Alexander Ivanovich Herzen. Herzen Alexander Ivanovich to be a man in human society at all

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen


writer and philosopher

Without equality there is no marriage. The wife, excluded from all the interests of her husband, alien to them, not dividing them, is a concubine, housekeeper, nannik, but not a wife in full, in the noble sense of the word.

Being a person in human society is not a grave responsibility, but a simple development of internal needs; No one says that the sacred duty is lying on the bee, she does it, because she is a bee.

In the tradist, the person hides or does not protrude, because it is not important: the main thing - item, it's, item, the main thing - property.

There is nothing destructive in the world, unbearable, like inaction and wait.

There is no other method of acquisition in science, as in the person's sweat; Neither gusts, nor fantasy, nor aspiration with all your heart replace labor.

In nature, nothing occurs instantly and nothing appears in the light in a completely finished form.

Eternally sullen postnings are always suspicious to me; If they do not pretend, they or the mind, or the stomach are upset.

Question "Can there be a soul without a body?" Contains the whole ridiculous reasoning preceding him and based on the fact that the soul and body is two different things. What would you say to a person who asked you: "Can a black cat get out of the room, and a black color stay?" You would consider it for the crazy, and both questions are completely the same.

Our enemies never separated words and affairs and executed the words not only the same way, but often fierce than the case.

All state and political issues, all fantastic and heroic interests as the people are improved seeking to move into questions of popular welfare.

All religions founded morality on humility, that is, on voluntary slavery.

All the aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by a person; They strive to him, they fall into it, as in the ocean.

There are fewer egoism at the slave.

The whole life of mankind sequentially settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, and the book remained.

Every immoral deed made consciously insults the mind; Conscience reminders reminded to a person that he did as a slave as an animal.

Where the word did not die, there it was still not died.

Grand things are made by grand means. One nature makes a great gift.

Even simple material labor You can not do with love, knowing what it is done in vain ...

Actual interest is not at all to kill selfishness and pick up the fraternity in words, but to combine harmoniously two inherent ones of human life.

Friendship must be a strong man, able to survive all the temperature changes and all the shocks of the bumpy road, which are made by life and decent people.

If the debt me is strong, then he is as much syllogism, the conclusion, the thought that does not close me, like any truth, and the execution of which I am not a sacrifice, not selflessness, but my natural image of action.

There is a narrow egoism, animal, dirty, as there is love dirty, animal, narrow.

Life that does not leave durable traces, is erased at every step forward.

Art is easier to get off with poverty and luxury than with satisfaction. All the nature of the meshness, with its good and evil, is struggling, crazy for art.

What happiness to die in time for a person who does not know how to go away from the scene, nor go ahead.

Personality is not enough, she is needed to provide and upbringing to take advantage of them.

Personalities need to renounce himself in order to become a vessel of truth, to forget himself, so as not to sneak it.

... Loves, because he loves, he does not like, because he does not like, - the logic of the feelings and passions of the short.

Love is a high word, harmony of creating it requires her, without it there is no life and can not.

Love and friendship - mutual echo: they give as much as they take.

... Love spreads the limits of individual existence and leads to the consciousness all the bliss of being; Love life is admired by himself; Love is an apotheosis of life.

People are afraid of mental capture, but they are twice as much more afraid of the lack of authoritative. External authority is incomparably more convenient: the person made a bad act - he was crushed, punished, and he quit, as if he did not make his act.

The meshness is democratization of the aristocracy and the aristocratization of democracy.

Moralists talk about egoism as about bad habitwithout asking whether a person can be a man, losing a living sense of person.

The painful love is not true ...

We usually think about tomorrow, about the next year, while we need to cling to the bowl, pouring through the edge, which life itself stretches ... Nature has long to sweat and offer.

It is necessary to have the power of character to speak and do the same thing.

Science is power, it reveals the relationship of things, their laws and interactions.

Science requires the whole person, rear thoughts, readily to give everything and as a reward to get a heavy cross of sober knowledge.

Our strength - in the power of thought, in the strength of the truth, in the power of the word.

Is the people not torture children, and sometimes big, that they are so hard to raise, and Schishch so easily? Do we not meet the punishment for our inability?

Do not reject the impulse of the heart, but to reveal your soul to all the human, suffer and enjoy the suffering and pleasures of modernity, - in a word, to develop the egoistic heart in all the mournful, to summarize it with reason and in turn to revive them the mind!

