Build your own power plant. Connecting to power grids or building their own power plant - what do Russian entrepreneurs choose? The device and types of wind power plants

The regional authorities set out to build 60 new power plants in the Middle Urals in the next three years. Maybe more. True, these stations themselves will be very small. Some are by megawatt (1 MW), and some are even less - by 200 kilowatts (200 kW). The total capacity of all of them is unlikely to exceed 200 MW ... In general, the region decided to develop mini- and micro-energy.
The interest of the authorities in small generation is understandable. The Urals have actually become an energy-deficient region. And today it is too late to rush to build new power units of a standard size (from 1000 MW). Until a couple of these are wrapped up, the region's economy will already fall into disrepair. We can only hope for energy saving and small generation, which can be commissioned much faster. Therefore, a few days ago the governor signed a decree # 313, according to which the regional budget will annually allocate 50 million rubles. loans to municipalities and companies that decided to build their own mini power plants.
If we take into account that today one simple 1 MW power unit costs $ 350-1000 thousand, it can be calculated that the regional money will be able to drive power units with a total capacity of 2-5 MW each year. This is ridiculously small, as several high-rise buildings consume. Therefore, the only way to really develop small-scale energy is to make this sector attractive for business.
Speaking about regional energy, Boris Ratnikov, professor of the Department of Energy Management Systems at USTU-UPI, recently said that, in his opinion, if capital investments for the commissioning of 1 MW of capacity are no more than $ 400 thousand, then investments in small-scale energy will pay off in 1-2 years ... And under such conditions, the investor will come to this business. And even if one and a half times more costs are required, the interest of private capital will remain.

Illegal electrons

However, mini power plants on the territory Sverdlovsk region, today you can count on one hand. Moreover, almost all of them are not commercial projects, but a way of "supporting the pants" of fairly large industrial enterprises. If a certain plant begins to feel a lack of heat or electricity, it simply installs a gas piston or gas turbine power unit on its site, connects it to a gas pipe and uses its “own” energy in parallel with that which it buys from power engineers (or during peak periods). As a rule, there is no talk of selling surplus electricity to the side. If the owners of the block have such an idea, then it is far from always possible to realize it. This energy is not released by the owners of electrical networks. More precisely, they do not let her into their networks. There have already been cases when industrialists transported electrons to third-party consumers via local networks. network company illegally (not formulated according to science, but, in general, the essence, I hope, is clear).
Enterprises for which energy business not the main one, they can still put up with this state of affairs. But what should companies do that purposefully develop generation?
Two years ago, GT CHPP-Energo launched two gas turbine units in the city of Rare with a total capacity of 12 MW. And after that, I spent more than a year trying to connect to regional power grids. When the disagreements with the owner of the networks, Sverdlovenergo, were basically resolved, the question arose about the energy buyer. The regional sales company Sverdlovenergosbyt did not express any particular desire to tinker with the few megawatts from Rezh. It is good that just at that time the independent salesman Energojinn came into contact with GT CHPP-Energo, who actually brought the company's energy to the market and ensured its sales. After that, by the way, Energojinn brought to the market 16 MW produced by Gazturboservice, which has a pair of gas turbine units on the territory of the Tyumen Engine-Building Plant. Moreover, there the process was even more dramatic. Networkers released this energy into the grid only after the threat of a lawsuit.
Nikolay Smirnov, head of the energy and resource conservation department of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region, is sure that, despite the fact that the grids are required by law to accept energy from independent generation, they will prevent this, even during the implementation of the regional program. That is, the owners of small power plants will sooner or later have to knock their heads through the road for their electrons. True, Nikolai Smirnov noted that in a number of cases the prohibitions of networkers are justified. Energy from low generation often simply does not meet quality standards (frequency, voltage stability, etc., 84 criteria in total).

So how much is a kilo of electricity?

