"AMEDA Premium" on Rostelecom: the composition of the package, connection and disconnection. Amedia Premium Package from Rostelecom Package Amedia

World premieres, legendary hits - Marathon of foreign and Russian TV series in one package! Subscription is possible if there is a connection of the main TV package.

How to sign:

  • in the TV console menu on the TV screen:

Management of services ⇒ IPTV packets ( TV consoles SML, Motorola);

Settings ⇒ TV channels ⇒ TV packets (TV consoles EKT, ZTE).

Settings ⇒ Setting the channels and services ⇒ Package subscription (TV prefix Huawei).

The timer schedule can be changed.

List of canals

A1. - on the air TV channel for men with tasteful of life - rating men's series; Films of popular genres - from action blockbusters to "black" comedies; Documentary programs - journalistic investigations, interviews, success stories, etc. Channel is presented in HD and SD versions.
A2. - TV channel Russian TV series and films. The best serials of domestic production, AMEDIA film companies, created in the last 10 years: "Sweet Life", "Closed School", "Poor Nastya", "Tatiana Day", "Montecristo", "Angel or Demon", "Do not cry For me, Argentina! " Both others, as well as popular cinema of Russian directors.
Amedia Hit. - TV channel of world hits that have become a "classic" TV: "Clan Soprano", "Underground Empire", "Silver", "Customer is always dead", "Californicheishch", "Dexter", "Borgia" and many others. The channel is presented in HD and SD versions.
AMEDIA PREMIUM HD. - TV channel Prime Minister presents Russian and foreign TV shows, hits of leading studios of the world. See also documentaries, concerts and stand-show, musical festivals and live ceremonies. The channel is presented in HD and SD versions.

The TV package is available for subscription from 03/02/2015.
* According to IMDB.com

Many home and Internet operators and TV AMEDIA premium package is also available for connecting. List of providers providing such a package very wide: MTS, Beeline, Dom.ru, Rostelecom, WiFire and others, so everyone can find a suitable option!

Let's look at some proposals of operators.
Let MTS be the first. We go to the MTS website, in the television section and see what the AMEDIA Premium package 4 canal is waiting for us at a price of 200 rubles per month. It is clear that this is an additional fee to your current rate. Moreover, 3 channels are in the HD - A1, A2 and AMEDIA Premium format, but the Amedia Hit canal goes to a smaller resolution (SD). Differences are possible depending on the region: for example, in Yekaterinburg, all 4 channels in the package are broadcast in HD quality.

Let's look towards the Beeline operator. With him, it seems, everything is simpler, since in several regions the situation is the same - 2 channels AMEDIA Premium HD at a price of 199 rubles per month.

On the queue next provider - WiFire. Again, 219 rubles per month per package of 2 HD-channels - Amedia Hit and Amedia Premium. Regardless of the region, the price and set of channels do not change: at least Moscow, even Peter, although Nefteyugansk or Sochi.

As for Rostelecom, then everything is very confusing. You can simply take and connect Amedia Premium. There are different tariffs, and depending on which the channels from the package are selected, and other channels from other suppliers will be available. For example, in the tariffs "Start", "Optimal", "Advanced" and "Cinevip" from Amedia Premium is not presented at all. In the tariff "Maximum" there are 3 channels - A2 about love for girls, Amedia Hit and Amedia Premium. There are the same set of channels and on the tariff "for connoisseurs". Therefore, we recommend carefully examine the offers in our region before choosing a tariff.

Operator House.ru - Middle Hospital Conditions: Amedia Premium HD and Amedia Hit HD for 199 rubles per month.

AKADO subscribers in Moscow and in Yekaterinburg have different prices, despite the same set of channels in the package - A1 (SD and HD), A2 (SD), Amedia Hit (SD and HD) and Amedia Premium (SD and HD). So in Moscow, such a package costs 299 rubles per month, and in Yekaterinburg there are only 199 rubles per month.

