Innovative activity in an educational institution (presentation). Innovation in education Innovation in education presentation

Pedagogical innovation: purposeful change, introducing stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment, improving the characteristics of individual parts, components and the educational system itself as a whole; the process of mastering an innovation (a new tool, method, technique, technology, program); search for ideal methods and programs, their introduction into the educational process and their creative rethinking.

Classification of pedagogical innovations: by type of activity (pedagogical, supporting the pedagogical process, managerial); by the nature of the changes introduced (radical, combinatorial, modifying; by the scale of the changes introduced (local, modular, systemic); by the scale of use (single, diffuse); by the source of occurrence (external, internal).

STRATEGIES OF INNOVATIVE PROCESSES IN EDUCATION: fundamental and practice-oriented education; multilevel professional education; continuing education; accessible education; training specialists for the global space; quality education.

Tactical tasks of the innovation process in education: innovation management in education; introduction of specialized education in high school; use of the real scientific and industrial sphere; technologization of education; the use of information technology in the educational process.

The structure of professional and pedagogical culture Personality qualities of a teacher-professional (didactic abilities; organizational skills; perceptual abilities; communication skills; creative abilities; axiological personality complex - values: the uniqueness of each person, attitude towards the personality as the highest value, active, creative nature of the human psyche, the unity of organic and spiritual life, conformity to nature). Professional competence in the basic subject area. Effective pedagogical activity based on mastery of teaching technologies. Professional creativity.

Actual aspects of innovative pedagogical activity Directions of innovative pedagogical activity: -use of new conceptual foundations of professional and pedagogical activity; -technologization of training; -use of information technology; - teaching and methodological support of innovations in teaching; - mastering and implementation of external innovative experience; -design of the author's innovative experience.

Innovation activity: success factors for innovation OBJECTIVE: creation of an innovation climate by management (investments, knowledge and intellectual property management, risk management, harmonization of interests, etc.) SUBJECTIVE: formation of motives for innovation; critical attitude to authorities and generally accepted standards; the ability of innovators to overcome resistance; possession of innovation forecasting; acceptance of risk, uncertainty; readiness for mental and physical overload; possession of various modes of creativity; ability to share achievements.

References: Alan Barker. Alchemy of innovations. - M.: LLC "Vershina", p. Evdokimova T.G., Makhovikova G.A., Efimova N.F. Innovation management. - SPb .: "Vector", p. L.V. Zagrekova Theory and technology of teaching. - M .: Higher. Shk., - 157 p. Innovative and experimental activities in the municipal education system. - Yekaterinburg: RG "April", - 100 p. Karpova Yu.A. Introduction to the Sociology of Innovation. - SPb .: Peter, - 192 p. Konovalov V.M. An innovative saga. - M .: Publishing house "Williams", - 224 p. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies. / Ed. S.A. Smirnova. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", - 512 p. V. N. Perehodov Fundamentals of innovation management. - M .: INFRA-M, - 222 p. Rusakov A.S. The era of great discoveries at school in the nineties. - SPb .: Agency for educational cooperation, - 256 p. Dictionary-reference book on pedagogy / Avt.-comp. V.A. Mizherikov; Under total. ed. P.I. Perky. - M.: TC Sphere, - 448 p.

CONTACT INFORMATION ABOUT THE CENTER OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION USU: Director of the Center for Education and Training - Popova Irina Vasilievna Yekaterinburg, st. Lenin, 51, Chapaeva st., 16, room 212, 203 (343),

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Innovation in education.

The concept of "Innovation" The concept of "innovation" in translation from the Latin language means "renewal, innovation or change". Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in pedagogical activity, changes in the content and technology of teaching and upbringing, with the aim of increasing their effectiveness.

The concepts of "innovation" and "innovation" Novation is precisely a means (a new method, methodology, technology, program, etc.), and innovation is the process of mastering this means. Innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the environment, causing the system to transition from one state to another.

