Presentation on the topic of chemistry in cosmetics. Chemistry and cosmetics Cosmetics presentation on chemistry

Chemistry and Cosmetics from the experience of a chemistry teacher of the MOU "Secondary School No. 25" TS Bondarenko The world is considered to be among the most profitable industries

  • The world is considered to be among the most profitable industries
  • the cosmetics industry is in the forefront.
  • Observations
  • show that if necessary, then women can deny themselves a lot,
  • just not to make them even a little more beautiful.
Ancient manuscripts show that thousands of years ago, women
  • Ancient manuscripts show that thousands of years ago women
  • East tinted eyelids blue with the finest pollen from crushed turquoise.
  • Turquoise is a natural mineral with a composition
  • CuA16 (PO4) 4 (OH) 84H2O
  • From time immemorial, a soft natural mineral - the antimony sheen Sb2S3 - has been used for eyebrow tinting. In Russian there was an expression "to antimony the eyebrows." Antimony luster was supplied to various countries by the Arabs, who called it stibi. From this name came the Latin stibium, which in ancient times meant not a chemical element, but its sulfide Sb2S3. The natural antimony sheen is gray to black with a blue or iridescent tarnish.
  • It is reliably known that in Russia cosmetic paints were used at the end of the 16th and especially widely in the 17th century.
  • The industry produces pearlescent lipsticks and creams, and pearlescent shampoos. The pearlescent effect in cosmetics is created by bismuthyl salts BiOСl and BiO (NO3) 2 or titanated mica - a pearlescent powder containing about 40% TiO2.
  • Long known pearl or spanish white... Their main component is BiO (NO3) 2, which is formed by dissolving bismuth nitrate Bi (NO3) 3 in water.
  • In cosmetics, this whitewash is used to prepare white makeup.
Cosmetic decorative powders are multicomponent mixtures. They include: talc, kaolin, ZnO, TiO2, MgCO3, starch, zinc and magnesium salts of stearic acid, as well as organic and inorganic pigments, in particular Fe2O3. Talc gives the powder free flowing and gliding effect. Its disadvantage is its ability to be absorbed into the skin and impart an oily sheen. Nevertheless, it is included in the composition of powders in an amount of up to 50-80%. Kaolin has a high hiding power and the ability to absorb excess sebum from the skin.
  • Cosmetic decorative powders are multicomponent mixtures. They include: talc, kaolin, ZnO, TiO2, MgCO3, starch, zinc and magnesium salts of stearic acid, as well as organic and inorganic pigments, in particular Fe2O3. Talc gives the powder free flowing and gliding effect. Its disadvantage is its ability to be absorbed into the skin and impart an oily sheen. Nevertheless, it is included in the composition of powders in an amount of up to 50-80%. Kaolin has a high hiding power and the ability to absorb excess sebum from the skin.
Its increased hygroscopicity contributes to the caking and uneven distribution of the powder on the skin, so no more than 25% of kaolin is injected. Zinc and titanium oxides have good hiding power. In addition, zinc oxide has antiseptic properties and therefore simultaneously acts as a disinfectant additive. These oxides are added to powders up to 15%. In large quantities, they lead to dry skin. Starch makes the skin velvety, and thanks to zinc and magnesium stearates, the powder adheres well to the skin and makes it smooth.
  • Its increased hygroscopicity contributes to the caking and uneven distribution of the powder on the skin, so no more than 25% of kaolin is injected. Zinc and titanium oxides have good hiding power. In addition, zinc oxide has antiseptic properties and therefore simultaneously acts as a disinfectant additive. These oxides are added to powders up to 15%. In large quantities, they lead to dry skin. Starch makes the skin velvety, and thanks to zinc and magnesium stearates, the powder adheres well to the skin and makes it smooth.
To create special cosmetics (make-up), zinc oxide ZnO is used, obtained by calcining the basic carbonate (ZnOH) 2CO3. In medicine, it is used in powders (as an astringent, drying agent, disinfectant) and for the manufacture of ointments.
  • To create special cosmetics (make-up), zinc oxide ZnO is used, obtained by calcining the basic carbonate (ZnOH) 2CO3. In medicine, it is used in powders (as an astringent, drying agent, disinfectant) and for the manufacture of ointments.
Compact powder, in contrast to loose powder, contains binding additives: sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, higher fatty acids, waxes, polyhydric alcohols and their esters, mineral and vegetable oils... They make it possible to obtain briquettes of a certain shape during pressing, which retain their strength during long-term use.
  • In everyday life, solutions (3, 6, 10%) of hydrogen peroxide are widely used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent. A more concentrated 30% hydrogen peroxide solution is called perhydrol. Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable (especially in light) chemical compound. It decomposes into water and oxygen:
  • 2H2O2 \u003d 2H2O + O2
  • At the moment of formation, oxygen is in an atomic state and only
  • then goes into molecular:
  • 2O \u003d O2
  • Atomic oxygen has a particularly strong oxidizing property. Thanks to him, solutions of hydrogen peroxide destroy dyes and bleach fabrics from cotton and woolen fabrics, silk, feathers, hair. The ability of hydrogen peroxide to bleach hair is used in cosmetics. It is based on the interaction of atomic oxygen with the hair dye melanin, a mixture of complex organic substances. When oxidized, melanin turns into a colorless compound. It should be remembered that perhydrol causes burns to the skin and mucous membranes.
The most common nail polish is a nitrocellulose solution in organic solvents. Nitrocellulose is obtained by nitration of cellulose (cotton or wood) with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids. She is an ester nitric acid... As solvents used amyl ester of acetic acid, acetone, various alcohols, ethyl ether, and mixtures thereof. Plasticizers are added to the varnish - castor oil or other extracts, which prevent the degreasing of nails and protect their brittleness.
  • The most common nail polish is a nitrocellulose solution in organic solvents. Nitrocellulose is obtained by nitration of cellulose (cotton or wood) with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids. It is an ester of nitric acid. As solvents used amyl ester of acetic acid, acetone, various alcohols, ethyl ether, and mixtures thereof. Plasticizers are added to the varnish - castor oil or other extracts that prevent the degreasing of nails and protect their brittleness.

AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) are organic acids found in plants and fruits. They are considered one of the safest ingredients for chemical peeling, as they do not burn the skin, but cause natural exfoliation of dead skin cells. In small concentrations, they are part of many home peels. Often, along with AHA acids, cosmetics also contain BHA acids (beta hydroxy acids) - salicylic acid, which, unlike AHA, penetrates into pores and exfoliates cells that have accumulated inside the sebaceous glands.

Antioxidants - substances that protect skin cells from the destructive effects of free radicals and other substances that appear as a result of natural oxidative reactions in our body. The main antioxidants used in cosmetics are vitamins A, C, E, trace elements selenium, zinc, algae extracts.

Hyaluronic acid- one of the most effective components in moisturizers, it is widely used in contour plastics. It is related to the skin, as it is an integral part of the connective tissue of the epidermis. It has the ability to retain water molecules, but unlike glycerin, it retains its ability to moisturize even in a "dry" state.

Glycerolpossesses unique properties to attract and hold water molecules. It should be used only with moisturizers, so it not only enriches the skin with water, but also prevents its evaporation. In cosmetics, there are at least 10 water molecules per glycerin molecule.

Ceramides- substances that form the lipid barrier layer of the skin. Protect it from external influences and dehydration. They fill in the damage to the surface layer of the skin and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. Often used in cosmetics for dry and dehydrated skin and in hair products.

Collagen - the main protein of the connective tissue of the epidermis, is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is widely used in anti-aging agents. It has an intense anti-aging effect, in a concentrated form it reduces even deep wrinkles.

Coenzyme- a bioactive component, a necessary source of energy for a number of metabolic reactions both throughout the body and in the skin. Coenzyme is synthesized in the liver of every person, but with age, its production slows down. In cosmetology, coenzyme Q10 is used in anti-aging products.

Nanoparticles-active components with a minimum molecular weight, due to which they have a unique ability to easily penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis. The size of 1 nanoparticle varies from 1 to 100 nanometers, and 1 nanometer is 0.000000001 meters. Nanoparticles are synthesized only by artificial means. And today nanocosmetics is the most innovative branch of aesthetic medicine.

