Eiffel Tower presentation. The purpose of platforms before

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Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower (French la tour Eiffel) is the most recognizable architectural landmark of Paris, world famous as a symbol of France, named after its designer Gustave Eiffel and is a place of pilgrimage for tourists. The designer himself called it simply - a 300-meter tower (tour de 300 mètres). In 2006, 6,719,200 people visited the tower, and in its entire history - 236,445,812 people. That is, the tower is the most visited attraction in the world.

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This symbol of Paris was conceived as a temporary structure - the tower served as an entrance arch to the Paris World Exhibition of 1889. Radio antennas installed at the very top saved the tower from the planned demolition (20 years after the exhibition) - this was the era of the introduction of radio. Eiffel Tower

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Area information Location of the tower on the map of Paris The tower was erected on the Champ de Mars in front of the Jena bridge over the river Seine. On the scheme of the Paris Metro station: Bir-Hakeim.

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Altitude The altitude with the new antenna is 324 meters (2000). For more than 40 years, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure in the world, almost 2 times higher than the tallest buildings in the world of that time - the pyramids of Cheops (137 m), Cologne (156 m) and Ulm Cathedral (161 m) - until in 1930 it has not been surpassed by the Chrysler Building in New York.

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Color Throughout its history, the tower has repeatedly changed its paint color - from yellow to red-brown. In recent decades, the Eiffel Tower has been invariably painted in the so-called. "Eiffel Brown" is an officially patented color close to the natural shade of bronze.

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Before construction Initial sketch of the tower 1884 The French authorities decided to hold a world exhibition to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution (1789). The Paris city administration asked the famous engineer Gustave Eiffel to make a proposal. At first, Eiffel was a little puzzled, but then, rummaging through his papers, he introduced the drawings of a 300-meter iron tower, which he had paid little attention to before. On September 18, 1884, Gustave Eiffel received a joint patent for the project with his employees, and later bought out the exclusive right from them.

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Prior to construction on May 1, 1886, a French competition for architectural and engineering projects will open, which will have to determine the architectural appearance of the future World Exhibition. The competition is attended by 107 applicants, most of whom to one degree or another repeat the tower design proposed by Eiffel. On consideration were also various extravagant ideas, among them, for example, a giant guillotine, which was supposed to remind of the French Revolution (1789).

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Before the construction of Gustave Eiffel, another proposal was a stone tower, but calculations and experience of the past have proved that it would be very difficult to build a stone structure that would be even higher than the 169-meter Washington Monument, the construction of which had cost the United States enormous efforts several years earlier. The Eiffel project becomes one of the 4th winners and then the engineer makes the final changes to it, finding a compromise between the original purely engineering design scheme and the decorative option.

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Before construction In the end, the committee settles on the Eiffel plan, although the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe tower did not belong to him, but to two of his employees: Maurice Koehlen and Emile Nugier. It was possible to assemble such a complex structure as a tower within two years only because Eiffel applied special construction methods. This explains the decision of the exhibition committee in favor of this project. Having won the first prize of the competition, Eiffel enthusiastically exclaimed: "France will be the only country with a 300-meter flagpole!"

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However, the project of Nugier and Koechlin turned out to be too "dry" in technical terms and did not meet the requirements put forward for the buildings of the Paris World Exhibition, the architecture of which was supposed to be more refined. In order to better meet the aesthetic tastes of the demanding Parisian public, the architect Stéphane Sauvestre was commissioned to work on its artistic appearance. Before construction

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He proposed to sheathe the basement pillars of the tower with stone, tie its pillars and the ground floor platform with the help of majestic arches, which would simultaneously become the main entrance to the exhibition, place spacious glazed halls on the tower floors, give the top of the tower a rounded shape and use various decorative elements to decorate it ... Before construction

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Before construction In January 1887, the Eiffel, the state and the municipality of Paris signed an agreement under which Eiffel was granted a 25-year operational lease for the tower for personal use, and a cash subsidy of 1.5 million gold francs, equivalent to 25% all expenses for the construction of the tower. December 31, 1888 in order to attract the missing funds, a joint-Stock Company with an authorized capital of 5 million francs.

