Letter of cooperation with a law firm. Sample letter of cooperation. Sample letter of proposal for cooperation. How to write a proposal for cooperation

A letter of cooperation is a document in which one of the companies offers services to another on a mutually beneficial basis. Such correspondence is the basis for signing contracts and future collaboration.

The main purpose of a commercial proposal is motivation. When drawing up, it is necessary to show the benefits of partnership with your business structure. The document will help to establish business contacts between firms.

How is a cooperation proposal written?

The head of the enterprise or any other employee whose duties include the development of the business in different directions can write correspondence of such a plan. This documentation is an official invitation to start joint activities and conclude a partnership agreement.

The letter is addressed directly to the management of the counterparty company. Sometimes the text is also compiled for the deputy director for a specific direction, the head of a department or a narrow-profile specialist. In any case, the decision on cooperation is made by the head of the enterprise. There are many examples of such correspondence on the Internet, but there is no unified version of the document. The business message is compiled individually for each company.

An invitation to cooperation has a clear structure. It includes:

  1. Greetings.
  2. The main part.
  3. Conclusion.
  4. Contact information.

A letter with a proposal for cooperation is a motivational "hook" that encourages a potential client to sign. Therefore, the correspondence should be composed in an interesting, competent and readable manner.

Important: you can write a unified example for different organizations, but before sending it, adapt it to a specific counterparty.

When writing a letter with a proposal for cooperation, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. Let's look at them below.


Correspondence of this type is an official document. Therefore, when writing, it is advisable to adhere to certain rules. The message should not contain colloquial vocabulary, superlatives and other such delights. The tonality of the letter is also taken into account. The ideal case is a laconic proposal for partnerships in certain areas (without fawning or disdain). You need to write an agreement without bureaucracy. These words are intimidating and make the final text too formal.

What can I say?

When composing a business letter with a proposal for cooperation, you can indicate the benefits of working with your business structure. Excessive bravado is best left out. Laudatory odes are of no interest to anyone. At the same time, the counterparty may get the wrong idea about the capabilities of a potential partner. It is possible to list the advantages of the organization, but without exaggeration. It is advisable to refer to other contractors who will recommend your company. This will give the message more weight and increase the likelihood of a response.


Brevity is the soul of wit. The phrase is hackneyed, but relevant in this situation. Reading the "sheets" of the text is not interesting. Often, such letters with a proposal for cooperation are simply deleted without consideration. It is not enough to write business correspondence; it needs to be properly structured. It is desirable that the document include:

  1. Paragraphs.
  2. Lists.
  3. Examples of completed projects (briefly).


It was said above that an invitation to a partnership is not always addressed only to the head of the business. Sometimes a letter is sent directly to a specialist in a narrow profile. In this case, it is necessary to operate with the appropriate terminology. Therefore, it is better to entrust the preparation of a sample to a person with a specialized education.


In the invitation to the conclusion of a partnership, as in, the appeal to the management of the company or another person for whom the document itself is intended is kept by name and patronymic. Therefore, it is advisable to collect the necessary information about the likely counterparty in advance. This approach will help to win over a person from the first lines.

What shouldn't be?

You can "kill" with a few wrong phrases. An example is rhetorical questions. One gets the impression that they motivate further reading of the letter with an offer of cooperation, but in reality this is not the case.


The text should be finished correctly. At a minimum, the contact information of the company is indicated. Sometimes an individual tax number is also added. This will help the prospective counterparty collect and verify the reliability of the future partner. The more details there are, the higher the trust in the correspondence itself will become.

Important: it is impossible to indicate the current account in such a message.

Sample business letter of cooperation

It can be difficult to compose the text of the message on your own. Better to use a ready-made sample. You can send a document to a counterparty and a potential business partner only after it has been adapted to a specific case. If this is not done, then the probability of a negative mailing result will increase significantly.

How to send a letter of cooperation?

