Presentation of ankles or storks. Squad ankle

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Order Passerine In terms of the number of species, this order is the most numerous. Today there are over 5 thousand species in it, which is more than 60% of all birds of the world fauna. This large group contains both relatively large birds, such as crows, weighing up to 1.5 kg, and small ones, such as a beetle weighing 5–8 g. Passerines are widespread throughout the globe, with the exception of Antarctica and some individual oceanic islands.

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Passerines are usually small in size. The head is small. The shape of the beak is varied, four-toed lower limbs. The fingers end in sharp claws. They live in the forest, on trees and bushes, they are found in open spaces - in the steppe, near human settlements. Males are usually larger than females. Birds living in temperate zones are migratory. In the tropics, they are sedentary, sometimes nomadic. The plumage is rigid, the wings are of moderate length. The coloration of males is usually brighter than that of females. But in goldfinches, jays, magpies, skates, warblers and a number of other birds, males and females are almost identical in color. During the breeding season, they form pairs, for example, starlings, tits, warblers, flycatchers, wagtails, which occupy certain nesting territories. Pink starlings, shore and city swallows, rooks, sparrows, fieldbirds nest in colonies.

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All passerines build nests, building them in various places. Rooks and crows nest in the crowns of tall trees. Tits and starlings settle in tree hollows, while starlings willingly occupy man-made artificial houses. Barn swallows arrange nests under the roofs of people's buildings. Swifts and bee-eaters settle in burrows on the steep banks of rivers, nightjars - just on the ground. The number of eggs in a clutch is different. Usually 4-6 for a rook, jay, bullfinch. In small passerines - up to 14. In the common starling, both parents incubate eggs. In the common oriole, the male actively takes part in incubation, but not for long. Small passerines incubate eggs for 11-13 days. Large, for example raven, crow, rook, - 17-21 days. Passerine chicks appear naked, blind, helpless. In the first days, the parents warm the chicks, take care of the cleanliness of the nest. The chicks are fed first by small insects, their larvae, worms, later large beetles, seeds of various grain crops can serve as food. Chicks grow quickly. On the 8-9th day of bunting, white-eyed beetles are able to leave the nest, but start flying on their own in 2-3 weeks. In crows, chicks leave the nest on the 28th day, but begin to fly on the 34–35th day.

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Meaning Small passerines feed mainly on insects. So, the kinglet per year consumes up to 4 million forest insects, their larvae and eggs. Starlings, larks, skates eat insect pests. Wagtails, chasers save the harvest of vegetable crops. Tits, warblers, bloodworms benefit forests and gardens. Some granivorous birds feed on the seeds of cultivated plants and thus cause little damage to the human economy. There are also omnivorous birds in the detachment. So, ravens, crows, rooks, magpies eat mouse-like rodents, frogs, even eggs and chicks of various small birds.

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Order Ankle, or Leaf-like Representatives of the order are distributed on all continents, with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctic. These are mainly thermophilic birds, which explains the diversity of species composition in hot countries, although some of them appear in the tundra in summer. With the onset of cold weather, the ankles migrate to warm countries. Areas with temperate and cold climates are used by birds for breeding and rearing chicks. Birds that do not leave areas with a hot climate are sedentary. All ankles are characterized by large size, long legs, flexible long neck and small head. The beak is predominantly elongated, pointed, in some it is widened at the end. The lower limbs end in four elongated toes

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The feather cover is loose, with a small amount of down feathers. The wings are relatively large and wide. The tail is short. The color of the plumage of males and females, with a few exceptions, is the same. Pairs are formed for a long time. The exception is the big bittern, in which, after feeding the chicks, the family breaks up. Ankle nests nest on trees, bushes, near water, in reservoirs, using thickets of reeds, reeds. Some make nests on human buildings. A rare bird, the black stork, inhabiting from Spain to the Far East, settles and nests on tall trees and hard-to-reach rocks. In clutch of ankles there are from 2 to 6 eggs. Both parents incubate. The period of incubation of eggs lasts from 17 to 32 days. Chicks hatch naked, helpless, require long feeding and care. Parents bring them insects and fish. As they grow up, they feed the chicks with frogs and tadpoles, lizards, and less often with small rodents.

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The stork family has 17-18 species. Birds of this family are large. The wingspan of the African marabou is about 3.5 m. Most storks are voiceless. They make sounds by clicking their beaks, amplifying the sound with a throat sac. Distributed mainly in the tropics. White, black, Far Eastern, or black-billed storks are found in the European part of Russia, in the Far East (in the Amur Region, Primorye). All storks adhere to dry habitats, settle in the steppes and mountains. The white stork occupies both natural sites and man-made structures. In clutch there are 3–5 eggs, incubation period is 33–34 days. Chicks stay in the nest for about 54–55 days. Self-feeding is started on the 68-73rd day. The prey is caught mainly on the ground, feeding on large insects, molluscs, frogs, lizards, snakes, small rodents. Storks are useful as they exterminate harmful insects and rodents.