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Half of this amount is funds contributed by three banks, the other half is the personal funds of Eiffel himself. The final construction budget was 7.8 million francs. The tower paid off during the exhibition period, and its subsequent operation turned out to be very profitable business... Before construction

Eiffel Tower The most recognizable architectural landmark in Paris, world famous as a symbol of France, named after its designer Gustave Eiffel. The tower is the most visited and most photographed landmark in the world. This symbol of Paris was conceived as a temporary structure, the tower served as the entrance arch of the Paris World's Fair in 1889. Radio antennas installed at the very top saved the tower from the planned demolition (20 years after the exhibition), this was the era of the introduction of radio.

Prior to construction, the French authorities decided to host a world exhibition to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution (1789). The Paris city administration asked the famous engineer Gustave Eiffel to make a proposal. At first, Eiffel was a little puzzled, but then, rummaging through his papers, he introduced the drawings of a 300-meter iron tower, which he had paid little attention to before. On September 18, 1884, Gustave Eiffel received a joint patent for the project with his employees, and subsequently bought out the exclusive right from them.

Construction Construction works were carried out by 300 workers for two years, two months and five days (from January 28, 1887 to March 31, 1889). The blueprints contributed to the record-breaking construction time. high Quality with an indication of the exact dimensions of more than metal parts, for the assembly of which 2.5 million rivets were used.

German occupation During the German occupation of 1940, the French damaged the elevator drive just before Adolf Hitler's arrival. While visiting Paris, Hitler never got to the top. It was said that Hitler conquered France, but did not conquer the Eiffel Tower. Surprisingly, a few hours after the liberation of Paris, the elevator drive started up again.

Description of the tower Location: The tower was erected on the Champ de Mars opposite Jena bridge over the Seine river, Quai Branly. Height: originally the Eiffel Tower towered 300.65 m above ground level. The height together with the new antenna is 324 meters. Color: For the last decades, the Eiffel Tower has been consistently painted in the so-called "Eiffel Brown" officially patented color, close to the natural shade of bronze.

Inscriptions Under the first balcony, on all four sides of the parapet are engraved the names of 72 outstanding French scientists and engineers, as well as those who made a special contribution to the creation of Gustave Eiffel. These inscriptions appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were restored in

Lighting In 1925, André Citroën placed an advertisement on the tower, which he named "The Eiffel Tower on Fire." About 125 thousand electric bulbs were installed on the tower. One after another, ten images flashed on the tower: the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, the rain of stars, the flight of comets, the signs of the Zodiac, the year the tower was created, the current year and, finally, the name Citroen. This advertising campaign lasted until 1934, and the tower was the tallest advertising space in the world.

Events and Facts The Iron Lady resists the ravages of time with 57 tons of paint that needs to be renewed every 7 years. In 2002, the number of visitors to the tower exceeded 200 million. The last suicide date is June 25, 2009. The Eiffel Tower was ranked first in the ranking of the most disappointing tourist attractions, held by one travel company in 2007. More than a quarter of those surveyed expressed disappointment at the Eiffel Tower, according to the poll: they said it was too crowded to enjoy the view.

Scams For 83 years of existence, the famous tower was sold in its entire form at least two dozen times. In 1925, the swindler Victor Lustig managed to "sell" the tower twice for scrap. In 1954, one Swedish citizen who introduced himself director general joint stock company, offered to cover the tower with anti-corrosion paint. After receiving a loan to buy 50 tons of dye, he disappeared in an unknown direction. In 1960, the English greengrocer David Sams sold the Eiffel Tower to a Dutch firm as scrap metal. He was able to prove (with the help of false documents) that he was entrusted with the dismantling of the tower by the Paris municipality. As a result, the Englishman went to prison, and the company was left without its millions.

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Alexander Gustave Eiffel

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  • the first place of work is connected with the railway;
  • soon opens his own business;
  • erected many train stations throughout Europe;
  • worked on the metal frame for the Statue of Liberty;
  • worked on the rotating dome of the observatory in Nice ...
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    But the main business of his life was the iron tower in the center of Paris

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    In 1888, a world exhibition was to take place in Barcelona. G. Eiffel wanted to build a 300-meter iron tower in the city. However, he was refused.

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    But on next year the same fair was supposed to take place in Paris. In addition, 1889 was a round date for the French - it was 100 years since the Great French Revolution. Therefore, the authorities organized a competition among architects and engineers. And it was won by Gustave Eiffel!

