Chemistry in everyday interesting facts presentation. Presentation of chemistry on the topic "Chemistry in Bytu" - PowerPoint PPT Presentation. Chemistry in military business

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Chemistry in life

Presentation performed: student 11 "a" class GOU SOSH №186 Bovzi Ulyana

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Composition of detergents Chlorine phosphates anionic surfactants Sodium tripolyphosphate Mauret sodium sulfate washing powder How to protect yourself? Dioxin Danger Facts List of References

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Chlorine is the cause of diseases of cardio-vascular system contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions destroys proteins increases the risk of cancer

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activate the development of cancer cells act as fertilizers is prohibited in many countries for almost 20 years in our country phosphate powder - the ruling king in the market of washing detergents. Moreover, the concentration of these additives in the SMS is simply "prohibitive" - \u200b\u200bup to 50-60%

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Anionic surfactants (no more than 2-5%)!

Surfactants - surface active substances The most aggressive from surfactants get into the body, destroy living cells by violating the most important biochemical processes cause impairment of immunity, allergies, brain damage, liver, kidney, lungs are able to accumulate in organs (phosphates contribute to this) Pav is more than 5% in most leading washing powders.

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significantly change the intensity of oxidation reactions, affect the activity of a number of essential enzymes breaks protein, carbohydrate and fat exchange.

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Sodium tripolyphosphate, or trinitality

Sodium tripolyphosphate is used to reduce water rigidity and improves detergent powder. As a possible allergen, he also causes the complaints of physicians; In addition, it is extremely harmful to the environment.

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Lauret sulfate sodium

for washing a lot of abundant magnificent foam, it has a high opportunity to enter the reaction with other components of the cleansing agent, forming carcinogenic nitrates and dioxides may cause itching, as well as allergic reactions most of the dishes are washed away only after repeated rinsing with clean water (up to 20 times!)

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Washing powder

the main active components of the washing powder - the surfactant, the presence of phosphate additives in powders leads to a significant increase in the toxic (poisonous) properties of A-surfactants contribute to reinforced degreasing skin of the skin, more active destruction of cell membranes, sharply reduce the barrier function of the skin.

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What will the powder tell us?

On the packaging of high-quality and non-drug powder, its main chemical components must be specified! Indirectly can be judged about the presence of a-surfactant in the washing powder on the intensity of foaming when washing

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How to protect yourself?

10-fold rinsing in hot water does not lead to a complete release of clothing from A-surfactant. It is necessary to eliminate contact of unprotected hands and other parts of the body with a powder solution. Try not to be a long time in the room where the underwear is erased after washing you need to hold a wet cleaning in the apartment and Wash your hands thoroughly in a large amount of warm water

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Research Chemical funds in the life of Zharina Alina Rakhimova Sabina

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The purpose of our project is to consider the importance of household chemicals in the modern life of a person, solving the following tasks: to study the harm that occurs when using household chemicals; To give comparative characteristic the detergent of soap or SMS (to conduct a study of commercials and try to explain them from the point of view of chemistry); Develop recommendations for the safe use of various means of household chemicals. Project goals:

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Preface everywhere, wherever we handle your eyes, it is surrounded by objects and products made from substances and materials that are obtained in chemical plants and factories. In addition, in everyday life, without suspecting, each person carries out chemical reactions.

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Car detergents detergents for cars have a number of special and useful properties. The main component belonging to their composition is surfactants (surfactants). They are mainly of carboxylic salts. Modern car supersampou do not affect paintwork, chrome-plated surfaces and rubber. Most of the car sinks give the surface of the car, and water-repellent and antistatic properties. To date, there are 3 main groups of autosampune: cleansing shampoos, polishing effect shampoos, anti-corrosion effects shampoos

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Cosmetic means in pursuit of youth and beauty We are very risking our health. No longer a secret to anyone that the harm of cosmetics is expressed in premature aging of the skin, although women expect the opposite effect. Cosmetics can lead to skin cancer. A man gets even harmful to cosmetics, if it completely eliminates washout water, replacing it with various lotions and foam. These substances accumulate on the skin, clogging the pores and leading to aging of the skin. Doctors dermatologists advise using cosmetics only as needed, wash the water daily, not to apply a lot of decorative cosmetics.

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Organic synthetic nickel compound as pigment is used as a pigment. The pearl effect is created by Biocl, Biono3 or mica bismuth salts, containing about 40% of TiO2 titanium (IV) oxide. In the creation of grills, zno zinc oxide is used. In the hair dye, diluted aqueous solutions of well-soluble leads, silver, copper, bismuth are used.

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Detergents Synthetic detergents (SMS) are a composition, which, except surfactant, includes various additives, organic and inorganic. No matter how differed the names of shampoos, washing powders, etc., the main components of all SMS will be the same components, difference in the dosage. In order for the detergents to be a pleasant smell, perfume fragrances are introduced into all means. In addition, cleaning and detergents produced in the form of powders can cause great harm. The fact is that small powder particles can get into the respiratory tract and cause skin irritation.

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Any detergent must have a double function: the ability to interact with pollutant (more often with fat) to translate it into the water or aqueous solution for this molecule of detergent must have a hydrophobic (water-repellent) and hydrophilic (loving to hold water) parts

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Soaps and detergents. Soaps, salts of higher fatty acids, as well as naphthenic and resin acids. Get from animals and vegetable fats, naphthenic acids, rosin, tall oil. Water-soluble soap (usually sodium and potassium) have detergent and make up the basis of the toilet, economic and technical soap.

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Detergents - multicomponent mixtures of substances, aqueous solutions of which are used to clean the surfaces of various bodies from contamination. The composition of most detergents in addition to detergents (surfactants whose solutions have detergent), inorganic acid salts (phosphates, carbonates) enhanced detergents, as well as bleaching and disinfectants, foaming agents and defoamers, flavors, dyes, etc. To prevent the harmful effects of detergents on nature, the sewage containing their wastewater is subjected to special cleaning.