Representatives of the "classical" energy sector are quite cautious, if not skeptical, assess the prospect of small energy. For example, the first deputy executive director in economics and finance, Sverdlovenergosbyt OJSC Boris Bokarev believes that small generation, in principle, is not able to compete with "normal" in terms of prices: “On the wholesale market, we buy one kilowatt for 55-60 kopecks, and from small-scale power generation the same kilowatt will cost 80 kopecks "(we are talking, apparently, about high voltage energy, which" in physics "is cheaper than low). Adheres to similar views general director Sverdlovsk Energy Company CJSC Vladimir Nechitaylov. He believes that even small generation requires very serious investments (taking into account infrastructure - tens of millions of rubles) and pays off for a long time (7-10 years). Accordingly, only a holding with billions of dollars in turnover can decide on this. Well, the efficiency of kids is lower than that of reputable power plants. True, Vladimir Nechitailov admitted that small-scale power generation can benefit from flexible management.
But according to the observations of Nikolai Smirnov, small generation, with current energy tariffs, can be a profitable project. Sverdlovenergosbyt sells low voltage electricity at a price of up to 1.4 rubles. per kW. And the cost of energy generated by gas piston units is 45-70 kopecks per kW. Moreover, these figures are confirmed by practice. Several gas piston power units are already operating in the region. The installation of the Bogdanovichsky plant with a capacity of 200 kW provides electricity at a price of 67 kopecks per kW, and a five-hundred-kilowatt block from Volzhsky Diesel at 53 kopecks.
But this is not all the reasons for engaging in small generation. In Russia, there is such a curious phenomenon as "payment for connecting to energy networks." So, in some places the unit cost of connection has already reached the unit cost of building our own power plant. For example, if a certain Moscow company wants to receive 1 MW of energy, then it will have to pay at least $ 600,000 to the networkers for connecting at least $ 600,000. And we know that for the same money the enterprise can already build its own megawatt power unit. And if in the first case the money will be irretrievably lost, then in the second it will be returned in three or four years due to the low cost of “their” energy.
True, such projects will pay off provided that the enterprise will consume not only its own electricity, but also the heat generated at the same block. And, of course, it is highly desirable that the business still have the opportunity to sell surplus energy. Oh yeah ... don't forget about the uninterrupted power supply. Even the best power unit sometimes stops working. And for the duration of the stops, the enterprise needs to receive energy either from the networks or from its spare unit. It is clear that this reduces the attractiveness of investments in small energy. In any case, makes their appeal questionable.

The power of the water flow is a renewable natural resource that provides almost free electricity. The energy given by nature will provide an opportunity to save on utilities and solve the problem with recharging equipment.

If a stream or river flows near your home, they should be used. They will be able to provide electricity to the site and the house. And if a hydroelectric power plant was built with your own hands, economic effect increases significantly.

The presented article describes in detail the technologies for the manufacture of private hydraulic structures. We talked about what is required to set up the system and connect it to consumers. Here you will learn about all the options for miniature energy suppliers assembled from scrap materials.

Hydroelectric power plants are structures that can convert the energy of the movement of water into electricity. so far they are actively exploited only in the West. On the territory of our country, this promising industry is only making its first timid steps.

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Probably, you have already decided on the type of power plant or power plant and made a decision on its construction. Building a power plant is not a problem. But here's how to formalize it ... Here questions arise: what is the status of a power plant and a power plant, what legal norms regulate the construction of low-power power plants, permits were needed, and so on. Answers to these questions must be found in advance so that later the regulatory authorities do not force you to disassemble the constructed power plant as illegally built. But it will be more expensive than initially issuing all documents for construction in accordance with the requirements of the law.

In this article, I would like to answer the question of what a low-power power plant (power plant) is, what is its status in the understanding of Russian legislation.

In the following material, I will talk about similar requirements of Ukrainian legislation.

Power plant: capital construction object or not?

You have the following options:

1) Build your own power plant on your land to supply power to your home, or farms;

2) Install the power plant directly on the roof of your house.

3) Build a power plant from several power plants to supply power to your industrial enterprise or an entire residential area.

The fact is that the legal requirements for the construction of such energy facilities will depend on whether each specific power plant or power plant is an object capital construction or not.

Let's answer this question.

From the provisions Federal law “Obelektroenergetika” (Art. 42) implicitly implies that electric power facilities may or may not be capital construction objects.

What is a capital construction object? We will find the answer in the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Article 1).

Capital construction object - a building, structure, structure, objects, the construction of which is not completed, with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar structures.

But what is meant by "buildings, structures". We will find the answer in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 130). Immovable things (immovable property, real estate) include land plots, subsoil plots and everything that is firmly connected with the land, that is, objects, the movement of which is impossible without disproportionate damage to their purpose, including buildings, structures, objects of unfinished construction.

Thus, buildings, structures are objects that are firmly connected to the ground and their movement without prejudice to their purpose is impossible. But such objects include not only buildings and structures, but in general all objects that meet the specified criterion. Such objects are at the same time capital construction and real estate.

On this occasion, there is also an explanation of the Department of Real Estate of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2013 No. OG-D23-1905).

Department refers to Part 2 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 384 of December 30, 2009 ? Federal Law "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures":

building - the result of construction, which is a volumetric construction system that has an aboveground and (or) underground part, which includes premises, engineering networks and engineering support systems and is intended for the residence and (or) activities of people, production location, storage of products or keeping animals;

structure - the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional, planar or linear construction system, which has an aboveground, aboveground and (or) underground parts, consisting of load-bearing, and in some cases and enclosing building structures and intended for implementation production processes of various kinds, storage of products, temporary stay of people, movement of people and goods.