In addition to the nuances of drawing up a business letter of cooperation, it is necessary to consider the question of how to deliver it to the addressee. There are two options:

  1. Email newsletter.
  2. On paper via courier service.

The first type is suitable for contractors from other regions of the Russian Federation. This delivery method is cheap, but ineffective. Often such correspondence is simply not read, deleting the document in principle. The classic letter is additionally certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of the management. Confidence in him increases, along with the likelihood of a positive response increases.

Summing up

A well-written business letter with a proposal for cooperation is a driver of business growth. It is able to establish communication between organizations and lead to the first joint contracts. It is possible to conclude a deal not only at the management level, this task is delegated to other employees. The main thing is that the representatives have the appropriate powers or. Otherwise, the agreement will not be legally binding.

These tips and nuances are taken into account without fail when drawing up a commercial proposal. Large companies sometimes receive hundreds of letters of a similar type a day, and some of them are deleted without even reading them.


In the first part of the letter, which is no more than one paragraph, write what kind of person you represent and greet the leadership of the prospective partner on her behalf. It is appropriate to use phrases such as “Our company wishes your business prosperity”, “on behalf of such and such we express our respect to you”. Be sure to include the name of your organization. Remember that in the form of spam, more than a dozen letters come to any company with a proposal to conclude an agreement, so the addressee should immediately understand whose proposal is being discussed.

In the next part of the letter, remind the potential partner that your companies already had preliminary agreements on a specific contract or service. You can use such phrases as "our negotiations ...", "We have considered your wishes regarding ...". Make it clear to the addressee that this offer is not a template and basic, as for all clients, but is developed specifically for this company, and takes into account all the features of this particular business.

In the largest part of the offer, indicate which services or goods you offer, what is their delivery time. The information presented in the tables is easier to perceive. Offer the client several options with different cost, quantity and volume of services provided so that he can choose the most suitable combination. Highlight the benefits that the client will receive by concluding an agreement with your organization. Here you can indicate discounts, special offers to regular partners, the possibility of concluding agreements for the provision of additional services or the supply of other goods on extra-favorable terms.

Dedicate the last part to wishes and parting words. Use standard phrases, for example, "We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation ...", "Best wishes ...". Be sure to subscribe and leave your coordinates, so that in case of a positive decision, the client does not look for a phone number or e-mail address where you can be contacted.

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Business proposals for cooperation are usually made to representatives of various organizations, enterprises and firms. We are driven by the desire to use the opportunity for mutually beneficial cooperation. If you are starting with a business correspondence that summarizes the essence of your proposal, a letter of cooperation proposal should be attached. A positive answer to an offer of cooperation depends on how you do it.

Helpful advice

The fact is that in an ordinary commercial proposal, as the main content and semantic component, there is everything necessary to divide the parties into a seller and a buyer of goods or services. In a business proposal for cooperation, specific positions for market discussion and bargaining may also be presented, but still to a small extent. The text about cooperation should contain an element of persuasion and influence not on the buyer, but on the future partner.


  • business proposals for cooperation
  • Positive response to a letter with a proposal for cooperation
  • How to write a letter of cooperation

For example, this can be the delivery of sports uniforms on the eve of the Olympic Games, ice cream during the heat of summer, or special equipment for a factory that requires an appropriate level of service. A template for an effective proposal for the supply of goods A commercial letter template is a sample text of a business proposal that corresponds to a certain structure of the document and may include: Greetings Should be used only in a personalized letter, after an official request or preliminary communication with the customer. Headline To write a really worthwhile business proposal, you need to create a catchy headline that can grab the attention of the addressee. Purpose In a short form, no more than one paragraph, describe the supplier and the nature of the proposal.

Cooperation proposal letter (samples)

GefestStroy: supply of building materials at the best prices GefestStroy LLC offers you the opportunity to quickly purchase high-quality building materials with delivery to the specified address and in the shortest possible time:

  • concrete;
  • sand;
  • reinforced concrete blocks;
  • lumber.

