Why are so many people unhappy with their jobs? And satisfaction with the profession

Everyone knows how easy it is to bring all your work troubles home from work. When a person is not satisfied with a job, he tends to take out his troubles on his spouse or children. As you might expect, this is not conducive to marital happiness.

Sometimes depression caused by dissatisfaction with work leads to pessimistic thoughts about your marriage and family. In other cases, dissatisfied spouses feel that they should receive more from the family, since they feel so bad at work. Unfortunately, life is different, and a person rarely receives compensation in the family for his work troubles. Over time, similar experiences of difficulties at work can be passed on to children, who will also suffer from low self-esteem.

In some cases, job dissatisfaction is used to manipulate family members. My mother used to say, “Don't worry about your father. Watch what you say: he has so many problems at work. " When any of us needed something, got into trouble, or had a plan to discuss, my mother insisted on postponing the conversation because my father was too busy with his work problems. Dissatisfaction with his work gave him the opportunity not to take care of the children, and allowed my mother to become a mediator in our relationship with him.

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Course work

Discipline: Sociology of Labor

Topic: "Satisfaction and dissatisfaction with work: the mechanism of implementation and manifestation"


Chapter 1. Theoretical study of the problem, job satisfaction

1.1 Concept of job satisfaction

1.2 Activities and socio-psychological characteristics of employees of trade enterprises

Chapter 2. Psychological study of the characteristics of job satisfaction in trade enterprises

2.1 Purpose, hypothesis, objectives, methodological apparatus and research organization

2.2 Results and discussion



Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


To the question “Do you love your job? ”Only 1 in 10 answers: yes. In their book Working With Pleasure, Richard Herman, Diana Blumenson, and Peter Arnold point out that four out of five workers do not like something about the job they do. The dissatisfaction rate reaches 95% - a horrifying statistic. When you think about how many hours - month after month, year after year - we spend at work, it becomes sad that the return, in terms of the satisfaction received, is so small. Does anything depend on how we treat our work? Undoubtedly. If the work is not for you soul, you feel it right away, you can get the job done, but you will feel disappointment, irritation or apathy, and this will definitely affect both your personal life and the work itself.

Why do people work? Why do some people do easy work and remain dissatisfied, while others do hard work with pleasure? What needs to be done to ensure that people get satisfaction from their work?

The complexity and multidimensionality of the problem of job satisfaction determines the multiplicity of approaches to understanding its essence, nature, structure, as well as to methods of studying it. K. Zamfir dealt with the problem of satisfaction and meaningfulness of work. The reorganization of routine types of labor was investigated in his works by W. Albert. M. Argyll highlighted the factors of job satisfaction and the main manifestations of job dissatisfaction. The main approaches to increasing job satisfaction were described by G.K. White. F. Herzberg formulated the theory of two factors, in which he studied the influence of motivational factors on job satisfaction. The psychological analysis of the problem of satisfaction with the chosen profession was described in his work by A.A. Rean. Many scientists have also devoted their writings to solving these and other problems.

This work covers a wide range of problems related to job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises. The urgency of this problem is obvious, since the satisfaction of employees at a trade enterprise is one of the necessary conditions for increasing labor productivity, and, consequently, increasing profits at the enterprise as a whole.

The purpose of the study is to identify the components of job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises.

The object of the research is the activities of employees of trade enterprises.

The subject of the research is job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises.

Research hypothesis: employees of trade enterprises are satisfied with their work.

Research objectives:

1. Analyze the psychological literature on this issue.

2. Identify the components that influence job satisfaction.

3. To identify the features of job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises.

Research methods: questioning, testing, observation and theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem. Mathematical processing methods were also used to ensure the reliability of the study.

Chapter1 . Theoreticalstudyproblems,satisfactionlabor

1.1 Conceptsatisfactionlabor

Job satisfaction is the fulfillment, fulfillment of a person's expectations from the material, social, spiritual and moral results of his work; the cumulative impact on the employee of the components of labor motivation, including the content and working conditions, the amount of earnings, public recognition of what has been achieved, opportunities for self-expression and self-affirmation of the individual - the factors that ultimately determine the desire for useful activities, the manifestation of creative initiative, the willingness to cooperate with partners.

Job satisfaction is determined in the same way as the emotional-evaluative attitude of an individual or a group to the work performed and the conditions for its course.

