Wireless internet for a computer in a private house. Which internet is better? Unlimited internet or traffic calculation

Someone still recalls with nostalgia the specific sounds that were heard when connected to the Internet. Those were the times when it was possible to get online using a telephone line. One melody could take hours to download, but we were still happy. Things are different today. You will no longer surprise anyone with a speed of 100 Mbit / s, and on the horizon, it seems, the era of demons is clearly visible wired internet... Providers are ready to offer us several ways to connect to the world wide web. Let's systematize everything that we hear from advertisements and stories of friends, and figure out which home Internet is better to choose, what it is, and which provider is better to trust.

There are several options for connecting to the network, some of which have almost become history, others have just begun to be forgotten, and some are gaining popularity. Let's take a quick look at everything.


The massive spread of the Internet in ordinary apartments began with Dial-Up. To connect a telephone line was needed: the modem was connected to a telephone cable, the whole thing was connected to the computer, and the user got the speed up to 56 kbps(of course, such speed was the ultimate dream, in fact it was lower). Along with the "prohibitive" speed, the user often received troubles in the form of inability to use the phone. If someone is on the Internet, the phone will be busy: it is impossible to call or get through to you. The only plus of this type of connection is the use of existing infrastructure.

Today Dial-Up remains only in memories, but in remote regions of the country, where it is impossible to connect to the network in another way, it is still used occasionally. We do not envy these people.

Just 39 years old? Modern children do not even know that this was possible!


ADSL technology also involves the use of a telephone line, but in terms of convenience and speed, this option is significantly superior to Dial-Up. A special splitter is installed on the telephone line, which is inexpensive and allows you to use both the Internet and the telephone at the same time. No more family fights! Data transfer rate reaches 24 Mbps, which means that you will hardly be nervous.

The advantages of the technology include the absence of the need to bring a new cable into the apartment. The reception speed will be sufficient, but the return will be much lower. Today, ADSL Internet, of course, is being supplanted by more modern technologies, but it is still quite widespread and used where it is impossible to connect the Internet using fiber. By the way, this technology is still very popular in many European countries.

Optical technologies

Connecting the Internet using fiber optic is the most modern and popular technology today. The backbone of the communication (the one that the ideas from the provider) is always carried out using fiber optic... It can go up to apartment building, and then wiring to apartments is carried out using a copper cable, the so-called. twisted pair. This technology is called FTTB (Fiber To the Building - optics to the house, building). Information is transmitted over fiber optic by a light signal, the signal does not weaken, even though it travels great distances. Copper cable behaves worse in this regard. He is afraid of electromagnetic interference, which leads to signal attenuation. The speed with such a connection reaches 100 Mbps - this is the parameter at which the average user is most comfortable using the Internet.

Fiber optic can go straight into the apartment. This technology eliminates the use of twisted pair and is called FTTH (Fiber To The Home - optics to the apartment) or GPON (Passive optical network - technology of passive optical networks). At the same time, the quality of signal transmission improves significantly, and the speed can reach 1 Gbps. The cost will naturally be higher.

FTTB technology is more than enough today. It provides high speed, is inexpensive and does not require a telephone line in the apartment.

Wireless technology

While everyone is actively conducting cable Internet into the apartment, the smart ones of this world are working on creating high-quality wireless networks... We are not talking about Elon Musk with his experiments now. Global wireless internet is the future, but in the present there is the spread of 3G and 4G networks.

It all started with technology GPRS, which provided speeds up to 40 Kbps, then there was EDGE from 100-256 Kbps. Now widespread 3 G (up to 3.6 Mbps) and 4G (up to 100 Mbps), 5G is about to appear in Russia (speeds up to 1-2 Gbps), while it is being tested all over the world. The coverage of 3G and 4G networks is constantly expanding, but nevertheless, some regions still use only EDGE.

The advent of fast wireless mobile internet suggests that we can get home internet without wires. You just need to install a device that will catch the Internet and distribute it via Wi-Fi to computers and laptops. Such a device can be 4G LTE Wi-Fi router... Previously, modems were popular, which were inserted into a computer or laptop. Such technologies are still used only in remote regions of the country, where it is difficult to bring wired Internet, but the increase in the speed of wireless Internet gives us confidence that the world will soon be able to do without wires.

Today the mobile Internet is becoming more stable, and the territory covered by it is becoming larger.

By the way, we used to distribute the Internet received via a dedicated line or "out of the air" using Wi-Fi... Few people know that there is another way - WiMax, but he did not find widespread use, although it differs in a significantly higher data transmission distance.

How else can you organize your home Internet?

Here are a couple of interesting, but not very popular ways to connect to the World Wide Web:

So which home internet to choose?

In some places, there is little choice, so you have to settle for what they give. Residents of large cities have a wider range of offers and, as a rule, choose FTTB technology, sometimes ADSL is still used, and wireless technologies are increasingly used.