Unlike competitors, we do not hide the cost of products: Name Price (RUB / m3) Ready-mixed concrete 2 213 Hydraulic concrete 2 370 Sea sand 740 Quarry sand 270 Reinforced concrete blocks 2000 Lumber 3 713 * The cost of each commodity item includes delivery within g ...

Letter with a proposal for cooperation

The most modern and efficient form of sending is, of course, e-mail. For all its popularity, not everyone knows about the intricacies of the process of sending an email.


First, it is important to apply the PDF format, it is more versatile and well adapted for different versions. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account that such an offer is sent exclusively from the person with whom the preliminary agreements were made.

The subject of the letter is also no less important, in any case, do not send "without a subject". It should sound something like this: "A proposal for cooperation in the supply of sporting goods."

Commercial offer for the supply of goods

Your benefits from partnership with us:

  • free training in our company;
  • the ability to purchase products at individual rates;
  • flexible approach to each customer;
  • fast delivery of goods in a convenient way;
  • competitive wages.

Active and purposeful people choose cooperation with us! You can get acquainted with the detailed terms of partnership on our website or contact the senior manager by phone 220-00-01. Peter Ivanov. Letter No. 5 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, At the moment we are looking for new partners to sell our products in your region.

For comfortable cooperation with us, we are ready to offer you the organization of the training process for the technical and commercial personnel of your company. We also guarantee support related to questions about the sale of our products.

How to draw up a commercial proposal for the supply of goods

It is advisable to include the following data in the sample letter of cooperation:

  • your last name, first name and patronymic;
  • position;
  • The name of the company;
  • legal and actual address;
  • email address;
  • contact phones, fax, skype, website address;
  • full position, surname, name and patronymic of the addressee;
  • the name of the recipient company;
  • mailing address to which the letter is sent.

Modern correspondence takes place mainly in electronic format, so reflect your contact information as fully as possible on your personal or postal website. If the letter is printed on paper, be sure to include the index - save your recipient from additional efforts to find this data.
Display the phone number with international codes - this will simplify and speed up the establishment of contacts with the recipient.

Sample letter for the delivery of products

In the proposal, focus on the benefits that the recipient will receive, not you. Include a short description of the product, job, service, better bulleted list for easier perception.

Indicate your willingness to cooperate and discuss partnership conditions. If you are expecting some action from the recipient, mention this: "Call!", "Order!", "Write!" The letter should end with your signature with details and contact information so that the addressee can contact you "in one click".

If you are not sure of your capabilities, use the sample business letter of cooperation below. What should not be in a letter A proposal for cooperation is designed primarily to establish business contact with a partner.
Remember what is usually repulsive when you first meet? Obsession, an excess of information about oneself, rudeness.

Business proposals with presentation module

The presentation should have a lively language, and not dry conclusions. Excessive brevity The idea that you need an extremely short text, limited to one page, can be called a stereotype.


And this is far from what can give the desired result. It is best to forget about recommendations in terms of volume when writing a letter with a commercial proposal, especially when there is something interesting to talk about.

You can find many samples of such letters and see how meaningful and engaging they are. Duplication Usually the same mistakes are repeated when they talk about a similar product or service in exactly the same phrases as a competitor does.

It is necessary not only to describe and praise your product, but to prove that it is in this particular company that it is the best and irreplaceable. Here it is appropriate to be eloquent in order to draw attention to the exclusivity of the product.

Sample letter of cooperation. sample letter of proposal for cooperation

An unfamiliar person does not inspire confidence, topics that are not relevant to you will also not interest you. The same rules apply offline, so check your email before sending.

Here are 5 major mistakes:

  1. Excess information about yourself and your company. List only the essentials related to the business proposal.
  2. Vague wording and verbosity.

    It is tiresome. Write concisely and to the point. If possible, avoid complex sentences and adverbial expressions.

