Create an advertising record in contact. How to place VKontakte advertising posts. Types of VK advertising

In the previous publication, we made an overview of a tool that has appeared in the arsenal of marketers relatively recently - native advertising.

One of the platforms where you can independently and very quickly launch native advertising (the one that is shown in the news feed) is the social network VKontakte. Today we'll talk about how to set up native VK ads.

How to set up native ads on VK correctly?

There are two ways to create native VK ads.

The advantage of the first approach is that the post from the community will gain likes and reposts, and all this will have a positive effect on the attractiveness of the community.

The second approach should be used when you do not want advertising posts, for example, due to the fact that there will be a lot of them, not to spam the news feed.

On the page that opens, select "Post promotion".

A window will open where you will need to click "Create Record".

After choosing the community that you will advertise, you can proceed to creating the advertising post itself. Write the text, insert a picture and a link as needed.

Finally, you can choose which button will be displayed in the post. If you use the button, then the maximum text length in a post is 220 characters. If the button is not needed or you want to place a longer text, click on the cross to remove the button from the record.

The advertising format in the VKontakte news feed was conceived to promote your business through the social network. For those who opened and maintains their own groups, it is possible to configure the display of posts from them to a wider audience using targeting, that is, in fact, this is the same target vk. The difference is that here you can only promote posts published in your group, or create new ones, but only if you have administrator rights.

Features of advertising in the VK news feed.

  • Sponsored posts can be shown in the news of any user without spam, legally.
  • The news hangs for as long as you like, the unfolding is slow.
  • Low cost per click with precise targeting settings.
  • You can create a new message directly in the ad account and turn off its display to group subscribers so as not to waste your budget.
  • Likes and reposts are put, that is, if your proposal is interesting, you can expect its viral spread.

You should be aware that one post in the community is allowed to create one ad, no more. Therefore, most often such advertising is used to draw attention to new discounts, promotions or events. Also this effective method increasing the awareness of your brand or some promoted product.

Entries from closed groups are not accepted for posting in the VKontakte news feed, which is quite logical, that is why they are closed.

The format is very extensive - in addition to text, pictures, videos, polls, maps are added, that is, practically, there are no restrictions. This makes it possible to catch the user's attention with creative proposals, but do not forget that ads are moderated by VK, which, as usual, is very strict.

How to make and place advertisements in the VKontakte news feed.

Here everything is the same as in setting up a targeted campaign - go to "advertising-targeting-create ad", click on "post in the community" and enter a link to the page with the post.

If you do not want the ad to be shown in the feed of subscribers and in the group itself, which is quite logical - its members can already familiarize themselves with all the offers in the community, we create a so-called "hidden" advertisement.

To do this, click "create record". To write a new post, you are offered to indicate the community on behalf of which it is being made.

We continue

Pay attention to the explanations at the bottom of the window - community members are excluded from the impression, and money from the advertising budget will not be spent on them. To get acquainted with your proposal of subscribers, if necessary, you can create a new message in the group itself and it will not cost you a penny.

Now turn on your imagination, spy, write text and download what you need - pictures, video, audio, polls or maps. You can insert a button with a link to a community or external site, as well as a phone number for contact (order).

Campaign settings in the feed.

There are some differences from the usual settings. For example, when you create a new post in targeting, your group is excluded from impressions

There is no payment for clicks in the price selection, there is only payment "per 1000 impressions", and the limitation of post demonstration is allowed up to 1 impression per person (in this screenshot, targeting is not configured, coverage is "for all", hence the cost).

That's all, wait for moderation, and after approval, the ad will start spinning automatically.

It's simple - to open a new community, even a fake one. It should be said here that VK will not let you launch a campaign if it is not completed - there is no logo in the avatar, the name and information about the company, any contact information.

If you use the group purely for advertising purposes on various topics, you can call it neutral, like Virt-Cap (which came to mind). And from it to drive advertising records for different offers into the news feed. It is created simply: in the VK account, go to "groups-create a community" and further down the list.

All about Vkontakte advertisements

We continue the series of articles devoted to the promotion using targeted advertising on Vkontakte. You can learn more about what targeted advertising is and how it is used in our article - link.