The MGT operator will delight the simplicity of choice: 4 channels - A1 (SD and HD), A2, AMEDIA HIT (SD and HD) and AMEDIA Premium (SD and HD) for 200 rubles per month. And all, no longer difficulties and pitfalls.

Good doctor

New TV shows, seasons and HBO films at the same time with the world, hits leading channels and studios of the world (CBS, Showtime, Sky, Starz, BBC, Sony Pictures). "The game of Thrones", "Chernobyl", "Vikings", "American Horror History", "Killing Eve", "This Detective", "Big Little Lie", "Euphoria", "Billions" and others. Collection of game I. documentaries, as well as a television show ceremony live.

Program Guide



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Evil 06:15

  • drama

Stranger 07:00

  • thriller

For friends 08:00

  • comedy

A very funny series, who, along with him, came up with the famous comedian Pete Holmes, and sorted the authority of the modern American comedy Judd Apatou. Behind the plot, Holmes did not go far - he took it almost without the editorial board from his own biography. The main character is an exemplary family man and a beginner stand-comedian. Holding a wife in bed with a Greek artist, he leaves home. What to do? First pour out the soul from the scene on the fun to the crowd, and then you can go to friends and plan together new life. With each season, he gradually approaches his dream about the career of a successful stand.

Striking Wonders of the World 08:30

  • documentary

Unusual playlist Zoe 09:55

  • comedy / Music

Italian fantasy 10:30

Green book 10:55.

Tell me a fairy tale 13:00

  • thriller

Tell me a fairy tale 13:45

  • thriller

In the series "Tell me a fairy tale", all the favorite stories about three piglets and the genes with narrowed wrapping chubby thrillers and gloomy horrors. Brothers Grimm and Charles Perra probably did not even imagine what demons from their works will release the screenwriter Kevin Williamson ("Faculty", "Creek"). Yes, and Kim Catherol in the role of an analogue of a red hat, you will easily see. In addition to her, the cast boasts such televisions as Paul Wesley ("Vampire Diaries"), Billy Magnussen ("American History of Crimes") and Daniel Campbell (Ancient).

Tell me a fairy tale 14:30

  • thriller

In the series "Tell me a fairy tale", all the favorite stories about three piglets and the genes with narrowed wrapping chubby thrillers and gloomy horrors. Brothers Grimm and Charles Perra probably did not even imagine what demons from their works will release the screenwriter Kevin Williamson ("Faculty", "Creek"). Yes, and Kim Catherol in the role of an analogue of a red hat, you will easily see. In addition to her, the cast boasts such televisions as Paul Wesley ("Vampire Diaries"), Billy Magnussen ("American History of Crimes") and Daniel Campbell (Ancient).

Tell me a fairy tale 15:20

  • thriller

In the series "Tell me a fairy tale", all the favorite stories about three piglets and the genes with narrowed wrapping chubby thrillers and gloomy horrors. Brothers Grimm and Charles Perra probably did not even imagine what demons from their works will release the screenwriter Kevin Williamson ("Faculty", "Creek"). Yes, and Kim Catherol in the role of an analogue of a red hat, you will easily see. In addition to her, the cast boasts such televisions as Paul Wesley ("Vampire Diaries"), Billy Magnussen ("American History of Crimes") and Daniel Campbell (Ancient).

Tell me a fairy tale 16:00

  • thriller

In the series "Tell me a fairy tale", all the favorite stories about three piglets and the genes with narrowed wrapping chubby thrillers and gloomy horrors. Brothers Grimm and Charles Perra probably did not even imagine what demons from their works will release the screenwriter Kevin Williamson ("Faculty", "Creek"). Yes, and Kim Catherol in the role of an analogue of a red hat, you will easily see. In addition to her, the cast boasts such televisions as Paul Wesley ("Vampire Diaries"), Billy Magnussen ("American History of Crimes") and Daniel Campbell (Ancient).

