A field of miracles game for elementary school with presentation for bird day. Extra-curricular event dedicated to the Day of Birds Field of Miracles "Our birds are our birds" for primary classes Interactive field of wonders about birds

GKOU "Rudnyanskiy orphanage"

Field of miracles on the topic:

"Birds are near

with us"

Held by: N.N.Drobotenko, educator I qualification category

year 2012

Objectives: - to expand children's understanding of the diversity of birds;- to contribute to the education of patriotism and a humane attitude towards native nature;- to form a negative moral assessment of violations in the field of nature, a negative attitude towards a thoughtless, irresponsible attitude towards birds;- to encourage children to participate in activities aimed at the protection of birds, to promote environmental ideas

We are immensely rich

In our thickets and groves

So many different birds

You just wonder.

But ask someone else

What does he know about birds

Let him answer sensibly

And, look, he will be surprised:

How, the fauna, they say

What about our wealth-

In the fields, in the copse,

So to speak, the bird kingdom

Bird kingdom and nothing more?

Well, blackbirds, well, titmouses ...

Where will you remember all the nicknames

Just birds and only ...

Spring is a wonderful time for all life on earth. Nature awakens, animals. Long-awaited feathered wanderers appear: starlings, rooks, larks, swallows, swifts. And, probably, it is no coincidence that the Bird Day is held in the first month of spring.

For the first time such a holiday was organized by the children of the Sokolnicheskaya Biostation.

Birds have long attracted human attention. People admired them bright plumage, melodic singing, their impetuous flights.

And now we will go together with you on a fascinating journey into the wonderful and diverse world of birds. But first, about the amazing facts from the life of birds.

A swift brings up to 400 different small insects in its mouth at a time. If we consider that it flies to the nest at least 20 times, then over the entire period of feeding, the swift destroys up to 259 thousand harmful insects.

Not everyone knows. what great tit eats as much feed per day as she weighs. And a family of tits during the nesting period can protect 40 apple trees from insect pests.

The main food for magpies is ticks, weevils, click beetles, dung beetles, and turtles. The magpie eats the caterpillars of the oak leafworm; it is the only bird that destroys the birch sawfly.

Sparrows also help humans: during the period of feeding the chicks, they destroy large quantities of elephants, weevils, caterpillars, leaflets, scoops, silkworms, flies and their larvae.

Rooks are the constant companions of the farmer. They destroy various pests of agriculture and, most importantly, wireworms. The rook, following the plow, is able to destroy 400 worms and plant pests per day.

The starling has long been helping people to keep the garden and vegetable garden "clean", destroying the May beetle, slugs, etc. In addition, starlings are great singers, they are able to copy other people's voices, more than once the starling successfully imitated the nightingale. A family of starlings kills 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day

And the cuckoo eats up to 270 thousand large caterpillars and May beetles over the summer.

The long-eared owl can eat up to 10 voles a day, and the barn owl eats about 1200 rodents a year.The steppe eagle destroys gophers and mice a lot.A family of swallows over the summer destroys about a million different harmful insects. It is estimated that one mouse eats 3 kg of grain per year, and a gopher - up to 16 kg. This means that each owl, eagle, save tons of bread from rodents.

A small bird, the kinglet, eats 8-10 million harmful insects per year.

But birds are valuable not only for this. It is difficult to imagine nature without birds, without a nimble sparrow, a vociferous starling, a proud raven and other birds.

Dear friends, we took a trip to wonderful world birds, learned a lot of interesting things about those who live nearby in dreams.

Everyone is familiar with the game "Field of Miracles". Only we have our own field today, with our miracles and our own rules….

We invite participants and see if you know the birds well.

Task number 1

What bird in search of food can dive and run underwater? (dipper)

Play with the audience.

In ancient times, peasants in Russia used this bird as a brood hen in order to get early chickens (jackdaw )

The eggs were placed in the nest next to the jackdaw. Not suspecting deception, the bird diligently incubated offspring. But one should have seen her surprise and concern. When the chicks started to appear! At this time, the jackdaw was watched, and the chickens were immediately taken away.

Task number 2

What bird is sure to plaster its buildings, coating the entrance and ceiling with clay?(nuthatch )

Playing with the audience (at the discretion of)

Everyone, of course, knows the long-legged long-billed heron (picture). In different places her name is different. But all of these names come from a word that means "quickly grab." What is this word? (chapura)

Task number 3

The tail is long, constantly swaying up and down (hence the name). Coloring white or yellow in combination with gray and black (wagtail) .

