Loyalty to the employer. What it is? Personnel loyalty is a correct, sincere and respectful attitude towards management and employees. Formation, assessment and methods of increasing loyalty Hidden employee loyalty

The growing interest in such a phenomenon as employee loyalty to their organization is due to the fact that personnel today are viewed as a factor of competitiveness, and loyalty of employees to the company as a competitive advantage. Managers see in strengthening staff loyalty an effective mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the organization ...

The importance of the phenomenon of loyalty for business is confirmed by both Western and Russian researchers. According to the American Annual Directory WorkUSA Survey 2000, organizations with highly loyal employees in three years brought their shareholders 112% of the profit, while organizations with an average loyalty of employees - 90%, and with low loyalty rates - 76%. According to FleetBoston Financial Corp., in the banking sector, a 1% increase in employee loyalty could generate $ 11 million in annual revenue and save $ 15–19 million in hiring and training. Loyal employees in 90% of cases are ready to recommend their company to others as a good place to work and in 55% of cases they are ready to reject job offers from other employers.

Despite the importance of the phenomenon of employee loyalty and the presence of a huge amount of literature on this issue, the very concept of “loyalty” is understood in different ways. It is important to clarify the basic concepts in order to choose an adequate diagnostic tool and build an effective loyalty management system in the company.

Let us consider how the concept of "organizational loyalty" is interpreted in modern scientific and practical literature.


The positive attitude of an employee to the organization in which he works, and the behavior corresponding to this attitude in Russian-language scientific publications are often defined by various terms: loyalty, commitment, dedication, patriotism... A unified conceptual field and unity of opinion on this issue has not yet been developed.

Analysis of the semantic field of the concept of "loyalty" (in relation to the organization) on the basis of dictionary definitions made it possible to highlight the following aspects of its meaning:

  • benevolence, friendliness, openness of the employee both in relation to the company as a whole and in relation to other employees;
  • honesty, integrity;
  • loyalty, dedication, commitment;
  • observance of rules, laws, refusal from reprehensible and unfriendly actions.

In general, staff loyalty can mean loyalty of employees to their organization... From our point of view, loyalty implies not only doing harm, but also doing things that are beneficial. With regard to an organization, one can speak of a loyal, loyal, devoted employee only when he shows (or intends to show) voluntary activity aimed at the interests of the organization. In the case of harmlessness, formal compliance with the rules and regulations, we can talk about a law-abiding, trustworthy, maybe honest, but not loyal employee.

In English-language literature, two terms are used: organizational commitment and employee loyalty... There are no significant differences in the application of these concepts, and often they act as synonyms or as similar constructs. In scientific literature, the term is more common organizational commitment, in the popular - employee loyalty .

We will use the term loyalty, implying that fidelity, dedication, commitment, and transliterated comment ( commitment) are synonymous with it. As a loyalty we will translate English terms commitment and loyalty .

Views of domestic experts

There are many different perspectives on organizational loyalty in both English and Russian literature. One of the most common is the provisioning approach security... In accordance with it, employees are initially viewed as potentially disloyal, and the main efforts are directed at identifying the prerequisites for disloyal behavior, which means deliberately harming the organization. In this case, the main emphasis is on identifying employees who are most prone to offenses, as well as on methods for assessing the reliability of personnel, including polygraph examinations ("lie detector"), analysis of information received from other employees, verification tests, photographs of working hours, control of premises etc. Thus, loyalty is understood as the employee's behavior that does not harm the organization. Despite the need to ensure safety, it can be assumed that the application of strict organizational measures to employees will not contribute to the growth of corporate culture and voluntary activity of employees in the interests of the organization.

K. V. Kharskiy1 pays significant attention to "unreliability" in his book, in which loyalty is already spoken of not only from the standpoint harmlessness, but also from the point of view of obtaining potential benefit... Loyalty is defined by him as a sense of loyalty to the organization, the ability and willingness to come to terms with some requirements and deeply accept others.

The factors influencing the emergence of loyalty are: attention to the employee as a person, participation in solving his problems; previous experience; a sense of pride in the place of work.

Based on the results of a survey of HR managers of large Russian companies, O. Baturina3 highlighted a number of differences in views on loyalty depending on the position held. From point of view employee is a positive or neutral attitude towards the company. From point of view the head loyalty to the organization is expressed in the conscientious fulfillment of all assignments and manifests itself in the friendly relations that have developed in the team, in the presence of a team spirit. A loyal employee strives to stay with the company as long as possible, sees its advantages, and coordinates his efforts with the actions of other people. Loyalty is always based on employee satisfaction with important aspects of the company and appears when his own life plans coincide with the strategic plans for its development. A loyal employee not only shares the values ​​of the company, but also believes that he will take part in it as a professional and will have prospects for growth.

The scientific literature also has not yet developed an unambiguous understanding of what “organizational loyalty” is. The approaches can be divided into two groups. The first includes attempts to put forward own concept of loyalty, to the second - revision options and adapting mainstream Western approaches .

In particular, the first group includes the approach of L. G. Pochebut4 in collaboration with O. E. Koroleva, who consider the loyal attitude of employees to the organization as installation(attitude) / In this case, we are talking about the socio-psychological attitude /. At the same time, "loyal" means "keeping within the boundaries of legality, correctly and sympathetically with the organization in which he works." Loyalty is also interpreted as a person's motivation to work for the benefit of the organization, to defend its interests in various areas of business.

When determining loyalty, OS Deineka5 emphasizes the existence of mutual obligations between employees and the employer: “employees pay with their loyalty, and the management takes care of their welfare and satisfaction of their personal needs”. The author also uses in this context the concept intergroup identification when loyalty to your group (company) means alienation from other groups.

Exploring the phenomenon of personnel loyalty in a conflictological key, T. N. Chistyakova and N. V. Moiseenko6 define a loyal employee as a person who “identifies himself with the organization where he works, associates his successes and failures in all spheres of his life with activities in it. ". The loyalty of the staff is understood by the researchers as the readiness of the employee to meet the corporate expectations; shape ways of behavior based on the framework set by the organization or management; resistance to provocative influences from the outside; compliance with previously adopted agreements; internal acceptance of organizational goals and values ​​by a person, non-judgmental and non-critical attitude towards life in the organization.

Yu. Yu. Mileshkina7 highlights behavioral indicators of loyalty, which include: more time spent on work than is required formally; responsibility, good faith; the employee's work for the organization's purposes both in favorable and unfavorable conditions; compliance with established norms and formalities; focus on interacting with others for the benefit of the organization; constant monitoring of the situation and a creative approach to the activities of the organization.

In 2000, the author of this article, based on the data of a study conducted among employees and managers of various companies, proposed his own definition of the phenomenon under consideration: personnel loyalty is a benevolent, correct, sincere, respectful attitude to management, employees, other persons, their actions, to the company as a whole; conscious performance by the employee of his work in accordance with the goals and objectives of the company and in the interests of the company, as well as compliance with the rules, regulations and obligations, including informal ones, in relation to the company, management, employees and other subjects of interaction.

The second group includes the works of M. I. Magura, E. V. Dotsenko, E. V. Sidorenko8. So, for example, E.V. Sidorenko, relying on a number of foreign concepts, proposed the following definitions of the basic concepts:

  • organizational commitment- identification of a person with a company, expressed in the desire to work in it and contribute to its success;
  • emotional commitment- psychological attachment of the employee to people, place and business;
  • commitment by design- attachment to the organization, due to any personal motives of a person.
  • commitment on duty- moral obligations to stay in the organization, to do their job and to achieve the set goals.

Approaches of foreign experts

Despite a significant number of foreign scientific publications devoted to this topic, the very concept of loyalty remains controversial. For example, researchers have not yet come to a consensus on whether loyalty is socio-psychological attitude(attitude) or behavioral pattern. Descriptions of the psychological nature of loyalty also vary. At the same time, almost all authors note that an increase in loyalty is associated with a decrease in the likelihood of an employee leaving the company.

Behavioral approach is based on the assumption that the degree of correspondence between people's behavior and their actions depends on three conditions:

1) these actions should be perceived as a result of free choice;

2) they must be committed in public;

3) refusal from them should be perceived as fraught with difficulties and losses.

Thus, the behavioral approach presupposes the formation of loyalty in the employee as a result of actions that subsequently will not allow him to change his position or line of behavior.

Within the framework of the behavioral approach, loyalty ( behavioral commitment) is considered as the degree of an employee's readiness to continue working in the company, the desire to remain affiliated with the organization, or as an approved behavior that goes beyond the formal corporate requirements. In general, the level of loyalty is defined as a function of the costs and rewards associated with belonging to a particular profession or organization.

Howard Becker ( Howard becker). According to his theory9, loyalty is the result of a certain “bet” that a person makes, linking “external interests with the corresponding direction of his activity”. Loyalty arises when these "side bets" ( side-bet), such as work-related skills, age or other factors, are pooled and perceived by the employee as cumulative investment in the organization, rewards, or assessed as less costly than similar work elsewhere. For example, an additional pension, established business and personal ties with colleagues, etc. Loyalty can be the result of both the accumulation of investments in the organization and the reduction of opportunities (unwillingness to change jobs for more profitable ones, but requiring additional training; the desire to stay in the organization because of for fear of not finding another job, for example, due to reaching the pre-retirement age, etc.).

This approach is compatible with the concept of loyalty based on exchange theory. Loyalty develops as a result of employee satisfaction with remuneration and incentive offers from the organization. The employee will need to donate these benefits if he leaves the company. Thus, a person is forced to be loyal to the organization, because the monetary, social, psychological and other costs associated with leaving are assessed by him as higher than the possible reward in the new place.

Unlike G. Becker and his followers, a number of scholars10 adhere to attitudinal approach and put forward the concept installation loyalty (attitudinal commitment). This term refers to the emotional relationship of an employee to the organization, and loyalty is defined as an emotional response that includes caring and concern for the company and colleagues, a feeling of belonging, interdependence, or trust. At the same time, loyalty characterizes the connection between the employee and the organization. So, for example, Linda Jewell ( Linda jewell) 11 writes about loyalty to the organization as a variable that reflects the strength of the connection between a person and the organization in which he works, the connection that exists in his mind.