Summarizing the ideas and statements of many scientists and practitioners, we can conditionally distinguish two theories of this phenomenon:

job satisfaction is not a pressing issue. Labor was and always will be "difficult", i.e. mostly forced and not entirely enjoyable. This is primarily due to the fact that the educational and cultural level of people is constantly increasing, and the nature, conditions and organization of work are improving slowly in terms of their attractiveness to humans. A reasonable and realistic solution is to compensate for the hardships of labor with the quality of outside work life, the values \u200b\u200bof everyday life, leisure, culture;

job satisfaction is an urgent problem. Its resolution is both necessary and possible. Such institutions as the regulation of vocational orientations, labor training and education, social and psychological services for practical adaptation to work, and legal work in the field of labor relations can also contribute to a significant increase in job satisfaction.

There are a number of fairly specific values \u200b\u200bof job satisfaction, reflecting its role, functions, consequences in socio-economic life, in organization and management.

1. As a result of studying the evaluative attitudes of people to well-being in everyday life, the socio-economic system, and the social climate, it has been established that work and career are of the greatest importance for them, along with such values \u200b\u200bas health, personal life, full-fledged leisure, often occupying this rating first position. In a word, job satisfaction is, first of all, social satisfaction, the most important indicator of the quality of life of individuals and groups, the population, and the nation.

2. Job satisfaction has a functional and production significance. It affects the quantitative and qualitative results of work, the urgency and accuracy of assignments, commitment to other people. With the duration and experience of work, the impact of satisfaction on functional performance may decrease. This influence also depends on the strong-willed qualities of the employee, his ability not to obey the mood in the process of work.

The attitude to work can be based on the employee's self-assessment of his business qualities and indicators. At the same time, self-satisfaction and self-dissatisfaction can positively and negatively affect work, depending on the specific case.

3. The employer's concern for people's satisfaction with their work determines some essential types of managerial behavior, labor relations in general. The employer is often skeptical about the production and economic effect of any measures to humanize labor and considers their financing irrational. Funds for these purposes are spent either by individual enthusiasts, or by very rich and prosperous organizations, or under pressure from the masses of the workers and the legal authorities. Attention to the problem of job satisfaction can manifest itself as a fashion movement, prestigious social policy and charity, ostentatious competition between employers for a better attitude towards an employee.

The character and working conditions that are satisfactory from the employee's point of view are the most important factor in the authority of the manager. For workers, the administration is better, which is able to make their work better.

Job satisfaction is often an indicator of staff turnover and the need for appropriate action to prevent it.

Depending on satisfaction with work, the requirements and claims of employees increase or decrease, including with respect to remuneration for work.

Job satisfaction is a universal criterion for explaining, interpreting a variety of actions of individual workers and work groups. It determines the style, method, manner of communication between the administration and the workforce. In other words, the behavior of satisfied and dissatisfied people differs, the management of satisfied and dissatisfied people also differs.

The level of satisfaction can be studied in different versions of the scales. For example: a) satisfaction - dissatisfaction;

6) high satisfaction - relatively high satisfaction - moderate satisfaction - dissatisfaction; c) complete satisfaction - more satisfaction - more dissatisfaction than satisfaction - absolute dissatisfaction.

Each of the options has its own disadvantages and advantages, the wrong choice of the scale can lead to results that do not reflect the actual labor mood of the employee or team.

Job satisfaction is the structure of specific evaluative relationships to a variety of specific aspects of work. We are talking about such aspects of the nature and conditions of work that are sufficiently understood, perceived by people, and receive a certain negative or positive assessment from their side.

In this case, the structure of job satisfaction is:

physical environment - the level of safety, noise, temperature, pollution;

aesthetic environment - light background, color and decoration of premises, means of labor, spatial "solution" of premises;

the infrastructure of the so-called "social and cultural life" - the availability of recreational facilities, functional facilities, food outlets, etc .;

standardization or irregularity of working hours;

mode, work schedule;

remoteness of work from place of residence;

primary characteristics of labor (severity, intensity, complexity);

secondary characteristics of labor (meaningfulness, monotony, creative intensity, intellectual or physical meaningfulness; the presence of interesting solutions in work, risk, responsibility, moral requirements, novelty, the ability to manage, plan, etc.);

the degree of attachment to the workplace, the ability to move in the space of the room and outside it;

the need to be separated from the place of residence and family;

sufficiency and adequacy of qualifications;

the level of work organization;

job satisfaction sales worker

the meaning of the tasks and functions performed (normal or meaningless work);

social climate in the team;

relationship with management, leadership style;

the prospect of job and qualification growth;

own results, performance indicators;


communicativeness, presence or absence of communication at work;

the ability to establish connections and acquaintances through work.