Perfume - a mixture of aromatic components, the task of which is to hide the sometimes not very pleasant natural smell of the ingredients. A pleasant aroma makes cosmetics more attractive, but it should be remembered that it is fragrances that are often the cause of skin allergic reactions to cosmetics.

Parabens- universal preservatives that extend the shelf life of cosmetics. According to statistics, 85% of products are used in various doses. Some time ago, scientists actively discussed the question of the benefits and dangers of parabens for the body, but they did not come to unambiguous conclusions. However, this led to the emergence of cosmetics with natural preservatives.

Provitamins - the original nutrients, which are converted into vitamins in the body. Carotene is provitamin A, and D-panthenol is provitamin B-5.

Protein - protein compounds that strengthen the structure of cells. There are animal origin (dairy) or vegetable (wheat, silk).

Retinol - a derivative of vitamin A, stimulates cell regeneration and other metabolic processes in the skin. It is used as an effective component in anti-aging cosmetics and for the treatment of problem skin prone to breakouts and acne.

SPF (SunProtectionFilter) - sun filters that form a "reflective" screen on the skin. According to the degree of protection, SPF can vary from 2 to 60 units. SPF comes in two types: against ultraviolet rays of the B (UVB) spectrum and the A (UVA) spectrum. Modern sunscreens must contain both types of SPF, while the protection of the B-spectrum is usually much higher.

Flavonoids - Substances naturally responsible for the color of fruits and vegetables. They strengthen blood vessels, improve skin microcirculation, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Certain types of flavonoids have anti-aging properties and are often referred to as phytohormones because they are similar in structure and effect to estrogens.

Emulsifiers - stabilizers, prevent stratification of emulsions into constituent components. They are used in cosmetology to preserve compounds from difficult-to-mix substations, for example, water and essential oil.

Enzymes - organic compounds that accelerate the reactions occurring in the skin cells, including the renewal processes. Enzyme peels are considered the softest and most gentle; when exfoliated with enzymes, the skin is practically not injured. Plant-derived enzymes are most often obtained from papaya and pineapple.

At the end of the impromptu presentation on the topic "Chemistry in cosmetics" I would like to add that you do not need to be afraid of unfamiliar words, but you should not ignore them at all. The best thing is to own at least general information about the components of cosmetics, to know their effect on your body. And then it will become easier to choose, and the efficiency will be many times greater.

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Cosmetics Cosmetics (from the Greek. Κοςμητική - "having the power to put in order" or "having experience in decorating") - "the doctrine of the means and methods of improving a person's appearance. Cosmetics are also called means and methods of skin, hair and nail care used to improve a person's appearance, as well as substances used to give freshness and beauty to the face and body. " Not to be confused with the meaning of the word "cosmetology" - "a branch of medicine that develops means and methods for improving a person's appearance (his face, body) by masking or eliminating skin defects, the use of plastic surgery, etc."

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Some researchers believe that the word "cosmetics" comes from the Latin word "cosmetae". So in the Roman Empire, slaves were called, whose duties included bathing gentlemen in baths with incense. The word "cosmetics" was first used in 1867, during the International Exhibition in Paris, where the perfumery and soap industry exhibited their products separately from the pharmaceutical industry. Soon, the symbiosis of perfumery and soapmaking turned into a separate industry, which we now call the "cosmetics industry".

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IN modern world the list of cosmetics includes a wide variety of products: Creams, emulsions, lotions, gels and oils for the skin (hands, face, feet, etc.) Face masks (excluding chemical peels) Skin coloring bases (liquids, pastes, powders) Powders, hygienic powders, post-bath powders Toilet soap, aromatic soaps, etc. Perfume, eau de toilette and cologne Bath and shower products (salts, foam, oils, gels, etc.) Hair removers Deodorants and antiperspirants Hair care products Hair dye and for bleaching hair Products for curling, straightening and fixing hair Clamps Cleansing products (lotions, powders, shampoos) Conditioners (lotions, creams, oils) Hair styling products ( lotions, varnishes, diamonds) Shaving products (creams, foams, lotions, etc.) Products for makeup (powder, foundation, mascara, blush) and for removing makeup from the face and eyes Lipsticks and care products lips Toothpastes and products About Dental Care Nail Care Products, Nail Polish Personal Care Products Tanning Products Sunless Tanning Products Skin Whitening Products Anti-Wrinkle Products, etc.