The concepts of "reform" and "innovation" Reform Innovation Changing the timing of the start of training Changes in the internal organizational activities of the school Increased funding Changes in the content of education Changes in the equipment of educational institutions Changes in teaching methods Changes in the duration of training Changes in the relationship "Teacher - Student" Raising the status of education New sanitary and hygienic requirements Changes in the structure of the education system Reform is an innovation that is organized and carried out by the state authorities. Innovation is an innovation that is organized and carried out by workers in the education system.

Description of the stages of development of the innovation process. It distinguishes the following actions: determining the need for changes; collection of information and analysis of the situation; preliminary selection or independent development of an innovation; making a decision on implementation (development); the actual implementation itself, including trial use of the innovation; institutionalization or long-term use of an innovation, in the process of which it becomes an element of everyday practice.

Types of innovations by type of activity pedagogical management provide the pedagogical process

by the nature of the changes introduced, radical combinatorial modifying ones are based on fundamentally new ideas and approaches; a new combination of known elements improves and complements the corresponding forms and patterns

by the scale of the changes introduced, local system modular independent changes of components complete reconstruction of the system as a whole interconnected groups of several local innovations

on the issue of innovations aimed at changing the entire school as a whole, at creating an educational system or other system-forming activity in it based on conceptual ideas of innovation, aimed at developing new forms, technologies and methods of the educational process innovations aimed at working out new content of education and new ways of structuring it innovations aimed at developing new forms and systems of management

depending on the area of ​​implementation or implementation in the content of education. in teaching technologies, in the field of educational functions of the educational system. in the structure of interaction between the participants in the pedagogical process, in the system of pedagogical tools.

By source of occurrence: External (outside the educational system). Internal (developed within the educational system). By the scale of use: Single. Diffuse.

Depending on the functionality: innovations - conditions of innovations - products, organizational and managerial innovations provide an effective educational process (new content of education, innovative educational environments, socio-cultural conditions, pedagogical tools, technological educational projects, etc., qualitatively new solutions in the structure of educational systems and the management procedures to ensure their operation.

in scale and socio-pedagogical significance, federal sub-regional regional ones are intended for educational institutions of a certain type and for specific professional-typological groups of teachers

Based on the intensity of innovative change or the level of innovativeness: Innovation of the zero order. First-order innovation. Second-order innovation. Third-order innovation. Fourth order innovation. Fifth order innovation. Sixth order innovation. Seventh Tier Innovation.

On comprehension before introducing innovations: random useful systemic innovations, contrived and introduced from the outside, not arising from the logic of the development of the educational system. Most often, they are introduced by order of higher management and are doomed to failure. innovations that correspond to the mission of an educational institution, but unprepared, with vague goals and criteria that do not form a single whole with the school system. innovations taken out of the problem field with clearly defined goals and objectives. They are built on the basis of taking into account the interests of students and teachers and are in the nature of continuity with traditions. They are carefully prepared, examined and provided with the necessary means (personnel, material, scientific and methodological).

Directions for the implementation of innovative processes in Russian developing educational systems: Formation of a new content of education. Development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies. Creation of new types of educational institutions.

Structures of the innovation process. The activity structure represents a set of components: motives - goal - tasks - content - forms - methods - results. Subjective structure - includes the innovative activity of all subjects of educational institution development: director, teachers, scientists, students, parents, team. The subject structure takes into account the functional and role relationship of all participants in each of the stages of the innovation process. Level structure - reflects interrelated innovation activities at the federal, regional, district and institutional levels. Content structure - involves the birth, development and development of innovations in teaching, upbringing, organization of educational institutions, in management, etc. The structure of the life cycle is expressed in the following stages: emergence - rapid growth - maturity - development - diffusion (penetration) - saturation (development by many) - duration - exhaustion. The structure of the genesis of innovations is very close to the previous one: origin - development of an idea - design - implementation - widespread use. Management structure - involves the interaction of management actions: planning - organization - leadership - control.

The head of any school, and even more so the one that goes into the development mode, i.e. an educational institution in which the innovation process is organized is obliged to carry out all transformations on an impeccable legal basis. The legal norm is an important and necessary tool for management activities. In the innovative activities of the school, documents of various levels are used - from acts of international law, federal laws to decisions of local authorities, decisions of municipal and regional education authorities, management bodies and officials of the school itself.

