Institute for Social Communication. Specialty "service": training profession and who to work Specialty "Service" - form and duration of training

Most of the country's population works in the service and trade sectors. And certainly the entire sector of the economy is puzzled by the problems of identifying the needs of potential customers.

For organizations engaged in trade in various kinds of products or services, identifying the needs of the population is a priority area of ​​activity.

What is it for? This is necessary to attract customers and, accordingly, increase sales.

Service is exactly the area that deals with the study of customer needs.

Specialty "Service" description: the educational institution involves "growing" from an ordinary student to a qualified specialist in this field. Professional activity in the service sector presupposes a high intellectual level of employees and a wide range of knowledge in many areas.

Graduates of "Service" have different directions. The direction "Social and cultural service", specialty "Automotive service" or "Information service" - these are all branches of the same, but only highly specialized. In any case, graduates should be excellently oriented in the field of economics, market relations and jurisprudence, which makes them multidisciplinary specialists.

When entering a higher educational institution for the specialty "Service", the results of the unified state exam in mathematics, Russian language and social studies will be required.

Typically, the minimum allowable score for each subject is 45 on average. However, each institution sets its own limits on the passing score.

The number of budget and paid places is also completely different.

Specialty code "Service"

Since 2015, a new classification of specialties has been adopted, according to which the specialty "Service" received the code 43.03.01 (bachelor's degree) and 43.04.01 (master's degree).

College provides an opportunity to get a specialty "Hotel Service Manager". Specialty code 42.02.11.

Specialty "Service" - the form and duration of training

In Russia, the specialty "Service" established certain terms of study.

As an additional education, the specialty "Service" can be studied remotely.

Admission options and deadlines must be viewed on the official websites of universities. They set their own procedures and conditions for enrollment in distance learning programs.

If a 11th grade graduate enters a higher educational institution, then after graduating from the university, he will have a bachelor's degree. The term of study in this case will be 4 years.

At the same time, the holder of a bachelor's degree can also obtain a master's degree. But this will take another 2 years.

A graduate of grade 11 after school is eligible to go to college for secondary vocational education and will study for 1 year and 10 months.

A 9th grade graduate will be asked to study for 2 years and 10 months. All these data are correct for full-time education.

You can also enroll in the specialty service in absentia both in a university and in a college. In this case, the training period will be increased by 1 year.

Multidisciplinary specialty "Service"

The service specialist is multifaceted. The versatility of the Service specialty is explained by a wide range of possible activities. A graduate of this specialty will be able to find himself completely in any field where there are clients and buyers. These can be hotel services, information systems, tourism, trade, banking or economics services.

"Service" has no boundaries, so some universities graduate more highly specialized specialists. So, in many universities there are, for example, specialties

  • "Hotel service",
  • "Service and Tourism",
  • specialty "Information service",
  • “Household utilities service” specialty,
  • "Technical service in the agro-industrial complex",
  • specialty "Production service",
  • specialty "Air transport service",
  • specialty "Restaurant service",
  • "Vehicle service" specialty,
  • "Service in trade" specialty.

What will be taught, characteristics of the specialty "Service"

Students, studying in this specialty, study in depth marketing and management, market relations and economic disciplines. During the training, they are introduced to information systems, since employees in the service sector are required to understand the operation of software at the enterprise.

Students study disciplines aimed at developing organizational and management skills. They should know the basics of advertising and promoting services and goods in the economic sphere. Depending on the direction of study, for example, highly specialized disciplines will be introduced into the curriculum.

So, the specialty service in transport (01.43.06) is accompanied by subjects studying security technologies for different types of transport and the corresponding legal documents, risks and insurance in the field of transport support and transportation, etc.

"Automotive service" specialty is designed to study all aspects of the activities of automobile service, and this is legal support, and regulations, and much more.

At the same time, a separate role is given to the psychological sciences, since a specialist in the service sector must understand customers and identify the needs of the population for the successful operation of the company in which he will work in the future.

Practice in the specialty "Service"

Undergraduate practice involves work in organizations. Students get a job as trainees in the company as assistant manager or administrator. Often, the place of industrial practice becomes a kind of start-up in the career of a future graduate.

After completing an internship in an organization, a student can stay to work there. But this happens only if the leadership of this organization has noticed the student's merits, his efficiency and excellent analytical skills. Industrial practice, if desired, can be done at the department as a laboratory assistant.

