Presentation on the topic "rules of safe behavior on the street". Safe Behavior Rules. what rules must be followed in order not to get into an unpleasant situation? how to behave on the street, at home, at school, on. Download the presentation of the safe software rules

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The presentation on the topic "Safe behavior rules during earthquakes" (grade 7) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: OBZH. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 5 slide (s).

Presentation slides

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During a sudden earthquake

Feeling the vibrations of the building, seeing the swing of lamps, falling objects, hearing the growing rumble and ringing of breaking glass, do not give in to panic (from the moment when you felt the first tremors to vibrations dangerous for the building, you have 15 - 20 seconds). Quickly exit the building with documents, money and essentials. Leaving the room, go down the stairs, not the elevator. Once on the street - stay there, but do not stand near buildings, but go to an open space.

Keep calm and try to calm others down! If you are forced to stay indoors, then stand in a safe place: near the inner wall, in the corner, in the inner wall opening or at the bearing support. If possible, hide under the table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris. Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.

If you are in a car, stay in an open area, but do not leave the car until the tremors stop. Be prepared to help save other people.

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With early warning of an earthquake

In the event of an alert or signs of an earthquake, act quickly, but calmly, confidently and without panic. With advance warning of the threat of an earthquake, before leaving the apartment (house), it is necessary to turn off the heating devices and gas, if the stove was heated, extinguish it; then you need to dress children, the elderly and dress yourself, take the necessary things, a small supply of food, medicines, documents and go out into the street. On the street, you should move away from buildings and structures as quickly as possible in the direction of squares, squares, wide streets, sports grounds, undeveloped areas, strictly observing the established public order. If the earthquake started unexpectedly, when it is not possible to get together and leave the apartment (house), it is necessary to take a place (stand up) in the door or window opening; as soon as the first tremors of the earthquake subside, you should quickly go outside.

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What not to do in case of an earthquake

Do not use candles, matches, lighters - a fire may result from a gas leak. Stay clear of overhanging balconies, cornices, parapets and dangling wires.

Do not leave electrical appliances and household equipment connected to the network unnecessarily in your absence, as in the event of an earthquake this can cause fires and explosions.

Remember that you cannot run out of the building during an earthquake, as falling debris and crumbling walls become the main cause of many victims. You are more likely to save your life if you seek salvation wherever you are. You must wait until the end of the earthquake, after which you can leave the building. Never try to get out of the building using the elevator, which can get stuck or fall into the shaft.

Do not touch bare wires and metal or wet objects in contact with them.

Do not enter unnecessarily into the area of ​​destruction and do not walk among the ruins and dilapidated houses, as you can cause collapses and a victim of falling debris.

  • The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, as well as choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your presentation, think about how you greet the audience, what you say first, how you end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • The main task of adults is to ensure the safety of children. And it doesn't matter where they will be: at school or at home, in the forest or on the road, in a car or on a train. Children receive their first safety lessons at school. Presentations on child safety should be shown in every grade so that pupils from grades 1 to 11 know that many emergencies can be avoided by knowing how to behave.

    You have received a class and become a class teacher, which means that you already need to download a presentation on the topic of safety at school, at home, on the street, in transport. For a long time, this topic was considered the most difficult in planning the educational process. Children are bored of sitting at their desks and listening to safety instructions. Everything changed with the advent of IT in school life. Now the safety precautions, painted on the slides of the presentation, arouse the child's interest. He not only listens, but also remembers, takes an active part in the discussion of situations.

    Our collection has presentations on safety for all classes and on any topic. For kids, you can download a presentation on safety at school, rollerblading and cycling in the form of fairy tales with pictures and music. In the middle grades, presentations on the rules of safe behavior in unusual situations, when taking hostages, in the woods will be appropriate. High school students, getting acquainted with safety rules, strive to learn something new. It's time to download presentations on safety and security systems that are used in the world.

    Life is not only full of joy. Sometimes there are so many surprises in it, but it is the presentations with safety lessons that will save someone's childhood life when trouble comes from somewhere or warn of meeting with this very trouble.

    Do not think that child safety is the primary concern of parents. They do not have special education, and some simply do not assume that it is necessary to talk with a child about such topics. But the teacher has the opportunity to download for free from the website any presentation on the topic of safe behavior at school, electrical safety, personal safety of children and reveal to them little secrets of preserving their own lives.