The attitudinal approach assumes that loyalty is formed as a combination of previous work experience, perception of the organization and personal characteristics of a person. The combination of these factors leads to the emergence of positive feelings in relation to the company, which are then converted into loyalty. Some researchers12 consider loyalty to be a positive emotional response to an organization, including its goals and values. At the same time, the authors distinguish three components of loyalty:

1) identification ( identification) - the employee's acceptance of the goals and values ​​of the organization as their own;

2) involvement ( involvement) - psychological immersion or "dissolution" in their work activities;

3) loyalty itself ( loyalty) - a feeling of love and affection for the organization.

One of the most common definitions of loyalty in the framework of the attitudinal approach in the Western scientific literature belongs to Lyman Porter ( Lyman porter) and his colleagues. The authors define it as “the readiness of an employee to make great efforts in the interests of the organization, a great desire to stay in this company, acceptance of its main goals and values” 13. In another work, loyalty is defined as "the state in which a person identifies with an organization and its goals and is willing to maintain belonging to it in order to facilitate the achievement of these goals." The degree of expressiveness of loyalty is considered by researchers as a measure of a person's identification with the company, involvement in its activities. It includes:

1) the strength of conviction and acceptance of the goals and values ​​of the company;

2) the degree of willingness to show significant efforts on her behalf;

3) the strength of the desire to maintain belonging to the company.

Within the attitudinal approach to loyalty, there are also many views on its nature and forms. The concept received the most attention. affective (emotional) loyalty as a form of psychological attachment to the organization, a set of strong positive attitudes towards the organization.

The basis for this concept was laid by Rosabeth Kanter ( Rosabett kanter)fourteen. She gives the following definition of loyalty: "the willingness of social actors to give energy and be devoted to the organization" and "the application of the emotional fund of a person to the group." The researcher describes three types of loyalty: continuation (continuance), rallying (cohesion) and control (control). The first type connects the human cognitive system with social roles, the second - cathexical (emotional, energetic) with relationships, the third - evaluative with norms.

Within the affective approach, organizational loyalty is considered as well as a sense of pride in the organization and the desire to join it, emotional attachment to the organization, identification and involvement in the organization, the degree of psychological attachment to the organization, etc.

Concept moral (value) loyalty 15 is based on the internalization of organizational norms, goals, values, mission, and an individual's identification with the authority of the organization. Usually the concept of "moral loyalty" is seen as part of affective loyalty and is defined as "acceptance of organizational goals and values."

A number of researchers speak about regulatory loyalty as a person accepting a commitment to stay in the organization. They believe that loyalty is determined by “the value of loyalty itself and the duty to the organization” 16. The employee continues to contribute to the organization because he believes that he should behave in this way, because it is "right", and this behavior is expected of him. This form of loyalty, according to the authors, differs from affective, because it reflects a sense of commitment to work in the organization, but does not always include emotional attachment.

Obviously, the ambiguity in understanding the construct "organizational loyalty" itself created certain difficulties in the development of the concept of loyalty and its interpretation. Therefore, integrated models began to develop. Nowadays, proponents of the attitudinal concept are gradually agreeing that loyalty is a multidimensional construct. But the available research does not make it possible to unambiguously determine the components of loyalty, to establish the prerequisites and consequences of its occurrence.

The most widespread at present has become the three-component concept, which was put forward by D. Meyer ( J. Meyer) and N. Allen ( N. Allen): organizational loyalty in it is defined as "a psychological connection between the employee and the organization, which reduces the likelihood that the employee will voluntarily leave the organization" 17. Within the framework of this concept, three components of loyalty are distinguished:

1) affective loyalty: identification and involvement, as well as emotional attachment to the organization (they remain in the company because want this);

2) continued loyalty: employees' awareness of the costs associated with leaving the organization (they remain in the company because it is profitable);

3) regulatory loyalty: awareness of obligations in relation to the organization (they remain in the company because they experience call of Duty in front of her).

Analysis of various approaches to the study of organizational loyalty allowed us to identify a number of components of this construct:

  1. Emotional attitude towards the organization... It can be either positive - a feeling of loyalty, devotion, pride, etc. (and in this case corresponds to loyalty), and negative (corresponds to disloyalty).
  2. Sharing and accepting values, goals, norms, rules, procedures, decisions of the organization(based on cognitive mechanisms). Two poles can also be distinguished here, corresponding to loyalty and disloyalty.
  3. Intention (willingness) to act in a certain way... The positive pole of this axis most often includes the application of efforts in the interests of the organization (primary or secondary) and the intention to continue working in the organization.

From our point of view, intention to keep working in the organization is not a component of loyalty, but a separate construct. We believe that it is possible to be loyal to an organization without being an employee, which is partially confirmed by the concept external organizational loyalty 18.On the other hand, the exclusion of the intention to continue working in the organization from among the components of organizational loyalty can reduce the distance between the concepts of customer and organizational loyalty, as well as significantly expand the scope of this construct. This structure corresponds to the concept of a socio-psychological attitude, which includes emotional, cognitive and behavioral (intentional) components, and fully corresponds to our earlier definition of loyalty.

Summarizing what has been said, we propose to consider organizational loyalty as the attitude of the employee to the organization, a socio-psychological attitude that characterizes the employee's connection with the organization and determines its strength. Organizational loyalty as a socio-psychological attitude includes emotional, cognitive and behavioral components, the latter being presented in an intentional form, that is, in the form of an intention to act in a certain way. The emotional component includes feelings and emotions experienced by a person in relation to the organization. The cognitive component includes the division and acceptance of organizational values, goals, norms, rules, procedures, decisions, etc. The behavioral (intentional) component includes the willingness to make efforts in the interests of the organization.


  1. Kharskiy K.V. Trustworthiness and loyalty of personnel. - SPb .: Peter, 2003; Kharskiy K. Any person can be made loyal // Personnel department. - 2004. - No. 11.
  2. Chumarin I.G. People and organizations: destructive counteraction // People and organizations. Collection of theses of the Third All-Russian Conference. - SPb .: JSC "IMATON-M", 2000.
  3. Baturina O. Employee loyalty: reasons and advantages. - Begin Group. (April 2003).
  4. Uchebut L. G., Chiker V. A. Organizational social psychology: a textbook. - SPb .: Publishing house "Rech", 2000; Podchebut L. G. Assessment of employee loyalty to the organization. Workshop on the psychology of management and professional activity: / Ed. G. S. Nikiforova, M. A. Dmitrieva, V. M. Snetkov. - SPb .: Rech, 2001. - Lesson 33.
  5. Deineka OS Economic psychology: Textbook. allowance. - SPb .: Publishing house of St. Petersburg. University, 2000.
  6. Chistyakova T.N., Moiseenko N.V. On loyalty, organizational conflicts and the development of an organization (notes on the margins of the study). - A new perspective. - 2000. (February 2006).
  7. Mileshkina Yu. Yu. Conceptions about the loyalty of employees of commercial organizations. Graduate work. - SPb .: Saint Petersburg State University, 2002.
  8. Magura M.I., Kurbatova M. B. Modern personnel technologies. Chapter 9. Organizational commitment // Personnel management. - 2001. - No. 6; Dotsenko E. V. Measuring the commitment of company personnel using a survey methodology // Materials of the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Business Psychology: Personnel Management in Government Organizations and Commercial Structures". Part 2. - SPb .: SE "IMATON", 2001; Sidorenko E. V. Commitment to the organization. - School of Managers "ARSENAL" (February 2006).
  9. Cit. Quoted from: Aranya N., Jacobson D. An empirical study of theories of organizational and occupational commitment // Journal of Social Psychology. - 1975. - Vol. 97. P. 15-22.
  10. Kim S.-W. Behavioral commitment among the automobile workers in south korea // Human Resource Management Review. - 1999. - Vol. nine; Goman C. K. The New Loyalty Compact: Organization-Employee Loyalty is Reborn. - Linkage Incorporated. (February 2006).
  11. Buchanan B. Building organizational commitment: The socialization of managers in work organizations // Administrative Science Quarterly. - 1974. - Vol. 19; Kanter, R. M. Commitment and social organization: A study of commitment mechanisms in utopian communities // American Sociological Review. - 1968. - Vol. 33.
  12. Jewell L. Industrial-organizational psychology. Textbook for universities. - SPb .: Peter, 2001.
  13. Cit. Quoted from: Buchanan B. Building organizational commitment: The socialization of managers in work organizations // Administrative Science Quarterly. - 1974. - Vol. 19. - P. 533-546.
  14. Kanter R. M. Commitment and social organization: A study of commitment mechanisms in utopian communities // American Sociological Review. - 1968. - Vol. 33.
  15. Randall D. M., Fedor D. B., Longnecker C. O. The behavioral expression of organizational commitment // Journal of Vocational Behavior. - 1990. - Vol. 36; Jaros S. J., Jermier J. M. Effects of continuance, affective, and moral commitment on the withdrawal process: an evaluation of eight structural equation models // Academy of Management Journal. - 1993. - Vol. 36.
  16. Allen N. J., Meyer J. P. Construct Validation in Organizational Behavior Research: The Case of Organizational Commitment // Problems and Solutions in human assessment. - Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
  17. Allen N. J., Meyer J. P. Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity // Journal of Vocational Behavior. - 1996. - Vol. 49.
  18. McElroy J. C., Morrow P. C., Laczniak R. N. External organizational commitment // Human Resource Management Review. - 2001. - Vol. eleven.
  • Motivation, Incentives and Labor Remuneration


1 -1

Loyalty- unconditional: a positive attitude and emotional attachment, which are the determining factors in making any decisions regarding the object of loyalty.
(TCG definition)

When we say that the client is loyal to the company, we mean just that: his attitude and affection determine his decisions about the company.
(instead of "company" you can substitute "product", "brand", etc.)
A loyal customer prefers your company, despite the fact that someone else offers him the best prices, location, range, quality, time, continue the list yourself.

In order for the Client to become loyal to your company, the company must become loyal to the client..
In our experience, this is the thought that is the most difficult to understand for many people in business.
We face this difficulty at seminars and trainings, but most of all - when consulting, when we help build loyalty systems.

Although it's actually pretty simple.
Long-term loyalty, like Love, is only mutual.
How long does unrequited Love live? As a rule, not very much.
It's the same with loyalty.