Tell me a fairy tale 16:45

  • thriller

Striking Wonders of the Peace 17:35

  • documentary

This series performs the role of the conductor in the world of unusual and delightful, and also offers a fresh and very nontrivial look at our planet. With the help of outstanding scientists, enthusiastic journalists and stunning experiments, the project discloses secrets that crumpled by bizarre scientific phenomena, animal oddities, insane weather, medical wonders and unforgettable natural phenomena.

Unusual playlist Zoe 18:30

  • comedy / Music

Music tied us - this is about the relationship of Zoe Harris with the world around. It looks like an ordinary girl, she at some point begins to hear the thoughts of people, and in the format of songs or full-fledged musical numbers. This strange and unexpected Dar turns the life of Zoe into a solid musical. In the light and witty comedy in the foreground shines Jane Levi ("Castle Rock"), and among the secondary heroes the TV legend Peter Gallahher flashes ("Ors. - Single Hearts").

Italian fantasy 19:15

Dead your enthusiasm 19:30

  • comedy

Evil 20:15

  • drama

"Evil" - a mystical thriller from the creators of the "Good Wife" Robert and Michel King. In the center of the plot, a psychologist (Katya Herbers from Manhattan), specializing in the events that the press qualifies as a "miracle." Is there really no explanation to these phenomena or are they still scientifically justified? The company is a skeptical to the girl will make a Catholic researcher and his assistant. They agreed, ice and a flame, that is, cold scientific knowledge and supernatural - Chet King invites us to join the next fascinating struggle of opposites.

Stranger 21:00

  • thriller

Shields Stephen King does not happen much. "Pollying" - the series from Mr. Mercedes Universe, gloomy, as it should be, the history of the murder of a 11-year-old boy, which investigates the Detective Ralph Anderson performed by Ben Mendelson ("Dark Knight: Revival Legend"). All evidence indicate the coach of the children's baseball team Terry Matelnad (Jason Beitman from Ozarka), but after arrest it turns out that he has an iron alibi. The script adapted the King himself along with Richard Price ("Two"), and among the directorists - Andrew Bernstein, who worked on the "madmen" and all the same "Ozarka". The stressful plot, the unique handwriting of King and the excellent caster of the Writers is waiting for an exciting and atmospheric thriller.

Wild West World 22:00

  • drama / Mystic / Fantasy

Dead your enthusiasm 23:00

  • comedy

The long-playing series about the neurotic creator of the SINFELD series Larry David continues its triumphal march. In the new season - even more awkward situations, barbecue jokes and everyday wisdom. The series is still built on improvisation and does not have a clearly prescribed scenario, therefore, to predict where the story turns, it is absolutely impossible.

Winchester. House that built ghosts 23:40

Amusement Wonders of the World 01:10

  • documentary

This series performs the role of the conductor in the world of unusual and delightful, and also offers a fresh and very nontrivial look at our planet. With the help of outstanding scientists, enthusiastic journalists and stunning experiments, the project discloses secrets that crumpled by bizarre scientific phenomena, animal oddities, insane weather, medical wonders and unforgettable natural phenomena.

Wild West World 02:05

  • drama / Mystic / Fantasy

In the third season, futuristic epic, the creators promise to hit the viewer with a new fleet dedicated to the Second World War. Acting is also a curious replenishment - Aaron Paul, known for the role of Jesse Pinkman in the TV series "In all serious". Also, the project was joined by Vensean Kassel, who will play, of course, villain. Among other things, the new season consists of eight episodes instead of the usual ten.

Daily your enthusiasm 03:05

  • comedy

The long-playing series about the neurotic creator of the SINFELD series Larry David continues its triumphal march. In the new season - even more awkward situations, barbecue jokes and everyday wisdom. The series is still built on improvisation and does not have a clearly prescribed scenario, therefore, to predict where the story turns, it is absolutely impossible.