  3. Blurred sentences and phrases. Eliminate double interpretations of your statements or possible subtext. Make your phrases clear.
  4. Links to other resources, sources for information about you. The addressee will not waste his time and efforts with a stranger.
  5. Eliminate the passive voice.

Commercial proposal for cooperation - we increase sales

A letter of cooperation is a written document in which one company offers another joint work on a mutually beneficial basis. The main purpose of the proposal is to interest a potential partner, to encourage him to take further actions towards the sender. Such letters often serve as a starting point for the conclusion of agreements, deals and long-term contracts. FILESDownload a blank letter of cooperation.docDownload a sample letter of cooperation.doc Here: examples of commercial proposals for the supply of goods and for the provision of services. Who draws up the letter of cooperation A letter of cooperation can be written by an employee of the company, whose competence includes the development of business in one direction or another. The text of the letter must be agreed with the superior or the head of the company.
When composing a letter with a proposal for cooperation, one should not forget that its volume should not exceed one page, so there is no need to try to squeeze everything that is known about the company, product or service into the letter. What the letter must necessarily contain There are a number of information that must be contained in the message, these are:

  • name of the sending company,
  • her address and telephone number for communication,
  • position and full name of its representative,
  • the essence of the proposal.

Also, any additional documents may be attached to the letter (in this case, their presence should be reflected in the text of the proposal) or references to laws, bylaws, regulations and legal acts directly related to the proposal may be indicated.
Main part Indicate:

  • service list;
  • benefit for the client;
  • terms of cooperation;
  • prices and additional information (optional).

Guide to action You can motivate the client using incentive expressions: "Call us back", "Contact us", etc. Also, to enhance the effect of feedback, offer the customer a discount or any other reward for a timely response to the letter. Contact information Acknowledgment In a personalized document, the presence of gratitude is a prerequisite, burdened with standards of business etiquette.

It should be noted that the permutation or omission of some structural elements in this template is allowed. Examples Example # 1: a sample form of a commercial proposal for the supply of high quality building materials.

Sample letters of cooperation for the supply of goods

Phrases like "he will be given", "they will be able to receive" alienate you from a potential partner. Write about your interlocutor in the first person - "you get", "you get."

The details in the letter play the role of that same passport. A serious partner who hears about you for the first time will be able to check your reliability and solidity, status, and field of activity using your details.

This will greatly increase your chances of success and guarantee initial trust between you.

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to write an offer of cooperation correctly so that you cannot say "no"
  • What mistakes should be avoided

Many businessmen and even managers of large companies have a problem in order to correctly write a proposal for cooperation. Either they have no idea how to take on this task, or they make gross mistakes and then get upset when the partnership did not work out. It's time to figure out how to competently and effectively write a proposal for cooperation to a blogger, media person, etc., what are the rules for compiling such texts and how to present yourself and your company in a winning way.

How to write a cooperation proposal correctly

Who offers cooperation and to whom?

The need to write a proposal for cooperation usually arises among employees involved in the development of the company's business. The texts of such letters are approved by the immediate supervisor or top manager of the company.
It is necessary to find out in advance who will receive your proposal: an ordinary employee, secretary, manager, head of department. Each of them needs its own approach.
The letter can be addressed personally to the director of the enterprise with whom it is planned to cooperate, or to the head of one of the directions, to the head of a structural unit, or even to a narrow-profile specialist. The decision to start interaction will still be made by the management of the company.
Many people underestimate the importance of a commercial proposal (QP) and do not understand what it is for at all. It is necessary to understand the functions of the CP and the techniques of its preparation.