The final.

Huddled in a large flock, the birds all together rush into the water, beat with their wings, play, trying to frighten the fish and capture it as much as possible. This bird eats up to 700 grams of fish per day. In his nest he makes a bedding fish bones (kingfisher).

It is hard to imagine how many harmful insects are destroyed by the birds that live in our country. That is why bird protection and care is an important and useful business. But in order to create good conditions for our feathered friends, each of us must accept active participation in the landscaping of our village.

But birds are dear to us not only for the great benefits they bring, but also as an adornment of our vast, wonderful Motherland. We must do everything to make the birds feel our care.

Feed the birds in winter Let from all ends They will flock to you like home Flocks on the porch How many perish them countless It's hard to see But in our heart there is also warmth for them.

RIDDLES about birds.

1 Stands on one leg Gazes into the water Pokes his beak at random Looking for frogs in the river ... (Heron)2. Silence during the day, screams at night ... (Owl)3. Cries in the swamp, but does not come from the swamp ... (Kulik)4 .Blacker than soot, whiter than snow, Above the house, below the grass ... (Magpie)5 He is making his nest in the field, Where the plants stretch. Its both songs and flight We entered the poems ... (Lark)6 ... Not a molar, not a carpenter, Forest worker ... (Woodpecker)

Questions about birds.

- Which birds have the largest eyes? (Eagles)- What birds make nests on the ground? (Black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, duck, sandpiper, quail)- What forest birds of prey do you know? (Owl, hawk, kite)- What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse)- What is the smallest bird in our forests? (Kinglet)- What birds breed chicks in winter? (Crossbones)


Belyakov I.V. Wryneck. Krasnodar Book Publishing House, 1983.Zemlyanova O.V., Kozlova N.B., Patrusheva L.I., Nosova M.N., Garyung S.G., Pogudina N.A. Leafing through the ecological calendar: scenarios of mass events dedicated to the dates of the ecological calendar. Barnaul: AKDEC, 2003.Ivanitskiy V.V. I get to know the world of the Bird. - M. Astrel, 2000Nilova T. Riddles of tongue twisters. - M “AST-PRESS”, 1997Nuzhdina T. D. The world of animals and plants. Encyclopedia for kids. Miracle is everywhere. - Yaroslavl: "Development Academy", 1997.Shorygina T.A. Birds. What are they? M., 2005.We Do It Yourself Magazine. No. 5 article by A. Shakhovsky.

Literature for children

Aksenova M. Encyclopedia for children - M. 2007Bianchi V. Stories and stories about nature Stories and stories about nature. - M. Publishing house "Pravda", 1988Bugaev A. Birds - St. Petersburg “BKK”, 2007Varno J. My first encyclopedia Animals. - M. “Omega, 2008Children's encyclopedia, "Rosman", 1994Country of mysteries ”. - Rostov-on-Don, Rostov University Press, 1993.Steve Parker Animal Planet. - M. "Makhaon" 2008.Timokhov V.I. Collection of creative problems in biology, ecology and TRIZ. - SPb., "TRIZ-CHANCE", 1996.

Game "Field of Miracles" on the theme "Birds" for students primary school

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary grades MKOU "Mikhailovskaya OSH" of the Kikvidzensky district of the Volgograd region
Short description:
This scenario for primary school students is presented in the form of a game "Field of Miracles" on the theme "Birds". The game can be used for extracurricular activities on the subject " the world", As well as in a summer health camp.
Goal:consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about birds
- to form in students a feeling of love for their native nature;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity, ingenuity, curiosity, outlook.
Explanatory note for working with the presentation
The teacher reads the assignments for each round of the game, final, super game and game with spectators. At this time, a slide opens, on which there is a scoreboard with a certain number of shapes, the number of which is equal to the number of letters in the answer word. When you click on a shape, a letter appears. When the word is guessed and all the letters are open on the board, you need to click with the mouse anywhere in the presentation so that the image of the bird appears. Leading:
Good afternoon, dear guys. I am glad to welcome you to our game "Field of Miracles" on the theme of "Birds". (A slide with the name of the game is projected onto the screen).
The rules of the game are familiar to all of you. There are three rounds in the game, 3 players participate in each round. The players take turns naming the letters in the word. If the named letter is in the word, then it opens on the scoreboard. With an incorrectly named letter, the move goes to the next player. If the player knows a word, then he can name it right away, without guessing the letters. If he dares to name a word, but makes a mistake in at least one letter, he leaves the game.
The first player to guess the whole word wins. The players who won in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds go to the final. The winner of the final can take part in the super game.
A qualifying round is held before the start of each round.
First qualifying round.
1. Which bird is considered the most talkative? (magpie)

