How much will home internet cost from mts. Mobile Internet MTS: tariffs, connection and prices. How to connect the Internet from Tricolor in a cottage

Satellite Internet and television are gaining more and more popularity among ordinary people every day. For residents of private houses, this is sometimes the only way to get high-quality, uninterrupted TV and Internet. Many providers offer satellite Internet and TV services; the most tested and reliable of them is the MTS company.

The main advantages of satellite Internet and television

Choosing between cable and satellite? Here are 10 reasons to consider using satellite services:

    Unlimited broadcasting. Thanks to the satellite signal, you can cover up to 100% of the country's territory. Analogue or digital (cable) terrestrial television broadcasting does not achieve this coverage, especially in the private sector and in mountainous areas. The satellite dish receives a stable signal even in hard-to-reach areas, while the costs of satellite TV broadcasting and the Internet will be much less than when laying a terrestrial cable route.

    High quality picture and sound. Analogue TV channels have always had problems with picture quality. With the gradual transition of television broadcasting to digital format, it was possible to slightly correct the situation, but in the private sector and hard-to-reach regions it is almost impossible to connect digital TV and stable internet... The only way out is a satellite dish. Satellite TV can broadcast not only without interference, but also in modern format High Definition 1080i (16: 9). Moreover, many TV channels use Dolby Digital audio tracks, which provide digital surround sound.

    High Definition 1080i (16: 9) resolution suitable for modern widescreen TVs

    Number of TV channels. The satellite dish can receive signals from hundreds of different channels in Russian from the federal, regional or local broadcasting network. The selection is impressive.

    Change the language of the audio track. With a satellite dish, you can get access not only to Russian-language TV channels, but also to channels from other countries using similar broadcasting technology. Unlike cable providers, there are no restrictions here. This option is popular with those who are forced to live abroad, but want to watch their favorite channels and programs in Russian. It is also used by people studying foreign language, because the fastest way to learn is to be in a language environment. Already today, many popular TV channels (for example, EuroNews) broadcast at least two audio tracks.

    Satellite hunting (DXing). In English terminology, DX is short for distant, and DX-man is an adventurous viewer who constantly picks up the signals of the most exotic TV channels from all available satellites. Satellite broadcasting can become a hobby and even a profession.

    A repeater satellite transmits a digital signal from an antenna to media devices

    Thematic variety. There are channels completely dedicated to one area, for example, films, music, documentaries, sports, travel. Now only satellite TV offers the most thematic channels for a wide variety of viewers. One of the interesting features of satellite TV is the ability to create your own broadcast package. You have the right to refuse unwanted or unnecessary channels and keep only interesting ones.

    Additional functions. The choice of options depends on technical capabilities digital receiver. This can be program guide (EPG), program rewind (timeshift), recording programs on a hard disk, teletext, games, real-time weather information, Internet radio, parental controls to protect children from unwanted content.

    Satellite Internet (WebTV). It is an integrated system "television \u003d Internet", where one complements the other. Otherwise, satellite Internet does not differ from cable. Such a connection is not inferior in speed to fiber-optic, and sometimes even surpasses it.

    Radio stations from anywhere in the world. Music connoisseurs will appreciate the many free and paid radio stations dedicated to various genres: rap, rock, folk, jazz, classical.

    Price. Yes, connecting and configuring satellite equipment is expensive entertainment. On the other hand, it will be cheaper to connect satellite services than to buy an average TV, and you can install and configure the equipment yourself.

Coverage area

MTS receives and transmits a signal using the ABS-2 apparatus, which soars in space (75 ° east longitude) and covers more than 95% of the territory of Russia.

How do I know about connectivity? The map shows in red the gradation of the strength of the incoming satellite signal - the more intense the color, the more stable the reception. In areas where the color is weaker, it is recommended to use the largest diameter satellite dishes when connecting.

The brighter the color, the stronger the signal in the designated area

How to check the connectivity of satellite Internet and TV using the online assistant?

  1. Go to the helper site.
  2. Enter the address of your private home and click the "Start" button.
  3. Use the arrows on the keyboard to hold the satellite signal in the green zone.
  4. After completion, a notification will appear about whether it is possible to connect satellite Internet and TV.

Tariff selection

Periodically, MTS launches special promotions and offers discounts.

With internet connectivity in private house from the provider Rostelecom you can find in our article:

Necessary equipment

To transmit a satellite TV signal from MTS, you usually need a satellite dish with a bracket, a cable, a converter, a CAM module, a SMART card and a receiver. There are several configurations depending on the availability of individual components.