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History of cosmetics The history of cosmetics as a skin care product is little understood. The Roman physician Celsius in his books showed an active interest in skin and hair care, Pliny the Younger and the Roman physician Dioscorides, in addition to chemistry, devoted a lot of space in their works to cosmetic preparations, and Claudius Galen, whose works cover many areas of medicine and pharmaceutical art, is also known for inventing "ceratum refrigerans" - literally, a cooling ointment or cold cream, which is now known as "cold cream". The Romans used it as a makeup remover. In the scientific literature of that era, there are close links between medicine and cosmetics. The ancient Romans knew how to get rid of wrinkles with astringent mixtures, they wore artificial teeth, fake eyebrows and fake eyelashes.

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... Residents Ancient Rome well versed in the art of makeup. They actively used coal (kohl) as an eyeliner paint, fucus (focus), mostly red, - for cheeks and lips, wax - as a hair remover, barley flour and oil - to remove acne, and pumice - for teeth whitening. They also dyed their hair black or blonde, depending on the fashion trends. Therefore, what we are now used to seeing in the form of cosmetics, that is, as means for improving appearance, appeared relatively recently, a little more than one and a half thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks are lovers and connoisseurs of fragrances and cosmetics, it was they who revived the ancient Egyptian traditions of painting the face, but not as something vital, but solely for aesthetic purposes.

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Composition of cosmetics Cosmetics is a chemical formula consisting of chemical substances, ingredients. One cosmetic product can contain more than 50 ingredients. Each ingredient has a specific function in the chemical formula of cosmetics. The same ingredient can have several properties. In turn, all the ingredients are divided into groups: Abrasives Absorbers (absorbents) Additives Anticorrosive agents Anti-dandruff agents Antifoaming agents Antimicrobial agents Antioxidants Antistatic agents Binding agents Biological additives Whitening agents Herbal additives Buffering agent Chelating emollients Denaturants Emulsifying agents for hair removal Film-forming Foaming agents (fragrances) Hair dyes Moisture-retaining agents Contrasters Oxidizing agents Pigments Preservative Various gases Reducing agents Solvents Surfactants or surfactants UV absorbers (sunscreens) Viscosity regulating agents

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When drawing up the chemical formula of cosmetics, many aspects are taken into account: it should attract customers with its aroma and consistency, be convenient and easy to use, and most importantly, fulfill its main purpose - to improve the appearance, give freshness and beauty to the face, body, hair, nails, etc. e. To comply with all requirements, chemical formula add a lot of substances that are not related to its main purpose - caring for the appearance. Preservatives are used to ensure that cosmetics retain their presentation as long as possible: they do not exfoliate, do not lose consistency, do not change color and smell. The main purpose of preservatives is to prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms that can lead to various diseases. If the composition of cosmetics contains water and fat, usually two preservatives are added to such cosmetics - to protect the water part and to protect the fat part of the cosmetics. Only in Russia they continue to use a toxic carcinogen - bronopol and its derivatives as a preservative. Moreover, it is even added to cosmetics for children.

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Hazardous ingredients in cosmetics Unfortunately, harmful ingredients and impurities in cosmetics are found much more often than we would like, and some of them pose a real threat to health. Among them are notorious: 1,4-dioxane, nitrosamines and chemicals that affect the endocrine and hormonal systems. "Gender benders" (literal translation: "a substance that can change sex"). In modern industrial society, a large number of chemical compounds are released into the environment, which have a negative impact on human health, and in particular on the endocrine system and change the hormonal background of the body as a whole. These substances are called ecoestrogens. They enter cosmetics and food products from plastic packaging. Ecoestrogens are also found in detergents in the form of surfactants and antioxidants, and are used in cleansers, cosmetics, toiletries, and foods.

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… Dioxane (1,4-dioxane) This substance is a well-known carcinogen (cancer causing substance). 1,4-dioxane was accidentally produced as an unwanted by-product in the manufacture of certain cosmetic ingredients - when two molecules of ethylene oxide combine during a chemical side reaction. Nitrosamines Nitrosamines, otherwise called N-nitroso compounds, are aggressive carcinogens that can enter the human body through the skin. They are not used as ingredients in cosmetics like Dioxan. They can be formed accidentally during the preparation of individual ingredients, or when two completely safe ingredients in the final product interact.