2. A bird that breeds its offspring in winter? (crossbill)

3. Name a bird that does not build nests or take care of its chicks. (cuckoo)

Task for the first three players.
This bird is called the water sparrow. Its main feature is that it swims well, dives and even runs along the bottom. But this bird has another name. Which one? (dipper)

Second qualifying round.
1. Very important,
Black, brave.
He walks on arable land,
He finds worms. (rook)

2. There is a trill in the blue sky,
Like a delicate pipe.
He meets the spring - red,
He announces this to us. (lark)

3. Sits in a hollow during the day, is silent.
At night he hoots, laughs,
He wants to start hunting. (owl)

Task for the second three players.
The gray owl is a very useful predator. Imagine, she alone, hunting field rodents, saves almost a ton of bread a year! What is the second name of this bird? (tawny owl)

Third qualifying round.
Birds in fairy tales.
1. What hero of the fairy tale went to visit the fox? (crane)

2. The bird, which in one of the fairy tales was saved from the cold by a little girl. (swallow)

3. Name the birds from which the river, the apple tree and the stove hid the sister and her brother. (geese)

Task for the third three players.
This predatory bird - the fastest of all birds in the world, capable of speeds over 322 km / h. (peregrine falcon)

Play with the audience.
It is not easy to see the forest lark, it has a color the color of the grass, and it knows how to hide. Some of this bird's trills are very melodic:
"Yuli-li-li". Because of these overflows, she was given a second name. (whirligig)

The final.
The name of the snipe bird comes from the French word. Translated into Russian, the root of this word means "beak". This is not big bird lives in damp places: loves swampy swamps, damp meadows, swampy shores of reservoirs. People call this bird ... (lamb)

Super game.
Usually predatory day birds they are silent, but this one seems to be asking for something - moaning. For this she was nicknamed the buzzard, but her "official name" sounds different. Name it. (sarych)

Game "Field of Miracles" on the theme "Birds"

The game "Field of Miracles" on environmental theme "Birds"

Children, you and I know a lot about birds (and read about them, and looked at them on walks and in illustrations, and taught poems and songs).

What birds do you know?

Now I want to test your knowledge with children using the game "Field of Miracles". Children, so that no one was offended, I decided to select children into the game who would guess the riddles faster. Riddles will be about birds. Listen carefully, think and guess. Spectators "be sick" and do not prompt.

  1. Little boy

In a gray Armenian

Sneaking through the yards

He collects crumbs

Wandering through the fields

Hemp steals ... (sparrow)

2. All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms

And the bird is called ....... (rook)

  1. Bela as snow, black as a beetle,

Turn like a demon, and turned into the forest ........... (forty)

After each riddle, show pictures about birds and briefly ask the children or the teacher's story.

So. Here are three players "Field of Dreams"

Please start playing. There is a 6-letter word on the table, there is a letter in each cell, you need to name the letters and recognize the bird in this word (crow)

Please spin the drum. You have Olya - 10 points, what letter do you call ?. Well, there is such a letter. Then we spin the drum. (comments during the game)

Here is the winner - Natasha, well done. Receives an incentive prize - a bird made of paper using the origami method.

MUSIC pause - song

Listen to the birds singing and imagine that you are in a spring forest (the record sounds).

We continue the game, I make riddles about birds, and you guess.

  1. Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,
  1. Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars. (rocket)

  1. Sleeps during the day, flies at night. (owl)
  2. On the pole is a palace

There is a singer in the palace.

And his name is ... ...... (starling)

After each solution, a picture of the answer is shown.

So, the second three players are playing. Spectators follow the game, "get sick", but do not prompt. On the table is a 7-letter word (cuckoo).

You all know this bird, often when you are in the forest you hear it. (Comments during the game).