In various types of work, there are and are expressed their own especially problematic and especially favorable aspects of work, their own psychology of perception and assessment of these aspects, their own measure of the subjective factor of satisfaction with them.

As level types, one can distinguish between general and private job satisfaction, i.e. labor in general and its individual aspects. There are several principles of the relationship between them:

a) general satisfaction arises as a result of a significant preponderance of the sums of positive or negative factors over each other;

b) one of the positive or negative factors is so significant that it determines the overall satisfaction;

c) a relative equilibrium arises between positive or negative factors, and the general dissatisfaction turns out to be indeterminate (in this case, either the sums of the factors or individual factors are compared).

There are also some specific contradictions in the relationship between general and private satisfaction, which are manifested even in employee surveys, which:

find it difficult to give a general assessment of their work activity, although they easily point to some specific positive or negative aspects of it;

express general satisfaction with the work, although they find it difficult to analyze any of its particulars;

talk about many negative aspects, but shy away from a general negative assessment or even give a positive assessment;

give a general negative assessment, although no specific arguments are given.

Job satisfaction factors:

1. Objective characteristics of labor activity. The level of satisfaction with work directly depends on the characteristics of the nature and working conditions, while the principle "good work satisfies, bad does not satisfy" is implemented. The individual characteristics of people in this case do not matter much, since within certain boundaries there are common criteria for all acceptability - unacceptability.

2. Subjective features of perception and experience. First, as a result of research and observation, it was noticed that there are the most unpredictable and unexpected features of the attitude of different people to the same aspects of the conditions and nature of activity, including work. In practice, it is almost impossible to take them into account. Secondly, all people as workers differ in the level of aspirations and criticism. Even in American industrial sociology, it was popular to discuss the thesis "There is no good or bad job, but there is a satisfied or dissatisfied person."

Claiming and criticism can be fair and unfair. They always give rise to reasoning about the culture of behavior. For example, exaggerated claims and criticism regarding the nature and conditions of work are an indicator of selectivity, adherence to principles, taste, the level of professional thinking, or, conversely, immodesty, lack of will and character, and disrespect for others.

Thirdly, both in everyday consciousness and in science, the level of satisfaction with work is associated with the degree of its complexity. The thinking pattern is as follows: complex work has more creative content than simple work, so the probability of satisfaction is higher here. Ultimately, the factor of creative imagination decides everything. The following points should be considered here. All people have different creative needs, so the factor of creative content may not be the main one. Moreover, many do not need "creativity at work" at all.

Fourth, all people have different creative abilities. If we compare two experimental categories of workers engaged in complex and simple labor, we find that in the first category there are individuals who do not experience creative moods in work, do not consider their work as interesting, and, on the contrary, in the second there are individuals who can give your work a rating of "interesting" or evade the rating of "uninteresting". Among those who are engaged in seemingly primitive work, there are those who are able to "see and make" their work creative, not get bored during working hours, turn their tasks and functions from monotonous into diverse ones, show ingenuity in the creative enrichment of their own work.

Along with such a mistake as the subjectivization of a factor, there is another - its objectification. We are talking about a situation when the level of satisfaction with work is random, depends on the individual characteristics of a person, and it is explained as objective, natural for everyone in this case. For example, an employee is incompatible with this work, but a conclusion is made about poor work organization.

3. Qualifications and education. In sociological research and special events for the certification of workplaces, facts are often recorded that education and qualifications either correspond or do not correspond to the work tasks and functions performed.

From the point of view of job satisfaction, there are two situations worth paying attention to. If education and qualifications are higher than the requirements of the content of labor, then this naturally determines uninteresting, monotony, or, conversely, the ease of performing tasks and functions. If education and qualifications are lower than the requirements of the content of labor, then this creates complexity and increases the severity, or, conversely, stimulates the creativity and development of the employee.

4. Duration (experience) of labor activity. This factor is usually seen as contributing to satisfaction as it adapts over time to the disadvantages of work. Negatively evaluating his work at the beginning of his working career, a person can perceive it normally or positively later. Even when some studies show clear disadvantages in the work, many experienced workers no longer cite them as problems.