Table: options for kits for connecting satellite TV and the Internet

The set without a prefix is \u200b\u200bsuitable for users of modern digital TVs equipped with a DVB-S2 receiver with a built-in CI + connector. These receivers are usually included with TVs released after 2012. However, not all CI + connectors support DVB-S2 broadcasting standards, so it is better to consult a specialist.

HD set-top box

An HD set-top box (satellite TV receiver) converts the digital signal received from the satellite dish. Thanks to the set-top box, a high quality picture is displayed on the TV. In addition, the receiver has many additional functions: timeshift, disc recording, parental control.

The appearance of the attachment may vary depending on the model and operator

CAM-module - the device into which the SMART-card is inserted. The module can work independently without an HD set-top box; at the same time, it is much more convenient to use, because it is enough to install it in a special TV connector. The CAM module is not capable of providing additional functions that the HD set-top box has. A SMART card is required to activate satellite Internet and TV from MTS.

CAM modules and SMART cards from MTS are made in the corporate colors of the company


Installed as an integral part of satellite dish. Together they receive a satellite signal and then transmit it to an HD set-top box. It is the converter that is the main instrument for receiving and transmitting the signal, and the satellite dish is just a mirror that concentrates the digital signal at the point where the converter is located.

The main functions of the converter:

  • reception of a digital signal from a satellite dish with subsequent amplification (the initial digital signal reflected by a satellite dish is relatively weak for transmission to an HD set-top box);
  • converting a digital signal to the required frequency;
  • transmission of a stable signal to the receiver.

The converter is always located at the other end of the bracket

Satellite antenna

There are many types of antennas. They can be made of steel, aluminum, plastic, and produced in various forms. Which antenna should you choose?

Offset and direct focus

The main difference is the place where the beam of the received digital signal is focused. For direct focus antennas, this beam is directed perpendicularly upward, directly to the satellite. With an offset antenna, the focused beam is shifted to the side. For some climatic zones, this beam location is most convenient because snow or rainwater will not collect inside the antenna. In addition, it is easier for an offset antenna to find a fixing surface.

Solid and perforated

Perforation - many small holes. The advantage of a perforated antenna is that it is lighter in weight and has a solid windage. This makes it easy to install when it is not possible to hang a rigid mount.

The perforated satellite dish can be easily mounted even on the wooden poles of a private house

Aluminum and steel

A satellite dish can be made of any radio-reflective material. Low-budget option - steel, optimal - aluminum. Such antennas are better for most technical criteria: weight, quality, durability, digital signal reception.

Parabolic and toroidal

Parabolic antenna is the standard for receiving satellite Internet and television. Toroidal satellite dishes can connect several converters at once to receive digital signals from two, three or more satellites simultaneously.

Such a toroidal antenna will replace several conventional parabolic antennas.

Rotatable antennas

Swivel antennas are equipped with a special swivel mechanism and are capable of receiving a digital signal from several satellites at once. When switching a channel to a satellite dish, a command is given to move to the satellite from which the selected TV channel is broadcast.

How to install a satellite dish

Before purchasing the equipment, you need to choose in advance the optimal place for mounting the antenna. Then follow these steps:

  1. Use the compass to determine the north where your antenna will point.
  2. Make sure the surface is level and you can attach the bracket to it.
  3. Install the bracket and slide the satellite dish onto it. It is attached perpendicularly upwards.
  4. Connect the cable to the F-connectors.

Video: instructions from "MTS" for the installation of satellite equipment

Setting up a satellite dish to receive a digital signal

The larger the diameter of the satellite dish, the better it receives the digital signal, but the coverage area matters. According to a special map of the signal coverage area from MTS, the more intense the red color, the smaller the antenna can be installed. Therefore, when purchasing equipment, always consider the coverage area in which the house is located. In the area of \u200b\u200ba stable signal, a 0.6 m antenna is sufficient; where it is less stable - 0.9–1.2 m. If you plan to receive one antenna signal from several satellites, then its minimum diameter should be 0.9 m.

How to set up a satellite dish from MTS? Tuning of any satellite dish is carried out according to the main criteria: antenna rotation, its tilt and converter rotation.

Video: setting up a satellite antenna signal from MTS

How to set up equipment for satellite Internet and television from "MTS" and create a connection on a computer

Let's consider the issue of connecting each equipment separately.