Specialty "Service" - universities, colleges and technical schools

Almost every city has a university that graduates service specialists. The leading universities in the country are the Russian State Institute of Tourism and Service, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and some other universities.

Universities specializing in service:

  • Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova
  • Altai Institute of Labor and Law (branch) of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations
  • Armavir Social and Psychological Institute
  • Belgorod State National Research University
  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
  • Volgograd State Agrarian University
  • Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University
  • Volgograd State Technical University (vehicle service, service in oil and gas complexes)
  • Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute, Volgograd State Technical University
  • Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
  • Vyatka State Humanitarian University
  • Vyatka State University
  • State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakova
  • Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)
  • Kazan National Research Technological University
  • Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education
  • Kuban State Technological University (available in absentia)
  • Kuban State University
  • Kuban Socio-Economic Institute
  • Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
  • Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
  • Sochi State University

Specialty service in Moscow:

  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Information service)
  • Gzhel State University (full-time and remotely)
  • State Social and Humanitarian University
  • Institute of Public Administration, Law and Innovative Technologies
  • Institute of Continuing Education
  • Institute of Sectoral Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Service of the housing stock and communal infrastructure)
  • Institute of Socio-Economic Forecasting and Modeling
  • Institute of Economics and Culture
  • Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI) (Vehicle Service)
  • Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (Vehicle service, in person and remotely)
  • Moscow State Machine-Building University (MAMI)
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology
  • Moscow State University of Food Production
  • Moscow State University of Railways (Transport service)
  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University
  • Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics (Real Estate Service)
  • Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law (Social and Cultural Service)
  • Moscow Institute of Linguistics
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service
  • Russian New University
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

It is much easier to enter a college or technical school than to a university, but you do not have to choose from a large number of service areas. Colleges offer mainly the specialty SPO "Hotel Service". In Moscow, these are Tsaritsino College of Hospitality # 37, Small Business College # 48 and many others.

Colleges specialty service:

  • Kursk technical school of technology and service;
  • College of Service Orenburg;
  • Volgograd College of Technology;
  • Yekaterinburg Automobile and Highway College;
  • Krasnodar Trade and Economic College;
  • Leningrad Social and Pedagogical College;
  • Nizhny Novgorod College of Small Business;
  • Nizhny Tagil State Professional College named after ON. Demidova;
  • Novosibirsk College of Car Service and Road Facilities;
  • Novosibirsk College of Light Industry and Service;
  • Omsk Motor Transport College;
  • Rostov College of Metalworking and Car Service;
  • Rostov College of Fashion Industry, Economics and Service;
  • St. Petersburg Technical College;
  • St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce;
  • Tuapse Social and Pedagogical College;
  • Ural College of Business, Management and Beauty Technology;
  • Ural College of Automobile Transport and Service;
  • and etc.

Work in the specialty "Service"

Applicants choosing a specialty service, even at the stage of selection, ask themselves the question: "Who to work with?"

Since the specialty "Service" is universal, there are plenty of options for finding a job. You can start a career in any company somehow related to service activities.

These can be fashion and design organizations, transportation organizations, hospitality organizations, restaurant organizations, or even beauty salons. Graduates start as an administrator or account manager.

Often they immediately become a HR manager. And in the future, everything will depend only on the desire, experience, knowledge and ability to communicate with people.

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43.03.01 -

In 2003, a new specialty was opened at the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Department of Technological Design and Quality Management of the Faculty of Aviation Technology. "Service"(specialization "Autoservice").

Since 2011 MAI in the specialty "Service" switched to training system Bachelor Master.

The normative duration of full-time education is 4 years, part-time education - 5 years. Qualification "bachelor".

The field of professional activity of a bachelor includes service processes that ensure the provision of services to the consumer in a system of agreed conditions and client relationships.

The object of the professional activity of a bachelor in service is:

· Consumers (individual or corporate clients), their needs;

· Service processes;

· Methods of diagnostics, modeling and development of tangible and intangible objects of service;

· Material and non-material systems of service processes;

A bachelor in service must be ready to perform the following activities:

· Service;

· Production and technological;

· Organizational and managerial;

· Research.

Upon completion of training and successful defense of the thesis, the student is issued state diploma.