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    And on January 28, 1887 began construction works... Within two seconds small years 300 workers were erecting a steel beauty on the Champ de Mars opposite Jena Bridge.

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    At first, the Eiffel Tower was greeted with undisguised negativity, but almost instantly the tower was successful.

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    • Height (with antenna) - 320.75m
    • Weight - 10 100 t
    • The number of metal elements - 15,000
    • Number of welded rivets - 2.5 million
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    • Number of steps - 1792
    • Service staff - 350 people
    • Average number of visitors per year - 6 million people
    • The number of visitors for the entire period of its existence - about 250 million people
    • The tower can accommodate up to 10 400 people at the same time
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    • The first platform is at a height of 58 meters
    • Second platform - 115 meters
    • Intermediate platforms at 196 and 276 meters
    • The third platform is at a height of 300.65 meters
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    The purpose of platforms before

    • On the first platform is a restaurant
    • On the second platform - water tanks for elevators
    • On the third platform there are astronomical and meteorological observatories and a physics room.
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    • There are also viewing platforms with telescopes, souvenir shops and the Tour Eiffel Museum
    • The tower is used for radio and television broadcasting, as well as a weather station
    • There is a lighthouse at the topmost platform
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    Under the first balcony, on all four sides of the parapet, the names of 72 French scientists, engineers and everyone who contributed to the creation of H. Eiffel are engraved. These inscriptions appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were restored in 1986-1987.

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    At the foot of the tower stands a golden bust of its architect A.G. Eiffel

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    Redecoration is carried out every 7 years. 60 tons of paint in three shades are applied.

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    In 1964, on the 75th anniversary of the tower, 10 climbers climbed the Eiffel Tower

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    In 2000, the steel beauty met in a necklace of 20 thousand light bulbs. At the end of the holiday, the authorities did not turn off the illumination. Two years later, the garland burned out, and two years later it was lit up again, and now every day with the onset of darkness for 10 minutes at the beginning of each hour, the famous openwork arrow shines in the rays of electric light.

    The Eiffel Tower (completed October 25, 1889) is the most recognizable architectural landmark in Paris, world famous as a symbol of France, named after its designer Gustave Eiffel. 25 October 1889 Paris France Gustave Eiffel General information:

    The tower is 322 meters high, including the TV antenna at its top. The total weight of the metal structure is more than 10 thousand tons. The Eiffel Tower consists of 3 platforms, which are squares formed by 4 columns. On platform 3 there is a lighthouse with a dome, above which there is observation deck at an altitude of 274 meters. The tower can be climbed in two ways: by stairs, by overcoming 1,792 steps, or by elevator. General information:

    History of creation: The French authorities decided to organize a world exhibition to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution (1789). The Paris city administration asked the famous engineer Gustave Eiffel to make a proposal. At first, Eiffel was a little puzzled, but then, rummaging through his papers, he introduced the drawings of a 300-meter iron tower, which he had paid little attention to before. On September 18, 1884, Gustave Eiffel received a joint patent for the project with his collaborators, and subsequently bought out the exclusive right from them. World Exhibition of the French Revolution (1789)

    On May 1, 1886, a French competition for architectural and engineering projects opens, which will have to determine the architectural appearance of the future World Exhibition. The competition is attended by 107 applicants, most of whom to one degree or another repeat the tower design proposed by Eiffel. There were also various extravagant ideas under consideration, among which, for example, a giant guillotine, which was supposed to remind of the French Revolution (1789). Guillotine of the French Revolution (1789)

    Another proposal was a stone tower, but calculations and past experience showed that it would be very difficult to build a stone structure that would be even taller than the 169-meter Washington Monument, the construction of which had cost the United States enormous efforts several years earlier. The Eiffel project becomes one of four winners, and then the engineer makes the final changes to it, finding a compromise between the original purely engineering design of the structure and the decorative option.

    In January 1887, the Eiffel, the state and the municipality of Paris signed an agreement, according to which Eiffel was given a 25-year operational lease for the tower for personal use, and also provided for the payment of a cash subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million gold francs, which amounted to 25% of all expenses for building a tower. On December 31, 1888, in order to raise the missing funds, a joint-stock company was created with an authorized capital of 5 million francs. Half of this amount is contributed by three banks, the other half is the personal funds of Eiffel himself. The final construction budget was 7.8 million francs. The tower paid off during the exhibition period, and its subsequent operation turned out to be a very profitable business.

