What is TES decoding. Pros and cons of thermal power plants (TPP). Processes in the steam-water circuit

Thermal power plants provide people with almost all the energy they need on the planet. People have learned to receive electricity in other ways, but still do not accept alternatives. Although it is not profitable for them to use fuel, they do not refuse it.

What is the secret of thermal power plants?

Thermal power plants it is no coincidence that they remain irreplaceable. Their turbine generates energy in the simplest way, using combustion. Due to this, it is possible to minimize construction costs, which are considered fully justified. There are such objects in all countries of the world, so one should not be surprised at their distribution.

The principle of operation of thermal power plants built on the combustion of huge amounts of fuel. As a result, electricity appears, which is first accumulated and then distributed to certain regions. The schemes of thermal power plants remain almost constant.

What kind of fuel does the station use?

Each station uses a separate fuel. It is specially shipped so that the workflow is not disrupted. This moment remains one of the problematic ones, as transport costs appear. What kinds of equipment does it use?

  • Coal;
  • Oil shale;
  • Peat;
  • Fuel oil;
  • Natural gas.

Thermal circuits of thermal power plants are based on a certain type of fuel. Moreover, minor changes are made to them, ensuring the maximum efficiency. If they are not done, the main consumption will be excessive, therefore, the resulting electric current will not justify.

Types of thermal power plants

The types of thermal power plants are an important issue. The answer will tell you how the necessary energy appears. Today, serious changes are gradually being made, where the main source will be alternative types, but so far their use remains inappropriate.

  1. Condensing (IES);
  2. Combined Heat and Power (CHP);
  3. State district power plants (GRES).

The power plant TPP will require detailed description... The views are different, so only consideration will explain why construction of this scale is being carried out.

Condensing (IES)

The types of thermal power plants start with condensing ones. Such CHP plants are used exclusively for generating electricity. Most often, it accumulates without immediately spreading. The condensation method provides maximum efficiency, therefore such principles are considered optimal. Today, in all countries, separate large-scale objects are distinguished, providing vast regions.

Nuclear installations are gradually appearing to replace traditional fuel. Only replacement remains an expensive and time-consuming process, since fossil fuel operation differs from other methods. Moreover, the shutdown of any station is impossible, because in such situations, whole regions are left without valuable electricity.

Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP)

CHP plants are used for several purposes at once. They are primarily used to generate valuable electricity, but burning fuel also remains useful for generating heat. Due to this, cogeneration power plants continue to be applied in practice.

An important feature is that these types of thermal power plants are superior to others with a relatively small capacity. They provide separate areas so there is no need for bulk supplies. Practice shows how profitable such a solution is due to the laying of additional power lines. The principle of operation of a modern thermal power plant is unnecessary only because of the environment.

State District Power Plants

General information about modern thermal power plants do not mark the GRES. Gradually, they remain in the background, losing their relevance. Although the state-owned district power plants remain useful in terms of energy production.

Different types thermal power plants provide support to vast regions, but their capacity is still insufficient. During the Soviet era, large-scale projects were carried out, which are now being closed. The reason was the inappropriate use of fuel. Although their replacement remains problematic, since the advantages and disadvantages of modern thermal power plants are primarily noted for large amounts of energy.

Which power plants are thermal? Their principle is based on fuel combustion. They remain indispensable, although they are actively calculating the equivalent replacement. Thermal power plants continue to prove their advantages and disadvantages in practice. Because of this, their work remains necessary.

Thermal power plants are a device whose specialization is based on the generation of electricity. Electricity is produced by converting and processing thermal energy. heat is generated during the combustion of a fuel resource, which can be a variety of fossil fuels. The ability to convert the energy of natural resources into electricity makes TPP integral part life of any modern person.

Low-power thermal power plants are widely used in various fields. For example, they can heat and supply electricity to schools and swimming pools, clinics and sports facilities. They can be used to create normal working conditions in temporary huts and trailers during construction, in other areas of the national economy.

These power plants have a lot of pluses and very few minuses. Mini thermal power plants consist of several devices and their work is fully automated. Also TPP can operate on any type of fuel, which allows you to use it in any conditions.

The most important advantage in the work of this technique is that it allows not to depend on the rise in heat prices and electric carriers and have their own independent mini thermal power plant. This is an opportunity to save funds allocated for this by almost 100%.

