Learning to read and write "familiarity with the letter e, e". Synopsis and presentation for the literacy lesson "Acquaintance with the letter ё" "Acquaintance with the letter Her"

G. Yurga

MBOU "Secondary School" No. 1 named after A.P. Maksimenko

Lesson development

On this topic:

"Acquaintance with the letter E e"

Completed by: Smirnova Marina Evgenievna

MBOU "SOSH" No. 1 primary school teacher

Lesson - presentation

On the topic of:

"Acquaintance with the letter Her"

Lesson type: learning new material.

The purpose of the lesson: Familiarity with the features of the letter "Her" in different positions.


    To form a clear idea that the letter “E” at the beginning of the word and after the vowel letter gives two sounds [y, e], and after the consonants, it gives one sound [e] and softens it.

    To promote the development of conscious expressive reading of syllables, words, speech, phonemic hearing and culture of sound pronunciation.

    To cultivate qualities such as curiosity, interest in reading, hard work and discipline.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, textbook.

During the classes

1. Mobilizing beginning (org. Moment) 2-3 minutes

(The teacher checks the readiness of students for the lesson, discipline)

- The bell rang, we are starting the lesson!

- Sit down, guys. (1 slide)

2. Communication of the topic of the lesson. (5-7 minutes)

- Listen and guess the riddle. (2 slide)

You will always find them in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
They are prickly like hedgehogs,
In the winter in a summer dress. (Ate)

(3 slide

- Pronounce this word orthoepically. Pronounce the first syllable. What sounds does the first syllable consist of? [Y, E].

- Let's make a sound-letter analysis of the word FIR.

- What letters do you hear? How many are there? (3)

- What sounds do we hear? How many are there? (4)

[Y] - consonant, soft

[e] - solid vowel

[l] - consonant, voiced, soft

[and] - vowel, soft

The word appears with icons (4 Slide)

- So, what are we going to learn in the lesson? (Study the letter e, which gives two sounds at the beginning of a word). The letter e is not simple, you will see for yourself now. (5 Slide)

3. Reading syllables and words (7-10 min) (6 slide)

We read all the syllables column by column.

- Compare the syllables in each column.

- Where is the letter "E" in the first column of syllables? (at the beginning) What sounds does it make? (two sounds)

- Where is the letter “E” in the second column? What sounds does it make? (gives two sounds)

- Where is the letter "E" in the third column? After what letters is it written? What sound does it make? (softens the preceding consonant and gives the sound [e]).

We read the words. CHALK, FIR, SKILLED.

Sound-alphabetic analysis of words. (7 slide)

- Let's conclude:

What sounds does the letter “E” give if it is at the beginning of a word or after a vowel - ……

What sound does the letter “E” give if it comes after a consonant - ……

Conclusion: (8 slide)

4. Physical exercise (2 min) (8 slide)

The deer has a big house ...

5. Consolidation of what has been learned. Work according to the textbook. (4 min) (9 slide)

- Open the textbook "ABC" on page 44.

- Reading syllables and words with the letter being studied.

- The first time I read one, the second time in chorus the whole class.

Ate - ate - ate - ate

Spruce - chalk - shallow - shallow

Ol - mol - namolol - namolol

Ate - chalk - skillful - skill - skill - skillful

Us - whine - sad - sad

Neither - discouragement - discouragement

Me - measure - measure

Not - manner - manner

Me - name - name day - name day

- Guys, now we read in a whisper, I go through and listen to everyone.

Frontal-individual testing of students, pronouncing stress.

- Well done boys.

- Name the words in which the letter "e" gives two sounds? What is he? (ate, ate, skill, dull)

- Name the words in which the letter "e" gives one sound? What is he? (chalk, measure, name day, manner,)

- We close the textbooks.

5. Physical exercise (1-2 minutes) (10 slide)

6. Development of memory and speech. (4-6 minutes). (11 slide)

- The teacher reads out the verse (a picture appears).

- We repeat one line three times.

- Completely recite the verse by heart 3-5 students.