HD-set-top boxes DCD 4404 from "MTS"

  1. Unplug the TV.
  2. Insert the SMART card into the HD set-top box.
  3. Connect the TV to the network.
  4. The indicator on the front panel of the HD set-top box will light up in green. If the indicator is off, check if the Power button on the set-top box is on.
  5. Turn on your TV.
  6. Switch the TV to AV / HDMI signal receiving mode.
  7. The “Initial installation” menu appears on the TV screen, where you need to set the language, image, satellite, LNB settings.
  8. To start searching for TV channels, press on the remote remote control up / down buttons, select "Search" and press "OK".
  9. After the end of the channel search, the receiver exits the menu and starts broadcasting the first found channel. To interrupt the channel search, press the "Exit" button on the remote control.

Video: instructions for setting up an HD set-top box from MTS

CAM module

How to connect to satellite TV without using an HD set-top box, but only using a CAM module?

To start watching Home Digital MTS TV, switch the TV to the cable DVB-C signal reception mode and configure according to these parameters:

  • search type - "Network" or "Fast";
  • signal frequency - 298000KHz;
  • modulation - QAM64;
  • symbol rate - 6875Kps.

Video: setting up a CAM module from MTS using the example of a Samsung TV

Connecting to a computer using a cable or Wi-Fi

  1. Connect your router to your computer.
  2. From the Start menu or Settings Panel, select Network and Internet.
  3. In the window that opens, select the "Network and Sharing Center" section.

    All settings are located in the same path, regardless of the version of Windows

  4. Select "Local Area Connection" if you are using a cable, or "Wireless Connection" if you are using wi-fi. In the window that opens, select "Internet Protocol Version 4", click "Properties" - "Obtain an IP address automatically", save.

    Select "Internet Protocol Version 4", addresses should be obtained automatically

  5. Open any browser and enter in the address bar. After that, an authorization window will appear, where you must enter the username and password "admin".

    If you enter a different username and password, then nothing will happen

  6. The router menu appears. In the “Internet Settings” section, go to the “WAN” tab, enter the host name, check the box next to “Obtain DNS addresses automatically” and click “Apply”.

    The hostname can be absolutely anything, the addresses should be obtained automatically

  7. Reboot your device.

Video: all methods of connecting satellite Internet from MTS on a computer

Today satellite TV and the Internet are not just a quality alternative to cable services. Sometimes this is the only way to enjoy your favorite shows or surf the Internet, for example, for owners of private houses. Prices satellite equipment have become available long ago, and the quality of television and the Internet is improving every year. Thanks to the wide coverage area, every resident of our country can connect and configure satellite TV or the Internet.

In rare cases, when connection using standard FTTB or GPON technology is not possible, MTS provides Internet access using ADSL technology. Internet access speed up to 20 Mbps, connection is also possible digital television and.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is a home dedicated Internet channel, high-speed connection is provided through a regular telephone line, without occupying the phone.

The operation of the network is based on the subscriber's digital line, which provides access to the Internet via telephone channels. But telephone lines use an analog signal to carry voice messages. An ADSL connection is designed to convert an analog signal to digital and send it directly to a computer. At the same time, unlike the outdated Dial-up modems, devices based on ADSL do not block the telephone line and allow the use of digital and analog signals simultaneously.
The essence of the technology (asymmetry) is that the subscriber receives a huge amount of data - incoming traffic, and transfers a minimum of information from himself - downstream traffic. All kinds of content are meant as input: video and media files, applications, programs, graphic objects. Downstream sends only important technical information - various commands and requests, emails and other secondary elements. Asymmetry means that the speed from the network to the subscriber is several times higher than the speed from the user.

Advantages of ADSL technology from MTS:

  • Optimal ratio of price and speed of Internet access (up to 20 Mbps);
  • Easy and affordable connection (not required additional work in the apartment);
  • Good quality communication;
  • Flexible tariff plans for active users and those who rarely go online;
  • Stable Internet access speed;
  • Possibility to connect digital television.

Despite these advantages, aDSL technology is used to connect the MTS home Internet in exceptional cases when, for one reason or another, it is impossible to use fTTB technologies or GPON providing high speed access.

The company "Mobile Telesystems" is constantly developing in the direction of telephone communications and creates new services in the telecommunications sector. Almost in all cities of Russia there is an opportunity to connect home Internet and satellite TV at competitive prices and with good choice tariff plans.

This material has been prepared so that you learn how to set up your MTS home Internet without involving a master, on your own. All that is required for a successful setup result is a careful study of each paragraph of the instructions.