It is impossible to relieve people more than they are released inside. Oddly enough, but experience shows that the peoples are easier to make a violent burden of slavery than the gift of excessive freedom.

Several frightened and alarmed love becomes more tender, caringly cares, from the egoism of two it is done not only by the egoism of three, but selflessness of two for the third; The family begins with children.

There is no thought that could not be expressed simply and clear.

There is no people who have entered the story, which could be considered a herd of animals, as there is no people who deserves named by the Song of the Favorites.

Nothing is done by itself, without effort and will, without victims and labor. The will of human, the will of one solid man is terribly great.

The first love is because of this well, that she forgets the difference in the floors that she is a passionate friendship.

Under the influence of the mesh, everything changed. The Knight's honor was replaced by accounting honesty, elegant morals - the nrules of siny, politeness - as well as pride - a sample.

There is no complete happiness with anxiety; Full happiness is decent as the sea during summer silence.

Progress - an integral property of conscious development, which was not interrupted; This is an active memory and improving people with public life.

To preach from the Ambon, passion from the stands, learn from the department is much easier than to bring up one child.

The forgiveness of enemies is a wonderful feat; But there is a feat even more beautiful, even more human is an understanding of enemies, because an understanding is for once forgiveness, justification, reconciliation.

Empty answers kill fair issues and remove the mind from the case.

Of course, people - Egoists, because they are faces; How to be ourselves, without having a sharp consciousness of his personality? We are egoists, and therefore we achieve independence, welfare, recognition of our rights, because they are craving for love, we are looking for activities and cannot refuse without explicit contradiction in the same rights to others.

The wastefulness is in itself the limit. It ends with the last ruble and with the last loan. The misfortune is infinite and always at the beginning of his field; After ten million, she with the same fucking begins to postpone the eleventh.

Religion is the main udnd for the masses, great intimidation of spaces, these are some colossal sizes of the screen that impede the people clearly see what is happening on the ground, forcing to raise gifters to heaven.

The most cruel, inexorable from all people prone to hatred, persecution, is ultrareraligiosic.

The word egoism, like the word love, too common: may be vile love, there may be high egoism. The egoism of the developed, thoughtful person is noble, he is his love for science, to art, to the neighbor, to wide life, to independence; Love limited savage, even love Othello is the highest egoism.

The cohabitation under one roof in itself the thing is terrible on which half of the marriages collapsed. Living closely together, people are too close to each other, see each other too detailed, too latch and imperceptibly break through the petal all the colors of the wreath surrounding poetry and grace personality.

Justice in a person who is not enthusiastic passion does not mean anything, a rather indifferent property of the face.

Old age has its beauty that spills not passion, do not imply, but the umirey, soothing ...

Suffering, pain is a challenge to fight, this is a guard cry of life that pays attention to the danger.

Terrible crimes entail terrible consequences.

The talent of the upbringing, the talent of patient love, is less common than all others. He cannot replace any passionate love of the mother, no strong dialectic arguments.

Theater is the highest instance to solve life issues.

Only love creates a durable and living, and pride is barren, because she does not need anything.

Require instead of love for humanity hate to everything that is lying on the road and prevents from going ahead.

There are no difficult objects, but there is the abyss of things that we just do not know, and even more people who know badly, incoherently, fragmentary, even falsely. And these false information stopping us even more and knock down than those we do not know.

Respect for truth - the beginning of the wisdom.

Chronic happiness is also not like a halit ice.

Private life that does not know anything behind the threshold of his house, no matter how it settled down, is poor.

A man without a heart is an impassive thinking machine that does not have any family, no friend, nor the Motherland; The heart is the perfect and integral basis of spiritual development.

A person cannot refuse to participate in the human act committed near him; He must act in his place, in his time - this is his worldwide vocation.

A man embraced by a strong passion is a terrible egoist.

The person is called into the world socio-historical, morally free and positive-active; He has no one ability to dismissed understanding, but also the will, which can be called a reasonable, reasonably creative.

A man building his house on one heart builds him on the fireless grief. People who are based on all the benefit of their lives on family lifeBuild a house on the sand.

Youth is always selfless.