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Diseases Caused by Cosmetics Sensitive Skin Many women who think they are allergic to cosmetics are actually suffering from irritation caused by one or a group of chemicals in cosmetics. Studies have shown that 42% of women believe they have sensitive skin. If the skin reacts quickly to the use of cosmetics, products containing irritating components, then we can say with confidence that it is sensitive skin. Often, symptoms such as itching, red spots, and sometimes a rash (hives) will quickly resolve if the affected area is washed with water or a soothing lotion. As a rule, fragrances and coloring chemicals, as well as preservatives, sunscreens and many others, both natural and synthetic, provoke skin sensitivity. Allergies An allergic reaction occurs when the body's immune system reacts with a substance that does not normally cause such reactions in other people. Allergy symptoms are: itching, skin swelling, rash. Simple allergic reactions can be avoided by stopping the use of cosmetic products that cause negative effects. It is possible to determine such funds only after consulting a doctor or as a result of an allergic skin test.

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Organic cosmetics Natural cosmetics and organic cosmetics should include five types of ingredients: water, natural minerals, herbal ingredients that are obtained by physical and chemical methods, and other groups of ingredients. Cosmetics manufacturers who claim to be natural are required to provide the following information: origin and method of obtaining ingredients, full composition of cosmetics, storage conditions, production and type and quality of packaging, condition environment, various certificates of conformity. It is forbidden to include nanomaterials in the composition of natural and "organic" cosmetics, use raw materials from genetically modified products, and radioactive substances.

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Cosmetics For lipsticks, an organic synthetic nickel compound is used as a pigment. The pearlescent effect is created by the salts of bismuthyl BiOCl, BiONO3 or mica containing about 40% of the oxide t. For lipsticks, an organic synthetic nickel compound is used as a pigment. The pearlescent effect is created by bismuthium salts BiOCl, BiONO3 or mica containing about 40% titanium oxide (IV) TiO2. In the creation of makeup, zinc oxide ZnO is used. Diluted aqueous solutions of readily soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth, titanium (IV) TiO2 are used in the hair dye. In the creation of makeup, zinc oxide ZnO is used. Diluted aqueous solutions of readily soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used in the hair dye. LONDON, November 19. Every day, women apply an average of 515 chemical compounds to their face as part of hygienic and aesthetic cosmetics, perfumes, etc. According to scientists, the average woman uses 13 facial products every day, most of which contain more than 20 ingredients. Perfumes contain an average of 250 chemicals, and in some, this number reaches 400, according to Mednews. The study also found that the average amount of ingredients in lipstick was 33, skin lotion 32, mascara 29, and hand moisturizer 11.

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Some of the artificial components that the body absorbs cause side effects, ranging from skin irritation to early aging and cancer. Richard Bens, a biochemist who has studied cosmetics and perfumery for three years, said: "It is vital to analyze the products we put on our skin, and not just declare that their chemical composition is safe." “We have no idea what effect these substances can produce when mixed with each other. The consequences can be more serious than all components individually, ”he explains. However, absorbing chemicals through the skin is much more dangerous than ingesting them.

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Presentation on the topic: Chemistry and cosmetics

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Cosmetics (from the Greek. Κοςμητική - "having the power to put in order" or "having experience in decorating") - "the doctrine of the means and methods of improving a person's appearance. Cosmetics are also called means and methods of skin, hair and nail care used to improve a person's appearance, as well as substances used to give freshness and beauty to the face and body. " Not to be confused with the meaning of the word "cosmetology" - "a branch of medicine that develops means and methods for improving a person's appearance (his face, body) by masking or eliminating skin defects, the use of plastic surgery, etc."

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Some researchers believe that the word "cosmetics" comes from the Latin word "cosmetae". So in the Roman Empire, slaves were called, whose duties included bathing gentlemen in baths with incense. The word "cosmetics" was first used in 1867, during the International Exhibition in Paris, where the perfumery and soap industry exhibited their products separately from the pharmaceutical industry. Soon, the symbiosis of perfumery and soapmaking turned into a separate industry, which we now call the "cosmetics industry".

