Competitions for boys on February 23rd at primary school. Comic competition program for elementary school "Mister Charm"

What holiday can do without contests? Probably a sad and not fun holiday. And February 23 is such a holiday that you can't be sad, but you need to have fun. We invite you to look at the competitions for boys on February 23, which you can hold in elementary school. Watch contests, play them and congratulate your young boys - defenders of the fatherland.

And so, for a start, a little warm-up. Each boy must make five paper airplanes. And not just make, but also beautifully paint them in your colors. After the planes are made, the girls and teachers look at them and choose the best ones. Based on the results, the boys can be awarded a commemorative diploma for the best airplane.
And when all the planes are ready to take off, then you need to make markings on the floor, three meters from the children. It is on this marking that our planes will have to land. Each boy flies five of his planes. And whoever, according to the results of flights, has more airplanes in the zone that was specially marked, is recognized as the best airplane manager.

After the first competition, it is imperative to congratulate the boys. And this can be done very simply. Here is such a wrapper for the holiday chocolate on February 23rd.

You have the wrapper, it remains to download and print it. And then buy any chocolate, unfold it and wrap it in your holiday packaging. And a sweet gift for your boys is ready!

Got a sweet gift? Then let's move on. The second competition will show how strong your boys are. For this competition, you will need juice in packages of at least 1 liter. Each boy takes one pack of juice in each hand. And spreads his arms in different directions. So they need to stand for at least 20 seconds. Whoever succeeds goes to the next round. In the next round, you need to keep the juice in this way for 25 seconds. And so on, until there is only one winner left.

Now you can connect girls to the game program. We divide all boys and girls into pairs. And in pairs they will compete. But first, you need to prepare something. You need to make paper or cardboard fish. Each pair has 8 such fish. You also need a basin for each pair and a 2 meter long scarf. The boy moves away from the girl at a distance of 1.5 meters. There is a basin near the girl; there are 8 fish in it. The boy throws the scarf so that it hits the basin. In this case, he holds one end in his hand. When the other end of the scarf hit the basin, the girl attaches 4 fish to it. You can attach them with paper clips. The fish are attached, the boy takes out the scarf to himself. He takes off his catch and throws back the scarf. When he got into the basin again, the girl hooks up the remaining fish. And the boy takes them out and takes them off. As soon as he took off the fish, it wins the competition.

And one more competition, in which both boys and girls will participate. Only now the team consists of two boys and two girls. You need to make a small track on which to put the pins so that you can go around them with a snake. And we also need balloons. The first boy squeezes the balloon between his legs and, holding it like that, passes the route. There is a table at the end of the track, on the table he takes a packet of cookies and comes back. As soon as the first boy returned, the second boy takes the balloon from him and goes the entire route in the same way. When he reaches the table, he takes a carton of milk and goes back to the girls. When he returned, the girls begin to eat cookies and wash them down with milk. Which team is the first to eat cookies and drink milk wins.
Key tags.

Team matches and elimination games at the 23rd February Matinee in Primary School will bring children together and help develop healthy boys rivalry. Simple interesting contests and quizzes will entertain little defenders. Outdoor games will delight fidgets.

    Game "Ah, the guard gets up early"

    The whole class participates in the game. 2 boys play the role of guards. All other participants are hostages. They need to tie their hands in the back with scarves. For the competition, you need to draw a large circle on the floor with chalk. All children who have received the role of captives become in this circle.

    The task of the guards is not to let the hostages out of the circle. Since there are so many more hostages than guards, it becomes more difficult for the prisoners to escape. Prisoners must jump over the circle line on one leg. The prisoners try to jump out of the circle to the cheerful music, but the guards do not allow them to do this. The competition takes 5 minutes.

    After the lapse of time, the winners are those children who managed to get out of the circle.

    2 teams of boys participate in the competition. To carry it out, it is necessary to prepare in advance imaginary bombs of 2 colors. You need to take a newspaper or an ordinary sheet of colored paper and crumple it into a ball. There must be at least 20 such bombs. The classroom is divided into 2 sections. A border line is drawn with chalk. On the side of the defenders of the territory, you need to put 3 baskets.

    Bombers from their side of the class, without leaving the line, must throw as many bombs as possible into the baskets of competitors. Defenders are allowed to shoot down flying balls of paper, but the baskets cannot be moved away. The competition lasts 4 minutes, after which the number of bombs in the baskets is counted. Then the participants change places. After 4 minutes, bombs are counted again.

    The winners are the players of the team with fewer bombs in their baskets. They receive the title of the best defenders of the Fatherland.

    Duel game

    The game involves boy-boy pairs. Participants stand opposite each other at a distance of 2 meters. Each pair of contestants will be given 2 gloves. The task of each player is to throw the glove as close to the feet of their opponent as possible. When throwing, each participant must shout: "Challenge to a duel!"