Cooperation proposal structure:

  • Title. Surely your addressee is an extremely busy person, and he can limit himself to reading only the subject line of the letter in order to understand whether he is interested in it or not. Formulate the topic accurately: it should induce to read the message in its entirety (and not call for the purchase of a product, for example). You can prepare multiple emails with different headers and test them to see which one is the most effective.
  • Problem. Experts in the field of copywriting and corporate communications recommend: if you want to write a high-quality, "catchy" commercial or proposal for cooperation, touch upon the problems relevant to the addressee at the very beginning of the text.
  • Solution options. Letting the recipient understand that you are aware of his problems and realize their importance, you can offer your own solutions: for example, services that may be useful to the reader of the letter, or partnership on favorable terms.
  • Price. Some entrepreneurs, when drawing up a commercial or a proposal for cooperation, do not dare to accurately indicate the prices of their products or services, fearing that this will scare off a potential client or partner. However, experts advise still to indicate the cost, allowing the addressee of the letter to independently decide whether it is high for him or not. But it is important to justify these prices.
  • Call to action. It must be clear and unambiguous. What do you want to achieve by writing an offer of cooperation or sending a commercial proposal? Calling, visiting a website, placing an order in an online store, or mutual barter services? Formulate your wish and be sure to list the bonuses and benefits that the addressee will receive, such as a discount on goods on the day of receipt of the letter, for example.
  • Contact details. Indicate not only your phone number, but also other communication channels: website address, groups in social networks, skype, etc.
  • Date. So that the recipient does not get confused in the messages (especially if the commercial proposal is followed by corrected versions, additions, etc.), it is better to immediately indicate the date when the proposal was sent.
  • Signature. The full name and position of the author of the letter must be present in the text, and immediately after the introductory part. If you need to prepare and send a commercial or proposal for cooperation in paper form, it is advisable to sign at the end.
  • Pagination. Long multi-page texts, including proposals for cooperation and commercial proposals, need to be numbered (in the format “page no ... from ...”).
  • Registration. Paragraphs are drawn up with a red line. In emails, extra spacing between paragraphs is desirable - it makes it easier to read. Justification makes the text look neat. When making a proposal for cooperation or commercial proposal, give preference to standard typefaces - Times New Roman, etc. The optimal font size is 12-14.

Writing and sending an offer of cooperation is not all. Call the recipient, ask if the letter aroused interest. If not, then it will be necessary to improve the text and design of the proposal for cooperation. You can check the effectiveness of different variants of letters on regular customers, experts or personal acquaintances.

A few more tips on how to write a cooperation proposal correctly:

  1. The text must be on letterhead.
  2. Correctly contact the representative of the company or the person to whom you propose cooperation.
  3. Thank the addressee in advance - this requirement of politeness is very important for business correspondence.

Letterhead is not necessary at all, you can write a proposal for cooperation on a simple sheet of white paper. But the letterhead with the company logo is an advertising medium and an element of the company's image.
Greetings- an important part of letters containing proposals for cooperation or purchase of goods and services. Carefully write your welcome message. Some addressees need to be addressed by name and patronymic, namely:

The mood of the letter... A commercial proposal must exude confidence in the superior quality of the product or service being described. Avoid such cliches as “Let me suggest you ...”, “We hope you will be interested in our proposal”, “We are looking forward to your reply” - they make a repulsive impression. There is another extreme: phrases like “We are sure that you will like it!”, “We know for sure that ...”, etc., sounding too arrogant and arrogant. Give the addressee an opportunity to form an opinion about your proposal.
Stick to a positive style in letters with KP: use the particle “not” and negation as rarely as possible, replace them with affirmative phrases, use synonyms.

Attachments to the letter at the very end contain various additional information: technical descriptions, calculations, graphs, drawings, etc. You can attach several attachments to the letter, the main thing is not to overload the reader with information.
As for prices, it is better to draw up the financial conditions of the offer according to the principle of a puff cake: first, describe the benefits and benefits that the client will receive, then indicate the price, and then re-identify the benefits. For products with multiple versions, it should be explained what caused the price difference.
Arguments. Of course, any potential partner to whom you have written and sent an offer of cooperation, or a potential consumer of your product, will doubt. Especially if your message is beneficial to the point of implausibility. Prove that it is feasible and realistic, provide the necessary arguments (depending on the specifics of your product or service).
As arguments, they usually use mini-cases, portfolios of completed projects, customer reviews or their lists, recommendations, calculations, various certificates, certificates and guarantees, photo reports, “before and after” selections, exact product characteristics or a detailed description with all the necessary numbers activities of the company.
Relevance of the offer... All financial indicators, especially prices, are subject to changes, therefore, it is necessary to give the addressee a clear understanding of the timing of their relevance. Indicate the length of time your offer is valid.