So. The winner in the second three is Dima, who receives a prize - a homemade toy bird.

And now there is a POETICAL pause - children read poems about birds.

Children, we have two winners, we need to find out the main winner of the game "Field of Miracles", so the game continues.

Please, Dima, spin the drum. 4-letter word (stork) (comments during the game)

The winner of the "Field of Miracles" game is Natasha. The main prize is a book about birds. At home, read this book with mom and dad (a song about a stork sounds).

And now the audience is playing. Guess the name of the smallest bird of 7 letters (kinglet). This bird also lives in the forests of the Ulyanovsk region.

Congratulations! You get a prize too.

Children can play outdoor games, where birds are also found.

P / and "Two Teteri"

Riddles about birds

1. Bela, as snow, black as a beetle

Turns like a demon, turned into the forest (forty)

2. Motley fidget,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most talkative (forty)

3. Cracked from the very morning:

"Porrra! Porrra! " What is the time?

Such a hassle with her

When it bursts ... (forty)

4. Black, agile

Shouts "krrak"

Enemy to worms (rook)

5. All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms,

Run up and down the arable land,

And his name is ... .......... (rook)

6. On the pole is a palace,

There is a singer in the palace

And his name is ... ....... (starling)

7. Little boy

In a gray Armenian,

Sneaking through the yards,

He collects crumbs

Wanders through the fields,

Hemp steals (sparrow)

8. Who's on the tree, on a bitch,

The score is "cuckoo .... cuckoo!" (cuckoo)

9. Mother, I don't know father,

But I often call

I won't know the children

Someone else will come true. (cuckoo)

10. Sleeps during the day, flies at night. (owl)

11. Carpenter with a sharp chisel,

Builds a house with one window. (woodpecker)

12. Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the forest. (woodpecker)

13. In the forest, to the chirping, ringing and whistling,

The forest telegraph operator knocks:

"Great, blackbird, buddy!"

And signs ................. (woodpecker)

14. Black vest, red beret,

The nose is like an ax, the tail is like an emphasis. (woodpecker)

15. Front awl, rear awl,

He is small himself, but he has been across the sea (swallow)

16. Are there apples in winter?

Hurry to collect them!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

It's ......... (bullfinches)

17. On a rock he builds a house,

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around

But such a height!

No, the owner is not afraid

To slide down a steep cliff -

Two mighty wings

The owner ... ..... (eagle)

18. He sang solo among the branches,

They called him ......... (nightingale)

19. "Sea, shake,

I asked ......... (seagull)

20. Miracle bird, scarlet tail

Flew into a flock of stars (rocket)

21. The bird is flying - a fable,

And inside the people are sitting,

Speaks to himself (plane)

22. On the pole is a merry house

With a round little window

So that the children fall asleep

The house shakes the wind

Father sings on the porch

He is both a pilot and a singer (birdhouse)

23. In the morning he is as good as urine

Shouts to me: "Good night!"

And when I go to bed

He yells: "It's time to get up!" (a parrot)

24. That is not a rainbow, not a flame!

What kind of bird? - Guess!

Chatting with us all day

Multicolored ... ...... (parrot)

25. Because of the high mountains and the deep seas,

Because of the mighty rivers and dense forests,

The singers came to us

Long-awaited ... .... (starlings)

"Field of Miracles" on the theme "Birds of Belarus". Game with a presentation for younger students.

Lebedeva Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the extended day group of the State Educational Institution "Educational and pedagogical complex nursery-kindergarten-secondary school of the agro-town Lutskovlyany", Grodno district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus.
Description: This material will be useful for primary school teachers when conducting extracurricular activities, class hours, teachers-organizers, teachers of extended day groups.

Topic: "Birds of Belarus"

Goal: Checking and consolidating knowledge about the birds of Belarus.
- To contribute to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about the birds of Belarus;
- To consolidate children's knowledge about the birds of Belarus;
- To develop the horizons, cognitive activity of children;
- To cultivate love and respect for birds and the world around them.

Equipment:a screen, a multimedia projector, a computer, a playing field, a spinning top with an arrow, 2 boxes, sweets, gifts for participants and a diploma for the winner.
Preliminary work: observation in nature, watching videos, talking, reading stories and poems about birds.