Tell me a fairy tale 03:45

  • thriller

In the series "Tell me a fairy tale", all the favorite stories about three piglets and the genes with narrowed wrapping chubby thrillers and gloomy horrors. Brothers Grimm and Charles Perra probably did not even imagine what demons from their works will release the screenwriter Kevin Williamson ("Faculty", "Creek"). In the second season, the cult horror meker rethinks such fairy tales as "Beauty and the Beast", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella" on modern awesome way.

Passenger 04:30

One more and sleep 07:10

Vikings 07:25

  • history / drama

Vikings 08:10

  • history / drama

The free interpretation of events of the events of the early Middle Ages is an Action Drama, created on the basis of Scandinavian Sagrais Writer "Tudors" and "Elizabeth" by Michael Hurst. The series will tell about the early raids of the Vikings on the British Islands and the West Frankish Kingdom. The main character is Ragnar Labok - the leader of the Vikings, according to the Norwegian legend, the direct descendant of the very same, the God of war and warriors. He challenges the local ruler and together with his faithful friend, a talented Flock Master, is building a high-speed ship to go to conquer new lands. Ragnar and his associates are waiting for victory and defeat, and together with them and a cruel confrontation with a valid yarla, the will of which he dared to merge. In the role of the legendary warrior Australian actor Travis Fimmel ("Varcraft").

Acute items 08:55

Acute items 09:50

  • drama / Crime / Detective / Thriller

Mini-series from the director of "Big Little Lying" Jean-Mark Valle, filmed based on the author's novel "The disappeared" Gillian Flynn. Criminal reporter Camilla Prix (Nominee for Oscar Amy Adams) returns to his native provincial city to investigate the killings of two little girls. Trying to fold the psychological puzzle from his past, she discovers that she with young victims too much in common.

Large little lie 10:40

  • comedy

Twilight zone 11:35

  • drama / Fantasy / Horror

Good struggle 12:15

  • drama / Crime

Patrick Melroz 13:15

  • drama

My dinner with ERV 14:20

Large little lie 16:05

  • comedy

Hollywood Kinodiva Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon, Eminate Writer, owner of a dozen Emmy David E. Kelly and director "Wild" and "Dallas Customer Club" Jean-Mark Valle - a team of dreams - gathered and filmed a detective Dramati on the world bestseller Liana Moriarty. This is the story of five women with a measured and first look at the perfect life in the California town of Monterey. Mothers of first-graders will unite the mysterious murder that happened right at the school meeting. The remaining actors are not inferior to the headlines - the stars of "Divergent" Sheilly Woodley and Zoe Kravitts, the owner of three "golden globes" Laura Derne, Alexander Skarsgard ("True Blood"), Adam Scott ("Incredible Walter Mitty Life").

Vikings 17:00

  • history / drama

The free interpretation of events of the events of the early Middle Ages is an Action Drama, created on the basis of Scandinavian Sagrais Writer "Tudors" and "Elizabeth" by Michael Hurst. The series will tell about the early raids of the Vikings on the British Islands and the West Frankish Kingdom. The main character is Ragnar Labok - the leader of the Vikings, according to the Norwegian legend, the direct descendant of the very same, the God of war and warriors. He challenges the local ruler and together with his faithful friend, a talented Flock Master, is building a high-speed ship to go to conquer new lands. Ragnar and his associates are waiting for victory and defeat, and together with them and a cruel confrontation with a valid yarla, the will of which he dared to merge. In the role of the legendary warrior Australian actor Travis Fimmel ("Varcraft").

Vikings 17:45

  • history / drama

The free interpretation of events of the events of the early Middle Ages is an Action Drama, created on the basis of Scandinavian Sagrais Writer "Tudors" and "Elizabeth" by Michael Hurst. The series will tell about the early raids of the Vikings on the British Islands and the West Frankish Kingdom. The main character is Ragnar Labok - the leader of the Vikings, according to the Norwegian legend, the direct descendant of the very same, the God of war and warriors. He challenges the local ruler and together with his faithful friend, a talented Flock Master, is building a high-speed ship to go to conquer new lands. Ragnar and his associates are waiting for victory and defeat, and together with them and a cruel confrontation with a valid yarla, the will of which he dared to merge. In the role of the legendary warrior Australian actor Travis Fimmel ("Varcraft").