Youth, where only she did not dry out from moral plant with meshness, is always impractical. Be impractical - far from being in lies; Everything addressed to the future has certainly the share of idealism. Other enthusiasm better than any morals keeps from drops.

... I lived own experience and to the bottom of all phases of family life and saw all the fragility of blood ties; They are strong when they are supported by a spiritual connection ...

I consider the situation of the people with a big misfortune, which the young generation does not have youth; We have already noticed that one youth is not enough.

We are not at all doctors - we pain.

Russian government, as a reverse providence, makes no future for the better, and the past.

From the book Aphorisms by Yermishin Oleg.

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870) Writer and philosopher without equality There is no marriage. The wife, excluded from all the interests, occupying her husband, alien to them, not dividing them - concubitant, housekeeper, nannik, but not a wife in full, in the noble meaning of the word. In the man

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From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (BB) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (KU) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Le) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (DM) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (TI) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (ER) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (UG) of the author BSE.

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Herzern Alexander Ivanovich (born in 1812 - Mind. In 1870) Revolutionary Democrat, philosopher, critic, writer and publicist, editor of the Revolutionary newspaper "Bell" and Almanach "Polar Star", one of the founders of militarianism. The author of the memoir epic "Poison and Duma" (1852


Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870), writer, publicist 209 bird language. "Poison and Duma", the book of Memoirov (1854-1870), I, 7? Herzen, 8: 149 So recalled astronomer and mathematician Dmitry Matveyevich Peresholekov (1788-1880) about the "Hegelian" articles of Herzen in 1844: "Your articles, reads, understands

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OOEEVSKY, ALEXANDER IVANOVYCH (1802-1839), Prince, Poet, Decembrist 57 Our mournful work will not disappear, the flame will be ruined from the spark. "Strings of prophetic flame sounds ..." (1827-1828; publ. In 1857)? Odoevsky A. I. Full. Cathedral poems. - L., 1958, p. 73 expression goes back to antiquity: "Often

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Herzern Alexander Ivanovich (Iskander) (1812-1870) - Russian philosopher, writer, public figure. In 1829-1833 he studied at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University. Even before entering the university met with N.P. Ogarev, together with whom he swore revenge

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Alexander Herzenov (1812-1870) Alexander Ivanovich Herzen was born in Moscow on March 25, 1812. He was an illegitimate son of a noble and rich landowner Ivan Alekseevich Yakovleva and 16-year-old Germans Henrietta-Louise Hague, and the last name Herzen, who was invented by the Father, came from German

From the book a dictionary of the aphorisms of Russian writers Author Tikhonov Alexander Nikolaevich

Herzern Alexander Ivanovich Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870) (pseudonym Iskander). Russian writer, critic, publicist, public figure. The author of the leader "Doctor of Kraistsov", "Soroka-Torovka", "Debt first of all", "damaged", "Doctor, dying and dead"; novel "WHO

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Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870), Russian Writer, Publicist52The Ocean - Mediterranean Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Future. "Established Property" (1853)? Herzen A. I. Sob. op. In 30 tons. - M., 1957, vol. 12, p. 110Thewards in "Were and Things", I, 15, as well as in Articles "America and Siberia" (1858), "America and Russia"

Secondly, you should be aware of the importance of these qualities for yourself and for all people.

Thirdly, you need to learn to control yourself. To do this, it is useful to ask yourself more often: did I do right? Did you bring harm to your act? Did you not bring someone with your optional? Self-control prevents the propensity to justify their own errors. Some, as you know, achieve in self-defense, truly wonders of ingenuity.

You will help your comrades to find a sense of duty, responsibility if you trust them, treat them with respect, show that you are hoping for them, no doubt their good qualities.

* * *

Questions and tasks for paragraph

1. How do you understand what freedom is?

2. Why freedom can not be absolute? Explain your answer.

3. What is responsibility? Give the definition of this concept.

4. How to raise responsibility?

5*. Explain the name of the paragraph. Why freedom is responsibility?

Discuss in the lesson

FROMfair establishments are then good when they are self-respecting, and therefore, we respect our duty, citizen's debt ( F. M. Dostoevsky, Russian Writer).

ABOUTthe binding of a person is divided into four kinds: 1) on charges before himself; 2) in front of the family; 3) before the state and 4) before other people in general ( G. Hegel, German philosopher).