7. Development of attention, thinking (3-4 min) (12 slide)

... nickname; P ... mei; R ... sy; Portfolio ... M ... nickname

8. Summing up. (1-2 minutes)

- What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What is the role of the letter "e" in the word after the consonant?

- When does the letter "e" mean two sounds?

- What tasks were the most interesting in your opinion?

- What tasks caused you difficulties?

- Well done boys. Thank you for the lesson. Pleasantly pleased with …….

- The lesson is over. (13 slide).

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Slide captions:

Good morning!

November 9. 1. Literacy training 2. Literacy training 3. Dynamic hour 4. Okr.world 5. Technology

RULES: LISTEN HEAR answer loudly

Warm-up Zhenya sat on the bench, Seva on the Right, Slava on the Left.

We will sing a song B a b o B u B and B s B e B i N a N o N u N and N s N e N I Ka K o K u K and ------- Ke ____ L a L o L u L and L s L e L e S a S o S U S and S S e S i V a V o V u V i V y V e V y R a R o R u R i R s R e R y T a T o T U T and T y T e T y

Riddle I come with gifts, I shine with bright lights, Smart, funny, for the New Year I am the main one.

E L I [Y,] [E]. [l,] [and]

Letters E e

Lesson topic: "LETTERS HER"

EL EN EP EM IEE OE AE LE NEP ME [y,] [e] [e] [th,] [l] [e] [l,] [and]

Conclusion: 1. The letter "Her" gives two sounds [Y ’] [E] at the beginning of a word and after a vowel. 2. The letter "Her" gives one sound [E] and softens the preceding consonant.

[th ’] [eh] ee [eh] spruce chalk ate

Let's dance


... nickname P ... meni R ... sy Aquarelle ... l Portf ... Tons ... M ... nick

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Consonants [m], [m \ "], letters M, m (consolidation). Reading words with the letter m. Writing a capital letter M.

An integrated lesson in literacy, writing and the world around you. The purpose of the lesson is to consolidate the knowledge gained about the letter m, sounds [m], [m \ "], to practice syllabic reading skills with the studied b ...

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A lesson in teaching literacy according to the program "School 2100" according to the Federal State Educational Standard Technologies: technology of the activity-based teaching method, ICT, problem-dialogical, educational assessment technology ...

Lesson "Learning to read and write", grade 1, type of lesson ONZ. Lesson topic: Consonants [s] and [s ’], letter C. Reading syllables and words with a letter. Writing letters, syllables and words with the letter C (According to the textbook by R.N.Buneev, E.V ...

Learning to read and write Topic: Consonants [к], [к ’], letter K. Reading syllables and words with the letter K. Lower letter k, connections with various letters, spelling words.

Learning to read and write Topic: Consonants [к], [к ’], letter K. Reading syllables and words with the letter K. Lower letter k, connections with various letters, writing words ...

Lesson topic : Vowels Ё, ё.

Lesson type : learning new material.



To form the ability to find the letter E in words, to know what sounds it means; read words with this letter. Improve reading skills, ability to work with text (answer questions about the content).

Promotedevelopment coherent speech, random access memory, voluntary attention,verbal, visual-figurativethinking.

Bring up culture of behavior during frontal work.

Form UUD:

- Personal: the ability to self-esteem based on the criterion of the success of educational activities; stay motivated to study.

- Regulatory UUD: define and formulate a goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher;plan your action in accordance with the task at hand; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made.

- Communicative UUD: listen to and understand the speech of others; formalize your thoughts orally;negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of theeating and communicating and following them.

- Cognitive UUD: navigate your knowledge system;analyze objects;find answers to questions in the text, illustrations;transform information from one form to another; give answers to questions.

1.Inclusion in educational activities

2. Updating knowledge

3. Statement of the educational problem. Discovery of new knowledge.

4. Application of new knowledge.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Reflection of the lesson.

The bell rang and fell silent.
The lesson begins.
Quietly the girls sat down at the desk,
Quietly the boys sat down at the desk,
Everyone looked at me.