When choosing technology and evaluating offers from various providers pay attention to factors such as:

  • signal stability and minimum response time;
  • high speed, as well as speed stability throughout the day. A reliable provider must provide the same high rates of Internet speed both during minimum load hours and during rush hour;
  • minimal probability of breaks. The network should be accessed 99.9% of the time, i.e. there must be no more than 30 minutes of disconnection per month;
  • a sane support service that will advise and promptly help fix faults. If there are any disruptions, or the Internet has disappeared for other reasons, the provider should return everything to normal as soon as possible;
  • adequate prices and no hidden fees.

You can read about how individual providers behave online: users willingly share their reviews. It is also easy to find possible connection options on the websites of providers. home internet and the cost of services. To understand the situation on the market and the balance of power, we suggest getting to know the largest providers.

The best home internet providers in Russia 2018


This is the most real giant and sphere leader... Rostelecom provides the widest range of services in the field of Internet access, telephone communications, television, cloud services and not only. The main advantages of the provider are coverage of the entire country. it the only provider that conducts the Internet to the most remote regions... Competitors do not undertake such tasks, as these are huge costs. The company is trying deal with digital injustice and provide all residents of the country with high-quality fast Internet.

The numbers are amazing. More than 100 million users (of which almost 12.7 million use fiber optic internet), 500 thousand km of its own backbone network and 2.6 million km of local networks. No one has yet succeeded in bypassing the company in terms of these indicators, and in the near future it will hardly be possible.


MTS is trying to keep up with Rostelecom. She is a leader in mobile communication, provides TV and Internet connection services. According to the provider, over 80 million subscribers use its services in Russia. Broadband access the Internet is provided in 200 cities of the country. In Moscow alone, over 4 million people have connected to the Internet from MTS.

The company offers a very, very favorable rates... Residents Moscow for 450 rubles / month get unlimited internet at speeds up to 100 Mbps. If you need a higher speed, then you can take a tariff for 800 rubles / month (up to 300 Mbps) or for 1600 rubles / month (up to 500 Mbps)... Promotions are often held. Prices do not differ much in different regions. There is no wired Internet from MTS in the separated areas, and there is no wireless one either.


The company specializes in providing mobile communication services, as well as television and Internet services. High-speed fiber-optic internet mainly covers only large cities. The quality is not bad today, although users used to complain about frequent problems. It is convenient to order everything from the company at once: mobile services, television, and the Internet, then you can save a lot.

If we are talking only about connecting home Internet, then for Moscow, the minimum tariff will be 450 rubles / month. (up to 30 Mbps). For 550 rubles / month you can get unlimited Internet 30 Kbps and cable TV with 82 channels. The company often holds promotions. For example, at the moment for 480 rubles / month you can get Internet 100 Mbps. Again, it is more profitable to order home Internet, television, or mobile communications from the company at once.


The company has over 6 million subscribers and is considered the fastest growing telecom operator. The central office is located in Perm, the activity does not spread throughout Russia. The company's services are available in 566 cities of the Volga, Ural, Southern, Central, Northwestern and Siberian federal districts. The company is not yet entering the Moscow market - there are already enough offers there. The market share of the wired Internet is just over 10%, as is the share of Beeline. The company operates under the brand name "Dom.ru".

The provider calls its Internet the fastest in Russia and is ready to offer subscribers several interesting tariffs. In Perm for 550 rubles / month you can get Internet 100 Mbps. A bonus is given a hundred channels on mobile TV. The company promises high-quality support, high speed during peak hours and discounts on communications from Megafon.

What else?

Each region has its own Internet providers. Yet, as of 2017, the country had 3736 telecom operators, most of which are focused on providing services in the Central Federal District (42%). Its residents are fortunate to have a huge selection of services. If you have a lot to choose from, carefully analyze the offers of providers, find out whose infrastructure is already in your house, talk to your neighbors, ask what services they use and how satisfied they are. Only in this way will it be possible to find the best home Internet provider and ensure maximum comfort.

A modern country cottage cannot be imagined without an Internet connection. Like. recently, even summer residents of the Moscow region did not think about how to use the Internet at their dachas, and now one can get confused in the abundance of technological proposals: fiber optics, satellites, mobile connections ... Which Internet is better for dacha, how to choose the best option so that it "suffices" everyone how to carry it out, we talk about it in our material.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What kind of Internet connection is the most convenient?
  • How to conduct the Internet in the country?
  • What to look for when choosing a USB modem?
  • How to strengthen the wireless signal and get fast internet in the country?
  • What is double-sided satellite Internet?

The modern Internet technology market offers the user many different ways to connect to the Internet. However, not all of them are applicable in summer cottages: or rather, the options are very different in price and set of advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may turn out that an expensive and promising solution is far from the most reliable one. This is influenced by various factors: remoteness from the city, the presence of base stations nearby, landscape features (for example, in a lowland or near a forest, mobile Internet is caught worse) and even the season - in summer, foliage on trees creates additional “noise” for the wireless signal. Therefore, when choosing a connection, you will have to take into account the maximum parameters. One thing pleases: you can almost always find a suitable option. And it will not be difficult to mount it with your own hands.

Optical fiber

Perhaps the most reliable connection method is optical fiber. The signal passes through it literally at the speed of light. This is the main advantage of fiber optic cable: it allows you to transfer large amounts of information over long distances without delay. The cable is reliably protected from interference, it is not affected by electromagnetic radiation, which allows it to be mounted, for example, together with high-voltage wires.