The possibilities of the equipment are practically endless, because it can provide, in fact, any room in the category of no worse than centralized networks, and it will cost much less. The initial costs will quickly pay off and the costs will be minimal only for fuel for the CHP. Moreover, it can also be varied depending on the operating conditions, choosing a cheaper option.

Benefits of TPP

  • Relatively low price indicator of the thermal resource used during the operation of TPPs in comparison with the price categories of a similar resource used at nuclear power plants.
  • The construction of a TPP, as well as bringing the facility to a state of active operation, will involve less attraction of funds.
  • A TPP can be geographically located at any geographic point. The organization of the operation of a station of this type does not require tying the location of the station installation in close proximity to certain natural resources. Fuel can be delivered to the station from anywhere in the world by road or rail.
  • The relatively small scale of TPPs makes it possible to install them in the conditions of countries where land is a valuable resource due to its small territory, moreover, the percentage of land area that has fallen into the exclusion zone and withdrawn from the needs of agriculture is significantly reduced.
  • The cost of fuel generated by the TPP, in comparison with similar diesel fuel, will be cheaper.
  • The generated energy does not depend on the seasonal fluctuations in power, which is typical for hydroelectric power plants.
  • The maintenance and operation of the TPP is characterized by simplicity.
  • The technological process of building TPPs has been mastered on a massive scale, which makes it possible for their rapid construction, while significantly saving time resources.
  • At the end of the TPP service life, it is quite easy to dispose of them. The infrastructure division of the TPP is more durable than the main equipment represented by boilers and turbines. Water supply and heat supply systems are capable of maintaining their quality and technological characteristics for a long period of time after the end of their service life; they can continue to function after replacing turbines and boilers.
  • In the course of work, water and steam are released, which can be used to organize the heating process or in other technological tasks.
  • Are manufacturers about 80% of all electricity in the country.
  • The simultaneous generation of electricity and the implementation of heat supply with a long service life makes TPPs economical systems.

Disadvantages of TPP

  • Violation of ecological balance and air pollution in the process of releasing smoke and soot into it, sulfur and nitrogen compounds in large quantities. The activity of the TPP is capable of provoking the phenomenon of the "greenhouse effect" and the passage of acid rain. In addition, the generation and transmission of electricity leads to electromagnetic pollution of the environment.
  • In connection with the extraction of a large amount of coal for the operation and functioning of TPPs, there is a need for mines, during the creation of which the natural natural relief is disturbed.
  • Violation of the thermal balance of water bodies, which occurs in the process of discharging cooling water from the TPP, which leads to an increase in temperature indicators.
  • Together with the gases polluting the atmosphere, the TPP releases some substances belonging to the group of radioactive substances, the content of which is more or less traceable in the fuel.
  • During the operation of TPPs, those natural resources are used, the natural renewal of which is impossible, therefore the amount of these resources is gradually decreasing.
  • The presence of a relatively low efficiency.
  • TPPs find it difficult to cope with the need to take part in covering the variable part of the daily electric load schedule.
  • The ability of TPPs to operate on imported fuel contains a problem associated with the precise organization of the process of supplying fuel resources.
  • The operation of TPPs entails higher maintenance costs compared to hydroelectric power plants.

When to choose this equipment

When the costs of transmission or production of electricity are high and the budget of the organization or individual cannot cope with them. If centralized systems for the supply of heat and electricity cannot handle the additionally erected or commissioned areas.

When the amount of electricity just isn't enough for smooth operation modern equipment and instruments. Or it is of poor quality. Also, we must not forget about the environmental component of the equipment, which allows you to release harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Versatility and economy

Power plants can run on wood or coal, gas, diesel fuel. Usually diesel fuel is rarely used due to its high cost and harmful emissions. There are several modifications of these settings and distinguish between:

  1. Steam turbines.
  2. Gas turbines.
  3. Gas piston generators.

The choice of TPP depends on the required power for the consumer. The most popular are gas piston, however, their power is only 80 mW.

Absolute benefits amid the crisis

Generally there are much more pluses than minuses, and for some enterprises and institutions, the purchase of a mini thermal power plant is an excellent way out, especially if the city is growing, and there are no opportunities to lay heat and electricity networks. Or they are so loaded that in any case the supply of heat or light will not be enough. It can also be an excellent solution in a suburban area, where there is no centralized supply of heat and electricity at all, but housing is nevertheless being built. The capabilities of such installations will be especially appreciated by workers who repair highways and roads, drillers, oil workers who move around the country, but they do not have the opportunity to connect to the centralized supply of light and heat every time.