The state educational standard in the direction of training "Service" was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on November 18, 2009.

The mandatory minimum of the content of the bachelor's educational program in the direction of "Service" includes:

q Humanitarian, social and economic cycle

q Mathematical and natural science cycle

Basic part

· Maths

· Computer science


Variable part

Theoretical mechanics

Electrical engineering

Basics of hydraulics

q Professional cycle

Basic part


Service activities


Psychological workshop

Professional ethics and etiquette

Information technology in the service

Service management

Service marketing

Business fundamentals

Organization and planning of activities of service enterprises

Metrology, standardization and certification

Life safety

Variable part

Total quality management

· Computer graphics

· Materials Science

Construction materials technology

Resistance of materials

· Machine parts

Basics of heat engineering

Operating materials

Expertise and diagnostics of objects and service systems

Computer-aided design system in service

Disciplines of the student's choice

Introduction to the specialty

o Basics of service activities

Theory and device of the car

o Theory and structure of the vessel

Car maintenance and repair

o Maintenance and repair of boats and yachts

Automotive technology

o Shipbuilding technology

Car repair technology

o Ship repair technology

Car service organization

o Organization of service for boats and yachts

Control of the technical condition of cars

o Control of the technical condition of boats and yachts

Technological processes in a car service

o Technological processes in the service

Lecturers of the Department of Technological Design and Quality Management with the participation of specialists from other departments of the MAI, aviation enterprises (MAPO named after V.I.

Dementyev), the automotive industry (NAMI, GAZ, AvtoVAZ) industry in Russia and the German company ZF Getribe GMBH - the world leader in the production of automatic transmissions, as well as a number of leading companies specializing in the maintenance and repair of small-tonnage fleet.

Industrial (technological) practice, students take place in the scientific, educational and production centers of the MAI.

All full-time students are granted a grace period.

The training of students at the Faculty of Military Education is contracted.

Training is carried out on a paid basis.


How to go to college for the hospitality major

»Secondary vocational» Hotel service

43.02.11. Qualification: manager

Hotel service in Moscow colleges after grade 9

We offer you to get the desired specialty remotely! The specialty of hotel service is one of the most promising. The hotel business is actively developing both in Russia and abroad. Do you want to make money on upcoming international events in Russia? Then forget the question of which college to go to and apply to college for the specialty Hotel Service.

The 3 most important professional skills that are taught in college in the direction of Hotel Service:

  • Receive, register and host guests (necessary knowledge for the hotel administrator);
  • Organize and control the work of maintenance and technical personnel (the hotel personnel manager simply cannot do without this knowledge);
  • Create demand and stimulate sales in the tourism sector (the ability to determine what will be in trend, the responsibility of the tourism manager).

Where to go to work after college of hotel service?

What does a hotel administrator do? The administrator is the head of the hotel staff, the chief assistant to the manager.

His duties include control over the check-in and check-out of guests, calculation and communication with clients. The main thing for the administrator is to be stress resistant.

And all professional skills can be obtained in the colleges of Moscow, having entered the hotel service after the 9th grade.

How much does a hotel administrator earn? From 25 to 40 thousand rubles. Your salary will depend on the level of the hotel in which you get a job.

Hotels of a 3-star level and above want to see administrators with professional education and work experience in their ranks. Don't bother yourself with the question of which college to go to and where to get experience.

Learn remotely and earn experience!

What does a hotel personnel manager do? Remember the phrase: “cadres are everything”? In the hotel, it is more relevant than ever. The image of the hotel depends on the accurate and timely work of the staff.

The hotel personnel manager is engaged in the selection of employees, draws up work schedules, resolves conflict situations with clients.

Future HR managers should place more emphasis on the study of disciplines related to office work at the College of Hospitality Services.

How much does a hotel personnel manager earn? From 20 to 50 thousand rubles. The specialty of hotel service assumes that work experience is required to obtain the desired position. Therefore, the main answer to the question: "which college to go to?", Should be: "the one in which they give more experience!". Distance college is ideal in this regard.

What does a travel company manager do? Finding a job as a manager of a travel firm will be easier. Simply because much more is required.

The manager of a travel company is engaged in the selection of tours for clients, preparation of documents for traveling abroad, consulting tourists on a variety of issues.