“Thus, in the mind of the Real Estate Department, the establishment of the characteristics of an object, which makes it possible to classify an object as a real estate object, is carried out by a cadastral engineer when carrying out cadastral works, based on the available documents (including a building permit, a permit to put the object into operation), the actual connection with the land ( in particular, the presence of the foundation) and guided by the provisions of federal laws. "

To determine the status of an object, you can also focus on the characteristics of objects enshrined in regional legislation.

So, for Moscow there is a special Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1139-PP dated 2008-12-16 "On approval of the Regulation on the placement and installation of facilities in the city of Moscow that are not objects of capital construction."

This document contains a list of characteristics of non-capital construction objects:

Objects that are not capital construction objects include structures, structures, sites, regardless of their functional purpose (hereinafter referred to as non-capital objects).

The general criterion for classifying objects as non-capital objects (movable property) according to the norms of civil law is the possibility of free movement of these objects without causing disproportionate damage to their purpose, including the possibility of their dismantling (demolition) with disassembly of the assembled collapsible movable structural elements.

Non-capital objects include:

one). Service objects - buildings, structures and sites of roadside service and transport infrastructure: car parks (including collapsible mechanized ones), cabin street toilets, telephone booths, automatic devices for receiving payments individuals (payment terminals), etc.

2) Recreational and entertainment facilities: rides, tent, specially equipped areas, etc.

3) Objects of production, technical purpose, service and communal infrastructure: hangars, production facilities from pre-fabricated and dismantled structures, points of reception of secondary material resources, construction camps, cabins, temporary warehouses of construction and inert materials, shelters, tents and awnings for open parking lots, pre-fabricated modular parking garages type, including those located in underbridge spaces.

4) Areas for walking dogs, as well as communal infrastructure, etc.

5) Objects and structures made of pre-fabricated structures in the form of covering pedestrian tunnels and staircases, elements of the organization of the local area with the device of entrance groups: ramps, lifting mechanisms and other devices mounted in order to provide a barrier-free living environment for the disabled and other low-mobility groups of the population.

Based on this, the main criterion on the basis of which it is necessary to determine whether the generating facility is an object of capital construction is 1) connection with the land; 2) the impossibility of moving without prejudice to the purpose of the object. Plus, to determine the status of the object, it is necessary to take into account the signs of the structure given above, and also to go from the opposite - to navigate through the list of non-capital construction objects. After all, what is not included in this list, respectively, are capital construction objects.

In general, if you objectively evaluate and take into account the above signs and criteria:

1) own power plant, built separately on a land plot for the purpose of supplying energy to a house or farm, as a rule, will be a capital construction object. After all, this is usually a separate structure that has a foundation and is connected to the ground, plus it is connected to engineering communications (if, for example, gas is used as fuel).

2) the power plant on the roof of the house, of course, will not be an object of capital construction.

3) a power plant for supplying an industrial enterprise or a residential area, as a rule, is an object of capital construction, since it falls under the above criteria.

However, whether a particular power plant or power plant is an object of capital construction or not, it is necessary to find out in addition in each specific case. Because everything will depend, first of all, on technical solutions. Perhaps the progress of science and technology will reach the point that a power plant can be built without a stable connection with the earth. And then it will not be considered a capital construction object. And accordingly, then a number of legal formalities will automatically disappear.

And who and how will find out whether the power facility is an object of capital construction or not?

The fact is that the legislation here is not perfect. There is no mechanism and government agencies that would have carried out a preliminary examination of the object to determine its status. This is determined at its discretion by the owner or the legal owner of the construction object (including power plants / power plants). This is a big minus of the legislation.

As indicated above in the Letter of the Real Estate Department of the Ministry of Economic Development, the establishment of characteristics that allow attributing an object to a real estate object (as well as capital construction) is carried out by a cadastral engineer when carrying out cadastral work on the basis of existing documents, the actual connection with the land and the provisions of the legislation.

The cadastre law provides for prior notification of the applicant about the possible adoption of a decision to suspend or refuse to carry out cadastral registration due to the fact that the object is not real estate (as well as capital construction).

Thus, according to the norms of the law, it is possible to officially find out whether a power plant is a capital construction object or not, only AFTER construction, when it is recorded as a real estate object. It is impossible to obtain an official conclusion of a state body in advance

Therefore, all that remains at the stage of planning the construction of the power plant is to independently (or with the involvement of organizations involved in the preparation of project documentation), taking into account the above criteria and characteristics, to determine the status of the object. After all, it will depend on what legal procedures you need to go through before the construction of the power plant.