Game progress:

Music from the game "Field of Miracles" sounds

1. Introductory part.

Leading: Guys, today we met again at the "Field of Miracles" game. And you will guess the theme of this game by listening to the poem:

Here and there,
Ringing and pleasant
The forest brings us bird noise,
So sweet and gratifying!

Do not see the singer
In the foliage of birches and maples,
Can't make out the words in that song
Among the countless ringing

Here somewhere a woodpecker tapped,
And a black raven somewhere
Sadly, quietly shouted
Yes, and disappeared on this.

The chaffinch sings to us loudly,
Mint his song -
Calls for love loudly;
And I listened, I'm standing ...

Leading: So, the theme of our game is ... BIRDS! And this is no coincidence. After all today April 1 - International Bird Day. Bird Day is the oldest holiday in the ecological calendar - it has been celebrated since 1906. The International Bird Day is held annually within the framework of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program. In 1902, in Paris, the "World Convention for the Conservation of Birds Useful in agriculture", which was signed by more than a dozen states. Bird Day is not only the anniversary of the Convention, but also the time of arrival of birds from wintering grounds.
Traditionally, at this time, in anticipation of the arrival of birds, birdhouses, gogolyatniks and other "bird houses" were hung. The old tradition of making birdhouses and other nesting sites had a deep meaning: man not only helped the birds, but through this he himself became closer to nature.
On this day, we meet spring and rejoice at the arrival of birds!

Now you have to demonstrate your knowledge gained in the lessons and acquired as a result of observations, watching videos ...
But first, let's hold a qualifying round to determine the first three players.

He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed.
He flies to hunt
Follow the frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

They cut the air without effort
Like sickles, crooked wings.
If it flashes by, you won't see
Only flies like this ... (Swift)

He wanders importantly in the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feather beds. (Goose)

Leading:I invite the top three players to the gaming table.
(3 participants go to the table on which there is a playing circle with a top)

Leading: Before reading the assignment for the 1st round, let me remind you the rules of our game.
- You should listen carefully to the task and try to guess the word, while naming the word itself or one letter. First you need to set the top in motion. An arrow will tell you what to do;
- If a sign falls out «+» , then you can name the letter that we will open, if it is in the answer word;
- If the sign falls out «-» , then you skip a move, and the right to move passes to another participant;
- If a sign falls out "+1", you can name two letters, even if you did not guess the first letter;
- If a sign falls out "B", you can open any letter in a word without naming it. (For example, the first, the last, etc.);
- If a letter falls out "P", then you can take the prize and leave the game, or refuse the prize and stay in the game with the right to name a letter;
- Two guessed letters in a row give you the right to receive a reward, while guessing which of the two boxes it is in (candy).

A word is encrypted on the screen - the answer to the question of the 1st round.

Leading: The most famous and widespread wild duck.
In the male, the head and neck are green, the goiter and breast are brownish-brown, the back and abdomen are gray with thin transverse specks. In the female, the color is brown with darker spots, the ventral side is brownish-gray with longitudinal specks.
What is this bird? (MALLARD)

Leading: Let's applaud the winner of the 1st round! Let us now select the participants of the 2nd round of the game.
Qualifying round to determine the 2nd three players.

Flies to us with warmth
Having traveled a long way,
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay. (Swallow)

He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting.
He knows how to sing someone else's songs
And yet he has his own voice. (Starling)

Of all migratory birds blacker
Cleans arable land from worms. (Rook)

Leading: I invite the second three players to the gaming table.
A word is encrypted on the screen - the answer to the question of the 2nd round.Leading:This bird is one of the most vividly colored birds in our fauna. The body and head of the male are bright yellow, the wings, part of the tail feathers and a narrow strip between the beak and the eye are black. It usually keeps in the crowns of trees, which is why it rarely catches the eye. It is easy to detect by her voice - a loud flute whistle "fiu-liu".
What is this bird?(ORIOLE)

Leading: Let's applaud the winner of the 2nd round! Let us now select the participants of the 3rd round of the game.
Selection round to determine the 3rd three players.

Who is wearing a bright red beret
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (Woodpecker)

Stands on one leg
Stares into the water.
Pokes his beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)

Big, big bird,
Sits on the surface of the water,
And when he tries to take off,
It takes a long time to run away! (Swan)

Leading: I invite the third three players to the gaming table.
A word is encrypted on the screen - the answer to the third round question.Leading: Quite secretive bird, lives in forests with a predominance of spruce, less often in young pine forests. Only at the end of winter and early spring can you hear her characteristic cry - a hoarse, sharp "crre-crre-cree". It nests in the branches of young firs, less often on pines.
What is this bird?(KEDROVKA)

Leading: Let's applaud the winner of the 3rd round!