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In the modern world, the list of cosmetics includes a wide variety of products: Creams, emulsions, lotions, gels and oils for the skin (hands, face, feet, etc.) Face masks (excluding chemical peels) Skin coloring bases (liquids , pastes, powders) Dusters, hygienic powders, powders after baths Toilet soap, aromatic soaps, etc. Perfume, eau de toilette and cologne Bath and shower products (salts, foam, oils, gels, etc.) Removal products hairDeodorants and antiperspirantsHair care productsHair dye, as well as for hair bleachingProducts for curling, straightening and fixing hairFixers Cleansing products (lotions, powders, shampoos) Conditioners (lotions, creams, oils) Hair styling products (lotions, varnishes, diamonds) Shaving products (creams, foams, lotions, etc.) Make-up products (powder, foundation, mascara, blush) and removing makeup from the face and eyes Lipsticks and lip care products Toothpastes and products Dental care productsNail care products, nail varnishesPersonal care productsTanning productsSun-free tanning productsSkin-whitening productsAnti-wrinkle products, etc.

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The history of cosmetics as a skin care product is poorly understood. The Roman physician Celsius in his books showed an active interest in skin and hair care, Pliny the Younger and the Roman physician Dioscorides, in addition to chemistry, devoted a lot of space in their works to cosmetic preparations, and Claudius Galen, whose works cover many areas of medicine and pharmaceutical art, is also known for inventing "ceratum refrigerans" - literally, a cooling ointment or cold cream, which is now known as "cold cream". The Romans used it as a makeup remover. In the scientific literature of that era, there are close links between medicine and cosmetics. The ancient Romans knew how to get rid of wrinkles with astringent mixtures, wore artificial teeth, fake eyebrows and fake eyelashes.

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The inhabitants of Ancient Rome were well versed in the art of makeup. They actively used coal (kohl) as an eyeliner paint, fucus (focus), mostly red, - for cheeks and lips, wax - as a hair remover, barley flour and oil - to remove acne, and pumice - for teeth whitening. They also dyed their hair black or light colors, depending on the fashion trends. Therefore, what we are now used to seeing in the form of cosmetics, that is, as a means of improving the appearance, appeared relatively recently, a little over one and a half thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks are lovers and connoisseurs of fragrances and cosmetics, it was they who revived the ancient Egyptian traditions of painting the face, but not as something vital, but solely for aesthetic purposes.

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Composition of cosmetics Cosmetics is a chemical formula consisting of chemicals and ingredients. One cosmetic product can contain more than 50 ingredients. Each ingredient has a specific function in the chemical formula of cosmetics. The same ingredient can have several properties. In turn, all the ingredients are divided into groups: Abrasives Absorbents (absorbents) Additives Anticorrosive agents Anti-dandruff agents Antifoam agents Antimicrobial agents Antioxidants Antistatics Binding agents Biological additives Whitening agents Herbal additives Buffering agent Chelating agents Dyes Denaturants emulsifying agents Antifoam agents ) Hair dyes Moisture retaining agents Contrasters Oxidizing agents Pigments Preservative Various gases Reducing agents Solvents Surfactants or surfactants UV absorbers (sunscreens) Viscosity adjusting agents

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When drawing up the chemical formula of cosmetics, many aspects are taken into account: it should attract customers with its aroma and consistency, be convenient and easy to use, and most importantly, fulfill its main purpose - to improve the appearance, give freshness and beauty to the face, body, hair, nails, etc. To comply with all the requirements, many substances are added to the chemical formula that are not related to its main purpose - care for the appearance Preservatives serve to ensure that cosmetics retain their presentation for as long as possible: they do not exfoliate, do not lose consistency, do not change color and smell. The main purpose of preservatives is to prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms that can lead to various diseases. If the composition of cosmetics contains water and fat, usually two preservatives are added to such cosmetics - to protect the water part and to protect the fat part of the cosmetics. Only in Russia they continue to use a toxic carcinogen - bronopol and its derivatives as a preservative. Moreover, it is even added to cosmetics for children.