The main disadvantage of this technology is that it is far from always found outside the city. Provider companies prefer, first of all, densely populated areas. The further the cable runs, the more expensive the connection is. Its for countryside can go up to 20-30 thousand rubles just for carrying out. But sometimes even this does not stop summer residents from connecting to fiber. Here is what our reader wrote about the advantages of optical fiber BigK.


Connection cost - 15 thousand rubles, "subscriber" - 1000 per month. I thought it over and do not regret it at all. I remember the ordeal in the summer, the lack of a normal signal, equipment breakdown at the nearest tower ... Everything is forgotten, like in a nightmare ... I brought the optics into the garage of the house, brought a twisted pair cable into the bathhouse. The main disadvantage is a gray IP-shnik, I had to do port forwarding and configure a little.

Fiber optic requires almost no additional equipment: the cable on the hangers is laid through the air or pulled underground. In the house, it can be connected directly to the computer. If desired, you can separate the line using a twisted pair cable to different rooms. Another option is to make one or more Wi-Fi access points at home. The main thing here is to design in advance where and how the channels for laying optical fiber will be located.

FORUMHOUSE user with nickname _JG_, engaged in the design and construction of communication lines, advises:

Polyethylene pipes (thick-walled from recycled materials, at least 63 in diameter) are laid in, one end of which is in the basement of the house, and the other is brought out with a bend of the pipe to the nearest lighting pole / support with a minimum output of 1.5 meters. Or the 2nd end is brought into the well of the village cable duct. When building houses, this pipe should be laid during the backfill phase. In practice, they start thinking about it late, when a lot has already been done.

Instead of "fiber", the cable can also contain copper - for example, the popular ADSL data transmission technology, in which a modem is connected to a telephone line. The data transfer rate over the ADSL channel is lower than that over the "optics", and the longer the cable runs, the lower it becomes. Various factors can affect the quality of communication - from a thunderstorm (if the cable is pulled through the air) to the presence of nearby power lines (if in the ground). All of this creates interference and can damage equipment. By and large, ADSL technology is already living its life and is gradually becoming a thing of the past, giving way to more reliable and efficient solutions.

3G and 4G

Today wireless mobile connection - perhaps the most popular way among summer residents to provide vacation home stable and fast internet. Its definite plus is price and territorial availability. Even a weak signal of the cellular network, if desired, can be amplified to an acceptable level, and it will cost several thousand rubles (subject to the purchase of standard, average equipment, otherwise the price soars to a couple of tens of thousands). The downside is also obvious: this is network instability and frequent signal loss - it is greatly weakened or even blocked by various obstacles in the way: power lines, tall buildings and even trees with foliage. Also, the signal level decreases when the base station is overloaded. By the way, some members of our portal complained about this: in the summer or on weekends, when the number of summer residents in rural areas increased sharply, their data transfer speed dropped for a long time, up to a network break.

But apart from fiber, 3G and 4G connectivity is a great way to get unlimited tariff to fast internet outside the city. Depending on the proposed speed, its cost can reach up to one and a half thousand rubles a month, but 400-800 rubles are enough for normal operation. "Unlimited" is offered by all major mobile operators - Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Skylink (all have 3G), as well as Megafon, Yota (4G) and others.

The maximum data reception speed with 3G reaches 14.7 Mbit / s, and with 4G - up to 326.4 Mbit / s (although in reality it is usually several times less).

What is required to install a complete Internet kit? It is worth starting the installation with "reconnaissance" of the area. Make sure your town is within the coverage area of \u200b\u200ba 3G or 4G signal. This can be done on the website of the provider itself or specified at the point of sale. If everything went well, then the next step is to buy a USB modem through which you will connect to the network.

Usually, the providers themselves offer modems along with a SIM-card and special "mobile" tariffs for the Internet, and such devices are configured only for SIM-cards of "their" operator. But if you wish, you can easily "unlock" and reflash them, making the devices universal. There are enough sites on the Internet that offer the necessary activation codes and programs. If you do not want to do this, you can buy a modem separately in a specialized store or order, again, in an online store. There are a large number of modems - some of them only work with 2G and 3G networks, others also capture 4G. The leader in the production of USB modems, first of all, for 4G (specifically, its variety, the LTE standard) is the Korean company Huawei.

As known, mobile networks third and fourth generations transmit a signal in multiple frequency bands. For 3G it is 900, 2100 or 1800 MHz, and for 4G - 2600-2700 or 800 MHz. Therefore, when buying a modem, pay attention to what frequencies it works with.

Otherwise, you may repeat the situation that one of the FORUMHOUSE readers encountered some time ago, who spent the Internet at a dacha in the Moscow region.

Internet to the dacha in the Moscow region

Andrey -AA

GSM operators in the Moscow region and new Moscow in some places have a ban from the Ministry of Defense on the use of frequencies of 2100 MHz, and this is the main frequency for a 3G signal. There are such restrictions in almost all new Moscow, and even much wider, in the Moscow region ... 3G standards are different, and modems are sold for "dummies" and are simply called "3G modem", without specifying the standard and frequency. What I first ran into when I bought a Huawei E303 modem from the bulldozer. And it works only at frequencies of 2100, which I turned out to be prohibited.