What is this “Company loyalty to the client”?
Let's look at the beginning of the text, at the definition.
A company's attitude and attachment to a client determines its decisions regarding that client.
Many now remembered how they or they (it doesn't matter) said: “Well, we’ll do this and that for the client, but how can the client not buy more from us in return? That way, it won't take long to go broke! " and refused to introduce any improvement.
First, if it is “ let's do»Refers to discounts, bonuses, etc., then yes, we agree, this is indeed the path to loss of customers and losses. (for more details see text)
Secondly, please remember any "client case" that your friends or acquaintances enthusiastically told you about. Let's guess, this was due to the fact that an employee of some company made a decision in their favor, and, as a rule, unexpectedly for them.
Go back to the definition and read it again.
Third, for contrast, remember how friends told you about a situation when they were unhappy with a store or service. There, the decision was made in the interests of the company, not the client, right?

And when you come to the understanding that customer loyalty is essentially secondary, and is a derivative of the company's loyalty to him, you inevitably have a question "But how to achieve this very loyalty of the company to the client?"
We know how you can do it.
We know how to do it.
And we will definitely talk about it.
But - next time.

At the very beginning, it should be said that, in general, staff loyalty is loyalty and dedication between employer and employee during the period of their employment relationship.

What is really the loyalty of the organization's staff?

The term "loyal" comes from the old French word loyal (its source is the Latin word lex), as well as from the Latin legalis - means "law-abiding, honest and fair in relations with people and organizations." Loyalty is a testament to the employees' trust in the leaders, mission and goals of the company. This is the state when there is a feeling of common interests, common destiny and relations between employees and company management. When loyalty is widespread, we are dealing with employees' self-motivation, a sense of responsibility for the results and destiny of the company.

Along with a growing sense of responsibility, engagement grows, which makes it possible to weaken control over the employee. The loyal employee is willing to work for the company and its success is seen as personal success. Loyalty is formed mainly through the personality of the manager, his characteristics or knowledge.

Loyalty is a kind of ethical value. The following factors are important to the faithful worker:

  • high self-esteem is associated with a positive impact of the work process;
  • positive experience related to the functions performed;
  • satisfaction with wages;
  • the presence of bonuses not related to functional duties (payment of meals, free travel).

The Labor Code, as the main source governing the rights and obligations of both parties in an employment relationship, does not classify loyalty as an employer's or employee's obligation. However, “loss of confidence in the employee” can be one of the reasons for dismissal.

The role of employee loyalty in the organization

Employee loyalty is volatile and changes over time as the relationship between employees and the organization develops. An assessment of staff loyalty can help determine its degree, because commitment can be a valuable resource for an organization's strategy, because:

  • affects the stability of recruitment, and thus economic sustainability;
  • promotes customer satisfaction and loyalty;
  • the ability to work and the return on training are growing;
  • the costs associated with the search, recruitment and training of new employees are reduced;
  • a large proportion of loyal employees allows for more efficient planning in the organization, and therefore, ensuring the achievement of economic goals.

Driving motives

Loyalty management of the organization's personnel is possible, but first it is necessary to identify the motives. What is a loyal employee guided by? This is a very important question.

Motives may depend on external reasons, as well as on the nature and characteristics of a person's personality.

They can be divided into rational-functional and emotional-symbolic.

The formation of rational and functional motives is a direct consequence of being in the organization (availability of wages as a result of long years of service, easier access to managerial positions, possession of organizational knowledge).

Emotional-symbolic - affective motives arising from feelings and emotions (relationships with other employees of the organization, satisfaction with cooperation with them).

The motives of a loyal employee may differ from those listed. For example, an internal desire for obedience, submission and impeccable fulfillment of assignments. Employee loyalty is a complex concept, and internal mechanisms have a major influence on its intensity and character. Consider their types:

  • trust - a relationship between two parties, which is based on confidence that the assigned tasks will be carried out with full responsibility;
  • habit means a skill, a kind of automatism;
  • commitment to the organization - is understood as the identification of their goals with the goals and values ​​of the company, the perception of the goals of the organization as their own.

Based on the above internal mechanisms, it is possible to create a typology of such a complex phenomenon as loyalty. We can distinguish the following types:

  • conscious - the employee consciously chose the organization and work in it, is used to it, but his commitment to the organization is low;
  • rational - the employee is used to working in the organization and trusting the employer, but his commitment to the organization is not high;
  • involved - a lot of trust and participation in the affairs of the organization, taking into account the level of wages and the system of remuneration;
  • partnership is a very high level of commitment to the organization, trust and habit;
  • routine - lack of commitment and trust, there is just a habit;
  • compulsory - there is no opportunity to change the employer, lack of trust and commitment;
  • permissive - limited participation with existing trust and habit.

Building and increasing loyalty

With monetary motivation, a certain level of loyalty is generated, but it cannot be called true. Therefore, non-financial methods are used to increase staff loyalty, which, depending on the industry, can take different forms. Let's consider their options:

  • dedicated parking space;
  • thirteenth salary, payment of meals;
  • sick leave without sick leave;
  • massage therapist in the office;
  • lack of a dress code;
  • training at the expense of the company;
  • motivating watch;
  • personal psychologist or coach;
  • interesting original projects;
  • overseas business trips.

Using the above can increase employee commitment.

Each individual organization should have its own motivation program, which will be adapted both to the specifics of the company and to the personality traits of each employee individually, which will ensure the reliability and loyalty of personnel, and increase engagement.

Every leader wants his subordinates to take up their official duties with zeal. Indeed, I want them to come to work with joy, and move mountains during the working day. Therefore, it makes sense to ask what loyalty is. They should work exclusively for the idea and without worries about raising wages.

What is the concept of loyalty

Many leaders, when dreaming of a loyal employee, imply a trustworthy person. But these concepts are significantly different. Trustworthiness is about following the norms, laws and regulations that are accepted in the organization. But such actions can be just a formality. Loyalty is based on the goals and desires of the employees, which must fully coincide with the aspirations of the company.

What is employee loyalty? This is the situation when each employee strives to achieve the goals of the company in his activities. This becomes possible if the aspirations coincide with his own vision of the future of the organization. Such a person is ready to put up with the requirements in force in the company, as well as accept a number of others. If the company plans to work on the market for a long time, then it must take care of the loyalty of the staff. This moment in the work should be one of the leading. It is very important to be able to motivate employees. Indeed, the success of the company depends to the greatest extent on how deeply the manager understands what the loyalty of subordinates is. This is a very important quality. And in the absence of such, it must be developed.

The undeniable benefits of loyal employees

Why is staff loyalty so important to a company? It is necessary to increase the success of the organization. Loyal employees are people who are highly valued for a number of qualities. They have the following characteristics:

  1. Experiencing temporary company difficulties.
  2. Accept all organizational changes that take place in the organization.
  3. They value a workplace in a particular company.
  4. They try to do their job as best they can.
  5. They use a creative approach in their activities.
  6. Demonstrate responsibility.
  7. Make every effort to improve the performance of the company.

The importance of trust in work

Trust is at the heart of all interpersonal relationships. First you need to take care of it, and then figure out what loyalty is. In the workplace, trust is expressed between the boss and the employee. After losing this quality, loyalty also decreases. Therefore, it is of no small importance to maintain a trusting relationship between immediate managers, top managers and employees.

Now almost every person who enters the labor market chooses an employer. He independently searches for a suitable vacancy. At the same time, a considerable number of criteria apply. As if the applicant should interest the employer in his candidacy. But this is not the only factor. The employer must also be interesting to the job seeker. This is made possible by building mutual trusting relationships. The loyalty program of the company is based on them. Moreover, this process cannot be instantaneous. Long-term is peculiar to it.

In the absence of trust, loyalty does diminish. Information is also essential in getting a person to give himself up. A loyalty program for a successful company should form a clear idea among employees of the purpose for which their work activities are carried out. The person experiences a desire to stop the action, which he finds pointless. When an employee has no idea of ​​the company's goals, the quality of his work is greatly reduced.

In addition, with high staff turnover rates and lack of initiative among employees, the atmosphere in the team deteriorates significantly. This leads to a decrease in the level of loyalty among colleagues. But if in the company there is an external agreement of employees with all existing norms, then this is a signal. One should consider that such behavior does not actually indicate a complete consonance of interests. Most likely, such an attitude indicates indifference to what is happening in the office.

Reciprocity of interests of the organization and employees

The management of any company must be, first of all, attentive to subordinates. In this case, employees see that their opinion is being noticed. That is, the management values ​​the vision of the situation by each of the employees. In this case, team members become bolder, think better, express their point of view. There is no need to fully accept their wishes. It is enough to listen to all opinions and tell what exactly will be implemented. If there is a mismatch of interests, you need to voice the reasons and make sure that employees understand everything correctly. Thus, the loyalty system creates in people a sense of involvement in what is happening. As a result, the level of trust rises. And a place of work in an organization where the staff is treated like a human being is highly valued.

The importance of personal interests

Don't forget about the interests of your employees. They usually work not for an idea, but for the sake of earnings, career growth, a good record in the work book, and gaining experience. The option of performing well-known duties in a "warm" place also has a right to exist. Therefore, an employer interested in the company's success must take into account the personal wishes of his employees. The credibility of the organization will undoubtedly increase if the leader uses an individual approach to each person. Increasing loyalty fails if stencil techniques are used. Employees see themselves being treated like a faceless crowd. They quickly identify the behavioral features of the company's top managers. And in their behavior they simply adjust to their superiors. There is nothing more behind this.

Relationship between employees

When working, attention should be paid to the relationship between colleagues. The more cohesive the team is, the better the performance of the department or the whole company as a result. In any organization, there are problem workers, as well as employees who are role models. But in this case, one should not identify the "axis of evil" and engage in its explicit elimination. This approach usually does not lead to the expected result. You need to understand the situation by communicating with people. They need to understand that a leader is not an overseer. A good boss is someone who knows the goals of the company and how they will be implemented. Using the professional skills of each employee, a good manager will make the company truly successful. Employees see this approach and trust the organization more. They begin to take an interest in what is happening, reflect and introduce rather original ideas.

Incentive system

If the company has an incentive system, that's great. Except that it should be monitored to ensure that all promises are actually fulfilled. Otherwise, the manager should go out to the people who fulfilled the plan and say that there will be no increase in salary. He needs to explain the reason for what is happening. The immediate supervisor cannot say that the decision was made in the central office not to pay this bonus. He must explain the situation, for example, by the tough intrigues of competitors. This moment is very unpleasant. And usually such topics lead to a sharp decrease in employee confidence in the company. If everything that the manager promises really comes true, then the employees perform better. They trust the organization. Of course, they try their best to earn as many bonuses as possible.