Let's smile at each other. I think that the lesson will bring us the joy of communicating with each other. You will learn a lot and learn a lot.

- Let's remember how we communicate?

- What does our speech consist of?

What are the sentences made of?

What are words divided into?

What are words made of?

What sounds are there?

What are vowel sounds?

What are consonant sounds?

What vowels do we call hard consonant friends?

What are friends of soft consonants? Why?

What letters do we call tricky?


Want to know another tricky letter?

Then let's do a little research.

Name what is shown in the pictures.

Find one word, excluding two unnecessary ones.

    Acquaintance with the sounds [th "], [o].

Pronounce the word syllables.

How many syllables are in the word hedgehog?

What is the first syllable?

What's the second?

Say the first syllable several times.

What sounds do you hear?

How many are there?

What's the first one?

What's the second?

Let's make a diagram of the word hedgehog.

Who knows how many letters it will take to write the syllable [th "o]?

What goal will we set in the lesson?

What is the topic of our lesson?

2. Acquaintance with the letters Ё, ё.

- The hedgehog did not come alone. He brought you a new letter on pins and needles.

Here, look at her!(Showing the letter E) .

- What does a letter look like?

The letter E rested,

And immediately on her

A couple of chicks fluttered -

It turned out the letter Ё.

- E - not E, take a look for yourself:

Letter with dots-eyes.

And remove the dots from Yo -

Turn it into E.

E andYo - sisters,

Distinguishing between sisters is not easy.

But the letterYo two points,

Like a carnation in a ladder.

    Physical education "Hedgehog"

Let's take a little rest together with the hedgehog.

Where do you think the hedgehog was in a hurry?

Maybe the hedgehog was in a hurry to someone's birthday?

Guys, did you know that the letter ё also has a birthday? And they celebrate it on November 18th.

In the city of Ulyanovsk, a monument to the letter ё was created.

We can talk about this in more detail at the lesson of the circle.

Now we need to put our letter in a house in the city of Alfavitinsk.

Think, in which house, to what letters will we settle it?

- And next to which letter?

- Why?

If we call Ё another soft consonant, then it softens the preceding consonant sound.

And now let's make gifts for our newcomer, remember the words with the letter ё.

And the second gift will be a game: I will name words, and you clap your hands only when the word begins with the letter E.

Ready! Started:

tree, blackberry, nimble, raccoon, ruff, spruce, hedgehog, bright, whirligig apple.

Well, I think the letter E was pleased with your work.

4. Exercises in reading words, sentences with the letter E.

(Reading syllables in a textbook in chorus)

- Now we read the columns of words and call the stressed syllable.

( In the textbook, children read columns of words with auxiliary notes).

What interesting things have you noticed?

The accent mark is not placed over this letter!

Let's read the rule at the bottom of the page. What information do you need to remember?

Look at the illustration on the page, guess what the text is about.

Let's read the text along the chain.

Where were the guys?

What did they hear? Who was that?

Who attacked the hedgehog?

What happened to the Bug?

Let's come up with a title for the text.

In what words did we meet the letter ё?

In what words does the letter ё mean two sounds?

5. Physical education "Yolochki"

6 . Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

- The hedgehog has been waiting for us and came up withnext task. He very often heard different words from people and always wanted to ask:why do we humans say so ?

What does the word cringe mean? Are we turning into hedgehogs?

Let's speculate, when are we shrinking?

Try to portray this pose.(Children show).

Whom does she remind you of?

That's why people say that.

- There is a forest hedgehog, but there is ...

Sea hedgehog at the bottom of the sea
He sang about the forest hedgehog:
Oh you hedgehog, brother hedgehog,
How do you live without the sea?
The hedgehog lives in the wilderness of the forest,
The Christmas tree is his home.

The needles of the sea urchin are long, like knitting needles, and serve for movement, protection, and also play the role of hands. He crawls quietly along the bottom and eats what goes into his mouth.

Look at the entry, formulate the task and complete it.