The main advantages of home Internet from MTS:

  • Possibility of remote tariff control and additional services on the official website using a single login.
  • Flexible and adapted for the Russian user tariff plans.
  • High speed internet connection (Upload / Download).
  • Favorable cost, varies depending on the home region.

Important information: the problem with accessing the Internet from a computer or tablet through a router is largely due to incorrect network settings that you need to do yourself or resort to the help of a specialist.

Setting up home Internet from MTS

The first step after concluding an agreement with the company and connecting to the network is setting up the router and connecting it to a computer or laptop. The connection process must be performed according to the following instructions:

  • Setting up an MTS router. Connect the device to the power supply.
  • Connect a LAN cable (network) between the router and the computer. The connector on the PC is on the back, where the fans are, and on the laptop, on the side.
  • Open your browser and in a new tab enter instead of the site address: If nothing happens, try entering instead of the first.
  • You will see the administrative panel of the MTS router settings. Enter login - admin and password - mts.
  • Find the section "General settings" and go to it. There you need to select "Imp wired Internet».
  • You need to activate the Internet transfer mode to the Wi-Fi channel, put a checkmark in front of the item with the inclusion of wireless communication. We save the settings.
  • You can check the performance by the indicator of the light signal, which must be statically switched on.

Often, most subscribers have difficulties with diagnosing or first connecting to the Internet on a computer from the Mobile Telesystems company, so that everything is correct, you need to follow the instructions:

For owners of a computer runningWindows 7.

  • In the start menu, click on "Control Panel".
  • A list of categories for managing the system will open, where you need to find the "Network Connections" icon and click on it.
  • Click on the active icon "Local Area Connection" and go to "Properties" from the window that appears.
  • Before you will be a list of settings for the network card of your computer, where you need to point to the item "Internet Protocol TCP / IP", it can be called IPv Click on the "Properties" button.
  • This will open the control panel for DNS servers that communicate with the router. Here you need to put two checkmarks in front of "Receive DNS servers automatically" (the inscription may differ).
  • Click on the "Save" button in the current IPv4 settings window, after which it will close, and then you need to click the "OK" button in the same way in the first system window of network connections.
  • Check the home Internet setup by clicking on the MTS shortcut twice.

Helpful information: the third point should be performed not by the mandatory choice of a local connection for configuration, but of the shortcut through which your router is configured - this may be "Wireless network connection".

For operating systemWindows 10

  • Find the search icon on the taskbar, click on it and enter: "Network status".
  • Then click on the "Configure adapter settings" item and select the desired shortcut from the list of active ones.
  • Find the "Properties" item with the right button and click on it. The settings window will open, where you need to find IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4). Highlight the item without removing the check mark from it and click on the "Properties" button on the right.
  • We need the first General tab. Where all values \u200b\u200bneed to be translated into "Obtain an IP address automatically and" Obtain DNS servers automatically ".
  • Click the "OK" button and then "Close".
  • Try to check whether the MTS home Internet setup was successful by double-clicking on the launch shortcut.


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VPN connection settings in Windows XP or Windows 7

1. To configure the network connection of the MTS home Internet, you must do the following:

Click the "Start" menu, then "Control Panel". In the next window, select the "Network Connections" icon, if you have Windows 7 - "Network and Sharing Center";

In this section, right-click on the "Local Area Connection" icon (this icon may have a different name, for example, contain the connection number), in the next menu select the "Disconnect" option. If your connection is not activated, you do not need to disconnect it. If you are using Windows 7, follow the steps as in the pictures below;

Right-click again and select the "Properties" option, in the section that appears, find the list "Components used by this connection" click on "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)", there should be a check mark next to this line. Go to the component properties and check "Obtain DNS server address automatically", and also "Obtain an IP address automatically". Now click OK on the Internet Protocol Properties window and in the Local Area Connection Properties window.

To activate a local network connection, double-click on the icon of the same name.

Follow these steps to create a VPN connection

In the "Network connections" section located on the left in the menu, select the "Create a new connection" option (you can also do this through "File" - "New connection"). You will open the New Connection Wizards, then click Next. In the window that opens, check the "Connect to the network at the workplace" option, and click the "Next" button;

To select the required network connection, select by clicking the line "Connecting to a virtual private network", click the "Next" button. Then enter a name in the "Organization" field, click "Next" again. Check the box "Do not connect now ...", this operation is needed to ensure the publicity of the network, you may not need it. Next, select the VPN server (Internet address). If you are using Windows 7, follow the steps shown in the images. In the window "Select a computer or computer address" enter, then "Next".