    The player who throws a glove or mitten closer to his opponent becomes the winner and receives the honorary title of "Best Duelist".

    Game "Power of the Wind"

    Boys are invited to participate in the competition, who want to show all their strength and power. For the competition, you will need a large number of candy wrappers or napkins cut into 4 parts. A table is placed in front of each participant, on which several candy wrappers or napkins are placed at one level.

    On command, the players begin to blow candy wrappers. The winner is the participant whose napkin or candy wrapper lands farther than everyone else.

    The whole class participates in the competition. The boys are divided equally into 2 teams. One team is called "The Musketeers", the other - "Villains". The girls in full force are sent to the team to the musketeers. The boys run girls in a circle and join hands.

February 23rd at elementary school. Scenario of the competitive program for grade 4


Today is a holiday, but the holiday is not easy.

Russian Army Day -

Invincible and steel

So, this is a man's day! ..

And today we have gathered to congratulate future men - future glorious defenders of the Fatherland, our boys! So, let's begin!

Student 1.

The date has a special meaning -

Brave sons birthday.

All Russian people on this date

He sends greetings to the sailor and the soldier.

V. Matveev

Student 2.

Buckle on the belt

And glitters from afar.

Striped shirt

The vest is called.

Gloomy in the sea-ocean,

Waves are dancing here and there

The ships go in the fog

Our land is guarded.

K. Vanshenkin

Student 3.

Birds fell asleep on the branches

The stars in the sky do not burn ...

Lurking at the border

Border guards detachment.

Border guards do not sleep

At the native border

Our sea, our land

Our watchman sky!

S. Marshak

Student 4.

Long live the gunners -

Defenders of our lands

Carriers of our shells

Gunners who hit the target!

M. Matusovsky

Student 5.

Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky

And the trumpet does not call to hike.

So that only on exercises

The soldier went forward to attack.

Let spring thunder instead of explosions

Nature wakes up from sleep

And our children sleep well

Today, tomorrow and always!

Leading... Attention guys! Today we have prepared contests for our girls and boys. Girls are the first to enter the competition.

Competition for girls. Blitz survey "Men, men, men ..."

2. What was the name of the prince from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"? (Elisha.)

3. What was the name of the Russian commander, who in childhood was a very frail child? (A. Suvorov.)

4. Male name, he is the king of beasts. (A lion.)

5. A man in his prime. (Carlson.)

6. A young sailor serving on the ship. (Cabin boy.)

7. Captain of the "Nautilus" from the book by Jules Verne. (Nemo.)

8. A soldier's heroic deed. (Feat.)

9. The name of Gagarin. (Yuri.)

10. What is another name for the pilot? (Pilot.)

11. The hero of the Nosov trilogy, who knows nothing. (Dunno.)

12. Heroes of legends about the life and exploits of the Russian people. (Heroes.)

13. The villain from the book of K. Chukovsky, who lives in Africa. (Barmaley.)

14. The cook on the ship. (Cook.)

15. The name of the boy, the main character of the stories by V. Dragunsky. (Denis Korablev.)

16. The main character of the story by A. Gaidar, who created his own team. (Timur.)

17. Russian prince, under whose leadership a victory was won over the Mongol-Tatars on the Don. (Dmitry Donskoy.)

18. The Russian tsar, who studied shipbuilding in Europe, did carpentry and carpentry. (Peter /.)

19. Clothes of ancient Russian soldiers that protected their body from wounds. (Chain mail.)

20. List the three heroes depicted in the painting by Vasnetsov. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.)

21. Who was in love with Malvina? (Pierrot.)

22. What is the name of the sea robber? (Pirate.)

23. Russian fabulist. (I. Krylov.)

24. A hero of a Russian folk tale who cooked porridge from an ax. (Soldier.)

We have prepared contests for boys - tests for strength, ingenuity, endurance. Boys, are you ready? (Choose 2-3 teams of 4-8 players.)

Competition 1. "Collect a proverb"

Collect a proverb, the text of which is cut into words. Add it up and explain its meaning.

... "It's hard to learn - easy to fight."

... "A coward and a cockroach will count as a giant."

... "There is safety in numbers".

Competition 2. "Make up words"

Who faster and more will make words from the letters of the word "soldier". Time - 3 minutes. Each team then reads out their words in turn, avoiding repetition. Whoever got the most words won.

Competition 3. "On duty"

Select 3 players from the team. They must quickly put on the kitchen attendants' uniform (apron, sleeves and hat) and peel 3 potatoes. The team that does it most accurately and quickly wins.

Competition 4. "Chef"

The chef prepares lunch

And then they turned off the light.

The cook bream takes

And put it in the compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron

Puts jam in the oven

Mixes the soup with a pot

Beats coals with a ladle

Pours sugar into the broth

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette,

When the light was fixed.