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Draft Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Article 19. Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education

1. Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of the priority directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education.
2. Experimental activities are aimed at the development, testing and implementation of new educational institutions and mechanisms, the legal regime of which is not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education. The procedure and conditions for carrying out such experiments are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

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3. Innovation activities are focused on improving the scientific and pedagogical, educational and methodological, organizational, legal, financial and economic, personnel, material and technical support of the education system. This activity is carried out in the form of implementation of innovative projects (programs) by organizations carrying out educational activities and other organizations operating in the field of education, as well as their associations.
When implementing an innovative project (program), the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations must be respected, the provision of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the federal state educational standard, or federal state requirements, educational standards or requirements established by universities ...

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4. The organizations specified in part 3 of this article, implementing innovative projects (programs) that are essential for ensuring the development of the education system and the implementation of the main directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, may be assigned the status of a federal or regional innovation platform. Such organizations constitute an innovative infrastructure in the education system, the procedure for the creation and functioning of which, including the procedure for assigning the status of a federal or regional innovation platform, is established by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.
5. Government authorities in charge of managing the education sector, within the framework of their powers in the established area of ​​activity, create conditions for the implementation of innovative educational projects (programs) and the use of their results in mass practice.

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 218 of June 23, 2009 "On approval of the procedure for the creation and development of innovative infrastructure in the education system of the Russian Federation."

Innovative infrastructure in the education system is created in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education sector, taking into account the prospects and main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the long term, the implementation of the priority directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation into the international educational space , more complete satisfaction of the educational needs of citizens.

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Innovative infrastructure in education

  • Educational organizations (including those who are in contractual relations with each other within the framework of network interaction)
  • Coordinating bodies (federal, regional, municipal levels)
  • Support system for innovative activities (federal, regional, municipal levels)
  • The system of resource support for innovative activities (including co-financing under the conditions of PPP)
  • The system for assessing the quality of innovation (including social and professional)
  • The system of training managers of innovative educational projects (IEP) and project teams of teachers - developers and implementers of IEP
  • Marketing and dissemination system of innovative educational products
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    Innovation: the traditional definition

    • Innovation: (English innovation - innovation, literally means "investment in innovation") the end result of innovation, which has received implementation in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice.
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    Innovation and innovation in education

    • Innovation - profound changes in the educational system, changing the essence of the relationship (values ​​and goals) of the subjects of the educational process
    • Innovations - external changes (improvements) of certain parameters and characteristics of the educational system, initially not implying value changes in the relationship of educational subjects
    • The transformation ("implementation") of innovation into innovation occurs only on a value-based basis
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    Innovative activity

    • Innovation activity is a set of measures taken to ensure the innovation process at a particular level of education, as well as the process itself. The main functions of innovation include changes in the semantic and other components of the pedagogical process: goals, content of education, forms, methods, technologies, teaching aids, management systems, etc.
    • An indispensable and prerequisite for innovation is the distribution and replication (diffusion) of new products and especially technologies, advanced methods of organizing production, and innovation management. And for this it is necessary to create an innovative environment, the main element of which, its personification, is a person, a highly educated specialist (Khutorskoy A.V.).
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    Two types of innovation

    • The first type is innovations that occur largely spontaneously, without exact reference to the generative need itself, or without full awareness of the entire system of conditions, means and ways of implementing the innovation process. Innovations of this kind are not always associated with the completeness of scientific justification, more often they occur on an empirical basis, under the influence of situational requirements. Innovations of this type include the activities of teachers-innovators, educators, parents, etc.
    • The second type is innovations in the education system, which are the product of a deliberate, purposeful, scientifically cultivated interdisciplinary and (or) management activity.
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    Networking, network leadership, network interactions