    The danger should bypass the children, but she will not touch them only when her students know by sight. Let each presentation on such a topical topic as safety be in demand for the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and on the eve of holidays, and on the eve of any holiday, and not only when the school reports on the next accident.

    In addition to this section, presentations on safe behavior can be downloaded free of charge in the sections Traffic rules, Fire safety, Terrorism, Railroad.

    Every school needs to be safe. The presentation tells how to ensure safety at school for children not only in the classroom, but also in the locker room, library, cafeteria, gym, school area. Download a presentation on the topic of safety within the walls of the school in order to warn children about the dangers that occur due to their carelessness or carelessness.

    As soon as the third quarter comes to the end of spring, the teacher should download a free presentation on Spring Break Safety Practices. It can also be used at the end of the school year to instruct in classroom or life safety lessons for primary school students on the rules of safe behavior in the summer. Free Spring and Summer Vacation Safety Presentation - Happy Adventures for Children without Injury or Accidents.

    Leaving a child at home alone is always scary. The presentation for children on the topic "Safety at home" contains fascinating tips from the wise Owl, who tells how to use the elevator, how to behave if a stranger rings the doorbell or on the phone. The presentation for children in grades 1, 2 or preschoolers claims that your safety, a child, at school and at home depends on yourself.

    A 16-slide presentation for children on Road Safety talks about the dangers when entering the roadway and how they can be avoided. Observing all the safety rules on the way, the road to school and to friends, to the store and the library will be completely safe.

    Electricity jokes never did anything good. A presentation for children on the topic of electrical safety, talks about the rules for handling electrical appliances at school and at home. In addition, the presentation drew attention to the rules of conduct near transformer booths, near power lines.

    A presentation on the “Rules of Safe Conduct” will save the lives of children, the slides of which tell about safe behavior in the forest, when crossing the street, when an unfavorable environmental situation arises in the region, or even when terrorists take hostage children. These presentation slides, which can be downloaded for free, do not scare children, but teach basic safety rules in and out of school. Children's life depends on the fulfillment of such rules. The presentation contains all the rules of safe behavior from A to Z.

    The presentation on the topic "Safety rules for children" will warn our nimble and restless students from accidents on the roads and streets, will answer the question of why it is necessary to observe safety rules in the train and car, as well as when rollerblading. These topics are so exciting for children that every slide in the safety presentation will elicit a hail from children and will be remembered for a long time.

    The Safety Lesson presentation teaches children how to behave in everyday life. They seem to be simple, but you need to know them, because they inform about the risks leading to a tragedy. You can download a safety lesson with a presentation for elementary school, as the material is fascinating and contains many illustrations.

    Slide 2

    Be not provocatively dressed!

    Do not wear clothes that overly emphasize your figure, and also avoid expensive jewelry if you return home late at night!

    Slide 3

    Do not carry a large amount of money with you!

    • Avoid crowded places if you have a large amount of money.
    • Never count money in front of people.
    • Don't keep money in pockets that are easy for a thief to get into!
    • Do not pull out your expensive mobile phone unnecessarily in public.
  • Slide 4

    Rules of safe behavior on the street at late hours of the day!

    • Try to avoid uncrowded and poorly lit places.
    • When outside, stay away from walls and houses.
    • It is more correct to walk down the street towards the traffic.
    • Stay close to the edge of the sidewalk.
    • Do not use poorly lit underground passages.
    • If you are returning home late, arrange to be met or take a taxi.
    • Never use the player, otherwise you will not be able to hear the perpetrator.
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    In contact with strangers!

    • When you are on the street, do not be frank with people.
    • Do not give your address and phone number unless absolutely necessary.
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    On the road!

    • Don't “vote” on the road.
    • Do not accept offers from unknown drivers.
    • If you are threatened from a braked car, shout loudly and run in the opposite direction.
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    • Beware of any gambling on the street.
    • Beware of all people offering seemingly good deals.
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    Using an ATM and pay phone

    • If possible, stand facing the street and pay attention to any suspicious things!
    • Try not to put valuables on the ATM or squeeze them between your legs: they can be easily snatched!
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    If you thought someone was following you, check it out.