Since in most cases power plants are capital construction objects, in the next article we will consider the legal requirements for the construction of such small power plants.

Modern conditions for the development of society in general and the industrial economy in particular assume gigantic volumes of electricity consumption. This resource is partially renewable and can be produced using a variety of methods, technologies and principles.

The main types of power plants by purpose


Thermal power plants

Thermal power plants are distinguished by simplicity of the technological cycle, reliability and emergency safety. Mainly coal, fuel oil, peat and natural gas are used as fuel. The advantages of such stations include the simplicity of re-equipment or modernization, transition to another type of fuel. The disadvantages can be safely attributed to the high cost of thermal electricity and significant pollution of the atmosphere, since CHP plants generate energy on the principle of fuel combustion.

Nuclear power plants

Nuclear power plants are the most controversial source of energy using nuclear reactions to generate electricity. In a trouble-free mode, this type of station is the most preferable, however, accidents have catastrophic consequences. Among the advantages are the low cost of energy and the huge capacity of power plants. Most of the drawbacks are related to the safety and complexity of nuclear waste disposal, as well as the conservation of units that have spent their resource.

Hydroelectric power plants

Hydroelectric power plants - use the natural force of water movement to generate electricity. Before the appearance nuclear power it was hydroelectric power stations that were the basis of the electrification process. The advantages of hydroelectric power plants are undeniable and include: the lowest energy cost, relatively high safety and harmlessness for environmentas well as high power. However, there are also disadvantages: the number of places suitable for the construction of the station is very limited and the ecosystem of the reservoir in the area of \u200b\u200bthe station is changing significantly.

Semi-industrial and for household needs

Stationary diesel generators

Stationary diesel generators are autonomous power plants designed for long-term operation at one facility, since the process of assembly and disassembly requires time and the participation of specialists. Can power objects of various sizes - from small construction sites to large industrial enterprises... They are absolutely independent of central power grids and are capable of working with them in parallel or redundant mode.

Mobile diesel generators - the station is mounted on a mobile chassis and can quickly move to any distance between various objects. The whole process of installation and dismantling at the facility is reduced to the physical connection of the unit to the power grid.

Diesel generators in a container are the most reliable and protected version of an autonomous power plant. In this case, the diesel generator set is placed in a large container that creates all the necessary conditions to work efficiently in the harshest climatic conditions... Protection against mechanical damage, ultra-low and high temperatures, precipitation is provided, high levels of sound insulation are achieved.

Power plants in the casing

Diesel power station in the casing - the middle version between open and container versions. In this case, all important elements of the station are enclosed in a noise-absorbing enclosure. Such a diesel generator set can be installed outside specially prepared premises - in the open air. It is only advisable to install a canopy above the station to protect it from precipitation.

Open power plants - supplied without protective structures and devices, which puts forward special requirements for placement. For effective and smooth operation of such an installation, it must be placed in a specially prepared room of a certain area, with a good ventilation and exhaust system.

Each type of the above power plants is optimal for use in separate, individual conditions and therefore will be uncontested for a long time. Different categories of users value their own characteristics more: cost, reliability, safety, mobility, autonomy or environmental friendliness.

The full set of these qualities is not inherent in any of the types and therefore they all continue to serve their consumer groups.

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The device and types of wind power plants

Wind farms are one of the options for obtaining alternative energy. Wind energy belongs to a renewable type along with solar, thermal, etc. The potential of wind energy, of course, is less than solar, but it still covers the modern energy needs of mankind. The efficiency of wind power plants is small, at best 30 percent. But all the same, their construction continues, and they are considered a rather promising type of power plants.

A wind farm consists of a certain number of generators that are assembled together. Large wind farms include up to 100 or more freestanding wind turbines. In the literature, you can also find the name ─ wind farms. It should be said right away that such power plants can be built only in certain regions of the planet. In these places, the average wind speed should be at least 4.5 meters per second.

Before building a wind farm in any place, there is a long-term study of the characteristics of the wind. To do this, experts use devices such as anemometers. They are installed at an altitude of about 30-100 meters, and information about the direction and speed of the wind in this place is accumulated for 1-2 years. Then, based on the information received, maps of the availability of wind energy are compiled. These maps and various calculation methods are used by those entrepreneurs who want to assess the prospects for the construction of wind farms in any region of the world.