There are different periods of adaptation, depending on the objective characteristics of labor and the subjective characteristics of the employee. Sociologists who have specially studied this issue limit the adaptation period to a period of 0.5 to 3-5 years. Dissatisfaction can occur at any stage in a working career; this means that complete and absolute adaptation in certain cases is generally impossible.

The duration and length of service can also negatively affect job satisfaction if, over time, content is exhausted, elements of novelty in work disappear, and some expectations are not realized.

It should be borne in mind that job satisfaction in each case can be decisively influenced by the total work experience, work experience in a given profession, work experience at a given workplace. Situations are possible when these three factors either obviously interact or obviously contradict each other.

5. Stages of the labor cycle. Labor activity is cyclical. In the process of achieving the final result of labor, the initial, middle and final stages can be distinguished, which have more or less clear boundaries, which are set by the criterion of product readiness or simply working time - year, season, month, week, day. There are three main options for the dependence of job satisfaction on the work cycle:

a) the final stage of work is characterized by overcoming the main difficulties and problem situations; at this stage, the positive experience of the proximity of the final result dominates and therefore the job satisfaction is relatively maximum;

b) the final stage corresponds to the maximum activity, tension, responsibility, irregular work and time, in connection with which the satisfaction is relatively minimal;

c) in the process of labor activity, such differences in job satisfaction are not observed, which is associated with the peculiarities of the nature and conditions of labor, the uncertainty of the cycle itself and its stages, the strong-willed traits of the employee, his tendency to planning.

6. Awareness. Any evaluative relationship between individuals and groups is influenced by the presence or absence of a "comparative plan." An individual or group perceives the nature and conditions of their labor activity by comparing them with the nature and conditions of the labor activity of others, i.e. in other organizations, professions, even countries, for which it is necessary to be knowledgeable to a certain extent.

Awareness can have both a positive meaning, contribute to a more correct, adequate assessment, which is especially important in the case of low satisfaction caused by the exaggeration of the difficulties of one's work, or negative, used in a speculative manner. For example, having incomplete or incorrect information about the nature and conditions of work at other enterprises, an employee or a work group may underestimate the nature and conditions of their work in order to make higher economic demands on the administration.

Studying the perceptions of workers and work groups about the presence or absence of a better job than their own, it is necessary to limit the comparison to specific profession, specialty, and occupation.

Special material or moral motivation for work. Content attractiveness or awareness of the need for labor activity dulls the criticality to its nature and conditions. Wages have a similar effect on job satisfaction. Like any other mechanism of reward and compensation, it is able to reduce criticality to the nature and conditions of work, if high enough.

Administrative mode in the organization. On the one hand, job satisfaction expressed by an employee or a work group may be a simple consequence of unwillingness, unwillingness to criticize the administration. In this case, satisfaction is a hidden version of conformism. On the other hand, expressing dissatisfaction can be a simple way to demonstrate a threat, escalate demands and put pressure on the administration.

9. Maintaining a positive assessment and self-esteem. Expressing job satisfaction with an employee or work group can simply be a demonstration or inspiration of self-confidence, which helps maintain credibility and improves mood. Dissatisfaction with work can be interpreted from outside as weakness, inadequacy of qualifications, inability to perform some tasks and functions and solve some problems in the workplace.

10. The level of expectation. This factor is universal and manifests itself in all types of social satisfaction. It has two most typical and significant options:

a) the presence or absence of expectations (the absence of expectations can have a positive effect on satisfaction in comparison with a situation when some expectations exist, this is a readiness for any situation);

b) inconsistency of expectations with reality (overestimated expectations affect satisfaction negatively, and underestimated ones - positively).

11. Official and public attention to labor problems. If others know about the problems of an employee or a work group, the administration recognizes them, expresses sympathy, then these problems are easier to experience.

12. Expert opinion and public opinion. It is far from always that a specific employee or a specific microgroup forms an independently evaluative opinion about their work. For example, if specialists call a given job dangerous, hard, harmful, then the workers themselves begin to consider it as such. Quite unexpectedly and inexplicably, it is the group approval or condemnation of the organization of labor, of the work task that can manifest itself. Various rumors about problems and production prospects have a similar effect on satisfaction.

Almost all of these factors are controllable, i.e. there are quite real social technologies that allow them to regulate job satisfaction.

After analyzing the subjective and objective components of job satisfaction, we can conclude that labor productivity and job satisfaction depends not only on the level of his technical equipment, professional skills of the employee, his skills and knowledge, material remuneration, but also on indicators that are not always measurable. social development: the moral potential of the individual, the form of human communication, the atmosphere in work collectives. A socio-psychological balance arises, which determines the general state of the person's satisfactory or unsatisfactory work performed by him.