B.a person in human society is not a grave responsibility, but a simple development of internal needs; No one says that on the bee lies the sacred duty to make honey, she does it, because she is a bee ( A.I. Herzzen, Russian Writer and Public Worker).

C.elovek not only maybe, but must also be pleasure with debt; He must joyfully obey his mind ( I. F. Schiller, German writer).

FROMvoboda is the right to do everything allowed by laws ( ).

L.cheat fools call their own freedom ( Tacitus, historian, writer).

M.oral necessity is completely free from freedom, for who chooses the best, then it does not become less free of it; On the contrary, the most perfect freedom is rather that nothing bothered to act well ( Labitz, German scientist, philosopher).

N.equal debt is the resistance to any coercion and an immoral act ( F. Engels, public figure, one of the founders of Marxism).

D.olg ... - what elevates man over himself ( I. Kant.).

FROMthe term of debt, tieting a person to its obligations, is nothing but the consciousness of the highest interest, which lies in it over the interest of the lowest order ( I. Bentam, English philosopher and lawyer).

D.olg is the love of what you want to yourself ( I.V. Götte, German poet).

N.asha respect K. general rules morality and there is actually a sense of duty ( A. Smith, English Economist).

C.that is, debt? So far, we do not have a different answer, except for the following: to make the right and take care of your own good and about the good ... of others ( G. Hegel).

Tasks for independent work

1. A group of adolescents committed a crime. Among them was Alexey, who quite recently got into this company. In court, he said: "I did not want to commit a crime, I wanted only to be friends with the guys. I thought a real friend should be with the comrades and in good deedand in bad. Therefore, I did not refuse that they asked me to do ... "Are Alexey's right? What do you think, does he have a sense of responsibility?

2. Select qualities that help to be responsible, and enter them into the first column (a) of the table, in the second column (b) specify the qualities that do not contribute to this: 1) honesty, 2) accuracy, 3) kindness, 4) aggressiveness, 5 ) Raznostu, 6) hellley, 7) hardworking, 8) accuracy, 9) laziness, 10) courage, 11) courtesy, 12) binding.

3. What do you think, what qualities did the lyrical hero of the poem of Boris Pasternaka possessed?

4*. Check yourself, answer questions (yes "or" no ").

Do you always fulfill your promises?

Were there any cases when you were recognized by parents or teacher in their offense?

Do you feel easier to confess your bad act or deceive anyone?

If you had to give more answers "no" than "yes," one should think about strengthening a sense of responsibility.

Work with text

Political freedom is not at all to do what I want. In the state, i.e., in a society where there are laws, freedom can only be able to have the opportunity to do what should want, and not be forced to do what should not want.

It is necessary to understand what freedom is and what is independence. Freedom is the right to do everything allowed by laws. If a citizen could do what these laws are prohibited, he would not have freedom, since other citizens could do the same. ( Sh. Montcape, French philosopher).

Topics for project activities, abstracts, discussions

1. It is necessary to be, and not seem.

2. People exist for each other ( Mark Arellium).

3. For thin cases, the head flies and the head ( proverb).

4. How many paws are either steal, and the gallows do not amaze ( proverb).

Dictionary lesson

Anarchist - Supporter of Anarchism (Greek. anarchy), socio-political flow speaking for immediate destruction state power; Man denying every order, organization.

Debt - performed by a person from the motivation of the conscience of moral duties.

§ 3. Cultural man

Task lesson. To be able to explain the concepts: art, culture, cultural man, mass culture.

What does it mean to be cultural? We give an example. Elderly teacher almost always traveled in transport standing: it seemed to her that she would take the place of man weaker her, stronger than tired. In the queues I missed other people ahead. From politeness. Someone laughed at her fascination, called himself a kill, blessed. Others regards, considering the unfortunate loser, by the fate. And only a few admired, they saw in her brought up, correct, polite, delicate, in the exact sense of the word cultural person.

And she herself? In his behavior, an elderly woman did not see anything unusual. She behaved naturally, otherwise she simply could not. Whatever they spoke to her surrounding, she did not object, did not argue, but he did, as they suggested conscience, ideas about morality. She was confident in her right. He supported the teacher a great culture of the past, then reasonable, kind, bright, truly human, that she found in the present.

The word "culture" we use very often, but not always think about his meaning. Meanwhile, the story of this concept is interesting in its own way.

