovna, Kildysheva Irina Afrikovna Reviewers: T.V. Volosovets - Ph.D., Professor, Director of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood, Russian Academy of Education; IN AND. Zagvyazinsky - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation N.G. Milovanova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Andragogy, TOGIRRO; S.N. Fokeeva - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

Approbation and implementation of the "Mosaic" Program The "Mosaic" program was tested in 2011-2012. in seven preschool educational institutions - pilot sites of the Tyumen region. Approbation stages 1. Setting-analytical stage 2. Transformative -technological stage 3. Final stage As a result of approbation and implementation of the Program, the following results were obtained: For ECE For pupils of ECE For teachers For parents

The content of the program is designed for children from 2 to 7 years old. the goal of the "Mosaic" Program is: expanding the opportunities for the development of the personal potential and abilities of each child preschool age... The Mosaic program is aimed at the implementation of the following tasks: healthy way the life and safety of the child; familiarizing children through the activities corresponding to their individual age characteristics to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society of the state; development of interest and motivation of children to learn about the world and creativity; implementation of variable educational programs; observance of the rights of the child, parents and other participants in the educational process.

The program is aimed at creating the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: personality-oriented interaction between adults and children; full communication of the child with peers, older and younger children; development of developing educational technologies that are age appropriate and based on the assimilation of cultural means of activity at a certain age; development of a developing subject-spatial environment that provides communicative, play, cognitive, speech, physical, creative activities of children in accordance with age; the possibility of choice for all subjects of education (teachers, children, parents (legal representatives)) of educational programs, pedagogical technologies and activities.

STRUCTURE OF THE "MOSAIC" PROGRAM The appendix to the program contains: - approximate complex thematic planning for different age groups, - a list of publications of the PMK "Mosaic PARK" for teachers and children, - a list of equipment, - a glossary.

Features of the "MOSAIC" program Absence of rigidly regulated forms of organization of children Ensuring an optimal motor regime (free movement of the child) Flexible regime that allows the child to switch on in regime moments without disturbing psychophysiological comfort

The components of the model of the educational process: joint activities of a teacher with children and independent children's activities and interaction with parents Organization of the educational process according to the principle of a "club of interests" with the provision of developing (enriching) psychological and pedagogical support Maximum minimization of "paper" planning (freeing up time for direct interaction educator with children and parents) Opportunity to organize inclusive education for children with disabilities Features of the "MOSAIC" program

week - a time period for planning the formulation of sequential learning and developmental tasks (specific) for this period, the solution of which is expected in joint activities, during regime moments, situations of everyday communication with children selection of optimal forms of interaction and methods of activity with children determination of basic concepts for assimilation children correction (replenishment) of the subject - developmental environment correction of development (individually or for the whole group) Sequential planning algorithm

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" Educational activities are built in accordance with: complex thematic planning for significant events social life and the surrounding world; the principle of integration (educational tasks are integrated and contribute to the creation of a holistic educational process). Complex thematic planning is developed for each age group. Each month has its own integrating theme. For example: September - "AUTUMN WALKS ON THE PATH". The theme of the month defines the themes of the week. For example: "MULTICOLORED LEAVES", "CLOTDS AND RAIN", etc.

Complex-thematic planning - specific, variable, integrating. The topic of the week in each subsequent year is expanding, deepening, generalized. For example, the topic "ME AND MY FAMILY": younger group - "MOTHER AND FATHER"; middle group - "GRANDMOTHERS AND GRANDFATHERS"; senior group - "CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY"; preparatory group for school - "RELATIVES". MOSAIC PROGRAM

In complex thematic planning for each week (thematic module): 1) is given indicative list main types of organized educational activities; 2) the games, books, developmental notebooks published within the framework of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK" are listed, which solve the educational problems of this week. The teacher independently determines the types of educational activities and publications of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK". MOSAIC PROGRAM


Friendly respectful attitude of all to all. Constructive dialogue with parents (qualified counseling, specific recommendations). Striving for conflict-free communication (demonstration effective ways conflict resolution). Close observation of the child, timely response. Stay in kindergarten should bring joy to the child, and educational situations should be fun Creation of an emotionally comfortable educational environment

MAIN FEATURES OF THE "MOSAIC" PROGRAM "MOSAIC" is a modern domestic program that provides specific pedagogical tools in the context of modernization of preschool education. MOSAIC creates an educational space that involves the unification of teachers, children and their parents into a single community. "MOSAIC" offers teachers a wide range of pedagogical technologies for building an individual educational trajectory of a child's development.