    • Network - a community of sovereign individuals (professionals) who have aligned their personal values ​​and goals with common values ​​and goals
    • Networked Leadership - Leadership based on natural authority that gains recognition in the community
    • Network interactions are voluntary relationships between network participants, carried out to achieve common goals based on agreed personal values. Within their framework, favorable conditions arise for the implementation of innovations in education.
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    Innovative project

    • The innovative project is aimed at creating a sustainable model of educational practice, promising for further mass implementation.
    • An innovative project is understood as the author's version of solving the strategic task of developing the education system, the result of which is an innovative product ready for distribution among educational institutions.
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    Innovative product

    • An innovative product is a model of innovative practice of an educational institution (teacher), which ensures high efficiency, demand in the education system, and readiness for publication and distribution.
    • An innovative educational product is an educational and methodological result of generalizing educational practice, alienated from the author in the form of:
    • educational and methodological description of the organization of the educational process (purpose, content, technologies, forms of training, performance monitoring, models of student and teacher activity, etc.);
    • descriptions of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the implementation of this educational and methodological product in practice;
    • a set of normative and educational-methodological developments that ensure the implementation of educational practice (normative act, methodological recommendations, educational-methodological complex, control and measuring materials, textbook, etc.).
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    • Transition to new educational standards
    • Support system for talented children
    • Improvement of the teaching staff
    • Changing school infrastructure
    • Preserving and strengthening the health of the schoolchild
    • Expanding school autonomy
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    Goals and objectives of FTSPRO 2011 - 2015

    The goal of the program is to ensure the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of the innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation.

    The objectives of the program are:

    Modernization of general and preschool education as an institution of social development;
    - development of a system for assessing the quality of education and the demand for educational services;
    - bringing the content and structure of vocational education in line with the needs of the labor market.

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    New directions of education modernization

    • New standardization (competency-based approach, sociocultural and civic identification of the person)
    • Replacement of educational institutions by educational organizations (autonomy, change in approaches to ensuring the activities of educational organizations on the part of the state, equality of educational organizations)
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    • New quality of pedagogical work (certification, change in approaches to remuneration, personalization of PC)
    • Improving the assessment of the quality of education (improving the USE system, public and professional quality assessment)
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    • Formation of the lifelong education system (ensuring the continuity of educational levels, new educational technologies, network interactions)
    • New economic mechanisms in education (PPP, investments, educational loans, endowment capital, financing of programs for the development of educational organizations, compensation for damage from poor-quality education)
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    • Development of the ideology of educational services (expanding the circle of subjects providing educational services; 83 FZ)
    • Ensuring the development of the country's human capital in the context of increasing the degree of openness of education
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    Possible main directions of FIP activity in 2011 - 2015:

    1. Sustainable financing: new financial, economic and organizational mechanisms in education, labor remuneration system, resource-saving technologies in education.
    2. "Smart school": electronic educational environment, information technologies in education, open education, educational networks.
    3. Quality management of education: modern results and competencies, updating standards, a set of attestations (including final), qualification tests, and updating the content of education and technologies. Public administration. Gifted children and children with special needs.
    4. Personnel: new models and mechanisms for organizing advanced training of pedagogical and managerial personnel in the field of education.
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    Expert rating scales

    Scale 1. Social 0 - 20 points

    • Regional and territorial necessity of the project.

    This scale fixes the territorial conditionality and the need for the emergence of the project. It is assessed to what extent the project is aimed at solving "local problems", to what extent the project is socially in demand by the population.

    Scale 2. Individual 0 - 25 points

    • Anthropological character of the project.

    This scale fixes the value of the project for a specific ("individual") person: teacher, student, parents. It is assessed to what extent the project affects and changes the educational structure of an individual ("anthropological"), to what extent the project sets a different fragment of the way of life.

    Scale 3. Professional 0 -15 points Project efficiency.

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    This scale records the professionalism of the project executors. It is assessed how the set tasks have been achieved, and the predicted results have taken place; the competence of the project executors in solving the arisen problems is also assessed.

    Scale 4. Cultural and informational 0 -15 points

    • Project productivity

    This scale records the presence of an information field around the project being implemented. The quality of information, presentation and descriptive products of the project is assessed, for example: website, book, video film, article, documentary film, etc.