Perhaps the TPP will be useful to military garrisons that serve far from towns, with full provision of comfortable conditions. In a word this equipment can become indispensable in areas where the ability to get full heat, electricity and even cold air for air conditioners is especially appreciated. Small equipment can be easily transported special transport and use as needed.

These TPPs will also be beneficial to entrepreneurs who occupy space in garages, warehouses, and are not connected to centralized heat, but use light at high city rates. This will help to significantly save on material costs during operation and allow not to depend on monopolists of heat and light.

The ideal capabilities of the mini TPP version can only compete with large samples TPP or hydroelectric power plants, but mobility and automation small equipment outweighs anyway.


Due to the fact that the energy problem is relevant for our time, questions arise about the organization of providing the population with electricity, while avoiding significant financial and time costs while maintaining a favorable ecological situation... One of the options for solving this problem is the construction and operation of thermal power plants.

Thermal power plant

Thermal power plant

(TPP), a power plant where, as a result of the combustion of fossil fuel, thermal energy, then converted to electrical. TPPs are the main type of power plants, the share of electricity they generate is in the industrial developed countries 70–80% (in Russia in 2000 - approx. 67%). Thermal at TPPs is used to heat water and generate steam (at steam turbine power plants) or to produce hot gases (at gas turbine power plants). To obtain heat, organic matter is burned in boilers of TPPs. Coal, natural gas, fuel oil, combustible are used as fuel. At thermal steam turbine power plants (TPPP), the steam produced in a steam generator (boiler unit) drives into rotation steam turbineconnected to an electric generator. These power plants generate almost all the electricity produced by thermal power plants (99%); their efficiency is approaching 40%, the unit installed capacity - up to 3 MW; they are fueled by coal, fuel oil, peat, shale, natural gas, etc. Power plants with cogeneration steam turbines, where waste steam heat is utilized and delivered to industrial or municipal consumers, are called combined heat and power plants. They generate about 33% of the electricity produced by TPPs. In power plants with condensing turbines, all waste steam is condensed and returned as a steam-water mixture to the boiler for reuse. These condensing power plants (CES) generate approx. 67% of the electricity generated at TPPs. The official name of such power plants in Russia is the State District Power Plant (GRES).

Steam turbines of TPPs are usually connected to electric generators directly, without intermediate gears, forming a turbine unit. In addition, as a rule, a turbine unit is combined with a steam generator into a single power unit, from which powerful TPPs are then assembled.

Gas or liquid fuel is burned in the combustion chambers of gas turbine thermal power plants. The resulting combustion products go to gas turbine rotating an electric generator. The capacity of such power plants, as a rule, is several hundred megawatts, and the efficiency is 26–28%. Gas turbine power plants are usually built in a block with a steam turbine power plant to cover the electrical load peaks. Conditionally, TPPs also include nuclear power plants (NUCLEAR PLANT), geothermal power plants and power plants with magnetohydrodynamic generators... The first coal-fired thermal power plants appeared in 1882 in New York, in 1883 - in St. Petersburg.

Encyclopedia "Technics". - M .: Rosman. 2006 .

See what a "thermal power plant" is in other dictionaries:

    Thermal power plant - (TPP) - a power plant (a complex of equipment, installations, apparatus) that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuel. At present, among TPPs ... ... Oil and gas microencyclopedia

    thermal power plant - A power plant that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical energy or electrical energy and heat. [GOST 19431 84] EN thermal power station a power station in which electricity is generated by conversion of thermal energy Note ... ... Technical translator's guide

    thermal power plant - A power plant that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuel ... Geography Dictionary

    - (TPP) generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuel. The main types of thermal power plants: steam turbine (prevailing), gas turbine and diesel. Sometimes TPPs are conventionally referred to ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    THERMAL POWER PLANT - (TPP) an enterprise for the production of electrical energy as a result of the conversion of energy released during the combustion of fossil fuel. The main parts of the TPP are a boiler plant, a steam turbine and an electric generator that converts mechanical ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    Thermal power plant - CCGT 16. Thermal power plant According to GOST 19431 84 Source: GOST 26691 85: Heat power engineering. Terms and definitions original document ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    - (TPP), generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuel. TPPs operate on solid, liquid, gaseous and mixed fuels (coal, fuel oil, natural gas, less often drill ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    - (TPP), generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuel. The main types of thermal power plants: steam turbine (prevailing), gas turbine and diesel. Sometimes TPPs are conventionally referred to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    thermal power plant - šiluminė elektrinė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. thermal power station; thermal station vok. Wärmekraftwerk, n rus. thermal power plant, f pranc. centrale électrothermique, f; centrale thermoélectrique, f… Automatikos terminų žodynas

    thermal power plant - šiluminė elektrinė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. heat power plant; steam power plant vok. Wärmekraftwerk, n rus. thermal power plant, f; thermal power plant, f pranc. centrale électrothermique, f; centrale thermique, f; usine…… Fizikos terminų žodynas