That is, to create employee loyalty for each company is a very real task. To do this, you need to show only a little attention to each subordinate in order to reveal his personal expectations from this company. And based on this information, build a relationship between this employee and the organization.


E.A. Skriptunova
"Management News" No. 2 February 2008

Increasingly, one hears from company executives that they are concerned about the loyalty of their staff. But here's the paradox, speaking of loyalty, everyone puts their own meaning in this word. And depending on the interpretation of the concept, the attitude towards loyalty and the actions of managers differ significantly. Before preparing this article, I conducted a small experiment, interviewed the leaders I know about what “loyalty” is for them. The result was quite expected, not a single definition was repeated. Here are just some of the interpretations.

  • “Loyalty is loyalty to the company. If an employee works in a company and wants to continue working in it further, this is loyalty "
  • "If for an employee the interests of the company are higher than personal interests, then he is loyal."
  • "An employee should not pass by violations or bad organization, loyalty is, first of all, indifference to the affairs of the company"
  • “If a person is satisfied with his job, then he will be loyal; will not make claims "
  • "Loyalty is honesty, an employee must honestly discuss all problems with the management, not hush them up"
  • "To be loyal means to root for the cause"
  • "Loyalty means non-conflict, gentleness, tolerance"
  • "If an employee does not allow himself to make negative statements about the management, then he is loyal."
  • "Loyalty is a commitment to the company, pride in the company"

Which of the leaders is right and who is not, and why? Let's figure out what loyalty and disloyalty of staff are, what are their manifestations, is it possible to form loyalty and how to do it.

By and large, loyalty is a positive (respectful, benevolent) attitude towards something. The word loyalty comes from the French or English word loyal - true. In the modern world, loyalty is interpreted more broadly than just loyalty. Although, in fact, loyalty is based precisely on the belief in the good, the positive in the object in which they believe and to which they remain faithful.

At the same time, a positive attitude can manifest itself in different ways and with different intensity, therefore, for a more detailed understanding of loyalty, it makes sense to talk about levels of loyalty and symptoms corresponding to these levels.

In addition, much depends on the object of loyalty, i.e. in relation to what this loyalty is manifested.

Loyalty is possible for business:

  • to a profession or industry
  • to the company in which the employee works
  • to the management of the company as a whole
  • to the immediate supervisor
  • to the post

Disloyalty is manifested in the fact that the employee considers it beneath his dignity to work in a given profession, or in a given position, or in a given company, or under the leadership of a given manager. And if he is forced to do this, then for the time being he simply endures such work.

For example, if a person is disloyal to his profession (for example, a sales manager) or to the industry in which he works (for example, agriculture), then he will be ashamed of his work, he will not strive to achieve success, he will think about how change jobs and will do so at the earliest opportunity. However, disloyalty to the profession, industry, position is quite rare. More often you can observe loyalty or disloyalty to the company and to the immediate manager. In this article, we will focus on company loyalty.

Loyalty scale

Loyalty is usually contrasted with disloyalty. But does a lack of loyalty always mean disloyalty? In addition, loyalty, like disloyalty, can vary in intensity. The essence of loyalty can be clearly demonstrated on the “loyalty scale”.

If necessary, you can use an even more detailed scale, for example, from +5 to –5.

Let's consider what characterizes each of the highlighted levels of loyalty to the company.

Loyalty level

Attitude towards the company

Consequences, manifestations


Than intensifies or aggravates

Very high loyalty

Loyalty to the company, love for the company, credit of the company

Willingness to work in the company, even if personal interests are infringed upon.

Desire to work only in this company and nowhere else.

Complete trust in the head of the company in any situation, the desire not to let him down.

High involvement in the decision-making process, participation in management at the owner's level, special status in the company, recognition of merits.

Helping an employee in solving personal problems arouses gratitude to the company and a desire to be faithful to it.

Personal characteristics of the employee.

High loyalty

Company pride, enthusiasm

Caring for the business of the company, loyalty to its interests, caring for the company's image.

Positive statements about the company, voluntary propaganda of the company, both in the internal and in the external environment.

Compliance with the rules and regulations adopted by the company, even in case of disagreement with them.

Respect for company resources.

The success of the company, the recognition of the company in the market, the popularity of the company.

The desire to benefit the company, to contribute to an important cause.

Showing the employee his role in the company's success increases pride and enthusiasm.


Positive attitude, desire to improve the work of the company

Taking initiative, striving to find a solution in any situation.

Constant concern for the good, the interests of the company.

She works for a company because she wants to work.

Positive attitude of a person, initiative, striving for success.

Understanding that it is important to combine personal interests with the interests of the company.

Encouraging initiatives by the management of the company, a feeling of attention to oneself by the employee.

Neutral attitude

Neutral, indifferent attitude

Only the performance of functional duties, which is called "from and to". A calm attitude towards both successes and failures - both the company and even your own.

Indifference to the future of the company.

Non-integration into the life of the company, isolation.

The indifferent attitude of a person to work in principle, the lack of work activity in life priorities.

Treating the current place of work as a temporary shelter.

An indifferent attitude (like a screw) of the company and direct management to the employee.


Critical attitude, disbelief in any undertakings

Delaying decisions and completing assignments, covert sabotage, ignoring orders, inaction in critical situations. Finding excuses, not solutions.

He works for the company because he has to.

Potential willingness to leave the company if better terms are offered.

Negative attitude of the employee, pessimistic view of the world.

Focusing only on personal interests.

Not accepting employee initiatives without giving reasons.

Not recognizing the merits and successes of the employee, belittling his role in the company.

Strong disloyalty

Disdainful attitude, shame

Negative statements about the company to colleagues, clients. Disbelief in her future, open sabotage, self-activity (abuse of authority), hiding information. Willingness to leave the company at the earliest opportunity, active search for a new place.

Regular failures, company failures. Repetition of the same problem situations from time to time.

Regular disruptions to company plans, constant failure to fulfill promises by management

Breaking the company's promises to the employee. For example, for a promotion or salary increase.

Very strong disloyalty

Negative attitude towards the company, hatred

Desire to harm the company, deliberate actions that harm the company.

Negative statements about the company to competitors, the public.

Willingness not only to leave the company, but to go to work for competitors and provide them with confidential information.

Personal grievances of an employee against the company (deception of an employee, obvious injustice in relation to him).

Personal characteristics of the employee, inclination to revenge.

Very high loyalty and very high disloyalty are extremely rare. Their manifestation is more associated with some kind of personal grievances, or vice versa, a feeling of gratitude. In addition, quite often people who are distinguished by increased emotionality, maximalism, and inclined to fanaticism are capable of such a level of loyalty or disloyalty. Paradoxically, such vivid manifestations may be undesirable not only with a minus sign, but even with a plus sign. It is not for nothing that they say that "there is only one step from love to hate." Quite often, the most ardent supporters "suddenly" become the most ardent opponents. Therefore, when deciding to cooperate with an employee with increased emotionality, prone to exaltation, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, to assess the likelihood that the employee will become disloyal. It is, of course, necessary to strive to ensure that employees show very high loyalty. But only if such behavior is not caused by the personality traits of the person.

High level of loyalty (on the loyalty scale +2), as well as high disloyalty (-2) are more common. This level of loyalty is to a greater extent related to corporate reasons: the success or failure of the company, management style (literacy of setting goals, clarity of assessment criteria, recognition of merits), attitude towards personnel (care, indifference or the policy of "squeezing juices"), fairness of the incentive system, consistency, clarity of management actions, transparency of information flows, comfortable working conditions.

The manifestation of loyalty and disloyalty (the first level) depends to a greater extent on the personality characteristics of a person, and to a lesser extent - on organizational factors. There are employees who are initially prone to loyal or disloyal behavior. However, it also depends on the company itself whether the employee will show loyalty. The basis for the formation of primary loyalty is the corporate culture that has developed in the company. Getting into a team dominated by certain moods, even an initially loyal employee can imperceptibly become imbued with existing moods and rather soon becomes their bearer.

Loyalty formation conditions

The formation of employee loyalty is influenced by three groups of factors:

  1. Personal characteristics of the employee himself
  2. The immediate manager of the employee, his management style, attitude to subordinates and to the company
  3. Organization-wide aspects

To form loyalty to the company, a person must initially have a number of personal characteristics, such as:

  • Work should, in principle, be on the list of a person's life priorities, he should not care where to work and what exactly to do, it is important for him not only to make money, but also to get satisfaction from the work done.
  • Non-indifference, the ability to take work problems to heart.
  • Initiative, striving to improve what works poorly or is unreasonably arranged.
  • Striving to achieve success, develop, improve.
  • A high level of subjective control of a person, i.e. the ability to take responsibility for the events happening to him on himself, and not shift them to circumstances, other people, fate.
  • Lack of consumer position, desire not only to receive, but also to give.
  • A positive outlook on the world as a whole, the ability to see the good and enjoy it, the desire to bring joy to people, to do good.

Of course, a situation is likely when a petty and evil person is loyal to the company due to the fact that it allows him to solve some of his personal problems. But, since loyalty implies focusing not only on personal interests, but also taking care of the interests of the company, as well as the willingness to sacrifice personal interests for the sake of the company, the loyalty of a person who is not endowed with the above qualities is nothing more than a temporary phenomenon. As soon as his personal interests intersect with the interests of the company, betrayal will replace loyalty. The mistake (especially in the long run) is made by leaders who rely on the loyalty of such people. This loyalty is unreliable and rests only on profit. If there is no benefit, loyalty will also be lost.

Some leaders build the loyalty of their subordinates on their feelings of gratitude to them personally for some kind of help provided in the past. But this loyalty is focused on the leader, not the company. And if the leader himself ceases to be loyal to the company, then automatically his subordinates, loyal to him personally, become disloyal to the company. And then a typical situation occurs when the entire department leaves the company overnight.

As a result, it is in principle possible to form loyalty in people who do not have an initial predisposition to loyal behavior, but you need to understand what this can lead to. It is much wiser, already at the stage of recruiting, to pay attention to how ready the candidate is for loyal behavior and simply not to hire potential troublemakers.

The direct manager also plays a huge role in the formation of loyalty. If mutual respect and understanding prevail in the relationship between the employee and the manager, then the employee's loyalty will grow.