Examples of how to write a business proposal for cooperation

How to write a proposal for cooperation in social networks

Most people who have to write offers of cooperation are concerned about how to find the courage and reach out to a famous person or blogger (and how not to lose motivation to keep writing such letters if silence or refusal follows in response).
If you think about it, this is very strange: after all, the same people are not at all afraid to look for new ways of business development, to maintain the pages of their project in social networks in an original and beautiful way, to look for employees and assemble a team. Moreover, many have enough courage for dashing car driving, extreme sports and even buying shawarma at the station. But for some reason, the need to write a letter to a star with a proposal for cooperation is frightening.
The point is that everyone is unpleasant to receive rejections. But they will be in any case. True, you can learn to behave in such a way that there are fewer of them. But even a sharp refusal is:

  • also a result;
  • not a sentence: after all, only a hundred dollar bill can be liked by everyone (and that is not a fact, some prefer a thousand).

However, unfortunately, the authors of the letters themselves are to blame for 70% of refusals for cooperation offers. The strategy of a stubborn siege of a few selected bloggers, daily bombarding them with letters is a dead-end path. It is necessary to constantly search for new sites for advertising, but it is important to choose the right recipients and contact them at the right moment, then the probability of refusal is the lowest.

11 minutes to read. Views 40 Posted on 21.10.2018

At the initial stage of business development, the company's management needs to find reliable counterparties. For this purpose, letters with a proposal for cooperation are sent to potential partners. These documents are one of the forms of a commercial offer. With the help of such forms, an entrepreneur can interest a future counterparty by convincing him to conclude a contract with this particular company. In this article, we propose to consider how to write a letter with an offer of cooperation.

A commercial offer is a document of business correspondence that contains advertising information that can interest a potential client

Are commercial offers necessary in business?

A letter with a proposal to conclude a contract on mutually beneficial terms allows young companies to find suppliers or partners for the further development of their business. As a rule, such letters are drawn up by employees who are in charge of external document flow. The content of this form must be necessarily agreed with the management of the company.... Much less often, the general director himself is engaged in the development of such securities.

Experts recommend using a personalized type of letters when preparing commercial offers. This means that the text of the letter indicates the name and surname of the head of the organization with which the firm wishes to conclude a contract. Commercial offers can be addressed both personally to the head of the company and to his deputy. It is important to note here that not all letters with this content are considered by the administration of the company. As practice shows, most businessmen who receive such letters refuse to consider them.

In order to reduce the likelihood of receiving a refusal, it is necessary to send such a letter only after preliminary negotiations. During these events, a businessman needs to convince a potential counterparty to consider the idea of ​​cooperation. It is very important to prove that the conclusion of the contract will allow obtaining bilateral benefits at. Only after that it is necessary to clarify the terms and method of sending a letter with a full description of the terms of cooperation.

When developing such a form, it is necessary to take into account the basic fundamentals of marketing and the prestige of the company with which you are going to cooperate.

Not every newcomer in the business world can convince representatives of Ford or MTS to sign a contract. It is much easier for promoted brands to convince their potential partners of the benefits of signing an agreement. From all of the above, we can conclude that the counterparty should feel its benefits from a potential transaction. To do this, in the text of the letter, you must concisely state all the advantages of your company, the products or services offered.

In order for letters with a proposal for cooperation to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to take into account many important nuances. The text of this letter should be of interest to its reader. A well-written text containing the most necessary information should motivate for certain actions. Ideally, the recipient of such a letter should ask for a price list for a service or product. This development of events speaks of the effectiveness of mailing.