Ideally, when you spend the Internet for a summer residence in the Moscow region, and in other regions, you should buy several different SIM cards and, having connected the modem to your laptop, travel with them around your village. So you will understand which of the operators picks up the signal better, and which base stations are closest to you. If you wish, you can install the MDMA (Mobile Data Monitoring Application) network analyzer program on your laptop - in the latest versions it also scans the 4G signal. For a smartphone (they have a built-in 3G modem), a similar program NetMonitor or OpenSignal is suitable.

As a result, such "intelligence" will give you an understanding of several important things. First of all, this is the location of the base stations mobile operators, frequency (MHz) and their signal power (measured in decibels). Without this information, you are unlikely to be able to install an antenna normally to strengthen the network signal. Sometimes a regular USB modem provides good reception by itself. But this happens only when you are in close proximity to the base station, and nothing interferes with the signal flow. In other cases, you cannot do without "fine-tuning" the modem.

Do-it-yourself Internet in the country: tohow to amplify the signal

To increase the signal strength, you need a standard set of equipment. The equipment for the Internet at the dacha is the same for both 3G and 4G: this is a modem for receiving a signal, a Wi-Fi router for its free wireless distribution inside the house, an antenna (as in the case of a modem, be sure to specify when buying which frequency it is calculated), power supply unit or POE adapter and cables for connection and data transmission; adapters. It would seem a simple scheme, but all this electronics can be mounted in different ways.

For example, a modem with a router (or a router separately) can be installed in the house or in the attic, regardless of the antenna. This allows you to protect them from temperature extremes, and so it is more convenient to organize power from the outlet. But with the antenna, both the modem and the router in this case will be connected with a coaxial cable. And it has limitations in length - no more than 12 meters (when using a thick 8D-FB cable), otherwise the signal will fade and the Internet speed will drop. With a thinner cable, the signal loss is even more noticeable, and a thick cable is not very convenient to mount.

Readers of our portal consider the option more reliable when all equipment is mounted directly on the antenna, in a small box. Both the modem and the Wi-Fi router are connected to the antenna pigtails - small. This scheme was followed by our reader Vipych when installing the antenna for the 4G (LTE) signal.


The best option is when there is no coaxial cable at all (only pigtails in the antenna), and the modem itself is installed in the antenna case in a thermal casing and connected with pigtails to printed circuit board vibrator. There are two pigtails, since the LTE antenna works in the MIMO standard and has two carrier signals in different polarizations, which gives excellent propagation of the radio signal. This option eliminates cable loss and provides maximum gain. An ordinary USB wire of 7-10 meters or even a UTP cable of 30-100 meters comes out of the antenna (the antenna must also have a router), and all this is powered by the most common POE adapter.

At his dacha, the user Vipych installed and successfully uses the HITE U-20 antenna with a universal modem Huawei E3372 and ASUS RT-N10U router. This system works with a SIM-card of any cellular operator in 4G and 3G networks at frequencies of 2100 MHz. Moreover, in LTE networks, the modem is able to simultaneously connect to three base stations of the operator.


This antenna with a real gain of 20 dB provides a stable connection with the tower at a distance of 11 km above the solid forest. And the nearest tower (2-3 km from me) is overloaded and located on the opposite side.

FORUMHOUSE member under the nickname Semen233 offers its own version of the amplifying antenna:


The most powerful method of amplification is a satellite dish, and an antenna as a converter, you can assemble everything yourself. As an antenna feed, make an ordinary biquadrat, a 75 Ohm cable, an adapter and a modem with a connector. It is possible without a connector, but you will need to make a special adapter (roughly speaking, wrap the modem with each end of the cable). I have been using it myself for 5 years already. To the tower with the Internet, more than 25 km, I did not catch 3G without an antenna, it catches all the sticks with it.

With the help of various amplification schemes, you can get a decent Internet signal at a distance from the base station up to 15-25 km.

If inside the house of "strength" one wi-Fi router not enough, you can organize several Internet access points in the cottage. The scheme is the same - an additional router, wire.

  • The higher you raise the antenna, the less "noise" during signal transmission, and therefore the better the reception. It is important to point the antenna towards the base station as accurately as possible. By rotating it, it is necessary to "catch" the direction with the best RSSI (received signal power level).
  • It makes no sense to buy an antenna with a very high gain - 11-18 dB is quite enough.
  • Having caught the optimal direction and frequency of the network, remember it and set it as a priority in the modem settings (if allowed). Otherwise, then it will start "jumping" the frequencies in search of a signal.
  • If you do use a coaxial cable to connect your equipment, keep it as short as possible.

By the way, if you have no desire to fiddle with antenna amplifiers, and the Wi-Fi signal from the router in some areas of the house is too weak, some experts advise to put additional routers there in the "repeater" mode. Reflecting the main signal, they amplify it and transmit it further to the addressee (in the manner of electrical substations). But this solution has disadvantages: routers configured to different modes, can conflict with each other, and signal transmission "back and forth" slows it down, interferes with working quickly. It is not recommended to install repeaters for 4G at all because of their high power, which can damage even a base station.