The tab "Choice of connection availability". Operating systems in which there are several accounts, it is necessary to set the connection availability individually for each user. This is done in each specific operating system based on the security policy. Click Next. At the stage of completing the connection wizard, activate the option "Add a shortcut to connect to the desktop" and click the "Finish" or "Close" button.

VPN connection settings

In the "Connection" dialog box, select the "Properties" section,

- from there go to the "Security" section, where select the "Advanced (optional)" option and click the "Options ..." button, the "Data encryption" window will appear, where you need to click the "optional (connect even without encryption)" option. In this window, the following fields should also be marked: "Allow the following protocols", "Not encrypted password (PAP)", "Password verification protocol (CHAP)", remove the selection from all other items, click "OK",

- then the system will ask you: “The selected protocols include SPAP, PAP and CHAP. "If one of them is used, data will not be encrypted. Use these options?", Click Yes. In the "Properties" section, go to the "Network" menu and make sure that "Automatic" is in the "VPN type" list, and the "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" item is highlighted in the "Components used by this connection" list.

Do you want to put the Internet in a cottage, but cable providers offer unfavorable conditions or refuse to work at all in the private sector, since it is easier and more convenient for them to serve apartment house? Switch to modern satellite internet!

How to connect the Internet from Tricolor in a cottage?

  1. Choose a suitable tariff plan. Our experts, if necessary, will advise you and tell you in detail about the conditions for the provision of communication services.
  2. Buy equipment. You can do this at our authorized dealers, in sales and service centers, in Tricolor branded showrooms in your city.
  3. Install equipment. You can take over the editing, but we recommend entrusting it to professionals. Connecting and installing the kit is a rather difficult task, and the signal quality often depends on how it is performed.

  • Access to satellite wireless internet even in distant points. Mainly this advantage will be appreciated by residents of the suburban private sector, city cottages, remote settlements.
  • High speed. The speed of data reception / transmission is up to 40/10 Mbit / s, depending on the selected tariff plan. You will be able to easily browse sites with a lot of content, movies, upload and download photos. At the same time, high speed Internet connections are available even to residents of cottages remote from the city.
  • Convenient personal account. Many operations can be performed through Personal Area subscriber: you do not have to go anywhere or contact intermediaries to pay for services.
  • Developed network. In many cities there are Tricolor branded salons, sales and service centers, authorized dealers work, so you can quickly and easily buy, connect equipment or solve any technical problems when they arise.
  • High level of service. Our technical support specialists are ready to answer your questions at any time convenient for you.

Join Tricolor and enjoy high quality satellite internet at an affordable price!

"Satellite Internet" is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services to subscribers are provided by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can read the terms of service

Internet in a country house

Until recently, the Internet was not available to residents country houses and remote settlements with underdeveloped telecommunications infrastructure, because cable providers are not profitable to lay a network to provide communication with only a few buildings. Such expenses are considered unjustified, and the price of the service may be too high for a person with an average income. Fortunately, today, thanks to extensive development satellite communications, you can connect the Internet to vacation homeeven if your cottage or summer home is located a hundred kilometers from the big city.

How to connect satellite Internet from Tricolor?

First you need to choose the most profitable tariff plan. If you cannot decide on your own, consult our specialists, they will tell you which options are more suitable for you, depending on your needs. Then you need to purchase a relatively inexpensive set of equipment, which includes an antenna system, a transceiver and additional components. This can be done in sales and service centers, the Tricolor branded showroom or through an official dealer.

The next step is connection and installation. You can install the equipment yourself, following the instructions that come with the kit, or you can use the services of specialists. We do not recommend performing the installation yourself if you do not have the appropriate experience, since the quality of communication depends, among other things, on the qualifications of specialists.

What is the advantage of satellite Internet from Tricolor?

The main advantage of satellite Internet is availability even far from the city, in settlements where there are no cable providers. At the same time, we pay special attention to the cost and quality of services so that subscribers are satisfied with cooperation with us. Also Tricolor provides high level service, round the clock technical support and a wide range of tariffs depending on the needs of customers.

With Tricolor, you can easily bring fast, wireless and stable internet to your country house!

Internet in a private house

Many residents of private houses face certain difficulties when connecting to the Internet: not every provider will agree to lay the cable not to an apartment building, but to a building for one or two families. This is very expensive, and sometimes just impossible, especially if the settlement is far from the city. Satellite Internet in a private home is simple, affordable and convenient way solving the problem. Connect to Tricolor and evaluate this service yourself!