Two types of Vkontakte ads

Moreover, each of the types has several formats that are created for a specific type of advertising. To select the one you need, enter your advertising cabinet, go to the " Targeting» - « Create ad».

Advertising entries in the news feed

As you can see, it differs from the usual record only by a small signature in the upper corner " Advertising record».


This view is displayed directly in the news feed, which increases the number of views. Accordingly, a large coverage of subscribers.

They are displayed both in the full version of the site and in mobile applications and mobile version.

Vkontakte offers a choice of three types of ads for the news feed

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Carousel - the type of advertisement that is suitable for promoting services or goods. You can use three to 10 links in your ad. In this case, each link will be a product or service card. Such a record looks as follows.

Requirements for ads:

- The number of cards for goods or services must be from 3 to 10

- Title length for each card is from 3 to 25 characters with spaces

- Image at least 400px wide. Animations are not supported.

- The price of the service is from 0 to 10 billion rubles. In this case, the price is indicated either for all cards, or for none.

- You can attach a call to action button to each card (“go”, “open”, “order”, etc.). All or none of the cards should have buttons.

- No other attachments can be attached to the post

- The statistics show the total transitions for all cards. To get statistics on a specific card, you can use UTM tags.

2) You must select the community on behalf of which the entry will be posted. If you don't have a community, you need to create it and fill it with content.

3) Now you need to create the ad text and add product cards.

4) We fill in the page of this card.

- Load the image, which must be at least 400 pixels

- Enter the title

- Add old price (if the product has a discount)

- Add product price

- Add a button

5) After that, create at least 2 more cards by selecting " Add card».

6) Move on to setting up your target audience. Set the parameters you need and you can send the entry for moderation.

Universal recording

Universal recording - the type of Vkontakte ad that is used to promote any product, product, application, community, record, etc. By choosing this format, you can use all the features of the social network: attach photos, videos, polls, etc.

2) Now you need to create a new ad post, or select an existing one.

When creating a new post, you must specify the community on behalf of which it will be posted. If you don't have it, then create and fill it with content.

Then click on the button " Create a».

4) Set up your target audience and run your ad.

This type of ad may contain a call to action button (Buy, Download, Order, etc.). It should be noted that when choosing this type, only payment for ad impressions will be available.

3) You need to customize your ad.

- Upload image

- Create a title (3 to 80 characters)

- Select the button to record. It should be noted that when advertising different products (site, group, etc.), the names of the buttons will be different. You can also remove the button by clicking on the cross next to it.

4) Save the recording and configure target audience... Then you can run the ad.

This type of ads is suitable for promoting third-party sites, applications and Vkontakte communities. The main disadvantage is that posts are shown only in the full version of the site. An example of such an advertisement is shown in the screenshot below.

Vkontakte offers 3 types of ads on site pages.

External site

2) Select the item " External site».

Image and text

Large image

5) Set up the target audience and send the ad for moderation.


3) Choose one of the available ad options

Image and text

Large image

Community promotion

4) Customize your target audience and launch your ad


Suitable for promoting games and applications posted on a social network. If you are the administrator of the application, you can pay for its advertising with Vkontakte votes.

Square image

Image and text

Large image


Application showcase

4) Customize your target audience and launch your ad

Just so you know, this article will be accompanied (with pictures and quotes) by the film "Pulp Fiction". Why? Yes, because for me advertising on the Internet is like a Tarantino film - all parts of the plot are separated, mixed and shown in the “wrong” order. Why am I writing about this then? To prove: if I figured it out, then anyone can.

In fact, I hate introducing articles. It is often difficult to start somehow normally, without all those “Well, what then. Let's go from theory to practice. "

Mia: Do you hate that too?

Vincent: I hate what?

Mia: An awkward silence. Why do people have to freeze some nonsense just to feel at ease?

Vincent: I don't know. Good question.

(c) "Pulp Fiction"

First, briefly for those who like to read only the beginning of the article

Imagine, now you can get it with your advertising not only with the help of Direct and Adwords. Now (after reading this article) you will be able to spam any entries in your users' news feed. Any users. AND! What is the idea!