Principles and approaches to the formation and implementation of the Mosaic Program The basic principles to the formation and implementation of the Mosaic Program are the following: 1. Preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the general development of a person. 2. Support for the specificity and diversity of preschool childhood. 3. Implementation of the Program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of games, cognitive and research activities. 4. Creation of a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics and inclinations. 5. Personally developing and humanistic nature of assistance and cooperation between children and adults in the process of children's development and their interaction with people, culture and the world around them. 6. The variability of the organization of preschool education. The Mosaic program is developed on the basis of the cultural-historical and system-activity approaches, which are the methodology of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

THE SOFTWARE AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION "Mosaic PARK" creates a full-fledged information and educational environment for the implementation of the "Mosaic" program and includes: manuals, equipment, Games, books, exercise books

Approximate basic educational program of preschool education "Mosaic" The developer of the program "Mosaic": Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education (TOGIRRO). Reviewers: T.V. Volosovets - Ph.D., Professor, Director of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood, Russian Academy of Education; IN AND. Zagvyazinsky - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation N.G. Milovanova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Andragogy, TOGIRRO; S.N. Fokeeva - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

PROGRAM-METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX The approximate basic educational program of preschool education "Mosaic" was developed for children from 2 to 7 years old: a group of early age (third year of life); younger group (fourth year of life); middle group (fifth year of life); senior group (sixth year of life); preparatory group for school (seventh year of life).

STRUCTURE OF THE "MOSAIC" PROGRAM The appendix to the program contains: - approximate complex thematic planning for different age groups, - a list of publications of the PMK "Mosaic PARK" for teachers and children, - a list of equipment, - a glossary. The program includes three main sections of the target content organizational

A shift in emphasis from preparing for school to the socialization of the child; - solving educational problems during games, cognitive research and productive creative activity children; - flexible design of a subject-developing environment, creating a situation of choice; - formation personal qualitiesneeded to live in a rapidly changing environment; - new mechanisms of interaction with parents. Implementation of the basic principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education:

Features of the "MOSAIC" program Absence of rigidly regulated forms of organization of children Ensuring an optimal motor regime (free movement of the child) Flexible regime that allows the child to switch on during regime moments without disturbing psychophysiological comfort

Approximate daily routine in accordance with the mode of stay of children in preschool educational institutions Regime moments Activities of the educator's children Reception of children Morning warm-up Breakfast Organization of play, cognitive, productive, creative activities with children Walk Return from a walk Lunch Preparing for bed

Features of the MOSAIC program Components of the educational process model: joint activities of a teacher with children and independent children's activities and interaction with parents Organization of the educational process according to the principle of a “club of interests” with the provision of developing (enriching) psychological and pedagogical support Maximum minimization of “paper” planning ( freeing up time for direct interaction of the teacher with children and parents) The ability to organize inclusive education for children with disabilities

Algorithm for sequential planning week - a time period for planning the formulation of sequential learning and developmental tasks, (specific) for this period, the solution of which is assumed in joint activities, during regime moments, situations of everyday communication with children selection of optimal forms of interaction and methods of activity with children determination of the main concepts for the assimilation of children correction (replenishment) of the subject-developing environment correction of development (individually or for the whole group)

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" Educational activity is built in accordance with: -complex-thematic planning for significant events in social life and the world; - the principle of integration (educational tasks are integrated and contribute to the creation of a holistic educational process). Complex thematic planning is developed for each age group. Each month has its own integrating theme. For example: September - "AUTUMN WALKS ON THE TRACK". The theme of the month defines the themes of the week. For example: "MULTICOLORED LEAVES", "CLOTDS AND RAIN", etc.

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" Complex-thematic planning - specific, variable, integrating. The topic of the week in each subsequent year is expanding, deepening, generalized. For example, the topic “ME AND MY FAMILY”: junior group - “MOM AND DAD”; middle group - “GRANDMYS AND GRANDFATHES”; senior group - "CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY"; preparatory group for school - "RELATIVES".

PROGRAM "MOSAIC" In the complex thematic planning for each week (thematic module): 1) an approximate list of the main types of organized educational activities; 2) the games, books, developmental notebooks published within the framework of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK" are listed, which solve the educational tasks of this week. The teacher independently determines the types of educational activities and publications of the PMK DO "Mosaic PARK".

Creating an emotionally comfortable educational environment A friendly, respectful attitude of all to all. Constructive dialogue with parents (qualified counseling, specific recommendations). Striving for conflict-free communication (demonstration of effective ways to resolve conflicts). Close observation of the child, timely response. Kindergarten should be fun and educational situations should be fun.

MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROGRAM "MOSAIC" "MOSAIC" is a modern domestic program that provides specific pedagogical tools in the context of modernization of preschool education. "MOSAIC" creates an educational space that involves the unification of teachers, children and their parents into a single community. "MOSAIC" offers teachers a wide range of pedagogical technologies for building an individual educational trajectory of a child's development.

Developmental effects: Comprehensive development of basic mental processes underlying cognition Development of children's initiative, independence, responsibility Formation of the ability to argue for one's own choice Development of individual abilities and natural inclinations

Socialization Effects: Testing Various Social Roles. Teamwork skills, in a group. Enrichment personal experience: - mastering various methods of activity; - acquisition of communication skills. The familiarity of the situation of choice. Ability to navigate in a changing subject environment and act according to the situation. The ability to choose what is most interesting and satisfy your cognitive needs.