Satellite Internet in a private house from Tricolor

It is quite simple to connect the Tricolor satellite Internet: you need to purchase a special set of equipment, which is sold in sales offices, company stores or from Tricolor dealers.

Our advantages:

  1. Accessibility even in remote settlements. Connecting to a satellite is possible even where no cable provider will agree to host the Internet. This is especially true for the private sector remote from the city center.
  2. Good call quality. We offer a stable fast internetavailable at any time of the day or night. You can easily not only upload and download photos, view social networks and read texts on sites, but also watch movies in online cinemas.
  3. Reliability. We justify the trust of our subscribers and prove that their needs and wishes are most important to us.
  4. High level of service. If you have any questions regarding the operation of satellite Internet and any other Tricolor service, you can contact the specialists of our Customer Support Service at any time by phone, Skype, e-mail, through social networks or in another way convenient for you.
  5. Acceptable price. The cost of the service depends on the selected tariff.

Find out about all the advantages of the offer in dealerships or by phone and join Tricolor!

"Satellite Internet" is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services to subscribers are provided by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of communication services by Eutelsat Networks LLC.

Internet outside the city

Connecting the Internet outside the city is always a difficult task, because usually providers refuse to work in the private sector, since it is unprofitable. But outside the city limits there are many garden partnerships, cottage settlements, villages, industrial facilities, and stable high speed internet there is simply necessary. If you are familiar with this, contact Tricolor.

Our advantages

  • Various tariffs. You can choose the optimal rate depending on your needs and budget.
  • High quality signal. Satellite Internet from Tricolor will allow you not only to view pages in in social networks or purchase goods from online stores, but also watch movies online.
  • Turnkey work. We will help you choose the optimal tariff plan, suggest the addresses of points of sale, and our authorized dealers are always ready to install equipment and conduct satellite Internet.
  • Wide geography. We provide an opportunity to use accessible internet even to the inhabitants of Western Siberia. We connect summer cottages country houses and are ready to work with clients who have been refused by cable operators.
  • Customer orientation. Our technical specialists will advise you on various issues at any time of the day. Choose a convenient way to communicate: by phone, Skype, social networks, etc.

How to connect the Internet outside the city from Tricolor

  1. Check out the proposed tariff plans and choose the one that suits you. If necessary, contact our specialists, they will advise you, describe the advantages of each tariff and connection features.
  2. Purchase a set of equipment. On our website you can find the addresses of the nearest to you branded showrooms, stores, authorized dealers and sales and service centers of Tricolor, which sell equipment for connecting satellite Internet.
  3. Install and connect the hardware kit yourself or with the help of specialists. Attention: if you do not have the relevant experience, we recommend that you entrust the connection, installation and configuration of the equipment to professionals.

We will be glad to see you among our clients!

"Satellite Internet" is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services to subscribers are provided by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of communication services by Eutelsat Networks LLC.

Internet to the country house

Satellite Internet to the dacha is not a whim, but rather a necessity, because in modern world it is important to always stay connected. But far from the city there are often no power lines, no base stations mobile operators, and the network coverage is uneven. If you are familiar with this problem, connect satellite Internet from Tricolor.

How to connect the Internet in the country?

The procedure for connecting satellite Internet from Tricolor is the same for the owners of country cottages and for owners of summer cottages. First you need to choose a tariff: contact our specialists, they will prompt the best optionfocusing on your needs. The next step is to buy a set of equipment. Choose your nearest company salon, sales and service center or authorized dealership Tricolor and complete your purchase. The third stage is the installation and connection of equipment. You can order this service from specialists or carry out the installation yourself, using the instructions. Please note that in the absence of special skills and experience, it is not recommended to install the kit, since an illiterate connection can negatively affect the quality of the connection.

Benefits of satellite Internet from Tricolor

The main advantage is the ability to provide access to the network even far from the city where they do not work cellular operators... At the same time, satellite Internet has a high speed of data reception and transmission - 40 Mbit / s and 10 Mbit / s, respectively. Tricolor also provides a high level of service: a round-the-clock Customer Support Service is ready to help and answer all questions at any time of the day or night, including on weekends.

Connect the available satellite Internet from Tricolor and follow the news, watch movies in online cinemas, scroll through the feed on social networks, communicate with colleagues without any problems and solve work issues even in the country! We are sure that you will definitely like the price and quality of our services!

"Satellite Internet" is a joint project of Tricolor and Eutelsat Networks. Communication services to subscribers are provided by Eutelsat Networks LLC. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of communication services by Eutelsat Networks LLC.