Making out your advertising notes, you can take advantage of all the hospitality of VK: attach songs, polls and whatever. You can also customize the target audience in the best traditions of online advertising: select users by interests, by city of residence, age, etc. You can also use special services (for example, Cerebro) to parse the audience from the communities of interest: find specific people you need, and even get their friends.

Relatively cheap, easy to make, suitable for any (except elite) business. Generally. must be taken!

But this is short :)

You don't need to "think" about anything. Need to know. (p.) "Pulp Fiction"

  1. Your ad will hang in the feed of your target audience just until it's blue in the face (well, or whatever you want). Well, or until the user does something with it (clicks, hides, etc.).
  2. And then there's this cool thing: you can embed additional pixel codes that can then be used to track cross-channel marketing campaigns.
  3. You can also download the VK retargeting pixel and watch how the number of people seeing your post grows (or does not).


  • No need to bother with the type of ad. Thanks to VK, your posts will look great both on the tablet and on the big screen.
  • By the way, about different platforms. It is very cool that users of different gadgets will see one ad.
  • More likely to get into the halo of attention of someone who rarely hangs out in your community.
  • You are not hitting the forehead with your ad. Advertising entries fit very nicely and neatly into the user's feed. Plus, they also alternate with the usual ones: VK ads will show no more than once every 25 posts.
  • If you set up your target correctly, the click will be impressively cheap.

When can I use (usually others use)

Create and customize your ad

I think when this whole thing is over, you will understand. You will understand that everything is fine. And you will, bl ***, smile to yourself from the mirror. (c) "Pulp Fiction"


  1. You can only advertise posts that are posted by the community. That is, no personal ads about “Selling a garage”.
  2. It is logical (just in case, I will say) that it is impossible to promote records of closed groups and events in the news feed. Because they are closed :)
  3. One entry \u003d one ad. And even the other will not work. There is also important point: if you have archived your pk, you will not be able to create a new ad for an already used one. Don't be lazy.
  4. You can only promote posts from communities for which you have admin rights. By the way, in the near future VK was going to be generous with the special rights of the advertiser.

Community requirements

  • The description of the activity should include the name of the brand / company and general information.
  • Community avatar logo.
  • Contacts: phone, website, mail, office address, or at least one of the above.

How to start promoting community posts on VK

Let's start together, by the handlepromoting your community posts on VK.

Not so difficult, agree?

I explain for the very smart. I'm not here to ask for anything. I'm here to tell you what to do. And, if the instinct of self-preservation is not alien to you, come on, start running. I am here to help. But if my help is not appreciated - good luck, gentlemen.

(c.) Wolf "Pulp Fiction"

If you came here, then you are probably familiar with this social networklike Vkontakte. There you can communicate for free with other people around the world, listen to music, watch various videos and do many more interesting and useful things, including advertising your projects. Today in this article we will try to figure out how to place ads on VK without spending a penny on it, as well as how effective free advertising on Vkontakte is.

How to place an ad in VKontakte for free

Imagine a situation: you have a generous offer to sell an item or even a large number of items, but you do not have buyers in real life or on sites like Avito. Of course, there are much more buyers on VKontakte than on all other sites, but you have not the slightest idea where and how to submit an ad in this social network. There are several ways to solve this problem, each of which we will consider in detail:

Advertise your product on the wall of your personal page

The ad post on the page must be pinned.

Let's say right away that this method is only suitable for those whose personal page has a fairly large list of people, at least 200. You and your ad should be seen by people in their news feed. In order for the ad not to get lost in a large amount of information, it must be created as bright and visible as possible.

An unusual and colorful picture, clear photographs of things (if clothes are on the model's body) against a contrasting background, informative description of prices and necessary information about the product. If you advertise services - make some kind of promotion. Discounts can be made to purchase multiple items.

Create your own group dedicated to your product or service

This is a rather difficult method, since you have to somehow attract people to the group. Most likely, for a good result, you will have to, but we will tell you how to advertise your community for free later. The advantage of this method is that all the attention will be devoted specifically to your proposal, and among the people there will be only those who are interested in working with you.

Post an ad on the community wall

There are special groups and publics in VK that position themselves as "flea markets". It is this word that often flaunts in the name of such a community. You can safely post a pre-prepared announcement on the group's wall (sometimes you need to click on the "Submit news" button and wait until the announcement is posted and you will receive a notification).