Acute items 18:30

  • drama / Crime / Detective / Thriller

Mini-series from the director of "Big Little Lying" Jean-Mark Valle, filmed based on the author's novel "The disappeared" Gillian Flynn. Criminal reporter Camilla Prix (Nominee for Oscar Amy Adams) returns to his native provincial city to investigate the killings of two little girls. Trying to fold the psychological puzzle from his past, she discovers that she with young victims too much in common.

Acute items 19:25

  • drama / Crime / Detective / Thriller

Mini-series from the director of "Big Little Lying" Jean-Mark Valle, filmed based on the author's novel "The disappeared" Gillian Flynn. Criminal reporter Camilla Prix (Nominee for Oscar Amy Adams) returns to his native provincial city to investigate the killings of two little girls. Trying to fold the psychological puzzle from his past, she discovers that she with young victims too much in common.

Twilight zone 20:15

  • drama / Fantasy / Horror

"Twilight zone" is the fourth coming of the legendary scientific fiction anthology from the 1950s created by native surlling. The restart consists of ten episodes, each of which will tell his grim history: wait for both new and brightly recycled old plots. The reboot is generally good (although in this case, on the contrary, unkind) traditions - as in the classic show here there is a figure of a lead that binds all episodes. He was played by Jordan Pil, director of sensational social thrillers "away" and "We".

Love in the eternal city 20:50

Good struggle 21:05

  • drama / Crime

One of the most stressful legal drams does not think of slowing down: in the third season, Diana Lockhart is waiting even more intrigues and career traps. The war with the presidential administration will be released on a new round, and the rates will only increase. Diana will save its reputation from serious accusation using all its resources and serious ties.

Patrick Melrose 22:00

  • drama

Brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch in the tragicomedy mini-series based on the nominee nominee nominee of the Edward Saint-Obaja Prize. Patrick Melrose - walking bunch of contradictions. For some, he is a charismatic aristocrat, for others - a narcissistic alcoholic and a drug addict, whose psyche broke the cruel attitude of the parents. In Saint-Oba's novels, serious topics are served with ease and typically British irony, as if Jeevs and Worcester were in the "on the needle" Irwin Welsh. For the star "Sherlock", the film "Patrick Melrose" was a dream project. More than this character, he wanted to play only ...

Abduction 23:00

One more and sleep 00:30

Vikings 00:40

  • history / drama

The free interpretation of events of the events of the early Middle Ages is an Action Drama, created on the basis of Scandinavian Sagrais Writer "Tudors" and "Elizabeth" by Michael Hurst. The series will tell about the early raids of the Vikings on the British Islands and the West Frankish Kingdom. The main character is Ragnar Labok - the leader of the Vikings, according to the Norwegian legend, the direct descendant of the very same, the God of war and warriors. He challenges the local ruler and together with his faithful friend, a talented Flock Master, is building a high-speed ship to go to conquer new lands. Ragnar and his associates are waiting for victory and defeat, and together with them and a cruel confrontation with a valid yarla, the will of which he dared to merge. In the role of the legendary warrior Australian actor Travis Fimmel ("Varcraft").

Vikings 01:30

  • history / drama

The free interpretation of events of the events of the early Middle Ages is an Action Drama, created on the basis of Scandinavian Sagrais Writer "Tudors" and "Elizabeth" by Michael Hurst. The series will tell about the early raids of the Vikings on the British Islands and the West Frankish Kingdom. The main character is Ragnar Labok - the leader of the Vikings, according to the Norwegian legend, the direct descendant of the very same, the God of war and warriors. He challenges the local ruler and together with his faithful friend, a talented Flock Master, is building a high-speed ship to go to conquer new lands. Ragnar and his associates are waiting for victory and defeat, and together with them and a cruel confrontation with a valid yarla, the will of which he dared to merge. In the role of the legendary warrior Australian actor Travis Fimmel ("Varcraft").