1.2 Activitiesandsocially- psychologicalcharacteristicworkerstradeenterprises

A distinctive feature of trade enterprises is a high volume of labor operations (information service, demonstration and display of products, etc.) directly related to customer service and requiring direct contact with them. And these operations are hardly amenable to mechanization and automation, which determines a high proportion of the costs of living labor at the enterprises of the industry.

The basis of the retail trade network is made up of small shops with up to 20 employees. In such stores, the possibilities of a narrow professional and technological division of labor are significantly limited, which causes a correspondingly high proportion of the combination of labor functions by employees.

Classification of workers according to basic characteristics.

The concept of personnel of a trading enterprise is characterized by the number and composition of employees employed on it. In order to effectively manage the process of formation and use of personnel at trade enterprises, a classification of employees is used according to the following main features.

a) management personnel;

b) trade and operational personnel;

c) support staff.

The division of the personnel of a trading enterprise into categories of workers is the most general form of the functional division of their labor.

2. By positions and professions. At retail enterprises, the management personnel are allocated positions of managers (managers), specialists, etc. As part of the trade and operational personnel - positions (professions) of sellers, cashiers, controllers-cashiers, etc. The support staff includes the professions of packers, loaders, cleaners, etc.

3. By specialties. The positions of specialists include economists, financiers, commodity experts, accountants, etc .; among the sellers, specialties are distinguished - the seller of food products, the seller of non-food products, etc.

4. By skill level. Employees of basic positions, professions and specialties, depending on the level of knowledge, skills and labor skills, are subdivided into a number of qualification categories (sellers and cashiers - by 3; specialists - by 4; loaders - by 6, etc.).

5. By gender and age. In accordance with the current accounting procedure, trade enterprises are allocated men under the age of 30; from 30 to 60 years old; over 60 years old; and women, respectively, up to 30 years old; from 30 to 55 years old; over 55 years. In order to effectively manage the movement of personnel at large trade enterprises, a more detailed grouping of employees by age can be adopted.

6. By work experience in trade. The current accounting practice provides for the grouping of employees of trade enterprises with work experience in trade up to 1 year; from 1 to 3 years; from 3 to 10 years old; over 10 years. For specific purposes of personnel management, this grouping can also be detailed.

7. In relation to property. Depending on this feature, trade enterprises distinguish workers - the owners of its property and employees.

8. By the nature of labor relations. On this basis, employees of trade enterprises are divided into permanent and temporary.

After analyzing the activities of trade workers, it is possible to identify the following specifics of this industry: the creation and sale of the final product are combined in time, that is, the service is created at the time of its sale; there is a direct interaction of the majority of personnel with the buyer; access of the majority of personnel to the material assets and values \u200b\u200bof the enterprise; the possibilities of a narrow professional and technological division of labor are significantly limited, which causes a correspondingly high proportion of the combination of labor functions by employees.

Chapter2 . Psychologicalstudyfeaturessatisfactionlaborworkerstradeenterprises

2.1 Goal,hypothesis,tasks,methodicalapparatusandorganizationresearch

The purpose of the study is to identify the features of job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises.

In our work, we put forward a hypothesis that employees of trade enterprises are satisfied with their work.

Research objectives:

Identify components that influence job satisfaction.

Identify the features of job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises.

Analyze the results and draw a conclusion.

Employees of a trade enterprise in the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk took part in this study. The study was conducted in November 2005.

This study was based on a survey of thirty female employees in the trade, ranging in age from 19 to 63 years. The total length of service of employees varies from 0.5 to 44 years, and the length of service at this enterprise ranges from 0.1 to 15 years.

To study job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises, the following methods were used: an anonymous questionnaire, which allows you to obtain additional information about the employee (specialty, age, gender, total work experience, etc.), as well as a test that identifies various components of job satisfaction ...

Job Satisfaction Test

The test is designed to identify components of job satisfaction. To conduct you need: forms for answering questions, the text of the methodology (Appendix 1), a pencil or pen.

Employees are given answer sheets and the text of the methodology. They are asked to answer questions. There is no time limit for an answer. After that, the data is processed, and conclusions are made based on the information received. The instruction for the technique reads like this: “Before you is a questionnaire containing 14 statements. We ask you to rate each of these statements by circling a number corresponding to your ideas about the degree of satisfaction of your needs, requests, etc. ”.