The advertising message must be attractive and professional.

Add photo ads to group albums

In groups with an open wall, it is more effective to post advertisements in VK in the form of product photos in specially prepared and categorized albums. Then in the description you should informatively state information about the product. By the way, to make your offer stand out from the rest, arrange your photos in the style of pictures from magazines. Sometimes, in order to get more efficiency, the group owner asks to pay. You can understand this issue personally with the administrator, if you are interested not only in free.

How to advertise on VKontakte for free

We have already said that on VKontakte you can promote entire groups and communities for free, where you are going to offer your goods and services. The private communities themselves are the most effective advertisinghowever, they still need to be "untwisted". Let's immediately note that each of the methods will be very laborious, time consuming and will not be devoid of various kinds of risks. You may have to involve friends and acquaintances in the process for some kind of reward, or hire a special team that will help you advertise on VKontakte. At the same time, you may not immediately notice the result, but over time, your advertising campaign will definitely make itself felt. So, there are several ways in which this is usually done:

Spam in private messages

The first method starts by finding communities with a theme similar to the one you have chosen. From options: competing communities, general topics (art, photography, travel), publics with the target audience that interests you. You need to go to the list of participants and those who have open private messages, start sending ads for your group. Usually, three out of ten people subscribe. It is not worth sending advertising to everyone, but only to your target audience. But how to define it? This can be done based on some rules:

The advantage of this method is that you can even find like-minded people and good connectionsas you communicate directly with potential clients. You are open to the audience, and this creates a good opinion of you as a honest entrepreneur... But there are plenty of downsides to counterbalance.

  • Firstly, from one page you can send no more than 20 messages to those who are not in your friends (this is what assistants with other accounts are needed for).
  • Secondly, disgruntled people will report spam from you and your group, so you and your group may be blocked. As you can see, the method is very slow, routine and not very efficient. Accounts will be blocked often and for a long time, if not forever, so you will have to carefully look for people who will be really interested in your offer.

Spam in groups

The method is very similar to that described in the previous paragraph. You need to find communities that themselves offer to post ads on their wall in VKontakte for free. The method is probably even less effective than the previous one, since in such publics there are mainly advertisers who are disinterested in responding to other people's advertising. Plus, it’s the same routine that doesn’t bring much results, no matter how colorful your ad is. But there are no restrictions.

Album spam

Again a similar method. If you left an advertisement on the wall, then in this community we have every right to leave our advertisement in the photo album. You can add photos of goods or services or any colorful advertisement. Be sure to write informative descriptions. Of course, the gain will be extremely small, but there will be no problems with blocking and restrictions.

Contests in your group

The prize for the winner must be your product or service

If you have recruited a certain number of regular members, you can arrange a competition to be active in the group. You need to reward the one (or those) who liked the most, wrote comments and shared news. This can be learned from statistics, which can be given to everyone to evaluate. Also, let the winner write a review later about receiving the gift.
As prizes for winning the competition, choose only your products and services or discounts for their payment. This way you will only attract the target audience. If you assign a monetary reward for participating in the competition, you risk attracting only money hunters who are not interested in your product at all.

Exchange ads with other groups

If your friend also decided to do the same thing with you, then you can set up mutual advertising in your communities, agreeing to repost news at the same time, call to join the community, or just write a review of the group. Larger publics also know how to create ads for their community, so sometimes the most interesting and promising groups they offer free advertising in exchange for advertising their own. Some are just kind and dependable, but this happens extremely rarely. This is the most effective free method, but very rarely free. By the way, reposts should be done at special times no more than four times a day.

In which groups on VK you can make free advertising

And finally, it is worth showing you a whole list of which groups you should post your ads and ads in. They are not so difficult to find on the vastness of the VKontakte network, however, we made your search much faster. There are, of course, much more groups, but we decided to offer you the most basic options. You may be looking for more specialized options

Flea markets: - Ukraine. - closed wall. - Belarus. - Peter. - Moscow. - musical. - up to 1000 rubles.

We hope this material was helpful and informative for you. Leave your additions and suggestions in the comments, share the article in social networks with your friends and be sure to visit other interesting articles on our website.