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Unfortunately, harmful ingredients and impurities in cosmetics are much more common than we would like, and some of them pose a real threat to health. Among them are notorious: 1,4-dioxane, nitrosamines and chemicals that affect the endocrine and hormonal systems. "Gender benders" (literal translation: "substance that can change sex") In modern industrial society, the environment a large number of chemical compounds are thrown out, which have a negative effect on human health, and in particular on the endocrine system and change the hormonal background of the body as a whole. These substances are called ecoestrogens. They enter cosmetics and food products from plastic packaging. Ecoestrogens are also found in detergents in the form of surfactants and antioxidants, and are used in cleansers, cosmetics, toiletries, and foods.

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Dioxane (1,4-dioxane) This substance is a well known carcinogen (cancer causing substance). 1,4-dioxane was accidentally produced as an unwanted byproduct in the manufacture of certain cosmetic ingredients - when two molecules of ethylene oxide combine during a chemical side reaction. Nitrosamines Nitrosamines, otherwise called N-nitroso compounds, are aggressive carcinogens that can enter the human body through the skin. They are not used as ingredients in cosmetics like Dioxan. They can be formed accidentally during the preparation of individual ingredients, or when two completely safe ingredients in the final product interact.

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Sensitive Skin Many women who think they are allergic to cosmetics are actually suffering from irritation caused by one or a group of chemicals in the cosmetics. Studies have shown that 42% of women believe they have sensitive skin. If the skin reacts quickly to the use of cosmetics, products containing irritating components, then we can say with confidence that it is sensitive skin. Often, symptoms such as itching, red spots, and sometimes a rash (hives) will quickly resolve if the affected area is washed with water or a soothing lotion. Typically, skin sensitivities are triggered by fragrances and coloring chemicals, as well as preservatives, sunscreens and many others, both natural and synthetic. Allergies An allergic reaction occurs when the body's immune system reacts with a substance that normally does not cause such reactions from other people. Allergy symptoms are: itching, skin swelling, rash. Simple allergic reactions can be avoided by stopping the use of cosmetic products that cause negative effects. It is possible to determine such funds only after consulting a doctor or as a result of an allergic skin test.

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Organic cosmetics Natural cosmetics and organic cosmetics must include five types of ingredients: water, natural minerals, herbal ingredients that are obtained by physical and chemical methods, and other groups of ingredients. Cosmetics manufacturers who declare their products as natural, must provide the following information: the origin and method of obtaining ingredients, the full composition of cosmetics, storage conditions, production and type and quality of packaging, environmental conditions, various certificates of conformity. It is prohibited to include nanomaterials in natural and "organic" cosmetics, use raw materials from genetically modified products, radioactive substances.

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For lipsticks, an organic synthetic nickel compound is used as a pigment. The pearlescent effect is created by the salts of bismuthyl BiOCl, BiONO3 or mica containing about 40% of the oxide t. For lipsticks, an organic synthetic nickel compound is used as a pigment. The pearlescent effect is created by bismuthyl salts BiOCl, BiONO3 or mica containing about 40% titanium oxide (IV) TiO2. In the creation of makeup, zinc oxide ZnO is used. Diluted aqueous solutions of readily soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth, titanium (IV) TiO2 are used in the hair dye. In the creation of makeup, zinc oxide ZnO is used. Diluted aqueous solutions of readily soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used in the hair dye.

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LONDON, November 19. Every day, women apply an average of 515 chemical compounds to their face as part of hygienic and aesthetic cosmetics, perfumes, etc. According to scientists, the average woman uses 13 facial products every day, most of which contain more than 20 ingredients. Perfumes contain an average of 250 chemicals, and in some this number reaches 400, according to Copper News. The study also found that the average number of ingredients in lipstick - 33, in skin lotions - 32, in mascara - 29 and in a hand humidifier - 11.

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Some of the artificial ingredients that the body absorbs cause side effects, ranging from skin irritation to early aging and cancer. Richard Bens, a biochemist who studied cosmetics and perfumery for three years, said: “It is vital to analyze the products we put on the skin. and not just proclaim that their chemical composition is safe. " “We have no idea what effect these substances can produce when mixed with each other. The effects can be worse than all the ingredients alone, ”he explains. Absorbing chemicals through the skin is much more dangerous than ingesting them.