You can safely try your hand at this work during your studies, the main thing is to choose a Moscow college after grade 9 with a convenient distance learning schedule.

How much does a travel agency manager earn? From 20 to 70 thousand rubles. The manager of a travel company forms his own salary, because in addition to a fixed salary, he receives a percentage of the tours sold. Your salary will depend on your knowledge and skills. Choose a College of Hospitality Services with a High Level of Knowledge!

What we watched with the College of Hospitality Services:

Secondary vocational education from 12,500 rubles / family 3 years 6 months - 4 years 6 months State accreditation

Reception after 9th and 11th grade

Secondary vocational education - 14,000 rubles / sem. 2 years 10 months. - 3 years 10 months State accreditation

Reception after 9th and 11th grade

Secondary vocational education - from 10,000 rubles / sem. 2 years 10 months. - 3 years 10 months State accreditation

Reception after 9th and 11th grade

Secondary vocational education from 10 400 rubles / sem. 2 g. 10month - 3 years, 10 months State accreditation

Reception after 9th and 11th grade

Undergraduate 17,000 rubles / semester Online education 3, 5 - 4, 5 years State accreditation

Reception after: grade 11, school, college, university

Bachelor's program RUB 15,000 / semester Online education 3.6 - 4.6 years State accreditation

Reception after: grade 11, school, college, university

Bachelor's program RUB 15,000 / semester Online education 3.5-4.5 years State accreditation

Reception after: grade 11, school, college, university

Bachelor's degree from 13,000 rubles / semesterElectronic learningCase-based learning3.6 - 4.10 years

Reception after: grade 11, school, college, university

The most common admission exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Mathematics (profile) - profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of the university
  • Social Studies - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Working in the service is quite difficult, but at the same time, it allows you to get incomparable pleasure from the ability to guess the desires of customers and successfully fulfill them. In the process of training, students become universal specialists who can run their own business, deal with organizational issues, financial affairs, and at the same time have an excellent understanding of the psychology of relationships. The development of services in our country makes it easy to find a good and interesting job. Highly qualified specialists will always be in demand abroad, especially in those countries where the service is developed at the highest level.

Exams upon admission

Admission to a higher educational institution to study the service requires the successful passage of three exams, which in most universities are taken in the form of USE results.

The profile exam is mathematics, the second compulsory exam is the Russian language. The next exam may differ depending on the institution. Most often, the choice is made between history, social studies, informatics and ICT. Some universities require an additional exam in a foreign language.

Brief description of the specialty

Studying service, students study the structure of service, taking into account the peculiarities of natural and social factors, get acquainted with the types of service activities and learn about the classification of services, consider how service is organized in a particular area, learn methods of studying consumer demand, study marketing and management, methods of promoting services, paying attention to the ethical and aesthetic components of professional activities.

The most common training profiles for bachelors in this specialty:

  • Service in trade;
  • Social and cultural service;
  • Service in the fashion and beauty industry;
  • Environmental service;
  • Transport service;
  • Real estate service;
  • Information service and others.

Large universities

The most famous educational institutions that graduate bachelors in the specialty 43.03.01 "Service":

Terms and forms of training

Most universities offer several forms of student education, among them - full-time, part-time and part-time, each of which provides for a duration of study of 4 years, 4 years and 6 months, 5 years, respectively. You can continue your studies in this specialty in the magistracy, thereby providing yourself with excellent prerequisites for finding an interesting and highly paid job.

Subjects studied by students

Training in service activities involves the study of standard disciplines provided for any direction of the undergraduate program, including economics, history, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies, foreign languages, etc.

In addition, special attention is paid to specialized disciplines, which make it possible to prepare a highly qualified specialist who has a good command of his profession.

These disciplines include the following:

  • service activities;
  • professional ethics;
  • marketing;
  • management;
  • sales technology;
  • information Technology;
  • restaurant service;
  • fundamentals of communication theory;
  • advertising technologies and others.

Knowledge and skills acquired

As a result of the training, a service specialist must have the following knowledge and skills:

Who to work

The place of work of a service specialist largely depends on his training profile.

However, the position in all organizations sounds the same - account manager, service technician, administrator, etc. As the career progresses, the bachelor may take the position of an institution manager, public relations specialist, or working with corporate and main clients.