    - (TPP) A power plant that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuel. The first thermal power plants appeared at the end of the 19th century. (in 1882 in New York, 1883 in St. Petersburg, 1884 in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

The energy hidden in fossil fuels - coal, oil or natural gas - cannot be immediately obtained in the form of electricity. The fuel is first burned. The released heat heats the water and turns it into steam. The steam rotates the turbine, and the turbine - the rotor of the generator, which generates, that is, generates, electric current.

This entire complex, multistage process can be observed at a thermal power plant (TPP) equipped with power machines that convert energy latent in fossil fuel (oil shale, coal, oil and its processed products, natural gas) into electrical energy. The main parts of the TPP are a boiler plant, a steam turbine and an electric generator.

Boiler plant is a complex of devices for producing steam under pressure. It consists of a furnace in which fossil fuel is burned, a combustion chamber through which the combustion products pass into the chimney, and a steam boiler in which water boils. The part of the boiler that comes into contact with the flame during heating is called the heating surface.

There are 3 types of boilers: smoke-tube, water-tube and direct-flow boilers. Inside the smoke-fired boilers, there is a series of tubes through which the combustion products pass into the chimney. Numerous fire tubes have a huge heating surface, as a result of which they make good use of fuel energy. The water in these boilers is between the fire tubes.

In water-tube boilers, the opposite is true: water is passed through the pipes, and hot gases are passed between the pipes. The main parts of the boiler are a firebox, boiling pipes, a steam boiler and a superheater. The vaporization process takes place in the boiling pipes. The steam generated in them enters the steam boiler, where it is collected in its upper part, above the boiling water. From the steam boiler, the steam passes into the superheater and is additionally heated there. Fuel is thrown into this boiler through the door, and the air necessary for fuel combustion is fed through another door into the blower. Hot gases rise up and, bending around the partitions, go the path indicated in the diagram to this article (see fig.).

In once-through boilers, water is heated in long coil pipes.

Water is supplied to these pipes by a pump. Passing through the coil, it completely evaporates, and the resulting steam is superheated to the required temperature and then leaves the coils.

Boiler plants operating with reheating of steam are an integral part of the plant called the "boiler - turbine" power unit.

In the future, for example, for the use of coal from the Kansk-Achinsky basin, large thermal power plants with a capacity of up to 6400 MW with 800 MW power units will be built, where boiler plants will produce 2650 tons of steam per hour with a temperature of up to 565 ° C and a pressure of 25 MPa.

The boiler plant generates high pressure steam, which goes to a steam turbine - the main engine of the thermal power plant. In the turbine, the steam expands, its pressure drops, and the latent energy is converted into mechanical energy. A steam turbine drives the rotor of a generator that generates an electric current.

IN large cities most often they build combined heat and power plants (CHP), and in areas with cheap fuel - condensing power plants (CES).

A CHP is a thermal power plant that generates not only electric energy, but also heat in the form of hot water and steam. The steam leaving the steam turbine still contains a lot of thermal energy. At CHPPs, this heat is used in two ways: either the steam after the turbine is sent to the consumer and does not return back to the station, or it transfers the heat in the heat exchanger to the water, which is sent to the consumer, and the steam returns back to the system. Therefore, the CHPP has a high efficiency reaching 50-60%.

There are CHP plants of heating and industrial types. Heating CHP plants heat residential and public buildings and supply them with hot water, industrial ones supply heat industrial enterprises... The transmission of steam from the CHPP is carried out over distances of up to several kilometers, and the transmission of hot water - up to 30 kilometers or more. As a result, combined heat and power plants are being built near large cities.

A huge amount of thermal energy is directed to heating or centralized heating of our apartments, schools, institutions. Before the October Revolution, there was no centralized heating supply to houses. Houses were heated by stoves, in which a lot of wood and coal were burned. Heating in our country began in the first years of Soviet power, when, according to the GOELRO plan (1920), the construction of large thermal power plants began.