According to experts in the field of jurisprudence, a commercial offer can be considered as an official letterhead. However, today there is no standard template that is used in the development of such forms. Each company can independently form a sample letter that will be used in external document flow. It should be noted here that when composing business letters, it is necessary to take into account business ethics and the basics of office work.

The purpose of a business letter of cooperation is to make an offer that is difficult to refuse, and, thereby, to acquire new partners in order to successfully sell your goods and / or services in the future.

What to look for when drawing up a document

When drawing up documents of the type in question, it is recommended to use letterhead... Personalized emails are highly effective. Such commercial offers include the name and surname of the recipient of the letter. Business etiquette requires courtesy and gratitude for reading the letter. These nuances must be taken into account when developing a sample form that will be used in document flow.

Selecting a letterhead

As practice shows, it is possible to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation on a simple sheet of A4 format. However, the use of letterhead has several distinct advantages. These forms are an integral part of the company's image. Also, these documents can be considered as promotional materials.

Greeting feature

We have already noted above that greeting a potential partner is one of the most important parts of the text. This section of the document requires special attention during its development. The use of standard forms is advisable only for general distribution of documents. In the event that preliminary negotiations have already been carried out with a potential counterparty, it is necessary to indicate his name and patronymic in the text of the letter. The same approach is required for buyers and customers with whom a major deal is planned.

Attractive headline

Many businessmen refuse to read commercial offers, comparing such letters with intrusive spam. This is especially true for electronic messages. In order to interest the reader, you need to come up with an intriguing title.... It is necessary to disclose the main content of the document itself. The use of "advertising" headers can only be abandoned when the letter is sent to government agencies. Those companies that have a well-promoted image can also refuse to use advertising texts.

Many budget organizations use the classic "dry" form of the document when developing commercial proposals. Such emails lack creativity and advertising gimmicks. Since these documents are drawn up on the basis of generally accepted rules, the management of budgetary structures does not need to use various methods of drawing attention to their proposal.

Such a letter represents the "face" of your company, therefore, your prospects for cooperation depend on how competently, interesting and clearly it will be drawn up.

Main part of the offer

In the main section of the document, it is necessary to briefly and concisely outline the terms of the proposed cooperation. It is necessary to briefly describe all the benefits of the partnership and the benefits that the other party will receive. The text of the letter must necessarily be reasoned. The main requirement for such a document is the absence of intrusiveness.

Many entrepreneurs make the big mistake when using psychological pressure methods. This approach to preparing a document can alienate the reader, which will result in the loss of a lucrative contract. In order to interest the reader, it is necessary to use various methods of motivation for a specific action. Promising a discount, for contacting within a certain period of time, can increase the effectiveness of the letter.

Contact details

In the last section of letters with a proposal for cooperation, contact information is indicated. The recipient of such a letter must be physically able to agree or refuse the proposed terms of the transaction. To do this, you need to specify your phone number and email address. If the letter was sent in paper form, then in the text of the form, you must indicate the full details of your company.

At the end of the document, you must thank the recipient for spending his personal time reading the letter. This rule of business etiquette must be taken into account when preparing a personal document.

How best to send an offer

Having looked at the classic cooperation invitation letter template, you need to pay a little attention to the methods of sending letters. The entrepreneur can use the services of a courier service or send the form by "Russian Post". You can also ask one of the company's employees to deliver the letter to the secretary of a potential partner. It is important to note that these classic workflow methods are outdated long ago. In the modern world, it is customary to use email. The use of this communication method allows you to significantly optimize the workflow.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when sending emails. It is recommended to use PDF format to create an electronic document. The main feature of this format is its versatility. It is supported by both ordinary desktop computers and other gadgets. It should also be borne in mind that the mailing of such letters should be dealt with by the person who conducted the preliminary negotiations. Otherwise, the recipient can simply delete the email and mark it as spam.