It is very important that the employee respects their manager. This is difficult to achieve, but without it, good relationships and effective interaction cannot be achieved. What commands respect from subordinates? The following can be noted:

  • knowledge and competence of the leader;
  • clarity of formulation of tasks and instructions;
  • consistency, clarity of the actions of the head, their focus on the goals of the company, and not on personal gain;
  • the rationality and validity of the established rules;
    For a long time, the division was headed by a leader whose slogan was "so it should be." Nobody knew by whom, when and why. The leader considered it beneath his dignity to give any explanations. Subordinates sluggishly followed the rules, and no one tried to change anything. The new leader began by asking the employees about one of these immutable rules - submit all questions to the manager in the form of a paper memo. Then he developed new rules. If the question is urgent, you need to call or write an e-mail. If the issue is planned, it needs to be raised at the meetings introduced in the department. The employees were happy to accept the changes that were long overdue and obvious.
  • observance by the leader of the rules established by him;
    Everyone in the company was constantly late. The official start of the working day was at 9:00, but no one came before 9:30. The most desperate ones moved up to 11.00. It was dangerous to come later, i.e. the leader came at this very time. At the same time, everyone left no later than 18.00. The new leader in the first week of his work established a clear working schedule. Employees who wished to work from 9.00 finished work at 18.00, and those who were more comfortable working from 10.00 worked until 19.00. At first, no one believed that the rule would take root, and they continued to come and go the same way as before. Violators were punished. At first there were resentments, but gradually they got used to the new rules, and discipline and adherence to the leader's own rules increased his authority. Moreover, in relation to himself, the head has established stricter rules than in relation to subordinates, which also aroused respect. He himself came no later than 9.00, and often at 8.30, and left not earlier than 19.30, and more often closer to 20.00.
  • clear assessment criteria;
  • fairness of estimates;
  • the ability to evaluate the achievements of subordinates, to be proud of them;
  • constructive criticism;
  • equal attitude towards all subordinates, no pets;
  • sincere interest in the opinion of the employee, the use of his suggestions, support for initiatives;
  • caring attitude towards subordinates, their protection if necessary, care for the employee, willingness to help him in a difficult life situation;
    When raising salaries, the head of the department always defended the interests of his subordinates, proved their value to the company. With layoffs, prevented the dismissal of good employees. And it doesn't matter that "the order for the department is 3 people", he was able to prove that such an approach was not suitable. He helped talented employees make their careers, recommended them for promotion, even to other departments. As a result, the subordinates respected their leader, saying "we are behind him, like behind a stone wall."
  • fulfillment of promises by the leader, loyalty to his word;
  • the leader's dedication to his work, charisma.

But in addition to the personality traits of a person, his so-called predisposition to loyal or disloyal behavior, and the relationship of the immediate leader, the state of internal processes and systems in the company, the level of organizational development play an important role in the formation of loyalty.

The following factors influence loyalty most significantly:

  • fair remuneration;
  • compliance with the expectations formed at the stage of hiring;
  • fulfillment of the company's obligations (in relation to employees, to customers, to partners);
  • honesty towards the employee;
  • transparency and comprehensibility of existing rules, their validity;
  • the importance of the work performed by the employee, his sense of being needed;
  • satisfaction with the results of their work, their contribution to the common cause, involvement in the results of the entire company;
  • sufficient powers to solve the assigned tasks, the ability to act independently within the framework of powers;
  • attitude towards employees' initiatives;
  • informing the employee about the affairs of the company, his involvement in the life of the company;
  • clear prospects for the development of the company, clarity of the goals of the company, focus on development;
  • the opportunity to develop, improve;
  • possibility of career growth;
  • comfortable relationships in the team;
  • as comfortable working conditions as possible.

Moreover, it is not just the presence or absence of these factors that is important. The position of the company towards their improvement is important, on the one hand, and distribution to the entire team, on the other. If an employee sees that the company can do something, but does not do it, then loyalty decreases sharply. For example, if everyone in the company knows about the confusion in the relationship between the warehouse and the transport department, the problem has been raised by many employees more than once, but the management does not even try to somehow remedy the situation, ignores suggestions, considering the problem insignificant. Such a position of the management gradually nullifies any enthusiasm and forms the position “do I need it?”.

Or the company does all of the above for some employees and completely ignores the needs of others. Naturally, one should not hope that the loyalty of disadvantaged workers or their groups will grow in this case. For example, some employees have the opportunity to study, have well-equipped workplaces, special motivation schemes are developed for them, while others not only have all this, but even do not appear in the plans.

Loyalty is built up incrementally. If a person is distinguished by a positive attitude, initiative, then, having come to a new company for himself, he will initially be loyal. If at the same time his initiatives are supported and evaluated, and the atmosphere of loyalty reigns in the team, the employee will retain his loyalty. If at the same time the company achieves success, and the words of the management do not disagree with the deeds, then loyalty will grow even more. If, in addition to everything, the company will somehow help the employee in solving his personal problems or will involve the employee in making strategic decisions for the company, thereby demonstrating his importance and high status in the company, then loyalty will reach the maximum level for this person.

Or, on the contrary, if an employee is initially indifferent to work, has a pessimistic view of the world, does not expect anything good from the employer, then when he comes to the company he initially (almost immediately after passing the probationary period) shows disloyalty. If at the same time the company is experiencing difficulties, fails, and the management deceives the staff, then the disloyalty of such an employee will be fueled and increased. If some personal offense is still inflicted on him, some obligation is not fulfilled in relation to him, then in the end we get very high disloyalty.

The point at which the formation of loyalty (or disloyalty) begins depends on both the employee and the company. Initially, negative loyalty is more often observed among employees who do not want to work in this company, but are forced to do so, considering this place of work as a temporary refuge. If an employee in the company likes it and decides to stay, then his loyalty will increase. Initially, positive loyalty is observed among employees who really wanted to work in this particular company, made a lot of effort to get into it, and withstood a large competition. If a person does not care where to work, and the company has not made any efforts to increase the prestige of working in it, then, when entering the company, a new employee will be indifferent to it. Further, from the starting point, movement can be in any direction, and this to a greater extent depends on the efforts of the company itself.

Team loyalty

It is not entirely correct to talk about the loyalty or disloyalty of the entire staff of the company. This term is more applicable to an individual person. However, the general atmosphere in the team is formed just like the average from the loyalty of each individual employee. If you wish, you can even calculate the average level of loyalty numerically, although this calculation cannot be considered as accurate enough.

For example, the department employs 8 people. 1 person is very loyal (+3), 1 person has average loyalty (+2), 1 person is loyal (+1), 2 people are indifferent (0) and 3 people have a slight disloyalty (-1). As a result, the average loyalty is +3. This is a critical level, since if only one highly loyal employee is fired (or simply loyal), the average loyalty will be 0. The positive attitude of a part of the team towards the company will be completely neutralized by the negative attitude of the other part of the team.

This example is true for a team, where all employees have equal status. If we evaluate the team together with the manager, or there are so-called opinion leaders among the employees, then their "contribution" to the overall level of loyalty may be higher. But only until then, such an employee continues to work in a team and has a destructive effect on him. That is why companies prefer to use "surgical" methods in relation to disloyal opinion leaders. Having got rid of such an employee, the team gradually calms down and begins to spend more energy and time on work, and not on discussions in the spirit of "how bad things are with us."

The loyalty of key employees is also important because their departure can even jeopardize the existence of the company, if this key employee was the owner of knowledge, experience, connections, contacts that are unique for the company. Companies, fearing that they will lose too much along with such an employee, continue to tolerate his antics. But the regularity is that the more a person is allowed, the more unceremonious and impudent he behaves. Well, of course, he is such a specialist, without him everything will collapse here. And if you don’t want everything to collapse, you’ll endure it, you won’t go anywhere. This is a mistake, because the harm from a disloyal employee is always higher than any benefit they bring. He brings benefit now, but by his actions he destroys the future. Mocks any initiative, devalues ​​success, deprives colleagues of the joy of work, undermines their faith in the company and its future.

Nevertheless, disloyalty is a signal that an employee sends to the company, it means "pay attention, everything is not all right here." Therefore, the manifestations of disloyalty must be treated very carefully. Each such manifestation is a reason to analyze the situation, identify moments that the company can influence and correct them. At the same time, it is important to clearly separate the organizational and personal reasons for the manifestation of disloyalty.

How to increase loyalty

More and more companies are realizing that it is necessary to work on increasing loyalty at the system level. We said that the predisposition to loyal behavior of the employee himself, his immediate supervisor and organizational factors play the greatest role in the formation of personnel loyalty. Accordingly, solving the problem of increasing loyalty, it is necessary to act simultaneously in three directions: to select potentially loyal employees, to pay special attention to the development of middle and lower managers and to increase intra-organizational efficiency, to carry out a set of measures for organizational development. In addition, the company's image in the market plays a significant role in increasing loyalty, so this aspect also cannot be ignored.

It makes sense for each company to develop its own loyalty program for itself, since each company is in different starting positions, sets different goals and has different resources to achieve them.

In general terms, the Staff Loyalty Development Program may include the following sections:

1. Description of the current situation.

This section describes the current level of loyalty in the company. It is advisable to draw conclusions based on a baseline measurement of loyalty. Special questionnaires can be used as a tool for a large company. For small companies, it is more optimal to conduct organizational diagnostics using interviews with employees of different departments and positions, expert assessments, observations at meetings and corporate events, as well as tests specially designed for the specifics of the company.

An example of such a test is given in the sidebar. This test covers work and performance discipline, attitude to work and informal life in the company. It is in these areas that it is easier to observe manifestations of employee loyalty and disloyalty. The level of an employee in the hierarchy of the company affects the manifestation of both loyalty and, to a greater extent, disloyalty to them. Therefore, the proposed test is suitable only for ordinary employees and middle managers. It is more difficult to assess the loyalty of top managers, since they can outwardly demonstrate loyalty, and their disloyalty can only be revealed “one day”, when the manager, for example, discovers that significant company funds have been transferred to other accounts, and the employee who has done this has already a month since I left the company. Or competitors “suddenly” launched a project that was a unique development of the company, and no one could have launched it earlier without the necessary information. Therefore, to assess the loyalty of top managers, in-depth unstructured interviews with an external consultant, as well as an analysis of his activity products (plans, reports, projects, memos, proposals, etc.) for the entire period of work in the company, are more suitable.

When developing a Loyalty Development Program, it is important not only to assess the level of loyalty in the company as a whole, but also to highlight the most painful places, areas of increased staff dissatisfaction, as well as identify key employees who demonstrate disloyalty and influence the team.