O. Grigoriev

The next competition will be dedicated to the vinaigrette. Each team receives a dish and an envelope with the names of various ingredients. Cooks need to select and put in the dish only those that are included in the vinaigrette recipe.

Ingredients: sunflower oil, pickled cucumber, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, onions, fish, meat, sauerkraut, apple, banana, jam, tomato.

Competition 5. "Ferry"

2 players from each team are selected. For the competition, you will need 6 sheets of cardboard or old plasticine boards.

It is necessary to go the distance, shifting the sheets of cardboard in front of you and alternately stepping strictly on the sheets with either your left or right foot. Go back jogging, holding sheets of cardboard in hand. If a participant stumbles on the floor, then the team is awarded a penalty point. The winner is the team whose player goes all the way faster and does not score a single penalty point.

Competition 6. "At the Halt"

Selected from a team of 6 people. For the competition you need 1 piece of paper for each team, 6 pencils. The first player receives a piece of paper and writes on it the first sentence on the topic "How we passed the minefield." Then the sheet is folded so that other players cannot see what has been written. Each next player does the same. After all the sentences have been written down, the whole story is read. The winner is the team whose story is more interesting and funnier.

Competition 7. "Darts"

For the competition, teams line up in columns and alternately throw darts at targets attached to the board. The team with the most points wins.

Contest 8. "Song"

Each team performs an army-themed song.


You have shown courage, perseverance and patience,

And sometimes endurance, to everyone's surprise,

To guard your homeland

And with honor to defend Russia from enemies!


Presentation of medals to boys: "The most dexterous", "The most courageous", "The fastest", "The most intelligent", "The most erudite", "The most accurate", "The most cheerful", "The loudest", "The most economic", etc. ...

Objectives: develop attention, observation; to form a positive communication experience.

Equipment: bandages, 4 buckets, 2 spoons, rope, fan with numbers.

Game progress

Leading... Guys, today we are going on a round-the-world trip on ships. To do this, all the boys must be divided into two teams.

1 competition

Leading... What ships will we travel on? The ships are hidden, but we will see them when the teams compose the name of their ship from letters.

1st team


2nd team


Leading... The ships are named. Let's get to know the crew.

Presentation of badges:


Navigator Radio operator

Ship doctor

II competition

Leading... We cannot move. The tanks are empty, so let's turn to the mechanics.

(Water from one "tank" is transferred to another "tank" with a spoon, then the filled tanks are compared.)

III competition

Leading... Who is the most important on the ship? (Captain.) He must give orders clearly and loudly. Here's a task for you: pronounce the command like a tongue twister.

1st team

The cap is not sewn like a cap. It would be necessary to repack that cap. It would be necessary to re-pack it.

2nd team

Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole a clarinet from Karl.

IV competition

Leading... Who is helping the captain? Let's test the skills of the captain's mates.

(Each participant has a fan with numbers from 1 to 3. The correct answer to the test question is a step forward.)

1. Heroic figure:

2. Young sailor:

3. Captain Vrungel's yacht:

- "Brave";

- "Victory". +

4. What does "drift" mean?

To go with the flow;

Stand still; +

Sail in the wind.

5. Kitchen on the ship:

Galley; +

6. Cook on the ship:

Culinary specialist;


V competition

Leading... This competition is for navigators, as they are specialists in navigating a vessel through reefs. And the pilot helps them.

(The "navigators" are blindfolded, and they pass the "reefs" (pins), trying not to hit any.)

VI competition

Leading.Boatswains on the ship are responsible for the economy.

(You need to sort out the peas and beans, separating them from each other.)

VII competition

Leading... A lot of debris remains after the storm. Who will be forced to clean up? Of course, the cabin boy!

(Paper, candy wrappers are scattered on the floor. Who will remove the garbage from the cabin faster.)

VIII competition

Leading... During a storm, a bottle was nailed to the sides of the ship. What can lie in it? Of course, a note. Radio operators, get to work!

"Shipbuilding" (Compose as many words - nouns as possible, using only the letters of this note.)

IX competition

The sailors are pulling the rope.

X competition

Leading... To feed the whole team is a cook's business!

(With your eyes closed, feed your friend with yogurt.)

XI competition

Leading... Emergency on the ship! The help of a ship's doctor is urgently required!

(Make a bandage.)

Leading... We did a great job. Let's rest! (Verbal questions to teams.)