We do not consider wireless Internet of the “Wi-Fi-bridge” type, as well as a 4G signal of the WiMAX standard and other types of cellular connections that have not yet received sufficient distribution.

Satellite Internet for summer cottages

This connection option is suitable even for those who are located in an area inaccessible to the frequencies of cellular operators. Satellite signals cover a large (and some of the whole) territory of the country. The main condition is that there are no obstacles in the path of the signal from the antenna, such as the roof of a house or treetops.

There are two types of satellite Internet - one-way and two-way. The first one is cheaper, but slower and more unreliable. Its era, which did not last long, is ending, as is the era of ADSL connections. The second option is more modern, but also more expensive: the cost of the kit together with the installation reaches 30-35 thousand rubles. If you wish, you can try to assemble the kit yourself - the main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of devices. Tariffs in both cases are limited, upon reaching the limit value, their speed either drops sharply, or you have to pay extra for additional gigabytes. In principle, unlimited VIP tariffs from providers two-way internet exist, but their price is exorbitant - from 8 thousand rubles a month. The set of equipment for both types is similar - a transceiver, antenna, modem and converter for converting satellite signals, cables, connectors. A Wi-Fi router is also useful for wiring the Internet around the house.

What is the difference between the two types of satellite connection

One-way Internet was actively offered by satellite TV operators several years ago. But their idea did not receive large-scale development. In this type of connection, the signal from the satellite goes only towards the subscriber. This is logical, since the bulk of home Internet traffic is always incoming data (video, pictures, sound). The outgoing signal (what is not downloaded, but sent to the network) is several times less. Therefore, it was supposed to be launched through a simpler and cheaper channel: wired or mobile. This is the main disadvantage of the one-way Internet. Due to the complexity of signal transcoding and the instability of cellular communication, the speed and quality of the signal left much to be desired. Such a network is sensitive to weather changes and electromagnetic radiation.

Two-way Internet is intended to eliminate these shortcomings - the satellite signal here goes in both directions. True, this leads to its disadvantages. The so-called ping, or the time it takes for a signal to "leave and return", lasts longer here than in conventional networks: about 8-9 milliseconds. Due to high ping, the subscriber may experience problems in situations requiring signal continuity (video chat via Skype or network online game). This type of satellite Internet is less sensitive to atmospheric interference than its one-way "counterpart", but thunderstorms and sticky snow will still degrade the transmission quality. The size of the tariff depends on the speed (on average, 6-8 Mb / s) and the volume of monthly traffic, but it is in the range of 1.2-5 thousand rubles. Two-way satellite Internet at the dacha is preferable in areas with a weak satellite signal.

To summarize: if you have the opportunity, then it is worth connecting fiber to the house. If this type of communication is not yet available for your region, you can connect wireless 3G or 4G Internet with an amplifier. In the same areas where cellular signal too weak (or if you have extra money), two-way satellite Internet is perfect.

Good connection to you!

On FORUMHOUSE, users discuss how. Watch a video on the experience of creating an urban environment for information and data exchange. And if you decide to set up a homepage yourself, check out the tips from those who have already done it.

What is the most profitable mobile Internet? Understanding this issue is not as easy as it seems. There are a lot of mobile operators in every city. And everywhere they offer their own conditions for connecting to the Internet. There are many factors to consider. For example, how actively you plan to use the Internet for "forays". Sometimes it turns out that the most profitable offer is with the least Internet traffic. What do subscribers think about this issue? How do they connect their mobile Internet? Which operator is the best in this field?

Eternal competition

It's hard to find the answer to all this. After all, everyone has their own requests regarding the operation of the mobile virtual web. Therefore, the choice of the subscriber will depend on the requirements put forward.

Are you wondering which mobile Internet is the most profitable? Then take a look at the most popular companies offering mobile services. They are constantly competing with each other. It:

  • "Megfon";
  • Beeline;
  • "MTS";
  • "Tele 2".

It is among these companies that the leader will have to be chosen. Be sure to answer a few questions for yourself:

  1. How often will you use the Internet?
  2. What do you do online most often?
  3. How active do you consider yourself to be?
  4. What amount and traffic are you expecting?

All this will help you make your choice. As practice shows, the ratio of price and offered Internet traffic plays an important role. But the quality of work of this or that operator also affects the choice of subscribers.


What is the most profitable mobile Internet? Perhaps some people note for themselves that Megafon offers very good conditions. Only this company is not very famous for its stability of work. Most often, people point out that while working with the network, they have a variety of failures and problems.

In addition, Megafon does not allow users to simply use the Internet throughout Russia. In order to be able to do this, you will have to additionally activate the "Internet in Russia" service. Connection will cost 30 rubles, and subscription fee will be from 2 to 10.