For example, it was revealed that, in general, the company's personnel are loyal (average loyalty value +0.5), but a hotbed of disloyalty is observed in the purchasing department (level –0.8). And also a lot of dissatisfaction is caused by the motivation system (lack of connection with the results), working conditions (lack of air conditioners), lack of information about the company's development prospects, rumors about the possible closure of some areas of activity. It was also revealed that three managers (the head of one of the sales departments, the chief accountant and the head of the administrative department) demonstrate disloyal behavior.

2. Why do we need to increase staff loyalty. Targets, what we want to achieve.

It is rather difficult to accurately assess the level of loyalty, even if special methods are used. All the same, the results obtained will only approximately reflect the real state of affairs. However, other indicators can be used to assess loyalty, which to some extent correlate with loyalty. Such indicators are the level of staff satisfaction and staff turnover.

The personnel satisfaction index is calculated using a special formula based on the data of the employee survey. In most cases, the higher the employee's job satisfaction, the more loyal they are to the company.

Turnover shows what percentage of the company's employees left it of their own free will during the year. Or, what is called "voted with your feet." Much more often it is disloyal employees who leave the company on their own initiative. They are not comfortable with their place of work, and they are potentially ready to change it at the first opportunity. However, it must be remembered that there are exceptions to any rule. Thus, an employee may have a high level of job satisfaction, but at the same time be disloyal. Such a situation is possible if he is satisfied with everything in his work, but the company personally hurt him (for example, by appropriating his intellectual property without reference to the author). Or a situation is possible when loyal employees leave, and disloyal employees continue to work. Simply because so far nothing better has turned up for them. Loyal employees may quit not because they do not like the company, but because they cannot fulfill any significant need for them, for example, for career growth, if the company is small and the ceiling has already been reached.

It is the connection of loyalty with indicators of staff turnover and employee satisfaction that answers the question "why do we need to increase loyalty?" High turnover and low level of employee satisfaction directly affect labor productivity. Dissatisfied employees work half-heartedly, and the company's losses due to the need to find and adapt a new employee amount to at least three of his monthly salaries.

Therefore, the target indicators can be the general level of loyalty, the level of turnover and satisfaction. As well as specific improvements for the identified problem areas.

For our example, such tasks will be:

  1. Management training and personal coaching for the head of the procurement department to increase the level of his managerial competence and authority in the department.
  2. Making a decision about disloyal leaders: either developing a personal program to increase loyalty, or dismissing or transferring to a less significant position.
  3. Development and implementation of a new system of motivation, in which there will be a connection between remuneration and work results.
  4. Installation of air conditioners.
  5. Issuance by PR-manager and HR manager of a weekly "Information sheet" and its distribution to all employees who have a computer, as well as distribution in printed form (trays on watch).

3. Tasks to strengthen the image in the labor market and the internal image of the company. What actions to strengthen the image will allow us to increase staff loyalty.

If employees have the feeling that “somewhere is better,” “we are vegetating here, and life is leaving,” or “I deserve the best,” then actions to strengthen the internal image are simply necessary. The most effective way is to inform the staff about all the company's successes. At the same time, it is necessary to use all communication channels possible in the company: meetings, personal conversations with the manager, informal conversations in smoking rooms, stands with visual information, periodicals, mailing of links to external positive reviews about the company.

In one company, we observed such an unconventional technique: at each meeting, each of its participants had to name three achievements, the company's success in a week. As a result, a list was drawn up, which was sent to all employees. This list included a variety of achievements: customer gratitude, 120% fulfillment of the plan, implementation of new software, defense of a dissertation by an employee, invitation of the head to join the expert council of the industry union, etc.

The external image of the company in the labor market is also of great importance. To maintain its good level, it is necessary to constantly "monitor" the situation, to compare oneself with competitors, with other companies that may be more attractive to employees. If you fail to be among the leaders, then it is important to offer your employees something unique, which is not available anywhere else.

For example, one company attracted staff by organizing regular excursions to a parent overseas manufacturing facility and by providing on-the-job training for the best employees.

But it is important not to forget that the image in the labor market is formed not only by the benefits and opportunities that are provided to employees. The main thing is the real successes of the company and their competent presentation in the external environment. This is especially true for the current stage of development of the labor market, when it is no longer employers who choose employees, but, on the contrary, employees decide which company suits them best.

4. Adjustment of the personnel selection system for the purpose of increasing personnel loyalty.

The recruitment system should be aimed at screening out pathologically negative individuals, whose motto is "everything is bad, but it will be even worse." Therefore, it makes sense to assess the potential initial level of loyalty of a new employee, his attitude to life and work in general, as the first stage of selection.

Potential loyalty is of particular importance for candidates for top positions. It is very important to take constructive, proactive, caring employees for these positions. It is pointless to develop the loyalty of top managers, because it is they who should be the carriers and the main conductors of loyal behavior. The position "for that kind of money - work yourself" is unacceptable for a top manager, his motto should be "either I work well, I do everything I can, without groans and complaints, or I do not work at all if the work is incompatible with my principles."

Next, it is very important to identify the candidate's expectations and determine whether the company will be able to meet them. If so, loyalty will increase. If not, it will decrease, and perhaps it is better to immediately refuse to cooperate. The most disloyal are those employees who, after starting work in the company, have a conflict of expectations with reality. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that expectations from work are associated with a system of values ​​and priorities. And it is useless to praise an employee with a flexible work schedule if the level of salary is more important to him. Thus, without identifying the value of an employee, it is impossible to correctly assess his expectations and, accordingly, provide him with information that is meaningful to him about future work. And thus correctly form expectations.

A rather complicated selection procedure often works for the purpose of increasing loyalty (it is only important not to go too far and not cause the opposite effect). When an employee fills out questionnaires, meets with many managers, he involuntarily begins to think that getting into the company is not so easy. And once he gets there, he begins to appreciate the fact that he was chosen.

5. Adjustment of the training system for the purpose of increasing loyalty.

Particular attention should be paid to training middle management. The general attitude in the company usually depends on the leaders of this level.

In our example, it was decided to conduct a special program for the development of managerial competencies of the head of the procurement department. It was his weakness as a leader that led to the fact that the employees of the department did not respect him and spread their negative attitude throughout the company.

6. Adjustment of the motivation system.

Equity in remuneration is one of the key factors in building loyalty. Therefore, the Loyalty Development Program must include an assessment of the current motivation system and its impact on loyalty. Sometimes, just a change in this direction is enough to significantly increase loyalty. In this case, special attention should be paid to the so-called "earning divisions", because it is for them that the connection between remuneration and results is most important.

7. Monitoring loyalty, evaluating the results of planned activities.

A loyalty development program is by definition long-term. Changes of this level cannot happen faster than 3-4 years. Therefore, it is important to annually evaluate the results of work and, if necessary, make adjustments to the plans.

For annual monitoring, the same methods are suitable as for baseline measurement of loyalty level. In addition to the methods for assessing loyalty listed in the first paragraph, an annual certification of all personnel is a good monitoring tool. If it includes a certain block of standard questions, then it is possible to evaluate changes in staff loyalty from year to year. The answers of the attested to the following questions are very informative: "What tasks do you set for yourself for the next year?", "What would you like to change in our company?" The more monosyllabic and streamlined answers the employee gives, the lower his loyalty is usually.

8. Spot individual work with disloyal (personnel services, manager).

In relation to disloyal employees, in general, two work strategies are possible. Decide which of them is preferable to the head is better together with the personnel service, whose specialists can predict the possible consequences of each of the decisions.

The first strategy is to try to increase loyalty by convincing the employee that his position is unconstructive and unpromising, or simply by switching his attention to a constructive channel. In the initial stages of disloyalty, this is entirely possible. To do this, it may be enough to accept some of the employee's proposals that were previously rejected. Or try to involve such an employee in the decision-making process, to show his importance for the company. For each person, the “keys” to increasing loyalty may be different. The most effective, according to our observations, is the assessment of the significance of the employee's contribution, the expansion of powers, the ability to participate in management, the fulfillment of previously unfulfilled promises.

The second strategy is to simply part with a disloyal employee. This, of course, will not increase his loyalty, but more often than not significantly improves the atmosphere in the team, which is deprived of a negative leader and constant feeding with negative emotions.

In the company from our example, I had to part with the head of the administrative department. The chief accountant believed that she was not being judged according to her merits, and just a few heart-to-heart conversations with the CFO, who invited the accountant for advice and advice, corrected the situation. In relation to the head of the sales department, a more complex scheme of work was applied. On the one hand, he was paid a bonus, which the company refused to pay six months ago. considered that this was too much and retroactively revised the system of motivation. On the other hand, this executive was demoted to lead manager. At the same time, another leading manager was hired, and the position of the chief was left vacant. Decreased status also reduced the influence of this employee on colleagues. At the same time, he was left with a chance to take this place again if he changed his attitude towards the company and work.

9. Preventive measures to maintain loyalty (at the level of the company as a whole).

As a good preventive measure, you should definitely use informal team-building events: holidays, field trips, trainings, cultural outings, etc. Any informal communication sets you up for a positive. It is unlikely that an employee who over a glass of beer will discuss the lack of telephones in the office will find understanding.

The general level of loyalty is well increased by the annual report of the management on the company's achievements, with the parallel rewarding of the best and material rewards for all personnel. In such a report, it is worth touching on the situation in the industry and the state of affairs of competitors, as well as outline the most important plans for the next year. The main task of such an event is to build pride in the company.

A huge role in maintaining loyalty is played by the speeches of top officials in front of the team, as well as visits to departments and informal conversations. Employees should see and hear the manager, receive a boost of energy and desire to work from him. Nothing is taken as seriously as first-hand information.

Sidebar "Test for assessing employee loyalty"

1. Compliance with rules, norms, standards

Behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

He himself fulfills all the rules and encourages colleagues to do so.

His violation of the rules and regulations occurs only in emergency situations.

If the rule seems outdated to him, efforts are made to change it. Participate in the formation of rules, make proposals, prepare drafts of various regulatory documents on their own initiative.

“If it’s supposed to be, then we need to do it at all costs. We will die, but we will do "

“This is our company and it depends only on us what it will be like”

“I think this procedure for issuing an invoice is ineffective. I thought over the whole algorithm, it seems to me that if we change it, the efficiency will increase. I described the business process as it is now, noted bottlenecks and described a better option. I propose to discuss my proposals "


Follows the rules on its own, even if no one controls it. If he understands that he will be forced to break the rule, he receives the approval of the management.