Under the hedgehog lived a tree

And how does the tree look like a hedgehog?

The curious hedgehog wants to ask you questions again:

In what cases does the letter ё mean two sounds?

In what cases does the letter ё mean one sound?

And he also offers to do your homework at will: find information about the history of the appearance of the letter ё.

We hope the hedgehog was pleased with your answers.

And how will we please the Christmas tree?

Ahead of us is a joyful magical holiday - New Year. Everyone, both adults and children, love to decorate Christmas trees. We will also decorate our forest guest with toys. Choose the color of the balloon that matches your mood after class. If you were interested in the lesson - the ball is blue, if you didn't like something - yellow, if you were bored - red.

So we did a good job in this lesson. Well done!

The lesson is over !!! You can decorate the tree with your own balls.

Children answer in a chain according to a sentence, for each answer the teacher clicks on the slide.

We communicate through speech.

- Our speech consists of sentences.

Sentences are made up of words.

Words are divided into syllables.

Words are made of sounds.

Sounds are vowels and consonants.

Vowel sounds are percussive and unstressed.

Consonant sounds are voiced and deaf; hard and soft.

A O U s



- At the beginning of a word and after a vowel, two sounds are denoted.


Blueberries, raspberries, hedgehog.

The word hedgehog: calls an animal, two syllables, stress on the first syllable, ends in a consonant.

- Hedgehog


- Yo


[th "o]

- [th o]




Children make a diagram on a magnetic board. It is established that the first syllable is a fusion, in the second syllable - a fusion with an adjacent consonant sound.

[ th " ] , [ O ]


- Let's get acquainted with the letter that denotes these sounds in the letter

Letter denoting two sounds

(Answers of children)

To vowels, to friends of soft consonants.

The letter E also has the sound [o].

- Christmas tree, ruff, gun, honey, ice ...

The letter E is always stressed.

The letter E denotes two sounds at the beginning of a word and after a vowel and one sound after a consonant.

The children went to the forest.

The guys were in the woods.

We heard that someone rustles near the Christmas tree.

The Bug attacked the hedgehog.

The bug pricked his nose and ran away.

- "Hedgehog", "The bug attacked the hedgehog", "The hedgehog was defending himself."

- Fir-trees, hedgehog, hedgehog.

The letter E denotes two sounds at the beginning of a word and after a vowel and one sound after a soft consonant.


It's scary when it's cold.

(Children show)

(The hedgehog does this out of fear or cold).


You need to make a proposal.

A hedgehog lived under the tree. (The hedgehog lived under the tree)

The tree and the hedgehog have needles.

These words begin with the letter ё.

When it appears at the beginning of a word and after a vowel.

After a soft consonant.


Children choose a ball, show.

Personal UUD

Providing students with the organization of their educational activities. Emotionally positive attitude to the lesson, creating a situation of success, trust.

Cognitive UUD

Dividing speech into sentences, words. Vowel and consonant sounds. The consonants are voiced and voiceless, hard and soft.

Formation of the ability to present information in the form of a diagram.

Communicative UUD

    Form the ability to listen and understand others;

    To form the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the task.

    To form the ability to formulate your thoughts orally.

Cognitive UUD

Formation of the ability to classify according to characteristics.

Cognitive UUD

Independent formulation of a cognitive goal.

Communicative UUD

Cooperation of teachers with children, expressing their opinion, discussion.

Cognitive UUD

Sound structure of the word.

Cognitive UUD

We form the ability to express our assumptions on the basis of working with the material of the textbook.

Cognitive UUD

Semantic reading, the ability to find answers to questions in the text and illustrations.

Cognitive UUD

Extracting the necessary information from the listened text.

Regulatory UUD

Highlighting and awareness by students of what has been learned in the lesson, awareness of the quality and level of what has been learned.

Personal UUD

Meaning formation, i.e. the student asks the question: what is the meaning and what is the meaning of the teaching for me. What did the lesson give?

Moral and aesthetic orientation, including the assessment of the assimilated content that provides personal social choice.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Lesson presentation

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Lesson type: learning new material.