Vinyl 02:15

  • drama

Vinyl 03:10

  • drama

The loudest premiere of 2016 from Martin Martin's Martin Martin and Maja Jagger Million. The series transfers the viewer to the New York of the 1970s, without sticks depicting charged with sex and drugs musical business at the dawn of Punk, disco and hip-hop.

The plausible stories of the Nile Gamean 04:05

  • drama / horror

British almanac in the spirit of the "black mirror" and "Baeks of a crypt", based on the stories of an outstanding science fiction writer Neil Gamean ("American gods"). Each series is a short fancy story. Some of the heroes pick up a strange venereal disease. The other meets a frighteningly lost old acquaintance. For many years, he sees the unstasive 19-year-old model. The latter falls into the damned old house. One of the main roles in this mini-series is performed by George McCay, known to many by the film by Stephen King "11.22.63".

Twilight zone 04:30

  • drama / Fantasy / Horror

"Twilight zone" is the fourth coming of the legendary scientific fiction anthology from the 1950s created by native surlling. The restart consists of ten episodes, each of which will tell his grim history: wait for both new and brightly recycled old plots. The reboot is generally good (although in this case, on the contrary, unkind) traditions - as in the classic show here there is a figure of a lead that binds all episodes. He was played by Jordan Pil, director of sensational social thrillers "away" and "We".

Called 05:05

Good struggle 05:15

  • drama / Crime

One of the most stressful legal drams does not think of slowing down: in the third season, Diana Lockhart is waiting even more intrigues and career traps. The war with the presidential administration will be released on a new round, and the rates will only increase. Diana will save its reputation from serious accusation using all its resources and serious ties.

Patrick Melrose 06:10

  • drama

Brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch in the tragicomedy mini-series based on the nominee nominee nominee of the Edward Saint-Obaja Prize. Patrick Melrose - walking bunch of contradictions. For some, he is a charismatic aristocrat, for others - a narcissistic alcoholic and a drug addict, whose psyche broke the cruel attitude of the parents. In Saint-Oba's novels, serious topics are served with ease and typically British irony, as if Jeevs and Worcester were in the "on the needle" Irwin Welsh. For the star "Sherlock", the film "Patrick Melrose" was a dream project. More than this character, he wanted to play only ...

Football players 07:30

Channel A1 Football players

  • comedy

Football players 08:00

Channel A1 Football players

  • comedy

The dramatics about the life of the rich and famous, acting and published "retired" stars of the professional league of American football returns. In the second season of the main character of the series of Spencer of Strasmore (Duane Johnson), the former star of football, and now the sports manager is waiting for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a financial grief, which will rise to him across her throat. His role was received by the "bad guys" - Andy Garcia. Johnson himself is still producing, as well as actor Mark Walberg and the author of the "underground empire" Stephen Levinson.

American Gothic 08:30

  • drama / Mystic / Crime

Life and adventures of a Jap Bear 09:15

  • drama / Melodrama / Crime

Gold life 10:10.

Channel A1 Gold Life

  • drama / Thriller / Action

After the death of his father, the leader of the fraudsters decides to become a law-abiding citizen. Atilla a lot of "works": he penetrates an alien apartment and gives her, giving himself to the realtor, hijacles "Mercedes" to carry the smuggling cargo. But at this time his mother reports that his father is at death. Atatla is in a hurry to the hospital, but the old man does not even want to say goodbye to him. He despises the Son for criminal activities. The death of his father makes Atatlu look at his life in a new way. I miraculously avoid punishment for the next crime, he decides to start with a pure sheet ...

Bridge 11:10

Channel A1 Bridge

  • crime / Detective / Thriller

Bridge 12:10

Channel A1 Bridge

  • crime / Detective / Thriller

Shipwreck. Police detects five team members. They are climbing in the chains and completely exhausted. Detectives begin to investigate. What happened on the ship?