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The most widespread gray heron is found in the middle and northern parts of European Russia. Nests are arranged near water, on the tops of large trees, or just above the water, in thickets of reeds. Clutch usually contains 4–6 greenish-blue eggs. Incubation begins with the first laid egg, therefore chicks in the nest are of different ages. Incubation lasts 26-27 days. Chicks appear naked, helpless, but sighted. Chicks fledge on the 7-9th day. For the winter, both young and old birds fly to South-West Africa. Herons are useful. In reservoirs, they destroy mainly weedy and low-value, mainly diseased fish, which are not of great importance to humans.

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The red heron is smaller than the gray heron. It arranges nests mainly in dense thickets of reeds and reeds. The number of laid eggs is 6–8. Both parents incubate for 24-28 days. The growing chicks do not leave the nesting sites, and their parents take care of them for about 6 weeks. The most widespread heron is the great egret, so named for its pure white plumage. It is found in the southern strip of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Southwestern Siberia, near water bodies in Central Asia, in the Far East and in Japan. Migratory birds. Nests are arranged in hard-to-reach places, crevices of reed and reed thickets, rarely in trees. Clutch contains 3-5 eggs. Incubation lasts 25–26 days. In addition to the above species, in Russia, from the heron family, there are small bitterns and common bitterns. Red heron

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The marabou bird feeds on the decaying corpses of animals. The order includes about 118 species. The most common are Herons, Kitoglavs, Hammerheads, Storks. The heron family includes over 60 species. Quite large birds - great white heron; of the medium-sized ones - the Egyptian heron; from small ones - small bittern. Representatives of the family have a long, pointed beak, laterally compressed, the edges of which are set with small teeth. The grease for feathers is produced by the coccygeal gland (in some it is underdeveloped). Birds carefully monitor the condition of their plumage. Herons are mostly colonial birds. They feed on fish, amphibians (adults and tadpoles), crustaceans, aquatic insects, small snakes. Prey is caught mainly in water.

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The African marabou looks more graceful in the sky, despite the fact that it does not stretch its neck during flight, like a stork, but keeps it curved like a vulture - perhaps it is easier to hold a massive beak this way. On the ground, a throat sac - a long and naked growth on the neck - serves for this purpose. For its strict black and white color and chased gait, the African marabou received another name - adjutant. This bird is related to storks with long thin legs and love for frogs, lizards and snakes, with which marabou sometimes try to diversify their own diet. In addition to reptiles, its menu includes insects, rodents, chicks and eggs of other birds, and even small crocodiles. It is extremely rare that these birds also eat plant roots.

Order Storks
Stork-like, or ankle-footed birds, are a detachment of birds, covering six families. Storks are long-legged birds. They nest in separate pairs and in colonies. Form permanent pairs. Development type - chick.

Order Storks
The Heron family are birds living in shallow water, living in swampy or slowly flowing bodies of water. As a rule, long-legged, with a long and narrow, laterally flattened beak and through nostrils.
Gray heron

Order Storks
Great White Heron.

Order Storks
Family Black-billed. Black-billed (Far Eastern, Chinese) stork (Latin Ciconia boyciana) is a bird from the stork family, a species related to the white stork. Rare, listed in the Red Book of Russia: today the population of the Far Eastern stork numbers about 3,000 individuals.

Order Storks
Hammerhead, or shadow bird (Latin Scopus umbretta) - a bird from the order of storks, allocated to a separate family

Order Storks
Storks (lat.Ciconiidae) are a family of birds from the order of ankles, covering six genera and nineteen species. The stork family is distributed not only in the tropics and subtropics, but also in temperate zones. Only two species nest in Europe - the white stork and the black stork.

Order Storks
Black stork

Order Storks
White stork

Order Storks
Kitoglav, or royal heron, is a bird from the order of storks, the only representative of the whale-headed family. A very large bird, its average height is 1.2 m, a wingspan of 2.3 m, and a weight of 4-7 kg. Found in the tropical swamps of East Africa

Order Storks
The Ibis include 14 genera and 35 species. Moluccan ibis

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Completed by: teacher of geography, Yakusheva A.V. SPARROW-SHAPED, NICKY

›5 thousand species; Habitat: everywhere, except for Antarctica, they live in forests, trees and bushes; Species: Small in size, small head, rigid plumage, wings of moderate length; During the breeding season, they form pairs; Chicks are nesting; Food: insects, seeds of cultivated plants, some omnivores (raven, crow, rook, magpie) - they eat rodents, frogs, eggs and chicks of small birds. SPARROW

Big bird of paradise

Appearance: large, elongated beak and legs, flexible neck, small head, loose feathers, large and wide wings, short tail; 118 types; Habitat: everywhere except Antarctica and the Arctic; Clutch: 2-6 eggs, incubation period - 17 to 32 days, chicks - nesting; Food: fish, amphibians, crustaceans, aquatic insects, small snakes. Ankles

60 types; Heron family Great white heron

Egyptian heron

Red heron

17-18 types; Habitat: mainly tropics, white, black, Far Eastern storks are found in the European part of the Russian Federation, in the Far East. Clutch: 3 to 5 eggs, incubation period - 34 days; Family of storks

African marabou

Black stork

White stork

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