2.2 resultsandthemdiscussion

Thirty people took part in the study. Management personnel, sales and operational personnel and support personnel of the enterprise were interviewed. The data obtained in the study of job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises are presented in Appendix 2. The percentage of total job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Percentage of total job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises

The table graphically presents the data obtained during the study. As we can see, a large group of workers are quite satisfied with their work. However, there are very few completely satisfied with their work, as well as not completely satisfied. For comparison, we present the percentage of job satisfaction, which is displayed in Table 2.

Table 2 - Percentage of job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises

The number of those who are not completely satisfied with their job has grown in relation to the indicators of general job satisfaction by almost 6 times. This suggests that overall job satisfaction for these workers is higher than job satisfaction. In general, indicators of both general job satisfaction and job satisfaction are quite high.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the individual components of job satisfaction in trade enterprises, the percentage of which is presented in Table 3 (Appendix 3).

When asked about satisfaction with the enterprise where you work: 70% of employees answered that they were quite satisfied; 20% are completely satisfied and only 10% are not completely satisfied. Thus, more subjects are satisfied with the enterprise they work for.

Physical working conditions: 3% of respondents are satisfied; 33% are quite satisfied; 51% are not completely satisfied; 13% are not completely satisfied with them. In general, workers are not completely satisfied with the physical working conditions. In particular, some workers noted that they were not satisfied with the temperature regime (heat) at the enterprise.

On the whole, the collective of the enterprise is quite satisfied with the coordination of the actions of the employees (64%).

Answering the question about satisfaction with the management style of their boss: 10% - satisfied, 77% - quite satisfied, and only 13% - not completely satisfied with this indicator.

With the professional competence of their boss: satisfied - 16%; quite satisfied - 81% of the subjects and only 3% - are not completely satisfied with this component. In general, employees are quite satisfied with both the style and professional competence of their boss.

These employees of the trading enterprise, on the whole, are quite satisfied with such components of their work as: using their experience and abilities (81%); job requirements for intelligence (71%); service promotion (74%).

Although employees are quite satisfied with their career advancement, considering the possibilities of their advancement, the percentage of those who are quite satisfied decreases significantly (57%), and the percentage of those who are not completely satisfied (23%) and those who are not satisfied (10%) increases. Thus, we see that satisfaction with career advancement is higher than its opportunity.

Working day duration:

23% - satisfied;

34% are quite satisfied;

27% - not quite satisfied;

16% - not satisfied.

As we can see, all employees were divided in their opinion.

According to the results, Pearson's correlation coefficient, there is almost no connection between this component, length of service (general and at the given enterprise) and age. According to the results of the correlation (table 4), this relationship did not exceed 0.17 (weak relationship).

Table 3 - Pearson correlation coefficient

labor satisfaction employee company

Let's consider the last component of job satisfaction of the employees of a given trading enterprise. When asked about salary satisfaction, in terms of labor efficiency, we got the following results:

16% are quite satisfied;

41% are not completely satisfied;

30% are not satisfied;

13% are extremely dissatisfied.

Thus, we can talk about the general dissatisfaction with wages, in the sense of compliance with labor costs. The management of this commercial enterprise should pay attention to the material aspect of stimulating its personnel.

To identify the features of job satisfaction of employees of trade enterprises, we used the Pearson correlation coefficient. We did not reveal any connection between age, general work experience and work experience at this enterprise. There was a weak inverse relationship between the age of the employee and his satisfaction with his wages. We can say that wage claims increase with age. This may be due to an increase in the cost of teaching and raising children, etc. We did not identify any other characteristic features of job satisfaction among employees of trade enterprises.

Analyzing the data obtained, we can conclude that our hypothesis was confirmed. The employees of this trading enterprise, in general, are quite satisfied with both their work and work, including the enterprise where they work. This satisfaction is also characteristic of individual components of labor (use of one's experience and abilities, work requirements for intellect, career advancement, style and professional competence of bosses, etc.). But as we can see, satisfaction with wages is low, which in general did not affect the overall results of the study.


Work research shows that job satisfaction is one of the most important factors in increasing productivity and labor efficiency. Decreased satisfaction with their own work negatively affects the efficiency of the employee, leading to negative consequences in staffing: the facts of staff turnover, deterioration of labor and production discipline, absenteeism and absenteeism, facts of negligence towards the company's property up to direct theft, etc.