Play with the audience.

Question:This bird loves to settle in parks and in copses, along the edges of forests, closer to wet meadows. The bird eats both animal and plant foods. In winter, flocks of these birds flock to feast on ripe mountain ash and other berries.
What is this bird?(RYABINNIK)

Leading: Let's applaud the winner of the game with the audience! I ask the winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd rounds to take their places at the playing field! Question:A large bird with a long neck and legs. The plumage color is mostly gray. On the crown of the head there is a red "cap" - an area of \u200b\u200bbare, warty skin. The nape, lower cheeks, throat and front of the neck are black. On the sides of the head from the eye, there are wide white stripes, connecting on the back of the neck, where they gradually turn into gray.
It is included in the "Red Book of the Republic of Belarus".
What is this bird? (CRANE)

Leading: Let's applaud the winner of the final game! I ask the rest of the finalists to take their places among the spectators.

Super game

(By rotating the drum, the super finalist determines the gift that he will receive in case of victory)
Leading: This bird is well known for its loud singing. The bird sings mainly in the evening and at night, but during the day it keeps secret, jumping on the ground under the canopy of bushes and nettles.
Nests twine in bushes along forest edges and clearings, along rivers and streams, in neglected parks and squares, in forest plantations along roads.
What is this bird?
(The participant is allowed to name any 5 letters)(NIGHTINGALE)

The game "Field of Miracles"

dedicated to birds

Theme: Extracurricular activity "Field of Dreams"


    Reinforce and expand children's knowledge about birds, about the benefits they bring to humans. To form in students a feeling of love for their native nature, respect for birds, for nature.

Equipment:exhibition of books about birds; multimedia; presentation "Field of Miracles"; album sheets, felt-tip pens; drawings of birds.

Event progress

Org. moment

“It seems to me that living on our planet without birds would be oh, how boring!

How the wondrous colors of their plumage amuse the eye!

How their wonderful singing pleases the ear!

And how the spirit lifts them with an easy, free flight!

And their magical art of nest-building "Without hands, without a hatchet!"

It amazes me why people pay so little attention to birds? " Vitaly Bianki

Leading. Good afternoon! Truly kind. Spring is in the yard. And there is a holiday in nature!

Do you know that the starling, the nightingale, the robin, and the warbler have their own holiday - the Day of the Birds. (International Day of Birds is celebrated on April 1.) At this time, birds begin to return to their native lands: rooks, starlings, swans, robins, larks, linnet, greenfinches, geese, cranes… you cannot name all of them. Bird Day has been celebrated here since the spring of 1927. For the first time it was held in the city of Moscow in Sokolniki by young ornithologists with their leader Nikolai Ivanovich Dergunov. Since then, this day is celebrated throughout the country!

Our Field of Miracles game is dedicated to birds and everything about birds.

First tour

Selection of the top three players. Puzzles:

Verst did not count

I didn't go on the roads,

And I've been across the sea. (Bird.)

It might crash

It can be cooked

If you want, into a bird

May turn into. (Egg.)

Not light and not heavy

And you can't throw it over the hut. (Feather.)

Introduction of the participants of the first round.

Leading.It is known that the largest bird living on earth is african ostrich... It reaches 2.5 meters in height and weighs about 135 kilograms. It is clear that such a bird cannot fly because of its height and mass. But there is also the largest bird among those flying. Attention! Question!

Name one of the largest flying birds. (Albatross.)

It weighs about 13 kilograms and has a wingspan of 3.6 meters.

Musical pause

Viewing photographs of birds, accompanied by a nightingale singing.

Second round

Fluffy yellow child

Came out of the yellow swaddling clothes. (Chick.)

He looks gray

But he is famous for singing. (Nightingale.)

Lives in hot countries

And in cool - in zoos.

And he is arrogant and boastful,

Because the tail is beautiful.

He admires him himself

And shows us. (Peacock.)

Presentation of the participants of the second round.