Per last years the development of district heating in the USSR is especially rapid. The total capacity of the CHP in the early 1980s exceeded 50 million kW.

But the bulk of the electricity generated by thermal power plants falls on condensing power plants (CES). In our country, they are often called state regional power plants (GRES). Unlike CHP plants, where the heat of the steam spent in the turbine is used to heat residential and industrial buildings, at the IES, the steam spent in engines (steam engines, turbines) is converted by condensers into water (condensate), which is sent back to boilers for reuse. IES are built directly at water supply sources: by a lake, river, sea. The heat removed from the cooling water power plant is irretrievably lost. IES efficiency does not exceed 35-42%.

Wagons with finely crushed coal are delivered to the high overpass day and night according to a strict schedule. A special unloader tilts the wagons, and the fuel is poured into the bunker. Mills thoroughly grind it into fuel powder, and together with the air it flies into the furnace of the steam boiler. Tongues of flame tightly cover bundles of tubes, in which water boils. Water vapor is generated. Through pipes - steam lines - steam is directed to the turbine and through nozzles hits the turbine rotor blades. Having given energy to the rotor, the waste steam goes to the condenser, cools and turns into water. The pumps feed it back to the boiler. And the energy continues to move from the turbine rotor to the generator rotor. In the generator, its final transformation takes place: it becomes electricity. This is where the IES energy chain ends.

Unlike hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants can be built anywhere, and thus bring the sources of electricity closer to the consumer and arrange thermal power plants evenly across the territory of the country's economic regions. The advantage of TPPs is that they operate on almost all types of fossil fuels - coal, shale, liquid fuel, natural gas.

The largest condensing thermal power plants in the USSR include Reftinskaya ( Sverdlovsk region), Zaporizhia, Kostroma, Uglegorsk (Donetsk region). The capacity of each of them exceeds 3000 MW.

Our country is a pioneer in the construction of thermal power plants, which are powered by a nuclear reactor (see Nuclear Power Plant, Nuclear Power).

An electrical station is a power plant used to convert natural energy into electrical energy. The most widespread are thermal power plants (TPPs), using thermal energy released during the combustion of organic fuel (solid, liquid and gaseous).

Thermal power plants generate about 76% of the electricity produced on our planet. This is due to the presence of fossil fuels in almost all regions of our planet; the possibility of transporting fossil fuel from the production site to a power plant located near energy consumers; technical progress at thermal power plants, ensuring the construction of thermal power plants with a large capacity; the possibility of using the waste heat of the working fluid and supply to consumers, in addition to electrical energy, also thermal energy (with steam or hot water), etc.

A high technical level of energy can be ensured only with a harmonious structure of generating capacities: the power system should also have NPPs that generate cheap electricity, but have serious restrictions on the range and rate of load change, and CHPPs that supply heat and electricity, the amount of which depends on the needs for heat, and powerful steam turbine power units operating on heavy fuels, and mobile autonomous gas turbine, covering short-term load peaks.

1.1 Types of power plants and their features.

In fig. 1 shows the classification of thermal power plants using fossil fuel.

Fig. 1. Types of fossil fuel thermal power plants.

Fig. 2 Schematic thermal diagram of TPP

1 - steam boiler; 2 - turbine; 3 - electric generator; 4 - capacitor; 5 - condensate pump; 6 - low pressure heaters; 7 - deaerator; 8 - feed pump; 9 - high pressure heaters; 10 - drain pump.

A thermal power plant is a complex of equipment and devices that convert fuel energy into electrical and (in general) thermal energy.

Thermal power plants are very diverse and can be classified according to various criteria.

According to the purpose and type of supplied energy, power plants are divided into regional and industrial.

District power plants are independent power plants of general use that serve all types of consumers in the district (industrial enterprises, transport, population, etc.). District condensing power plants, generating mainly electricity, often retain their historical name - GRES (state district power plants). District power plants that generate electricity and heat (in the form of steam or hot water) are called combined heat and power plants (CHP). As a rule, GRES and regional thermal power plants have a capacity of more than 1 million kW.

Industrial power plants are power plants that serve specific industrial enterprises or their complex with heat and electric energy, for example, a plant for the production of chemical products. Industrial power plants are part of the industrial enterprises that they serve. Their capacity is determined by the needs of industrial enterprises for heat and electric energy and, as a rule, it is significantly less than that of district thermal power plants. Often industrial power plants operate on a common electrical network, but are not subject to the power system dispatcher.