On the other hand, a fully satisfied employee is a bad employee, he does not have a desire for improvement (professional and personal), the tension of motivational energy decreases, and his interest in the effectiveness of his own work worsens.

Thus, employee satisfaction with work should not be maximum, but optimal.

To increase labor efficiency, a certain level of employee dissatisfaction (especially in the area of \u200b\u200bwork content) must be present.

In this paper, we could not investigate all aspects of job satisfaction in trade enterprises. We tried to present in general terms the structure and components of job satisfaction among these employees of the trade enterprise.

For a more complete study of this problem, it is worth conducting a study of value orientations, studying the motivation of these workers, and also studying in more detail the dynamics of job satisfaction in general.

In conclusion, I would like to note that a person is a social being, which means that the feeling of belonging can cause deep psychological satisfaction in him, it also allows him to realize himself as a person.


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9. Psychology and work [Text] / ed. D.Ya. Schultz, S.E. Schultz. - 8th ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2003 .-- 560 p.

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TeatingJob satisfaction


Gender: M F (underline as appropriate)

Work experience in this field: general in the given enterprise


“Here is a questionnaire containing 14 statements. We ask you to rate each of these statements by circling a number corresponding to your ideas about the degree of satisfaction of your needs, requests, etc. ”.



Quite satisfied

Not quite satisfied

Not satisfied

Extremely dissatisfied

1. Your satisfaction with the enterprise (organization) where you work

2. Your satisfaction with physical conditions (heat, cold, noise, etc.)

3. Your job satisfaction

4. Your satisfaction with the teamwork

5. Your satisfaction with the leadership style of your bosses

6. Your satisfaction with your boss's professional competence

7. Your salary satisfaction in terms of fit for labor

8. Your satisfaction with your salary in comparison with how much is paid for the same work in other enterprises

9. Your satisfaction with professional (professional) promotion

10. Your satisfaction with promotion opportunities

11. Your satisfaction with how you can use your experience and abilities

12. Your satisfaction with job requirements for intelligence

13. Your satisfaction with the length of the working day

14. To what extent would your job satisfaction affect your decision if you were looking for another job?



No. in order

Work experience at this enterprise

General work experience

Overall satisfaction

cleaning lady

cleaning lady


seller - cashier


head Warehouse

seller - cashier


seller 3 bit

seller 4 bit

seller 4 bit

seller - cashier





seller - cashier



seller - cashier

head Shop


seller 4 bit

seller 4 bit

cleaning lady


deputy. Superintendent





Satisfaction indicator


Quite satisfied

Not quite satisfied

Not satisfied

Extremely dissatisfied

The company where you work

Physical conditions

Coordination of actions of employees

Boss leadership style

Prof. the competence of the chief

Salary in accordance with labor costs

Salary in accordance with how much is paid at other enterprises

Service promotion

Promotion opportunities

Using your experience and abilities

Job requirements for intelligence

The duration of the working day

To what extent would job satisfaction affect the decision if looking for another job