Many entrepreneurs make the big mistake of not specifying an email subject. At the time of sending the document, it is necessary to make the heading "Offer of cooperation". You can also specify a short content of the document in the title. Using the electronic form of document flow, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Enter the email address of the recipient of the message.
  2. Download the electronic form.
  3. Write a motivating headline.
  4. Formulate the accompanying text, which will be indicated in the letter itself.

In practice, a cooperation proposal is drawn up for current partners or for potential

Many newbies in business are afraid of sounding too annoying and rarely call back potential partners after sending an email. At this stage, it is very important not to lose control of the situation. Immediately after sending the document, you must call the counterparty in order to clarify whether the letter was received. During this conversation, you need to find out how long it will take for an entrepreneur in order to resolve the issue of the need to conclude a contract. During a telephone conversation, you must be as laconic as possible. Otherwise, such behavior can be regarded as compulsion and importunity.

Common mistakes

It is quite difficult to write an effective letter with an offer of cooperation. As a rule, marketing and advertising rules are used in the development of such letters. Before you start developing the form yourself, you need to know about the most common mistakes. This approach minimizes the risk of refusal to conclude a deal.

Complicated syntax

Many entrepreneurs, trying to convince a potential partner, "build" too complex verbal constructions. In order to influence the reader, you need to use short sentences consisting of several phrases. Despite the fact that when drawing up a commercial proposal, the rules for conducting business correspondence are used, it is very important to express your thoughts in simple words.

Unnecessary brevity

According to many entrepreneurs, the text of a commercial proposal should take no more than one page. However, in some situations, such a shortening of the letter can put off the reader. It is very important to disclose all the details of future collaboration. However, you do not need to try too hard and paint all the delights of cooperation on ten sheets.

Numerous repetitions

Some entrepreneurs who send letters with an offer of cooperation list several of their main products or services in the document. The same phrases and wording are used to describe the products. Other entrepreneurs simply copy their competitors' product descriptions. This approach to writing sales letters is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary not only to correctly advertise your offer, but also to prove that a potential partner will not receive more favorable conditions for cooperation from competitors. The main emphasis in the text of the letter should be focused precisely on the exclusivity of the offered products or services. Only after the main topic has been revealed can you move on to listing the benefits of collaboration.

There are no standards and rules for the text of such letters, but there are basic points that should be present in them.

Imposing your own dignity

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the commercial offer is a kind of advertising for your own company. However, all the merits of the company must be reasoned. As arguments, you can use positive reviews from those people who have already used the proposed service or product. It is very important to give an example of those individuals who are known to the potential recipient of the commercial proposal. It can be both show business stars and other celebrities.

As an example of the benefits of their company, the person making the offer might tell the story of their client who took advantage of the offer. The best confirmation of the effectiveness of cooperation are specific numbers... Here you must indicate the amount of income received by the person who took advantage of this offer.

Examples of successful commercial offers

In order to better understand the structure of the commercial proposal, it is necessary to consider a practical example of a commercial proposal for cooperation. A well-written letter can significantly increase the chances of concluding a contract. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the content of a personal letter sent by the employees of the design agency.

“Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich!

Our company invites you to order the development of a design for a corporate website, which will be used to present the products manufactured by your company. Our specialists have all the necessary resources to create a powerful tool for business development. Our capabilities:

  1. Development of several design samples, taking into account the individual requirements of the client.
  2. Providing assistance in the further launch of the resource.
  3. Submission of complete technical information.
  4. Conducting training seminars with company employees.
  5. Free development of a corporate logo as a gift.

Spending only twenty thousand rubles for ordering the development of a corporate website, you will significantly increase the reach of the consumer audience. Having your own resource allows you to increase sales by 300 percent! At the same time, you will get access to a new market and the ability to accept orders from customers from other regions.

Our conditions:

  1. Payment of the full cost of services at the time of signing the contract.
  2. Placement of an ad unit on the created resource with a link to our site.

We will be happy to consider your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation!
Respectfully yours, representative of the Design company, R. R. Romanova Vkontakte