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the features of the letter "Her" in different positions.

  1. To form a clear idea that the letter “E” at the beginning of the word and after the vowel letter gives two sounds [y, e], and after the consonants it gives one sound [e] and softens it.
  2. To promote the development of conscious expressive reading of syllables, words, speech, phonemic hearing and culture of sound pronunciation.
  3. To cultivate qualities such as curiosity, interest in reading, hard work and discipline.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, textbook.

During the classes

1. Mobilizing start (org. Moment) 2-3 minutes

(The teacher checks the readiness of students for the lesson, discipline)

- The bell rang, we are starting the lesson!

- Sit down, guys. (1 slide)

2. Communication of the topic of the lesson. (5-7 minutes)

- Listen and guess the riddle. (2 slide)

You will always find them in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
They are prickly like hedgehogs,
In the winter in a summer dress. (Ate)

(3 slide)

- Pronounce this word orthoepically. Pronounce the first syllable. What sounds does the first syllable consist of? [Y, E].

- Let's make a sound-letter analysis of the word FIR.

- What letters do you hear? How many are there? (3)

- What sounds do we hear? How many are there? (4)

[Y] - consonant, soft

[e] - solid vowel

[l] - consonant, voiced, soft

[and] - vowel, soft

The word appears with icons (4 Slide)

- So, what are we going to learn in the lesson? (Study the letter e, which gives two sounds at the beginning of a word). The letter e is not simple, you will see for yourself now. (5 Slide)

3. Reading syllables and words (7-10 min) (6 slide)

We read all the syllables column by column.

- Compare the syllables in each column.

- Where is the letter "E" in the first column of syllables? (at the beginning) What sounds does it make? (two sounds)

- Where is the letter “E” in the second column? What sounds does it make? (gives two sounds)

- Where is the letter “E” in the third column? After what letters is it written? What sound does it make? (softens the preceding consonant and gives the sound [e]).

We read the words. CHALK, FIR, SKILLED.

Sound-alphabetic analysis of words. (7 slide)

- Let's conclude:

What sounds does the letter “E” give if it is at the beginning of a word or after a vowel - ……

What sound does the letter “E” give if it comes after a consonant - ……

Conclusion: (8 slide)

4. Physical minutes (2 min) (8 slide)

The deer has a big house ...

5. Consolidation of what has been learned. Work according to the textbook. (4 min) (9 slide)

- Open the textbook "ABC" on page 44.

- Reading syllables and words with the letter being studied.

- The first time I read one, the second time in chorus the whole class.

Ate - ate - ate - ate

Spruce - chalk - shallow - shallow

Ol - mol - namolol - namolol

Ate - chalk - skillful - skill - skill - skillful

Us - whine - sad - sad

Neither - discouragement - discouragement

Me - measure - measure

Not - manner - manner

Me - name - name day - name day

- Guys, now we read in a whisper, I go through and listen to everyone.

Frontal-individual testing of students, pronouncing stress.

- Well done boys.

- Name the words in which the letter "e" gives two sounds? What is he? (ate, ate, skill, dull)

- Name the words in which the letter "e" gives one sound? What is he? (chalk, measure, name day, manner,)

- We close the textbooks.

5. Physical exercise (1-2 minutes) (10 slide)

6. Development of memory and speech. (4-6 minutes). (11 slide)

- The teacher reads out the verse (a picture appears).

- We repeat one line three times.

- Completely recite the verse by heart 3-5 students.

7. Development of attention, thinking (3-4 min) (12 slide)

... nickname P ... meni R ... sy Aquarelle ... Portfolio ... Tons ... M ... nick

8. Summing up. (1-2 minutes)

- What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What is the role of the letter "e" in the word after the consonant?

- When does the letter "e" mean two sounds?

- What tasks were the most interesting in your opinion?

- What tasks caused you difficulties?

- Well done boys. Thank you for the lesson. Pleasantly pleased with …….

- The lesson is over. (13 slide).