What is culture? The word "culture" came to Russian from Latin. We have already passed that it was originally used in the "cultivation" value, "cultivation". The culture is thus the opposite of the whole wilderness, non-reproduced. The first cultural (in the original meaning of the word "culture"), people were the Ancient Roman farmers who cultivated, transformed the Earth.

Then, this concept was distributed to the intangible, mental, spiritual activity of man. The Romans spoke about the culture of the soul, spiritual culture. Since that time, the word "culture" began to call everything that was created not by nature, but by hand or mind of a person.

As the human society develops, the culture became more complicated, it became more perfect, more diverse. The man created a culture, and culture created (transformed) a person.

Man creates a "second nature" - a social life in which it exists. Just look around to understand: modern world To a large extent, it is a generation of culture. We are surrounded by glass and concrete skyscrapers, cars help us at home, in production, traveling, we draw information from newspapers, radio and television, we get energy from the atomic nucleus and do not think without all those amenities that appeared thanks to the achievements Material culture.

The bird sitting is not a tree, never afraid that the branch will break under her, because she trusts not a branch, but with their wings!

Always forgive human nonsense - because it is never unintentional, but never forgive human meanness - because it is intentional always.

Women do not need to listen. They need to feel. What she says is and what she feels are different things.

Never be offended by life, because no one promised that she would be different.

Marry interesting only by love; Marry the same girl just because she is pretty, it's like buying yourself an unnecessary thing in the bazaar just because it is good.

Experience is not what happens to man, but what a person does with what happens to him.

Bee, stunning a steel sting, does not know that she disappeared ... So fools, a launching poison, do not understand what they do.

Do not believe what a man says; Just see what he does.

The struggle of good and evil is not on the battlefields. Every day it happens in every human heart.

Smart women live hard in the world. And not at all because they do not like men, rather, on the contrary - a normal man and will not want to stay with a fool longer than one night. And because the smart woman is not so easy to find a person with whom she can be near. And not every man will be able to endure a woman next to him who smarter than him.


570. Being a person in human society is not a grave responsibility, but a simple development of internal needs; No one says that there is a sacred obligation to make honey; She does it because she is a bee. The person who came down to the consciousness of his dignity comes in humans because it is so natural, it is easier, which is more peculiar, more pleasant; I don't even praise him for it, he makes his job, he cannot otherwise act, since the rose cannot otherwise smell. A. Herzen.

571. Therefore, it means to be a fighter. I. Goethe.

572. Being a person means not only to possess knowledge, but also to do for future generations that preceding themselves did for us. Lichtenberg.

573. Being a person is to feel his responsibility. Feel shame in front of poverty, which, it would seem, does not depend on you. Proud of every victory surrounded by comrades. It is aware that, putting your brick, and you help build peace. A. De Saint-Exupery.

574. To be something alone inevitably means not to be all different, and the vague feeling of this truth brought people to the idea that not to be more than being something, and that in a certain sense it means to be all. X. Borges.

575. To be sensual means to be suffering. K. Marx.

576. Being generous - it means to give more than you can; Be proud - it means to take less than you need. D. Jebrran.

577. Being an egoist is not to live, as you want. This means to ask others so that they live as you would like. O. Wilde.


578. The bureaucrat is a man that tells you the final "maybe." S. Golden,

579. The bureaucrat is a child of unbalanced interdependencies in society. A. Gelman.


580. Bureaucracy - actions are correct formally and mocking essentially. V. Lenin.


581. Bureaucracy is a gigantic mechanism leading to pigments. O. de Balzac.

In (s) (preposition)

582. In disasters of reason - the best leader. Euripid.

583. In immoral society, all the inventions that increase the power of a person over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil. L. Tolstoy.

584. In large light there are premissible souls. D. Fonvizin.

585. In important affairs of life, it is necessary to hurry so as if the loss of one minute was to die everything. V. Belinsky.

586. In an enthusiastic condition, a person is able to do what otherwise it is impossible. Passions are creating miracles, that is, actions that exceed the forces of the body in the usual, impassive state. L. Feyerbach.

587. In the washed window and the neighbors windows seem clean. R. Schuman-Ficus.

588. In high souls, pity - frequent guest. D. Choseer.

589. In the depths of all the abyss, you can find a path leading to the highest vertex. C. Colton.

590. At the age of twenty years over a person, a desire is owned, at the thirty years - the mind, in forty years - the reason. B. Franklin.