In any of the above positions, a specialist must provide clients with the opportunity to receive high-quality services in their field. In other words, a service specialist organizes the activities of the company providing services, works on the formation and development of a client base, attracts new customers through various events and offers, monitors the quality of the services provided.

Most often, university graduates with a bachelor's degree work in restaurants, hotels, beauty salons, hairdressing salons, car services and various household services. The starting salary in this area is 25,000 rubles, but it can be increased due to a percentage of the number of attracted clients or due to a number of other bonuses.


Bachelors in this area are trained for service, production-technological and organizational-managerial professional activities. Students are taught:

  • carry out examination and diagnostics of service objects;
  • choose the necessary methods and means for the service process;
  • provide services to consumers taking into account the social state policy;
  • develop regulations for the service process in accordance with customer requests;
  • be able to select materials, equipment and means;
  • control the quality of service;
  • introduce and use information systems in the professional field;
  • organize the contact area for consumer services;
  • plan the activities of an enterprise providing services to consumers;
  • take part in the formation of relationships with clients;
  • evaluate non-production and production cost items for the provision of activities;
  • develop elements for optimizing the provision of services;
  • participate in research on customer preferences and needs;
  • to investigate the psychological characteristics of consumers, taking into account national-regional and socio-demographic factors.

Who to work

With a bachelor's degree, specialists work as administrators in shopping and entertainment complexes, restaurants, beauty salons and other institutions in the service sector. Graduates who are fluent in oratory can work as teachers in educational institutions. Some find their calling in the profession of a tour guide. Other bachelors are employed as secretary-assistant or manager. They can start their career from the position of a commercial agent. As the qualifications and level of knowledge increase, the bachelor can apply for the post of head of a group of commercial agents.

The level of education

Higher - Bachelor

Entrance tests / exam

1. Mathematics (profile);
2. Russian language;
3. Social studies


Duration: 4 years
Budget places: 25
Special quota of places: 3
Target quota of places:
Extrabudgetary places: 5
Price: RUB 83,000 in year


Duration: 5 years
Extrabudgetary places: 25
Price: RUB 25,000 in year

Terms of admission

Full-time budgetary form:
June 20 - July 25 (13.07 based on SPO)
Full-time extra-budgetary form:
June 20 - August 28 (08.22 based on SPO)
Extra-budgetary correspondence:
June 20 - September 19 (4.09 based on SPO)

Institute of Transport, Service and Tourism (Vorotynets) Program description
The program is focused on training specialists in the field of management of a hotel complex and other accommodation facilities, a catering company, and an excursion organization. Bachelors who have successfully completed the program in the direction of "Service" are in demand in socio-cultural, cultural and entertainment, leisure centers, tourist complexes, private companies for organizing leisure activities, sanatorium and resort and recreational complexes. The qualification of a bachelor of service (profile "Social and Cultural Service") makes it possible to work in cultural and leisure activities, museum and excursion business, EVENT management, tourist animation, organization of corporate events, as well as in tourism and the hospitality industry. Sociocultural service is a large segment of services aimed at meeting the needs related to the social, cultural and spiritual needs of people.

Professional disciplines
Organization and planning of activities of service enterprises;
Business fundamentals;
Hotel service technology;
Business planning in socio-cultural activities;
Animation activities in social and cultural services;
Organization of services for consumers of catering organizations;
Professional ethics and etiquette;
Service activities;
Information technology in the service;
Service management;
Service marketing;
Speech communication in the service sector;
Technologies and methods of wellness service;
Museology and organization of excursion activities.

Practice bases
Cruise company LLC Vodokhod;
Cruise company Gama LLC;
Rybaka's House LLC;
Recreation center "Volga";
MBU DO COO "Volzhsky Bereg";
LLC "Kalitka M7";
LLC Hotel "Volna"

Positions held
Account Manager;
Waiters, administrators, bartenders;
Office Manager;
Additional education teacher;
Head of the department for educational work;
Director of the Children's Health Center;
Head of the Recreational Tourism Laboratory;
Teacher of disciplines for the enlarged group of specialties "Service and Tourism" at the technical school

Interesting Facts
A. Gafurov - Team-leader of Avani Deira Dubai Hotel, Dubai, UAE;
Fedorova N. - specialist in the management of culture and tourism of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the ATU Gagauzia, Moldova