If he does not agree with the rule (and even if it does not directly relate to the employee's work), he seeks to understand the issue and expresses his proposals for changing it to the manager in whose jurisdiction the issue is

“Tomorrow after work I need to go to the gymnasium to see my child for a general cleaning. May I not dress in a business-like fashion to make it easier to change after work. I have no meetings tomorrow. "

“I watched how our security was working. At the entrance to the territory, the passport data of the visitor is recorded. Then he goes into the building and there the guards specify to whom the visitor is going, then the one to whom he is going goes down after him. The visitor is waiting at this time, standing in the doorway. This is time consuming and inconvenient. It is necessary that the guards at the entrance call the guards in the building and warn who is going to whom. And then the visitor does not have to wait. "

Understanding the importance of rules

He tries to comply with the accepted norms and rules. If not, then more often for objective reasons. They themselves report that they have violated something, explains the reason, and suggests ways to remedy the situation.

If he thinks the rule is wrong, he tries to figure out the meaning of the rule in order to carry it out consciously. If he discovers that there is no logic, he discusses it with his supervisor.

“I couldn’t reply to the letter within 24 hours yesterday, as is customary in our country. I was preparing a review, got carried away and did not have time. I only remembered today, now I will definitely answer "

“It is customary for us to first sign the draft agreement with the financiers, and then with the lawyers. But it seems more logical, it seems, on the contrary. Why are we doing this? "

With regret for violations

Follows the rules, if he does not forget about them, but often forgets without reminders.

If he considers the rule to be difficult or unnecessary, then he does not follow it or is reluctant to follow it.

"Oh, I completely forgot that reports must be submitted by the 5th, tomorrow I will do it"

“I didn't ask which company the potential client is from. It was somehow uncomfortable "


Pretends to follow the rules if controlled. But he observes reluctantly and formally. In the absence of constant monitoring and reminders, they quickly “forget” about the rules.

“Well, if we are required to comply with this rule, I have to endure it, although I do not see any point in it. But it is not for nothing that they say: "I am the boss - you are a fool," you cannot argue with a strong one "

"Again these plans, as long as possible!"


Ignores the rules, acts as it sees fit.

"Encourages" colleagues to commit violations.

“It's all just a piece of paper. Nobody does that. So, empty declarations "

“Well, I didn’t send reminder letters to clients, so what has changed. Why waste time on all sorts of nonsense "

“Forget these customer cards. We don't get paid for this. Let's go and have a smoke. And they will bother, you say, and so the time. And clients are more important than paper "


Breaks rules, acts exactly the opposite of prescribed behavior.

Outdated rules are used to promote their negative position in relation to the company, to reduce its image.

“Whoever invented all this, let him work. I myself know what and how to do. If they expect me to be a dumb blank, they won't wait. "

“And what do you want, everything is so here. Just to make fun, they don't consider us as people "



2. Workload, distraction to extraneous matters

Behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

He is constantly busy only with work, there are no situations when he does not have a job and he does not know what to do. He plans his work himself, sets priorities.

Censures employees who are engaged in extraneous matters

“Our company is not interested in employees who do not know what to do with themselves. If there is nothing to do, then you are a bad worker. This does not happen with good workers. There is always a lot of work "

Confident, convinced

Constantly busy only with work. If there is a downtime, it independently determines what to do next. He will never say that there is nothing to do. Shows initiative, helps colleagues.

“What games, I don't have a second free. And in general, playing at work is a kind of kindergarten "


If it turns out that there is nothing to do and there are no tasks, he immediately informs the manager, specifies priorities.

Allows himself extraneous activities only as a last resort.

Tries to reduce non-working phone calls as much as possible.

"I have completed all the tasks, maybe I can take apart the archive"

"I'll call you back in the evening, I can't talk for a long time at work"

With care

If the task is given, it performs, if there is no task, it can do nothing, waiting for another task to be given.

"Yes, there seems to be nothing to do, I did everything"


If there are no urgent matters, he goes about his business: communicates by e-mail or ICQ, “surfs” the Internet, does a manicure, plays, etc. Calmly answers personal phone calls, does not try to shorten their time. He does not advertise idleness. Justified by the fact that there is nothing to do. Not distracted from work only under the constant supervision of a manager.

“Yes, I was distracted only for a minute. Consider it industrial gymnastics, you can't just work like an automaton. "

Justifiable but defiant

Constantly busy with extraneous matters, even if there is a lot of work. Puts personal interests above the interests of the company. He actively uses the company's resources to solve his problems during working hours: for half a day he can call auto repair shops, download abstracts, "xert" lectures, teach lessons with a child by phone, etc. Doesn't consider such behavior to be something reprehensible.

“And when I still have to do. I've been at work all day "

"If you paid me so much so that I could pay the nanny and the driver, then I wouldn't have to do this at work."

"Normal companies have their own kindergartens and they pay for the training of their employees."

With a challenge

Constantly busy with extraneous matters. Demonstratively does nothing: smokes, talks with other employees, calls on the phone, arranges tea drinking and drinking. Deliberately distracts other employees, interferes with work. Can refuse the client or make him wait while busy with extraneous business.

“As long as you can work, it's time to smoke. We are already being exploited beyond measure "

“Call back in two hours, now I can tell you the price. I have lunch. "

3. Execution of orders

4. Behavior in difficult situations, reaction to criticism

Behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

Knows how to predict difficult situations, takes measures to prevent them. Provides options for action to mitigate risks. I am grateful for the criticism, he can act as initiators of providing him with feedback.

“Your opinion on the results of this project is very important to me. I tried to foresee all the possible difficulties, but it seems that I still did not take into account the specifics of this market. I made my conclusions. But maybe I missed something in my reflections, so I would like to discuss these conclusions. "

Involved, worried

Makes an effort to ensure that the situation that caused the problem does not recur. He worries about the cause, perceives criticism as an opportunity for self-development. Does not make the same mistakes twice through his own fault, for example, due to inattention.

“I am very sorry that there was such a problem. For the future, I propose to use a different algorithm of actions. I have prepared several options, I would like to discuss them with you "


Informs in a timely manner about emerging difficulties in work, does not hush up the problems. Tries to rectify the situation. Doesn't just state the problem, but offers solutions to fix it.

“We're in trouble. We missed delivery times. I want to call a client, try to negotiate, explain the situation. If this does not work, you can try to compensate for this with a discount on the next order. But this is only as a last resort.

He talks about problems if asked. Does not make efforts to correct it on its own initiative. But he fulfills the instructions of the management. She takes criticism calmly, but next time she can make the same mistakes. Doesn't try to make excuses.

“I forgot to send the letter. Somehow it happened "


Problems are hushed up. Sometimes it turns out about a critical situation when it is already difficult to do something. In response to criticism, it is justified. He is looking for an explanation why this cannot be done in any way.

“Yes, the delivery has already been lied twice. What can I do. Manufacturing says they have no components. And I'm not in the supply chain. "

With a claim

It can hush up real problems, but exaggerate imaginary ones. Begins unnecessary discussions and disputes. In response to criticism, she reacts unconstructively and often emotionally. Makes counter-accusations. Or completely ignores criticism, continuing to act incorrectly.

“Why is our department to blame? We are not obliged to wipe up the snot all. If you can't figure it out with IT -shniki, then what have I got to do with it. Put things in order, and then demand. "


In problem situations, he can deliberately "substitute" the company and colleagues. Criticism is ignored or answers not at all about that. Doesn't try to fix the situation. Deliberately "blabs" the problem. Acts on the principle "the worse, the better" or "still nothing can be done, tried ten times, nothing works."

"What are you talking about? All the same, all this is unreal. Last year, for example, we discussed a new service schedule. Order is very important. And we have no order. Of course, it can end badly, and that's what I'm talking about. The system is such that it will not work otherwise. And only idiots fight the system "


or with a touch of notation

5. Statements about the company

Employee behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

Speaks warmly about the company, with respect and even love, praises the company on his own initiative whenever possible. May, on its own initiative, maintain a list of the company's achievements. He believes that the company is doing an important and necessary business, and its product / service, the service provided is very good and unique.

“We are very lucky, we have a wonderful company. I'm so glad to be working here "

“If I work for such a company, then I’m something O NS"

"Nobody knows how to do this because we are the best on the market."


Not only speaks well of the company and its product, but also convinces colleagues and young people of this.

They are not just proud of the company's successes, but closely follow them.

"Appreciate, you get a unique experience here, they teach you, there is room to grow, the prospects are good"

“Not everyone is hired to us, only the best can get into the company”

with conviction

In informal conversations with colleagues, they express a positive assessment of the company.

They rejoice at the company's success.

The products / services of the company are considered good.

“We have a good company. In other companies people are exploited, but we are appreciated and taken care of. "

“Our product is of a very high quality. I use it myself and all my friends are already using it too "

He practically does not say anything about the company on his own initiative, he just works without any emotions. They do not notice the success of the company. Products are treated indifferently.

"Normal company, ordinary, nothing special, like everywhere else"

"It's a normal product, but I wouldn't want to sell it"


Negative statements about the company are allowed only in conversations with colleagues, especially with younger colleagues. The company's successes are not talked about or downplayed.

Products are treated negatively.

“And here it’s always like that. They also promise to go to the bushes. The boss is the owner of his word - he gave it himself, he took it back "

“Just think, they received the medal“ product of the year ”, but they are given to everyone, they are hung on the walls. You might think that this will make us something better. "

“This product cannot be sold, the quality is worse than that of competitors, and the price is the same. Who needs it. It's strange that someone buys it, they wouldn't buy it. "


They often talk about what a bad company they work for. They make harsh statements even in the presence of leadership. They prefer not to notice the company's successes, but they very carefully monitor all the failures and talk only about them.

Products are scolded.

“And I have always said that this is not a company, but it is not clear what. And not surprising with this kind of leadership. How they still exist in general is incomprehensible "

“Nobody knows or recognizes this so-called own brand on the market. Why do this at all, it is better to sell promoted brands, and not this, it is not clear what "

“I’m here temporarily, so I’ll finish my MBA and I’ll go from here to a decent place.”


She speaks sharply negatively about the company. Discusses (in a negative way) the company and its products not only with colleagues, but also with customers, and in general with everyone who agrees to listen. Company successes are presented as failures.

Disgusting company. Just a shithole. Normal people from such companies run and do the right thing. "

"This company will not last long, it will soon fall apart and everyone will be on the street."