Twin Pix 13:10

Channel A1 Twin Pix

  • drama / Crime / Detective

Jap Bear Life and Adventures 14:10

Canal A1 Life and adventures of a Japane

  • drama / Melodrama / Crime

Bear Jap is not an ordinary raid with Odessa flavor. Become a king of thieves, keep the whole city in fear and at the same time be a folk pet could only man uninfinitive. It sees "Robin Guda", he has a code: the poor does not rob the poor, do not touch doctors, lawyers, artists. His raids are small performances. The teddy bear has a wide soul: it rolls the peers for the whole Moldova, helps orphans and homeless people. He stayed by the king from 1917 to 1919. These were the brightest Years of the Jap, worthy of the novel.

Simple life 15:05

Channel A1 Simple Life

Coward 15:20

Channel A1 coward

Belkanto 15:35

Channel A1 Belkanto

Bridge 17:15

Channel A1 Bridge

  • crime / Detective / Thriller

Shipwreck. Police detects five team members. They are climbing in the chains and completely exhausted. Detectives begin to investigate. What happened on the ship?

Bridge 18:15

Channel A1 Bridge

  • crime / Detective / Thriller

Shipwreck. Police detects five team members. They are climbing in the chains and completely exhausted. Detectives begin to investigate. What happened on the ship?

Footballers 19:15

Channel A1 Football players

  • comedy

The dramatics about the life of the rich and famous, acting and published "retired" stars of the professional league of American football returns. In the second season of the main character of the series of Spencer of Strasmore (Duane Johnson), the former star of football, and now the sports manager is waiting for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a financial grief, which will rise to him across her throat. His role was received by the "bad guys" - Andy Garcia. Johnson himself is still producing, as well as actor Mark Walberg and the author of the "underground empire" Stephen Levinson.

Footballers 19:45

Channel A1 Football players

  • comedy

The dramatics about the life of the rich and famous, acting and published "retired" stars of the professional league of American football returns. In the second season of the main character of the series of Spencer of Strasmore (Duane Johnson), the former star of football, and now the sports manager is waiting for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a financial grief, which will rise to him across her throat. His role was received by the "bad guys" - Andy Garcia. Johnson himself is still producing, as well as actor Mark Walberg and the author of the "underground empire" Stephen Levinson.

American Gothic 20:15

Channel A1 American Gothic

  • drama / Mystic / Crime

The famous joke "The Killer - Butler" seemed to be specifically invented for the series "American Gothic" about a rich Boston family, in which a dangerous criminal starts. For his back - a whole series of perennial murders, and nobody will remain aside from the search for shocking truth. On the TV list of Showranner, the series such hits like a "good wife" and "elementary", and caste boasts bright actors of independent cinema, for example, Juliet Rielanx ("Cute Francis") and Justin Tatvin ("War of the Worlds"). It is not surprising that with such a team "American Gothic" managed to adequately stand in a number of good-quality TV detectives of the classical hardening in the spirit of Romanov Agat Christ.

Twin Pix 21:00

Channel A1 Twin Pix

  • drama / Crime / Detective

The long-awaited return of the legendary series of David Lynch and the frost brand about the secrets of the provincial town, which shocked mysterious murder. The first two seasons went on screens in from 1990 to 1991. Who would have thought that Laura Palmer, in the final who promised the agent to a meeting in 25 years, will hold down the word. For the new season, the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bDavid Lynch took. The soundtrack again wrote ingenious Angelo Badalamthi. Details of the plot The creators hide, but they advise to refresh the events in memory of the "Twin Pix: Through Fire". To the "old" composition - Kyle Maclaklan, Cheryl Lee, Michael Okin, Richard Breamer - Joine Naomi Watts, Tim Mouth, Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Jason Lee, James Belushi, Monica Bellucci and other stars.