Questions for the first team

1. Severe storm at sea. (Storm.)

2. Ladder on the ship. (Ladder)

3. Closing hole on the deck of the ship. (Luke.)

4. Room on the ship. (Cabin.)

5. Long-distance vision device. (Binoculars.)

Questions for the first team

1. Sea robber. (Pirate.)

2. Complete calmness. (Calm)

3. The soldier on the ship. (Sailor.)

4. Rope required on board. (Rope.)

5. She is lowered from the ship into the water. (Boat.)


Defender of the Fatherland Day. Scenario for younger students

Scenario of the competition program for boys for February 23 "Knight's Tournament"

(On the stage there is a "scoreboard" on which points are applied. The song "It's time - let's rejoice in our age" sounds from the movie "D" Artagnan and the Three Musketeers. 4 boys appear dressed as musketeers, and while the song is playing They take off their hats at the end of the song and bow to everyone present.)

Leading 1... Good afternoon, dear lovely ladies and courageous knights! A knightly tournament will take place in this hall today. Before we start the competition, let's remember some rules that have come to us from ancient times.

Leading 2... You all know that the handshake arose in the Middle Ages, when knights, when they met, showing their peaceful intentions, took off their glove and extended their hand forward, exposing their palm, thereby showing that there were no weapons. Also, when they met, they took off their headdress. The lady was never a knight, so these rules had nothing to do with her. However, today we notice that this rule begins to apply to the beautiful half of humanity: women, when shaking hands, take off their gloves and do not take off only the one that is very thin and tightly fits the hand; they also take off their headdress if their outer clothing is removed. How do you explain the existence of such rules? Do they make sense?

(Students find ethical and hygienic meaning in the emerging rules of behavior. The situation can be played out. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the boys first take off their headdress, followed by the top coat, girls first coat, then the headdress.)

Leading 1. As you know, the rule to walk in front of his companion, going up and down the stairs, arose during candlelight times, when a man walked in front, holding a candle in his hand, and illuminated the path for the lady. The lighting is currently electric. This need has disappeared. But the rule still remained. Why? Maybe it's time to cancel it?

(Students justify the need for this rule by the fact that, if necessary, you can help your companion. This situation can be played out.)

Leading 2... And now we begin the knightly tournament. We ask the jury to take their places.

(The presenter introduces the members of the jury and takes them to the oath (oath): “I, (such and such), swear to judge honestly and impartially.”)

Leading 1... The beautiful half of humanity begins to hold contests.

(Girls conduct contests in pairs, announcing their names.)

Competition "Questions"

Questions are asked in turn, for each correct answer - 1 point.

1. What do trees and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

2. Why are the spear and the shield - inseparable friends and enemies? (They are always together, but at the same time the shield protects, the spear strikes.)

3. Whose words are these: "Hard in training - easy in battle"? (A. Suvorova.)

4. Whose words are these: "Who will come to us with a sword, by the sword will also perish"? (Alexander Nevsky.)

5. What is the name of a teenager on a ship who is studying maritime affairs and preparing to become a sailor? (Cabin boy.)

6. What are the names of shoulder insignia in the Russian army and navy? (Shoulder straps, epaulettes.)

Competition "Portrait of a Lady"

In the old days, knights always carried with them a portrait of their beloved lady, which they often painted themselves. Please draw at least such a sketchy portrait.

Competition "The most agile"

Attributes: nails, hammer, wood block. Every boy is given a chance to test his sleight of hand. You need to hammer in a nail with a hammer into a wooden block.

Contest "Encryption"

Participants are given cards with words. They need to explain the meaning of these words. For example: "Katyusha", infantry, Reichstag; counteroffensive, reconnaissance, "son of the regiment" ...

Compliment Competition

The task of the "knight" is to drive up to the lady (or rather, to the portrait he has just painted) on a horse and very seriously, without a shadow of a smile, say as many compliments as possible.

Participants receive a "horse" - a stuffed sock is put on the mop, ears, eyes, mane are pinned. "Horse" can be offered to children to make themselves right there from the materials at hand. Compliments take turns. Points are awarded according to the number of “unsmiling” compliments.

Competition "The most economic"

Attributes: knives, potatoes, wood planks, waste bowls. 3-4 boys take part in the competition at the same time. They should peel the potatoes and cut them into strips.

Competition "Dancing"

Boys should invite girls to dance. The jury must take into account the moment of the invitation to dance, the process of the dance and the moment of the end of the dance (the gentleman must take the lady to her place and say goodbye to her with a bow of his head).

Competition "The most courageous"

Attributes: 2 bananas, 1 onion. Participants are encouraged to eat sweet and bitter at the same time (for example, a banana and half a head of onion at the same time).

Leading 1... The knightly tournament has come to an end. The jury has already summed up the results. It remains to present prizes and gifts along with the "Royal Decree". I ask all "knights" to line up!

(Lead 2 reads out the “Royal Decree” *. The girls who held the contests present each “knight” with a gift, put a chocolate medal around their necks, and present the decree.)

Leading 1. Our dear boys! We congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We hope that the beautiful half of humanity will always find valiant knights and defenders in your face!