Leading.You probably already know that some birds love tree sap. Well, for example, big spotted woodpecker... Hollow out a hole in the birch high on the trunk and sits drinking! He especially loves maple juice: it is sweeter than birch. But there is a bird on earth that feeds on the nectar of flowers, like insects. Attention! Question!

Which bird feeds on flower nectar? (Hummingbird.) Habitat - North America. A hummingbird's nest is no bigger than half a walnut shell. The bird itself weighs only a few grams (no more than 20), but it cannot sit on a flower, the flower will still not stand it. So the bird has to hang in the air above the flower, often waving its wings (small species do up to 80 strokes per second).

Pause "For the curious"

1) A family of starlings kills 350 caterpillars, beetles, snails per day.

2) The smallest bird of our coniferous forests - the beetle, destroys from 8 to 10 million small insects per year.

3) Over the summer, the cuckoo destroys 270 thousand large caterpillars and May beetles.

4) The family of swallows - about a million insects.

5) A flycatcher destroys at least 50 thousand flies in 2 months.

6) A long-eared owl can eat 10 voles in a day, and a booted owl eats 1200 rodents a year. Considering that one mouse a year eats 2-3 kilograms of grain, and a gopher - 16, then each owl saves tons of bread.

7) Sarich (hawk) eats mice and voles: in 50 days it eats at least 265 rodents.

8) Larks, oatmeal, greenfinches, goldfinches peck seeds and fruits of weeds, thereby reducing weed fields.

Third round

Selection of the second three players. Puzzles:

He wanders importantly in the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry,

Wears red shoes

Gives light feather beds. (Goose.)

The brothers got up on stilts,

Looking for food along the way.

Whether on the run or on the move

They can't get off the stilts. (Cranes.)

No hands, no ax

A hut was built. (Nest.)

Leading. Attention! Question!

What is the name of the entrance to the nest? (Letok)

Musical pause

Song "Wounded Bird"
Music: A. Pakhmutova
performed by Seryozha Paramonov

Verse 1: Wounded Bird
It was not given into the hands,
Wounded bird
I remained a bird ...
This dream is old
I still dream:
On the bloody grass
The bird flinches.
Chorus: Birds, fish and beasts
People look into the souls.
You feel sorry for them, people,
Don't kill in vain!
After all, a sky without birds is not a sky
And a sea without fish is not a sea,

Not earth! Not earth!
Verse 2: People are giants,
Giant people
Do you have rifles
Nets and traps.
You have fearlessness
The power is forever -
And there must be a heart
Human heart!
Chorus: Birds, fish and beasts
People look into the souls.
You feel sorry for them, people,
Don't kill in vain!
After all, a sky without birds is not a sky
And a sea without fish is not a sea,
And a land without animals is not land!
Not earth! Not earth!
Verse 3: People, people,
Countries and peoples!
We are now forever
Debtors of nature.
It is necessary with this debt
Pay off somehow
Let it spread its wings
A wounded bird!
Birds, fish and beasts
People look into the souls.
You feel sorry for them, people,
Don't kill in vain!
After all, a sky without birds is not a sky
And a sea without fish is not a sea,
And a land without animals is not land!
Not earth! Not earth!

The final

Presentation of the finalists.

Leading.Among the birds there are those that live near human habitation, on the roofs of houses. For example, pigeons (otherwise - sisari). But there are also forest pigeons, they live in the forest.

Attention! Question!

What is the name of a large forest pigeon? (Vituten.)

Super game

Leading.Due to human invasion of nature, due to the barbaric attitude towards it, the number of some species of birds has sharply decreased. Nowadays, white cranes do not live in Siberia, and you rarely see a gray crane or a capercaillie. Thanks to the swans and geese who still come to our land in spring. And, of course, a person is scared to be left without birds.

Attention! Question!

What is the name of the place in the reserve and in the hunting area where the birds are kept? (Aviary.)

Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading.Our game has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who took part in it.

In parting, I would like to say a few more words about birds. Scientists have calculated the total number of birds on Earth. There are about 100 billion of them, that is, only 20 "beaks" per person. Not much. Birds are nature's orderlies, they destroy harmful insects. Birds are an adornment of nature, without birds our forests, meadows, swamps, steppes would be deserted ... There will be no birds - that wondrous music of nature, which gives us so much pleasure, will disappear. Therefore, people tend to greet ptah. And for this it is not enough to know, you need to be protected. And then the bird voices will not stop in our forest.