In principle, not the worst option. "Megafon" suits not very active people (most of the operator's proposals). You can connect yourself one of the available mobile Internet packages (from XS to XL). Each proposal has its own characteristics. Completely free Internet (mobile unlimited) is provided in the "Internet XL" package, which costs about 1290 rubles per month. Traffic is not limited here, but the cost is quite high. Suitable only for very active users.


Wondering which mobile Internet is the most profitable? Many offer "Beeline". The company has long been famous for its reliability and quality of service. It is noted that communication services are provided without constant interruptions. But the cost for some tariff plans is too high. It can be repulsive.

Great attention should be paid to the speed of access to the World Wide Web. AT large cities it will be very small. It is enough to work on the phone, but as soon as you insert the SIM card into the USB modem, you will feel that you will not be able to use the network services comfortably. But in small towns with a low load on the network, you can really only rejoice at the speed of the Internet.

The "ALL!" Line is very popular. from Beeline. Free Internet (mobile) is provided in a fairly large volume. For example, "ALL for 300" offers 3 GB of internet. And additionally, free minutes of conversation with Beeline subscribers, as well as 100 SMS messages. The "Vseshechka" tariff plan is suitable for not too active users. 100 rubles a month - and 100 MB of Internet traffic. After spending the limit, you will give a ruble for every 1 MB of information. Beeline has profitable offerbut most often they are used exclusively for mobile devices. The USB modem does not work well with this carrier.


Mobile Internet "MTS" is very popular. This operator offers quite favorable conditions and good network performance. With its own shortcomings, the company often experiences overloads. And in forest areas with a USB-modem it is comfortable not to work on the Internet. After all, the connection will be at a low speed.

At prices MTS offers the most humane offers. If we talk about a mobile phone, then here you can use the "Super BIT" tariff for 150-250 rubles (depending on the region of your residence) and comfortably work throughout Russia with the Internet. A quota of 100 MB is given per day. As soon as you download more information than the limit, the network speed drops to 64 Kb / sec. It is also possible to connect a "BIT" for yourself for 150 rubles to work within your home region.

But for USB-modems absolutely different packages are provided by "MTS". Such a mobile Internet pleases with its cost and speed. But, as already mentioned, either the connection is often interrupted due to overload, or the network is very slow. This is how many people stop at this proposal.

"Tele 2"

But in Moscow the best operator recognized by "Tele2". This company appeared not so long ago as everyone else, but she has already won the hearts of many. Favorable prices as well stable work networks - that's what the operator is famous for.

For mobile phone the offer "Internet for mobile" is suitable. He has a subscription fee, which is about 5.5 rubles per day. At the same time, the amount of data you download is not limited.

But for a USB modem, completely different proposals take place. Tele2 offers various tariffs. For example, "Internet Suitcase". With it, you get 45 GB of Internet traffic for 400-500 rubles (the cost depends on your region of residence). As soon as the limit is reached, access to the network is terminated.

A true leader

So which operator is the most profitable for Internet connection? It is difficult to decide. It is noted that "MTS" and "Tele2" are best suited at the moment for those who do not want to overpay.

How to set up mobile internet? All operators now allow not to think about this issue. It is enough just to save the settings that come to mobile device... Or insert a SIM card into a USB modem. Everything is very easy and simple!

Dear readers of the NskTarelka.ru blog, this article will focus on connecting the Internet in a private house.

Consider everything we can. We will find out which Internet is better to connect for a private house, and we will understand which one is possible in your case. For summer residents, and those who have a house in the village, the article will also be useful.

Connection to a private house through Rostelecom - fiber optic, ADSL

Rostelecom is a monstrous federal-scale provider. As healthy and clumsy as the Russian Post. And just like her, there is almost everywhere. But that doesn't mean they have technical capability connect your a private house.

In the event that they informed you that you have the opportunity to become a client of Rostelecom, I recommend that you closely monitor everything that you sign, what invoices are issued to you and for what, whether you overpay. Upon termination of the contract, get the relevant documents in your hands that no one owes anything to anyone. And do not say later that I did not warn you.
Do not take the employees of this office at their word, study everything that is offered to you carefully.

When you know that there are alternative connection options for your private home, besides connecting Rostelecom, weigh everything a thousand times over. Read reviews about “Rostelecom” or “OnLime” on the Internet (in Moscow, “Rostelecom” operates under the “OnLime” brand). Talk to neighbors down the street who have already connected, find out their opinion on the work of this provider.

Technical connectivity

If on your street someone has installed home phone, or possibly on the next door, or even more so when you have one, we will find out from the provider whether they have the technical ability to connect the World Wide Web to your home.

You can try to find out about the technical possibility of connecting through their website, but it will probably be easier to do this by contacting your local branch directly, finding out their coordinates through the Double Gis or telephone information.

Options from Rostelecom

I think that for a private house there is only one option from this provider, this is ADSL. As a rule, they (however, like other companies) do not pull fiber in the private sector.
And yet I will write a couple of lines about Rostelecom's fiber-optic technologies. Suddenly, somewhere in the private sector, someone is connected using FTTx technology. For a private home, this is a great option.