Alien 22:00

Canal A1 Alien

Football players 23:45

Channel A1 Football players

  • comedy

The dramatics about the life of the rich and famous, acting and published "retired" stars of the professional league of American football returns. In the second season of the main character of the series of Spencer of Strasmore (Duane Johnson), the former star of football, and now the sports manager is waiting for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a financial grief, which will rise to him across her throat. His role was received by the "bad guys" - Andy Garcia. Johnson himself is still producing, as well as actor Mark Walberg and the author of the "underground empire" Stephen Levinson.

Football players 00:15

Channel A1 Football players

  • comedy

The dramatics about the life of the rich and famous, acting and published "retired" stars of the professional league of American football returns. In the second season of the main character of the series of Spencer of Strasmore (Duane Johnson), the former star of football, and now the sports manager is waiting for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a financial grief, which will rise to him across her throat. His role was received by the "bad guys" - Andy Garcia. Johnson himself is still producing, as well as actor Mark Walberg and the author of the "underground empire" Stephen Levinson.

Life and adventures of a Jap Bear 00:45

Canal A1 Life and adventures of a Japane

  • drama / Melodrama / Crime

Bear Jap is not an ordinary raid with Odessa flavor. Become a king of thieves, keep the whole city in fear and at the same time be a folk pet could only man uninfinitive. It sees "Robin Guda", he has a code: the poor does not rob the poor, do not touch doctors, lawyers, artists. His raids are small performances. The teddy bear has a wide soul: it rolls the peers for the whole Moldova, helps orphans and homeless people. He stayed by the king from 1917 to 1919. These were the brightest Years of the Jap, worthy of the novel.


Fans of modern television serials are certainly aware of the existence of such a TV channel as Amedia Premium. This is a unique channel, which all the time broadcasts exclusively a series of the best, high-quality and cash television series, which only saw the world. And today the possibility of connecting this TV channel is also available to Rostelecom subscribers. And today, as part of our article, we want to talk directly about connecting, nuances, as well as turning off Amedia Premium on Rostelecom.

AMEDIA PREMIUM package from Rostelecom

Rostelecom is made a unique offer for its subscribers, which allows access to the very low subscription fee To the Amedia Premium package, which includes as many as three television channels broadcasting the best serials, and even in high definition format. We are talking about the following channels:

  • AMEDIA 1 HD;
  • Amedia Hit.

Each of the channels has its own distinctive characteristics and indisputable advantages for which this package and has become so popular among the television subscribers of the All-Russian telecommunication provider RT.

For example, AMEDIA 1 HD is marked by the translation of the first seasons of the series, which today has become more than successful all over the world. It is among the programs of this TV channel that you can find those TV shows in which you "fall in love" and which you will look later.

The Amedia Premium HD channel, in turn, provides the audience the opportunity to watch the premieres of television serials. On the channel of the channel, new series of popular shows come out simultaneously with the whole world, and it happens weekly.

As for the third sentence in the discussed package, Amedia Hit, then in its program program, as is clear from the name, there are only the best and most hitted products of the world industry of television serials. Daily and around the clock there are television show marathons here, thematic days Views and other pleasant surprises that will appreciate any fan of the TV series.

These were all the advantages of this offer from Rostelecom, which is available for connecting, by the way, in just 580 rubles per month.

How to connect "Amedia Premium"

How to disable the Channels "Amedia Premium" on Rostelecom

Of course, the advantages of the package being discussed today are simply obvious, but some subscribers may not want to make an additional monthly subscription fee for using access to the channels included in the package, think about its disconnection.

Therefore, as part of our article, we are simply obliged to consider also information on how to turn off Amedia Premium on Rostelecom.

And this can be done in several ways:

  • With the personal contact of the company's office in its city;
  • In the Prefix menu interactive television;
  • IN personal Cabinet user on RT.ru;
  • When contacting the contact center at 88001000800.

Initiating the procedure for disconnecting the channels of the AMEDIA Premium channels, Rostelecom will discontinue charging an additional subscription to its use in a monthly format.