    • Change your walking pace.
    • Cross several times to the opposite side of the street.
    • If your suspicions are confirmed, run to where there may be people, or just to a lighted place.
    • If the persecution continues, call for help. Shout "Fire!", "We are on fire!"
    • Do not hesitate to ask strangers for help.
  • Slide 10

    The safety of every person in society is largely determined by the living conditions and knowledge of the rules of safe behavior in crime situations, which we have just listed.

    View all slides

    Places of large crowds

    - Examples of hazardous locations.

    Crowded streets


    Places of mass


    Uncrowded places

    Forest parks


    • How do you understand who strangers are?
    • Who can be considered familiar and who is not?


    A person you don't know is someone you don't know. He can call you by name, introduce himself as a good friend of his parents, say that he came at the request of mom or dad.

    1) Do not enter into conversations with strangers;

    2) Any thing that they want to take away from you is not worth your health and safety;

    3) Take precautions when leaving school;

    4) Do not walk alone through poorly lit areas;

    5) Do not give in and do not respond to provocation when you are deliberately insulted, mocked.

    6) Do not come close to a standing car;

    7) Do not get into empty trams, metro and electric trains at late hours, try to stay closer to the driver.

    8) Do not sit down separately from everyone in the cinema if there are few spectators in the hall

    9) Don't give strangers your address and home phone number.

    Basic rules of conduct for a walk:

    1) If possible, do not walk alone.

    2) When walking along a deserted road or sidewalk, keep some distance from bushes, low walls, dark entrances.

    3) Dress so that your clothes do not interfere with movement, running.

    4) If you are being persecuted, go to public places.

    5) Be sure to report any incident to your parents.

    6) If there is a real danger to health and life and you have to defend yourself, do everything possible to save your life.

    To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it:

    Slide captions:

    Presentation Apartment and its dangers State budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 15 of the combined type of Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg Compiled by: Karpova Alla Vladimirovna

    danger of open balconies and windows do not leave the tap open. The sun shines through the window. A cat purrs at the window. Nearby the doll sits And looks out into the street. Let's say to a doll, say to a cat: Don't sit in the window! Is it not clear to you? It's dangerous to sit on the window! Bul-bul-bul - water is running Mishka is in a hurry to the bathroom. Like a brave captain, He will swim himself. You sail, my boat, I will swim with you! So as not to leave the house, I will not forget to turn off the tap!

    be careful with the dishes, do not pull the tablecloth off the table before eating. Friends, you need to monitor your health. That is why it is necessary to wash Hands before eating Cleanly and thoroughly with warm water. So as not to disturb the doctors-doctors, Wash off the germs - and you will be healthy! There are dishes on the table, Maybe a cup, maybe a dish. Behave yourself carefully, So as not to break the dishes and not burn yourself. Be careful with the dishes, observe safety and then you can simply drink delicious sweet tea.

    do not talk on the phone with strangers. Beware of the stranger, do not open the door for him. At home we were left alone, Naughty, played out. We hear suddenly - the bell rings. We are looking through the "peephole". We will not open the stranger And we will close the door tight. We will move away from the castle. Mom and Dad will wait! If the phone rings, Someone on the phone says: - What is your name, baby? Who are you at home with now? And where did I end up? What number did I dial? - Do not answer anything, Urgently call your mother! If there are no adults at home, Do not talk to anyone, - Goodbye! - tell me, Put up the phone quickly!

    drugs never eat sharp objects yourself are dangerous Dad told the fox: Don't take knives out of the closet! Be more attentive - Sharp knife - do not forget! And listen to the advice: Take all thorny objects by the handle - Accustom yourself to order! When you are sick, Then the doctor is called, And the adults will bring Pills to bed. But if you are not sick, In pills - only harm! Swallow them for no reason Believe me, no need!

    matches for children are not a game danger from an outlet and a stove They took the matches somehow mice, The little ones began to count them. List - once and list - two! The whole hut was on fire! Then the fire was poured with water, the House was quickly extinguished. You will remember, friends, you cannot touch the matches! Here is a rosette on the wall: You need to know - for you and me, That kids do not insert pencils into it. Do not touch these holes - the fire will immediately break out! The current runs inside the outlet, Don't play with it, kids!