591. In the affairs of controversial judgments are different, but the truth is always alone. F. Petrarka.

592. In the creation of the process of self-development, the widest place must be reserved. Mankind has all successfully developed only by self-education. Spencer.

593. In the house without tenants - no famous insects do not eat. Goat rods.

594. There are no debtors in friendship or benefactors. R. Rolland.

595. In a badly educated person, courage takes the kind of rudeness; The study becomes in it by pedanthism; Were withers, simplicity - inexpressible, good nature - flatteriness. D. Lokk.

596. In the spiritual life of each person, this moment comes when he comes to the conviction that envy is generated by ignorance; What imitation is suicide; that a person wants it or not, must come to himself with him, as well as with his appointed lot ... The forces laid in it do not have the like in nature, and only him is given to know what he is capable of, and it will not be cleared, While he does not experience himself. R. Emerson.

597. In the desire, the essence of man is expressed. B. Spinosa.

598. In life - as in the way: the shortest road is usually the most dirty, and and the long one is not much cleaner. F. Bacon.

599. There are cases in life when simplicity and frankness are the thinnest cunning. J. Labryuer.

600. In life, it is important who exactly tells the truth. In the lips of some and the truth becomes a lie. T. Mann.

601. There are always two sides in life - bright and dark, on any of which we can focus your eyes. S. Smilets.

602. There are two tragedies in life. One is not to achieve the fulfillment of his most intimate desire. The second is to achieve. B. Shaw.

603. There is only one happiness in life - to love and be loved. Georges Sand.

604. In the life of a woman there are only one real tragedy, namely, the past is always a lover, and the future is a husband. O. Wilde.

605. In life, sometimes falls in minutes when the smallest troubles take the sizes of disasters in our eyes. E. Suventr.

606. In the life of each adult, there are two centers, two poles of activity - economic and sexy. There are two enemy - hunger and death. Our whole life since you have become adults depends on the ability to resist these two original enemies. R. Olddington.

Being a person in human society is not a grave responsibility, but a simple development of internal needs; No one says that the sacred duty is lying on the bee, she does it, because she is a bee. Every immoral deed made consciously insults the mind; Conscience reminders reminded to a person that he did as a slave as an animal. Of course, people - Egoists, because they are faces; How to be ourselves, without having a sharp consciousness of his personality? We are egoists, and therefore we achieve independence, welfare, recognition of our rights, because they are craving for love, we are looking for activities and cannot refuse without explicit contradiction in the same rights to others. There is no thought that could not be expressed simply and clear. The person is called into the world socio-historical, morally free and positive-active; He has no one ability to dismissed understanding, but also the will, which can be called a reasonable, reasonably creative. All state and political issues, all fantastic and heroic interests as the people are improved seeking to move into questions of popular welfare. Private life that does not know anything behind the threshold of his house, no matter how it settled down, is poor. What happiness to die in time for a person who does not know how to go away from the scene, nor go ahead. Personality is not enough, she is needed to provide and upbringing to take advantage of them. The cohabitation under one roof in itself the thing is terrible on which half of the marriages collapsed. Living closely together, people are too close to each other, see each other too detailed, too latch and imperceptibly break through the petal all the colors of the wreath surrounding poetry and grace personality. There is no people who have entered the story, which could be considered a herd of animals, as there is no people who deserves named by the Song of the Favorites. The forgiveness of enemies is a wonderful feat; But there is a feat even more beautiful, even more human is an understanding of enemies, because an understanding is for once forgiveness, justification, reconciliation. There are fewer egoism at the slave. Nothing is done by itself, without effort and will, without victims and labor. The will of human, the will of one solid man is terribly great. Without equality there is no marriage. The wife, excluded from all the interests of her husband, alien to them, not dividing them, is a concubine, housekeeper, nannik, but not a wife in full, in the noble sense of the word. Our enemies never separated words and affairs and executed the words not only the same way, but often fierce than the case. Love and friendship - mutual echo: they give as much as they take. Moralists speak about egoism as a bad habit, without asking whether a person can be a man, losing a living sense of person. Actual interest is not at all to kill selfishness and pick up the fraternity in words, but to combine harmoniously two inherent ones of human life.