    Lighting: Lighting on the Eiffel Tower was first switched on on its opening day in 1889. Then it consisted of 10 thousand gas lanterns, two searchlights and a lighthouse installed at the top, the light of which was painted in the blue, white and red colors of the national flag of France. In 1900, electric lamps appeared on the structures of the Iron Lady. And the current golden lighting was first turned on on December 31, 1985. In 1925, André Citroën placed an advertisement on the tower, which he named "The Eiffel Tower on Fire." About 125 thousand electric bulbs were installed on the tower. One after another, ten images flashed on the tower: the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, the rain of stars, the flight of comets, the signs of the Zodiac, the year the tower was created, the current year and, finally, the name Citroen. This promotion lasted until 1934, and the tower was the tallest advertising space in the world. 1889 gas lanterns, beacon lights, electric bulbs, stars rain, comets, zodiac signs, 1934

    In the summer of 2003, the tower “dressed” in a new lighting outfit. For several months, a team of thirty climbers entangled the tower structures with 40 kilometers of wires and installed 20 thousand light bulbs made by special order of one of the French companies. The new illumination, which cost 4.6 million euros, was reminiscent of the one that was first turned on on the tower on New Year's Eve 2000, when the tower, usually illuminated with golden yellow lanterns, dressed in a fabulous glow, winking with silvery lights in a matter of seconds.

    Interesting Facts: On February 4, 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt jumped from the 60-meter height of the first level of the Eiffel Tower, wearing a parachute of his own design on his back. The parachute did not open and the inventor crashed to death. 1912 Austrian Franz Reichelt parachute In 1925, the fraudster Victor Lustig managed to "sell" the tower twice for scrap. 1925 Victor Lustigmetallol In the winter of 2004/2005, an ice rink was flooded on the lower platform of the Eiffel Tower to advertise Paris as a candidate to host the 2012 Summer Olympics 2012 Olympics

    Fun Facts: The Iron Lady resists the ravages of time with 57 tons of paint that needs to be renewed every 7 years. The huge iron tower is not particularly affected by the wind. Even the strongest wind, which happened in Paris (about 180 km / h), deflected the top of the tower by only 12 cm. The Sun acts on it much more. The side facing the sun expands from the heat so that the top tilts to the side by 18 cm. In January 1956, a sudden fire broke out in the upper part of the structure. 1956 In 2002, the number of visitors to the tower exceeded 200 million.

    Eiffel Tower

    primary school teacher

    MBOU "Secondary School No. 1 in Emva"

    Knyazhpogostsky district of the Komi Republic

    Psychological attitude to the lesson

    Children, imagine that you are a small seed (children sit down and cover their heads with their hands). The gardener treats the seed very carefully, watering it, looking after it. (The teacher walks and strokes the heads of the children.) With the first rays of the sun, the seed slowly begins to grow, the first leaves appear (the children raise their hands upward). The stalk is growing (children stretch, straighten their shoulders). And now a joyful moment comes, it appears beautiful flower (children raise their hands up, showing the blossoming petals). The flower is getting prettier (children smile at each other). He reaches for the light, for the sun (music ends).

    Discovery of new knowledge

    The Eiffel Tower is a metal tower in the center of Paris. Named after chief designer Gustave Eiffel. The tower has become a symbol of Paris. It was built in 1889 and was originally intended to enter the World's Fair. The Eiffel Tower is called the most visited attraction in the world and the most photographed. The height of the tower is 324 meters. The Eiffel Tower is illuminated by many lights. It is considered the main attraction of Paris. In total, there are 3 floors in the Eiffel Tower: 1st floor (507 meters), 2nd floor (115 meters) and 3rd floor (276 meters). On the ground floor there are ticket offices where people buy tickets to visit the tower. There are also souvenir shops for tourists. The second floor has a panoramic view of Paris. All the beauty of the city is visible at this height. On the third floor, the top of the tower, the very beauty of Paris, is revealed there.

    Now we will watch a video about the Eiffel Tower http: // www.tourister.ru/world/europe/france/city/paris/placeofinterest/787

    Assessment of work

    Everything worked out for me in the lesson, I liked the lesson, I learned a lot of new things

    It was hard for me to do it in the lesson, because ... ..

    I memorized a lot of interesting things in the lesson, but I didn't succeed ... ..