Optical fiber

The provider performs fiber-optic connection using two technologies:
- PON - fiber optic is brought directly into the dwelling. This technology is used only in large cities.
- FTTх - fiber optic goes only to the distribution board. And already from the shield to the subscriber, the Internet goes through a twisted pair.


Internet is connected to the house via a telephone line. This technology does not allow it to be high-speed. The operator's stated maximum speed is 15 Mbps, for some regions 6 Mbps.

About the declared speed, remember that - Grandma said in two. If half of your street is on the ADSL Internet, it may not be ice at all.

Of all the Internet connections to a private house mentioned in the article, this option will probably be the cheapest in terms of money.

Are you planning to connect Rostelecom Internet with the installation of a router? If you wish, you can install it by installments.

A router is a device that allows us to send a network signal entering the house to several devices, both by wire and by wireless Wi-Fi technology.

Wireless internet to a private house via WIFI bridge

The most successful and the best decision to connect the Internet to a private house. If you have everything in order to realize exactly this connection, connect via WIFI radio bridge.

Of course, this is my purely personal opinion. Taking into account the fact that there is no fiber optic laid along your street.

What is it and how does it work? We provide a high-speed connection via a WIFI bridge

A prerequisite for solving this problem is that between the transmitting and receiving points of the signal there must be a line of sight without obstacles.

The technology looks like this. A WIFI access point is installed on one of the high-rise buildings closest to our private house, connected via fiber to the Internet. It connects to the wired internet in the high-rise building, goes to our private house, and performs the function of transmitting the signal.

The second WIFI access point is already installed on the private house itself to which we want to conduct high-speed Internet, and performs the function of receiving a signal. The necessary equipment settings are made.

And as a result, we get high speed internet in a private house.

In many cities, private houses are now connected to high-speed internet specialized firms are engaged in through the wifi bridge.

For those who want to conduct the Internet using a radio bridge, there are many examples on the network, both in articles and on YouTube. Do not forget to study the legal aspect of the issue. There is a holivar in this thread who says that no permissions for private use are needed. Others argue that everyone will be taken away and fined.

Internet connection to a private house - external LTE modem

Choosing this option for connecting a network to a private house, you can get a good result.
As in the previous version, it is good if there is a company in your locality that specializes in connecting the private sector to the Internet. Of course, with a good reputation, and ate the dog on it. Contact them and the issue is resolved.

If you will solve this problem of connecting to a private house via an lte-modem on your own, then remember that in order to get a good result, you will have to work on this topic.

Of course, you can quickly buy the first available modem and get a quick result. Either it suits you, or you will be disappointed. But it is better to approach the process of connecting the network to your home via a modem (whistle) slowly.

Which LTE modem to buy?

You need to buy a modem with 4G support, which is why I write everywhere in this article an LTE modem. It doesn't matter, even if there is no LTE technology in your area yet.

The modem must have in the interface pigtail connectors... Pigtail is an antenna adapter for connecting an external antenna to a modem.

Before purchasing the selected modem model, make sure that it is will work with a routerif you plan to transmit a signal through it.

It is better to get the modem unlocked or with the possibility of unlocking it in the future.
What is a jailbroken modem? This is a universal modem, tailored not for one operator, but for any one. We put any SIM card, any operator, and go ahead.

For a stable, stable, convenient signal, as a rule, one modem is not enough. It is advisable to purchase a pigtail and an external antenna. For Wi-Fi - a router and possibly a repeater (amplifier or signal repeater).

Satellite Internet

You can often find articles on the Internet that satellite Internet is fast, but expensive. The fraternity of writers who earn money by writing articles to order from the deer suborder misleads the readership with these articles.

It is very very slow (not at all). The equipment itself is no longer as expensive and not as expensive as before, but the tariffs are simply exorbitant.

It is reasonable to install satellite Internet in our country, somewhere in a remote taiga, on an oil rig, where absolutely no connection is available except for satellite. And whoever connects to this Internet must be the owner of this tower.

And then if from a neighboring pine tree, there is a chance to catch a signal from the BS ( base station cellular communication - tower) to an external antenna, "Ninada" to install satellite Internet.

Well, and if really, everything is sad, and without options. And where you want to have the Internet, even there is no cellular connection, install a two-way satellite, which works both for reception and transmission.
You won't be able to watch movies, play games too, you won't download anything, you will go to Odnoklassniki.

And at the end of the article on connecting the Internet in a private house, watch the video - How to make a WIRELESS Wi-Fi BRIDGE and transfer the Internet for tens of kilometers

In the era of all kinds of online technologies, high-quality Internet for the home has become as essential an attribute as a roof or a fence. Even more: if a broken fence (as a rule) does not interfere with organizing a cultural holiday with friends at the dacha, then the absence of the Internet in the house can significantly spoil the mood of all the inhabitants of this hacienda.

And in this article we will consider which Internet is better to connect for home, and what criteria should be followed in such a difficult issue.

Which home Internet is better to connect: choice without choice

With the current level of technology, the question of what kind of Internet can be connected in a private house, it would seem, should not bother the mind of technically unprepared users: choose the optimal tariff and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. In fact, the ability to connect to the Internet directly depends on the location of the user, and in particular - on the presence of various communication networks in the area.