Based on the type of fuel used, thermal power plants are divided into power plants operating on fossil fuel and nuclear fuel.

For condensing power plants operating on fossil fuels, at a time when there were no nuclear power plants (NPP), the name thermal power (TPP - thermal power plant) was historically developed. It is in this sense that this term will be used below, although CHP, NPP, gas turbine power plants (GTES), and combined cycle power plants (PGPPs) are also thermal power plants operating on the principle of converting thermal energy into electrical energy.

Gaseous, liquid and solid fuels are used as organic fuel for TPPs. Most TPPs in Russia, especially in the European part, consume natural gas as the main fuel, and fuel oil as a backup fuel, using the latter due to its high cost only in extreme cases; such TPPs are called gas-oil. In many regions, mainly in the Asian part of Russia, the main fuel is thermal coal - low-calorie coal or waste from the extraction of high-calorific coal (anthracite coal - ASh). Since such coals are ground in special mills to a pulverized state before combustion, such TPPs are called pulverized coal.

By the type of heat power plants used at TPPs to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy of rotation of rotors of turbine units, steam turbine, gas turbine and combined cycle power plants are distinguished.

The basis of steam turbine power plants are steam turbine units (STU), which use the most complex, most powerful and extremely advanced energy machine - a steam turbine to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy. PTU is the main element of TPP, CHP and NPP.

Steam turbines that have condensing turbines as a drive for electric generators and do not use the heat of the exhaust steam to supply heat energy to external consumers are called condensing power plants. PTUs equipped with cogeneration turbines and giving off the heat of the waste steam to industrial or municipal consumers are called combined heat and power plants (CHP).

Gas turbine thermal power plants (GTES) are equipped with gas turbine units (GTU) operating on gaseous or, in extreme cases, liquid (diesel) fuel. Since the temperature of the gases behind the gas turbine unit is high enough, they can be used to supply heat energy to an external consumer. Such power plants are called GTU-CHP. At present, Russia has one gas turbine power plant (GRES-3 named after Klasson, Elektrogorsk, Moscow region) with a capacity of 600 MW and one GTU-CHP (in Elektrostal, Moscow region).

A traditional modern gas turbine unit (GTU) is a combination of an air compressor, a combustion chamber and a gas turbine, as well as auxiliary systems that ensure its operation. The combination of a gas turbine unit and an electric generator is called a gas turbine unit.

Combined cycle gas thermal power plants are equipped with combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT), which are a combination of GTU and STU, which ensures high efficiency. CCGT-CHPP can be performed by condensing (CCGT-KES) and with heat energy supply (CCGT-CHPP). Currently, four new CCGT-CHPPs are operating in Russia (Severo-Zapadnaya CHPP of St. Petersburg, Kaliningradskaya, CHPP-27 of Mosenergo and Sochinskaya), and a combined heat and power plant was also built at the Tyumenskaya CHPP. In 2007 Ivanovskaya CCGT-KES was put into operation.

Block TPPs consist of separate, usually of the same type, power plants - power units. In the power unit, each boiler supplies steam only for its own turbine, from which it returns after condensation only to its own boiler. All powerful GRES and CHPPs are built according to the block scheme, which have the so-called intermediate superheating of steam. The operation of boilers and turbines at TPPs with cross-links is ensured differently: all TPP boilers supply steam to one common steam line (collector) and all steam turbines of the TPP are powered from it. According to such a scheme, CPPs are built without intermediate overheating and almost all CHPPs are built for subcritical initial steam parameters.

According to the level of initial pressure, TPPs of subcritical pressure, supercritical pressure (SKP) and super-supercritical parameters (SSCP) are distinguished.

The critical pressure is 22.1 MPa (225.6 atm). In the Russian heat power industry, the initial parameters are standardized: TPPs and CHPPs are built for subcritical pressure of 8.8 and 12.8 MPa (90 and 130 atm), and at SKD - 23.5 MPa (240 atm). TPP for supercritical parameters for technical reasons is filled with reheating and according to the block scheme. Supersupercritical parameters conventionally include pressure over 24 MPa (up to 35 MPa) and temperature over 5600C (up to 6200C), the use of which requires new materials and new equipment designs. Often TPPs or CHPPs for different levels of parameters are built in several stages - in turns, the parameters of which increase with the introduction of each new stage.