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In the production of soap, potassium hydroxide is used as an additive, a solid white substance, well soluble in water, with a large amount of heat. Solution of potassium hydroxide, soap to the touch and very eater. Therefore, potassium hydroxide is different called caustic potassium. Also in soap, sodium hydroxide NaOH is used - solid white substance, hygroscopic, and therefore spliving in air; It is well soluble in water, while it is highlighted. Sodium hydroxide solution in water soap to the touch and very caustic. It corps skin, fabric, paper and other materials. For this property, sodium hydroxide received the name of the caustic natra. No healing wounds are formed on the skin from this substance.

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Washing Action Mud Molecule Water Hydrophobic "Tail" Hydrophilic "Head" Molecule of Detergents (Detergents)

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Advertising skin care and hair care Product advertising text Confirmation of advertising text Refuture and his dock - to a deodorant for men "Mennen" "Aerosol deodorants consist only of alcohol and gas. And the alcohol evaporates, and with it your defense disappears and only a solid deodorant gives you 100% protection "Is it really that? Not quite so, but hard deodorants really have an advantage! Because Aerosols contain combustible gases, it is necessary to use them with extreme caution: do not spray near the fire, in the presence of smokers, store in an inaccessible place for children. In addition, the sprayers inevitably fall into the air, and this is unsafe for health, especially for people suffering from allergies. Hard deodorants are more compact. These factors are necessary, demonstrate in advertising however! The authors of advertising are slightly distorting the facts in their favor. Having studied the information on aerosol cans with deodorants, we noticed that they include not only C2H5OH alcohol, butane C4H10, isobutane - C4H10, propane C3H8, but also aromatic substances that remain on the skin when "alcohol evaporates", and the gases will destroy . Aromatic mass does not evaporate.

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Advertising skin care and hair care product advertising text confirmation of text advertising refutation and his dock - in the Shampoo "Palmolive" "Daily your hair lose keratin. Shampoo contains keratin proteins that allow you to restore hair "What is true in this statement? The substances in the process of washing can be connected to the keratin moral molecules due to weak bonds, such as hydrogen. Although for a while, but strengthening the upper hair layer however! "Proteins" keratin is not quite true. Proteins - calves consisting of residual AK. Perhaps the authors of the advertising meant the "fragments" of keratin molecules. Most likely polypeptides consisting of residual AK and obtained as a result of hydrolysis of which -the natural substance consisting of keratin

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Cleaning and detergent advertising Product Advertising text Confirmation of advertising text Refuture and his dock - in the budget of the new "gloss" loscity, any dirt is emitted just how can I comment on this quote? This is not true! Bioduds are designed to combat pollution, substances natural origin, and less often with protein substances. But the biodendage cannot eliminate the stain from oil paint, machine oils, ink DOSIA BIOACTIVE quality at a reasonable price. Thanks to the enzymes contained in the powder, Dosia Bioactive enzymes effectively removes contamination from all types of tissues at water temperature from 20-100 ° C. "Dosia Bioactive" is suitable for soaking and boiling and washing in washing machine. Is it possible to consider this advertise successful? 1) Do not take into account the type of fabric, speaking of efficiency. It is necessary to list not the types of fabrics that need to be erased by this powder, and the types of contamination that it disrupts. 2) bioposors are not suitable for boiling and washing above 50 ° C. Bioporos are effective at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C, because At higher temperatures, enzymes are inactive.

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Recommendations for the use of household chemicals Avoid excessive use of household chemicals containing chlorine, phenol, ammonia, formaldehyde, acetone, etc.; Use the most gentle means (for example, marked "for sensitive skin"); Be sure to pay attention to what is written on the label and in the instructions attached to the reputation of the means; Keep household chemicals in well-closed containers and indoors where the inhabitants of the house are less frequent; Try to apply not powders, but gels, liquid or granulated means; Avoid direct contact with aggressive means: use household gloves and protective creams; Systematically change the arsenal of household chemicals;

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With allergic, dermatological diseases or simply problem skin, as well as for young children, use hypoallergenic personal care products and household chemicals: washing powder, soap, cream, etc. When spraying means for glasses from a can, keep it at a distance of an elongated hand, To avoid the chemical to enter the mucous eye, the nose and the skin of the face to limit ourselves to their households in the use of household chemicals and cosmetics in aerosol punctures under pressure; Thoroughly rinse or wash off household chemicals, so as not to contact with the active substances remaining on the subjects; More often ventilate the room and, if possible, set the air purifier at home;

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Conclusions: When working on the theme "Chemicals in everyday life", we received answers to the questions raised at the beginning of the study. We tried to collect as much information about soap and synthetic detergents and tell about the positive and negative qualities of these detergents. Undoubtedly, household chemicals are needed, but choosing them to give preference to the safest products. To choose exactly such funds, we appeal to advertising, thinking that we are talking to the truth. It is very difficult to train people not to build any conclusions on the basis of advertising, because in person a very strong tendency to make generalizations from any information he has. Nevertheless, it is necessary to analyze ads, draw conclusions, compare facts. Such helps people curb their natural tendency to make speaking conclusions.

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Beregite environment And your health. This is the only thing that we are given once and forever! Summary of other presentations

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Presentation of chemistry on the topic "Chemistry in everyday life"

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Presentation of chemistry on the topic "Chemistry in everyday life". Teachers of Chemistry MOSH No. 95 Mazur L. N. Chemistry gives human huge opportunities and forces in the hands, but it requires competent, responsible use. Detergents and cleaning products. Medicines. Food. Chemistry. Means for struggle

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