Under the request "connect the Internet" most users mean exclusively laying a network cable in a private house. However, this wording of the question is incorrect: first of all, you need to decide on the optimal connection method to the worldwide information network, and only then choose which Internet provider is better to connect, its range of services, tariffs, etc.

Currently (2016) for a private house, there are three fundamentally different ways to connect to the Internet:

  • - cable connection to the worldwide information bank;
  • - "mobile" connection using 3G and 4G technologies;
  • - satellite internet connection in the private sector.

At the same time, it is impossible to unequivocally answer which Internet is better here: each type of connection has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's dwell on each type of home Internet connection in more detail.

What is the best wired internet connection?

The "wired" type of Internet includes:

  • - connection using a network cable (twisted pair);
  • - connection via fiber optic;
  • - connection via coaxial (television) cable;
  • - connection via a telephone line.

However, despite the solid "assortment", it is quite simple to decide which Internet is better to connect for a private house: the "best" option would be to connect using fiber optic or (if this technology has not yet "reached" you) via a network cable.

A communication network based on twisted pair and fiber optic is present in almost all cities of the country, and most major providers are engaged in providing such a service.

- When connecting to the Internet via twisted pair, Ethernet network technology (based on TSP / IP protocols) is used. Here, to create an Internet connection, the company's specialists pull a cable from the provider's network equipment (switch) to your home.

Thus, the user gets a dedicated line with high quality and information transfer rate.

However, on large sections of the twisted pair, the signal weakens, respectively, the speed of the Internet connection is significantly reduced. Thus, if the switch is more than 100 meters from your home, you need to install optional equipment (or use a different cable).

When using wired internet, the network cable can be:

Connect to a computer directly (when using the Internet only on this PC);

Connect to your home router for (to connect to the Internet for several user devices at once).

- The use of fiber optics solves the problem of signal attenuation. However, not every user will have the money to connect it: not only the fiber itself is expensive, but also all the network equipment used (media converters, SFP modules, routers and switches with optical connectors).

The speed of the Internet when connected via fiber is very comfortable.

So, if a 4-wire twisted pair (at a distance from the equipment no more than 100 meters) can achieve a maximum of 100 Mbit / s, and an 8-wire cable - up to 1000 Mbit / s, then via fiber, the Internet speed easily reaches 1000 Mbit / s on any distance.

However, 10 Mbit / s is quite enough for domestic use, therefore, organizations use the Internet via fiber more often than the general population. Indeed, in addition to the high cost of connecting to the Internet, the monthly subscription fee, which is charged even with "idle" equipment, also increases proportionally.

As for the tariff plan, the Internet here, as a rule, is provided with unlimited, and the cost of services depends on the limited speed of the Internet connection.

Internet for summer cottages: which is better?

Optics and twisted pair are good, of course. But which Internet is better to connect in a village, to which these communication networks have not yet "reached"? And pulling an expensive optical cable to some remote place for the sake of a dozen potential subscribers is irrational.

And here other "proven" communication technologies come to the rescue: for example, in the private sector, you can connect the Internet via coaxial cable (cable TV) and telephone cable (here, depending on the "needs": both a dial-up connection and a dedicated line) ...

Such Internet can be carried out in almost any private home: the subscriber has a modem that distributes the Internet using one of the network technologies:

- via TV cable - by dOCSIS technologies... On average, the speed for reception - 42/38 Mbit / s, for uploading - 10/9 Mbit / s can be provided here, however given speed is allocated for the entire channel, therefore, if several subscribers “sit” on the same cable in the private sector at once, the speed will change depending on the load of this line.

- via a telephone cable using network aDSL technologies, Dual-Up and ISDN (formerly Dual-Up and ISDN connections were also used, but now these technologies are outdated). In theory, the speed of an ADSL connection can reach 24 Mbit / s, but in practice, these figures are rarely achieved: the real "quality" of telephone lines affects.

However, all other things being equal, ADSL connection will be far from the worst solution to the question of which Internet to connect in a private house. Yet cable connection to the worldwide information network is much more stable than its wireless counterparts.

What is the best wireless internet connection for home?

In addition to the cable connection to the electronic web, you can also connect the Internet in a private house using wireless technologies.

The most accessible and popular here is a mobile connection to the information network using 3G and 4G technologies, provided by various mobile operators.

This is a "universal" Internet, which can be connected even in a village or remote village: cell phones (like GPRS modems) or specialized USB modems are used as network equipment.

The advantage of the mobile Internet is that the user can freely move within the operator's radio broadcasting boundaries. However, such a connection is extremely unreliable, and the cost of traffic is much higher here than with a "classic" cable connection.

If you need to connect the Internet at the dacha, far from civilization, where even cellular telephone often turns out to be "out of the access zone", then only a satellite dish can help in this venture.

The purchase and cost of installing such equipment will not weakly "hit the pocket", and many online applications with such a home Internet will not be available - the satellite connection has "problems" with signal delay: you can download large amounts of data at high speed, but on Skype and online cinema will "slow down".

And this option should be decided only in the case when it is not possible to connect some kind of Internet better for the house.