    Scale 5. Industry-specific 0 - 25 points

    • Regional and departmental significance of the project

    This scale fixes the importance of the project for the development of the regional educational system. It is assessed to what extent the project can be model, i.e. reproducible in other places and necessary for the development of regional education.

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    Proposals to the draft Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Art. 19)

    • p.2 continue with the words "regional executive authority";
    • clause 3, paragraph 1 shall be supplemented with the phrase "The form of presentation of the results of the implementation of innovative educational projects (programs) is an innovative educational product alienated from the author";
    • clause 4, paragraph 1 shall be completed with the words "established by a federal or regional executive body";
    • clause 5 to add the phrase “They contribute to the creation of resource support systems for innovative activities in education, incl. in the form of a public-private partnership ”.
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    Innovation in education: myths and reality Innovative activity of an educational institution

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    Approaches to learning Aimed at learning the rules of action in repetitive situations Implies the development of the ability to act jointly in new, possibly unprecedented situations traditional innovative

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    The relevance of innovative activity Innovation is the embodiment of a scientific discovery in a specific technology or product. Innovation should improve the quality of education. Innovation is caused by the crisis in education and is a response to this crisis. Innovations are designed to solve accumulated problems, to offer ways to solve them

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    Contradictions of modern education Between the standardized teaching of schoolchildren and their individual abilities and interests; Between the rapid development of science and the real cognitive capabilities of students; Between the tendency towards specialization of teaching and the task of versatile development of the personality; Between the predominant reproductive education in school and the need of society for people with developed creative abilities

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    Conceptual apparatus Innovation is an idea, method, means, technology or system. Innovation - the process of introducing and mastering the innovation innovation = innovation Innovation activity - a set of measures taken to ensure the innovation process, as well as the process itself

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    Innovation activity - an activity that ensures the transformation of ideas into innovation and forms a management system for this process (K. Sumnitelny) Determination of the need for changes; Collection of information and analysis of the situation; Pre-selection or independent development of an innovation; Decision-making on implementation (development); Implementation itself, including trial use of the innovation; Long-term use of the innovation, during which it becomes an element of everyday practice. Innovation activity consists of the following stages:

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    Sources of innovation processes intuition of a creative leader, teacher; experience born in a given school; pedagogical experience born in other schools; directives and regulations; ... the opinion of the consumer of educational services; the needs of the teaching staff to work in a new way; the needs of the region, the country in changing the situation in education; achievements, development of the entire complex of human sciences, etc.

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    Classification of innovations By definition of the sphere in which innovative activity is carried out: the purpose and content of education; technologies, methods, means of organizing the pedagogical process; forms of organization of training and education; management system (activities of the administration, teachers, students); educational ecology. By the way of origin and flow of innovations: systematic, planned; spontaneous. In terms of the depth and breadth of the implementation of innovations: massive, global, radical, significant transformations; partial, minor modifications of the known and accepted, associated with improvement, rationalization, modification. By the nature of origin: external; internal. On the basis of scale: private (local and individual, not related to each other); modular (or complex, interconnected); systemic (covering all spheres of life of an educational institution).

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    Types of innovation In relation to the structural elements of educational systems; In relation to the personal formation of the subjects of education; By the field of pedagogical application; By types of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process; By functionality; By methods of implementation; By the scale of distribution; By social and pedagogical significance; In terms of the volume of innovative activities; According to the degree of the proposed transformations

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    Stages of innovation development The emergence or birth of a new idea. Translation of an idea into a goal (goal setting reflects the expected results of activities achieved over a certain period of time). Stages of goal setting: collection of information, information about the subjective image of the real situation from members of the pedagogical process (teachers, students, parents, members of the public); information about the desired image of the new; information on a possible plan of action to change the existing situation; the formulation of the goal and its acceptance by all participants in the educational process. Development of ways to achieve the goal and design. Project implementation. Dissemination of new practices. Routineization, transition to a new quality and functioning in a new regime.