Satisfied with work

Posted on Allbest.ru

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The work apparently does not suit you in many respects, you are ready for changes, because you have become more mature, wiser, you need growth and advancement. You are already striving for this, you think, maybe you are trying something, but if all your beginnings take place in your usual atmosphere, then nothing will change - try to get out of your comfort zone, it means changing your life, habits, attitudes, behavior, social circle , scope of activity and much more. Just do it not to please someone, not to meet someone's standards, requirements, but only if these changes make you happier, your life is brighter, fuller, richer, more joyful. After all, everything around us, our whole life, its circumstances depend on our perception of them, it is we ourselves, with our thoughts, actions, desires, decisions, words, even with our appearance, we create our own world around us, attract a certain environment, events and people into it, program our future: you expect bad things to happen - it will happen, believe with all your soul that everything will be good - it will be so, believe me. The source of everything that happens to us, as well as the forces of helping ourselves, is always within us. In which direction to change your life - you can only decide for yourself, having decided what is happening in it, what you want to change now, but you do not dare. Just do not turn your life into a constant struggle with anyone and with anything not, especially with myself. Life is a struggle only for those who want to see it as such, life is a pleasure for those who can see only good in everything, including in themselves, look for just such a path, such activities. You need to analyze in a calm atmosphere, alone with yourself, in a good mood, think in the following way: what is most important for you, what is the goal, what is included in the concept of happiness; You yourself can do everything to achieve it, realize that you yourself can accomplish everything and achieve what you want, that everything is in your hands, you already have everything you need for this - strength, wisdom, your life experience, and funds will be applied, there will certainly appear as soon as you start moving towards yourself. Trust in yourself. Each person himself chooses whether to be happy or unhappy - let yourself become whatever you want. Start improving yourself and creating everything around you the way you want, you have every right to do so. You don’t owe anything to anyone, you don’t have to feel unhappy to please someone. Your constant activity should be satisfying. You, like every person, have something that you are ready to devote time to without being distracted, not tired and not waiting for when you need to rest, take a break - make this occupation your job, a source of income, like inspiration, change your job, otherwise the endless negative on the current one (I will assume that it exists), his patience, will lead to real physical illnesses. When choosing a new workplace (and maybe creating your own business), do not focus only on your familiar field of activity, imagine that you are facing a choice of profession, work for the first time - look for yourself anew, move away from stereotypes and most importantly - do not be afraid of anything. Everything that happens to us is given in due time, with a specific purpose, and to this the resource of opportunities, strength, wisdom is also given in order to overcome everything and emerge victorious. Look at what is happening from this angle: you are probably young (not yet 80), I hope you are healthy, by this age you already have a certain life and professional experience, you know how you don’t want to and how you don’t like it, to a certain extent you know how to plan, manage your own funds , time - appreciate it, it means you have a lot of opportunities. You have already tried something, achieved it on your own, recognizing your strengths and weaknesses. Analyze your life, choose the best, and then, based on the conclusions, go towards improvement. Everything in your life, at least professional, can be changed. Psychologists support a person's periodic changes of work, place of residence - this is how he develops, searches for himself, his own path and, of course, finds. Think about what occupation in your life brings joy, pleasure, so that time flies by, and you don't feel tired, and do it, earn your living with pleasure. Decide what you like best initially - working with people, documents, equipment. Is the chosen area suitable for you in terms of the state of the nervous system, health, aspirations. You need to think very well what is the purpose of the activity, the final result. It is useful to plan everything, write it down on paper - it is clear and thoughts are better organized. I am sure that you already have the skills, knowledge that you can teach other people, a hobby, a serious hobby that can also become a way to earn money. The position of modern business is as follows: it must bring pleasure, a person must live the business he is engaged in, breathe it and burn it ... Business is a rather cruel thing, it requires the whole person, but then it is doubly pleasant to get the result. I do not mean only business as entrepreneurship, but as a life-long work, in any area you need full dedication, getting used to your favorite job, only then a person will be satisfied with both the process and the result. You can do everything, you will achieve everything, be absolutely sure of this. Never give up, believe in yourself, that everything will work out. Get creative with your business. Read the biographies and books of the richest people on the planet - believe me, there is a lot of important information and there is a lot to learn, at least how to set goals correctly, to competently manage even a small amount of money. You will definitely find yourself. And do not be afraid to make mistakes - only the one who does nothing is not mistaken. Yes, there are difficulties, but they are given to us in order to learn a lesson from them, draw a conclusion and move on. Get to know your path, in life there is a lot of things from which you get drive and delight - look for such an occupation, you will certainly find it. Constantly receive new information, learn, engage in self-education, self-improvement. If you want to live a full life in the concept of the modern civilized world, you will have to pull yourself together and force all possible skills and knowledge to master, study, in order to apply, shine, be noticed at the right time, get a good job or just a bonus in a company where there is people you are interested in, because it turns out that you are the best. Choose now how to manage your time and your way, you have a lot of opportunities. You already have all the inclinations, abilities, talents - find them, develop, use them - you don't need to look for happiness all your life, wait for it, fight for it - create it yourself. Do not let other people's value judgments (this is only their personal internal unresolved psychological problem), doubts about your talents become an obstacle on the way to success. Be good first of all for yourself, become your main value, an object of effort, a life guide, you are worth it. Whatever happens, treat this situation not as a tragedy, hopelessness, but as a step, experience, stage, a chance to change something for the better, to make a new choice. Never expect someone to help, prompt, make a decision for you, make your life happy - build it yourself, fill it with new content by adding the desired events, emotions, joyful impressions, words, actions, holidays, meetings, drive and positive ... Do the best for yourself. You deserve it. Everything will definitely be fine with you. Write to the chat, if my point of view seemed rational to you, I will be happy to help, I will share my experience - I also did not immediately find my calling). 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