“You see the millionth buyer. This means that they will exploit us even more "

“Are you crazy to buy this from us ?! Better go to company X, there equipment with the same capabilities, it costs the same, but there you are guaranteed quality. But buy from us, you will be tortured later to repair "

With hate

6. Late arrivals: their presence, behavior in case of being late, attitude towards being late.

Behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

He is very rarely late, only in force majeure circumstances. Often comes ahead of time. If, nevertheless, he is late, then he definitely warns, apologizes, and more than once. Explains the reason for being late, indicates the time of being late. He is worried and upset if he is late himself. Strongly condemns those who allow themselves to be late. He thinks that if you leave early, you won't be late.

“Sorry, I'm 15 minutes late, they blocked the road. I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. Excuse me, please. I am very uncomfortable"

Regretful, you can hear remorse

He is rarely late, always warns of being late, even a slight one. He worries and tries to do everything so as not to be late (he can come by taxi or, on the contrary, leave the car in the middle of the road and come by metro)

“Sorry, I'm late. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Sorry. "


Sometimes she is late. Always apologizes for being late. He believes that sometimes you can be late if you don't let anyone down for objective reasons. In case of being late, he does not worry much, but still tries not to be late. Warns if you are very late. Being late within 15 minutes is considered the norm.

"Sorry, I was late, they blocked the road."


Sometimes she is late. He tries to hide the fact of being late. Doesn't warn about being late, hopes that no one will notice. If noticed, apologizes, but not particularly sincerely.

"Well, yes, I was late ..."

“Well, I was late, but just a little bit. Actually, I'm not late, it rarely happens, but yesterday I sat and waited for a client after work "

Indifferent or making excuses

Sometimes she is late. Doesn't warn about being late. Doesn't worry about being late being noticed. If he receives a comment, finds an objective reason, seeks to reduce the significance of the violation or to transfer attention to something else.

"What's the difference, I'm doing my job, why come on time at all?"

"I am a creative person, I have been saying for a long time, give me a free schedule"


She is often late. May be late demonstratively. Doesn't feel guilty. If he gets a reprimand, he acquits himself. Shifts blame to company problems

“Yes, everyone is late with us, you might think it’s so important”


Almost never comes on time. Does not consider being late as a serious offense. In response to the claim, he may be rude "

“You might think you’re not late” “Give me a car with a chauffeur, then I will not be late.” "You have your own chauffeur, and you have never come to 9 yet"

"Pay me 2 times more, then I will not be late, I will take a taxi." "In normal companies, specialists of my level generally have a free schedule"


7. Leaving work, attitude to overwork

Behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

Leaves work only when all the planned cases are completed. Never leaves early. Strongly condemns those who leave even on time, without delay. He makes comments himself and notifies the management.

“We have a solid company, it is not customary here to leave ahead of time. We work for the result, and not from call to call. If you want an eight-hour working day, go to a government office "

“Last year we even spent the night at work, but did not let the client down”

He never leaves ahead of time himself and censures those who do it. Conducts educational discussions among young employees. On personal matters, he is rarely asked for leave.

"Today we will work all the way until we do everything."

"How, you're already leaving" (a question to an employee who leaves two hours after the official end of the working day)

With enthusiasm


If necessary, he can delay and complete important matters on his own, on his own initiative, without additional requests. Never leaves before without coordinating it with the leader.

"I will be late, I need to finish the report"

"If necessary, we will be in time, we will be late and we will finish everything."

Interested, enthusiastic

Leaves exactly at the appointed time. May stay if asked and has no personal plans. But without much enthusiasm. If he refuses, he is uncomfortable. He may leave ahead of time without permission, but he does it so as not to be noticed. If the violation is revealed, he apologizes and excuses himself.

"Today I cannot, I have an exam"

"I left not early, it was almost six, but yesterday I was late for half an hour."


Tries not to linger. On requests to stay late and complete the work, they often refuse without explaining the reasons. If he leaves earlier, he does not advertise it. If a violation is found, he tries to deny, he does not admit his guilt.

May be out in the middle of the day and no one knows where he is.

"I have a working day from 9 to 18"

"Nothing will happen, tomorrow I will finish it"

"I had a meeting at the agency, and it took two hours to go there through traffic jams, we could first find out why I left earlier."

With a challenge

Sometimes he leaves ahead of time, always refuses to requests to stay, expresses dissatisfaction, demonstrates hostility to the company.

"In normal companies, people are not forced to recycle."


Often leaves ahead of time. Absent from work during the day. Comes and leaves whenever he wants. In response to comments, he is rude. He put himself in such a way that no one even asks him to stay. They even beware of making remarks, since in response you can get a lengthy rebuke.

“First, provide me with normal conditions, and then set your requirements. Why should I deliver orders by my car? Why don’t they give money for gifts to clients in advance, why on earth do I lend to the company all the time? Are you delaying your monthly salary and want me to sit here all day? "

Aggressive or stinging

Behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

I am ready not to go on vacation for several years in a row. Is calm about rescheduling or canceling the vacation, if necessary.

“This year I probably won't be able to go on vacation. There are a lot of important things to do, there is no time for rest "

With pride, understanding the importance of the moment

If necessary, he is ready to shift the vacation, even if personal interests suffer (he can, for example, hand over the purchased voucher)

“We'll have to move the vacation. The wife, however, has already agreed on this time, but as a last resort we will have a rest this year "

Understanding the importance

He tries to take vacation during the recession, so that his absence does not harm the company.

“I’ll go on vacation when it’s quieter, and only for a week, maximum two”


May agree to the postponement of vacation, if this does not infringe on personal interests.

“Actually, I would not want to. But I will try to talk to my husband, if he is allowed to postpone - then okay "


He may agree to postpone the vacation, but at the same time he will certainly express dissatisfaction with the company and / or demand something in return.

“It's the same year after year. Nothing can be organized normally. ”“ So be it, if it's such a land, I can go on vacation later, but now give me three days off, I have a lot of overtime. And transfer the autumn two weeks of vacation for me to summer "


He does not agree to postpone vacation simply out of principle. He does not miss the opportunity to tell the management everything that he thinks about the company.

“This is always the case in this company, they cannot even plan vacations in advance. It's a mess everywhere, even in the little things. "

"Why on earth are you solving your problems at my expense?"

“I have a vacation on schedule now. I know nothing"

He takes vacation only at a convenient time for himself, does not agree to postpone the vacation, even if thereby letting down colleagues or clients. May go on vacation specifically at a time when it could harm the company.

“So what if the influx of clients and two more managers are on vacation. There was no point in letting them go. You have no right not to let me go. Or do you want me to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate "

With a threat

9. Participation in the informal life of the company

Behavior options


The tone of the statements

The numerical value of the answer

They actively participate in all events, organize them themselves (draw wall newspapers, book tables, distribute tasks, etc.), come up with initiatives for non-traditional events. They persuade those who refuse, they convince. They give speeches at holidays.

“I invite everyone to my dacha, let's celebrate the company's birthday. I have a lot of space, a forest, mushrooms, a river "

Enthusiastically, fervently

They support undertakings, take on the biggest burden of the organization.

“I can make a shish kebab, I can buy balls, those who do not have a car - I take three people. And I can buy a drink too "

Participate in events, refuse only in the most extreme cases. They are sorry if they cannot attend, they apologize. Help in the organization.

"Of course I will come, if you need help, tell me what"

"What a pity, I can't come, the child has a birthday"


Participate if management requires it and does not conflict with personal plans. Treat events like work. They do not refuse, tk. do not want to argue with the management.

"OK, I'll come"


Attend events reluctantly. Express dissatisfaction with: place, time, program, etc.

For corporate events, they do not sacrifice personal plans, do not apologize or regret.

"I'm tired of these restaurants, I could think of something more interesting."

"I can not, I have a test"


They do not attend the holidays, and if they do, they can ruin it (sabotage contests, provoke the separation of a part of the team from everyone and celebrate separately, etc.)

Whenever possible, they demonstrate that personal interests are more important than corporate ones.

“I will not go to the party, I have a lecture. I didn’t go to college to skip. Studying is the most important for me now, this is my future "

With a challenge

Or they defiantly ignore corporate events. Or act as instigators of events not approved by the management (for example, celebrating an employee's birthday in the morning at work places, with a drink)

“I really need this miserable holiday, there’s nothing else to do”

“I don’t have to spend my personal time trying to powder my brains. Let the fools allow themselves to be zombified "


With this test, you can assess employee loyalty simply by observing their behavior. For this, any number of questions is selected (all that are suitable for a particular employee and his job). For each selected question, the most typical options for the employee's behavior and statements are selected. All numerical values ​​are summed and then divided by the number of selected questions. It turns out the level of employee loyalty.

For example, purchasing manager Ivan is sometimes late, does not warn about delays and does not feel much guilt (-1); does not leave work ahead of time, but it can disappear at some unknown place in the middle of the day (-1); agrees to postpone the vacation, but reluctantly and clearly doing a favor (0); sometimes he allows himself to relax and play on the computer, often downloads music from the Internet (-1); performs only those instructions that he considers correct, incorrect from his point of view, he simply ignores, if he is under pressure, he starts to snap and still does not do what they say (-2), does not speak about the company in any way (0), he visits holidays without enthusiasm, grumbling (-1).

Ivan's loyalty level, respectively, is (-1-1 + 0-1-2 + 0-1) / 7 = -0.86

We examined what loyalty is, how it manifests itself, under what conditions it is formed, and what to do to increase it. But the question naturally arises - is all this so important? Maybe you can do without staff loyalty altogether. After all, the main thing is that employees work well and achieve good results. And it doesn't matter how they relate to the company, as long as they do it. On the one hand, the result is of course important, and it depends more on the professionalism of the employee than on his attitude. But on the other hand, a disloyal employee is unreliable, and nothing can guarantee the company that he will not leave it at the most inopportune moment. Yes, not just leave, but go to a competitor or leave together with the whole team and thereby endanger the whole block of work, and possibly the existence of the company as such. But even if a disloyal employee continues to work and show good production results, this will not save the company, for example, from the fact that he will indifferently pass by a violation that can cost the company millions in losses, or will not use the company's resources for his own purposes so actively that will also lead to tangible losses, or “just” from day to day it will undermine the company's image with negative statements, “daring” both customers and employees from the company. It turns out that the company can, of course, not pay attention to the loyalty of the staff, but only if it does not care about its own development prospects and does not think about the future.