It is worth noting that standard information about meteorologists is not suitable for assessing the feasibility of building a wind farm. After all, meteorologists collect information about the wind at a height of up to 10 meters above the Earth's surface. In almost all countries of the world, special maps of the availability of wind energy are created either by the state or with its participation.

Examples of this include the Wind Atlas and the WEST Computer Model for Canada. This was done by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Development of this country. With this information, entrepreneurs can plan the construction of wind farms anywhere in Canada. Back in 2005, the United Nations created a wind map for 19 developing countries.

Wind generators operating as part of wind farms are installed at various heights of natural or artificial origin. And this is no coincidence, since the higher the wind speed, the higher it is from the planet's surface. Therefore, wind generators operate on special towers, the height of which is from 30 to 60 meters. When planning a wind farm, the presence of trees, large buildings, etc. is also taken into account. These can also affect the wind speed.

In addition, during the construction of such power plants, the requirements for environmental protection and the impact on humans must be taken into account. After all, a lot of noise comes from such installations. In European countries, laws have long been passed that limit the maximum noise level of wind power plants. During the day, this figure should not exceed 45 dB, and at night ─ 35 dB. Such installations should be located at a distance of at least 300 meters from residential buildings. In addition, modern wind farms are stopped during the flight of birds.

Wind farms tend to take up large areas. For their construction, such regions are used that are sparsely populated and are not involved in economic activity... Among them are:

  • Coastal areas;
  • Shelf;
  • Deserts;
  • The mountains.

Wind power plants include stand-alone wind turbines. Let's take a quick look at their design. It includes the following units and parts:

  • Rotor with blades. Engaged in converting wind energy into rotational energy. Typically, rotors have three blades. The blades of modern wind turbines can be up to 30 meters in length. In most cases, they are made from polyester, which is reinforced with fiberglass. The rotation speed of the blades is on average 10-24 revolutions per minute;
  • Reducer. Its task is to increase the shaft rotation speed from 10-24 rpm from the rotor to 1.5-3 thousand rpm at the generator input. There are also wind generator designs where the rotor is directly connected to the generator;
  • Generator. It converts rotational energy into electricity;
  • Weather vane and anemometer. They are located on the back of the wind turbine housing. Their task is to collect data on wind speed and direction. The data obtained is used to increase power generation. This information is used by the control system to start and stop the turbine and to monitor it during operation. This mechanism turns the router in the direction of the maximum wind. The wind generator starts working at a wind speed of about 4 meters per second and turns off when it rises above 25 m / s;
  • Tower. It is used to install the wind turbine at a height. The height of modern machines reaches 60-100 meters;
  • Transformer. It is designed to convert the voltage required for electrical network... As a rule, it is located at the base of the tower or built into it.

Types of wind power plants

  • Coastal. Such power plants are built a short distance from the coastline. There is a breeze on the coast from the sea or ocean. It is caused by uneven heating of water and land. During the day, the wind moves from the side of the reservoir to the shore, and at night, on the contrary, from the coast towards the water.
  • Terrestrial. This is the most common type of wind farm in which wind generators are installed at various elevations. Moreover, the construction of a wind turbine on pre-prepared sites takes about 2 weeks. Significantly more time is spent on the approval of construction by the regulatory authorities. The construction of such power plants in highly remote areas is difficult, since their installation requires heavy lifting equipment. This means that access roads are required. In addition, the power plant must be connected with a cable to electrical networks;
  • Offshore. These wind farms were built several tens of kilometers offshore. Their advantages are that they do not take up space on land, they are inaudible and their efficiency is higher. This type of power plant is being built in places where the depth is shallow. They are installed on foundations made from piles driven into the sea soil. Subsea cables are used to transmit electricity to the power grid. This type of wind farm is more expensive than the onshore option. They require more powerful foundations, and seawater often leads to accelerated corrosion of metal structures. During the construction of this type of power plant, jack-up vessels are used;
  • Soaring. This is a rare type of wind farm. The concept was once developed by the Soviet engineer Egorov (1930). The installation height of such wind turbines is several hundred meters above the ground. The power of such turbines is 30-40 kilowatts. In order to raise the wind generator to such a height, an inflatable non-flammable shell is used, which is filled with helium. Ropes of increased strength are used as a conductor of the resulting electricity;
  • Floating. Floating wind generators are relatively recent. Structurally, they are large platforms with a tower sinking several tens of meters under the water. And the tower rises above the water about the same. To stabilize such a system on the water, ballast of stones and gravel is used. Anchors are used to prevent the tower from drifting. Electricity is transmitted to the shore using an underwater cable;
  • Mountain. By and large, these are the same onshore wind farms, but only built in the mountains. In the mountains, the wind blows much more intensely. Due to this, such stations are more efficient.